Corban v. Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. , 868 F.3d 31 ( 2017 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    Nos. 15-2135, 16-1658
    MARK A. CORBAN, individually and on behalf of all others
    similarly situated; STEVE FLEISCHMANN, individually and on
    behalf of all others similarly situated;
    Plaintiffs, Appellants,
    DANIEL BARADARIAN, individually and on behalf of all others
    similarly situated; BIJESH AMIN, individually and on behalf of
    all others similarly situated;
    Defendants, Appellees,
    [Hon. Indira Talwani, U.S. District Judge]
    Kayatta, Circuit Judge,
    Souter, Associate Justice,*
    and Stahl, Circuit Judge.
    * David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the Supreme
    Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    Stuart W. Emmons, with whom William B. Federman, Amanda B.
    Murphy, and Federman & Sherwood were on brief, for appellants.
    Christopher G. Green, with whom Dalila Argaez Wendlandt,
    Justin G. Florence, Mark D. Vaughn, Alexia R. De Vincentis, and
    Ropes & Gray LLP were on brief, for appellees.
    August 22, 2017
    KAYATTA, Circuit Judge. The price of the publicly traded
    securities issued by Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. dropped sixty-four
    percent   when     Sarepta     announced         that   the    Food    and   Drug
    Administration deemed premature Sarepta's application for approval
    of a novel gene therapy. Promptly thereafter, several shareholders
    brought this securities fraud class action against Sarepta as well
    as former and current Sarepta executives on behalf of those who
    bought Sarepta stock during the prior four months while Sarepta
    was expressing conditional optimism that the FDA would accept its
    application.     The district court found that the plaintiffs failed
    to allege facts creating a strong inference that the defendants
    intentionally or recklessly deceived the investing public.                     We
    agree and affirm.
    The district court dismissed the complaint after this
    action was consolidated and the pleading was once amended.                    The
    plaintiffs then brought a motion for leave to file another amended
    complaint,   which   the     district    court     denied     as   futile.    The
    plaintiffs     thereafter     brought        a   motion     for    relief    under
    Rule 60(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure proposing a
    fourth version of the complaint, and a motion for reconsideration
    under Rule 59(e) proposing yet a fifth version. The district court
    denied all of these motions for the sole reason that it found them
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    futile because none of the proposed pleadings sufficiently stated
    a claim under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
    (PSLRA), 15 U.S.C. § 78u–4(b).1       Normally we apply a deferential
    standard of review to decisions denying amendment, relief from
    judgment, and reconsideration.       Here, though, each ruling hinged
    on a single issue:      the sufficiency of the pleading as a matter of
    law.       Hence, our review is de novo.    See Mills v. U.S. Bank, NA,
    753 F.3d 47
    , 54 (1st Cir. 2014); Roger Edwards, LLC v. Fiddes &
    Son Ltd., 
    427 F.3d 129
    , 132 (1st Cir. 2005).           Because the fifth
    version of the complaint is the most recent and most complete
    version of the pleading, we focus our analysis on that iteration
    and draw the following facts and reasonable inferences from it.
    Sarepta is a biopharmaceutical company that works to
    discover and develop gene therapies for the treatment of rare
    neuromuscular      diseases,   including   Duchenne   muscular   dystrophy
    ("DMD").       DMD is a progressive childhood disease that affects
    1The district court actually denied the motion for
    reconsideration through an electronic order that does not furnish
    the basis for the decision. Although "a short recitation of [the
    district court's] reasoning" would have been preferable, "this
    omission alone is not a basis for reversal" because "its reasons
    are apparent from the record."    United States ex rel. Kelly v.
    Novartis Pharm. Corp., 
    827 F.3d 5
    , 10 (1st Cir. 2016). In any
    event, deeming the denial to have been for futility favors the
    plaintiffs, who not surprisingly urge us to so regard the order
    and to resolve the question of the complaint's sufficiency rather
    than vacating and remanding to the district court for a statement
    of reasons.
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    approximately       1    in    3500    boys    worldwide.       Caused    by     genetic
    mutations    that       hinder    or    halt     production     of   dystrophin,      an
    essential protein for muscle function, DMD leads to loss of muscle
    strength and ultimately to respiratory and cardiac failure.                         Few
    boys afflicted with this debilitating disease reach adulthood.
