United States v. Martinez-Maldonado , 913 F.3d 244 ( 2019 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 18-1358
    Defendant, Appellant.
    No. 18-1370
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Francisco A. Besosa, U.S. District Judge]
    Howard, Chief Judge,
    Torruella and Kayatta, Circuit Judges.
    Martin G. Weinberg, with whom Kimberly Homan, were on brief,
    for appellant Bravo-Fernández.
    Abbe David Lowell, with whom Christopher D. Man and Winston
    & Strawn LLP were on brief, for appellant Martínez-Maldonado.
    Vijay Shanker, U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division,
    Appellate Section, with whom Brian A. Benczkowski, Assistant
    Attorney General, Matthew S. Miner, Deputy Assistant Attorney
    General, Peter M. Koski, Public Integrity Section, and Gwendolyn
    Amelia Stamper, Public Integrity Section, were on brief, for
    January 17, 2019
    TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge.             Because everything old is new
    again, 1 Defendants   Juan   Bravo-Fernández           ("Bravo")     and    Héctor
    Martínez-Maldonado ("Martínez") come before us for a third time.
    See United States v. Bravo-Fernández, 
    790 F.3d 41
    (1st Cir. 2015);
    United States v. Fernández, 
    722 F.3d 1
    (1st Cir. 2013).                    In this
    appeal, they seek to overturn their 2017 convictions for federal
    program bribery under 18 U.S.C. § 666, arguing primarily that
    evidence stipulated to early in the proceedings was insufficient
    to convict.
    Among the elements of § 666, the government was required
    to establish that the entity Martínez represented as an agent, in
    this case the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, received at least
    $10,000 in federal "benefits" within the meaning of that statute.
    The government did not meet this burden.                Accordingly, we must
    reverse defendants' convictions for federal program bribery.
    The   pertinent    facts    and        procedural     background     are
    examined in detail in 
    Bravo-Fernández, 790 F.3d at 43-45
    , and
    Fernández, 722 F.3d at 6-8
    , for which we only sketch a high-level
    overview of that account here.
    1   Peter Allen, Everything Old            Is    New   Again,   in   Continental
    American (A&M Records 1974).
    This case traces its origin to 2010, when Bravo and
    Martínez were charged with federal program bribery in violation of
    § 666, among other things.       The charges stemmed from payments that
    Bravo made in 2005 involving a trip to Las Vegas to which he
    invited Martínez, then a Puerto Rico senator.            According to the
    government, Bravo used the trip to bribe Martínez in exchange for
    his support of pending legislation that would have favored Bravo's
    business, Ranger American, a local security company.
    Bravo and Martínez were first tried and found guilty of
    federal program bribery in 2011, an outcome which they successfully
    challenged before this court.        See 
    Fernández, 722 F.3d at 6
    , 39.
    In that initial appeal, we ruled that § 666 only criminalizes
    bribery, not gratuities, and that the evidence presented at trial,
    together with the jury instructions, could have led the jury to
    improperly convict on either a "bribery" or "gratuity" theory.
    Id. 16-17, 23-26.
          Because it was insufficiently clear to discern
    which theory the jury relied on to reach its verdict, we vacated
    defendants' convictions on the § 666 counts and remanded for
    potential re-prosecution.       
    Id. at 26-28,
    On remand, Bravo and Martínez moved for judgment of
    acquittal,    arguing    that   double   jeopardy   barred   their   renewed
    Bravo-Fernández, 790 F.3d at 43
    , 49.         The district
    court rejected this contention, after which defendants sought
    refuge before our court once again.           
    Id. at 43.
        This time,
    however, defendants' appeal was unsuccessful and we affirmed the
    district court's decision on the double jeopardy issue.              
    Id. Defendants' further
    appellate endeavor before the Supreme Court
    reached a similar result.     See Bravo-Fernández v. United States,
    137 S. Ct. 352
    Bravo and Martínez faced their second trial in May 2017,
    and once again a jury found them guilty of federal program bribery
    under § 666.    Those proceedings devolved into the instant appeal,
    the latest stage in this case's arduous journey.
