Kolster v. INS ( 1996 )

  • United States Court of Appeals
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 96-1194
    Boudin, Circuit Judge,
    Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge,
    Lynch, Circuit Judge.
    Lee   Gelernt  and  Richard   L.  Iandoli,  with  whom  Iandoli  &
    Associates,  Lucas   Guttentag,  Letitia  Volpp,  and  American  Civil
    Liberties Union were on brief for petitioner.
    Linda S. Wendlandt, with whom Frank W.  Hunger, Assistant Attorney
    General,  Civil Division,  Michael  P. Lindemann,  Assistant Director,
    Office of Immigration Litigation, and Lisa Arnold, Attorney, Office of
    Immigration Litigation, were on brief for respondent.
    December 4, 1996
    LYNCH,  Circuit Judge.   This  case requires  us to
    LYNCH,  Circuit Judge.
    determine whether  section  440(a) of  the Antiterrorism  and
    Effective  Death  Penalty  Act  (AEDPA),  enacted  after this
    petition was filed, applies here.  Alfredo Kolster, an  alien
    under deportation order,  argues that if it does apply, it is
    unconstitutional.  Section 440(a)  of AEDPA, which was signed
    into  law on  April 24,  1996, prohibits  judicial  review of
    deportation orders issued  against aliens who have  committed
    certain types  of crimes.  Kolster had previously pled guilty
    to such a crime.
    In a petition filed with this court on February 28,
    1996, Kolster seeks review of  a Board of Immigration Appeals
    (BIA)  decision  that  he  is  ineligible,  under  the  BIA's
    interpretation of the Immigration  and Nationality Act (INA),
    for discretionary  relief from  deportation.  He  argues that
    the BIA erroneously interpreted  the statute to require seven
    years  of  lawful  permanent  residence by  the  alien  to be
    eligible for the relief  from deportation afforded by section
    212(c) of the INA.
    The  Immigration  and Naturalization  Service (INS)
    has moved to dismiss this action, arguing that section 440(a)
    of  AEDPA  operates  immediately  to  divest  this  court  of
    jurisdiction  to  hear this  petition  for  review.   Kolster
    responds that section 440(a) does not apply to  cases pending
    on  the date of AEDPA's  enactment, and that,  if the statute
    applies, its  preclusion of judicial review  violates the Due
    Process Clause and Article III of the Constitution.
    We  find   that  section  440(a)   does  apply   to
    petitions, like Kolster's, which were pending on the date  of
    AEDPA's enactment.  Because at least the habeas corpus review
    provided  by the  Constitution  remains  available to  aliens
    covered by section  440(a), we find  that the prohibition  of
    judicial  review  in  section  440(a)  does  not  offend  the
    Constitution.  Accordingly, we dismiss Kolster's petition for
    review under the Immigration and Nationality  Act for lack of
    Alfredo  Kolster,  a   Venezuelan  citizen,   first
    entered  the United States in  1980 to attend  high school in
    New  York.   He remained  in the  United States  through high
    school and college,  earning a B.S. from Boston University in
    September, 1988.   During this  time, Kolster had  a F-1,  or
    foreign student, visa.
    On  September  11, 1988,  after  a  brief visit  to
    Venezuela, Kolster  re-entered the United States  as a member
    of the  immediate family of  an employee of  an international
    organization.  His mother  worked for the Pan-American Health
    Organization.   On August 24,  1989, Kolster became  a lawful
    permanent  resident of the United States.  From 1989 to 1991,
    Kolster  lived in the Boston area and worked at various sales
    In 1991,  Kolster was indicted in  federal court in
    Massachusetts for conspiracy  to possess cocaine  with intent
    to distribute.   He later  pled guilty and  was sentenced  to
    twenty-four  months'  imprisonment.    The  sentencing  judge
    recommended  that Kolster  not be  deported upon  his release
    from custody.
    Nonetheless,  while  Kolster was  incarcerated, the
    INS  ordered him to show cause why he should not be deported.
