Salazar v. United States ( 1993 )

  • April 7, 1993
    No. 93-1207
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendant, Appellee.
    [Hon. Francis J. Boyle, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Cyr and Boudin,
    Circuit Judges.
    Adan Salazar on brief pro se.
    Per  Curiam.   Adan  Salazar  appeals the  district
    court's  denial  of  his request  to  vacate  or provide  for
    installment payments of a stand committed fine imposed on him
    in  1987 after  he pled  guilty to  conspiring to  distribute
    cocaine and possessing with intent to distribute cocaine.  We
    In a letter,  Salazar asked the  district court  to
    vacate his  committed  fine,  or to  permit  its  payment  in
    installments while he  was on  parole.  He  asked for  relief
    from the fine because he had been scheduled to be released on
    parole, but his parole  had been made contingent on  the fine
    being paid or "otherwise  disposed of by law."   Salazar told
    the court  that, given his earning  power while incarcerated,
    he  could not pay the fine.  Given his allegedly poor health,
    he also suggested that the fine  "flirt[ed] on the rim of the
    Eighth Amendment ban on Cruel or Unusual Punishment."
    The district court  treated Salazar's  letter as  a
    motion to  correct a sentence under  Fed. R. Crim. P.  35 and
    denied it as untimely.  The version of Rule 35  applicable to
    Salazar, whose offenses were committed in 1984, provided that
    a  court could correct an "illegal sentence" at any time, but
    that  it could  correct  a sentence  "imposed  in an  illegal
    manner"  only within 120 days after the date of sentencing or
    within  120  days  after  the  date  of  the  last  appellate
    disposition upholding the judgment of conviction.  The  court
    found  that Salazar's fine was  not an illegal sentence since
    it was not "ambiguous, contradictory,  incomplete, uncertain,
    or unauthorized",  nor was  it "in  excess  of the  statutory
    maximum allowable for the  charges [or] in conflict  with any
    applicable law."    Given Salazar's  allegation that  "proper
    consideration [had]  not [been] given  to his ability  to pay
    the fine,"  the court concluded that  Salazar was challenging
    the manner in which  his sentence had been imposed.   Because
    his  challenge had not been brought  within the requisite 120
    days, it denied his request for relief.
    In its decision,  the district  court determined  a
    purely  legal question  -- whether  the fine was  an "illegal
    sentence" which could  be corrected  at any  time under  Rule
    35(a).   Given Salazar's argument to the court that presently
    he  could not pay the fine  and the court's position that the
    fine had  been within the statutory maximum  and not contrary
    to other law  when imposed, we interpret  the court's opinion
    to  signify that a fine,  which was legal  when imposed, does
    not become  illegal simply  because the defendant  cannot pay
    the  fine when it comes due.  The only case on point which we
    have found supports the court's conclusion.  In United States
    v. Blanton, 
    739 F.2d 209
     (6th Cir. 1984), the  Sixth Circuit
    considered whether a district court could vacate a fine as an
    "illegal sentence" where  the defendant had the  means to pay
    the fine at the time it was imposed, but did not at  the time
    the fine was due.   It found that the  defendant's subsequent
    inability  to pay  the  fine would  not  render the  fine  an
    illegal sentence  for Rule  35 purposes since,  when imposed,
    the   fine  had   been   authorized  by   "the  judgment   of
    Id. at 211-12
    Although the district  court's decision has support
    in precedent, we would  not confine the analysis to  Rule 35.
    We think that Salazar's request  could also have been treated
    as a  28 U.S.C.   2255  motion, which is not  subject to Rule
    35's time limitations.   See, e.g., United States v. Santora,
    711 F.2d 41
    , 42 (5th Cir. 1983) ("[m]indful of the liberality
    accorded pro se filings, we . . . construe [defendant's] ill-
    styled  Rule  35 pleading  as a  request  for relief  under
    2255").   Accordingly, we  proceed to resolve  the merits  of
    Salazar's claim.
    Salazar  seems  most concerned  with  the committed
    nature of  his fine in light of his impending parole.  To the
    extent  he believes that he  will remain in  prison until the
    fine is paid, and  that he will never obtain  release because
    1.  In Blanton,  the district  court had determined  that the
    fine was an  "illegal sentence" which  could be corrected  at
    any time under Rule 35(a).   Once the defendant had lost  the
    means  to pay the fine, the court reasoned, it became illegal
    under  Supreme  Court  law  forbidding the  incarceration  of
    persons  solely because  they could  not pay  their committed
    fine.   But  the  Sixth  Circuit  noted  that  that  law  was
    inapplicable   since   the   defendant   was   not   actually
    incarcerated.   Although  Salazar is  presently incarcerated,
    the reasoning in the Blanton case applies nonetheless because
    Salazar  will not  remain incarcerated if  he cannot  pay the
    fine.  If shown to be indigent, Salazar will be released from
    prison.   See 28  U.S.C.    3569 (a  prisoner may  obtain his
    discharge without  paying his committed fine  by showing that
    he  is an  indigent and by  taking an  oath to  that effect).
