Keach v. Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry. Co. , 888 F.3d 1 ( 2018 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 17-1912
    ROBERT J. KEACH, solely in his capacity as the Chapter 11
    [Hon. Jon D. Levy, U.S. District Judge]
    [Hon. Peter G. Cary, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge]
    Thompson, Circuit Judge,
    Souter, Associate Justice,
    and Selya, Circuit Judge.
    Hon. David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the Supreme
    Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    Robert J. Keach, with whom Lindsay K.Z. Milne, Roma N. Desai,
    and Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson, P.A. were on brief, for
    George J. Marcus, with whom David C. Johnson, Andrew C.
    Helman, and Marcus, Clegg & Mistretta, P.A. were on brief, for
    April 18, 2018
    SELYA, Circuit Judge. This appeal requires us to explore
    the labyrinth of high-stakes bankruptcy law to determine whether
    the proceeds of a multi-million-dollar sale of certain railroad
    lines constituted property of the bankruptcy estate.                Although we
    are skeptical of the rationale employed by the courts below and
    thread our way through this maze along a different ratiocinative
    path, we arrive at the same place: we conclude that the disputed
    funds were not property of the bankruptcy estate.               Consequently,
    we affirm the dismissal of the complaint.
    Because this appeal challenges an order of dismissal for
    failure to state an actionable claim, we take the facts from the
    well-pleaded averments contained in the complaint, supplemented
    from other permissible sources.         See Banco Santander de P.R. v.
    Lopez-Stubbe (In re Colonial Mortg. Bankers Corp.), 
    324 F.3d 12
    15-16 (1st Cir. 2003).    In carrying out this task, we assume the
    reader's   familiarity   with   our    opinion      in    earlier     litigation
    involving the same parties.     See Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry. v. Keach
    (In re Montreal, Me. & Atl. Ry.) (MMA I), 
    799 F.3d 1
    , 3-4 (1st
    Cir. 2015).
    In 2002, Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway, Ltd. (the
    debtor) and a group of related entities purchased the assets of
    several United States and Canadian railways.              On January 8, 2003,
    a   consortium   of   investors       (the   2003        Investors)     provided
    - 3 -
    $15,000,000     to   the   purchasers      in     return    for    a    series     of
    subordinated notes and warrants.           Despite this infusion of cash,
    the debtor soon found itself strapped and procured a $34,000,000
    loan from the Federal Railroad Administration (the FRA).                     As part
    of this transaction, the FRA obtained a senior lien on all of the
    debtor's rail lines and related improvements in the United States.
    Several years later, the appellee, Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway
    Company (Wheeling), furnished a $6,000,000 line of credit to the
    debtor — a transaction memorialized by a promissory note dated
    June 15, 2009 and a security agreement.
    Notwithstanding these efforts, the debtor struggled to
    meet its financial obligations.         By late 2010, it owed $906,579.38
    in overdue principal and $1,466,355.58 in accrued interest to the
    FRA.   To     obtain   needed     funds,   the     debtor   proposed         to   sell
    approximately 233 miles of track located in northern Maine (the
    Lines) to the State of Maine.         In order to make this transaction
    feasible, the debtor enlisted FRA's cooperation and, on December
    29, 2010, it agreed with the FRA to amend the existing loan
    This    amendment,    which     we    shall    call       the    Second
    Amendment, lies at the epicenter of this litigation. Under Section
    3.b, the FRA agreed to provide "a limited waiver" of its senior
    lien over the Lines, which would take effect "upon the closing" of
    the proposed sale to the State of Maine.               In exchange, the FRA
    - 4 -
    received a replacement lien on certain of the debtor's property in
    As   relevant     here,    the    FRA   conditioned         its   "limited
    waiver" of its senior lien on the debtor's compliance with a series
    of    conditions    spelled     out    in     Section     3.b.ii    of    the    Second
    Amendment.        The FRA concluded that these conditions and the
    concomitant       amendments    to     the    parties'    prior     agreement      were
    "equitable and in the overall best interest of the United States"
    in accordance with 
    45 U.S.C. § 823
    Pertinently, the Second Amendment required the debtor,
    upon the closing of the sale, to convey the proceeds to an escrow
    agent.    Once the FRA's replacement lien on the Canadian property
    had   been   perfected,      the     debtor    was   to    pay     the   FRA    roughly
    $2,400,000 of the sale proceeds (representing the sum of the FRA's
    overdue principal and accrued interest), pay roughly $14,000,000
    to the 2003 Investors, reserve roughly $1,000,000 to defray certain
    accounts payable, and distribute the remainder of the proceeds to
    Wheeling to reduce the debtor's outstanding balance under the 2009
    credit agreement.
