United States v. Melendez-Orsini , 709 F. App'x 706 ( 2017 )

  •                Not for Publication in West's Federal Reporter
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-2535
    ANGEL MELÉNDEZ-ORSINI, a/k/a Gelo, a/k/a Cerebro, a/k/a Primo,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Juan M. Pérez-Giménez, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Stahl and Thompson,
    Circuit Judges.
    John T. Ouderkirk, Jr., on brief for appellant.
    Rosa Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez, United States Attorney, Mariana
    E. Bauzá-Almonete, Assistant United States Attorney Chief,
    Appellate Division, and Julia M. Meconiates, Assistant United
    States Attorney, on brief for appellee.
    September 27, 2017
    STAHL, Circuit Judge.       Appellant Angel Meléndez-Orsini
    ("Meléndez-Orsini") seeks to vacate his conviction on a guilty
    plea for conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute a
    controlled substance within a protected location and possession of
    a firearm during and in relation to a drug trafficking offense.
    The United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico,
    Juan M. Pérez-Giménez, District Judge, accepted Meléndez-Orsini's
    plea and sentenced him to a prison term of 180 months.           In this
    appeal, Meléndez-Orsini challenges the voluntariness of his change
    of plea.   We AFFIRM.
    I. Factual Background and Prior Proceedings
    We recite here the relevant facts.            Meléndez-Orsini was
    indicted on three counts:       (1) conspiracy to possess with the
    intent to distribute at least 5 but less than 15 kilograms of
    cocaine within a protected location, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 860
     and 841(b)(1)(A); (2) possession of a firearm during and in
    relation to a drug trafficking offense, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (c)(1)(A); and (3) criminal forfeitures, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 853
    .    There were 94 co-conspirators involved in the drug
    trafficking     organization   whose     members   distributed   heroin,
    cocaine, crack and marijuana within one thousand feet of a public
    housing project.    Often, members of the conspiracy would carry and
    brandish firearms in connection with their activities.
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    On December 11, 2014, pursuant to a plea agreement, Meléndez-
    Orsini pled guilty to Counts One and Two of the indictment.                  The
    plea agreement contained a waiver of the right to appeal if the
    district     court   sentenced   Defendant      to     the     parties'     joint
    recommendation of 120 months on Count One, and 60 months on Count
    Two, to be served consecutively to Count One.                 At the change of
    plea hearing, the district court inquired into Meléndez-Orsini's
    competence, the voluntariness of his plea and the sufficiency of
    defense counsel.      The court also reviewed the relevant charges in
    the   indictment,    the   statutorily   mandated      minimum     and    maximum
    sentences,     the   government's    evidence        and     the   signed    plea
    At Meléndez-Orsini's sentencing on November 20, 2015, for the
    first time he asked the court to review the evidence as to Count
    Two because he had not wanted to plead guilty to that count.                 The
    district court denied Defendant's request to review the facts as
    to Count Two and sentenced Defendant to a total of 180 months
    incarceration.1      This timely appeal followed.
    II. Discussion
    Meléndez-Orsini claims the district court violated Rule
    11 by accepting his change of plea because it was not voluntary,
    1 The court sentenced Defendant to a term of 120 months on Count
    One, and 60 months on Count Two, to be served consecutively to
    Count One.
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    intelligent and knowing. Rule 11 provides that "[b]efore accepting
    a plea of guilty . . . the court must address the defendant
    personally in open court and determine that the plea is voluntary
    and did not result from force, threats, or promises . . . .”
    Fed.R.Crim.P. 11(b)(2).     On appeal, we consider the totality of
    circumstances to determine if a violation of Rule 11 occurred.
    See United States v. Martinez-Martinez, 
    69 F.3d 1215
    , 1220 (1st
    Cir. 1995).
    A. Waiver
    Before   addressing     the     merits   of   Meléndez-Orsini's
    argument, we acknowledge that the plea agreement contains a waiver
    of appeal provision, which generally "forecloses appellate review
    of many claims of error."   United States v. Chambers, 
    710 F.3d 23
    27 (1st Cir. 2013).     "But where, as here, a defendant enters a
    guilty plea and agrees to waive his right to appeal . . . a
    reviewing court must 'address the merits of [his] appeal because
    his claim of involuntariness, if successful, would invalidate both
    the plea itself and the waiver of his right to appeal.'"             
    (alteration   in   original)(quoting      United   States   v.   Santiago
    654 F.3d 130
    , 136 (1st Cir. 2011)).
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    B. Rule 11 Plea Proceedings
    We review Meléndez-Orsini's underlying Rule 11 claim for
    plain error because Defendant failed to object previously.2               "In
    order to establish plain error, a defendant must show that: (1) an
    error occurred; (2) the error was plain; (3) the error affected
    the defendant's substantial rights; and (4) the error seriously
    affect[ed]     the    fairness,    integrity   or   public   reputation   of
    judicial proceedings."        United States v. Ortiz-Garcia, 
    665 F.3d 279
    ,   285    (1st     Cir.   2011)(alteration      in   original)(citation
    omitted).     Defendant maintains that the district court erred in
    accepting his change of plea because there was evidence showing
    that his change of plea was neither knowing nor voluntary.                We
    find no such error.