    The  INS  charged that  Kolster  was  deportable pursuant  to
    section 241(a)(2)(B)(i)  of the INA, which  applies to aliens
    convicted of  controlled substance offenses, and  pursuant to
    section 241(a)(2)(A)(iii), which applies to  aliens convicted
    of aggravated felonies.  See 8 U.S.C.   1251 (a).
    On  April 5, 1994, Kolster  had a hearing before an
    Immigration  Judge.    At  that  hearing,  Kolster,   through
    counsel, conceded deportability on the grounds charged by the
    INS.    However, he also requested  a continuance in order to
    apply  for a waiver of deportation pursuant to section 212(c)
    of  the INA.  Section  212(c) gives the  Attorney General the
    discretionary authority to  waive the exclusion of  otherwise
    excludable aliens,  see 8  U.S.C.   1182(c).1  A longstanding
    1.  Section 212(c) of the  INA, 8 U.S.C.   1182(c),  prior to
    amendment by AEDPA, read in relevant part:
    interpretation of that section extends the Attorney General's
    discretion to otherwise deportable aliens.  See, e.g., Joseph
    v. INS, 
    909 F.2d 605
    , 606 n.1 (1st Cir. 1990).
    The Immigration Judge  found "based on  [Kolster's]
    admission,  his concession of  deportability through counsel,
    and the documentary evidence of record that deportability has
    been  established  by   clear,  convincing  and   unequivocal
    evidence."   As to  Kolster's request for  a continuance, the
    Immigration Judge  found that Kolster did  not have statutory
    eligibility   for  section   212(c)  relief,   and  therefore
    pretermitted his  application for  a  waiver of  deportation.
    Accordingly, she ordered Kolster deported to Venezuela.
    On January 30, 1996, the BIA affirmed the order  of
    deportation.  The Board agreed with the decision to pretermit
    Kolster's  application  for a  section 212(c)  waiver because
    Kolster  had "not  been a  lawful permanent  resident  of the
    United States for seven years as is required."
    Kolster filed a petition for review with this court
    on February  28, 1996.   At  that time,  8 U.S.C.    1105a(a)
    Aliens  lawfully  admitted for  permanent
    residence .  . .  who are returning  to a
    lawful  unrelinquished domicile  of seven
    consecutive years, may be admitted in the
    discretion of the Attorney General.
    provided for judicial review of final orders of deportation.2
    Kolster argued that the BIA has erred in interpreting section
    212(c)'s requirement of seven years of "lawful unrelinquished
    domicile"  to   mean  seven  years  of     "lawful  permanent
    residence."  Kolster  points  to  a  circuit  split  on  this
    statutory  issue, noting  that  some courts  of appeals  have
    rejected the BIA's construction of section 212(c).  See, e.g,
    Lok v. INS, 
    548 F.2d 37
     (2d Cir. 1977).
    On April 24, 1996, while this petition was pending,
    President  Clinton  signed  into  law  the  Antiterrorism and
    Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA), Pub. L. No. 104-
    110 Stat. 1214
    .   Section 440(a) of AEDPA,  which amends
    Section  106(a)(10)  of  the  INA, 8  U.S.C.     1105(a)(10),
    Any final order of deportation against an
    alien  who  is  deportable  by  reason of
    having    committed    [certain   crimes,
    including    aggravated   felonies    and
    controlled substance  offenses] shall not
    be subject to review by any court.
    On June  10, 1996, the INS moved to dismiss this petition for
    review, arguing that, in light of section 440(a),  this court
    2.  8  U.S.C.     1105a(a)   provided  that  the   procedures
    described  therein "shall apply to, and shall be the sole and
    exclusive  procedure for,  the judicial  review of  all final
    orders of  deportation heretofore or  hereafter made  against
    aliens within the United States."
    lacked  subject  matter  jurisdiction  to  hear  this  case.3
    Kolster  responds that  AEDPA does  not specify  an effective
    date  for section  440(a),  and that  statutes are  generally
    presumed not  to have  retroactive effect.   Additionally, he
    contends that preclusion of  judicial review violates the Due
    Process Clause and Article III.