    The record contains few details as to how the parties
    shaped the contours of this waterfall of disbursements.                         In this
    regard, though, the complaint does allege that the 2003 Investors
    "demanded full payment as a condition to allowing the transaction
    to occur."        The complaint also alleges an overlap between the
    - 5 -
    leadership of Wheeling and the leadership of the debtor. It offers
    several examples of this perceived overlap, such as the fact that
    Larry R. Parsons was the principal owner of Wheeling and served as
    a board member of the debtor and the fact that ABC Railway (a
    wholly owned subsidiary of Wheeling) was a shareholder of the
    debtor's parent company.
    On January 4, 2011, the State of Maine agreed to pay
    approximately $21,000,000 for the Lines (of which approximately
    $1,000,000 was to be retained by Maine and applied to other debt
    owed to Maine).    The debtor distributed the proceeds in accordance
    with the waterfall provision of the Second Amendment, with the
    result that Wheeling received $2,708,912.20 (which was applied to
    pay down the debtor's outstanding line of credit).           Despite this
    effort to stanch the flow of red ink, the debtor's financial woes
    persisted and, in mid-2013, it filed a voluntary petition for
    protection under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.          See 
    11 U.S.C. § 301
    .   The bankruptcy court appointed the appellant, Robert J.
    Keach, as the Chapter 11 trustee (the Trustee).1
    On May 26, 2015, the Trustee instituted an adversary
    proceeding    against   Wheeling,    seeking   to   avoid   the   waterfall
    disbursement made to it as constructively fraudulent under section
    1 During the pendency of this proceeding, the Trustee was
    appointed estate representative of the post-effective-date estate
    pursuant to the debtor's chapter 11 plan of liquidation. For ease
    in reference, we refer to him throughout as the Trustee.
    - 6 -
    5(b) of Maine's Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (UFTA), which
    proscribes    certain    conveyances   by   an     insolvent   debtor   to   an
    "insider."     See 
     § 544(b); 14 M.R.S.A. § 3576(2).               Wheeling
    moved to dismiss the Trustee's complaint pursuant to Rule 7012 of
    the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure.              It argued that the
    waterfall disbursements did not consist of "assets" belonging to
    the debtor and, in the alternative, that the Trustee had failed
    plausibly to allege that Wheeling was an "insider" vis-à-vis the
    debtor.   Accepting Wheeling's first argument, the bankruptcy court
    dismissed the complaint with prejudice for failure to state an
    actionable    claim.      It   reasoned     that    because    the   waterfall
    disbursements were part of a single transaction, all aspects of
    which should be deemed to have occurred simultaneously, they
    remained encumbered by the FRA's lien up to and until the time of
    disbursement (and, therefore, did not comprise property belonging
    to the debtor).        The bankruptcy court did not reach Wheeling's
    alternative ground for dismissal.
    The Trustee appealed to the federal district court,
    which affirmed on substantially similar reasoning.              See Keach v.
    Wheeling & Lake Erie Ry. (In re Montreal, Me. & Atl. Ry.) (MMA
    II), No. 1:17-CV-00012, 
    2017 WL 3485560
    , at *4-5 (D. Me. Aug. 14,
    2017).    This timely second-tier appeal followed.
    - 7 -
    Congress has established a two-tiered framework for
    appellate review in bankruptcy cases.    See MMA I, 799 F.3d at 4-
    5; City Sanitation, LLC v. Allied Waste Servs. of Mass., LLC (In
    re Am. Cartage, Inc.), 
    656 F.3d 82
    , 87 (1st Cir. 2011).   A litigant
    ordinarily may take a first-tier appeal either to the bankruptcy
    appellate panel or to the district court.   See 
    28 U.S.C. § 158
    (b).     No matter which route is pursued for a first-tier appeal,
    further review is available in the court of appeals.      See MMA I,
    799 F.3d at 5.     In such second-tier proceedings, no particular
    deference is afforded to the determinations of the first-tier
    appellate adjudicator but, rather, we "train the lens of our
    inquiry directly on the bankruptcy court's decision."     Id.
    As said, the bankruptcy court dismissed the complaint
    under Bankruptcy Rule 7012(b), which in effect replicates Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).       In such circumstances, the
    jurisprudence of Rule 12(b)(6) applies with full force.          See
    Privitera v. Curran (In re Curran), 
    855 F.3d 19
    , 24 (1st Cir.
