Wynne v. Tufts ( 1992 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    October 6, 1992


    No. 92-1437

    Plaintiff, Appellant,


    Defendant, Appellee.




    [Hon. Rya W. Zobel, U.S. District Judge]



    Breyer, Chief Judge,

    Torruella and Selya, Circuit Judges.


    Robert LeRoux Hernandez, with whom Ellis & Ellis was on
    ________________________ ______________
    brief, for appellant.
    Alan D. Rose, with whom Nutter, McClennen & Fish was on
    _____________ _________________________
    brief, for appellee.



    SELYA, Circuit Judge. This appeal requires us to
    SELYA, Circuit Judge.

    revisit a longstanding dispute between Tufts University School of

    Medicine and Steven Wynne, a former student. On a previous

    occasion, we vacated the district court's entry of summary

    judgment in Tufts' favor. See Wynne v. Tufts Univ. School of
    ___ _____ ______________________

    Medicine, 932 F.2d 19 (1st Cir. 1991) (en banc). After further

    proceedings, the district court again entered summary judgment

    for the defendant. This time around, on an augmented record, we



    The facts pertinent to Wynne's banishment from the

    groves of academe are chronicled in our earlier opinion and need

    not be fully rehearsed. A succinct summary suffices.

    Wynne matriculated at Tufts in 1983. He failed eight

    of fifteen first-year courses. Although academic guidelines

    provided for dismissal after five course failures, the dean

    granted Wynne a special dispensation and allowed him to repeat

    the first year of medical school. Over the summer of 1984, Wynne

    underwent neuropsychological testing at Tufts' instance and

    expense. The results, described in detail in our earlier

    opinion, id. at 21, showed cognitive deficits and weaknesses in

    processing discrete units of information. However, no

    differential diagnosis of dyslexia or any other particularized

    learning disability was made at this time.

    During Wynne's second tour of the first-year


    curriculum, Tufts arranged to supply him with tutors,

    counsellors, note-takers, and other aids. This time, he passed

    all but two courses: pharmacology and biochemistry. Tufts still

    did not expel Wynne. Instead, it permitted him to take make-up

    examinations in these two subjects. He passed pharmacology but

    failed biochemistry. That ended the matter. Wynne was dismissed

    in September, 1985.

    Prior Proceedings
    Prior Proceedings

    In his court case, Wynne alleged that he was learning-

    disabled and that Tufts had discriminated against him on the

    basis of his handicap. In short order, Wynne refined his claim

    to allege that his disability placed him at an unfair

    disadvantage in taking written multiple-choice examinations and

    that Tufts, for no good reason, had stubbornly refused to test

    his proficiency in biochemistry by some other means. Eventually,

    the district court granted summary judgment in Tufts' favor on

    the ground that Wynne, because of his inability to pass

    biochemistry, was not an "otherwise qualified" handicapped person

    within the meaning of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of

    1973, 29 U.S.C. 794 (1988), as explicated by the relevant


    On appeal, a panel of this court reversed. That

    opinion was withdrawn, however, and the full court reheard

    Wynne's appeal. We concluded that, in determining whether an

    aspiring medical student meets section 504's "otherwise

    qualified" prong, it is necessary to take into account the extent


    to which reasonable accommodations that will satisfy the

    legitimate interests of both the school and the student are (or

    are not) available and, if such accommodations exist, the extent

    to which the institution explored those alternatives. See Wynne,
    ___ _____

    932 F.2d at 24-26 (citing, inter alia, School Bd. of Nassau
    _____ ____ _____________________

    County v. Arline, 480 U.S. 273 (1987)). Recognizing the unique
    ______ ______

    considerations that come into play when the parties to a

    Rehabilitation Act case are a student and an academic

    institution, particularly a medical school training apprentice

    physicians, we formulated a test for determining whether the

    academic institution adequately explored the availability of

    reasonable accommodations:

    If the institution submits undisputed facts
    demonstrating that the relevant officials
    within the institution considered alternative
    means, their feasibility, cost and effect on
    the academic program, and came to a
    rationally justifiable conclusion that the
    available alternatives would result either in
    lowering academic standards or requiring
    substantial program alteration, the court
    could rule as a matter of law that the
    institution had met its duty of seeking
    reasonable accommodation. In most cases, we
    believe that, as in the qualified immunity
    context, the issue of whether the facts
    alleged by a university support its claim
    that it has met its duty of reasonable
    accommodation will be a purely legal one.
    Only if essential facts were genuinely
    disputed or if there were significantly
    probative evidence of bad faith or pretext
    would further fact finding be necessary.

    Id. at 26 (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).