    We are able to reduce the several questions that have
    been raised before us2 to the only one that merits our decisional
    attention and mandates the outcome of this appeal: Whether the
    government     introduced   evidence   at    trial   to    satisfy   the
    jurisdictional element under 18 U.S.C. § 666(b) that the government
    entity involved received "benefits in excess of $10,000 under a
    Federal program." (emphasis added).         Where, as here, defendants
    have preserved a sufficiency challenge, we review de novo a
    2  Defendants also challenge, among other things, the sufficiency
    of the evidence other than that presented to satisfy the
    jurisdictional element, the propriety of the jury instructions,
    some of the district court's evidentiary rulings, and their
    sentences. Our decision on the sufficiency issue makes it
    unnecessary to reach the merits of such challenges.
    district court's denial of their motion for judgment of acquittal.
    United States v. Acevedo-Hernández, 
    898 F.3d 150
    , 161 (1st Cir.
    To maintain a conviction for federal program bribery,
    the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the party
    receiving the bribe was an agent of an entity that "receives, in
    any one year period, benefits in excess of $10,000 under a Federal
    program involving a grant, contract, subsidy, loan, guarantee,
    insurance, or other form of Federal assistance."                       18 U.S.C.
    § 666(b).       This   requirement     is   often        referred   to    as   the
    "jurisdictional element" of § 666.             See, e.g., United States v.
    802 F.3d 1228
    , 1240 (11th Cir. 2015).              And not all federal
    funds constitute "benefits" under the statute.                  See Fischer v.
    United States, 
    529 U.S. 667
    , 681 (2000) ("Any receipt of federal
    funds can, at some level of generality, be characterized as a
    benefit.    The statute does not employ this broad, almost limitless
    use of the term."); see also United States v. Dubón-Otero, 
    292 F.3d 1
    , 7 n.7 (1st Cir. 2002) (acknowledging that there exists
    "compensation    of    the   type   excluded    by   §    666   (c)"     including
    salaries, wages and expenses paid in the usual course of business).
    In Fischer, the Supreme Court explained that only federal monies
    that     "promote[]    well-being,"    such     as   those      which      provide
    individuals with "financial help in time of sickness, old age, or
    unemployment," may qualify as "benefits."                
    Fischer, 529 U.S. at 677
      (citing    Webster's      Third   New   International     Dictionary      204
    (1971)).     Critically, "[t]o determine whether an organization
    participating in a federal assistance program receives 'benefits,'
    an examination must be undertaken of the program's structure,
    operation, and purpose."             
    Id. at 681.
        The government has the
    burden of producing adequate evidence for this examination to
    In resolving if the § 666(b) jurisdictional element was
    satisfied, we find it instructive to begin by comparing the
    evidence that the government offered on this key element during
    the 2011 trial with that it presented in the 2017 proceedings
    leading to this appeal.
    At defendants' first trial, the government introduced
    evidence     specifically       tailored      to   establishing      the    §    666
    jurisdictional       requirement.       An    employee   of    the   Puerto     Rico
    Treasury Department testified for the government that "the Senate
    of Puerto Rico childcare program (known as the Food Program for
    the Care of Children and Adults) receive[d] funding from the
    Government      of   the    United   States."      United     States   v.   Bravo-
    828 F. Supp. 2d 441
    , 455 (D.P.R. 2011), rev'd in part,
    vacated in part sub nom. United States v. Fernández, 
    722 F.3d 1
    (1st Cir. 2013).           The witness further averred, with the support
    of documentation also admitted into evidence, that the Puerto Rico
    Senate annually received around $20,000 in federal funds for the
    childcare program during the relevant period.                 
    Id. at 456.
    provided the basis for the district court to conclude in its
    resolution of the Rule 29 motion for judgment of acquittal that
    "[t]he federal assistance received by the Senate of Puerto Rico
    for [its] childcare program clearly qualifies as a 'benefit'
    provided under a federal program" for purposes of § 666(b).                   
