Gomez v. Stop & Shop Supermarket Co. , 670 F.3d 395 ( 2012 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 11-1665
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendant, Appellee.
    [Hon. Robert B. Collings, U.S. Magistrate Judge]
    Howard, Selya and Lipez,
    Circuit Judges.
    Thomas P. Smith and Caffrey & Smith, P.C. on brief for
    Mark C. McCrystal and Cetrulo & Capone LLP on brief for
    March 2, 2012
    SELYA, Circuit Judge. Plaintiff-appellant Armando Gomez,
    a   Colombian    national,   sued   defendant-appellee   Stop   &   Shop
    Supermarket Co., after he slipped and fell while shopping.           The
    district court entered summary judgment for the defendant.          After
    careful consideration, we affirm.
    The facts are not complicated.     On June 19, 2007, the
    plaintiff entered the defendant's supermarket in North Andover,
    Massachusetts.     While walking through the greeting card aisle, he
    felt a strange sensation — as though he was unable to lift his
    right foot — which caused him to lose his balance and topple to the
    floor. His wife, who was browsing nearby, noticed skid marks close
    to the site of the fall; but neither she nor anyone else witnessed
    the incident, observed anything wrong with the floor, or saw any
    foreign substance there. The plaintiff was transported to a nearby
    hospital.    He learned that he had fractured his hip and sustained
    other injuries.
    In due season, the plaintiff repaired to the federal
    district court, invoked diversity jurisdiction,1 and sued the
    defendant.      He contended that a foreign substance on the floor
    caused his right foot to stick and provoked his fall.     As a result,
    he accused the defendant of negligently maintaining the premises.
    Diversity in this case is based upon the provisions of 
    28 U.S.C. § 1332
    (a)(2), which provides that the district courts shall
    have original jurisdiction over civil actions between "citizens of
    a State and citizens or subjects of a foreign state."
    The defendant denied the allegations of negligence.
    Discovery ensued.         Upon its completion, the defendant moved for
    summary judgment, and the plaintiff opposed the motion.
    The parties consented to proceed before a magistrate
    judge.        See 
    28 U.S.C. § 636
    (c); Fed. R. Civ. P. 73.                 Upon
    consideration of the defendant's motion, the judge concluded that
    liability could not attach in the absence of facts indicating that
    the defendant reasonably should have foreseen the existence of a
    dangerous condition.          Because the plaintiff had not adduced such a
    factual predicate, there was no trialworthy issue as to liability.
    Consequently, the judge entered summary judgment in the defendant's
    favor.    This timely appeal followed.
    A trial court's entry of summary judgment engenders de
    novo review.         Houlton Citizens' Coal. v. Town of Houlton, 
    175 F.3d 178
    , 184 (1st Cir. 1999).            This process entails taking all the
    facts    in    the    light   most   flattering   to   the   nonmoving   party,
    resolving any evidentiary conflicts in that party's favor, and
    drawing all reasonable inferences therefrom to his behoof.                  See
    Kuperman v. Wrenn, 
    645 F.3d 69
    , 73 (1st Cir. 2011).             We will affirm
    the lower court's decision only if the record reveals no genuine
    dispute as to any material fact and demonstrates that the moving
    party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.             Fithian v. Reed,
    204 F.3d 306
    , 308 (1st Cir. 2000); see Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).
    "This standard is favorable to the nonmoving party, but
    it does not give him a free pass to trial."                  Hannon v. Beard, 
    645 F.3d 45
    , 48 (1st Cir. 2011).          The factual conflicts upon which he
    relies must be both genuine and material.               See Tropigas de P.R.,
    Inc. v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's of London, 
    637 F.3d 53
    , 56
    (1st Cir. 2011); Mulvihill v. Top-Flite Golf Co., 
    335 F.3d 15
    , 19
    (1st Cir. 2003).        "Conclusory allegations and rank speculation,
    even if couched in pejorative language, will not suffice to defeat
    a properly supported summary judgment motion." Hannon, 
    645 F.3d at
    48 (citing Ahern v. Shinseki, 
    629 F.3d 49
    , 54 (1st Cir. 2010)).
    In this diversity case, Massachusetts law supplies the
    substantive rules of decision.             See Erie R. Co. v. Tompkins, 
    304 U.S. 64
    , 78 (1938).            Within this architecture, the plaintiff
    advances two assignments of error.              First, he maintains that he
    adduced sufficient evidence of negligence to warrant a trial.
    Second,   he    insists       that   the    defendant        failed   to    preserve
    potentially relevant evidence, which failure gives rise to an
    inference that should have precluded the entry of summary judgment.
    Neither proposition withstands scrutiny.
