Camerano v. United States , 855 F.3d 15 ( 2017 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 16-2025
    Personal Representative of the Estate of Patrick Camerano,
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendant, Appellee.
    [Hon. F. Dennis Saylor IV, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Selya, Kayatta,
    Circuit Judges.
    Daniel C. Federico and Shaines & McEachern, PA on brief for
    Rayford A. Farquhar, Assistant United States Attorney, and
    Carmen M. Ortiz, United States Attorney, on brief for appellee.
    April 19, 2017
    KAYATTA, Circuit Judge.         Plaintiff is the son of the
    late Patrick Camerano and the personal representative of Patrick's
    estate. This lawsuit arises out of Patrick's death, which resulted
    from a fall he suffered while on a "respite/nursing stay" at a
    facility   operated   by   East   Boston   Neighborhood    Health   Center
    ("EBNHC") at 26 Sturgis Street in Winthrop, Massachusetts.
    The underlying facts of this case are detailed in the
    district court's published opinion. See Camerano v. United States,
    196 F. Supp. 3d 172
    , 175–76 (D. Mass. 2016).              In summary, the
    chronology of relevant events is as follows:
       February 24, 2012:   When Patrick's second son, Paul--
    who lived in the same apartment building as Patrick--
    has to travel to Florida, EBNHC arranges for Patrick to
    stay temporarily at its Winthrop facility.
       February 26, 2012:   At approximately three o'clock in
    the morning, Patrick suffers a fall in the hallway of
    the Winthrop facility. No witnesses observe Patrick's
       February 27, 2012: Patrick begins to display signs of
    distress and is hospitalized at Boston Medical Center.
       February 28, 2012: Plaintiff receives a phone call from
    an EBNHC nurse, who advises him that Patrick has been
    involved in an accident and sent to the hospital. Upon
    further inquiry, the nurse tells plaintiff that Patrick
    has fallen, but that she is "not totally sure."
       February 29, 2012:     Patrick is moved to hospice care.
       March 1, 2012:    Patrick passes away.
       May 27, 2012: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts issues
    Patrick's death certificate.      The document specifies
    that he died due to a "subdural hemorrhage" that resulted
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    from an "unwitnessed fall" at a "respite facility"
    located at "26 Sturgis Street, Winthrop, MA."
       June 2012: Plaintiff requests Patrick's medical records
    from EBNHC, and receives some, but not all, records.
    (He says now that he made this request because he did
    "not know[] where [his] father was when he was injured.")
       August 29, 2012:        Plaintiff files a voluntary
    administration statement with the Massachusetts Probate
    and Family Court.     The form lists as an asset a
    "[w]rongful death action regarding [a] nursing home
       October 29, 2012: Plaintiff and his attorney obtain an
    additional   set   of    Patrick's   medical    records.
    (Plaintiff's brief alleges that "the location and the
    proximate cause of the injury . . . were not reasonably
    discoverable until" he received these records.)
       March 5, 2014: Plaintiff's attorney sends a letter to
    EBNHC, stating plaintiff's "inten[tion] to file a claim
    for damages."
       May 15, 2014: Plaintiff's attorney sends a letter styled
    as a "Claim" to the United States Department of Health
    and Human Services ("HHS"), alleging state common law
    and federal statutory violations and seeking unspecified
       July 16, 2014: Plaintiff's attorney submits a standard
    claim form to HHS, seeking $1,700,000 in damages for
    Patrick's alleged wrongful death.
    As the district court noted in granting summary judgment
    to the government, the problem for plaintiff is that he has not
    submitted any evidence disputing that EBNHC is a federal entity
    under the purview of the United States Public Health Service.    As
    such, plaintiff's tort claims against EBNHC are considered tort
    claims against the United States, see 42 U.S.C. § 233(g), and any
    "tort claim against the United States shall be forever barred
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    unless it is presented in writing to the appropriate Federal agency
    within two years after such claim accrues," 28 U.S.C. § 2401(b).
    As     the    chronology    reflects,     plaintiff     did   not   file   his
    administrative complaint with HHS until more than two years after
    learning that his father had suffered a fatal injury caused by an
    unwitnessed fall.1
    Plaintiff argues nevertheless that his claim did not
    accrue until October 29, 2012, when his newly retained counsel was
    able to ascertain "the name of the respite/nursing home where his
    late father's accident happened."              Alternatively, he argues that
    the two-year limitations period should be equitably tolled until
    that       date   because   of   the    government's    alleged     fraudulent
    concealment of "the location and possible causes of the accidental
    The district court's opinion cogently explains why these
    arguments fail.        See 
    Camerano, 196 F. Supp. 3d at 177
    –81.            We
    affirm largely on the basis of that explanation.              In brief, there
    is no evidence that EBNHC deliberately concealed any material facts
    that were needed to put plaintiff on notice of the fact and cause
    1Both plaintiff's original complaint and his amended
    complaint specify July 16, 2014, as the operative filing date,
    presumably because he submitted the relevant claim form to HHS on
    or around this date, and because his earlier filings failed to
    provide sufficient notice to HHS, see Holloway v. United States,
    845 F.3d 487
    , 489 (1st Cir. 2017) (citing 28 C.F.R. § 14.2(a)).
    On appeal, plaintiff does not argue that we should consider any
    date other than July 16, 2014, as the operative filing date.
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    of his father's injury.     See Callahan v. United States, 
    426 F.3d 444
    , 454 (1st Cir. 2005).    Further, no reasonable jury could find
    that plaintiff did not know enough about his father's injury at
    least to investigate further by March 1, 2012--and certainly by
    May 27, 2012, when the death certificate was issued.    See Sanchez
    v. United States, 
    740 F.3d 47
    , 52 (1st Cir. 2014).   And given that
    plaintiff has not submitted any evidence disputing that this case
    involves employees of the United States Public Health Service
    acting within the scope of their employment, 42 U.S.C. § 1983 does
