Damiani v. Puerto Rico ( 1993 )

  • February 23, 1993
    No. 92-1070
    Plaintiffs, Appellants,
    Defendant, Appellee.
    [Hon. Gilberto Gierbolini, U.S. District Judge]
    Selya, Circuit Judge,
    Aldrich, Senior Circuit Judge,
    and Boyle,* District Judge.
    Guillermo Ramos Luina with whom Harry  Anduze Montano was on brief
    for appellants.
    Gilberto Mayo  Pagan with  whom Gilberto  Mayo Aguayo  and Mayo  &
    Mayo were on brief for appellee.
    *Of the District of Rhode Island, sitting by designation.
    BOYLE, District Judge.
    Plaintiff-appellant  Juan   A.  Damiani  Montalban
    appeals an order granting summary  judgment against him in a
    suit brought under  P.R. Laws  Ann. tit. 29,    146  (1985).
    Jurisdiction exists pursuant to 28  U.S.C.   1332(a)(1).  We
    I. Background
    In  accord  with  Fed.R.Civ.P. 56,  the  facts are
    considered in the light most favorable to the appellant.  On
    March  24, 1989, after nearly ten years of service at Puerto
    Rico Marine Management, Inc. (PRMMI), Damiani was dismissed.
    At the time  of his  dismissal, Damiani was  the Manager  of
    Insurance in PRMMI's Department of  Risk Management.  He was
    52 years old.
    The   manner  in   which  Damiani   was  dismissed
    represents a  rather unceremonious conclusion to  his career
    at  PRMMI.  On Friday, March 10, 1989, Fernando L. Guardiola
    Lopez, the Manager of  PRMMI's Department of Loss Prevention
    informed Damiani that Victor Carreras, the Vice-President of
    Industrial Relations  at PRMMI, had asked  Guardiola to tell
    the appellant that  he would be  “laid off“ effective  March
    24,  1989.  On Monday,  March 13, 1989,  the appellant asked
    his supervisor,  Juan Jeannot  why he was  being terminated.
    Jeannot  was unable  to provide  an explanation  for PRMMI's
    action.   Jeannot stated he  would look into  the matter and
    get  back  to Damiani.   By  letter,  dated March  13, 1989,
    Enrique    Gonzalez,    Vice-President   of    Finance   and
    Administration  of PRMMI,  reiterated that  Damiani's layoff
    would be effective March 24, 1989 and advised him to contact
    the Personnel Department to review his benefits.  The letter
    concluded  with  the  offer  to provide  references  to  aid
    Damiani  in finding a new position.  Although the exact date
    is unclear,  Damiani acknowledges receipt of  this letter no
    later than March 22, 1989.
    After  March  13,  1989,  Damiani  met  with
    Rafael Reyes, PRMMI's Personnel Director.  Damiani  contends
    that  Mr. Reyes first learned  of his layoff  the morning of
    their  meeting.  At this  meeting, Damiani again demanded an
    explanation  for his  dismissal.   Reyes, however,  was also
    unaware of the reasons for Damiani's dismissal.
    From the start,  Damiani maintained that  his
    dismissal was  unjustified  and continually  requested  that
    PRMMI provide  an explanation  for his  dismissal.   In each
    conversation  concerning  his  employment   status,  Damiani
    stated that  the dismissal action was  “arbitrary and unfair
    -3-                                          3
    and  that  unless  I  was  retained I  would  file  whatever
    judicial  action  was necessary  to  protect  my rights  and
    obtain  redress  for any  damages  which  were going  to  be
    substantial  because  of  my   time  with  the  company,  my
    excellent job execution and my age.“
    Damiani's last  day at  PRMMI was March  24, 1989.
    On  July 24,  1989, he sent  a letter  to J.  P. Toomey, the
    President  of PRMMI.   In the  letter, Damiani  outlined his
    contributions to the company and recommended PRMMI create an
    independent  appeals   board  to  review  actions   such  as
    promotions, demotions,  and  dismissals.   Damiani  asserted
    that an  impartial review of  his situation would  result in
    his reinstatement.
