United States v. Verrecchia ( 1999 )

  •                United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 98-1973
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Mary M. Lisi, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Noonan,* and Lipez,
    Circuit Judges.
    Mary A. Davis, by appointment of the court, with whom Tisdale
    & Davis was on brief, for appellant.
    Donald C. Lockhart, Assistant United States Attorney, with
    whom Margaret E. Curran, United States Attorney, was on brief, for
    November 19, 1999
    *Of the Ninth Circuit, sitting by designation.  LIPEZ, Circuit Judge.  Albert Verrecchia, a convicted
    felon, was indicted on two counts of possessing a firearm in
    violation of 18 U.S.C.  922(g)(1).  Each count accused Verrecchia
    of possessing multiple firearms.  He was convicted after a jury
    trial.  For the first time on appeal, Verrecchia argues that the
    trial court erred in not instructing the jurors that they had to
    agree unanimously on at least one particular firearm that he
    possessed out of the two named in Count One and out of the twenty-
    one named in Count Two.  He also objects -- again, for the first
    time on appeal -- to numerous portions of the prosecutor's closing
    argument.  We affirm.
    I.  Background
    In early 1996, the Rhode Island State Police were
    attempting to locate a number of weapons that had been stolen
    during a series of burglaries in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
    The police arrested one Michael Rossi in connection with several
    burglaries, and eventually secured his cooperation in the
    investigation into the location of the stolen weapons.  Rossi
    claimed that Verrecchia, his associate, had hidden the weapons in
    a location unknown to Rossi.  The police initiated a sting
    operation whereby a police officer would pose as a drug dealer
    wishing to purchase two of the firearms.  Rossi contacted
    Verrecchia and arranged for Verrecchia to meet the officer.  After
    meeting, the undercover officer agreed to purchase a .45 caliber
    Star Arms handgun and an AK-47 assault rifle from Verrecchia.
    Verrecchia stated that it would take him some time to find the two
    guns, which he said he had stored in a coffin-sized crate.
    Verrecchia left in his truck, drove to a barn he rented,
    and retrieved the two weapons from the crate, all while under
    police airplane surveillance.  After meeting the undercover officer
    and displaying the two weapons, which were in a box in the truck,
    Verrecchia was arrested.  After his arrest he acknowledged that the
    crate contained guns and gave the police keys to the barn and the
    crate.  Inside the crate the police found, inter alia, twenty-one
    additional firearms, a sawed-off shotgun, and several pipe bombs,
    the latter being separately packaged in a bag.
    A four-count federal indictment issued against
    Verrecchia.  Count One charged that he was a felon and that he
    possessed the Star Arms handgun and the AK-47 that he had
    transported in his truck and attempted to sell to the undercover
    officer, in violation of 18 U.S.C.  922(g)(1).  Count Two charged
    that he possessed the twenty-one firearms found in the crate in the
    barn, also in violation of  922(g)(1).  Counts Three and Four
    charged that he possessed the sawed-off shotgun and two pipe bombs
    in violation of 26 U.S.C.  5861(d) (prohibiting the possession of
    certain types of firearms defined in 26 U.S.C.  5845 if not
    registered to the possessor in the National Firearms Registration
    and Transfer Record).
    At trial Verrecchia argued that he was entrapped into the
    sale of the guns described in Count One, and that Rossi, acting as
    an agent of the government, had threatened him with violence and
    that these threats caused Verrecchia to deliver the guns.
    Verrecchia denied possession of the contents of the crate (the guns
    described in Counts Two and Three and the pipe bombs described in
    Count Four), claiming that Rossi had borrowed the crate and sublet
    the barn space, and that Rossi had the key to the locks on the barn
    and the crate.  The jury found Verrecchia guilty on Counts One and
    Two and not guilty on Counts Three and Four.
    II. Jury Unanimity Instruction
    Counts One and Two alleged that Verrecchia violated 18
    U.S.C.  922(g)(1), which provides: "It shall be unlawful for any
    person . . . who has been convicted in any court of, a crime
    punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year . . . to
    . . . possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition
    . . . ."  The district court gave the following instruction to the
    jury regarding those counts:
    The government is not required to prove that
    the defendant possessed every firearm
    described in every count of the indictment.
