Newton v. LePage , 700 F.3d 595 ( 2012 )

  •             United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 12-1472
    Plaintiffs, Appellants,
    PAUL LEPAGE, in his capacity as Governor of the State of Maine;
    JOSEPH PHILLIPS, in his capacity as Director, Maine State Museum;
    RICHARD J. WINGLASS, in his capacity as Commissioner of the Maine
    Department of Labor;
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. John A. Woodcock, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Chief Judge,
    Boudin, Circuit Judge,
    and Woodlock,* District Judge.
    Jeffrey Neil Young, with whom Carol J. Garvan, Jonathan
    S.R. Beal, and McTeague Higbee were on brief, for appellants.
    Paul Stern, Assistant Maine Attorney General, with whom
    William J. Schneider, Maine Attorney General, and Sarah A. Forster
    were on brief, for appellees.
    Of the District of Massachusetts, sitting by designation.
    November 28, 2012
    LYNCH, Chief Judge.      The question presented is whether
    the governor of Maine violated the First Amendment by removing a
    large state-owned mural, commissioned by the former administration,
    from its location on the walls of a small waiting room for visitors
    to the Maine Department of Labor ("MDOL").          The governor's initial
    stated reason was that he agreed with complaints that the mural did
    not convey a message of evenhanded treatment toward both labor and
    employers and so the mural was inappropriate for that particular
    setting at MDOL.       At the same time, he said the mural would be
    placed into a different public building, the Portland City Hall.
    Later, the governor added that he objected to the mural's remaining
    at the MDOL location because the mural had been paid for from
    government funds which would better have been used for the state
    unemployment fund.      To be clear, the governor's stated objections
    were to the location of the mural on the MDOL walls; he stated the
    mural would be reinstalled in another building.
    Whatever the wisdom of the decision to remove the mural
    from that location, the accountability for that decision lies in
    the political process.         The district court correctly entered
    judgment for defendants on plaintiffs' claims of a First Amendment
    violation.   Newton v. LePage, 
    849 F. Supp. 2d 82
     (D. Me. 2012).
    In   2007,    the   administration   of    Maine   Governor   John
    Baldacci commissioned Judy Taylor, a Maine painter, to produce a
    mural for the small public waiting room of the MDOL's offices in
    Augusta.   The sign on the waiting room stated:
    Maine Department of Labor
    Commissioner of Labor
    Employment Service
    Rehabilitative Services
    Labor Standards (Safety Works)
    Unemployment Compensation
    Administrative Hearings
    Center for Workforce
    Research and Information
    Contested administrative workers' compensation hearings between
    employers and employees were held in the offices, as well as other
    activities.    MDOL   rented   these    offices   in a   privately   owned
    building that also housed the offices of private entities.
    Under the contract between MDOL and Taylor, MDOL paid
    Taylor $60,000 for a "Maine Labor Mural" consisting of "panels
    depicting selected episodes in the history of Maine labor" whose
    "permanent location" was the "Department of Labor, Augusta, Maine."
    The mural appears to be about six feet high and thirty feet long
    spanning two walls.    The contract provided that "[o]fficial sole
    ownership [by the state] of the work occurs when a letter of final
    acceptance is sent by the contracting agency to the artist," and
    The work will be placed in the location for which it was
    selected. The contracting agency agrees that the artist
    and the Commission will be notified if, for any reason,
    the work has to be removed or moved to a new location.
    The artist and the Commission have the right to advise or
    consult with the contracting agency or its designee
    regarding this treatment of the work.
    The contract plainly contemplated that the mural could be shown in
    a different location and the artist's consent was not required.
    The mural was paid for using both Maine and federal
    funds from the federal Reed Act, 
    42 U.S.C. § 1103
    employment security funds); the Bureau of Labor Standards; the
    Bureau   of    Rehabilitation      Services;   the    Center     for   Workforce
    Research and Information; and the MDOL Overhead account in the
    Commissioner's Office.      The mural was not funded by Maine's public
    arts program, the Percent for Art program,1 and was not a Percent
    for Art project.
    On August 9, 2008, the completed mural was installed in
    an anteroom at the MDOL where visitors typically waited before
    meetings with      MDOL   staff.     The    mural    contained    panels   which
    depicted a shoemaker teaching an apprentice, child laborers, women