    We begin with the sufficiency of the evidence.                         The
    defendant operates a chain of self-service supermarkets.                       Under
    Massachusetts    law,     a   plaintiff      seeking    to    recover      against   a
    shopkeeper for a fall on the premises must prove both that a
    dangerous condition existed and that the shopkeeper had notice,
    actual or constructive, of the dangerous condition but took no
    corrective action.      See Sheehan v. Roche Bros. Supermkts., Inc.,
    863 N.E.2d 1276
    , 1280-81 (Mass. 2007); Oliveri v. MBTA, 
    292 N.E.2d 863
    , 864-65 (Mass. 1973).          This is a conventional approach to
    premises liability, see, e.g., Guertin v. Antonelli, 
    171 A.2d 449
    450-51 (R.I. 1961), and Massachusetts courts have added a gloss in
    the form of the so-called "mode of operation" approach applicable
    to self-service stores.     See, e.g., Sheehan, 863 N.E.2d at 1284.
    The rationale for this refinement is the increased spillage and
    breakage   that   may   occur    when    customers   handle   items   without
    employee assistance.     Id. at 1282.
    The mode of operation approach dictates that "where an
    owner's chosen mode of operation makes it reasonably foreseeable
    that a dangerous condition will occur, a store owner [can] be held
    liable for injuries to an invitee if the plaintiff proves that the
    store owner failed to take all reasonable precautions necessary to
    protect invitees from these foreseeable dangerous conditions." Id.
    at 1283.   Nevertheless, the mode of operation approach does not
    displace the notice requirement that accompanies traditional claims
    of premises liability.     Id.    Rather, the standard for meeting that
    requirement is relaxed.     See id.       In a mode of operation case, the
    notice requirement is satisfied if the plaintiff establishes that
    the "injury was attributable to a reasonably foreseeable dangerous
    condition on the owner's premises that is related to the owner's
    self-service mode of operation" and that the owner "failed to take
    reasonable measures commensurate with the risks involved with [the]
    self-service mode of operation."   Id.
    The plaintiff has failed to satisfy these requirements.
    To prevail, he would have to show both a dangerous condition and
    the reasonable foreseeability of that condition. Here, however, no
    factfinder could rationally determine that a dangerous condition
    existed in the greeting card aisle of the defendant's market at the
    time of the plaintiff's fall.
    In support of his claim that there is a genuine issue of
    material fact as to the existence of a dangerous condition, the
    plaintiff points to his testimony that he felt something strange on
    the floor, that he could not lift his right foot, and that he then
    "fell down in the most spectacular way."      He asserts that there
    must have been a sticky substance on the floor and that this
    substance must have caused his fall.     This assertion, however, is
    woven entirely out of gossamer strands of speculation and surmise.
    Assumptions are not a substitute for evidence.    In this
    instance, the plaintiff's assertion piles inference upon inference
    until the entire pyramid topples of its own weight.     People fall
    for a wide variety of reasons, and assuming the cause of a fall,
    without any competent evidence, impermissibly elevates assumption
    over proof.
    To be sure, the plaintiff's suggested inference — that
    there must have been something sticky on the floor — is a possible
    explanation.     But a possible explanation is not a probable one.
    Liability in a premises case requires proof that a dangerous
    condition existed at the relevant time and place.          No such proof
    can be gleaned from the plaintiff's account. Cf. Bell Atl. Corp. v.
    550 U.S. 544
    , 557 (2007) (discussing, in the motion to
    dismiss context, "the line between possibility and plausibility").
    Therefore,     that   account   is   without   probative   force   and   is
    insufficient to create a genuine dispute about a material fact.
    See Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 249-50 (1986)
    ("If the evidence is merely colorable, or is not significantly
    probative, summary judgment may be granted." (citations omitted)).
    The plaintiff's position is not bolstered by the other
    evidence in the record.     His sticky substance theory is undermined
    by his own statement that he did not see anything unusual in the
    greeting card aisle.     His wife noticed only skid marks — no foreign
    substances — at the site of the fall.             The plaintiff himself
    noticed nothing on the floor either before or after his fall.            In
    a similar vein, the defendant's employees testified that they had
    observed no foreign substance in the greeting card aisle.          By the
    same token, no one observed any residue of any foreign substance on
    the sole of the plaintiff's shoe.
    In a nutshell, there is simply no evidentiary support for
    the plaintiff's naked hypothesis that a foreign substance probably
    caused his inability to lift his right foot.          This sort of purely
    conjectural assumption, drawn from an empty record, is insufficient
    to propel a cause of action beyond the summary judgment stage.
    See, e.g., Tropigas, 
    637 F.3d at 58
    ; see also Zhizhen Fu v. Swansea
    Lounge, Inc., No. 09-388, slip op. at 1 (Mass. App. Ct. Feb. 1,
    2010) (affirming summary judgment when plaintiff assumed that she
    slipped on grease, but nobody saw a foreign substance before or
    after the fall).
    To say more on this subject would be supererogatory.
    Because a rational jury could not find that a dangerous condition
    existed at the time and place of the plaintiff's fall, the lower
    court appropriately jettisoned the claim.2        See McCarthy v. Nw.
    Airlines, Inc., 
    56 F.3d 313
    , 315 (1st Cir. 1995) (explaining that
    a party opposing summary judgment cannot rely on the absence of
    evidence, but must point to specific facts that demonstrate the
    existence of an authentic dispute).