    The possession element for a particular count
    may be established if you find that the
    defendant knowingly possessed any firearm
    described in that count of the indictment.
    Towards the end of the charge to the jury, the court instructed the
    jury that "to render a verdict, all 12 of you must agree.  That is,
    your verdict must be unanimous."
    Verrecchia claims on appeal that the district court erred
    in failing to instruct the jurors that they had to agree
    unanimously on at least one particular weapon that he possessed out
    of the two listed in Count One and out of the twenty-one listed in
    Count Two.  Because he did not object to the unanimity
    instructions given before the jury began its deliberations, we
    review for plain error.  See United States v. Bradstreet, 
    135 F.3d 46
    , 50 (1st Cir. 1998), cert. denied, 
    118 S. Ct. 1805
    Verrecchia raises two related arguments for requiring
    jury unanimity on the specific weapons he possessed.  He argues
    first that Counts One and Two each charged more than one crime --
    i.e., that they were duplicitous -- and that a specific unanimity
    instruction was required to cure that duplicity.  He also argues
    that if each count charged only one crime, and hence was not
    duplicitous, the possession of a particular weapon is still an
    element of the crime on which the jury must be unanimous.
    A.  Duplicity and "the allowable unit of prosecution"
    "Duplicity is the joining in a single count of two or
    more distinct and separate offenses."  United States v. Martinez-
    595 F.2d 73
    , 78 (1st Cir. 1979).  "[T]he prohibition against
    duplicitous indictments arises primarily out of a concern that the
    jury may find a defendant guilty on a count without having reached
    a unanimous verdict on the commission of any particular offense."
    United States v. Valerio, 
    48 F.3d 58
    , 63 (1st Cir. 1995).  Although
    an argument that an indictment should be dismissed as duplicitous
    is waived if not made before trial, see id.; Fed. R. Crim. P.
    12(b)(2), a defendant is still entitled on request to an
    instruction requiring jury unanimity on which offense (of the two
    or more alleged in the duplicitous count) he committed, see United
    States v. Puerta, 
    38 F.3d 34
    , 40 (1st Cir. 1994).  Verrecchia made
    no such request in this case.  He argues nevertheless that it was
    plain error to fail to give such an instruction, contending that
    the possession of each firearm is a separate violation of
    922(g)(1) that should be charged in a separate count of the
    Verrecchia's argument raises the question, addressed by
    the Supreme Court in the leading case of Bell v. United States, 
    349 U.S. 81
     (1955), of "[w]hat Congress has made the allowable unit of
    prosecution under a statute which does not explicitly give the
    Id. at 81
     (citation and internal quotation marks
    omitted).  The defendant in Bell had been convicted of two
    violations of the Mann Act, 18 U.S.C.  2421 (prohibiting the
    interstate transportation of "any woman or girl" for purposes of
    prostitution), for transporting two women at the same time.  The
    Court, noting that when Congress chooses to allow multiple
    prosecutions for a single transaction it has no difficulty
    expressing its will, found the statute to be ambiguous on the
    allowable unit of prosecution.  See 
    id. at 83
    .  The Court thus
    applied the "presupposition of our law to resolve doubts in the
    enforcement of a penal code against the imposition of a harsher
    punishment," and held that the simultaneous transportation of two
    women was only one violation of the Mann Act.  
    We are the only circuit that has not ruled on "the
    allowable unit of prosecution" under the felon-in-possession
    statute ( 922(g)(1) or its predecessors).  The other courts of
    appeals have addressed the issue and have all agreed that the
    simultaneous possession of multiple firearms, or a firearm and
    ammunition, constitutes only one crime.  See United States v.
    725 F.2d 161
    , 168-69 (2d Cir. 1983); United States v.
    696 F.2d 239
    , 244-45 (3d Cir. 1982); United States v.
    148 F.3d 385
    , 390 (4th Cir. 1998); United States v.
    615 F.2d 1082
    , 1084 (5th Cir. 1980); United States v.
