Fábrica De Muebles J.J. Álvarez, Incorporado v. Inversiones Mendoza, Inc. , 682 F.3d 26 ( 2012 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 11-1985
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees,
    RICO, as Successor in Interest of Westernbank de Puerto Rico;
    [Hon. Gustavo A. Gelpí, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Chief Judge,
    Boudin and Lipez, Circuit Judges.
    Rafael González Vélez, with whom González Vélez Law
    Office was on brief, for appellant.
    Roberto Busó-Aboy for appellee Miguel A. Vázquez.
    Manuel A. Pietrantoni, Casellas Alcover & Burgos, P.S.C.,
    Benjamin C. Eggert, and Wiley Rein LLP on brief for appellee XL
    Specialty Insurance Company.
    June 4, 2012
    LYNCH, Chief Judge.         Fábrica de Muebles J.J. Álvarez,
    Inc. ("Álvarez") brought suit against a bank whose successor is
    Banco   Popular    de   Puerto   Rico    ("BPPR"),   under   the    Racketeer
    Influenced   and   Corrupt   Organizations     Act   ("RICO"),     
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-68
    , as well as under several Puerto Rico law causes of
    action.   The suit alleged that Westernbank, BPPR's predecessor in
    interest, swept funds from an escrow account held in plaintiff's
    interest.    Plaintiff appeals both from the dismissal of the case
    following a partial settlement and from the denial of its two
    motions for reconsideration.       We affirm.
    On December 1, 2004, plaintiff Álvarez entered into a
    written agreement to sell a furniture business, including the real
    estate and goods, to Inversiones Mendoza, Inc. ("Mendoza").
    Westernbank agreed to finance the transaction.          At the time of the
    closing, Westernbank provided funds for a partial payment for the
    property and obtained a first mortgage to guarantee both the loan
    and other monies which Mendoza owed to the bank.                   The unpaid
    portion of the sale became a deferred payment, and Mendoza signed
    a mortgage note for $750,000.
    Westernbank demanded that the parties submit a written
    consignment contract to the bank for its approval.            In response,
    plaintiff and Mendoza executed a consignment agreement establishing
    that all the consigned goods in the hands of Mendoza were, and
    would remain, the exclusive property of plaintiff, as would the
    product of the sale of the goods.          The product of these sales,
    together with all sales records and related documents, would be
    delivered to plaintiff.          Plaintiff would then pay Mendoza the
    corresponding amounts in accordance with the consignment agreement.
    Plaintiff     then   deposited    consigned   goods,   with   a   cost   of
    $1,503,900, with Mendoza.        These goods had an expected sales value
    of more than $6,000,000.
    On August 29, 2004, the parties opened what plaintiff
    alleges was an escrow account at Westernbank under the name of
    Francisco Mendoza, Inc. d/b/a J.J. Álvarez, Account No. 204013356,
    for the purpose of depositing the funds generated from the sale of
    the consigned goods.     At the time the account was opened, Mendoza
    was party to a separate security agreement with Westernbank that
    allegedly gave Westernbank control over all accounts where Mendoza
    deposited funds.       Plaintiff alleges that Westernbank provided
    assurances that the escrow account would not be subject to the
    separate security agreement with Mendoza, and that Westernbank
    agreed that it would hold and manage said account for the benefit
    of plaintiff, and make, or allow, regular payments, to plaintiff
    from said account.
    Plaintiff alleges that Westernbank did not honor this
    agreement.    Instead, it alleges, Westernbank daily swept and kept
    money from the escrow account in partial satisfaction of the debts
    owed    to    it   by    Mendoza.    Similarly,      plaintiff    alleges   that
    approximately $4.5 million generated by the sale of the consigned
    goods was transferred directly to Westernbank without ever having
    been deposited into the escrow account. It claims that Westernbank
    and    its    employees     exercised     absolute   financial    control   over
    Mendoza.      Westernbank enjoyed an irrevocable proxy, signed by the
    main stockholders of Mendoza, which gave Westernbank full power
    over Mendoza's stockholder and Board of Directors meetings.                   In
    order to make any payments, Mendoza would have to justify the
    expense to Westernbank, which would then make the funds available
    to Mendoza for use.