    We review an order granting a motion to dismiss for
    failure to state a claim de novo.   See González v. Vélez, 
    864 F.3d 45
    , 50 (1st Cir. 2017).     In conducting this tamisage, we accept
    the complaint's well-pleaded facts as true and "draw all reasonable
    inferences therefrom in the pleader's favor."   
       "[A] complaint
    - 8 -
    need not set forth 'detailed factual allegations,'" In re Curran,
    855 F.3d at 25 (quoting Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    555 (2007)), "but it must 'contain sufficient factual matter . .
    . to state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face,'" 
    (quoting Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009)).
    The     plausibility    standard     requires      a    court    to
    choreograph   a   two-step   pavane.     See   A.G.   ex   rel.   Maddox   v.
    Elsevier, Inc., 
    732 F.3d 77
    , 80 (1st Cir. 2013).           First, the court
    must "strip away and discard the complaint's conclusory legal
    allegations."     Shay v. Walters, 
    702 F.3d 76
    , 82 (1st Cir. 2012).
    Second, "the court must determine whether the remaining facts allow
    it 'to draw the reasonable inference that the defendant is liable
    for the misconduct alleged.'"          Jane Doe No. 1 v.,
    817 F.3d 12
    , 24 (1st Cir. 2016) (quoting Morales-Cruz v. Univ.
    of P.R., 
    676 F.3d 220
    , 224 (1st Cir. 2012)).                  Dismissal is
    warranted when a complaint's factual averments are "too meager,
    vague, or conclusory to remove the possibility of relief from the
    realm of mere conjecture."     SEC v. Tambone, 
    597 F.3d 436
    , 442 (1st
    Cir. 2010) (en banc).
    Against this backdrop, we turn to the plausibility vel
    non of the Trustee's claim.2       The bankruptcy code authorizes a
    2 The Trustee, who did not attach a copy of the Second
    Amendment to his complaint, argues that we may not rely on language
    in the Second Amendment in gauging plausibility. This argument
    rings hollow.     While we primarily "draw the facts from the
    - 9 -
    trustee to "avoid any transfer of an interest of the debtor in
    property or any obligation incurred by the debtor that is voidable
    under applicable law by a creditor holding an [allowable] unsecured
    claim . . . ." 
    11 U.S.C. § 544
    (b)(1).   A prevailing trustee "may
    recover, for the benefit of the bankruptcy estate," either the
    property transferred fraudulently or its equivalent value.     
    §   550(a); see Merit Mgmt. Grp., LP v. FTI Consulting, Inc., 
    138 S. Ct. 883
    , 889 (2018).     "[A]ny property the trustee recovers
    becomes estate property and is divided pro rata among all general
    creditors."   Cadle Co. v. Mims (In re Moore), 
    608 F.3d 253
    , 260
    (5th Cir. 2010) (emphasis omitted).
    The interpretation of the language employed by Congress
    in drafting the bankruptcy code — including, as pertinent here,
    the term "interest of the debtor in property" under section 544(b)
    — is a matter of federal law.    See Abboud v. Ground Round, Inc.
    operative version of the complaint" in assessing the bona fides of
    a motion to dismiss, González, 864 F.3d at 48, we may supplement
    those facts in certain ways, see, e.g., Haley v. City of Bos., 
    657 F.3d 39
    , 46 (1st Cir. 2011) (identifying, inter alia, "documents
    incorporated by reference into the complaint, matters of public
    record, and facts susceptible to judicial notice" as permissible
    sources of facts); In re Colonial Mortg., 
    324 F.3d at 15-16
    (similar). Here, the complaint repeatedly references the Second
    Amendment, and the Trustee's entire case hinges on a construction
    of that contract. Because the complaint's averments are explicitly
    tied to and dependent upon the Second Amendment (the authenticity
    of which is not challenged), the Second Amendment is fair game in
    gauging the plausibility of the complaint. See Beddall v. State
    St. Bank & Tr. Co., 
    137 F.3d 12
    , 17 (1st Cir. 1998). We proceed
    - 10 -
    (In re Ground Round, Inc.), 
    482 F.3d 15
    , 17 (1st Cir. 2007).            Even
    so,   "the   existence    and   extent   of    the   debtor's   interest    is
    ordinarily a creature of state law."           