    A. Section 440(a)'s Applicability to Pending Petitions
    The Supreme  Court's  decision in  Landgraf v.  USI
    Film Products, 
    114 S. Ct. 1483
     (1994), provides  a framework
    for  determining whether a statute should be applied to cases
    pending  at the  time  of enactment.    This is  initially  a
    question  of  legislative  intent,     not  a  constitutional
    question.  First, the  court must look at the  statutory text
    and  determine  whether it  "manifests  an  intent" that  the
    statute should be applied to pending cases.  
    Id. at 1492
    .  If
    the  court  determines  that  Congress  did  not   "expressly
    3.  The INS originally also  argued that this petition sought
    relief --  a waiver  of deportation  under section  212(c) --
    which petitioner was no longer eligible  to receive.  Section
    440(d)  of AEDPA amends section  212(c) so that  it no longer
    applies  to aliens  who are  deportable  by reason  of having
    committed  certain  crimes,  including  controlled  substance
    offenses and  aggravated felonies.   The Attorney  General is
    currently  considering whether  to  apply  section 440(d)  to
    section 212(c) applications filed before April 24, 1996.  See
    In  re Soriano,  Order  of the  Attorney  General (Sept.  12,
    1996),  vacating  Int. Dec.  No.  3289  (BIA June  27,  1996,
    amended July 18, 1996).  Because we find  that the court does
    not  have jurisdiction to hear this petition, we do not reach
    the  question of  whether section  440(d) applies  to pending
    prescribe[] the statute's  proper reach," the court  presumes
    that Congress acts  consistently with  a series  of "judicial
    default rules."   
    Id. at 1505
    .  In applying  these rules, the
    court must:
    determine whether the  new statute  would
    have retroactive effect, i.e., whether it
    would  impair  rights  a party  possessed
    when   he   acted,  increase   a  party's
    liability for past conduct, or impose new
    duties   with  respect   to  transactions
    already completed.
      For jurisdictional statutes, the presumption is in favor
    of  immediate application,  because  "[a]pplication of  a new
    jurisdictional  rule usually 'takes away no substantive right
    but  simply changes the tribunal  that is to  hear the case'"
    and because  "jurisdictional statutes 'speak to  the power of
    the court rather  than to  the rights or  obligations of  the
    Id. at 1502
      (quoting Hallowell v.  Commons, 
    239 U.S. 506
    ,  508  (1916)  and Republic  Nat'l  Bank  v.  United
    113 S. Ct. 554
    , 565 (1992)(Thomas, J., concurring)).
    The  first  inquiry is  thus  whether Congress  has
    expressed a clear intent as to whether section 440(a) applies
    to cases  pending  on the  date of  enactment.   There is  no
    explicit textual  reference to an effective  date for section
    440(a).  Effective dates are provided for some other sections
    of the  AEDPA, including section 440(e),  which adds offenses
    to the INA definition of "aggravated felony."  See 8 U.S.C.
    1101  note.    However,  those  sections  are  "unrelated  to
    jurisdiction, [and] are too  far removed from judicial review
    under 8 U.S.C.    1105a(a)  to impute an  effective date  for
    section 440(a)."  Duldulao v. INS,  
    90 F.3d 396
    , 398 n.2 (9th
    Cir.  1996).   Accordingly,  we  find that  Congress  has not
    expressly   addressed   the   issue   of   section   440(a)'s
    applicability to pending cases.
    The next inquiry under  the "judicial default rule"
    approach  to  determining  congressional  intent  is  whether
    440(a) has a retroactive effect upon petitioner's substantive
    rights,  duties,  or obligations.   Landgraf,  
    114 S. Ct. at 1505
    .    If  it  does  not,  then  we  apply  the  rule  that
    jurisdictional  statutes apply to pending cases.  
