Centennial Insurance Company v. Patterson , 564 F.3d 46 ( 2009 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 08-1521
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendant, Appellee.
    [Hon. D. Brock Hornby, U.S. District Judge]
    [Hon. David M. Cohen, U.S. Magistrate Judge]
    Lynch, Chief Judge,
    Torruella and Stahl, Circuit Judges.
    Jeffrey T. Edwards and Preti, Flaherty, Beliveau & Pachios,
    LLP, on brief for appellant.
    David M. Sanders, on brief for appellee.
    April 23, 2009
    TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge.          In this insurance coverage
    dispute,     appellant-insurer        Centennial       Insurance       Company
    ("Centennial") seeks review of the district court's grant of
    summary    judgment   to   appellee-insured      veterinarian    Dr.   Robert
    Patterson.     The    district     court    declared   that   Centennial   was
    obligated under an insurance policy to legally defend Patterson in
    a lawsuit instituted against him by Carol Murphy.              After careful
    consideration, we affirm the grant of summary judgment in favor of
    I.    Background
    For the purposes of summary judgment the facts are as
    follows.   Centennial is a New York insurance company authorized to
    do business in Maine.       Dr. Patterson is a doctor of veterinary
    medicine who practices in Maine.            Centennial provided insurance
    coverage to Patterson pursuant to a Veterinarian's Professional
    Liability Policy in effect between the parties during the period
    January 1, 2003 through January 1, 2005 ("the Policy").
    The Policy states, in relevant part:
    II.   Defense,    Settlement,   Supplementary
    With respect to such insurance as is afforded
    by this certificate:
    A. The Company shall have the right and duty
    to investigate any Claim or defend any Suit
    brought against the Insured alleging a
    Veterinary Incident and seeking damages on
    account thereof, to which this insurance
    applies, even if such Claim or Suit is
    groundless, false, or fraudulent. . . .
    Common Certificate Definitions Form
    D. Claim means any of the following: . . .
    2. A Suit, arbitration or other
    proceeding served on an Insured for damages
    resulting from a Veterinary Incident.
    . . .
    M. Veterinary Incident means any malpractice,
    negligent act or omission, utterance or
    publication of a libel or slander, or other
    defamatory or disparaging material:
    1. in the furnishing of professional
    veterinary services, . . . by the Named
    Insured or by any person for whom the Named
    Insured is legally responsible.
    . . .
    Relevant to this dispute, the Policy also contains the following
    III. Exclusions
    This certificate does not apply to Claim or
    Suit based upon, arising out of, or related
    to: . . .
    H. any actual or alleged;
    1. dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, malicious
    act, or malicious omission by any Insured;
    2. willful violation of any law, statute,
    ordinance, rule or regulation by any Insured.
    In September 2006, Murphy initiated a pro se civil action
    in federal court against the State of Maine and eighty or more
    defendants,   including   Dr.   Patterson,   alleging   various   claims
    arising from proceedings brought against Murphy by the State of
    Maine for animal cruelty.       Murphy had been charged by the State
    with animal cruelty for not providing proper food, water, or
    shelter to approximately sixty animals on her farm.         She sought
    "compensatory and punitive damages" and injunctive relief, namely,
    the "return of all [her] property."
    The claims against Dr. Patterson arose from his alleged
    testimony against Murphy at an Animal Possession Hearing, which was
    held on March 19, 2004 (the "Hearing"), and also, Dr. Patterson's
    alleged   examination   of   her   animals   in   connection   with   those
    Murphy's complaint, a 60-page document labeled "Second Amended
    Judicial Brief," included the following claims:
    1.   This action is brought by the Plaintiff . . . to remedy
    [various violations] by State Officials and others . . . that
    deprived CAROL MURPHY . . . of rights, privileges or immunities
    secured or legally protected by the United States Constitution and
    Amendments, Civil Rights and Human Rights and the laws of the
    United States.
    2. These specifically include but are not limited to those rights,
    privileges and immunities found in and secured and/or protected by
    the Constitution [and various provisions therein]. . . also the
    Constitutional right to be protected from . . . perjury and
    subornation of perjury, libel, slander, malfeasance, misfeasance,
    nonfeasance . . . etc. . . .