     (emphasis in original)
    (citing Butner v. United States, 
    440 U.S. 48
    , 54-55 (1979)).            This
    framework requires us to make a bifurcated determination: we first
    must determine the scope of the debtor's property rights under
    state law and then look to federal law, which "dictates to what
    extent that interest is property of the estate."           Rent-A-Ctr. E.,
    Inc. v. Leonard (In re WEB2B Payment Sols., Inc.), 
    815 F.3d 400
    405 (8th Cir. 2016) (quoting N.S. Garrott & Sons v. Union Planters
    Nat'l Bank of Memphis (In re N.S. Garrott & Sons), 
    772 F.2d 462
    466 (8th Cir. 1985)).
    In the case at hand, the parties agree that Maine is the
    source of the relevant state law, and we follow their lead.                See
    Rok Builders, LLC v. 2010-1 SFG Venture LLC (In re Moultonborough
    Hotel Grp., LLC), 
    726 F.3d 1
    , 5 n.3 (1st Cir. 2013).            When applying
    Maine law, we rely principally on the jurisprudence of its highest
    court (the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, commonly called the Law
    Court).   See Butler v. Balolia, 
    736 F.3d 609
    , 612 (1st Cir. 2013).
    Absent an on-point decision of the Law Court, we "endeavor to
    predict how [the Law Court] would likely decide the question" by
    relying on the "types of sources that the state's highest court
    would   be    apt   to   consult,"    such    as   persuasive   out-of-state
    - 11 -
    precedents, learned treatises, and public policy considerations.
    Id. at 613; see MMA I, 799 F.3d at 10.
    The Trustee alleges that Maine's version of the UFTA
    renders the waterfall disbursement to Wheeling voidable.       Under
    that statute, a "transfer" of an asset by a debtor "is fraudulent
    as to a creditor whose claim arose before the transfer" if the
    debtor, while insolvent, made the conveyance "to an insider for an
    antecedent debt" and "the insider had reasonable cause to believe
    that the debtor was insolvent."    14 M.R.S.A. § 3576(2).   Wheeling
    denies not only that it was chargeable with "insider" status but
    also that the waterfall disbursement to it involved any "assets"
    of the bankruptcy estate.
    For purposes of the UFTA, "transfer" and "asset" are
    terms of art.3    A "transfer" consists of "[e]very mode . . . of
    disposing of or parting with an asset or an interest in an asset."
    Id. § 3572(12).     An "asset" includes "property of a debtor," but
    does not include "[p]roperty to the extent that it is encumbered
    by a valid lien."    Id. § 3572(2).
    The parties argue at length about when the FRA's release
    of its lien on the Lines took effect.    The Trustee says that this
    3 "Insider" is likewise a term of art, but one that need not
    concern us. Because we conclude that the waterfall disbursements
    did not implicate assets belonging to the bankruptcy estate, see
    infra, we have no occasion to address Wheeling's alternative
    - 12 -
    occurred prior to the making of the waterfall disbursement to
    Wheeling.         In Wheeling's view, though, the lien remained in effect
    until       the    debtor   fully    complied    with   the   Second   Amendment's
    waterfall provision. Like the bankruptcy court, the district court
    agreed       with    Wheeling,      concluding   that   all   of   the   waterfall
    disbursements dealt with property that was encumbered at the time
    of the transfer and, for that reason, did not involve "assets" of
    the debtor.           See MMA II, 
    2017 WL 3485560
    , at *5; see also 14
    M.R.S.A. § 3572(2), (12).
    We need not resolve the knotty questions concerning the
    temporal relationship between the FRA's release of its lien and
    the waterfall disbursements.              Even if we assume for argument's
    sake that the Lines were no longer encumbered by the FRA's lien at
    the time the waterfall disbursement to Wheeling was made, the
    debtor did not hold an interest in that property that is voidable
    under section 544(b).            We explain briefly.4
    Although our reasoning differs from that of the courts
    below, such a variance is wholly permissible. When reviewing the
    grant of a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim, we are
    not wed to the lower court's reasoning but may affirm on any ground
    supported by the record. See Kando v. R.I. State Bd. of Elections,
    880 F.3d 53
    , 58 (1st Cir. 2018); González, 864 F.3d at 50.
    In a related vein, the Trustee complains that the ground we
    find dispositive was not argued by Wheeling in the bankruptcy
    court. This plaint is unavailing. When engaged in de novo review,
    "[w]e are at liberty to affirm a district court's judgment on any
    ground made manifest by the record, whether or not that particular
    ground was raised below." United States v. George, ____ F.3d ___,
    ___ (1st Cir. 2018) [No. 17-1371, slip op. at 15]; accord Hoover
    v. Harrington (In re Hoover), 
    828 F.3d 5
    , 8 (1st Cir. 2016); Doe
    - 13 -
    The    solution     to   this   puzzle   hinges   on   the   Second
    Amendment.         In   Maine,   as   elsewhere,   "[i]nterpretation      of   an
    unambiguous [contract] provision is a matter of law, and the
    provision is given its plain, ordinary, and generally accepted
    meaning."    Daniel G. Lilley Law Off., P.A. v. Flynn, 
    129 A.3d 936
    940 (Me. 2015) (quoting Reliance Nat'l Indem. v. Knowles Indus.