    On March  23, 1990, Damiani sued  PRMMI in federal
    district  court invoking diversity jurisdiction, 28 U.S.C.
    1332.  The  complaint asserted three  causes of action,  the
    first, pursuant to P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 29,   185a (1989)(Law
    80), for  an additional month's salary  as indemnity because
    he was  terminated from  his employment without  just cause,
    the  second  for  monetary  damages  for age  discrimination
    pursuant to P.R. Laws  Ann. tit. 29,   146  (1985)(Law 100)1
    1 Section 146 provides in part:
    “Any  employer  who  discharges, lays  off  or discriminates
    against an employee . . . on the basis of age . . . :
    -4-                                          4
    (  146 or Section 146), and  the third for money damages for
    mental  distress  because  of  his  discriminatory discharge
    based on  age.  (Complaint at  5-7.)  In the  portion of his
    complaint entitled  “Request for Remedy“ he  alleged that he
    had  suffered  injury  “caused  by   the  willful,  illegal,
    discriminatory  and/or negligent  actions of  the defendant“
    and sought  front pay  in lieu  of reinstatement, back  pay,
    lost benefits,  damages for  pain  and suffering,  severance
    pay, double payment of  all sums as double indemnity,  costs
    and attorneys fees, prejudgment  interest and any other just
    relief  which plaintiff estimated to equal not less than two
    million    three    thousand    eight     hundred    dollars
    ($2,003,800.00).   On August 31, 1991, PRMMI  filed a motion
    for  summary   judgment   contending  that   Damiani's   age
    discrimination  claim   was  barred   by   the  statute   of
    limitations  and that the amount  of Damiani's Law 80 claim,
    standing alone,  was insufficient  to supply the  court with
    subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C.   1332.  PRMMI's
    motion  did  not address  Damiani's  third  claim for  money
    damages for mental anguish  because of his termination based
    (a) shall incur civil liability
    (1) for a sum equal to twice the amount of damages sustained
    by the  employee or applicant  for employment on  account of
    such action;“  P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 29,   146 (1985).
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    on  age.   That  cause  of  action,  based  on  alleged  age
    discrimination, would also be  time barred.  We see  no need
    to return this  matter to the district court to do what must
    be done, that is  to dismiss Count III.  The  district court
    granted the motion  as to Counts I and  II.  Damiani appeals
    that  judgment.     Damiani, in  his  brief, states  that no
    appeal  is  taken from  the  determination that  his  Law 80
    claim, alone, does not meet the jurisdictional amount.
    II. Discussion
    Summary  judgment is  appropriate when  the record
    reflects “no genuine issue as to any material fact and . . .
    the  moving party  is entitled  to judgment  as a  matter of
    law.“  Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(c).  In certain cases, Rule 56 may be
    used  to determine whether a statutory time bar applies to a
    particular  set of facts.   See, e.g., Jensen  v. Frank, 
    912 F.2d 517
    , 520 (1st Cir.  1990); Kali Seafood,  Inc. v. Howe
    887 F.2d 7
    ,  9 (1st Cir.  1989).  At  the outset, we
    note  that  the review  of a  grant  of summary  judgment is
    plenary.  Garside v.  Osco Drug, Inc., 
    895 F.2d 46
    , 49 (1st
    Cir. 1990).   In the  present case, our  inquiry focuses  on
    whether the record  reveals a genuine issue  of any material
    fact relative to the timeliness of Damiani's suit.  Doyle v.
    905 F.2d 1
     (1st  Cir. 1990)(per  curiam).   Damiani
    -6-                                          6
    contends that the  time of accrual of his action  as well as
    whether the action was  tolled under the law of  Puerto Rico
    constitute genuine issues of material fact.
    In  Olmo  v. Young  &  Ribicam of  P.R.,  Inc., 10
    Official Translations  of the Opinions of  the Supreme Court
    of  Puerto Rico 967 (1981), the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico
    addressed  the  applicable  statute  of  limitations  for an
    action  brought under   146.  In Olmo, the plaintiff brought
    an  action  under    146  alleging  he  had  been discharged
    because of  his race.   Since the statute did  not provide a
    specific limitation  period, the Olmo court  determined that
    the one  year statute  of limitations   applicable  to other
    civil actions for damages based on racial discrimination was
    appropriate for an action under   146.  Id. at 972-73.