      If the
    statute would  have such retroactive effects, it  will not be
    applied, "absent  clear congressional intent favoring  such a
    Kolster   argues   that   Landgraf   assumes   that
    jurisdictional statutes only effect  a change in the tribunal
    that will hear the case, and that the presumption in favor of
    immediate  application  is  therefore  inapposite  where  the
    statute's  effect  is to  deprive a  party  of access  to any
    judicial review at all.   It is true that  Landgraf speaks of
    jurisdictional  statutes as  usually "'simply  chang[ing] the
    tribunal that is to hear the case.'"  Landgraf, 
    114 S. Ct. at 1502
     (quoting Hallowell, 
    239 U.S. at 508
    However, as the INS points out, Landgraf's explicit
    reliance on Hallowell is instructive here.  In Hallowell, the
    Supreme Court approved the application  to pending cases of a
    statute  that  deprived   the  federal  district   courts  of
    jurisdiction over  certain Indian probate disputes and vested
    "final  and conclusive"  authority  in the  Secretary of  the
    239 U.S. at 508
    .  Section 440(a)  similarly vests
    final  authority  in  an  administrative tribunal,  the  BIA.
    Landgraf's  citation to Hallowell  makes us  doubtful, absent
    more guidance  from the Supreme Court,  that a jurisdictional
    change  from  an  Article  III  court  to  an  administrative
    decisionmaker, in itself, affects the retroactivity analysis,
    whatever its effect on  the ultimate constitutional analysis.
    See Hincapie-Nieto v. INS, 
    92 F.3d 27
    , 29 (2nd Cir. 1996).
    Our  inquiry  must  therefore  focus on  the  facts
    concerning   whether   Kolster's   substantive    rights   or
    obligations or duties have been changed by the deprivation of
    judicial review.  Kolster  suggests that his guilty plea  and
    concession of  deportability were  made with the  expectation
    that  he  could   apply  for  a  section  212(c)   waiver  of
    The  Seventh  Circuit gave  credence,  on different
    facts, to  a similar argument  in Reyes-Hernandez v.  INS, 
    89 F.3d 490
    , 492 (7th Cir.  1996).  There, the BIA  had affirmed
    the denial  of petitioner's  application  for section  212(c)
    relief,  and  the petitioner  sought  judicial  review.   The
    Seventh   Circuit  found   that,  when   petitioner  conceded
    deportability, he knew that, if the immigration judge and the
    BIA  turned down  his request for  section 212(c)  relief, he
    "could  have a  go at"  judicial  review.   
    Id. at 492
    .  Had
    petitioner known  that judicial  review would  be foreclosed,
    "he might have  contested deportability."  
      The immediate
    application of section 440(a) would thus "attach  a new legal
    consequence to the concession" of deportability.  
     at 492-
    93.    Accordingly, the  Seventh  Circuit  held that  section
    440(a)  did not  apply to  cases  in which  deportability was
    conceded  prior to  AEDPA's  enactment,  "provided  that  the
    applicant for discretionary relief would have had at least  a
    colorable defense to deportability."  
    In contrast  to the Seventh Circuit,  it is unclear
    to  us  that deportability,  which  is  a largely  mechanical
    determination based  on facts which may  often be objectively
    ascertained, would realistically  be conceded because  of the
    availability of discretionary relief or of judicial review of
    the denial of such relief.  See Hincapie-Nieto, 92 F.3d at 30
    ("It  is  far  more  likely that  deportability  is  conceded
    because there is no conceivable defense available.").  In any
    case, here the Immigration Judge explicitly based her finding
    of  deportability on  the  documentary evidence  of Kolster's
    drug  offense  conviction,  as  well as  on  his  concession.
    Tellingly,  Kolster  does not  argue that  he  in fact  had a
    colorable defense to deportability.
    As to his guilty  plea, we have no reason  to think
    it  was induced  by  reliance on  discretionary relief  under
    section 212(c).   By Kolster's own  calculations, his "lawful
    domicile"  for section  212(c)  purposes only  dates back  to
    September  11, 1988.  Thus,  even under the interpretation of
    section  212(c) that he urges,  as of September  2, 1992, the
    date  of his guilty plea, Kolster had only accrued four years
    of  lawful domicile.  He  was, as a  result, three years away
    from being  eligible for section 212(c)  relief, rendering it
    highly unlikely  that his guilty  plea was predicated  on the
    availability of such relief.