    Servs., Corp., 
    868 A.2d 220
    , 228 (Me. 2005)).                   As the plain
    language of the Second Amendment makes pellucid, the relationship
    between the contracting parties (the debtor and the FRA) was akin
    to a bailment, which is an arrangement involving "the delivery of
    personal property by one person to another in trust for a specific
    purpose, with a contract . . . that the trust shall be faithfully
    executed and the property returned or duly accounted for when the
    special purpose is accomplished . . . ."              Frost v. Chaplin Motor
    25 A.2d 225
    , 226 (Me. 1942) (citation omitted); see Westleigh
    v. Conger, 
    755 A.2d 518
    , 519-20 (Me. 2000); Levesque v. Nanny, 
    53 A.2d 703
    , 704 (Me. 1947).
    Here, the FRA initially held title to the Lines as
    mortgagee.     See Mortg. Elec. Regist. Sys., Inc. v. Saunders, 
    2 A.3d 289
    , 294 (Me. 2010).             As such, it controlled the proposed
    sale of the Lines (which were to be sold for an amount that was
    v. Anrig, 
    728 F.2d 30
    , 32 (1st Cir. 1984) (Breyer, J.). In any
    event, there is no unfairness here: the dispositive ground was
    briefed and argued both in the district court and in this court.
    - 14 -
    less than the amount of debt secured by its lien).            Through the
    Second Amendment, the FRA approved the sale of the Lines and waived
    its lien.   With respect to consideration, the FRA required, among
    other things, that the proceeds from the sale be paid to an "escrow
    agent"5 for the special purpose of distributing those funds to the
    parties enumerated in Section 3.b.ii. of the Second Amendment upon
    perfection of the FRA's replacement lien. Cf. Dean Witter Reynolds
    Inc. v. Variable Annuity Life Ins. Co., 
    373 F.3d 1100
    , 1108 (10th
    Cir. 2004) (explaining that placement of "monies . . . in accounts
    for   certain   specific   purposes,   such   as   escrow   accounts"   may
    establish bailment at common law); Lawrence v. Lincoln Cty. Tr.
    131 A. 863
    , 867 (Me. 1926) (similar).
    Whatever the proper label for this type of transaction,
    the bottom line is that the debtor could not have put the proceeds
    to any use that was not authorized by the FRA under the terms of
    the Second Amendment. Pertinently for present purposes, the Second
    Amendment had the effect of forbidding the debtor from using the
    The term "escrow" is often used to describe "[a]n account
    held in trust or as security." Black's Law Dictionary, 662 (10th
    ed. 2014). Although the Second Amendment can be read to allow the
    selection of a third party to serve as escrow agent for the purpose
    of making the specific distributions, it appears from the record
    that the debtor itself served this function.        In all events,
    nothing turns on the identity of the party serving this function,
    and the Trustee has not alleged that the failure to appoint an
    independent escrow agent was in any way adverse to the rights of
    the bankruptcy estate.
    - 15 -
    proceeds to pay general creditors save for the approximately
    $1,000,000 that was earmarked for accounts payable.
    Having determined that, under Maine law, the waterfall
    provision   created   a   relationship   resembling    a   bailment,   our
    analysis must proceed under applicable federal law, that is, under
    section 544(b).   As the Supreme Court has explained in construing
    similar language under section 547(b), the term "'property of the
    debtor' . . . is best understood as that property that would have
    been part of the estate had it not been transferred before the
    commencement of the bankruptcy proceedings."          Begier v. IRS, 
    496 U.S. 53
    , 58 (1990); see Stettner v. Smith, (In re IFS Fin. Corp.),
    669 F.3d 255
    , 261 (5th Cir. 2012) (applying Begier in the section
    544(b)(1) context).   In other words, "[a] bankruptcy estate cannot
    succeed to a greater interest in property than the debtor held
    prior to bankruptcy."      NTA, LLC v. Concourse Holding Co. (In re
    NTA, LLC), 
    380 F.3d 523
    , 528 (1st Cir. 2004) (citing 
    11 U.S.C. § 541
    "[T]he principal determinant of whether the debtor has
    'an interest' in the property" is "the degree of control a debtor
    exercises over the property transferred."      MBNA Am. Bank, N.A. v.