    Sarepta's lead product candidate during the relevant
    time period was eteplirsen.              Eteplirsen is designed to treat DMD
    by altering the transcription process to skip the genetic mutation.
    It    thereby    enables       the     body's    production     of     truncated     but
    functional dystrophin, the type of dystrophin associated with less
    severe forms of muscular dystrophy and longer life expectancies.
    To     market      eteplirsen       in   the   United    States,     Sarepta
    needed approval from the FDA.                  The approval process requires a
    sponsor like Sarepta to prepare and submit a new drug application
    ("NDA" or "application").              See 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (a).           When the FDA
    receives an NDA, it "ma[kes] a threshold determination [whether]
    the NDA is sufficiently complete to permit a substantive review."
    21 C.F.R. § 314.101
    (a)(1).             If so, the FDA accepts the application
    for filing.        
            The agency then assesses the merits of the
    application,       deciding       whether       to    approve    the     drug.       
    §    314.101(f).        Approval       generally     requires    the    application's
    sponsor to demonstrate the drug's clinical benefit.                     See 
    21 U.S.C. § 355
    (d).       In certain instances, though, an accelerated approval
    program permits the FDA to review and approve "a product for a
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    serious or life-threatening disease or condition . . . upon a
    determination that the product has an effect on a surrogate
    endpoint that is reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit."
     § 356(c)(1)(A).     For example, even if a sponsor has not yet
    shown that a drug reduces the occurrence of stroke, the FDA might
    fast-track the drug upon a showing that it has a measurable effect
    on blood pressure.      See U.S. Food & Drug Admin., FDA Facts:
    Biomarkers and Surrogate Endpoints,
    innovation/ucm512503.htm (last updated July 22, 2016).
    Sarepta set its sights on accelerated FDA approval for
    eteplirsen, developing and conducting a series of clinical trials
    to investigate the drug's effect on two endpoints:         (1) the
    percentage change in dystrophin-positive fibers in the patient's
    muscle, and (2) the distance the patient was able to walk in six
    minutes.   The clinical trials most relevant to this litigation are
    Sarepta's Phase IIb clinical trials, Study 201 and Study 202.
    Study 201 enrolled twelve boys in a randomized, double-blind,
    placebo-controlled trial.     Four boys received a placebo, another
    four received a lower dose of eteplirsen, and four more received
    a higher dose of the drug.      After twenty-four weeks, Study 202
    commenced.    In this open-label extension, which was neither blind
    nor placebo-controlled, all twelve participants received the drug
    in one dosage or the other.
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    Pointing to the results of these trials, in March 2013,
    Sarepta informed investors that it would move toward filing an
    NDA.    To that end, Sarepta met with FDA officials that month.
    During the meeting, the FDA expressed serious concerns regarding
    the way Sarepta proposed to analyze the results from the Phase IIb
    trials, cautioning that "the proposed analysis was unreasonable
    even    for    hypothesis      generation."      Sarepta     relayed   certain
    information about this meeting to analysts and investors during an
    April 15, 2013 conference call led by Chris Garabedian, President
    and Chief Executive Officer of Sarepta at the time, and Edward
    Kaye, then the company's Senior Vice President and Chief Medical
    Officer.      Garabedian explained that the FDA had "not made a final
    decision"--and that it was "still too early to draw conclusions"
    about the FDA's stance--regarding Sarepta's proposed dystrophin
    endpoint      for   accelerated      approval.   He    nonetheless     conveyed
    optimism and a sense of positive momentum on this call, stating
    that the FDA was "approaching the question of [d]ystrophin as a
    surrogate that is reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit in
    the    thoughtful     manner    we    expected   and   is    requesting   more
    information."       Garabedian struck a similar tone at a conference
    presentation on July 10, 2013.
    Approximately two weeks later, on July 23, 2013, Sarepta
    again met with the FDA regarding eteplirsen.                By this time, the
    FDA had reviewed additional information from Sarepta about its
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    data.    The agency told Sarepta at the July meeting that it was
    "open to considering an NDA based on these data for filing,"
    subject to a number of conditions.                Sarepta quoted that language
    in a press release it issued the following day, which also stated
    that Sarepta planned to submit an NDA "in the first half of 2014
    for the approval of eteplirsen."              The press release went on to say
    that the FDA "requested additional information related to the
    methodology and verification of dystrophin quantification," and
    that the company believed it could address and incorporate the
    requests into its early 2014 submission.                In calls with analysts,
    investors,      and       business       reporters,    Garabedian    communicated
    "excite[ment]," stating that the company was "very encouraged by
    the FDA feedback" and hopeful that the agency "would accept [an
    NDA]    for   filing."         He     emphasized      Sarepta's   "belie[f]       that
    dystrophin     is     a   viable     surrogate    marker,"    characterizing      the
    company's dystrophin analysis as "robust."