    The Olmo court  described actions brought  under
    146  as actions for “tortious  discrimination.“  Id. at 972.
    That   description  is   instructive  in   determining  when
    Damiani's  action  accrued.    Under Puerto  Rico  law,  all
    actions for civil liability based on fault or negligence are
    time  barred after  one year  “from  the time  the aggrieved
    person  had knowledge thereof.“   P.R. Laws Ann.  tit. 31,
    5298 (1991).  In  the instant case, the district  court held
    -7-                                          7
    that Damiani's cause  of action accrued  on March 10,  1989,
    the date he was informed of his termination.  We agree.
    The  Supreme Court  of Puerto  Rico has  addressed
    when an  action for wrongful discharge accrues.   In Delgado
    Rodriguez v. Nazario de Ferrer, 121 D.P.R.    , 88 J.T.S. 63
    (No. CE-86-417, official  translation) (1988), the plaintiff
    was informed on March  19, 1981 that he would  be terminated
    effective  April 15, 1981.   Before  he was  terminated, the
    plaintiff initiated an administrative  claim with the  Board
    of Appeals of the Personnel Administration System.  On March
    7, 1984 the Board  of Appeals reinstated the plaintiff.   On
    March 1,  1985, the plaintiff  filed a civil  action seeking
    damages  for wrongful  termination.   The  Supreme Court  of
    Puerto Rico determined that the statute of limitations began
    to  run when the aggrieved party became aware of the damage.
    The Delgado  Rodriguez court determined that the plaintiff's
    cause of action was  time barred because it accrued  the day
    he  received notice of his termination, March 19, 1981.  Id.
    at 11 (No. CE-86-417, slip op. at 11).
    A  similar analysis has  been applied  in wrongful
    termination  cases  brought under  42  U.S.C.    1983.    In
    Rivera-Muriente   v.  Agosto-Alicea, 
    959 F.2d 349
     (1st Cir.
    1992), the plaintiff was informed  that his name was removed
    -8-                                          8
    from an employment roster.   Two years later,  the plaintiff
    filed  an action  in federal  court alleging  his employer's
    actions had deprived him of  property without due process of
    law.  The Rivera-Muriente court stated that:
    [i]n    employment    discrimination    cases
    involving wrongful       discharges,    the    statute    of
    limitations begins to run  when the
    plaintiff learns of the decision to
    terminate  his employment  (even if
    the    notice   he    receives   is
    Id. at 353
    .   In determining when Damiani's action  accrued,
    our inquiry is  when did  Damiani become aware  he would  be
    terminated?   Damiani argues that Guardiola's  statement did
    not  commence the  running  of the  statute of  limitations.
    Damiani contends that a fellow manager could not provide the
    requisite  notice  of his  dismissal.    In Damiani's  view,
    Guardiola's  statement  fails  to  trigger  the  statute  of
    limitations  because it  amounts  to  mere  speculation  and
    rumor.   This contention  fails, however, when  the facts of
    the  notice are analyzed.   In an affidavit  attached to his
    opposition  to  the  motion  for summary  judgment,  Damiani
    admits that Guardiola stated he was acting under orders from
    Victor Carreras,  Vice-President of Industrial  Relations at
    PRMMI.    Thus,  Guardiola  was dispatched  to  deliver  the
    unfortunate  news by a superior.   This action  was not mere
    -9-                                          9
    gossip or speculation, but a sanctioned delegation of duties
    by PRMMI's administration.  Although Damiani felt the use of
    Guardiola as a messenger was not appropriate, it effectively
    conveyed notice to Damiani that he would be terminated.