    536 F.2d 715
    , 721 (6th Cir. 1976); McFarland v.
    469 F.2d 1277
    , 1279 (7th Cir. 1972); United States v.
    518 F.2d 665
    , 668-70 (8th Cir. 1975); United States v.
    662 F.2d 1325
    , 1336-37 (9th Cir. 1981); United States v.
    706 F.2d 282
    , 292-94 (10th Cir. 1983); United States v.
    927 F.2d 565
    , 568-69 (11th Cir. 1991); United States v.
    145 F.3d 1385
    , 1398 (D.C. Cir. 1998).
    Those cases all rely, directly or indirectly, on Bell and
    the Supreme Court's holding therein that "if Congress does not fix
    the punishment for a federal offense clearly and without ambiguity,
    doubt will be resolved against turning a single transaction into
    multiple offenses."  
    349 U.S. at 84
    .  The other circuits have found
    it particularly appropriate to follow the rule of Bell because of
    the similarity in the statutory language:  922(g)(1), like its
    predecessors, forbids possession by a felon of "any firearm or
    ammunition," while the Mann Act forbade interstate transportation
    for immoral purposes of "any woman or girl."  See, e.g., Kinsley,
    518 F.2d at 668-69
    Significantly, in many of the cases in which
    the courts have found a Bell-type ambiguity,
    the object of the offense has been prefaced by
    the word 'any.'  Seemingly this is because
    'any' may be said to fully encompass (i.e.,
    not necessarily exclude any part of) plural
    activity, and thus fails to unambiguously
    define the unit of prosecution in singular
    Id. at 667
    We agree with the Kinsley court that with respect to the
    allowable unit of prosecution, "any firearm" is as ambiguous as
    "any woman or girl" was in Bell.  See 
    id. at 669
    .  In the absence
    of any evidence that Congress clearly intended to treat each
    possession of a firearm as a separate violation of  922(g)(1), the
    Supreme Court's holding in Bell requires us to resolve the
    ambiguity "against turning a single transaction into multiple
    349 U.S. at 84
    .  We thus join our sister circuits in
    holding that the simultaneous possession by a felon of multiple
    firearms, that is, possession of multiple firearms in one place at
    one time, is only one violation of  922(g)(1).
    Contrary to Verrecchia's contention, therefore, the
    government could not have properly charged him with twenty-three
    separate crimes for the twenty-three different guns he allegedly
    possessed.  Instead, the indictment here correctly grouped the
    firearms into counts based on the place of possession: the guns
    Verrecchia had in his truck during the sting operation were charged
    together under Count One, and those he possessed in the crate in
    the barn were charged together under Count Two.  Each count charged
    only one offense, despite the references in each to multiple
    firearms.  Verrecchia was not entitled to a specific unanimity
    instruction to cure the alleged duplicity because neither count was
    B.  Possession of a particular firearm as an element of the crime
    Verrecchia also argues, albeit somewhat opaquely, that
    even if the simultaneous possession of multiple firearms is only
    one violation of  922(g)(1), the district court still plainly
    erred by failing to instruct the jurors that to convict him of such
    a violation they must unanimously agree on at least one particular
    firearm that he possessed.  The recent Supreme Court case of
    Richardson v. United States, 
    119 S. Ct. 1707
     (1999), guides our
    analysis of this argument.  The issue in Richardson was whether a
    jury in a continuing criminal enterprise prosecution under 21
    U.S.C.  848, where the charge involves "a continuing series of
    violations" of the federal drug laws, must unanimously agree on
    three particular violations that the defendant had committed out of
    the many alleged by the government.  A federal criminal jury must
    unanimously agree on each "element" of the crime in order to
    convict, but need not agree on all the "underlying brute facts
    [that] make up a particular element."  
    Id. at 1710
    .  The crucial
    distinction is thus between a fact that is an element of the crime
    and one that is "but the means" to the commission of an element.
    Id.; see also United States v. Reeder, 
    170 F.3d 93
    , 105 (1st Cir.