    HOSPITAL . . . testified [at the Animal Possession Hearing] that
    Ms. Murphy's animals were in horrible condition, no veterinary
    care, no food, no water, were filthy, that the house had six inches
    of feces on the floors and that the animals had received no food or
    water for months. This is again racketeering, perjury, collusion,
    color of law crimes, conspiracy to deprive Ms. Murphy of her legal
    property, conspiracy to deprive Ms. Murphy of the full enjoyment of
    her 30 acre farm, tampering with evidence in a criminal trial,
    tampering with the outcome of the trial by falsifying evidence and
    more. These acts were committed willfully, knowingly with intent
    and malice aforethought for personal gain and for the gain of State
    of Maine allowing domestic terrorists free reign.
    . . .
    184. . . . Patterson of Clearwater testified that two calves that
    died expired because they had no food and water. In fact those
    animals had been purchased at auction and were dying when
    purchased. . . . Patterson had never asked the condition of the
    animals when purchased from auction, and he did not know how long
    they had been in Ms. Murphy's care. Additionally under the law Ms.
    Dr. Patterson submitted a copy of Murphy's complaint to
    Centennial and requested that Centennial tender a defense on his
    behalf, pursuant to the Policy.    Centennial denied Dr. Patterson's
    request on the ground that it did not have a duty to defend or
    indemnify Dr. Patterson with respect to the Murphy suit because the
    suit fell outside the Policy's coverage.    Centennial then brought
    the instant declaratory judgment action in the federal district
    court for the District of Maine, seeking a declaration that it did
    not have an obligation to defend and indemnify Dr. Patterson
    against the claims asserted by Murphy.     Meanwhile, Dr. Patterson
    hired an attorney and provided for his own defense in the Murphy
    suit.   On June 25, 2007, while Centennial's action was pending
    before the district court, Murphy's complaint was dismissed with
    Murphy as the legal owner of the animals did not give permission
    for Patterson to do anything to her animals whether they were alive
    or dead. Patterson was working in collusion with . . . others in
    the domestic terrorist racketeering scheme against Ms. Murphy.
    . . .   Patterson perjured himself on the witness stand. . . .
    Patterson is guilty of treating stolen animals without getting
    permission from the legal owner.      He is guilty of collusion,
    racketeering, tampering with evidence in a criminal trial,
    tampering with the jury, tampering with the disposition of a
    criminal case and violating Ms. Murphy's right to an impartial
    trial.   He failed to report the theft of her animals and the
    racketeering scheme to the proper authorities for investigation.
    All are criminal acts.
    . . .
    185. . . . Patterson is guilty of perjury, theft of animals,
    transporting stolen animals, receipt of stolen animals, tampering
    with the jury, falsifying photographic evidence in a criminal
    trial, tampering with the outcome of a criminal trial,
    racketeering, domestic terrorism, violating Ms. Murphy's U.S.
    Constitutional rights and more.
    prejudice.    Centennial's subsequent motion to dismiss this action
    as moot, based on the dismissal of the underlying suit, was denied
    on grounds that a factual dispute remained over "whether [Dr.
    Patterson] had incurred attorneys fees and costs and, if so, a
    legal dispute over whether they are recoverable from the plaintiff
    under a duty to defend."           The parties then each filed motions for
    summary    judgment.        A    magistrate      judge   recommended     that   Dr.
    Patterson's      motion     for     summary      judgment     be    granted,    and
    Centennial's be denied, finding that Centennial had a duty under
    the Policy to defend Dr. Patterson in the Murphy action.                         On
    March 26, 2006 the district court entered an order adopting that
    recommendation.      At that point in time, Dr. Patterson had incurred
    $121.00 in attorney's fees defending himself in the underlying
    Murphy     action,   and    $3,036      in     connection    with     establishing
    Centennial's duty to defend in the instant suit.                    Centennial now
    II.   Discussion
    A.   Standard of Review
    This     case       comes   before     us    under     our   diversity
    jurisdiction and the parties agree that we must apply Maine law to
    the resolution of the issues in dispute.                    See Douglas v. York
    433 F.3d 143
    , 149           (1st Cir. 2005).
    We apply de novo review to the district court's decision
    because the issues were "resolved on summary judgment and because
    under Maine law '[w]hether an insurer has an obligation to defend
    its insured against a complaint is a question of law.'"                   Bucci v.