    Notwithstanding        Garabedian's      sanguinity,      the    company
    cautioned in its communications that the exact timing of the NDA
    submission was unknown, that the agency did not yet endorse the
    dystrophin     surrogate      endpoint       under    the   accelerated       approval
    pathway, and that in any event "[a] filing would only indicate
    that    the   question      [of    the    propriety    of   Sarepta's    dystrophin
    surrogate endpoint] merits review."                   Investors apparently paid
    more attention to those caveats than to the news that the FDA was
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    open to considering an NDA based on Sarepta's Phase IIb trial data,
    as Sarepta's stock price dropped nineteen percent on July 24 from
    its closing price the day before.                   Nevertheless, as we will
    describe in greater detail, the plaintiffs contend that Sarepta's
    July 24 communications were misleadingly rosy and selectively
    omitted further detail that would have better conveyed a picture
    of a highly dubious FDA.                 The plaintiffs therefore point to
    July 24, 2013, as the beginning of the time period during which
    class members were defrauded.
    During the ensuing months leading up to the November
    2013 stock drop, the defendants made several additional comments
    challenged by the plaintiffs.              For example, Garabedian heralded
    Sarepta's progress toward approval as "a tremendous achievement,"
    described the company's data set as "compelling and favorable,"
    and characterized the FDA's feedback as "particularly encouraging
    because    it    recognizes     that     our   Phase       IIb   study   data    set   is
    sufficient       for   the   FDA   to    consider      a    filing."       At    another
    presentation, he called the FDA's response at the July meeting the
    "type     of    information     that     every    company        hopes    for."        He
    subsequently described Sarepta's dystrophin analysis as "a very
    rigorous,       measured     approach"    which   "produced        the    most    robust
    [dystrophin] data set of any [dystrophin]-producing technology"
    and was not "questioned or challenged [by the FDA] in terms of
    [Sarepta's] method for quantifying [dystrophin]."                        And he opined
    - 9 -
    that the FDA's request for additional muscle biopsies of the study
    participants "was not an indication of the lack of strength of
    [Sarepta's] current biopsy analysis and data."
    At the end of September 2013, a competing drug candidate
    for the treatment of DMD "total[ly] fail[ed]" during a Phase III
    trial notwithstanding promising Phase II results.     Drisapersen,
    developed by Prosena and GlaxoSmithKline, relied on the "same
    mechanism of action" as eteplirsen.    It had achieved "the coveted
    'Breakthrough Designation' from [the] FDA" on account of "its
    preliminary efficacy and potential." Yet in its "pivotal Phase III
    trial," it "failed to meet its primary endpoint . . . and all
    secondary endpoints."   This news initially boosted Sarepta stock,
    as it "essentially g[ave] the entire DMD market to eteplirsen."
    Yet some investors predicted that drisapersen's failure spelled
    trouble for Sarepta.    Such trouble came to pass on November 12,
    2013, when Sarepta divulged the FDA's most recent guidance: Citing
    the drisapersen failure, the FDA stated that it viewed "an NDA
    filing for eteplirsen as premature."      This news precipitated a
    sixty-four percent plummet in Sarepta's stock price, and the
    plaintiffs say it revealed that the defendants' representations
    since late July had been fraudulent.
    After Sarepta announced the FDA's judgment that a filing
    was premature, the dialogue between Sarepta and the FDA continued.
    Public disclosures about their back and forth were largely one-
    - 10 -
    sided:    As the FDA later explained, "[b]ecause of laws governing
    trade secret[s], [the] FDA is generally unable to provide any
    information to the public about its finding regarding drugs under
    development and is unable to comment about information provided by
    the drug developer."      On a few occasions, however, FDA officials
    made public statements about concerns they had communicated to
    Sarepta   (without    always    specifying   when   those   communications
    occurred).     Sarepta ultimately submitted its NDA in June 2015.