    Meoli (In re Wells), 
    561 F.3d 633
    , 635 (6th Cir. 2009) (quoting
    McLemore v. Third Nat'l Bank (In re Montgomery), 
    983 F.2d 1389
    1395 (6th Cir. 1993)); accord Southmark Corp. v. Grosz (In re
    Southmark Corp.), 
    49 F.3d 1111
    , 1116-17 & n.16-17 (5th Cir. 1995).
    - 16 -
    So, for example, a bank account used by a debtor to pay general
    creditors of its own choosing may be avoidable, even if the bank
    account is in another person's name.    See Riley v. Nat'l Lumber
    Co. (In re Reale), 
    584 F.3d 27
    , 31 (1st Cir. 2009).   By contrast,
    property is not part of the bankruptcy estate when "the debtor
    merely receives [it] in order to deliver it to its intended
    recipient without any control or ownership over it."       City of
    Springfield v. Ostrander (In re LAN Tamers, Inc.), 
    329 F.3d 204
    210 (1st Cir. 2003).   So, for example, if a debtor incurs health-
    care expenses covered by insurance, and the insurance company sends
    payment to the debtor before the debtor pays the health-care
    provider, the insurer's payments would not be property recoverable
    by the debtor's creditors.   See 
     (citing S. Rep. No. 95-989, at
    82 (1978), as reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5787, 5868; H.R. Rep.
    No. 95-595 (1978), at 368, as reprinted in 1978 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5963,
    6324).   It follows that where, as here, the debtor holds funds as
    a mere disbursing agent pursuant to a contract that prevents it
    from putting the funds to any use other than that designated in
    the contract, the trustee cannot avoid the debtor's transfer of
    the funds in compliance with the contract.     See Lyon v. Contech
    Constr. Prods., Inc. (In re Computrex, Inc.), 
    403 F.3d 807
    , 811,
    813 (6th Cir. 2005); see also Old Republic Nat'l Title Ins. Co. v.
    Tyler (In re Dameron), 
    155 F.3d 718
    , 722-23 (4th Cir. 1998).
    - 17 -
    These limitations on the scope of the bankruptcy estate
    make good commercial sense.     They prevent unsecured creditors from
    sharing in funds that the debtor could not have retained for its
    own use.     See In re LAN Tamers, 
    329 F.3d at 215
    .             By the same
    token, such limitations are consistent with the Supreme Court's
    admonition that the law "does not authorize a trustee to distribute
    other people's property among a bankrupt's creditors."                Pearlman
    v. Reliance Ins. Co., 
    371 U.S. 132
    , 135-36 (1962).
    The upshot is that the debtor was a mere "transfer
    station along the road to payment" of the parties specified under
    the   waterfall   provision.     In    re   Computrex,   
    403 F.3d at 811
    (citation omitted). Thus, it lacked a cognizable property interest
    in    the   waterfall   disbursement    paid   to   Wheeling.         See   
    Consequently, that disbursement is not avoidable under section
    In an effort to blunt the force of this reasoning, the
    Trustee relies heavily on the use of the disbursements to pay down
    the debtor's indebtedness.        He attempts to draw an analogy to
    preferential transfer cases under section 547(b) in which third
    parties pay off general creditors as part of the purchase price of
    a debtor's assets.      See, e.g., Warsco v. Preferred Tech. Grp., 
    258 F.3d 557
    , 565-66 (7th Cir. 2001); Buckley v. Jeld-Wen, Inc.                 (In
    re Interior Wood Prods. Co.), 
    986 F.2d 228
    , 231 (8th Cir. 1993);
    Feltman v. Bd. of Cty. Comm'rs. of Metro. Dade Cty. (In re S.E.L.
    - 18 -
    Maduro (Fla.), Inc.), 
    205 B.R. 987
    , 991-92 (Bankr.S.D.Fla. 1997).
    The Trustee says that this case is of the same genre because the
    Lines were sold to a third party and some (but not all) of the
    debtor's creditors received portions of the sale proceeds to
    satisfy existing debts.
    We    find    this    proffered     analogy   unpersuasive.       The
    preferential transfer cases hawked by the Trustee rest on the
    notion that "[if] the funds the third party used to pay the
    creditor were consideration for the debtor's sale of its assets,"
    then those funds are considered "property" of the estate because
    they "would have been available for distribution" to the general
    pool of creditors "had they not been transferred."               Warsco, 
    258 F.3d at 565
    ; cf. Begier, 
    496 U.S. at 58
     (explaining bankruptcy
    code's "central policy" of ensuring "[e]quality of distribution
    among creditors").