    This domineering presence allegedly prevented Mendoza
    from paying to plaintiff the product of the sale of the consigned
    goods.       Plaintiff alleges that the bank permitted Mendoza to make
    partial payments to plaintiff, but that the bank required Mendoza
    to make the payments from a separate rotating account rather than
    use the funds in the escrow account.            Mendoza made these payments,
    amounting to $366,433, using money loaned to it by the bank,
    further exacerbating its financial troubles.               Mendoza, unable to
    pay its accumulating debts, eventually defaulted on its payments to
    plaintiff for the deferred portion of the property purchase.
    As a result of its debts, Mendoza filed for Chapter 11
    bankruptcy.        The appeal in this case is not from the bankruptcy
    proceedings.            Plaintiff,   as    holder    of   the    mortgage   note
    representing the deferred payment, filed its proof of claim in
    Bankruptcy Court.      On September 14, 2007, following Mendoza's
    bankruptcy petitions, Westernbank filed an interpleader complaint
    in the Bankruptcy Court, claiming that it had legitimate reasons to
    fear overlapping liability with respect to the funds which had been
    deposited in the escrow account.      The bank claimed that it did not
    know who was rightfully entitled to the funds in the escrow
    account, which at the time of the filing of Mendoza's bankruptcy
    petition allegedly contained only $241,571.90.
    Mendoza entered into two initial settlement agreements.
    On June 4, 2008, Mendoza agreed to transfer all of its real estate
    holdings to Westernbank in exchange for release by the bank from
    all debts owed.     On December 9, 2008, plaintiff and Mendoza signed
    a settlement agreement forgiving Mendoza's unpaid debts. Under the
    agreement, plaintiff agreed not to collect the outstanding claims
    it had against Mendoza in exchange for an agreement to lift a stay
    which would allow plaintiff to collect whatever amounts it could by
    foreclosing on its mortgage.
    On June 19, 2009, plaintiff Álvarez filed a complaint in
    the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico against
    Westernbank   and    various   John     Doe   employees   and   insurance
    companies.1       The complaint identified five causes of action: (1)
    "Civil Law Fraud, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Lender's Liability";
    (2) "Violation of R.I.C.O Act"; (3) "Civil Fraud Under Commonwealth
    Law"; (4) "Recovery of Funds or Property"; and (5) "Foreclosure of
    Mortgage."        As to the RICO claims, the plaintiff pled violations
    under subsections (a), (c), and (d) of 
    18 U.S.C. § 1962
    .                  On
    September 28, 2009, Westernbank moved to dismiss the complaint for
    failure to state a claim. The district court partially granted the
    motion, allowing only the § 1962(c) RICO claim and the remaining
    state law claims to survive.        See Fábrica de Muebles J.J. Álvarez,
    Inc. v. Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558, 
    2009 WL 4730776
    , at *5,
    *9 (D.P.R. Dec. 4, 2009).
    On    April   30,   2010,    the   Commissioner   of   Financial
    Institutions of Puerto Rico closed Westernbank's banking operations
    and appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") as
    its receiver to liquidate Westernbank.           On the same date, the FDIC
    sold most of Westernbank's assets to BPPR.           On May 12, 2010, BPPR
    replaced Westernbank in the present case.
    The complaint identifies "John Doe and Richard Roe" as
    "fictitious names, to be later substituted for the real names, of
    individuals who, as officers, directors or related persons of
    Westernbank, maliciously or negligently participated or made
    possible the incidents that give rise to this action."