    The FDA accepted the NDA for filing on August 25, 2015, and it
    granted accelerated approval for eteplirsen on September 19, 2016.
    By that time, this litigation was well underway.
    Two and a half months after the November stock drop, the
    plaintiffs filed this putative class action complaint in which
    they seek relief on behalf of all those who acquired Sarepta stock
    between July 24, 2013 and November 11, 2013 (the "class period").
    According to the relevant complaint, Sarepta and its top executives
    perpetrated securities fraud under section 10(b) of the Securities
    Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act), 15 U.S.C. § 78j(b), and the
    Securities     and   Exchange   Commission's   Rule   10b–5,    
    17 C.F.R. § 240
    .10b–5.    The complaint also charges the individual defendants
    with liability for the alleged securities fraud under section 20(a)
    of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78t(a).       The complaint avers that
    the defendants overstated the significance of Sarepta's eteplirsen
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    data and exaggerated the likelihood that the FDA would accept an
    NDA for filing, thereby deceiving the investing public and causing
    the purchase of Sarepta securities at inflated prices.
    "To successfully state a securities fraud claim under
    section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5, a plaintiff must adequately allege,
    among other things, scienter."            Local No. 8 IBEW Ret. Plan & Tr.
    v.    Vertex    Pharm.,    Inc.,   
    838 F.3d 76
    ,   80   (1st    Cir.   2016).
    Adequately alleging this mental state, which "embrac[es] intent to
    deceive, manipulate, or defraud," Aldridge v. A.T. Cross Corp.,
    284 F.3d 72
    ,   82   (1st   Cir.   2002)    (quoting    Ernst   &   Ernst   v.
    425 U.S. 185
    , 193 n.12 (1976)), requires the plaintiff
    to plead "either that the defendants consciously intended to
    defraud, or that they acted with a high degree of recklessness,"
     (citing Greebel v. FTP Software, Inc., 
    194 F.3d 185
    , 198-201
    (1st Cir. 1999)).         That degree of recklessness demands "a highly
    unreasonable omission," one that not only involves "an extreme
    departure from the standards of ordinary care," but also "presents
    a danger of misleading buyers or sellers that is either known to
    the defendant or is so obvious the actor must have been aware of
    it."    In re Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. Sec. Litig., 
    669 F.3d 68
    77 (1st Cir. 2012) (quoting Miss. Pub. Emps.' Ret. Sys. v. Bos.
    Sci. Corp., 
    649 F.3d 5
    , 20 (1st Cir. 2011)).                 Under this strict
    - 12 -
    recklessness standard, "simple, or even inexcusable negligence"
    does not suffice.         
     (quoting Miss. Pub. Emps.' Ret. Sys., 
    649 F.3d at 20
    To    decide   whether   the      complaint    adequately     alleges
    scienter, "we eschew the ordinary standards of Federal Rule of
    Civil Procedure 8(a)(2)," Vertex, 838 F.3d at 81, and instead apply
    the "[e]xacting pleading requirements" imposed by Congress in the
    PSLRA.     Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd., 
    551 U.S. 308
    ,     313    (2007).       "Under     the     PSLRA's     heightened     pleading
    instructions, any private securities complaint alleging that the
    defendant made a false or misleading statement must . . . 'state
    with particularity facts giving rise to a strong inference that
    the defendant acted with the required state of mind.'"                    
    Id. at 321
    (quoting 15 U.S.C. § 78u–4(b)(2)).                 Although "Congress left the
    key term 'strong inference' undefined," id. at 314, the Supreme
    Court has explained that our inquiry is comparative:                        We must
    determine whether "a reasonable person would deem the inference of
    scienter       cogent   and   at   least    as    compelling    as    any   opposing
    inference one could draw from the facts alleged."                    Id. at 324.
    The    complaint    focuses       much   on     Sarepta's     reports
    regarding its July 23 meeting with the FDA, including the company's
    July 24 press release and related comments by its officers.
    - 13 -
    According to the complaint, these communications constitute the
    opening salvos of fraud because Sarepta disclosed too little of
    what FDA officials said at the July and March meetings, and painted
    too rosy a picture of their reaction to Sarepta's data.                           The
    plaintiffs      point    to   statements    by   Garabedian       that     he     was
    "encouraged by the feedback from the FDA," that he believed "that
    data   from    [Sarepta's]    ongoing    clinical   study     .   .   .    will    be
    sufficient for an NDA filing," and that the FDA indicated that it
    was "open to considering an NDA filing based on the data [Sarepta
    had] shared with [the FDA] to date."         These and similar statements
    were misleading, the plaintiffs say, because FDA officials also
    voiced "a number of concerns" to be addressed prior to filing, and
    articulated "strong reservations" about the type of data upon which
    Sarepta was relying.