    The case at hand is a horse of a quite different hue:
    unlike in these preferential transfer cases, the Lines were not
    "assets" that belonged outright to the debtor prior to consummation
    of the relevant transactions but, rather, were subject to the FRA's
    mortgage and lien.       See 14 M.R.S.A. § 3572(2).          As the Trustee
    readily acknowledges, "the FRA would have been entitled to the
    proceeds" from a sale of the Lines "but for" the Second Amendment.
    And although the FRA granted a limited waiver of its lien, it
    conditioned    that    waiver   on   the    debtor's    distribution   of   the
    - 19 -
    proceeds   in     compliance      with    the     Second   Amendment's     waterfall
    provision. The FRA made a choice to allocate the proceeds to which
    it was entitled among certain of the debtor's creditors, an
    allocation that it apparently concluded was "equitable and in the
    overall best interest of the United States."
    Seen in this light, it is readily apparent that this is
    not a case in which a debtor decides to sell his assets and divert
    the proceeds to pay certain creditors to the detriment of others.
    Instead,   it     is   a   case   in     which    a    senior   lienholder   imposes
    conditions that preclude the debtor from exercising effective
    control    over    the     sale   proceeds.           Accordingly,   the   waterfall
    disbursement to Wheeling did not consist of property of the
    debtor's estate.         See In re Computrex, 
    403 F.3d at 813
    The Trustee nonetheless insists that other averments in
    the complaint render his allegations about the debtor's control
    over the waterfall disbursements plausible.                     As he sees it, the
    debtor "could not have 'paid' [Wheeling] if it did not have control
    or dominion over the proceeds."             The fly in this ointment is that
    the Trustee mistakenly equates the debtor's possession of the sale
    proceeds with its control over those proceeds.                   The mere fact that
    the debtor briefly possessed the sale proceeds (apparently as an
    escrow agent) does not mean that it had any discretion to use those
    proceeds as it saw fit.
    - 20 -
    Were   the    Trustee's        reasoning   valid,    any   property
    possessed by a bailee, however fleetingly, would become property
    of   that   bailee's     estate   in   a    bankruptcy      proceeding.    This
    proposition is untenable.         The law is luminously clear that, in
    the absence of a state statute to the contrary — and no such
    statute has been cited here — "if property is in a debtor's hands
    as bailee or agent," that property is not recoverable by the
    bankruptcy trustee. 5 Collier on Bankruptcy ¶ 541.05 (A.N. Resnick
    & H.J. Sommer, eds., 16th ed. 2017); see Kitchen v. Boyd (In re
    233 F.3d 922
    , 933 (6th Cir. 2000); Torkelson v. Maggio
    (In re The Guild & Gallery Plus, Inc.), 
    72 F.3d 1171
    , 1180 (3d
    Cir. 1996).    Consequently, we reject the Trustee's flawed attempt
    to equate "possession" with "control."
    Undaunted,     the    Trustee     tries    to    attach    decretory
    significance to the fact that the FRA received only $2,400,000 or
    so from the sale of the Lines (more than $30,000,000 less than the
    total of the loan balance, plus incurred interest and penalties),
    while the 2003 Investors received payment in full.                 The Trustee
    suggests that this fact shows that the debtor, not the FRA, had
    control over the sale proceeds.             But this suggestion represents
    magical thinking:      the debtor could never have sold the Lines, let
    alone decided how to distribute the sale proceeds, without the
    FRA's approval.        That the FRA chose to structure the waterfall
    disbursements in a way that favored the 2003 Investors may well be
    - 21 -
    an indication that the 2003 Investors had some leverage; it is
    not, however, an indication that the debtor had control over the
    sale proceeds.
    We recognize that the FRA's decision to divert the
    proceeds of the sale to less senior creditors may seem unusual,
    but the FRA is not a typical transacting party.               Rather, the FRA
    is an executive agency of the United States, which employs its
    lending program to maintain and improve the nation's railroads.
    45 U.S.C. § 822
    .     Here, it agreed to a loan modification that
    it deemed to be in the national interest; and in structuring that
    modification, it presumably determined that the national interest
    would   be   best   served    by   distributing     the    sale    proceeds    in
    accordance with the waterfall provision.             We have no reason to
    believe that it would have surrendered its security interest in
    the Lines otherwise. To permit the Trustee retroactively to unwind
    this transaction would simply second-guess the FRA and disturb the
    balance that it sought to strike without any principled basis for
    doing so.
