Vega-Ayala v. Lynch , 833 F.3d 34 ( 2016 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-2114
    Attorney General of the United States,
    Lynch, Thompson, and Kayatta,
    Circuit Judges.
    Kevin MacMurray and MacMurray & Associates on brief for
    Colin J. Tucker, Trial Attorney, Office of Immigration
    Litigation, Civil Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Benjamin
    C. Mizer, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Civil
    Division, and Terri J. Scadron, Assistant Director, Office of
    Immigration Litigation, on brief for respondent.
    August 10, 2016
    LYNCH, Circuit Judge.            Yesenia del Carmen Vega-Ayala
    petitions for review of the Board of Immigration Appeals' ("BIA")
    affirmance       of   an   immigration    judge's     ("IJ")    denial       of   her
    application for asylum and withholding of removal.                     Vega-Ayala
    argued that she had suffered past persecution in El Salvador and
    that she had a well-founded fear of future persecution on account
    of her membership in a particular social group.                She defined that
    group as "Salvadoran women in intimate relationships with partners
    who view them as property."          The BIA held that Vega-Ayala failed
    to establish that her proposed social group shares immutable
    characteristics        and   has   social     distinction,      and    found      her
    ineligible for asylum or withholding of removal.                 She now argues
    that a reasonable factfinder would be compelled to find she had
    proven that she is entitled to relief.             We deny her petition.
    Vega-Ayala is a native and citizen of El Salvador.                    On
    March 10, 2010, she entered the United States at or near Naco,
    Arizona    without     admission   or    inspection    and     was    detained     by
    Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") officials.                       After an
    interview on April 7, 2010, a DHS asylum officer determined that
    Vega-Ayala had a credible fear of persecution in El Salvador.                     See
    8 C.F.R. § 208.30(d).          On April 13, 2010, DHS served Vega-Ayala
    with a Notice to Appear, which charged her with removability
    pursuant    to    8   U.S.C.   §   1182(a)(7)(A)(i)(I).          See     8   C.F.R.
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    §§ 208.30(f), 1003.14(a).    An IJ issued an order of release on May
    6, 2010, and Vega-Ayala has since lived with her sister in Chelsea,
    In her written pleadings, filed on December 1, 2011,
    Vega-Ayala conceded removability and indicated her intent to seek
    asylum,   withholding   of   removal,   and   protection   under   the
    Convention Against Torture ("CAT").     On February 26, 2013, Vega-
    Ayala and counsel appeared before an IJ in Boston, Massachusetts
    (after a transfer of venue from El Paso, Texas).     At this hearing
    for her application for relief, Vega-Ayala testified as follows:
    In 2007, she met Juan Hernandez in El Salvador at a
    university and carried on a relationship with him for approximately
    eighteen months.      The two never lived together during their
    relationship and saw each other approximately twice a week.        She
    never visited his home, and he never prevented her from studying
    at the university.
    Hernandez grew violent as the relationship progressed.
    Both in public and private, he spoke "offensive" words to her and
    would grab her in such a way as to "cause black and blue marks . . .
    on [her] arms."    In the spring of 2008, Hernandez took Vega-Ayala
    to a hotel and raped her.     She did not tell her family members
    about the incident because she was ashamed.       Nor did she notify
    the police because she believed that the Salvadoran police "don't
    really do anything with domestic violence."        Vega-Ayala became
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    pregnant as a result of the rape and gave birth to a daughter on
    January 14, 2009.      Hernandez initially refused to recognize the
    daughter as his child.
    For the last year of their relationship, Hernandez was
    incarcerated on an unrelated kidnapping charge. There is no record
    evidence that Vega-Ayala visited him in jail, but she did ask him
    for financial assistance.     In February 2009, Hernandez purchased
    a house in Vega-Ayala's name, and she and her daughter lived there
    for approximately one year between 2009 and 2010.       A man, whom
    Vega-Ayala believed to be Hernandez's brother, came by the house
    once or twice a week.
    She testified that Hernandez would call and threaten her
    from jail every day.    She said she continued to take his calls and
    reside at the house he purchased because she was ashamed of having
    his child out of wedlock and because she was afraid that he would
    hurt her or her family members.    When Vega-Ayala left El Salvador
    in 2010, Hernandez was still incarcerated.
    Vega-Ayala further testified that Hernandez, after being
    released from jail, threatened her mother. He also contacted Vega-
    Ayala in the United States at some point in 2012, when she last
    heard from him.   She was afraid to return to El Salvador because
    she believed that Hernandez would kidnap her and demand money from
    her siblings who reside in the United States. She left El Salvador
    alone and put her daughter in the care of her mother.        She is
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    unmarried and continues to live with her sister in Chelsea,
    Massachusetts.          Her daughter remains in El Salvador with her
    mother.   She admitted to telling immigration authorities, when she
    was initially detained in March 2010, that she had come to the
    United States to work and that she had no fear of returning to El
    Salvador.     Based on this testimony, Vega-Ayala asserted that she
    was entitled to relief.