    Id. In contrast,
    the record of the second trial is barren of
    evidence showing disbursement of federal "benefits" to the Senate
    of Puerto Rico or even to the Commonwealth as a whole.                      All we
    have is a stipulation the parties accorded prior to trial providing
    that "in fiscal year 2005[,] the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
    received more than $10,000 in federal funding.                Specifically, from
    October 1, 2004, to September 30, 2005, the Commonwealth of Puerto
    Rico received over $4.7 billion in federal funds." (emphasis added)
    Later,   on    the   first   day   of   trial   during    a    conference    about
    preliminary jury instructions, the district judge asked counsel
    whether this stipulation allowed him to inform jurors that the
    § 666 jurisdictional element had been met.               Counsel for defendant
    Martínez responded that the court should not instruct so because
    "the . . . law . . . doesn't equate funds with benefits, and the
    statute says benefits. . . . We have stipulated to the amount of
    money,   but   not    that      [the   jurisdictional]     element     has    been
    satisfied."    Incredibly, this clear warning of things to come went
    unattended and the government proceeded to present its case in
    chief without introducing any evidence to cover this gaping hole
    in its case.
    Following the close of the government's case, defendants
    made a Rule 29 motion for a verdict of acquittal in which they
    specifically argued that the government failed to establish the
    existence of $10,000 in benefits under a federal program.                     The
    district   court     denied     this   motion    without   explanation.         In
    charging the jury, the district court stated that § 666 only
    required jurors to find that the Commonwealth received federal
    "funds of more than $10,000."            No instruction was given on what
    constitutes a benefit, and the word "benefits" does not appear
    even once throughout the instructions.                 Counsel for defendant
    Martínez   objected        to   the    instruction's    language,      but    that
    objection was summarily overruled by the district court.
    Given     the    foregoing,     and   in   keeping   with    our    own
    precedent and that of the Supreme Court, we can only conclude that
    the government failed to meet its burden of establishing that the
    entity Martínez represented as an agent received the amount of
    benefits required under § 666(b).             The government's arguments to
    the contrary are futile.
    First, the government directs us to a paragraph in our
    2013 opinion in Fernández, which examined defendants' 2011 trial
    and noted that:
    [D]uring 2005 -- the year of the charged conduct -- the
    Commonwealth received over $4.7 billion in federal
    funds. Because Martínez . . . [is an] agent[] of the
    Commonwealth, the evidence was sufficient to show that
    [he is an] agent[] of a "government . . . [that]
    receives, in any one year period, benefits in excess
    of $10,000 under a Federal 
    program." 722 F.3d at 9
    (quoting 18 U.S.C. § 666(b)).               This statement that
    the jurisdictional element was satisfied in defendants' first
    trial, the government purports, should also control here because
    of   the   law   of   the    case   doctrine,   which    "bars   a   party   from
    resurrecting issues that either were, or could have been, decided
    on an earlier appeal."         United States v. Matthews, 
    643 F.3d 9
    , 12-
    13 (1st Cir. 2011) (citation omitted).                  But our statement in
    Fernández is not dispositive as it was neither essential to our
    holding there nor could the issue now before us have been decided
    in that initial appeal.         Contrary to what the government contends,
    defendants did not argue about the funds-benefits distinction in
    their first appeal.         See Brief for Appellant Bravo at 25-27, United
    States v. Fernández, 
    722 F.3d 1
    (1st Cir. 2013)(No. 12-1289); Brief
    for Appellant Martínez at 25-28, United States v. Fernández, 
    722 F.3d 1
    (1st Cir. 2013)(No. 12-1290).             And they had no reason to
    do so because, as explained above, the government introduced
    specific evidence at that first trial to establish the existence
    of the requisite amount of federal benefits.           The issue before us
    in   that   case   was   whether    Martínez     was   an   "agent"   of    the
    Commonwealth, not whether "benefits" as used in the statute were
    received.     Thus, the statement from Fernández the government
    relies on is nothing but dicta that "lack[s] any binding or
    preclusive effect."      Sexual Minorities Uganda v. Lively, 
    899 F.3d 24
    , 29 (1st Cir. 2018).