    textile workers, workers casting secret ballots, the first Labor
    Day, woods workers, the 1937 shoe strike in Lewiston and Auburn,
    labor reformers, women workers during World War II, the 1987 strike
    at the International Paper Mill in Jay, and the future of Maine
    labor.   Next to the mural was a plaque stating:
    Judy Taylor
    History of Maine Labor
    Oil Paint Mural, Eleven Panels
    The state Percent for Art program requires agencies
    constructing public buildings or facilities other than schools or
    correctional facilities to spend at least 1% of money appropriated
    or allocated for construction by the Maine Legislature on works of
    art. 27 Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 27, § 453(1).
    Commissioned for the Department of Labor and
    Administered by the Maine Arts Commission
    "building Maine communities through the arts"
    The waiting room measures twelve feet by twenty-six feet in area.
    The mural covered two contiguous walls above a knee wall.    Three
    sides of the waiting room are lined with nine chairs, and on the
    fourth side is a receptionist behind a security window.        The
    waiting room also, at the time the mural was present, displayed a
    framed 19th century pamphlet urging employers to oppose the passage
    of a child labor bill.   It, too, was later removed.
    Inside the MDOL offices, but not in the waiting room,
    there were framed pictures in the "Frances Perkins" conference
    room, nearly all of which     depicted Perkins.2    There were no
    bulletin boards or other locations for members of the public to
    post materials in the MDOL waiting room or in the corridor leading
    to it.
    Perkins, who had strong family roots in Maine and returned
    to a family homestead in Maine virtually every summer of her life,
    was appointed Secretary of Labor by President Franklin Roosevelt in
    1933, becoming the first female Cabinet member. See Dictionary of
    American Biography 607-10 (Supp. VII 1981).      The five pictures
    displayed in the "Frances Perkins" conference room were: (1) a copy
    of a newspaper article profiling Perkins from the 1930s; (2) a
    photo of Perkins with President Roosevelt; (3) a drawing of the
    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire by Clinton Kamp; (4) a photo of Perkins;
    and (5) a copy of a Time magazine cover featuring Perkins and a
    postcard of Perkins.    When announcing the removal of the mural,
    the acting Commissioner of the MDOL also stated an intention to
    rename the conference room.
    On January 5, 2011, Paul LePage was sworn in as Governor
    of Maine.     One of his advisors, John Butera, had visited the MDOL
    waiting room before January of 2011 on business and considered the
    mural   to   be   overwhelming,   pro-labor,   and   anti-business.   On
    February 28, 2011, the Office of the Governor received an anonymous
    letter complaining that the mural was "propaganda" meant to further
    the union movement and asking Governor LePage to take the mural
    down.    The governor's press secretary, Adrienne Bennett, also
    stated that several unnamed business officials had complained about
    the mural.
    On March 22, 2011, Laura Boyett, the Acting Commissioner
    of MDOL, sent an email to MDOL staff stating that:
    We have received feedback that the administration
    building is not perceived as equally receptive to both
    businesses and workers -- primarily because of the nature
    of the mural in the lobby and the names of our conference
    rooms. Whether or not the perception is valid is not
    really at issue and therefore, not open to debate. If
    either of our two constituencies perceives that they are
    not welcome in our administration building and this
    translates to a belief that their needs will not be heard
    or met by this department, then it presents a barrier to
    achieving our mission.
    I will be seeking a new home for the mural and we will be
    renaming the conference rooms in our administrative
    office at Commerce Drive in Augusta.
    Word of the removal reached the media.         On March 22, 2011, Taylor
    learned from a reporter about Governor LePage's intention to remove
    the mural.        Later that week, Adam Fisher, the communications
    director for MDOL, telephoned Taylor and informed her that the
    mural was going to be removed.3
    On March 23, 2011, Dan Demeritt, a spokesperson for
    Governor LePage's administration, stated, as to the plans to remove
    the mural, that "[t]he message from State agencies needs to be
    balanced" and that "we were merely looking to achieve a little
    aesthetic balance."   On March 24, 2011, press secretary Bennett
    stated that "[t]he Department of Labor is a state agency that works
    very closely with both employees and employers, and we need to have
    a décor that represent[s] neutrality."
    On March 25, 2011, the governor issued a press release