    The challenged statements that mark the beginning of the
    class period provide poor material for building a fraud claim.
    They convey opinion more than fact. And while opinion that implies
    false facts may nonetheless suffice, see In re Credit Suisse First
    Bos. Corp., 
    431 F.3d 36
    , 47 (1st Cir. 2005) ("[A] statement of
    opinion may be considered factual . . . as a statement about the
    subject   matter    underlying     the   opinion."),    overruled         on    other
    grounds by Tellabs, Inc., 
    551 U.S. 308
    , these opinions came replete
    with   caveats.         Sarepta   made   clear   that   the   FDA     "requested
    additional information related to the methodology and verification
    - 14 -
    of dystrophin quantification" and "would not commit to declaring
    dystrophin an acceptable surrogate endpoint," and that a decision
    to allow the filing of an NDA "would not indicate that [the FDA
    had] accepted dystrophin expression as a biomarker reasonably
    likely   to    predict   clinical   benefit."    Garabedian      accurately
    reported that the FDA declined to offer "any guarantee or assurance
    that an NDA submission would be acceptable for filing."              After
    this mix of optimism and caution was communicated to investors on
    July 24, Sarepta's stock dropped nineteen percent.
    Three   weeks   later,   the   company   further     reminded
    investors that it had been trying to convince the FDA that its
    method for quantifying dystrophin was acceptable and preferable.
    And Kaye acknowledged that the company's data set was "limited."
    Even if these and other caveats could have been more fulsome, they
    cut against the inference of scienter.           See Geffon v. Micrion
    249 F.3d 29
    , 37 (1st Cir. 2001) (finding insufficient
    evidence of scienter where company "sought to provide investors
    with adequate warnings," even though "[p]erhaps [the company]
    could have provided still more information about the specifics").
    At worst, there was positive spin that put more emphasis in tone
    and presentation on the real signs of forward movement with the
    NDA than it did on causes for wondering if the journey would prove
    - 15 -
    Nor did the class period end in any manner that supports
    an inference of fraud.    Progress toward realizing an optimistic,
    albeit caveated, prediction markedly slowed, due at least in part
    to a material development that occurred well after the prediction
    was   proffered--i.e.,   the   failure   of   the   GlaxoSmithKline   and
    Prosena product, drisapersen.       While the November announcement
    demonstrated that the caveated hopes voiced in the time since the
    July meeting had proven overly optimistic, there is nothing in
    this chronology to suggest that Sarepta knew prior to November
    that its efforts would suffer a setback at that time.        See Suna v.
    Bailey Corp., 
    107 F.3d 64
    , 68 (1st Cir. 1997) ("[O]ptimistic
    predictions about the future that prove to be off the mark . . .
    are immunized unless plaintiffs meet their burden of demonstrating
    intentional deception." (quoting Serabian v. Amoskeag Bank Shares,
    24 F.3d 357
    , 361 (1st Cir. 1994), abrogated on other grounds
    by Greebel, 
    194 F.3d at 196-97
    )).         Sarepta's hopes, moreover,
    ultimately proved correct, although on a much slower schedule.
    The company submitted its NDA in June 2015, and the FDA accepted
    the NDA for filing in August 2015.        In summary, the plaintiffs
    mine little more than opinions, predictions, caveats, and cramped
    disclosures in the events bookending the class period.
    That leaves the plaintiffs' arguments regarding a pair
    of statements made by Garabedian in the middle of the class period.
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    First, on August 15, 2013, Garabedian stated that Sarepta had
    shared its dystrophin data with the FDA (which is not disputed)
    and that the data "was not something that was questioned or
    challenged    in   terms   of   [Sarepta's]     method    for    quantifying."