    Essex Ins. Co., 
    393 F.3d 285
    , 290 (1st Cir. 2005) (quoting Elliot
    v. Hanover Ins. Co., 
    711 A.2d 1310
    , 1312 (Me. 1998)) (alteration in
    B.   Applicable Law
    Both Centennial and Dr. Patterson agree that Maine law
    employs the "comparison test" to determine whether an insurer has
    a duty to defend an insured.           See Barrett Paving Materials, Inc. v.
    Cont'l Ins. Co., 
    488 F.3d 59
    , 63 (1st Cir. 2007) (citing Travelers
    Indem. Co. v. Dingwell, 
    414 A.2d 220
    , 224 (Me. 1980)).                         "The
    reviewing    court      is   required    to    '[lay]    the    underlying    damage
    complaint[ ] alongside the insurance policy and then determine[ ]
    [whether] the pleadings [are] adequate to encompass an occurrence
    within the coverage of the policy.'"              
     (quoting Dingwell, 
    414 A.2d at 224
    ) (modifications in original).                 "Under this comparison
    test, the insurer has a duty to defend if the underlying complaint
    discloses a 'potential or a possibility' for liability within the
    policy's coverage."          Bucci, 
    393 F.3d at 290
     (quoting Elliott, 
    711 A.2d at 1312
    ) (emphasis in original).                 In other words, "'[g]iven
    the possible existence of any legal or factual basis for payment
    under a policy, an insurer's duty to defend should be decided
    summarily in favor of the insured.'"             Id. at 292 (quoting Gibson v.
    Farm   Family    Mut.    Ins.   Co.,    
    673 A.2d 1350
    ,   1352   (Me.   1996))
    (emphasis in original); see also NE Props., Inc. v. Chi. Title Ins.
    660 A.2d 926
    , 927 (Me. 1995) ("The insured is entitled to a
    defense if there exists any legal or factual basis which could be
    developed at trial which would obligate the insurers to pay under
    the policy." (internal quotation marks omitted)).   "Significantly,
    '[t]he duty to defend is broader than the duty to indemnify, and an
    insurer may have to defend before it is clear whether there is a
    duty to indemnify.'" Bucci, 
    393 F.3d at 292
     (quoting Commercial
    Union Ins. Co. v. Royal Ins. Co., 
    658 A.2d 1081
    , 1083 (Me. 1995)).
    "Maine law is very clear that the inquiry [under the
    comparison test] 'is based exclusively on the facts as alleged
    rather than on the facts as they actually are.'"    Barrett Paving,
    488 F.3d at 63
     (quoting Dingwell, 
    414 A.2d at 224
    ).   Moreover, we
    note that under Maine law, at least in some circumstances, "the
    duty of an insurance company to defend one count in a lawsuit
    imposes a duty to defend all counts."   Gibson, 
    673 A.2d at 1354
    Finally, as a general rule, "a standard policy of insurance" under
    Maine law must be interpreted "most strongly against the insurer."
    Id. at 1353
     (internal quotation marks omitted).
    C.   Potential for Coverage within Scope of Policy
    Centennial argues that it had no duty to defend Dr.
    Patterson in the Murphy action because the Murphy complaint did not
    allege a "veterinary incident," as the term is defined in the
    Policy.   As noted above, the Policy defines "veterinary incident"
    as "any malpractice, negligent act or omission, utterance or
    publication     of   a     libel    or       slander,       or   other   defamatory   or
    disparaging material . . . [i]n the furnishing of professional
    veterinary     services."          In    support       of    its    position   that   no
    "veterinary incident" was alleged, Centennial argues that (a) the
    Murphy complaint makes no claims of malpractice or negligence in
    the "furnishing of professional veterinary services" and that (b)
    the   Murphy    complaint     makes          no    claims    of    libel,   slander   or
    defamation against Dr. Patterson - but only against certain media
    outlets.    We disagree.
    As to Centennial's first argument, it is true that the
    Murphy complaint does not explicitly assert that Dr. Patterson was
    negligent      or    committed      malpractice             in    the    furnishing   of
    professional veterinary services.                    However, the complaint does
    contain several allegations of wrongful conduct by Dr. Patterson
    that could "potentially" be so construed.
    As a threshold matter, we reject Centennial's contention
    that the claims asserted against Dr. Patterson related "exclusively
    to Dr. Patterson's testimony at the Animal Possession Hearing."