    First, the record reflects that during the colloquy the
    court asked Meléndez-Orsini on two separate occasions if anyone
    forced, threatened or harassed him to accept the plea offer, to
    which he responded "No."          The district court also reviewed aloud
    paragraph 19 of the written plea agreement, which provided that no
    2 At sentencing, Meléndez-Orsini asked the district court to "see
    the evidence as to [Count 2] and make a decision", but at no point
    did Defendant seek to withdraw his plea prior to sentencing. See
    United States v. Delgado-Hernandez, 
    420 F.3d 16
    , 19 (1st Cir. 2005)
    ("[B]ecause [defendant] failed to call the district court's
    attention to the alleged errors in the plea proceedings . . . for
    example, by seeking to withdraw his plea prior to sentencing
    . . . his claim is subject only to plain error review on direct
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    threats were made to force Meléndez-Orsini to plead guilty and
    that he is pleading guilty freely and voluntarily because, in fact,
    he is guilty.
    While the above facts support that the plea was not
    coerced, we acknowledge that at the beginning of the colloquy,
    Meléndez-Orsini did express some apprehension about the timing of
    the plea, conveying that if he had more time, he would think more
    about his decision to plead guilty.3    However, Meléndez-Orsini's
    minor apprehension does not render his guilty plea involuntary.
    See United States v. Negron-Narvaez, 
    403 F.3d 33
    , 39 (1st Cir.
    2005) ("The mere fact that the appellant at one point took a
    contradictory position as to his culpability . . . neither alters
    our conclusion nor dispels the factual basis for the plea.").
    Second, the district court adequately reviewed the facts
    as to Counts One and Two.   As to Count Two, the court described a
    conspiracy, where members knowingly, intentionally and unlawfully
    possessed and used firearms.     The district court inquired, "is
    that what you did as to Count II?"       Meléndez-Orsini responded
    "Yes."   Defendant expressed no confusion as to these facts.
    3 The district court asked Defendant if he had enough time to
    consult with counsel and his wife before pleading guilty.
    Meléndez-Orsini explained that he did, but if there was more time,
    "one would even think more about it." The court explained that
    even with more time, the options would still be the same, either
    go to trial or plead guilty. The Defendant agreed with the court's
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    Meléndez-Orsini maintains that the court should have realized
    his change of plea was not voluntary based on his confusion over
    the government's weapons evidence.              During the plea colloquy, the
    government       explained     that     full    discovery     was   provided    to
    Defendant, including photographs and recordings, which would have
    been used at trial to prove that Meléndez-Orsini acted as a leader
    in   the    drug     trafficking     organization   and     routinely   possessed
    firearms in furtherance of the conspiracy.                   When asked by the
    court      if   he   agreed   with    the   evidence   in    possession   of   the
    government as to Counts One and Two, Meléndez-Orsini explained
    that his attorney had viewed the evidence, but that he had not
    seen the videos.4       The court then again asked the Defendant whether
    he participated in the conspiracy as to Counts One and Two, noting,
    "the fact that you had not seen any videos . . . doesn't preclude
    you from pleading guilty."             Meléndez-Orsini responded, "Yes I'm
    going to plead guilty."               At no point did Defendant deny his
    involvement as to Counts One or Two.
    Although Meléndez-Orsini did not view personally all of the
    discovery provided by the government, he signed the plea agreement,
    repeatedly agreed to the statement of facts as summarized by the
    district court at the plea colloquy and acknowledged on multiple
    4 Meléndez-Orsini told the court that he was unable to view the
    videos, although his counsel had informed him that he did not
    appear in the videos.
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    occasions that his decision to plead guilty to Counts One and Two
    was voluntary.   Viewed in totality, Defendant's statements at the
    colloquy5 negate a claim that his change of plea was neither
    unknowing nor involuntary.
    Upon a thorough review of the record and consideration
    of the totality of the circumstances, we uphold the district
    court's finding that Meléndez-Orsini understood the nature of the
    change of plea and voluntarily pleaded guilty.     Meléndez-Orsini
    failed to meet his burden as to the first prong of plain error
    review; therefore, we need not address the other factors.      The
    judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED.
    5 At the sentencing hearing, Defendant explained, "I didn't really
    want to plead guilty [as to Count Two] because I had nothing to do
    with weapons or giving protection to the drugs or anything like
    that." This statement, albeit clear, occurred almost a year after
    Meléndez-Orsini's change of plea.     This change of position is
    insufficient to warrant a finding of error based on the
    voluntariness of the plea.
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