    Without workers and employers, we do not have an economy.
    Maine's Department of Labor needs to serve and balance
    the interests of both employees and employers to
    accomplish its mission. I encourage anyone with artwork
    that celebrates the cooperation that exists in Maine's
    workplaces to consider offering it for display at any
    Department of Labor or Career Center Location.
    I appreciate the effort and talent Ms. Taylor devoted to
    the creation of her mural as well as the important
    history it represents. I am pleased that her work of art
    will be prominently displayed in Portland City Hall, the
    site of Maine's first State House. (emphasis added).
    During this call, Taylor neither agreed nor disagreed with
    the removal of the mural from its original location.       Taylor's
    affidavit stated that "I am concerned about how the mural panels
    are being stored, how they were taken down, and how the removal may
    impact their condition," but she did not otherwise state that she
    opposed the mural's removal.
    Appellees represented at oral argument that the mural has not yet
    been       reinstalled   elsewhere   because   of   the   pendency   of   this
    In a radio program, Governor LePage stated that "I'm
    trying to send a message to everyone in the state that the state of
    Maine looks at employees and employers equally, neutrally and on
    balance.       The mural sends a message that we're one-sided, and I
    don't want to send that message."           The governor ordered the mural
    removed based on the complaints he had received and on his own
    perception that the mural was a one-sided portrayal of labor
    history, not acceptable to business interests.
    On March 27, 2011, the mural was removed from the MDOL
    offices.       The framed 19th century pamphlet urging employers to
    oppose the passage of a child labor bill was removed at the same
    time; the pamphlet was later returned to its donor upon his
    request.        Bennett   released   a   statement   on   March   28,     2011,
    explaining that "[t]he mural has been removed and is in storage
    awaiting relocation to a more appropriate venue."4
    On May 16, 2011, a Maine Deputy Attorney General wrote to
    Taylor explaining that "[t]he mural has been carefully placed in
    crates made of birch wood. The mural is being stored in a safe,
    secure, climate-controlled room. . . . At this time, no final
    decision has been made regarding where the mural will be displayed.
    The present litigation has placed that decision on hold, and we
    will not be finalizing that decision until the litigation has
    On September 26, 2011, after the removal of the mural had
    provoked controversy, Governor LePage was interviewed and asked
    whether he was opposed to organized labor.        In reply, he stated
    "[m]y objection to the mural is simply where the money came from.
    The money was taken out of the unemployment insurance fund which is
    dedicated to provide benefits to unemployed workers.      They robbed
    that account to build the mural.        And until they pay for it, it
    stays hidden." Governor LePage stated that the mural's removal was
    not because of any depiction of organized labor; indeed, he stated
    he came up through organized labor.
    During an interview in October of 2011, Governor LePage
    stated that:
    The Mural can go right back up tomorrow if they pay the
    money that was used from the unemployment funds. If the
    money is paid back, they can put it any place they want,
    any time they want. But they took money from funds that
    were not appropriate.
    On September 28, 2011, press secretary Bennett issued a press
    release stating that:
    The Administration originally removed the mural because
    of its messaging. The mural portrays only one party that
    the Department of Labor serves -- workers not job
    creators. In order to change the culture the decision
    was made to find a more appropriate location for the
    mural. It was then discovered how the mural was funded
    and that these funds could have been put into the
    Unemployment Trust Fund for Mainers to benefit from.
    When the Governor learned of this it further supported
    the decision.
    This court has no information on whether there is now anything on
    the walls of the waiting room.    A fuller description of the facts
    is contained in the district court's thoughtful opinion.             See
    Newton, 849 F. Supp. 2d at 86-112.
    On April 1, 2011, plaintiffs John Newton and five others
    filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court in Maine against
    Governor LePage and the Commissioner of MDOL, now Robert Winglass,
    and Joseph Phillips, the Director of the Maine State Museum.
    Appellants are five5 Maine residents who had viewed the mural and
    planned to view it again at the MDOL offices.       They claimed that
    the mural's removal "was impermissibly content- and viewpoint-