    Second, the government contends that both the Supreme
    Court in Fischer and our decision in 
    Dubón-Otero, 292 F.3d at 4
    command an inquiry into the nature of federal funds to determine
    if they are benefits under § 666 only when the payments are
    disbursed "indirectly" to the receiving entity.             This argument is
    also without merit.      In fact, the one reference we made in Dubón-
    Otero to the distinction between entities that receive payments
    directly from the federal government and those that do not was
    that "[i]t makes no difference [whether an agency] received this
    money indirectly.    It is now well established that benefits under
    § 666 are not limited solely to primary target recipients or
    beneficiaries." 292 F.3d at 9
    (citing United States v. Fischer,
    168 F.3d 1273
    , 1278 (11th Cir. 1999) ("[T]he plain language of
    § 666(b) does not distinguish between an organization . . . that
    receives    'benefits'   directly    under   a   federal    program   and   an
    organization . . . that receives 'benefits' as an assignee under
    a federal program.")).       Indisputably, this language affords no
    credit to the government's theory.         Moreover, the reach of Fischer
    is not limited to only those cases involving indirect receipt of
    federal monies.     To the contrary, the Supreme Court's reasoning
    in Fischer, particularly its concern for the proper federal balance
    in this type of case, is by its very nature generally applicable.
    Fischer, 529 U.S. at 681
    In a final attempt to save a sinking ship, the government
    asserts that the stipulation specifying the amount of federal funds
    received by the Commonwealth was sufficient to satisfy the § 666
    jurisdictional element.      The government takes the position that a
    "jury, exercising common sense and relying on general knowledge,
    can   reasonably     infer   that    the    federal   funds   constituted
    'benefits.'"    It is tempting to agree with the government here.
    As judges who hear cases arising out of federal benefit programs
    and who are familiar with how such programs are funded, we are
    certain that there are federal benefit programs that provide far
    more than $10,000 to the Commonwealth and its instrumentalities.
    The question remains, however, whether those programs are funded
    by the $4.7 billion in federal funds that go directly to the
    Commonwealth.      Perhaps the federal benefit programs enjoyed in
    Puerto Rico are financed through other federal monies, leaving the
    $4.7 billion to be spent on infrastructure, salaries, and other
    expenditures that may or may not constitute "benefits" under
    Fischer?     In any event, we see nothing in the record that tells
    us whether any juror would certainly know the answer to these
    questions, nor did the government secure a stipulation supplying
    such answers.
    It is unclear, too, where we would stop if we accept the
    government's invitation to rely on jurors' knowledge of federal
    funding to fill gaps in the government's proof.                Suppose the
    government puts in no evidence about any federal funds at all.
    Could jurors simply fill-in the gap based on their "common sense"
    and "general knowledge" that large amounts of federal funds are
    sent to the Commonwealth government each year?
    Under    the   government's   approach,   the   jurisdictional
    element in many federal criminal cases could be satisfied by
    similar reliance on jurors' extra-record knowledge.           For example,
    one could claim that any juror would know that all banks are
    engaged in, or at least affect, interstate commerce, or that a
    bank is likely FDIC insured.        Yet, the failure to offer any actual
    proof   of    these    relatively   obvious   jurisdictional    facts   has
    repeatedly proved fatal to criminal prosecutions.               See United
    States v. Leslie, 
    103 F.3d 1093
    , 1102-3 (2d Cir. 1997) (reversing
    conviction because government "did not provide even the slenderest
    of     threads"   upon     which      to     hang   the   interstate    commerce
    jurisdictional element); United States v. Sliker, 
    751 F.2d 477
    484 (2d Cir. 1984) (affirming conviction based on oral testimony
    of FDIC-insured status, but warning the government of failure to
    "ask the simple question that would avoid the need for judicial
    consideration of what should be a non-problem"); see also United
    States v. Davis, 
    726 F.3d 357
    , 366-7 (2d Cir. 2013) (holding that
    the government had failed to meet its burden by assuming that a
    federal installation on federal land automatically came within
    federal jurisdiction, but affirming after taking judicial notice
    of the fact at the government's behest).