    Second, on September 9, 2013, he said in reference to the FDA's
    proposal to conduct additional biopsies of the Phase IIb study
    participants that the proposal "was not an indication of the lack
    of strength of [Sarepta's] current biopsy analysis and data."2
    According to the plaintiffs, these statements were "objectively
    and knowingly false" because the FDA had communicated concerns
    about the data analysis to Sarepta and Garabedian had knowledge of
    such communications when he spoke.            Specifically, the plaintiffs
    point to March 2013 communications from the FDA expressing the
    agency's skepticism about Sarepta's quantification of dystrophin.
    Chronology    defeats    this    argument.     The       March   2013
    communications     predated     Garabedian's       August       and    September
    statements by several months.         In the intervening period, Sarepta
    submitted additional data to the FDA in compliance with FDA
    requests, and the agency's skepticism was fairly viewed as having
    2 These are the only two alleged misstatements after the
    beginning and before the end of the class period that the
    plaintiffs discuss in support of their argument that the defendants
    could not have acted negligently and must have acted intentionally
    or recklessly. They are, accordingly, the only two we consider.
    See Rodríguez v. Municipality of San Juan, 
    659 F.3d 168
    , 175 (1st
    Cir. 2011).
    - 17 -
    diminished.     As the complaint's allegations show, it was after
    reviewing the additional data that the FDA declared in July 2013
    that it was "open to considering an NDA based on these data for
    filing."      There is nothing in the complaint's allegations to
    indicate that the strength of the concerns expressed by the FDA in
    March 2013 persisted or that Garabedian understood the force of
    those concerns to have survived additional data submissions (much
    less the later and significantly more specific feedback provided
    to Sarepta at the July 2013 meeting).
    Perhaps      sensing    this      flaw   in   the    timeline,    the
    plaintiffs offer a second reason why Garabedian's statements were
    "objectively and knowingly false."            They claim that the FDA told
    Sarepta at the July 23 meeting that it doubted the validity of
    Sarepta's method for quantifying dystrophin.                   To support this
    claim, they rely on the FDA's expression of concern that there was
    possible bias in the dystrophin analysis.                This perception of
    possible   bias   was    based    not   on    any   specific    indication   or
    allegation of bias, but rather on the general observation that
    "all muscle biopsies were obtained and processed by a single
    technician at a single study center."               Hence, the FDA felt that
    another analysis by an independent laboratory was advisable.3 This
    3 The FDA's suggestion had to do with confirming existing
    data, rather than generating additional data. For that reason, we
    see no logical connection between it and Garabedian's September 9,
    2013 statement about the FDA's proposal to conduct additional
    - 18 -
    is far from evidence that the FDA "questioned or challenged"
    Sarepta's data due to the company's "method for quantifying."            At
    most, it demonstrates that an undifferentiated fear about the
    latent risk of bias led the FDA to suggest a cautious approach:
    confirming the results at an independent laboratory.              Concerns
    about reliability are not the same as concerns about methodology,
    and the plaintiffs' efforts to collapse these concepts in order to
    demonstrate scienter fall flat.          Finally, even if Garabedian's
    statements may have been misleading (an issue we need not decide),
    the allegations cited by the plaintiffs do not adequately plead
    that he intentionally or recklessly misled.
    The defendants had no legal obligation to loop the public
    into each detail of every communication with the FDA.              "[M]ere
    possession of . . . nonpublic information does not create a duty
    to disclose it," In re Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. Sec. Litig.,
    669 F.3d at 74 (first alteration in original) (quoting Hill v.
    638 F.3d 40
    ,   57   (1st   Cir.   2011)),   even   when   that
    information is "material"--i.e., substantially likely to be viewed
    by a reasonable investor as "significantly altering the total mix
    of information made available," 
     (citing City of Dearborn
    Heights Act 345 Police & Fire Ret. Sys. v. Waters Corp., 632 F.3d
    biopsies of the Phase IIb study participants.      We therefore
    understand the plaintiffs to offer the FDA's July 2013 concerns
    about bias only as evidence that Garabedian's August 15, 2013
    statement was knowingly false.
    - 19 -
    751,    756   (1st     Cir.       2011)).       Of    course,   a   company    may   not
    intentionally         or       recklessly      omit    facts    without   which      its
    statements become misleading.                 Id.; see also 
    17 C.F.R. § 240
    (making it unlawful to "omit to state a material fact necessary in
    order    to    make        the     statements     made,   in    the   light     of   the
    circumstances under which they were made, not misleading").                          But
    simply pointing us to omitted details, as the plaintiffs have done,
    and failing to explain how the omitted details rendered the
    particular disclosures misleading, misses the mark.                            That the
    defendants neglected to mention specific factors (many of them
    intricate and technical) contributing to the FDA's position, while
    nonetheless faithfully representing that position (indeed quoting
    directly from FDA sources at times), strikes us as more consistent
    with negligence than reckless or intentional concealment.