    based."   There was a contingent claim that the failure to conduct
    a hearing before removing the mural violated plaintiffs' procedural
    due process rights.6    That issue is not pursued on appeal.
    Our review on First Amendment cases is de novo as to
    ultimate questions of law and mixed conclusions of law and fact.
    Ridley v. MBTA, 
    390 F.3d 65
    , 75 (1st Cir. 2004).             "Judges, as
    expositors of the Constitution, must independently decide whether
    the   evidence   in    the   record   is   sufficient   to   cross   the
    One plaintiff before the district court, Jonathan S.R. Beal,
    is not a party on appeal.
    Plaintiffs also asserted two state-law claims: a claim for
    breach of fiduciary duty against Phillips, and a claim seeking
    review of governmental action pursuant to Me. R. Civ. P. 80C. The
    district court declined to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over
    these claims and dismissed them without prejudice on March 23,
    2012. See Newton, 849 F. Supp. 2d at 130.
    constitutional threshold."          Bose Corp. v. Consumers Union of U.S.,
    466 U.S. 485
    , 511 (1984).7             Our review of the appellants'
    First Amendment claim "carries with it a constitutional duty to
    conduct an independent examination of the record as a whole,
    without deference to the trial court."            Hurley v. Irish-American
    Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Grp. of Bos., 
    515 U.S. 557
    , 567 (1995).
    Further, all of the facts needed to decide this question are not
    disputed and none of the facts appellants say are disputed are
    material to the legal questions.         In particular, appellants do not
    dispute that the State has represented that it will relocate the
    mural    and    they   have   not   provided   evidence   --   as   opposed   to
    speculation -- to show that this representation will go unexecuted.
    The usual initial question in claims of violation of
    rights is whether the plaintiffs are the right parties to bring the
    challenge.        Appellees    deny appellants     have standing.        As   in
    Griswold v. Driscoll, 
    616 F.3d 53
    , 56 (1st Cir. 2010), we think the
    better course is not to attempt to disentangle the questions of
    whether there is standing and whether there is a cognizable First
    Amendment claim, and to dispose of the two issues together.
    "We must ‘make an independent examination of the whole
    record,’ so as to assure ourselves that the judgment does not
    constitute a forbidden intrusion on the field of free expression."
    N.Y. Times Co. v. Sullivan, 
    376 U.S. 254
    , 285 (1964) (citation
    omitted) (quoting Edwards v. South Carolina, 
    372 U.S. 229
    , 235
    While the mural is itself not speech, the First Amendment
    protects artistic as well as political expression, unless that
    artistic expression is legally obscene, Miller v. California, 
    413 U.S. 15
    , 23 (1973).   This is not a case in which the government
    seeks to regulate the speech of private parties, the classic
    problem to which the First Amendment is addressed.    See People for
    the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Inc. v. Gittens, 
    414 F.3d 23
    , 29
    (D.C. Cir. 2005).   Nor is it a case in which the government seeks
    to compel a private individual to personally express a message with
    which he disagrees or is compelled by the government to subsidize
    such a message expressed by a government advertising campaign. See
    Johanns v. Livestock Mktg. Ass'n, 
    544 U.S. 550
    Rather, this is a case about private citizens attempting
    to compel a governor to keep in place a mural, owned by the state,
    in a particular location, the MDOL offices.          They argue the
    relocation is not a neutral time, place, and manner restriction but
    is viewpoint-based discrimination.8   See Sutliffe v. Epping Sch.
    584 F.3d 314
    , 332 n.10 (1st Cir. 2009).
    It is quite clear that the MDOL waiting room cannot be
    called a public forum in any of the iterations of that doctrine.
    The appellants concede that a decision to remove the mural
    from its location based on reasons not motivated by viewpoint
    discrimination would not violate the First Amendment. Rather than
    explore the law governing mixed motives, we treat the appellants'
    primary objection that the initial reason constituted viewpoint
    It is not a traditional public forum, nor a designated forum, nor
    a limited forum. See Pleasant Grove City, Utah v. Summum, 
    555 U.S. 460
    , 469-70 (2009); Sutliffe, 584 F.3d at 333-34.9                 The small
    waiting room is not an art gallery, nor an exhibition space, nor a
    library, nor an exercise in broadcasting.           Nor is it a space open
    to   the     public   for   demonstrations   of   political   or   expressive
    activity.      The waiting room also was not in a university or college
