Northeast Data v. Microdata Corp. ( 1994 )

  •                     [Not for Publication]
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 94-1266
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendant, Appellee.
    [Hon. Robert B. Collings, U.S. Magistrate Judge]
    Cyr and Stahl, Circuit Judges,
    and Zobel,* District Judge.
    Roger S. Davis with whom Cheri L. Hoff  and Davis, Rubin & Parker,
    P.A. were on brief for appellant.
    Frederick W. Rose  with whom Gianfranco  A. Pietrafesa and Cooper,
    Rose & English were on brief for appellee.
    *Of the District of Massachusetts, sitting by designation.
    Per  Curiam.    Plaintiff-appellant Northeast  Data
    Per  Curiam.
    Systems appeals the district court's denial of its motion for
    sanctions   against   defendant-appellee  McDonnell   Douglas
    Computer Systems Company.  We affirm.
    Plaintiff  originally commenced this action in 1983
    in  state  court against  Microdata Corporation.1   Defendant
    removed this action to  the United States District Court  for
    the  District of  Massachusetts where  plaintiff subsequently
    filed an amended complaint  charging defendant with breach of
    contract,  interference  with  contractual  and  advantageous
    relationships, deceit, breach of the implied covenant of good
    faith and fair  dealing, breach of fiduciary  duty, bad faith
    termination, antitrust law violations, and violation of Mass.
    Gen. L.  ch. 93A     11.   Defendant filed  an  answer and  a
    counterclaim containing,  inter alia, claims  for breach  and
    tortious  breach of  the implied  covenant of good  faith and
    fair   dealing,   breach   of  fiduciary   duty,   bad  faith
    termination, antitrust  violations,  and violation  of  Mass.
    Gen. Laws ch. 93A   11.
    Post  judgment, plaintiff  filed with  the district
    court  a motion seeking  sanctions against defendant pursuant
    1.  Microdata Corporation  was acquired by  McDonnell Douglas
    Corporation in  1979 and renamed  McDonnell Douglas  Computer
    Systems Company during the pendency of this litigation.
    to  Fed. R.  Civ. P.  11 (1988),  28 U.S.C.    1927,  and the
    inherent  powers of the court.   In a  lengthy written order,
    the  magistrate  judge  denied  plaintiff's  motion  and this
    appeal was taken.
    Defendant concedes that the only issue on appeal is
    whether  the lower court  erred in  denying sanctions.   More
    specifically,  plaintiff  argues  that the  magistrate  judge
    erred  in  failing  to  find  that  defendant  1)  filed  its
    counterclaims solely for the purpose of delay and harassment;
    2) knew at the time of its filing, and subsequently, that the
    claims  lacked   merit;  and   3)  filed  false   answers  to
    interrogatories to mislead and obstruct plaintiff.  Plaintiff
    primarily  offers  as  evidence  the interrogatories  of  two
    individuals  who  defendant  claimed  had  knowledge  of  the
    factual  basis  for  its  counterclaims,  and  the subsequent
    deposition  testimony  of  these  same  two  witnesses  which
    plaintiff  claims show  that neither  actually  possessed any
    such  factual   knowledge.    Plaintiff  argues   that  these
    allegedly inconsistent statements prove that defendant failed
    to conduct  a sufficient  pre-filing inquiry with  respect to
    its   counterclaims  and  that   such  failure  should  merit
    Because  all  of the  events animating  this appeal
    occurred  prior to  December  1, 1993,  the magistrate  judge
    relied  upon Fed.  R.  Civ. P.  11 (1988)  and  not the  1993
    amended  version.2   We review a  district court's  denial of
    sanctions  for abuse  of  discretion.   See Navarro-Ayala  v.
    968 F.2d 1421
    ,  1425  (1st Cir.  1992)  ("[A]  party
    protesting  an   order  in  respect  to   sanctions  bears  a
    formidable  burden in  attempting  to convince  the court  of
    appeals that the district judge erred in finding that Rule 11
    was, or was not, violated.").
    In  his  order  denying  plaintiff's   motion,  the
    magistrate judge  observed that this same  argument served as
    the focal  point for plaintiff's March 1987  motion to strike
    the counterclaims and  for sanctions, a motion  denied by the
    court.   Before  reaching  the merits  of plaintiff's  second
    request  for  sanctions,  the  magistrate  judge  noted  that
    plaintiff  never filed  a motion  for reconsideration  of the
    first  denial.   He then  held that  "based upon  the factual
    recitation  incorporated in  the  affidavit  of  [defendant's
    counsel] as well as  a review of the complete  transcripts of
    the  [two] depositions,  it  cannot be  found that  Microdata
    answered  the  interrogatories  in  bad  faith, attempted  to
    mislead plaintiff or failed to conduct an adequate pre-filing
    2.  Neither party has challenged this decision on appeal.
    A comprehensive review  of the  lengthy history  of
    this  litigation and the careful and full review given by the
    magistrate judge of the latest request for sanctions not only
    satisfies us that there was no abuse of  discretion, manifest
    or otherwise,3 but that this appeal is frivolous.
    For the foregoing reasons,  we  affirm the district
    court's denial of sanctions.
    Affirmed.  Double costs.
    3.  The magistrate judge also  separately reviewed and, after
    careful   consideration,   dismissed   each  of   plaintiff's
    additional  evidentiary  offers,  i.e.,  that   defendant  1)
    improperly   delayed  the  completion  of  a  deposition;  2)
    obstructed  defendant's  motion   for  summary  judgment;  3)
    frivolously reopened  discovery; and  4) failed to  prosecute
    its  counterclaims.   Because  we agree  with the  magistrate
    judge's  finding   that  none  of  these   allegations  merit
    sanctions  in   this  case,  we  need   not  regurgitate  his
    discussion here.

Document Info

Docket Number: 94-1266

Filed Date: 9/12/1994

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 4/18/2021