    Rather, Murphy's statement, at paragraph 184 of the complaint, that
    Dr. Patterson "testified that two calves that died expired because
    they had no food and water" implies that Dr. Patterson examined the
    deceased    calves    in    order       to    reach     a   professional     conclusion
    regarding their cause of death, and that Murphy's claims arise, in
    part, from that examination.            This inference, that Dr. Patterson
    examined the animals, is further supported by Murphy's statement
    that she "did not give permission to Patterson to do anything to
    her   animals   whether    they   were    alive   or   dead."      Furthermore,
    Murphy's allegation that "Patterson is guilty of treating stolen
    animals without getting permission from the legal owner," is a
    claim against Dr. Patterson which does not arise solely from his
    testimony   against   Murphy      but    also   from   actions   taken   by   Dr.
    Patterson toward Murphy's animals, either when they were living, or
    after they had died.
    Taken together, Murphy's allegations suggest that Dr.
    Patterson not only testified against Murphy, but performed some
    type of professional veterinary service on Murphy's animals, which
    Murphy regarded as wrongful in being carried out without her
    authorization, wrongful in approach (because Dr. Patterson did not
    ask her about the calves' origin and prior condition), and wrongful
    in result (because Dr. Patterson erroneously faulted Murphy for
    their death).     As such, Murphy's complaint can be construed as
    including    claims   arising      out     of   veterinary      malpractice   or
    negligence; claims which, if proven, potentially fall within the
    Policy's coverage.        We reiterate that a "potential" of a "claim
    within the policy" is all that is required, under Maine law, to
    trigger Centennial's duty to defend.              See J.A.J., Inc. v. Aetna
    Cas. & Sur. Co., 
    529 A.2d 806
    , 808 (Me. 1987) (stating that "[i]t
    is not essential that the complaint specifically and unequivocally
    make out a claim within the policy" but only that it raise "a
    potential . . . that the facts ultimately proved may come within
    the coverage").
    We hold that the allegations of the complaint contain
    sufficient facts to state a claim of negligence or malpractice
    potentially covered by the Policy.         We need not go any further, as
    this conclusion is sufficient to activate Centennial's duty to
    defend Dr. Patterson in the underlying suit. Nevertheless, we also
    hold, contrary to Centennial's assertions, that the duty to defend
    is independently triggered by our view that Murphy potentially
    alleged that Dr. Patterson, among other defendants, committed libel
    and slander against her.
    The Policy language clearly includes within the scope of
    coverage claims against the insured alleging the "utterance or
    publication   of   a   libel   or   slander,   or   other   defamatory   or
    disparaging material . . . in the furnishing of professional
    veterinary services."      Centennial disputes the applicability of
    this provision by arguing that Murphy's allegations of libel,
    slander and defamation were directed at defendants in the complaint
    other than Dr. Patterson, namely, certain media outlets that
    published newspaper accounts of the proceedings against Murphy.
    This is certainly one plausible interpretation of the complaint, in
    that the specific claims of libel and slander enumerated in the
    complaint       were   directed      towards        various     media    outlets.2
    Nevertheless,      there   is    another    plausible    interpretation.        In
    paragraph 2 of her complaint, Murphy makes general claims of libel
    and slander which, at paragraph 1, she directs towards "State
    Officials and others."          Based on these broadly worded provisions,
    the complaint may be reasonably construed as potentially stating a
    defamation claim against any of the defendants, including Dr.
    Patterson.      See Dingwell, 
    414 A.2d at 227
     (noting that with "the
    great latitude with which pleadings are construed today, and the
    great latitude of amendment, an insured's right to a defense should
    not be foreclosed unless such a result is inescapably necessary"
    (quoting Donnelly v. Transp. Ins. Co., 
    589 F.2d 761
    , 765 (4th Cir.
    1978)).     Moreover, this construction of paragraph 2's libel and
    slander claim as potentially applicable to Dr. Patterson, is
    bolstered by the language of the complaint at paragraph 129, where
    Murphy alleges that Dr. Patterson provided untruthful and damaging
    testimony against her at the animal repossession hearing.                 Reading
    these portions of the complaint together, we can reasonably infer
    that   Murphy    may   have     intended    to   state   a    claim   against   Dr.
    Patterson    for   defamation      --   a   claim    that,    if   proven,   would
    For example, at paragraph 151 of the Complaint Murphy alleges
    that the Morning Sentinel newspaper committed "libel and slander"
    by "print[ing] the story without checking their facts." At para.