    The complaint also identifies "Insurance companies 'A', 'B'
    and 'C'" as "fictitious names, to be later substituted for the real
    names, of insurance companies that issued policies to cover the
    damages . . . caused by the bank, its officers, directors or
    Most significantly, on March 18, 2011, plaintiff agreed
    at a settlement conference to voluntarily dismiss three of the five
    causes of action against BPPR: (1) the civil law fraud and breach
    of fiduciary duty claim, (2) the remaining RICO claim, and (3) the
    claim of civil fraud under Puerto Rico law.           The district court
    ordered the parties to file, pursuant to the settlement agreement,
    a stipulation dismissing the three causes of action against BPPR by
    March 25, 2011.     At that point, plaintiff had not identified or
    served individuals who had been bank officers as defendants.
    At the same settlement conference, plaintiff informed the
    court that it had recently identified insurance companies which had
    issued   policies   that   would   cover   the   damages   in   the   case.
    Plaintiff moved to amend the complaint by substituting those
    companies for the fictitious insurers it had named in the original
    complaint. In its order granting the motion to amend, the district
    court explained that it was "reluctant to add new parties at this
    stage in the case, [but that] plaintiff has shown cause for the
    delay and the addition of these insurers at this stage may result
    in the most expedient resolution of a complex matter."           Fábrica de
    Muebles J.J. Álvarez, Inc. v. Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558
    (D.P.R. Mar. 18, 2011).      The court allowed the plaintiff "until
    March 25, 2011 to amend the complaint to name the insurers."            
    Neither the plaintiff's motion nor the district court order made
    any reference to Westernbank employees.
    On   March   25,    2011,   the     plaintiff    filed    an   amended
    complaint naming not only the insurance companies that it had moved
    to include in the complaint, but also several new Westernbank
    employees.     On   April    4,   2011,     BPPR   objected   to   plaintiff's
    inclusion of the Westernbank employees in contravention of the
    express language of the district court's order.
    On March 28, 2011, after the stipulation deadline had
    passed, BPPR moved to dismiss the causes of action that the
    plaintiff had agreed to dismiss.2              BPPR represented that the
    plaintiff had failed to cooperate or comply with any of its
    requests to help prepare such a stipulation.              The district court
    granted the motion.         Fábrica de Muebles J.J. Álvarez, Inc. v.
    Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558 (D.P.R. Apr. 4, 2011).
    On   June    28,   2011,    the    district     court    ordered   the
    plaintiff to show cause as to why the remaining claims, which it
    characterized as state law claims, should not be dismissed for lack
    of subject matter jurisdiction.           Fábrica de Muebles J.J. Álvarez,
    Inc. v. Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558 (D.P.R. June 28, 2011).
    BPPR moved to dismiss four causes of action: the three
    agreed upon at the settlement conference, as well as a fourth,
    "recovery of funds or property." The plaintiff filed an opposition
    to the motion to dismiss, stating that it had not agreed to dismiss
    the "recovery of funds or property" claim at the settlement
    conference. Based on this opposition, the district court declined
    to dismiss the "recovery of funds or property" claim. See Fábrica
    de Muebles J.J. Álvarez, Inc. v. Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558
    (D.P.R. July 5, 2011). Plaintiff did not claim that it also had
    RICO claims against employees.
    It is clear the court considered that all federal claims had been
    dismissed with the consent of plaintiff.              The order stated:
    The court is in the process of reviewing and
    considering all the pending motions.        It
    appears from the record that on April 4, 2011
    (Docket No. 124), the court dismissed the only
    federal claims before this court, to wit, the
    RICO claims.    Given that the federal RICO
    claim was dismissed without objection from the
    plaintiff, the court orders the plaintiff TO
    SHOW CAUSE on or before Friday, July 1, 2011,
    as to why the remaining claims should not be
    dismissed   for   lack   of   subject   matter
    jurisdiction, given that there is no federal
    question or diversity among the parties.
    Plaintiff did not respond to this show cause order within
    the time directed by the district court.                On July 5, 2011, the
    district court determined that only state claims for mortgage
    foreclosure    and   recovery    of    funds    remained   at    issue   in     the
    litigation and declined in its discretion to exercise supplemental
    jurisdiction over such claims.           Fábrica de Muebles J.J. Álvarez,
    Inc. v. Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558 (D.P.R. July 5, 2011).