    and there is no claim, nor could there be, of issues of academic
    freedom. Further, the case concerns the relocation of the art from
    this particular setting to another location, not the permanent
    removal of the mural from all public view.
    Both sides rely on the "government speech" doctrine as
    described in Summum, 
    555 U.S. at 467-81
    , and Johanns, 
    544 U.S. at 560-67
    .      Appellees say this mural is plainly government speech and
    so there are no First Amendment concerns about its relocation at
    all.       The fact that the waiting room was of a government agency
    which also owned the mural does not foreclose a First Amendment
    claim.      See Piarowski v. Ill. Cmty. Coll. Dist. 515, 
    759 F.2d 625
    628 (7th Cir. 1985) (Posner, J.).
    Appellants argue the test for whether the mural is
    government speech is whether a person in the waiting room could
    The public forum analysis has been much criticized. See
    555 U.S. at 478-80
    ; United States v. Am. Library Ass'n,
    539 U.S. 194
    , 205-06 (2003); Ridley, 
    390 F.3d at 75-76
    Frederick Schauer, Principles, Institutions, and the First
    112 Harv. L. Rev. 84
    , 97-100 (1998).
    have     reasonably   understood   the     mural's   views     to   be   those
    expressions of the artist and not of the government.                 They do
    concede in their briefs that some have interpreted the mural as
    conveying a pro-labor message.           Appellants also argue that, even
    assuming the mural's speech is government speech, the decision by
    the governor necessarily was viewpoint discrimination.               At oral
    argument they added that they do not have to show there was some
    form of public forum created.
    We need not reach so broadly.       These formulations of the
    issues    fail   to   capture   myriad    relevant   factors    under    First
    Amendment law, and are insensitive to the variety of factual
    combinations which may arise.             We see no reason to adopt an
    "either/or" test -- that either the mural represents the artist's
    speech or it is the government's speech.             It is not the mural
    standing alone which is at issue, but what the mural's presence in
    the MDOL waiting room signified.          The message the government did
    not wish to portray, of non-neutrality, came from the particular
    location of the mural; the government did not have an objection to
    an alternative location.
    The mural's prominence, filling two walls of a small
    waiting room, alone would easily lead viewers to understand that
    the government's location of the art there was an endorsement of
    the mural's message, even if the expression originated with the
    artist.    That is particularly so, given the plaque identifying the
    work as being commissioned by the MDOL and paid for by the state.
    The government, without violating the First Amendment,
    may, in     this   setting,   choose   to   disassociate      itself   from   an
    endorsement implicit from the setting for the mural, which it
    reasonably understood as interfering with the message of neutrality
    the administration wishes to portray. This is so whether the mural
    is anti-labor or pro-labor. It is well established, in a number of
    contexts, that maintaining the appearance of neutrality is a
    sufficient government justification.10             Lehman v. City of Shaker
    418 U.S. 298
    , 304 (1974) (plurality opinion); Sutliffe,
    584 F.3d at 331-32; Ridley, 
    390 F.3d at 92-93
    .     Many cases
    recognize that the government must have some discretion as to the
    choice of art it puts on the walls of its offices, even where the
    government is acting as an arts patron.            It has discretion to make
    aesthetic judgments, with which some will agree and others will
    disagree.      Nat'l Endowment for the Arts v. Finley, 
    524 U.S. 569
    585-86 (1998); Gittens, 
    414 F.3d at 29-30
    Circuit courts have routinely rejected First Amendment
    claims brought against government officials who have chosen to
    remove art works, offensive to some but not others, from the walls
    of   working    government    institutions    on    the    grounds   they   were
    We do not suggest that if this were treated as government
    speech neutrality would be required. Summum, 
    555 U.S. at 467-68
    inappropriate to that location.     Further, the law clearly gives
    governments leeway to take into consideration the problem of the
    captive audience and complaints it has received from those who
    viewed the art work while visiting government offices for other
    reasons.   See Close v. Lederle, 
    424 F.2d 988
     (1st Cir. 1970) (no
    First Amendment violation from the removal by the University of
    Massachusetts of certain offensive but not obscene art work from a
    corridor frequented by students).   As Judge Aldrich said in Close,
    the defendants "were entitled to consider the primary use to which