    Because the summary judgment record did not satisfactorily


    address this issue,1 we vacated the judgment and remanded for

    further proceedings, leaving the district court "free to consider

    other submissions [and] to enter summary judgment thereon if [an

    expanded record] meet[s] the standard we have set forth." Id. at


    Following remand, Tufts filed a renewed motion for

    summary judgment accompanied by six new affidavits. The

    plaintiff filed a comprehensive opposition supported, inter alia,
    _____ ____

    by his own supplemental affidavit. The court below read the

    briefs, heard oral argument, reviewed the parties' updated

    submissions, and determined that Tufts had met its burden under

    Wynne. In the lower court's view, the expanded record clearly

    showed that Tufts had evaluated the available alternatives to its

    current testing format and had reasonably concluded that it was

    not practicable in this instance to depart from the standard

    multiple-choice format. Accordingly, the court again entered

    summary judgment in Tufts' favor. This appeal ensued.


    The principal issue on appeal is whether, given those


    1Tufts had filed only a single affidavit touching upon this
    issue. Scrutiny of that affidavit, signed by the dean, revealed
    the following shortcomings: "There is no mention [in the dean's
    affidavit] of any consideration of possible alternatives, nor
    reference to any discussion of the unique qualities of multiple
    choice examinations. There is no indication of who took part in
    the decision [not to deviate from multiple choice examinations]
    or when it was made." Wynne, 932 F.2d at 28. Because we thought
    that a party seeking summary judgment should proffer more than
    "the simple conclusory averment of the head of an institution,"
    we declined to accept the dean's affidavit as a sufficient basis
    for shortstopping the litigation. Id.


    facts not genuinely in dispute, Tufts can be said, as a matter of

    law, either to have provided reasonable accommodations for

    plaintiff's handicapping condition2 or to have demonstrated that

    it reached a rationally justifiable conclusion that accommodating

    plaintiff would lower academic standards or otherwise unduly

    affect its program. There is also a secondary issue: whether

    plaintiff has advanced significantly probative evidence

    sufficient to ground a finding that Tufts' reasons for not making

    further accommodations were pretextual or asserted in bad faith.

    Standard of Review
    Standard of Review

    Summary judgment has a special place in civil

    litigation. The device "has proven its usefulness as a means of

    avoiding full-dress trials in unwinnable cases, thereby freeing

    courts to utilize scarce judicial resources in more beneficial

    ways." Mesnick v. General Elec. Co., 950 F.2d 816, 822 (1st Cir.
    _______ _________________

    1991), cert. denied, 112 S. Ct. 2965 (1992). In operation,
    _____ ______

    summary judgment's role is to pierce the boilerplate of the

    pleadings and assay the parties' proof in order to determine

    whether trial is actually required. See id.; see also Garside v.
    ___ ___ ___ ____ _______

    Osco Drug, Inc., 895 F.2d 46, 50 (1st Cir. 1990). Since

    appellate review of an order granting summary judgment is


    2There is a lingering question as to whether Wynne's
    disability is such that he should be deemed "an individual with
    handicaps" within the purview of 29 U.S.C. 794. Since the
    court below resolved the case against Wynne on summary judgment,
    we must take the facts and the reasonable inferences from them in
    the light most congenial to his cause. Thus, we assume, as the
    district court apparently assumed sub silentio, that Wynne
    ___ ________
    suffers from a recognizable handicap.


    plenary, the court of appeals, like the trial court, "must view

    the entire record in the light most hospitable to the party

    opposing summary judgment, indulging all reasonable inferences in

    that party's favor." Griggs-Ryan v. Smith, 904 F.2d 112, 115
    ___________ _____

    (1st Cir. 1990).

    We uphold a grant of summary judgment if "the

    pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and

    admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show

    that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that

    the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law."

    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c). When, as here, the movant-defendant has

    suggested that competent evidence to prove the case is lacking,

    the burden devolves upon the nonmovant-plaintiff to "document

    some factual disagreement sufficient to deflect brevis

    disposition." Mesnick, 950 F.2d at 822.

    This burden is discharged only if the cited

    disagreement relates to a genuine issue of material fact. See

    Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 247-48 (1986).
    ________ ____________________

    "In this context, 'genuine' means that the evidence about the

    fact is such that a reasonable jury could resolve the point in

    favor of the nonmoving party [and] 'material' means that the fact

    is one that might affect the outcome of the suit under the

    governing law." United States v. One Parcel of Real Property,
    _____________ ______________________________

    Etc. (Great Harbor Neck, New Shoreham, R.I.), 960 F.2d 200, 204

    (1st Cir. 1992) (citing Anderson, 477 U.S. at 248; internal

    quotation marks omitted). This requirement has sharp teeth: the


    plaintiff "must present definite, competent evidence to rebut the

    motion." Mesnick, 950 F.2d at 822. Such evidence "cannot be

    conjectural or problematic; it must have substance in the sense

    that it limns differing versions of the truth which a factfinder

    must resolve at an ensuing trial." Mack v. Great Atl. & Pac. Tea
    ____ _____________________

    Co., 871 F.2d 179, 181 (1st Cir. 1989). As the Court has

    cautioned, evidence that "is merely colorable or is not

    significantly probative" cannot deter summary judgment.