    In a last ditch attempt to salvage his complaint, the
    Trustee points to other allegations in the complaint that, in his
    view, make his claim plausible.           He emphasizes, for instance, the
    complaint's     allegations        that    the    waterfall       disbursements
    "consisted    entirely   of   unencumbered       assets"   belonging    to    the
    debtor at the time of payment.            The problem, though, is that the
    - 22 -
    Trustee    gives    too   much   weight   to   conclusory     statements   and
    rhetorical flourishes.       Plausibility demands that a pleader offer
    more substantial stuff.          See Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. at 678
    .          As the
    Supreme Court has explained, "'labels and conclusions' or 'a
    formulaic recitation of the elements of a cause of action will not
     (quoting Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 555
    ).             Nor will "bald
    assertion[s]" satisfy the plausibility standard.                A.G. ex vel.
    Maddox, 732 F.3d at 80.
    In     this   instance,   the      conclusory     statements   and
    rhetorical flourishes contained in the complaint are belied by the
    cold, hard facts. Under the plausibility standard, fairly applied,
    the complaint does not state a claim upon which relief can be
    Teetering on the brink of defeat, the Trustee scrambles
    to attain firmer footing by switching the subject.                He contends
    that he should at least have been given leave to amend his
    complaint pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 7015.          This contention gains
    him no ground.
    Bankruptcy Rule 7015 employs Rule 15 of the Federal Rules
    of Civil Procedure as the "mechanism for adjudicating motions to
    amend a pleading in the bankruptcy context."                In re Curran, 855
    F.3d at 27.      Subject to the exceptions not pertinent here, Rule 15
    authorizes amendment only by leave of court.           See Fed. R. Civ. P.
    15(a)(2).     Though a "court should freely give leave when justice
    - 23 -
    so requires," id., it has discretion to deny such a request for
    reasons including "undue delay," "bad faith or dilatory motive,"
    "undue prejudice," or "futility of amendment," Foman v. Davis, 
    371 U.S. 178
    , 182 (1962).    We review denial of leave to amend for abuse
    of that discretion.     See In re Curran, 855 F.3d at 28.
    To begin, the Trustee requested leave to amend for the
    first time in the district court.        He never asked for any such
    largesse in the bankruptcy court.     Ordinarily, a party must "seek
    any relief that might fairly have been thought available" in the
    nisi prius court, on pain of waiver.       Beaulieu v. IRS, 
    865 F.2d 1351
    , 1352 (1st Cir. 1989) (Aldrich, J.); accord Vega-Rodriguez v.
    P.R. Tel. Co., 
    110 F.3d 174
    , 184 (1st Cir. 1997).        The Trustee
    fails to articulate any reason sufficient to warrant a departure
    from this prudential principle.
    Even if we were disposed to overlook this waiver — and
    we are not — the Trustee has not identified any other or further
    factual allegations that could be set out in an amended complaint
    that would suffice to revivify his failed avoidance claim.        The
    terms of the Second Amendment are clear and, on this record, leave
    to amend would appear to be "an empty exercise."     Vega-Rodriguez,
    110 F.3d at 184
    .   Consequently, the district court neither lapsed
    into error nor abused its discretion in rejecting the Trustee's
    belated request for leave to amend his complaint.           See In re
    Curran, 855 F.3d at 28-29 (denying leave to amend as futile because
    - 24 -
    of plaintiff's failure to allege additional facts that would render
    claim plausible); Coyne v. City of Somerville, 
    972 F.2d 440
    , 446
    (1st Cir. 1992) (similar).
    We need go no further. For the reasons elucidated above,
    the dismissal of the Trustee's complaint is
    - 25 -

Document Info

Docket Number: 17-1912P

Citation Numbers: 888 F.3d 1

Filed Date: 4/18/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (36)

In Re American Cartage, Inc. , 656 F.3d 82 ( 2011 )

Haley v. City of Boston , 657 F.3d 39 ( 2011 )

Abboud v. Ground Round, Inc. (In Re Ground Round, Inc.) , 482 F.3d 15 ( 2007 )

Morales-Cruz v. University of Puerto Rico , 676 F.3d 220 ( 2012 )

Hector Vega-Rodriguez v. Puerto Rico Telephone Company , 110 F.3d 174 ( 1997 )

City of Springfield v. Ostrander (In Re LAN Tamers, Inc.) , 329 F.3d 204 ( 2003 )

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