    In advocating otherwise, the plaintiffs point to Zak v.
    Chelsea Therapeutics International, Ltd., 
    780 F.3d 597
     (4th Cir.
    2015).    In Zak, a split panel of the Fourth Circuit vacated the
    district court's decision that the complaint failed to adequately
    plead scienter.        Id. at 611.           The court announced a narrow holding
    and emphasized that "the scienter inquiry necessarily involves
    consideration of the facts and of the nature of the alleged
    omissions or misleading statements within the context of the
    statements     that        a     defendant    affirmatively     made."        Id.    The
    defendants in Zak had allegedly buried the lede, claiming that the
    - 20 -
    FDA had "agreed" that the company's new drug application could be
    submitted based on data from a single study and would not require
    additional efficacy studies, when in fact FDA officials had told
    the company "that a single successful study typically was not
    sufficient to support approval of a new drug."                   Id. at 602.   Even
    more egregiously, the defendants--while they possessed, but before
    they     made     public,     an    FDA        briefing     document     including
    recommendations against approval--issued a press release that
    failed   to     disclose    those   recommendations        and    instead   falsely
    represented the briefing document as surfacing only "lines of
    inquiry."       Id. at 603.    In these respects, Zak is less like this
    case and more like Schueneman v. Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
    another out-of-circuit decision cited by the plaintiffs in their
    briefing that is readily distinguishable.                 See 
    840 F.3d 698
    , 702,
    708    (9th   Cir.   2016)    (finding     that    plaintiff      adequately   pled
    scienter where company reported "favorable results on everything"
    from animal studies and conveyed optimism about FDA approval while
    concealing strong indications that drug caused cancer in rats).
    That brings us to the plaintiffs' argument that Sarepta
    had a motive to lie, and that its motive supports an inference of
    scienter.     The plaintiffs point to allegations about the company's
    July 2013 "At the Market" offering, which allowed Sarepta to sell
    up to $125 million of common stock at market price, as evidence of
    - 21 -
    motive.    The complaint quotes the company's announcement that it
    "intend[ed] to use any proceeds from this offering for general
    corporate purposes," some related to eteplirsen and some not.
    According to the complaint, "[h]ad the market been aware of these
    undisclosed facts, investors would not have been so willing to
    participate in the [at-the-market] offering, at least not at the
    prices they paid."      Drawing on these allegations, the plaintiffs
    argue that the offering provides strong evidence of motive, and
    therefore scienter, because the defendants "needed the offering to
    provide Sarepta essential funding."
    "[T]he usual concern by executives to improve financial
    results"   does   not   support   an   inference   of   scienter.   In   re
    Cabletron Sys., Inc., 
    311 F.3d 11
    , 39 (1st Cir. 2002); see also
    194 F.3d at 197
     ("[C]atch-all allegations that defendants
    stood to benefit from wrongdoing . . . are [not] sufficient."
    (third alteration in original) (quoting In re Advanta Corp. Sec.
    180 F.3d 525
    , 535 (3d Cir. 1999))).         We require something
    more than the ever-present desire to improve results, such as
    allegations that "the very survival of the company w[as] on the
    line."    In re Cabletron Sys., Inc., 311 F.3d at 39.        The complaint
    lacks such allegations, noting only that Sarepta depended heavily
    on financing activities for capital.          Contrary to the district
    - 22 -
    court cases cited by the plaintiffs,4 where the companies' finances
    were in dire straits, the complaint alleges that "Sarepta had
    $156.2 million in cash and cash equivalents on its balance sheet,"
    and "$80 million in working capital," when it launched the July
    2013       at-the-market       offering.        Lacking     are   any    allegations
    suggesting      that    such     capital   was    insufficient        for   continued
    operations, much less that Sarepta would shutter its doors unless
    it padded earnings by deceiving investors.
    Beyond the financial motive, the plaintiffs say, Sarepta
    had    reason    to    spark    false   hope:      It     catalyzed     families   and
    advocates of boys suffering from DMD to pressure the FDA for
    accelerated approval.           The plaintiffs point to remarks by various
    FDA officials regarding "[g]reat hope" and "considerable public
    attention" resulting from Sarepta's teasers about trial results.