    not provide a remedy for plaintiff's alleged injuries even if, as
    plaintiff argues, those employees violated the Nursing Home Reform
    Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1396r–1396r-8.     See 
    id. § 233(g)
    the "[e]xclusivity" of the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C.
    §§ 1346(b), 2671–2680, as a remedy for actions such as this one);
    McCloskey v. Mueller, 
    446 F.3d 262
    , 271 (1st Cir. 2006) ("[T]o
    plead a viable section 1983 claim, a complaint must allege action
    under color of state law." (emphasis added)); see also Casey v.
    Dep't of Health & Human Servs., 
    807 F.3d 395
    , 400–01 (1st Cir.
    2015) (noting that "the federal analog to § 1983 suits against
    state officials," 
    id. at 398
    n.1, is available to redress only a
    "limited" range of constitutional violations).2
    2The district court's correct dismissal of plaintiff's § 1983
    claim thus moots the question of whether plaintiff should have
    been granted leave to add another defendant to that claim.
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    We add only the following comments in response to several
    points that plaintiff emphasizes in his brief.           First, plaintiff's
    argument that the running of the limitations period should be
    deemed to have been stayed until he retained counsel has no support
    in the law.      Certainly, we do not expect a layperson to know what
    statutes of limitations apply.          And in most cases some portion of
    the   relevant    limitations     period    will   run   before   counsel    is
    retained.      That is likely one reason why such periods are not
    shorter.      Any counsel competent to handle a malpractice claim
    against a nursing or health care facility presumably knows that
    various statutes of limitations exist, and that the correct one
    need be identified if not already known.           See 
    Sanchez, 740 F.3d at 54-56
    .      If plaintiff's own lawyer did not tell him about the two-
    year limitations period applicable here, then that may well provide
    plaintiff with cause to complain.            The proper object of such a
    complaint, however, would be counsel, not EBNHC or the federal
    Second, plaintiff's statement in his affidavit that
    records produced by the hospital in June of 2012 were incomplete
    fails to get him anywhere because he offers no explanation as to
    how   the    incompleteness   prejudiced     him    in   any   material   way.
    Plaintiff alleges no facts making it plausible that the hospital
    lulled him into thinking that he had no viable claim.                  To the
    contrary,     after   receiving   the   records,    plaintiff     executed   an
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    estate-administration form that listed the "wrongful death action
    regarding [a] nursing home facility" as an asset of the estate.
    He claims that the records that EBNHC provided him prior to
    October 29, 2012, did not reveal the name of the relevant facility.
    But he already knew the address from the death certificate.     That
    he also fails to allege that he ever asked about the name of the
    facility erects yet another impediment to any plausible contention
    that EBNHC, by its silence, misled him about the location at which
    his father was injured.
    We also decline to find that the district court committed
    procedural error in granting summary judgment to the government.
    Contrary to plaintiff's assertions otherwise, the government's
    memorandum in support of its motion to dismiss contains a section
    entitled   "Introduction   and   Undisputed   Facts,"   which   cites
    plaintiff's own complaints as well as various attached exhibits.
    Nor do we find error in the district court's finding that the
    address of "26 Sturgis Street, Winthrop, MA" was "EBNHC's address."
    The district court was not saying that plaintiff knew that fact.
    Rather, the district court was correctly saying that, armed with
    the death certificate, plaintiff could have "readily" ascertained
    the location at which his father's injury occurred.     See Gonzalez
    v. United States, 
    284 F.3d 281
    , 289 (1st Cir. 2002) (noting that
    the existence of a possible claim was not "inherently incapable of
    detection . . . through the exercise of reasonable diligence").
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    Finally,    plaintiff's       claim    that    he   was    entitled   to
    prejudgment discovery is defeated by his acquiescence to the
    district court's conversion of the government's motion to dismiss
    into a motion for summary judgment.              See Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(d).
    Nor did plaintiff claim in the district court that he lacked the
    opportunity to rebut the government's timeliness argument in his
    opposition memorandum.          The key issues, after all, were what
    plaintiff knew and when he knew it.                Thus, we cannot say that
    plaintiff did not have "reasonable opportunity to present all
    material made pertinent to such a motion" or that conversion was
    otherwise a "surprise" or "unfair."              See Giragosian v. Ryan, 
    547 F.3d 59
    , 65 (1st Cir. 2008).
    To   be   sure,   it    is    unfortunate       when   a   potentially
    important claim is lost because a deadline is missed.                    However,
    that is the necessary result of the statutory limitations periods
    that our elected representatives have seen fit to enact, without
    which there would be no repose and claims might be filed long after
    the   ability   to   recreate     what   happened        has   much   diminished.
    Plaintiff is a layperson who suspected that he might have a valid
    claim arising out of his father's death.             Based on what he knew,
    the law anticipates that he would do what he did in fact do:
    promptly consult a lawyer.        Plaintiff's knowledge of his father's
    injury, combined with what his lawyer should have known about how
    to investigate and preserve any potential claims arising from that
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    injury, left him well able to file the appropriate claim form with
    HHS   within   the   two-year   limitations   period   established   by
    Congress.   That he did not do so is not the fault of EBNHC or the
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm.
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Document Info

Docket Number: 16-2025P

Citation Numbers: 855 F.3d 15

Filed Date: 4/19/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023