    Damiani further argues that  Guardiola's statement
    did not  effectively  provide notice  of  dismissal  because
    Guardiola was unaware of the reasons for PRMMI's action.  As
    we  have  noted,  in cases  such  as  this,  the statute  of
    limitations begins to run when the aggrieved party learns of
    the decision  to terminate  him. Rivera-Muriente  v. Agosto-
    959 F.2d at 353
    .  An employer's failure  or refusal
    to  provide  an  aggrieved  employee with  the  reasons  for
    termination has no effect on the commencement of the statute
    of  limitations.  The date an employee becomes aware that he
    has  been damaged by a  decision to terminate,  his cause of
    action  begins and the longevity  of that claim for purposes
    of the statute of  limitations is set.   On March 10,  1989,
    Damiani became aware that  he would be terminated, therefore
    the  statute of limitations for any claim of damages under
    146 then began to run.
    Damiani next contends  that his conversations with
    various  PRMMI  personnel  constitute  extrajudicial  claims
    sufficient to toll  the statute of limitations.   Tolling of
    -10-                                          10
    the statute of limitations is provided for in P.R. Laws Ann.
    tit. 31,    5303  (1991)  (  5303  or Section  5303).   That
    section states:
    [p]rescription  of actions is interrupted by their
    institution  before  the courts,  by extrajudicial
    claim  of   the  creditor,  and  by   any  act  of
    acknowledgement of the debt by the debtor.
    P.R. Laws  Ann. tit. 31,    5303.  The district  court noted
    that Damiani  relied principally  on his letter,  dated July
    26, 1989, as  evidence of an  extrajudicial claim.   Damiani
    Montalban v.  Puerto Rico  Marine Management, Inc.,  No. 90-
    1426, slip op. at 6 (D.P.R. Sept. 18, 1991).  In this forum,
    however, he  relies exclusively  on  his oral  conversations
    with PRMMI personnel.
    Under    5303, the  statute of limitations  may be
    interrupted  by  the  “unequivocal  statement  of  one  who,
    threatened  with the loss  of his right,  expresses his will
    not to  lose it.“  Feliciano  v. A.J.A., 
    93 P.R.R. 638
    , 643
    (1966).  The Supreme Court of Puerto Rico has noted that the
    tolling  exception to  the  statute of  limitations must  be
    interpreted restrictively.   Diaz de Diana  v. A.J.A.S. Ins.
    Co., 10 Official Translations of the Opinions of the Supreme
    Court of Puerto Rico 604, 607-608, n. 1 (1980).  In order to
    toll the statute  of limitations,  the extrajudicial  claims
    must be precise and specific.  Jimenez v. District Court, 65
    11 P.R.R. 35
    , 42 (1945).   The purpose of  requiring a precise
    and  specific claim is to alert the defendant of claims that
    would otherwise lapse.
    In Riofrio  Anda v. Ralston Purina,  Co., 
    959 F.2d 1149
      (1st Cir. 1992), the plaintiff was hired under an oral
    contract.   After his  termination, the plaintiff negotiated
    with  his employer  concerning  relocation  and  termination
    compensation which  he claimed  was required under  his oral
    agreement.   His attorney wrote  to the employer  and stated
    his  intention to  “file  an  unlawful discharge  complaint“
    against the employer.  The plaintiff then filed an action in
    the United States District Court  for the District of Puerto
    Rico  seeking money  damages for breach  of his  contract of
    employment  with  respect  to  remuneration  and  relocation
    expenses, wrongful  discharge and unlawful  termination, and
    mental  pain  and  suffering  resulting  from  willful  acts
    committed  by the defendants at the time of termination.  We
    held that the attorney's  letter was inadequate to toll  the
    statute  of  limitations because  the  letter  did not  give
    defendant “fair  notice that  a lawsuit based  on breach  of
    contract  and  wrongful  discharge  were  in  the   offing.“
    Riofrio Anda v. Ralston Purina, Co., 
    959 F.2d at 1154
    -12-                                          12
    In addition, tolling  requires that the  plaintiff
    must  claim the same relief  that is later  requested in the
    suit.   Hernandez Del Valle  v. Santa Aponte,  
    575 F.2d 321
    323-24 (1st Cir. 1978).  In Del  Valle, the plaintiff sent a
    letter contending that his dismissal was illegal and seeking
    reinstatement.   The court held  that the  letter failed  to
    toll  the statute  of limitations  for a    1983  action for
    unlawful  discharge which sought  reinstatement and damages.