    157 of the Complaint Murphy makes similar claims against the
    Kennebec Journal, alleging that this publication was also "guilty
    of libel and slander" in printing a story about the conditions on
    Murphy's farm.
    potentially trigger coverage under the Policy. See Me. State Acad.
    of Hair Design, Inc. v. Commercial Union Ins. Co., 
    699 A.2d 1153
    1156 (Me. 1997) ("'Even a complaint which is legally insufficient
    to withstand a motion to dismiss gives rise to a duty to defend if
    it   shows   an    intent   to   state   a   claim   within   the   insurance
    coverage.'" (quoting Dingwell, 
    414 A.2d at 226
    ) (emphasis added)).
    Finally, that Murphy had such intent is supported by the overall
    nature of the complaint, which evidences a general intent on the
    part of the pro se plaintiff to state the broadest array of claims
    against the greatest number of potential defendants, in hopes of
    maximizing the potential for recovery.
    Centennial further disputes the applicability of the
    "libel and slander" provision on grounds that any libel or slander
    alleged to have been committed by Dr. Patterson took place during
    his testimony at the Hearing, and thus, was not delivered "in the
    furnishing of professional veterinary services," as required to
    trigger coverage under the Policy.           Centennial suggests that the
    furnishing of "professional veterinary services" must necessarily
    involve some form of malpractice or negligence in the treatment of
    an animal.        However, we hold that the Policy definition, which
    specifically includes within the scope of coverage the "utterance
    or publication of a libel or slander," an event which, as noted by
    the district court is "unlikely to occur while a veterinarian is
    physically treating an animal," suggests that the provision has
    broader applicability.          In any event, courts interpreting the term
    "professional services" in the context of determining coverage
    under an insurance policy have generally defined the term broadly,
    so as to embrace all activities for which the specialized training
    of the particular profession is required.             See, e.g., Med. Records
    Assoc., Inc. v. Am. Empire Surplus Lines Ins., 
    142 F.3d 512
    , 515
    (1st    Cir.     1998)    (defining      "professional         services"      under
    Massachusetts law as "embrac[ing] those activities that distinguish
    a particular occupation from other occupations -- as evidenced by
    the need for specialized learning or training -- and from the
    ordinary activities of life and business"); W. World Ins. Co. v.
    Am. & Foreign Ins. Co., 
    180 F. Supp. 2d 224
    , 231 (D. Me. 2002)
    (defining "'professional' act or service" under Maine law as "one
    arising out of a vocation, calling, occupation, or employment
    involving specialized knowledge, labor, or skill" (quoting Marx v.
    Hartford Accident & Indem. Co., 
    157 N.W.2d 870
    , 871-72 (Neb.
    1968)).    Thus, we agree with the district court that "[Patterson]
    could     only   have    been    testifying     in    that     proceeding     as   a
    veterinarian," that "[t]estifying as a professional veterinarian,
    as an expert witness, must logically be included in the scope of
    'professional      veterinary       services'        [absent     an   applicable
    exclusion]," and therefore, Dr. Patterson's "act of testifying
    constituted 'the furnishing of professional veterinary services'
    within the meaning of that term as used in the policy."                     We thus
    find that at least some of the claims against Dr. Patterson
    contained in the Murphy complaint arise out of a "veterinary
    incident," and as a result, potentially fall within the scope of
    D.    Effect of Policy Exclusions
    Alternatively, Centennial argues that it had no duty to
    defend Dr. Patterson because it was relieved of any such duty by
    Exclusion H in the Policy, a provision which excludes from coverage
    any suit arising out of or related to "[a]ny actual or alleged
    . . . dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, malicious act, or malicious
    omission" or any "willfull violation" by the insured.                        Centennial
    contends that, even if the allegations in the Murphy complaint do
    arise out of an otherwise covered veterinary incident, "[a]ll of
    the allegations against Patterson describe dishonest, fraudulent or
    criminal conduct on his part," and thus, fall within the scope of
    Exclusion H.      According to Centennial, "there is no potential that
    Patterson's       alleged    conduct     did     not        involve    a     dishonest,
    fraudulent,      criminal,     malicious   act,        or    malicious       omission."
    Centennial acknowledges that a full trial might have ultimately
    disclosed     that   Dr.     Patterson's       actions       were     not,    in    fact,
    dishonest,       fraudulent,    or     criminal,       but      argues       that    such
    considerations are irrelevant under the comparison test, which
    hinges the duty to defend "exclusively on the facts as alleged
    rather than on the facts as they actually are."                       Barrett Paving,
    488 F.3d at 63
     (emphasis added & internal quotation marks omitted).