    On    July   5,      2011,    plaintiff      filed    a    motion     for
    reconsideration,     arguing    that    the    case   involved      questions    of
    bankruptcy law that the district court was more competent to handle
    than state courts.     The district court denied this motion on July
    6, 2011 in a brief docket entry that states: "If the Bankruptcy
    Court retained jurisdiction to entertain controversies regarding
    the meaning of and compliance with the reorganization plan, any
    matter or dispute referring or relating to this plan should be
    taken up with said court."          Fábrica de Muebles J.J. Álvarez, Inc.
    v. Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558 (D.P.R. July 5, 2011).
    On July 21, 2011, the plaintiff filed a second motion for
    reconsideration, this time arguing for the first time that the
    district court should retain jurisdiction because it had RICO
    claims against the Westernbank employees which had never been
    dismissed.      On August 3, the district court denied this motion as
    well,       stating   in   a     brief    docket   entry:      "The   court,   on
    reconsideration, ordinarily will not consider any new grounds for
    relief.        However,    the    proffered     reason   for   finding   federal
    jurisdiction -- interpretation of a bankruptcy court ordered plan
    within the state law dispute at issue -- is not per se a reason to
    exercise jurisdiction."          Fábrica de Muebles J.J. Álvarez, Inc. v.
    Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558 (D.P.R. July 21, 2011). On August
    4, 2011, plaintiff appealed.
    Plaintiff Álvarez appeals both denials of its motions for
    reconsideration, as well as the July 5, 2011 dismissal of the
    case.3      We address each in turn.
    Despite language in the plaintiff's appellate brief
    suggesting otherwise, this appeal does not involve a challenge to
    the district court's dismissal of the RICO claims against BPPR.
    The § 1962(c) RICO claim against BPPR was clearly dismissed
    pursuant to a settlement agreement between the plaintiff and BPPR.
    Plaintiff did not object to that dismissal below, and any appeal of
    that dismissal now is clearly waived. Furthermore, an appeal of
    A.            Denial of Plaintiff's Motions for Reconsideration
    We review a district court's dismissal of a motion for
    reconsideration for abuse of discretion.                    Latin Am. Music Co. v.
    Am. Soc'y of Composers, Authors & Publishers, 
    642 F.3d 87
    , 91 (1st
    Cir. 2011).      "The granting of a motion for reconsideration is 'an
    extraordinary remedy which should be used sparingly.'"                      Palmer v.
    Champion Mortg., 
    465 F.3d 24
    , 30 (1st Cir. 2006) (quoting 11
    Charles Alan Wright et al., Federal Practice and Procedure § 2810.1
    (2d ed. 1995)).        The moving party "must 'either clearly establish
    a    manifest    error      of    law   or   must     present      newly    discovered
    evidence.'"      Marie v. Allied Home Mortg. Corp., 
    402 F.3d 1
    , 7 n.2
    (1st Cir. 2005) (quoting Pomerleau v. W. Springfield Pub. Sch., 
    362 F.3d 143
    , 146 n.2 (1st Cir. 2004)).                A motion for reconsideration
    "does not provide a vehicle for a party to undo its own procedural
    failures, and it certainly does not allow a party to introduce new
    evidence or advance arguments that could and should have been
    presented to the district court prior to the judgment."                      Aybar v.
    118 F.3d 10
    , 16 (1st Cir. 1997) (quoting Moro v.
    Shell   Oil     Co.,   
    91 F.3d 872
    ,     876   (7th     Cir.   1996))    (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    Plaintiff's        principal    claim    on    appeal    is    that   the
    district court abused its discretion in denying the second motion
    the dismissal of the § 1962(a) or § 1962(d) RICO claims against
    BPPR would be untimely under Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure
    for     reconsideration    because,    while   plaintiff   agreed   to     the
    dismissal of the RICO claims against BPPR, plaintiff never agreed
    to the dismissal of its RICO claims against the Westernbank
    The short answer is that it was reasonable for the
    district court, after settlement, to have viewed the dismissal
    order as encompassing all the RICO claims.           And plaintiff,4 when
    given the opportunity to present a different view, utterly failed
    to do so.