    This brings us to the plaintiff's contention that the
    defendant   either   destroyed   or   intentionally    failed   to   gather
    evidence of its negligence.      He strives to convince us that this
    We need not reach the question of foreseeability. It is an
    a fortiori proposition that a plaintiff who cannot make a
    sufficient showing that a foreign substance existed on the
    defendant's premises cannot satisfy the foreseeability requirement
    for premises liability under the mode of operation approach.
    conduct should have led the lower court to send his case to a jury.
    We are not persuaded.
    The plaintiff's support for this suggestion is thin.   To
    begin, he argues that a videotape of his accident must have
    existed, that the defendant must have destroyed it, and that,
    therefore, the defendant is chargeable with spoliation of evidence.
    The theoretical underpinnings for the spoliation doctrine
    are solid.    "We have held with some regularity that a trier of fact
    may (but need not) infer from a party's obliteration of [evidence]
    relevant to a litigated issue that the contents of the [evidence]
    were unfavorable to that party."     Testa v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,
    144 F.3d 173
    , 177 (1st Cir. 1998).      But cases are not decided on
    theory alone.    Before an inference of spoliation may be drawn, its
    proponent must show at a bare minimum that the opposing party had
    notice of a potential claim and of the relevance to that claim of
    the destroyed evidence.     See Blinzler v. Marriott Int'l, Inc., 
    81 F.3d 1148
    , 1158-59 (1st Cir. 1996).       And there is an even more
    rudimentary requirement: the party urging that spoliation has
    occurred must show that there is evidence that has been spoiled
    (i.e., destroyed or not preserved). Tri-County Motors, Inc. v. Am.
    Suzuki Motor Corp., 
    494 F. Supp. 2d 161
    , 177 (E.D.N.Y. 2007).
    The plaintiff falls woefully short of meeting these
    requirements.     He relies on three facts to support his contention
    that the defendant destroyed a videotape of the accident: the
    defendant had a store security system that employed a series of
    cameras; the defendant had exclusive control over that system; and
    no videotape was produced during discovery.      These facts are true
    but, without more, they are inadequate to show spoliation.
    We canvass the pertinent evidence. A cashier employed by
    the defendant testified that there are cameras in the store that
    cover "a good majority" of the selling floor.           Although this
    testimony supports a conclusion that the store had cameras focused
    on some areas of the market, it does not support a conclusion (or
    even a reasonable inference) that a security camera filmed the
    incident that transpired in the greeting card aisle.        The absence
    of any such evidence is fatal to the plaintiff's hypothesis.          See
    Mack v. Great Atl. & Pac. Tea Co., 
    871 F.2d 179
    , 181 (1st Cir.
    1989) ("The evidence illustrating the factual controversy cannot be
    conjectural or problematic; it must have substance in the sense
    that it limns differing versions of the truth which a factfinder
    must resolve.").
    The   conclusion   that   no   videotape   ever   existed   is
    buttressed by the record as a whole.       The cashier testified that
    she had never seen or heard of a videotape of the accident.           An
    assistant store manager testified that the security cameras did not
    surveil the greeting card aisle.       Finally, a security supervisor
    confirmed that the greeting card aisle is usually not protected by
    camera surveillance.   He added that while it would be possible for
    surveillance to occur there, an employee would have needed to
    specially position a camera aimed at that specific location.                The
    record contains no evidence that any such positioning occurred on
    or near the date of the plaintiff's fall.
    It is a proposition too elementary to require citation of
    authority that when there is no evidence to begin with, a claim of
    spoliation will not lie.         This is such a case.
    The plaintiff's alternate theory of spoliation is that
    the   defendant's      own    policy   required   its     employees   to    take
    photographs of accidents, and that the failure to do so here
    evidences spoliation.          This is a theory not premised on the
    destruction of evidence but, rather, on the failure to collect
    evidence.       As such, the theory is novel — and the plaintiff
    presents it without the benefit of any on-point authority.
    We need not reach the novel question of whether a failure
    to collect evidence may, in certain circumstances, be tantamount to
    spoliation.      The plaintiff grounds this claim on the testimony of
    the assistant store manager, who stated that, as part of his
    training, the defendant taught him to compile a full report after
    an accident, talk to witnesses, take pictures, and secure any
    relevant videotape.          This training, the plaintiff posits, shows
    that the defendant has a policy of evidence collection. Failure to
    adhere   to     that   policy,    he   says,   warrants    an   inference    of
    The short answer to the plaintiff's claim is that there
    is no proof of a particular policy or custom.             The manager's
    testimony only provides evidence that he was trained on best
    practices.    The testimony cannot reasonably be understood to show
    the   existence   of   an   established   store-wide   policy   or   custom
    requiring employees to take a series of specific steps when an
    accident occurs.       In these circumstances, the plaintiff has no
    plausible claim of spoliation.
    We need go no further. For the reasons elucidated above,
    we uphold the judgment of the district court.