    the corridor was put."   
    Id. at 990
    .   The defendant officials were
    also entitled to consider the complaints they had received, and
    even if there had been no complaints, they were "warranted in
    finding the exhibit inappropriate to that use."      Id.; see also
    759 F.2d at 630-31
     (no First Amendment violation where
    college chose to remove from walls artwork whose prominence and
    location implied college approval and not just custody); Ill.
    Dunesland Pres. Soc'y v. Ill. Dep't of Natural Res., 
    584 F.3d 719
    (7th Cir. 2009) (no First Amendment violation when state park
    decided not to display certain items on display racks).
    The same is true of relocation of art work by the federal
    government.   See Serra v. U.S. Gen. Servs. Admin., 
    847 F.2d 1045
    (2d Cir. 1988) (removal of Richard Serra sculpture, commissioned by
    GSA for a federal plaza, and relocation, after complaints, does not
    violate First Amendment).    In Serra, the court stated that "the
    Government's action in this case is limited to an exercise of
    discretion with respect to the display of its own property" and
    that "nothing GSA has done here encroaches in any way on Serra's or
    any other individual's right to communicate."             
    Id. at 1049
    Nor is there any violation of the First Amendment from
    the fact that a newly elected administration chooses to convey a
    different message than that conveyed by the administration it
    replaced.    See Advocates for Arts v. Thomson, 
    532 F.2d 792
    Cir. 1976) (decision by government to cancel a program is editorial
    in nature and not a First Amendment violation); Muir v. Ala. Educ.
    Television   Comm'n,   
    688 F.2d 1033
       (5th    Cir.    1982)    (en   banc)
    (editorial decision by government-controlled licensee to cancel a
    program was not censorship under First Amendment).
    Finally, we reject appellants' attempt to shoehorn this
    case into a school library case such as in Bd. of Educ., Island
    Trees Union Free Sch. Dist. No. 26 v. Pico, 
    457 U.S. 853
    , 871-72
    (1982). Not only do appellants overread Pico, but school libraries
    are plainly distinguishable from the MDOL waiting room.                    See
    616 F.3d at 56
     (curriculum guide better analogized to
    curriculum   than   school   library);     Muir,   
    688 F.2d at 1044-45
    (broadcast stations distinguishable from school libraries).11
    In a final argument on appeal, appellants urge we adopt
    what has been called the hybrid speech doctrine, citing American
    Civil Liberties Union of North Carolina v. Conti, 
    835 F. Supp. 2d 51
     (E.D.N.C. 2011). We have not adopted the doctrine and see no
    need to discuss it here.
    It is clear that the government speech doctrine favors
    the result we reach, as was also true in Griswold.        See Summum, 
    555 U.S. at 467-68
     (government is entitled to select the views it
    wishes to express).       As Justice Stevens has noted, the government
    speech doctrine is "recently minted."           
    Id. at 481
     (Stevens, J.,
    concurring); see also Griswold, 
    616 F.3d at
    59 n.6 (describing
    government speech doctrine as "still at an adolescent stage of
    imprecision").      Indeed, it is a bit odd to say that this mural
    reflects government speech when the present administration says it
    does not wish the MDOL offices to be associated with an implicit
    message of non-neutrality.        This is, in fact, an easier case for
    the government than Summum.         Here, unlike Summum, the issue does
    not involve a public park, nor does it involve the government's
    decision whether or not to accept a private donation.         
    555 U.S. at 466
    .   It is also clear that no Equal Protection or Establishment
    Clause concerns are raised by this case.              This case does not
    involve the suppression of private speech.
    At   oral   argument,   appellees   again   committed   to   the
    showing of the mural elsewhere.       They said it may now be placed in
    different places around the state "because this is now the most
    famous piece of art in the state of Maine."
    There are those who disagree with the decision to remove
    the mural    from   the   MDOL.     Governors   and   administrations    are
    ultimately accountable to the electorate through the political
    process, which is the mechanism to test disagreements.          See Bd. of
    Regents of Univ. of Wis. Sys. v. Southworth, 
    529 U.S. 217
    , 235
    (2000); Sutliffe, 
    584 F.3d at
    331 n.9.       As Judge Posner has noted,
    to hold the defendants liable to a plaintiff artist (or a viewer)
    "for   ordering   [the]   work   relocated     would    have    disturbing
    implications for the scope of federal judicial intervention in the
    affairs   of"   other   institutions,   including      public   museums.
    759 F.2d at 631