    Thus, Salazar's position  is essentially the same as  that of
    the defendant in Blanton.
    his  earning power in prison is too  low to permit him to pay
    the fine  in his lifetime, he  need not worry.   Upon showing
    that he is  indigent, he may obtain his discharge  even if he
    has not paid his fine.  See 28 U.S.C.    3569, supra footnote
    Salazar  also  appears  to  be  alleging  that  the
    committed portion of  the fine  was illegal at  the time  the
    fine was imposed because  he could not pay  the fine at  that
    time.  As a general matter, courts have long been regarded as
    having the authority to  impose committed fines.   See United
    States  v. Estrada de Castillo,  
    549 F.2d 583
    ,  585 (9th Cir.
    1976)  (Hufstedler, J.,  concurring  specially).    The  only
    qualification was  that a prisoner could not  be confined for
    not  paying a  fine  if  it  was  his  indigence  alone  that
    prevented him  from paying the fine.   See Tate v. Short, 
    401 U.S. 395
    ,  397-98  (1971)  (equal  protection  violation  to
    confine a person solely because he did  not have the means to
    pay  a fine); Williams v. Illinois, 
    399 U.S. 235
    , 240-41, 244
    (1970)  (equal protection  violation  to  extend  a  person's
    prison term  solely because indigency made  it impossible for
    the person to pay a fine).  Because defendants sentenced both
    to  a prison  term  and  a  committed  fine  could  obtain  a
    discharge  of the  committed  portion of  the  fine under  28
    U.S.C.    3569 when their  prison term ended,  they have been
    found to have  no standing to challenge the committed portion
    of the fine on the basis of alleged indigence as  of the time
    the fine  was imposed.  See, e.g., United States v. Levy, 
    897 F.2d 597
    , 598 (1st Cir. 1989) (so holding and citing similar
    cases  from  other   circuits).    Thus,   Salazar's  alleged
    indigency at the  time of sentencing provides  no basis under
    the Constitution for challenging his committed fine.
    Nor was the district court required by statute to
    consider  Salazar's ability  to pay  the fine  at sentencing.
    Salazar's  offenses were committed  before December 31, 1984.
    At  that time, 18 U.S.C.    3565, relating  to the collection
    and payment  of  fines  and  penalties,  did  not  require  a
    sentencing court  to consider  ability to  pay in  imposing a
    fine.   The Criminal  Fine  Enforcement Act  of 1984  amended
    section 3565 to permit the imposition of committed fines only
    if the  court found "by  a preponderance  of the  information
    relied  upon in imposing sentence  that the defendant has the
    present ability to pay a  fine or penalty."  See 18  U.S.C.
    3565(a)(1) (now repealed).   But it applied only to  offenses
    committed  after December 31, 1984.   See Publ.  L. 98-596,
    98 Stat. 3134
    ,  3138.  Likewise,  18 U.S.C.    3622 (now
    repealed), which specifically required  a sentencing court to
    consider  a  defendant's   "income,  earning  capacity,   and
    financial resources" before imposing  a fine, applied only to
    offenses committed after December  31, 1984.  
       Under the
    law applicable to Salazar,  therefore, the district court had
    no statutory obligation to consider Salazar's ability to pay.
    See United States v.  Wilfred American Educational Corp., 
    953 F.2d 717
    , 719 &  n.1 (1st Cir. 1992) (summarily  dismissing a
    corporation's  claim that imposition of the maximum statutory
    fine  was  invalid under  18  U.S.C.    3622(a)  because  the
    sentencing court  had not considered  its ability to  pay the
    fine  since the conduct for  which the fine  had been imposed
    had occurred before December 31, 1984).