    Moreover, this  court  and others  have  previously
    found that aliens do not have a cognizable  reliance interest
    in  the availability of  discretionary section 212(c) relief.
    See,  e.g., Scheidemann v. INS,  
    83 F.3d 1517
    ,  1523 (3d Cir.
    1996); Campos v. INS,  
    16 F.3d 118
     (6th Cir.  1994); Barreiro
    v. INS, 
    989 F.2d 62
     (1st Cir. 1993).  At issue in those cases
    was  an amendment to section 212(c) which made aliens who had
    served at  least five  years' imprisonment for  an aggravated
    felony  ineligible  for  discretionary  relief.    See,  e.g,
    989 F.2d at 62
    .  In Barreiro, this court found that
    the  amendment's application  to prisoners  whose convictions
    and  prison terms predated its  enactment did not violate the
    presumption  against  retroactivity.     
    Id. at 64
    .    "The
    presumption  against a retroactive  interpretation is to give
    fair warning so that a party may avoid consequences.  This is
    scarcely a situation calling for any such warning."  
    Similar logic  applies here.  As  the Third Circuit
    said in Schiedemann,  petitioner's "conduct clearly subjected
    him to deportation  as well as criminal sanctions,  and . . .
    [section] 212(c), as it then existed, offered relief from the
    former  only at  the  unfettered discretion  of the  Attorney
    General  .  . .  ."    Schiedemann, 
    83 F.3d at 1523
    .   The
    availability of purely  discretionary relief does  not create
    substantive rights  in otherwise deportable  criminal aliens,
    nor  does the  availability of judicial  review of  denial of
    that discretionary relief.
    We   find   that   Kolster's  substantive   rights,
    liabilities, and duties are not retroactively impaired by the
    preclusion of judicial review.  We note that five of  the six
    other  circuit courts  to consider  this question  have found
    that section 440(a) applies upon enactment.  See Salazar-Haro
    v. INS, 
    95 F.3d 309
     (3d Cir. 1996); Hincapie-Nieto v. INS, 
    92 F.3d 27
     (2d Cir.  1996); Qasguargis v. INS, 
    91 F.3d 788
    Cir. 1996); Duldulao  v. INS,  
    90 F.3d 396
      (9th Cir.  1996);
    Mendez-Rosas   v. INS, 
    87 F.3d 672
     (5th Cir. 1996).  We hold,
    under the  "judicial default  rules" that are  articulated in
    Landgraf  and which  provide a  guide to  legislative intent,
    that  section  440(a)'s deprivation  of jurisdiction  to this
    court is effective upon enactment.
    B. The Constitutional Challenge to Section 440(a)
    Kolster contends that  section 440(a)'s  preclusion
    of judicial  review of final  orders of deportation  based on
    commission of  certain crimes  violates both the  Due Process
    Clause and the principles of separation of powers embodied in
    Article III.  Kolster argues that deportation deprives him of
    a  constitutionally protected liberty  interest, and that the
    Due  Process Clause  thus  guarantees him  certain procedural
    protections,  including  judicial   review.     Additionally,
    Kolster argues that section  440(a), by giving "the Executive
    Branch the power to act as legal arbiter of its own conduct,"
    prevents the judiciary from  fulfilling its Article III "role
    as a 'check' on the actions of the two other branches."