    In In re Ibis Technology Securities Litigation, the district
    court found sufficient allegations of scienter in part because the
    complaint averred that a contemporaneous stock offering "was
    necessary to ensure that [the company] would not run out of cash
    and could fund ongoing operations."      
    422 F. Supp. 2d 294
    , 317
    (D. Mass. 2006). And in Frater v. Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc., the
    district court held that scienter was adequately pleaded in part
    because the complaint alleged that the company "was . . .
    sufficiently short on cash at the time of the alleged
    misrepresentations that it could not afford to finance an
    additional clinical trial as the FDA had recommended."       
    996 F. Supp. 2d 335
    , 350 (E.D. Pa. 2014). Although the complaint in this
    case includes allegations that Sarepta limited the size of its
    Phase IIb trials because it could not afford larger trials, the
    complaint lacks allegations that the company's financial condition
    at the time of the alleged misrepresentations was the same as, or
    worse than, the company's financial condition when it undertook
    the Phase IIb trials.
    - 23 -
    But the complaint does not allege that the defendants predicted or
    intended this result ex ante.           After all, "considerable public
    attention" also means closer scrutiny.              And given that outside
    pressure on the FDA plays no clear or generally acknowledged role
    in the agency's closely regulated process, as the complaint's
    allegations themselves reflect, it seems a stretch to infer that
    the defendants risked closer scrutiny simply to apply indirect
    pressure on a regulator's data-driven decisionmaking process.
    When   we    consider       the   totality   of     the   complaint's
    allegations,   and    measure   the    malicious     inference      against    the
    innocent ones, we do not find "the malicious inference [to be] at
    least as compelling as any opposing innocent inference."                  Zucco
    Partners, LLC v. Digimarc Corp., 
    552 F.3d 981
    , 991 (9th Cir. 2009)
    (citing   Tellabs,     Inc.,    
    551 U.S. at 323
    )).         Sarepta,     a
    biopharmaceutical company navigating the uncertain terrain of
    accelerated approval for a gene therapy, was energized by clinical
    trial data, which it shared with the FDA.            In the ensuing dialogue
    between the company and the agency, the initially unwelcoming
    agency cracked open the door to a possible approval by stating a
    willingness to consider a new drug application for the therapy
    while cautioning the company about the importance of more and
    better data for accelerated approval.               The company shared this
    obviously good news about the FDA's new receptiveness to possible
    acceptance of a filing while conveying enough caveats so that the
    - 24 -
    stock price actually dropped.                As the company moved toward filing
    for regulatory approval, a competitor drug candidate with the same
    mechanism posted disappointing results, and the FDA decided that
    a    new      drug    application      for    the       company's    therapy      would       be
    premature, causing a more substantial drop in stock price.                                   The
    only plausible motive for fraud identified by the plaintiffs is
    revenue        generation,     which       falls     short     of    pleading     a    cogent
    inference of scienter that can carry the day here.                        More plausible
    is the opposing innocent inference that the defendants, perhaps
    negligently, waxed too optimistically about the FDA's expression
    of    a       willingness    to     consider       an    NDA   for    eteplirsen        while
    emphasizing          too   little    the     FDA's      reservations      about       such    an
    application.          This is simply a case in which the complaint focuses
    too much on nuance rather than false facts or material omissions
    to   support         the   necessary    strong       inference       of   scienter.           We
    therefore affirm dismissal of the section 10(b) and Rule 10b–5
    claims as well as the derivative section 20(a) claims.5
    The plaintiffs have filed two separate appeals from rulings
    of the district court. The first appeal challenges a ruling that
    amendment would be futile due to insufficient allegations in the
    proposed second amended complaint of falsity and materiality. We
    need not address the sufficiency of allegations as to those
    elements.   The second amended complaint contained even fewer
    allegations of scienter than its successors, and so our decision
    today that the most recent and most complete version of the
    complaint lacks sufficient allegations of scienter resolves both
    - 25 -
    Notwithstanding   five    tries   to    get   it   right,   the
    plaintiffs     have   failed   to    satisfy   the    requisite    pleading
    standards.      We reject the plaintiffs' appeals and affirm the
    district court's dismissal of this action.
    - 26 -