    1999), cert. denied, 
    68 U.S.L.W. 3079
     (U.S. Oct. 4, 1999) (No. 99-
    79) ("While a jury must agree on all of the elements of an offense,
    it need not agree on the means by which all the elements were
    Whether a particular fact is a means or an element is a
    "value choice[] more appropriately made in the first instance by a
    legislature than by a court."  Schad v. Arizona, 
    501 U.S. 624
    , 637
    (1991) (plurality opinion).  The Court in Richardson thus addressed
    the jury unanimity issue as one of statutory construction and
    looked to considerations of "language, tradition, and potential
    unfairness" to discern Congressional intent.  
    119 S. Ct. at 1711
    Because those considerations pointed to a Congressional intent to
    treat each of three predicate violations as a separate element, the
    Court held that it was error to fail to give an instruction
    requiring unanimity on which particular violations the defendant
    had committed.  See 
    id. at 1713
    .  We must determine, looking to the
    same considerations, whether Congress intended to make the
    possession of a particular firearm an element of a  922(g)(1)
    violation when simultaneous possession of multiple firearms is
    "When interpreting a statute, we look first to the
    language."  Richardson, 
    119 S. Ct. at 1710
    .  Section 922(g) states
    that "It shall be unlawful for any person" in nine categories "to
    . . . possess in or affecting commerce any firearm or ammunition .
    . . ."  The plain language of the statute suggests that the element
    of the crime is simply the possession of "any firearm."  If so,
    then twelve jurors who agreed that a defendant possessed a firearm,
    but disagreed about which particular one, would be unanimous on the
    element -- that he possessed "any firearm."  Their disagreement
    would be acceptable because it would only concern "underlying brute
    facts."  Richardson, 
    119 S. Ct. at 1710
    Other provisions of the statute are consistent with this
    interpretation.  The categories of persons prohibited from
    possessing firearms include not only those, like Verrecchia, "who
    ha[ve] been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by
    imprisonment for a term exceeding one year,"  922(g)(1), but also
    fugitives, drug addicts, illegal aliens, domestic abusers, and
    those who have renounced their U.S. citizenship, been committed to
    a mental institution, or dishonorably discharged from the military,
    see  922(g)(2)-(9).   In addition, the category of felons is
    modified by 18 U.S.C.  921(a)(20), which carves out exceptions for
    criminal antitrust convictions, state offenses formally classified
    by state law as misdemeanors despite carrying sentences longer than
    one year, and convictions which have been expunged, set aside,
    pardoned, or for which civil rights have been restored without
    restriction on the right to possess firearms.  The specific,
    technical description of the status of the possessor contrasts with
    the general description "any firearm," supporting the conclusion
    that Congress's focus was on the felon and not on the nature or
    number of firearms possessed.
    The punishment provisions for violations of  922(g)
    reveal a similar focus.  Knowing violations of  922(g) are
    punishable by imprisonment for up to ten years.  See 18 U.S.C.
    924(a)(2).  Violators with three prior violent felony or drug
    offenses may be punished by a fine of up to $25,000 and are subject
    to a minimum sentence of fifteen years.  See id.  924(e)(1).
    Conversely, where an individual's circumstances are judged to make
    him less of a threat to public safety, he may petition the
    Secretary of the Treasury for exceptional relief from the
    proscriptions of  922(g).  See id.  925(c).  Nothing in these
    statutory provisions indicates an intent on the part of Congress to
    link culpability to the nature or quantity of the weapons
    possessed, and the fine and minimum sentence provisions, as well as
    the available exception, reinforce our impression that Congress was
    primarily concerned with the characteristics of the individual
    felon in possession.
    We also look to the legislative history for further
    evidence of Congressional intent.  See Kinsley, 
    518 F.2d at 669
    (reviewing legislative history in considering allowable unit of
    prosecution under felon-in-possession statute); see also United
    States v. Meade, 
    175 F.3d 215
    , 218-19 (1st Cir. 1999) (examining
    legislative history in construing  922(g)(9)).  Section 922(g)(1)
    has its origins in former subsections of 18 U.S.C.  922 and in 18
    U.S.C. App.  1202(a)(1), which were adopted in 1968 and superseded
    by the current version of  922(g)(1) in 1986.  See Pub. L. No. 90-
    82 Stat. 197
     (1968); Pub. L. No. 90-618, 
    82 Stat. 1213
    Pub. L. 99-308,  104(b), 
    100 Stat. 449
    , 459 (1986).  Former
    1202(a)(1) criminalized firearm possession by convicted felons,
    overlapping with former  922(h)(1), which criminalized receiving
    firearms that had been shipped or transported in interstate
    commerce by persons under indictment for or convicted of a felony.