    Indeed,  before the  Criminal Fine  Enforcement Act
    (and  thereafter the Sentencing Guidelines) became effective,
    a  district  court  had  very broad  discretion  in  imposing
    sentences as long as they  were within the statutory maximum,
    and  sentences within  the statutory  maximum were  virtually
    unreviewable on appeal.   See H.R. Rep. No. 906,  98th Cong.,
    2d  Sess., 1984  U.S.C.C.A.N 5433  passim (commenting  on the
    changes the  Criminal Fine  Enforcement Act  would make in  a
    sentencing  judge's  discretion,  particularly  respecting  a
    defendant's ability to pay);  United States v. Dominguez, 
    951 F.2d 412
    ,  416  (1st   Cir.  1991)  (on  appeal,  appellants
    challenged  a fine  which was  within the  statutory maximum,
    claiming  that they  were  indigent; this  court stated  that
    "[t]hat  matter . . . is for  the district court to take into
    account.  We cannot review, in that respect, a pre-Guidelines
    sentence."),  cert. denied,  
    112 S. Ct. 1960
      (1992); United
    States v. Gomez-Pabon, 
    911 F.2d 847
    , 862 (1st Cir. 1990) ("In
    a pre-Guidelines  case, the  sentencing judge has  very broad
    discretion in  determining  the appropriate  punishment in  a
    particular  situation.   .  .  .  An   appellate  court  will
    ordinarily not review a  sentence unless it exceeds statutory
    limits or 'is so disproportionate to the offense for which it
    was   imposed  that   it   constitutes   cruel  and   unusual
    punishment.'") (citations omitted), cert.  denied, 
    111 S. Ct. 801
      (1991).   Our  pre-Guidelines  cases  recognized only  a
    "narrow exception" to this general rule.  We would overturn a
    sentence  if  the  sentencing   court  had  taken  "a  rigid,
    mechanistic approach" to  sentencing, and had  not considered
    "the individual  mitigating circumstances" of  the defendant.
    United  States v. Bernal, 
    884 F.2d 1518
    , 1520 (1st Cir. 1989)
    (citation omitted).           The      presentence     report
    indicates that Salazar's fine of $100,000 was well within the
    applicable statutory maximum  ($250,000).  Accordingly,  even
    if  Salazar had been indigent  at the time  he was sentenced,
    this court would have  no basis for reviewing or  overturning
    his  fine unless  the court  had sentenced  him in  a "rigid,
    mechanistic" fashion.    The record  before  us gives  us  no
    reason to  think that the sentencing  court imposed Salazar's
    fine without considering his individual circumstances.
    Salazar pled  guilty  to cocaine  charges, and  the
    government recommended  the maximum  term of twenty  years in
    prison  and the maximum fine of $250,000.  The plea agreement
    was non-binding and  gave Salazar  the right to  argue for  a
    lesser   sentence.    He  appears  to  have  done  so.    His
    submissions to  this court  include a  letter written  by him
    which is dated January  21, 1987, the date he  was sentenced.
    In the letter, Salazar told  the court that he did not  own a
    house or other property and that the value of his possessions
    was  less   than  $10,000.    Salazar's   presentence  report
    indicated  that a year  or two before  sentencing Salazar had
    received $40,000 for selling  a house which he had  owned for
    ten years.   The presentence report  confirmed that Salazar's
    known  assets were under  $10,000.  It  reported that Salazar
    had been employed regularly before his arrest and that he had
    indicated that  he earned $7/hour when employed.   It further
    noted that drug records showing sales of over $1 million were
    found  in an  apartment  which Salazar  had lived  in shortly
    before his co-defendants were  arrested and which Salazar had
    vacated shortly thereafter, although  the records were not in
    Salazar's handwriting.   At  sentencing,  the district  court
    imposed  a  fine of  $100,000,  less than  half  the $250,000
    permitted by  the statute and recommended  by the government.
    According to  Salazar, the  district court chose  that amount
    because Salazar's co-defendants had stated that they had paid
    him $100,000 for cocaine in 1984.
    From the above, it appears that the court  did take
    into account  the  particular  facts  relating  to  Salazar's
    situation.  It did not impose the maximum fine, but imposed a
    fine reflecting  the  amount of  Salazar's illegal  proceeds.
    Although, obviously, money received  by Salazar in 1984 might
    well have no longer been in his possession as of 1987 when he
    was sentenced, he had  also received $40,000 in 1985  or 1986
    for  the sale  of his  house and  he appeared  to be  able to
    obtain employment on a regular basis.  In addition, the court
    reasonably might have believed  that the drug records showing
    sales  in excess of $1 million found in an apartment recently
    occupied  by Salazar,  though  not in  Salazar's handwriting,
    reflected Salazar's cocaine receipts.
    In light of  the above, it is  clear that Salazar's
    fine did not violate the Eighth Amendment prohibition against
    cruel and unusual  punishment.  See United  States v. Pilgrim
    Market Corporation, 
    944 F.2d 14
    , 22 (1st Cir. 1991)  (a fine
    of less than  one-half the statutory maximum and one-half the
    government's  recommended fine  was  not excessive  under the
    Eighth Amendment);  United States  v. Bernal, 
    884 F.2d 1518
    1520-21 (1st Cir. 1989) (a 30-year prison sentence imposed on
    a  62-year old defendant was not cruel and unusual punishment
    because it  was within  the statutory maximum  established by
    the legislature as  appropriate punishment for the  offense);
    United  States  v.  Dixon,  
    538 F.2d 812
    ,  814  (9th  Cir.)
    (imposing  a  committed  fine   was  not  cruel  and  unusual
    punishment), cert. denied, 
    429 U.S. 959
    The judgment of the district court is affirmed.