    The  court  emphasized  that   the  letter  indicated   that
    plaintiff's  sole  interest  was reemployment.    The  court
    reasoned  that the letter failed to give the defendant “fair
    notice that he would be called upon to defend a damages suit
    with  different   issues  not  applicable  to   a  suit  for
    injunctive relief.“  
    Id. at 324
    .  Similarly, in Riofrio Anda
    v.  Ralston Purina  Co.,  this court  applied Del  Valle, by
    emphasizing  that  to  effectively   toll  the  statute   of
    limitations  an extrajudicial  claim must  request the  same
    relief ultimately sought in a federal suit.  Ralston Anda v.
    Ralston  Purina  Co., 
    959 F.2d at 1154
    .   An extrajudicial
    claim does  not  toll the  statute  of limitations  for  all
    claims  arising out of the  same facts.   Rather, tolling is
    effective only  with regard  to identical causes  of action.
    -13-                                          13
    Rodriguez  Narvaez  v. Nazario,  
    895 F.2d 38
    , 43  (1st Cir.
    In  the present  case,  Damiani's statements  seek
    retention as  an employee  while alluding to  possible legal
    action.  His complaint, however,  seeks a variety of damages
    including  damages  in  lieu  of  reinstatement.   Damiani's
    statement can not be deemed a precise and specific claim for
    relief  ultimately  sought  in  his lawsuit.    His  cryptic
    comment  suggesting that  his damages  would  be substantial
    because  of his age did  not provide PRMMI  with fair notice
    that  it would  be  called upon  to  defend a  suit  seeking
    damages resulting from age discrimination.
    Damiani's final  argument is that a  decision of a
    more recent  vintage from the  Supreme Court of  Puerto Rico
    modified  tolling  requirements.     As  support   for  this
    proposition,  Damiani  points   to  Zambrana  Maldonado   v.
    Commonwealth  of Puerto Rico,  130 D.P.R.    , 92  J.T.S. 12
    (1992)(Translation  Provided).   In Zambrana  Maldonado, the
    plaintiff sent a letter to the Secretary of Justice alleging
    he  had a  claim for  damages against  the government.   The
    plaintiff's  letter   stated  that  he   was  notifying  the
    government of a claim and provided the date, place,  damages
    suffered,  the  cause  and  nature thereof  and  a  list  of
    -14-                                          14
    possible  witnesses.  Id. at 15.   P.R. Laws Ann. tit. 32,
    3077a (1968) (Section 3077a) requires a claimant against the
    government to give  notice of the claim  including the date,
    place, cause and general nature of the damages suffered, the
    names of witnesses,  the address of the claimant as well  as
    the  place where  medical treatment  was received.   Section
    3077a requires that  such notice be given within ninety (90)
    days  of the awareness of  the damages.   Failure to provide
    notice  within the ninety day period bars a suit against the
    government. The Supreme Court  of Puerto Rico held  that the
    plaintiff's  written claim  of damage  tolled the  statue of
    limitations.  Zambrana Maldonado  v. Commonwealth  of Puerto
    Rico  (translation at  35).   The  Zambrana Maldonado  court
    maintained  that   the  interruption  of   the  statute   of
    limitations   requires  “conduct  in  which,  more  or  less
    tractably and  more or  less categorically or  urgently, the
    decision to obtain payment is shown.“  Id. at 23.  The court
    held  that the  notice which  complied with the  statute was
    sufficient  to  toll the  statute of  limitations. Plaintiff
    points  to language in the court's opinion which states that
    the  law does not require any particular form of notice. The
    court  observed that “[n]o matter  how the claim  is made it
    has  interruptive  value...“   Id.    In this  context,  the
    -15-                                          15
    opinion cannot be read as a broadening of the type of notice
    required.   The issue is not  the form of the  notice, it is
    the content of the  notice.  Here, the content  is deficient
    to  support  the  legal   action  which  has  been  brought.
    Damiani's statements did not  evidence an urgent decision to
    obtain payment for damages under   146.
    III. Conclusion
    Damiani's  statements did  not toll  the  one year
    statute of
    limitations.  Dismissal was required as a matter of law.
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