    Both former subsections referred, like present  922(g), to "any
    In Congressional discussion of  1202(a), Senator Tydings
    stated that it was "primarily designed to restrict access to
    handguns to criminals."  Ball v. United States, 
    470 U.S. 856
    , 863
    n.12 (1985) (quoting 114 Cong. Rec. 13639 (1968)). According to
    Senator Long, the sponsor of  1202(a), the odd assortment of
    persons covered by that section (including those dishonorably
    discharged from the armed forces, illegal aliens, and those who had
    renounced U.S. citizenship) reflected those responsible for some of
    the notorious assassinations of the 1960s.  See 
     at 863 n.13
    (quoting 114 Cong. Rec. 14773 (1968)).  Senator Long also stated
    that the provision "simply set[] forth the fact that anybody who
    has been convicted of a felony . . . is not permitted to possess a
    firearm . . . ."  United States v. Bass, 
    404 U.S. 336
    , 345 n.13
    (1971) (quoting 114 Cong. Rec. 13868 (1968)).  A "principal
    purpose" of  922 "was to make 'it possible to keep firearms out of
    the hands of those not . . . entitled to possess them because of
    . . . criminal background . . . .'"  Ball, 
    470 U.S. at 863
    S. Rep. No. 90-1097, at 28 (1968), reprinted in 1968 U.S.C.C.A.N.
    2112, 2113).  The Supreme Court noted that  922 and 1202
    demonstrate "Congress' worry about the easy availability of
    firearms . . . to those persons who pose a threat to community
    peace," Lewis v. United States, 
    445 U.S. 55
    , 66 (1980), and "seek[]
    to keep a firearm from 'any person . . . who has been convicted' of
    a felony," 
    id. at 64
    , and other "persons Congress classified as
    potentially irresponsible and dangerous."  Barrett v. United
    423 U.S. 212
    , 218 (1976).  Like the statutory language, the
    legislative history focuses on the person, not the firearm.  See
    United States v. Berry, 
    977 F.2d 915
    , 919 (5th Cir. 1992) ("The
    evil Congress sought to suppress by section 922 was the arming of
    felons; the section is based on the status of the offender and not
    the number of guns possessed.").
    Considerations of tradition and potential unfairness, the
    other factors analyzed by the Supreme Court in Richardson, do not
    indicate that Congress had a different focus.  Verrecchia does not
    identify, and we are not aware of, any legal tradition that sheds
    light on the question before us.  Cf. Richardson, 
    119 S. Ct. at 1710-11
     (stating that treating each "violation" as an element is
    supported by "a tradition of requiring juror unanimity where the
    issue is whether a defendant has engaged in conduct that violates
    the law").
    Nor does this case present the kind of potential
    unfairness noted in Richardson.  The Court saw two risks in
    treating each "violation" as a means to the series required for a
    continuing criminal enterprise conviction rather than as an
    element.  First, it would permit "wide disagreement" among jurors
    about what the defendant had done, considering the many types of
    conduct "of varying degrees of seriousness" that qualify as
    violations of the federal drug laws.  
    Id. at 1711
    .  Second, it
    would aggravate the danger that jurors might fail to focus on
    factual detail and convict a defendant of being a drug kingpin on
    the basis of bad reputation alone.  See 
      Those risks are not
    present here.  Each possession of a firearm by a felon is of equal
    seriousness, a fact that mitigates the significance of potential
    juror disagreement about which firearms are possessed.
    Furthermore, the only issue in a  922(g)(1) case is usually
    whether the defendant possessed the gun or guns in question.