    Anderson, 477 U.S. at 249-50 (citations omitted).


    We have carefully reviewed the amplitudinous record and

    are fully satisfied that the district court did not err in

    granting summary judgment. Fairly read, the record presents no

    genuine issue as to any material fact. Because this case has

    consumed so many hours of judicial time, we resist the temptation

    to wax longiloquent. Instead, we add only a few decurtate

    observations embellishing what the en banc court previously wrote

    and remarking the significance of the new materials adduced


    First: Following remand, Tufts satisfactorily filled

    the gaps that wrecked its initial effort at summary judgment.

    The expanded record contains undisputed facts demonstrating, in

    considerable detail, that Tufts' hierarchy "considered

    alternative means" and "came to a rationally justifiable

    conclusion" regarding the adverse effects of such putative

    accommodations. Wynne, 932 F.2d at 26. Tufts not only


    documented the importance of biochemistry in a medical school

    curriculum, but explained why, in the departmental chair's words,

    "the multiple choice format provides the fairest way to test the

    students' mastery of the subject matter of biochemistry." Tufts

    likewise explained what thought it had given to different methods

    of testing proficiency in biochemistry and why it eschewed

    alternatives to multiple-choice testing, particularly with

    respect to make-up examinations. In so doing, Tufts elaborated

    upon the unique qualities of multiple-choice examinations as they

    apply to biochemistry and offered an exposition of the historical

    record to show the background against which such tests were

    administered to Wynne. In short, Tufts demythologized the

    institutional thought processes leading to its determination that

    it could not deviate from its wonted format to accommodate

    Wynne's professed disability. It concluded that to do so would

    require substantial program alterations, result in lowering

    academic standards, and devalue Tufts' end product highly

    trained physicians carrying the prized credential of a Tufts


    To be sure, Tufts' explanations, though plausible, are

    not necessarily ironclad. For instance, Wynne has offered

    evidence that at least one other medical school and a national

    testing service occasionally allow oral renderings of multiple-

    choice examinations in respect to dyslexic students. But, the

    point is not whether a medical school is "right" or "wrong" in

    making program-related decisions. Such absolutes rarely apply in


    the context of subjective decisionmaking, particularly in a

    scholastic setting. The point is that Tufts, after undertaking a

    diligent assessment of the available options, felt itself obliged

    to make "a professional, academic judgment that [a] reasonable

    accommodation [was] simply not available." Wynne, 932 F.2d at

    27-28. Phrased another way, Tufts decided, rationally if not

    inevitably, that no further accommodation could be made without

    imposing an undue (and injurious) hardship on the academic

    program. With the diligence of its assessment and the

    justification for its judgment clearly shown in the augmented

    record, and with the fact of the judgment uncontroverted, the

    deficiency that spoiled Tufts' original effort at brevis

    disposition has been cured.

    Second: The undisputed facts show that Tufts neither

    ignored Wynne nor turned a deaf ear to his plight. To the

    contrary, the defendant (a) warned Wynne in 1983 that he was

    failing biochemistry and suggested he defer his examination (a

    suggestion that Wynne scotched); (b) arranged for a complete

    battery of neuropsychological tests after Wynne failed eight

    courses in his freshman year; (c) waived the rules and permitted

    Wynne to repeat the first-year curriculum; (d) furnished Wynne

    access to tutoring, taped lectures, and the like; (e) allowed him

    to take untimed examinations; and (f) gave him make-up

    examinations in pharmacology and biochemistry after he again

    failed both courses. Given the other circumstances extant in

    this case, we do not think that a reasonable factfinder could


    conclude that Tufts, having volunteered such an array of remedial

    measures, was guilty of failing to make a reasonable

    accommodation merely because it did not also offer Wynne,

    unsolicited, an oral rendering of the biochemistry examination.

    Third: Reasonableness is not a constant. To the

    contrary, what is reasonable in a particular situation may not be

    reasonable in a different situation even if the situational

    differences are relatively slight. Cf., e.g., United States v.
    ___ ____ ______________

    Rodriguez-Morales, 929 F.2d 780, 785 (1st Cir. 1991) (concluding

    that "reasonableness has a protean quality"), cert. denied, 112
    _____ ______

    S. Ct. 868 (1992); Sierra Club v. Secretary of the Army, 820 F.2d
    ___________ _____________________

    513, 517 (1st Cir. 1987) (paraphrasing Emerson and observing that

    "reasonableness 'is a mutable cloud, which is always and never

    the same.'"). Ultimately, what is reasonable depends on a

    variable mix of factors.