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-1472

Citation Numbers: 700 F.3d 595

Judges: Boudin, Lynch, Woodlock

Filed Date: 11/28/2012

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/5/2023

Authorities (21)

Griswold v. Driscoll , 616 F.3d 53 ( 2010 )

Ridley v. Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority , 390 F.3d 65 ( 2004 )

Charles Close v. John W. Lederle , 424 F.2d 988 ( 1970 )

donald-e-muir-h-jeff-buttram-and-o-navarro-faircloth-v-alabama , 688 F.2d 1033 ( 1982 )

Advocates for the Arts v. Meldrim Thomson, Jr., Etc. , 532 F.2d 792 ( 1976 )

richard-serra-v-united-states-general-services-administration-terrence-c , 847 F.2d 1045 ( 1988 )

Albert R. Piarowski v. Illinois Community College District ... , 759 F.2d 625 ( 1985 )

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Inc. v. Gittens , 414 F.3d 23 ( 2005 )

Illinois Dunesland Preservation Society v. Illinois ... , 584 F.3d 719 ( 2009 )

Miller v. California , 93 S. Ct. 2607 ( 1973 )

Lehman v. City of Shaker Heights , 94 S. Ct. 2714 ( 1974 )

Edwards v. South Carolina , 83 S. Ct. 680 ( 1963 )

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan , 84 S. Ct. 710 ( 1964 )

Board of Ed., Island Trees Union Free School Dist. No. 26 v.... , 102 S. Ct. 2799 ( 1982 )

National Endowment for the Arts v. Finley , 118 S. Ct. 2168 ( 1998 )

Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Group of ... , 115 S. Ct. 2338 ( 1995 )

Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. ... , 120 S. Ct. 1346 ( 2000 )

United States v. American Library Assn., Inc. , 123 S. Ct. 2297 ( 2003 )

Johanns v. Livestock Marketing Assn. , 125 S. Ct. 2055 ( 2005 )

Pleasant Grove City v. Summum , 129 S. Ct. 1125 ( 2009 )

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