    It was reasonable for the district court to have believed
    that the RICO claims against BPPR were the only RICO claims in the
    case.       As an initial matter, the district court did not authorize
    the plaintiff to amend the complaint to add the named Westernbank
    employees. The plaintiff requested leave only to add new insurance
    companies to the complaint, and the district court's order limited
    the scope of plaintiff's amendment to the addition of insurance
    companies      only.    Fábrica   de   Muebles   J.J.   Álvarez,    Inc.    v.
    Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558 (D.P.R. Mar. 18, 2011).                 This
    intent is reaffirmed in the district court's July 5, 2011, motion
    dismissing the remaining claims without prejudice.             After BPPR
    objected to the plaintiff's inclusion of new Westernbank employees
    We do not need to decide whether plaintiff ever had any
    viable RICO claims against certain Westernbank officers. By its
    actions, plaintiff has waived any such claims and its eventual
    protests were too little and too late.
    as parties, the district court clarified that the complaint had
    been amended only "to include insurance companies, [and that] the
    causes of action remained the same."           Fábrica de Muebles J.J.
    Álvarez, Inc. v. Westernbank de P.R., No. 09-1558 (D.P.R. July 5,
    Moreover, as to the Westernbank employees, the complaint
    pleads only the "control or influence" element of a RICO claim.
    The remainder of the pled RICO claim discusses only the actions of
    Westernbank and makes no mention of its employees. It is basic law
    that RICO claims against employees must be separate and distinct
    from those against the employer.        See, e.g., Bessette v. Avco Fin.
    Servs., Inc., 
    230 F.3d 439
    , 449 (1st Cir. 2000).            Without having
    pled each element of a RICO claim as to the Westernbank employees
    separate and apart from Westernbank itself, it is not clear that
    the complaint stated a claim under RICO against the employees or
    was intended to do so.
    Further, no individuals had been named or served as
    defendants at the time the claims were reported settled.           Although
    the parties were ordered by the court to file a stipulation of
    settlement,   plaintiff   failed   to     cooperate   and   did   nothing.
    Plaintiff did not assert that it had RICO claims remaining.5
    Nor did plaintiff seek leave, after it had reported the
    case against the bank settled, to amend the complaint to assert
    independent RICO claims against employees.
    Nor did the plaintiff clarify post-dismissal, despite
    several opportunities to do so, that it had intended to assert RICO
    claims   against    the      Westernbank    employees,   which    were      not
    encompassed by the dismissal.          First, the plaintiff failed to
    respond to the district court's June 28, 2011 order to show cause
    as to why the remaining claims should not be dismissed for lack of
    jurisdiction.      "Because federal courts are courts of limited
    jurisdiction, federal jurisdiction is never presumed." Viqueira v.
    First Bank, 
    140 F.3d 12
    , 16 (1st Cir. 1998).           The party asserting
    jurisdiction has the burden of demonstrating the existence of
    federal jurisdiction. 
     (citing Aversa v. United States, 
    99 F.3d 1200
    , 1209 (1st Cir. 1996); Murphy v. United States, 
    45 F.3d 520
    522 (1st Cir. 1995)). By remaining silent on the show cause order,
    plaintiff failed to meet this burden.
    Moreover, plaintiff failed to mention any such RICO
    claims against the Westernbank employees in its first motion to
    reconsider.     Instead, the plaintiff argued only that the court
    should retain jurisdiction because the case involves settlement
    agreements arising out of federal bankruptcy proceedings.              It was
    not until the district court denied this first motion that the
    plaintiff filed a new motion raising, for the first time, the issue
    of RICO claims against Westernbank employees.