    Therefore, a juror in such a case is less likely to ignore the
    underlying factual detail than one presented with the massive and
    complicated evidence that typically accompanies a continuing
    criminal enterprise prosecution.  We thus see no reason to conclude
    that Congress was moved by any perception of unfairness to treat
    the possession of a particular firearm as an element of a
    922(g)(1) violation.
    Finally, although there is almost no case law directly on
    point, relevant precedent supports the view that the possession of
    a particular firearm is not an element.  One court of appeals faced
    the identical issue and held, without extensive discussion, that
    failure to give a specific unanimity instruction was not plain
    error warranting reversal.  See United States v. Sims, 
    975 F.2d 1225
    , 1240-41 (6th Cir. 1992).  No circuit has come to the opposite
    conclusion.  We have held, in accord with other circuits, that jury
    unanimity on a particular firearm is not required in a prosecution
    under 18 U.S.C.  924(c) for using or carrying a firearm during and
    in relation to, or possessing a firearm in furtherance of, a
    federal violent or drug trafficking crime.  See United States v.
    177 F.3d 33
    , 40 (1st Cir. 1999); United States v.
    33 F.3d 1351
    , 1354 (11th Cir. 1994); United States v.
    6 F.3d 1070
    , 1075-87 (5th Cir. 1993).  We have also
    held, in a  922(g)(1) case, that the district court need not give
    the jury a special verdict form when the possession of multiple
    firearms is alleged, even where the particular firearms possessed
    could be relevant to sentencing.  See United States v. Ellis, 
    168 F.3d 559
    , 561-62 (1st Cir. 1999).  But cf. United States v. Melvin,
    27 F.3d 710
    , 714-15 (1st Cir. 1994) (jury unanimity on specific
    firearms required in  924(c) case where use of different firearms,
    of several alleged, would result in different mandatory minimum
    In sum, the language of the statute and the other
    considerations examined above convince us that Congress did not
    intend the possession of a particular firearm to be an element of
    a  922(g)(1) violation.  There was thus no error, let alone plain
    error, in the district court's failure to give an instruction
    requiring jury unanimity on any particular firearm that Verrecchia
    III.  Closing Argument
    Verrecchia objects to a lengthy list of asserted errors
    in the government's closing argument.  He claims that the
    prosecutor implied a contradiction between the testimony of the
    undercover police officer and Verrecchia where there was none.  He
    also alleges that the prosecutor made numerous misstatements of the
    evidence, and made improper comments on the credibility of
    Verrecchia as a witness.  Finally, Verrecchia contends that the
    prosecutor erred in arguing that Verrecchia lied about threats made
    to him by Rossi; the government concedes error on this point.
    Since Verrecchia did not object to any of these prosecutorial
    statements at trial, the alleged errors are subject to plain error
    review.  See United States v. Bey, 
    188 F.3d 1
    , 6 (1st Cir. 1999).
    To establish plain error, a defendant must show that the
    alleged error was "clear under current law" or "obvious," and that
    the error was prejudicial in that it "affected the outcome" of the
    trial; even where that is the case, reversal is discretionary and
    will be warranted only where the plain error "seriously affects the
    fairness, integrity or public reputation of judicial proceedings."
    United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    , 734 (1993).  Assuming
    arguendo that all of Verrecchia's contentions of error in the
    closing argument are correct, we still cannot say that he suffered
    prejudice from such errors in the sense that they "affected the
    outcome" of the trial.  The evidence against Verrecchia on the
    felon-in-possession charges was overwhelming, including
    surveillance evidence documenting the stages of his travel during
    the transaction, his arrest in possession of the guns named in
    Count One, and his admission of knowledge that the guns named in
    Count Two were in a crate in a barn which he rented.  The fact that
    he was acquitted on Counts Three and Four does not affect our
    conclusion that the evidence on Counts One and Two was
    overwhelming.  Given the strength of the evidence against
    Verrecchia, nothing in the prosecutor's arguments amounted to plain
    error.  See United States v. Manning, 
    23 F.3d 570
    , 574 (1st Cir.
    1994) (impact on trial outcome judged, inter alia, by strength of
    evidence against defendant).