    The     "triggering     of    Exclusion     H,"   according       to   Centennial,
    "eliminates any potential for coverage under the [Policy]."
    We disagree with the premise upon which Centennial's
    argument    rests      --    that   there   was    "no   potential"     that   the
    allegations against Patterson involved a claim not barred under
    Exclusion H.      It is true that many of Murphy's claims, albeit in a
    conclusory manner, allege that Patterson committed various crimes,
    such as racketeering and perjury.             If proven, these would clearly
    fall within the exclusion and therefore, outside the scope of
    coverage. Nevertheless, it is not essential, under Maine law, that
    all claims against the insured in the underlying complaint raise
    the possibility of coverage for the insurer's duty to defend to be
    triggered, at least where the claims arise from common issues of
    fact.    See Gibson, 
    673 A.2d at 1354
    As explained above, we find that Murphy's complaint can
    be    construed   to   also    state   claims     against   Dr.    Patterson   for
    slander, libel, negligence and malpractice -- claims which, if
    proven, would fall outside the scope of Exclusion H, and at least
    potentially, within the scope of coverage.               The fact that Murphy
    also alleged that Dr. Patterson committed various uncovered crimes
    in the course of the single factual scenario at issue, does not,
    under Gibson, relieve Centennial of the duty to defend.                        
    Moreover, the fact that Murphy, a pro se plaintiff bringing a civil
    action and seeking damages, characterizes all of Dr. Patterson's
    actions as "criminal acts" (paragraph 184 of the complaint), and
    uses words such as "guilty" rather than "liable" to describe
    Patterson's culpability, does not mean that Murphy, has, in fact,
    alleged criminal conduct.     See Dingwell, 
    414 A.2d at 226
    [the insured] can obtain a defense from his insurer must depend not
    on the caprice of the plaintiff's draftsmanship, nor the limits of
    his knowledge, but on a potential shown in the complaint that the
    facts   ultimately   proved    may   come   within   the   coverage.").
    Regardless of how Murphy chooses to classify Dr. Patterson's
    allegedly wrongful conduct, "the facts ultimately proved" could
    have potentially shown, for example, that Patterson was negligent
    in concluding that Murphy had caused the death of her calves, or
    that Patterson's statements regarding Murphy's treatment of her
    animals were defamatory, both non-criminal wrongs which could
    potentially "come within [the Policy's] coverage."         See J.A.J.,
    529 A.2d at 808
     (quoting Dingwell, 
    414 A.2d at 226
    Ultimately, Maine law "place[s] the burden of uncertainty
    as to the policy's coverage on the insurer."     Dingwell, 
    414 A.2d at 227
     (citation omitted).   Because we find that Exclusion H does not
    necessarily foreclose coverage under the Policy, we hold that Dr.
    Patterson's right to a defense remains intact.
    Based on the allegations in the Murphy complaint, we hold
    that the Centennial Policy potentially covered Murphy's claims
    against Dr. Patterson, and therefore, Centennial had a duty to
    defend its insured. Because we conclude that Centennial had a duty
    to defend, we further conclude that the district court correctly
    granted summary judgment for Dr. Patterson.
    E.   Attorney's Fees
    Dr. Patterson contends that if he prevails in defending
    against the instant declaratory judgment action, he is entitled to
    recover not only the costs of his defense in the Murphy suit, but
    also the costs of establishing Centennial's duty to defend in this
    Maine law provides by statute that "when there is a
    declaratory judgment action 'to determine an insurer's contractual
    duty to defend an insured under an insurance policy, if the insured
    prevails in such action, the insurer shall pay court costs and
    reasonable attorney's fees.'"    Foremost Ins. Co. v. Levesque, 
    926 A.2d 1185
    , 1188 (Me. 2007) (quoting 24-A M.R.S. § 2436-B(2)).
    However, we find, as did the district court, that Dr. Patterson's
    request for attorney's fees remains premature.   See D. Me. R. 54.2
    (providing that application for attorney's fees "shall be filed
    within 30 days of the filing of the appellate mandate providing for
    the final disposition of any appeal to the Court of Appeals").
    Thus, we leave it to the district court to resolve this issue at
    the appropriate time.
    III.   Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, the summary judgment entered
    in favor of Patterson and against Centennial is affirmed.