    In the section 504 milieu, an academic institution can

    be expected to respond only to what it knows (or is chargeable

    with knowing). This means, as the Third Circuit has recently

    observed, that for a medical school "to be liable under the

    Rehabilitation Act, [it] must know or be reasonably expected to

    know of [a student's] handicap." Nathanson v. Medical College of
    _________ __________________

    Pa., 926 F.2d 1368, 1381 (3d Cir. 1991). A relevant aspect of

    this inquiry is whether the student ever put the medical school

    on notice of his handicap by making "a sufficiently direct and

    specific request for special accommodations." Id. at 1386.

    Thus, we must view the reasonableness of Tufts' accommodations


    against the backdrop of what Tufts knew about Wynne's needs while

    he was enrolled there.

    Several factors are entitled to weight in this

    equation, including the following: (a) Wynne was never diagnosed

    as dyslexic while enrolled at Tufts; (b) the school gave him a

    number of special dispensations and "second chances" including

    virtually every accommodation that he seasonably suggested; (c)

    Wynne had taken, and passed, multiple-choice examinations in

    several courses; and (d) he never requested, at any time prior to

    taking and failing the third biochemistry exam, that an oral

    rendering be substituted for the standard version of the

    multiple-choice test.3 Under these circumstances, we do not

    believe a rational factfinder could conclude that Tufts' efforts

    at accommodation fell short of the reasonableness standard.

    Fourth: Wynne's allegations of pretext do not raise

    prohibitory doubts about the reasonableness of Tufts' attempted

    accommodations or about the honesty of its assessment of

    alternatives to multiple-choice examinations vis-a-vis the

    school's educational plan. When pretext is at issue in a

    discrimination case, it is a plaintiff's duty to produce specific

    facts which, reasonably viewed, tend logically to undercut the


    3In his appellate brief, Wynne excoriates Tufts for its
    failure to provide him "with the one simple accommodation he has
    asked for and believes would make a difference: that the
    multiple choice examination in biochemistry be administered to
    him orally on an untimed basis with the assistance of a trained
    reader." Wynne neglects to mention, however, that he never
    sought this type of accommodation until after Tufts sent him
    packing and adversary proceedings were underway.


    defendant's position. See, e.g., Villanueva v. Wellesley
    ___ ____ __________ _________

    College, 930 F.2d 124, 127 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 112 St. Ct.
    _______ _____ ______

    181 (1991); Mack, 871 F.2d at 181. The plaintiff may neither

    "rest[] merely upon conclusory allegations, improbable

    inferences, and unsupported speculation," Medina-Munoz v. R.J.
    ____________ ____

    Reynolds Tobacco Co., 896 F.2d 5, 8 (1st Cir. 1990), nor

    measurably bolster his cause by hurling rancorous epithets and

    espousing tenuous insinuations. See Mesnick, 950 F.2d at 826;
    ___ _______

    Yerardi's Moody St. Restaurant & Lounge, Inc. v. Board of
    __________________________________________________ _________

    Selectmen, 932 F.2d 89, 92 (1st Cir. 1991).

    Here, Wynne's charges comprise more cry than wool.

    They consist of unsubstantiated conclusions, backed only by a few

    uncoordinated evidentiary fragments. More is required to

    forestall summary judgment. See Wynne, 932 F.2d at 26.
    ___ _____


    We need go no further. In our earlier opinion, we

    recognized the existence of a statutory obligation on the part of

    an academic institution such as Tufts to consider available ways

    of accommodating a handicapped student and, when seeking summary

    judgment, to produce a factual record documenting its scrupulous

    attention to this obligation. Id. at 25-26. Of course, the

    effort requires more than lip service; it must be sincerely

    conceived and conscientiously implemented. We think that Tufts,

    the second time around, has cleared the hurdle that we

    envisioned: the undisputed facts contained in the expanded


    record, when considered in the deferential light that academic

    decisionmaking deserves, id. at 25, meet the required standard.

    We add a final note of caution. Although both parties

    to this litigation invite us to paint with a broad brush, we

    decline their joint invitation. The issue before us is not

    whether a medical student, authoritatively diagnosed as a

    dyslexic and known to the school to be so afflicted, is ever

    entitled, upon timely request, to an opportunity to take an

    examination orally. Rather, we are limited to the idiosyncratic

    facts of Wynne's case. The resulting record presents a narrower,

    easier issue and we believe that the district court resolved

    that issue correctly.