    We have considered the Third Circuit's recent decision
    in United States v. Willis, 
    844 F.3d 155
    (3d Cir. 2016), in which
    the government relied on proof that the Government of the Virgin
    Islands received $150 million in federal funds.               The Willis court
    took a different route than that urged by the government in this
    case.     Rather than relying on juror common sense, the court in
    Willis held that federal funds paid to a territorial government
    were a benefit to that government because they "significantly
    supported the government." 
    Id. at 168.
                 We do not see, though, how
    that type of financial support to a local government equates to a
    "benefit" of the type required by Fischer.                As in this case, it
    does    not   appear     that   any    federal      program   was   specifically
    identified in Willis, prohibiting the ability to determine, under
    Fischer's "benefits" analysis, whether the funds received by the
    Government of the Virgin Islands were used for such promotion of
    Despite its insistence that the Fischer analysis need
    only be applied if it is "difficult" to determine whether the
    federal payments were benefits, the government seems blind to the
    fact that without reference to a specific federal program it is
    not only difficult but impossible to make such a determination.
    Again,   the    stipulation    entered     between        the    parties     made   no
    reference to "benefits" or, for that matter, to any federal
    program.        The   stipulation   also    did     not    provide        information
    regarding the intended or actual use of any portion of the $4.7
    billion in federal funds.       It only provided that the "Commonwealth
    of Puerto Rico received over $4.7 billion in federal funds" during
    the relevant time period.           Concluding that such a stipulation
    sufficed to satisfy the jurisdictional element would counter the
    plain language of § 666(b) requiring proof that the government
    entity involved received "benefits in excess of $10,000 under a
    Federal program."         It would also contravene the government's
    burden     to   put   forth   evidence      about    the        federal     program's
    "structure, operation, and purpose" in order to make ascertainable
    whether an entity received "benefits" under § 666(b).                        Fischer,
    -15- 529 U.S. at 681
    .     Most of our sister circuits to have addressed
    this issue agree.3   To hold otherwise and conclude that any receipt
    of federal funds is enough to satisfy the jurisdictional element
    would transmute § 666 into the general bribery statute that the
    Fischer court warned against and "upset[] the proper federal
    Id. III. For
    the reasons explained above, we conclude that the
    government failed to establish an essential element of the crime
    it charged defendants with.     We need not go further and hereby
    reverse Bravo's and Martínez's § 666 convictions.     We direct the
    district court to enter a judgment of acquittal on both charges.
    3  See, e.g., United States v. Paixao, 
    885 F.3d 1203
    , 1206 (9th
    Cir. 2018) ("[N]ot all payments under federal programs qualify as
    'benefits' . . . . [T]he inquiry turns on the attributes of the
    federal program[.]") (citation omitted); United States v. Pinson,
    860 F.3d 152
    , 166 (4th Cir. 2017) ("Because any receipt of federal
    funds could 'at some level of generality' be characterized as a
    benefit, . . . the Court provided guidelines to distinguish between
    covered federal payments ('benefits') and non-covered payments.");
    United States v. McLean, 
    802 F.3d 1228
    , 1237 (11th Cir. 2015)
    ("[T]he government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the
    individual worked for an entit[y] which receive[d] . . . funds
    . . . in connection with programs defined by a sufficiently
    comprehensive structure, operation, and purpose to merit
    characterization of the funds as benefits under § 666(b)."
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted)); United States v.
    118 F.3d 113
    , 115 (2d. Cir. 1997) ("[T]here must exist a
    specific statutory scheme authorizing the Federal assistance in
    order to promote or achieve certain policy objectives.") (quoting
    S. Rep. No. 98-225, at 370 (1983)).