    On    February    26,   2013,       the    IJ    denied    Vega-Ayala's
    application       for    asylum,    withholding        of     removal,       and    CAT
    protection.      The IJ concluded that, for four reasons, Vega-Ayala
    failed to prove her eligibility for asylum.                  First, her purported
    social group was not defined with immutability.                       Namely, Vega-
    Ayala failed to show that she was unable to leave her relationship
    with Hernandez, without which the IJ could not find that she was
    "in a particular social group that she could not change or should
    not have been required to change as a matter of conscience."
    Second, Vega-Ayala's proposed group lacked the social distinction
    required to qualify as a particular social group, as she failed to
    show that Salvadoran society perceives her proposed group to be a
    distinct one.        Third, Vega-Ayala did not prove that Hernandez
    abused her "on account of" her membership in a particular social
    group.      Finally,      Vega-Ayala    presented       no    evidence       that   the
    Salvadoran       government   was      unable     or    unwilling       to    control
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    Hernandez's    conduct,    and   thus    failed   to    meet   the   statutory
    definition of persecution.       Acknowledging that there was domestic
    violence in El Salvador and that the country's laws against it
    were not well enforced, the IJ pointed out that nonetheless
    Hernandez had been prosecuted and incarcerated for a different
    criminal offense.     The IJ also denied Vega-Ayala's request for
    withholding of removal and CAT protection.
    The BIA agreed with the IJ's decision and dismissed Vega-
    Ayala's appeal.    The BIA found that her proposed group lacked the
    social distinction required under the Immigration and Nationality
    Act ("INA") because she had not shown that its members "are
    considered and treated as a distinct group within [] Salvadoran
    society."     See 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42); Matter of M-E-V-G-, 26 I.
    & N. Dec. 227, 240 (BIA 2014).          Likewise, the BIA held that Vega-
    Ayala failed to show immutability, as she did not demonstrate an
    inability to leave Hernandez.
    The BIA next found that even had Vega-Ayala proposed a
    particular social group cognizable for asylum, she failed to prove
    that her membership in that group was "at least one central reason"
    that   Hernandez   would   threaten      or    harm    her.    See   8   U.S.C.
    § 1158(b)(1)(B)(i).       Affirming the IJ's determination that when
    Hernandez threatened Vega-Ayala, it was "for money," the BIA noted
    that   financial   motives   are   "not       connected   to   a   statutorily
    protected ground for refugee purposes" under this circuit's case
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    law.       See, e.g., Lopez de Hincapie v. Gonzales, 
    494 F.3d 213
    , 219
    (1st Cir. 2007).           Lastly, the agency agreed with the IJ that Vega-
    Ayala failed to show the Salvadoran government's inability or
    unwillingness         to    protect   her     from     Hernandez's   mistreatment.
    Because Vega-Ayala never reported Hernandez's violence to the
    police, she gave the authorities no opportunity to protect her.
    Further, the evidence of Hernandez's incarceration demonstrated
    that he, in fact, was "not above the law."                   The BIA affirmed the
    IJ's determination that Vega-Ayala was not eligible for asylum or
    withholding of removal.
    This petition for review followed.1
    "Judicial    oversight     in      immigration    cases    typically
    focuses on the final decision of the BIA."                     Alvizures-Gomes v.
    Lynch, No. 15-2181, 
    2016 WL 3923837
    , at *1 (1st Cir. July 21,
    2016).       Where the BIA adopts portions of the IJ's opinion, we
    review      those    portions    as    part    of    the   BIA's   final    decision.
    Hernandez-Barrera v. Ashcroft, 
    373 F.3d 9
    , 20 (1st Cir. 2004).
    We review the agency's legal conclusions de novo, but
    "with some deference to the agency's expertise in interpreting
    both       the    statutes    that    govern     its    operations   and     its   own
    implementing regulations."             Alvizures-Gomes, 
    2016 WL 3923837
    , at
    1  Vega-Ayala does not                  challenge     the   denial    of    CAT
    protection in this petition.
    - 7 -
    *1 (quoting Cabrera v. Lynch, 
    805 F.3d 391
    , 393 (1st Cir. 2015)).
    By contrast, factual findings are reviewed under the "highly
    deferential" substantial evidence standard, under which we uphold
    the BIA's findings "so long as they are 'supported by reasonable,
    substantial, and probative evidence on the record considered as a
    whole.'"   Nikijuluw v. Gonzales, 
    427 F.3d 115
    , 120 (1st Cir. 2005)
    (quoting INS v. Elias-Zacarias, 
    502 U.S. 478
    , 481 (1992)).               Here,
    Vega-Ayala raises no issue of law and challenges merely the
    agency's assessment of the facts.