    The INS responds that  section 440(a) is "clearly a
    constitutional exercise of  Congress' well-established  power
    to provide or  withhold jurisdiction from statutorily-created
    courts,  as  well  as  its  plenary  power  over  matters  of
    immigration and naturalization."  Because we consider this to
    be  a  serious  question,  this  court  requested  additional
    briefing on whether habeas corpus review remains available to
    aliens who  are covered by  section 440(a)'s bar  on judicial
    The question of section  440(a)'s constitutionality
    is  not wholly  resolved  by reference  to Congress'  plenary
    power over matters concerning immigration.   While it is true
    that "over no conceivable subject is the legislative power of
    Congress more complete,"   Reno v. Flores, 
    507 U.S. 292
    , 305
    (1996)(citation  omitted), the  Supreme Court  has also  said
    once  an  alien  gains  admission  to our
    country  and begins  to develop  the ties
    that  go  with  permanent  residence  his
    constitutional       status       changes
    accordingly.  Our  cases have  frequently
    suggested  that  a  continuously  present
    alien  is entitled to a fair hearing when
    threatened    with    deportation,   and,
    although  we have  only rarely  held that
    the procedures provided by  the executive
    were  inadequate,  we developed  the rule
    that  a  continuously  present  permanent
    resident alien has a right to due process
    in such a situation.
    Landon  v.  Plasencia,  
    459 U.S. 21
    ,  32   (1982)(internal
    citations omitted).  Given this recognition that continuously
    present  aliens, like  Kolster, do  have some  constitutional
    status,   our   analysis  of   whether  judicial   review  is
    constitutionally required  here cannot turn on  the fact that
    section 440(a) only affects  the rights of such aliens.   See
    95 F.3d at 311
    The  constitutional   question  at  the   heart  of
    Kolster's  claim  may  be  stated  as  follows:    Where  the
    consequences  of  the  decision  are  the  deportation  of  a
    continuously  present  alien,  may  Congress,  by  precluding
    judicial  review  of final  deportation  orders,  place final
    authority  over a  question of  law --  here, the  meaning of
    section 212(c)'s  phrase "lawful unrelinquished  domicile" --
    in  the hands of an  administrative body (i.e.,  the BIA), or
    does   the  Constitution  require   an  independent  judicial
    determination of questions of law, or at least of whether the
    agency's determination  was a reasonable construction  of the
    statute?   See Fallon et  al., Hart &  Wechsler's The Federal
    Courts  and  The  Federal   System  397-98  (4th  ed.  1996);
    Monaghan, Marbury and the  Administrative State, 
    83 Colum. L. Rev. 1
    ,  28-34  (1983);  cf.  Chevron  USA  Inc.  v.  Natural
    Resources Defense Council, 
    467 U.S. 837
    , 842-43 (1984).  Were
    no other avenues of judicial review available to aliens  like
    petitioner,  we  would be  required  to  resolve that  thorny
    question here.
    However,  the INS has  agreed that,  although AEDPA
    has repealed the previous statutory authorization for  habeas
    review of  final  deportation  orders  contained  in  section
    106(a)(10)  of the INA, any habeas review that is required by
    the Constitution  remains available.4  Kolster  contends that
    the  repeal of  the specific  INA habeas  provision does  not
    4.  The  INS's precise position is that such constitutionally
    compelled habeas review, or its equivalent, remains, and that
    we need not here  determine "whether the jurisdictional basis
    for 'constitutional  habeas'  review of  a deportation  order
    would be 28 U.S.C.   2241, section 1651, or a 'free standing'
    Constitutional  authorization."    For  present  purposes, we
    describe the alternatives as "habeas review."
    impair  the ability of the  federal courts to  grant writs of
    habeas corpus under the general habeas provision, 28 U.S.C.
    2241, and  that such habeas review  would encompass questions
    of law  like the  one  Kolster raises  here.   Cf. Felker  v.
    116 S. Ct. 2333
    , 2339  (1996)  (declining to  find
    jurisdictional repeal by implication).
    Because the  INS acknowledges that some  avenue for
    judicial   review   remains   available   to   address   core
    constitutional  and  jurisdictional  concerns, we  find  that
    section 440(a)'s  repeal of our jurisdiction  to review final
    deportation orders does not raise a constitutional issue.  As
    the nature  and scope  of habeas  review available  to aliens
    like Kolster  is not properly before  us at this  time, we do
    not reach  those questions.   See Hincapie-Nieto, 92  F.2d at
    Accordingly, the petition  for review is  dismissed
    for lack of jurisdiction.