    This     attempt    to   resuscitate   any   RICO   claims   as   to
    individuals came far too late. A motion for reconsideration is not
    a vehicle for the introduction of arguments that could and should
    have been made to the district court earlier, nor may a party move
    for reconsideration on the basis of its own procedural failures.
    See Aybar, 
    118 F.3d at 16
    . Accordingly, the district court did not
    abuse its discretion in denying the plaintiff's second motion for
    Nor did the district court abuse its discretion in
    denying the plaintiff's first motion for reconsideration.   There,
    the plaintiff argued in essence that because Mendoza's June 4, 2008
    and December 9, 2008 settlement agreements arose out of the
    bankruptcy proceedings, they fall within the ambit of bankruptcy
    law and a federal court is better positioned than a state court to
    interpret their meaning and scope.
    The district court correctly ruled that the mere fact
    that the settlement agreements arose in the context of a bankruptcy
    proceeding is not a stand-alone basis for federal jurisdiction. To
    the contrary, interpreting these agreements and their scope is a
    matter of state contract law, an area that falls squarely within
    the traditional competence of state courts.    See Citibank Global
    Mkts., Inc. v. Rodríguez Santana, 
    573 F.3d 17
    , 26-27 (1st Cir.
    B.        Dismissal for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction
    Plaintiff argues that the court erred in dismissing the
    case after the show cause order because its complaint should have
    been read as asserting federal claims beyond the RICO claims.                  We
    review de novo a district court's dismissal for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction.             Abdel-Aleem v. OPK Biotech LLC, 
    665 F.3d 38
    41 (1st Cir. 2012).
    Plaintiff argues that the complaint on its face supported
    several federal causes of action other than under RICO, including
    under Sarbanes Oxley, 
    15 U.S.C. § 7219
    , the Transportation of
    Stolen Property Act, 
    18 U.S.C. § 2314
    , statutes regulating the
    relationship between the FDIC and the bank, including 
    12 U.S.C. § 1811
    ,6 and various other federal securities laws.
    The complaint's references to these statutes does not
    come close to meeting the pleading requirements of Ashcroft v.
    556 U.S. 662
     (2009).             See United States ex rel. Duxbury v.
    Ortho Biotech Prods., L.P., 
    579 F.3d 13
    , 28 (1st Cir. 2009) (citing
    Iqbal to affirm dismissal for lack of subject matter jurisdiction
    where relator failed to adequately plead that he qualified as an
    original source under the False Claims Act); Rodriguez v. SK & F
    833 F.2d 8
    ,   8   (1st   Cir.   1987)   (per   curiam)   (affirming
    dismissal for lack of subject matter jurisdiction where "the
    plaintiff has failed to allege grounds upon which to support either
    Plaintiff also argues that the FDIC's status as a party in
    the case conferred upon the court federal question jurisdiction.
    This argument is now moot; we have dismissed the appeal as to the
    FDIC with prejudice pursuant to an agreement between the plaintiff
    and the FDIC under Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 42(b). See
    Fábrica de Muebles J.J. Álvarez, Inc. v. Inversiones Mendoza, Inc.,
    No. 11-1985 (1st Cir. Dec. 21, 2011).
    his conclusory allegation of diversity jurisdiction or federal
    question jurisdiction").     At most, some of these statutes are
    briefly mentioned in the complaint; they are simply listed on the
    second page of the complaint rather than pled as causes of action,
    and that is insufficient. See Marrero-Rodríguez v. Municipality of
    San Juan, No. 11-1195, 
    2012 WL 1571234
    , at *3 (1st Cir. May 7,
    2012) ("Plaintiff's purported Fourth Amendment claim fails to meet
    the pleading standards of Iqbal [because it] was not even pled as
    a claim, but only mentioned on the first page of the complaint.")
    (to be published in F.3d).
    We affirm the district court's dismissal of the case
    without prejudice, as well as the district court's denial of
    plaintiff's two motions for reconsideration.