    In an asylum case, the applicant bears the burden of
    establishing that she is a "refugee" as defined by the INA. Villa-
    Londono v. Holder, 
    600 F.3d 21
    , 24 (1st Cir. 2010).           Specifically,
    the applicant must demonstrate that she is unable or unwilling to
    return to her home country "because of persecution or a well-
    founded    fear   of   persecution    on     account   of   race,    religion,
    nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political
    opinion." 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(42)(A). Where, as here, an applicant
    seeks asylum based on membership in a particular social group, she
    must establish that the proposed group is "(1) composed of members
    who share a common immutable characteristic, (2) defined with
    particularity, and (3) socially distinct within the society in
    question."     Paiz-Morales v. Lynch, 
    795 F.3d 238
    , 244 (1st Cir.
    2015) (quoting M-E-V-G-, 26 I. & N. Dec. at 237).                   Substantial
    - 8 -
    evidence supports the BIA's finding that Vega-Ayala failed to show
    either immutability or social distinction.
    An immutable characteristic is one that "members of the
    group either cannot change, or should not be required to change
    because    it    is     fundamental   to    their      individual     identities    or
    consciences."          Mayorga-Vidal v. Holder, 
    675 F.3d 9
    , 14 (1st Cir.
    2012) (quoting Matter of Acosta, 19 I. & N. Dec. 211, 233 (BIA
    We bypass the government's argument that Vega-Ayala has
    waived the immutability issue because Vega-Ayala's immutability
    claim fails in any event.          Being in an intimate relationship with
    a   partner      who    views   you   as    property      is   not     an    immutable
    characteristic.          The BIA recognized in a recent decision that
    "married     women      in   Guatemala     who   are    unable   to     leave    their
    relationship" may share an immutable trait, where specific facts
    demonstrated a woman's inability to leave her abusive marriage.
    Matter of A-R-C-G-, 26 I. & N. Dec. 388, 392–95 (BIA 2014).                        The
    asylum applicant in A-R-C-G- "suffered repugnant abuse by her
    Id. at 389.
        After marrying at age seventeen and having
    her first child, she endured weekly beatings.                    
    Id. Her husband
    broke her nose, burned her breast with paint thinner, and raped
    Id. Although she
    contacted the police numerous times, they
    refused to "interfere in a marital relationship."                      
    Id. When she
    - 9 -
    escaped to her father's house or to Guatemala City, the husband
    found her every time and forced her to return.         
    Id. Vega-Ayala's facts
    are a far cry from the circumstances
    in A-R-C-G-.     Vega-Ayala could have left Hernandez.         She never
    lived with him.     She saw him only twice a week and continued to
    attend a university.   She chose to live in a home that he purchased
    in her name while he was in jail.      Their relationship spanned only
    eighteen months, and he was incarcerated for twelve of those
    months.   The BIA supportably concluded that Vega-Ayala failed to
    articulate a requisite immutable trait common to her proposed
    social group.
    Nor did Vega-Ayala prove that her proposed group has
    social distinction.    This requirement considers whether members of
    a particular group "are set apart, or distinct, from other persons
    within the society in some significant way.           In other words, if
    the common immutable characteristic were known, those with the
    characteristic in the society in question would be meaningfully
    distinguished from those who do not have it."           Granada-Rubio v.
    814 F.3d 35
    , 39 (1st Cir. 2016) (quoting M-E-V-G-, 26 I. &
    N. Dec. at 238).
    There was no evidence that Salvadoran society regards
    her proposed group as distinct.       Vega-Ayala's general reference to
    the prevalence of domestic violence in El Salvador does little to
    explain   how   "Salvadoran   women   in   intimate   relationships   with
    - 10 -
    partners who view them as property" are meaningfully distinguished
    from others within Salvadoran society.
    On these grounds alone, we deny the petition for review
    for the asylum issue.2    Denial of the petition as to withholding
    of removal necessarily follows.   See Orelien v. Gonzales, 
    467 F.3d 67
    , 73 (1st Cir. 2006).
    The petition for review is denied.
    2    Vega-Ayala misrepresents the record when she argues that
    both the BIA and IJ "concluded that [she] was subject to past
    persecution."   The IJ merely "assume[d] for the sake of this
    decision that [Vega-Ayala] suffered past persecution at the hands
    of Juan Hernandez." Nowhere in the BIA's or IJ's opinion, however,
    was there a finding of persecution.        To the contrary, both
    expressly found that she did not suffer persecution as defined by
    the INA, as she failed to prove that the Salvadoran government was
    unable or unwilling to control Hernandez's conduct. Needless to
    say, without a finding of past persecution, the BIA was under no
    obligation to presume that Vega-Ayala faced a threat of future
    persecution. See 8 C.F.R. § 1208.13(b)(1).
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