Scott v. King , 839 F.3d 1290 ( 2016 )

  •                                                                          FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    October 28, 2016
    Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    Clerk of Court
    officer, director, shareholder BOS, Inc.,
    member See the Signs, LLC; FRANCES
    MOORER SCOTT, officer, director,
    shareholder BOS, Inc., member
    Experimental Learning Tools, LLC,
    member TWP LLC, former member See
    the Signs, LLC, member Clear & Free,
    LLC, member Gappe, LLC,
    v.                                                        No. 15-1343
    DENNIS W. KING, Chapter 7 Trustee;
    (BAP No. 14-045-CO)
    Edward Levy of Atlas Law Firm, P.C., Denver, Colorado (Logan R. Martin and Zachary
    S. Westerfield of Westerfield & Martin, Denver, Colorado, with him on the briefs), for
    Douglas C. Pearce, II, of Connolly, Lofstedt, Cadette & Pearce, P.C., for Appellee,
    Dennis W. King, Chapter 7 Trustee.
    Before KELLY, BRISCOE and GORSUCH, Circuit Judges.
    BRISCOE, Circuit Judge.
    Frances Moorer Scott, along with her husband Galen Amerson, filed for Chapter 7
    bankruptcy protection. Scott ultimately amended her bankruptcy petition to identify as an
    asset her interest in a Florida state action that she and her half-sister had filed contesting
    the legitimacy of their father’s will. The trustee retained Florida counsel, who in turn
    reached a tentative settlement of the ongoing probate contest. The trustee then moved the
    bankruptcy court to approve the settlement agreement. The bankruptcy court granted the
    trustee’s motion over Scott’s objection and approved the settlement agreement. Scott
    appealed to the Tenth Circuit Bankruptcy Appellate Panel (BAP), which affirmed the
    bankruptcy court’s decision. Scott now appeals from the BAP’s decision.
    At issue is whether Scott’s interest in a spendthrift trust created by her late father
    was properly treated as property of the bankruptcy estate, or if that interest was excluded
    from the estate pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 541(c)(2).
    Exercising jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 158(d)(1), we conclude that the
    exception set forth in § 541(c)(2) is permissive, not mandatory, and that Scott’s inclusion
    in her bankruptcy schedules of her interest in the probate contest, combined with her
    failure to argue for application of the § 541(c)(2) exception, resulted in that interest
    becoming part of her bankruptcy estate. We therefore affirm BAP’s decision.
    The Debtors
    Galen Amerson and Frances Scott (jointly, Debtors) are spouses and Colorado
    residents. On April 13, 2012, Debtors filed a voluntary petition for Chapter 7 relief in the
    United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Colorado.
    The 1983 and 2012 Wills
    On February 7, 2012, Scott’s father, Seale A. Moorer, Sr. (Moorer), died leaving a
    last will and testament dated January 9, 2012 (the 2012 Will). The 2012 Will was a
    “pour-over” will that transferred any assets that Moorer held outside of trust to a
    revocable or living trust that was created simultaneously with the 2012 Will in order to
    avoid probate of Moorer’s assets. App. at 406. The 2012 Will purportedly superseded an
    earlier will executed by Moorer in 1983 (the 1983 Will).
    The 1983 Will provided that upon Moorer’s death his estate would be divided into
    two separate trusts: a Marital Trust for the benefit of Scott’s mother (assuming that she
    survived Moorer), and a Family Trust for the benefit of Scott’s mother and Moorer’s
    descendants. The Family Trust authorized the trustee, during the life of Scott’s mother, to
    pay to Moorer’s children or more remote descendants as much of the principal as the
    Trustee deemed necessary for their support, health and education. The Family Trust also
    provided that, five years after the death of both Moorer and his wife, the trustee was to
    evenly divide and distribute the remaining trust principal to Moorer’s living children and
    descendants. At the time the 1983 Will was drafted, “the amount of assets that could be
    transferred to the beneficiaries of the estate without [incurring] a federal estate tax
    liability was $275,000.” 
    Id. at 407.
    According to the record, “one of the primary reasons that” Moorer had the 1983
    Will redrafted was because, “[i]n 2012, the exemption amount for federal estate tax
    purposes was $5,120,000, which greatly exceeded the amount of . . . Moorer’s assets
    . . . .” 
    Id. Had the
    1983 Will remained in place, “the entire amount of his assets would
    have been held in the Family Trust, over which [his wife] retained no control.” 
    Id. “This was
    contrary to the intent shown in the 1983 Will[] . . . .” 
    Id. The 2012
    Will “provides that the entire trust estate is to be held in a Marital Trust
    created for the benefit of [Moorer’s wife]” and that she “is entitled to all the net income
    from the trust, together with all or any part of the trust principal that the Trustee in its
    discretion considers advisable for her maintenance in health and reasonable comfort, or
    support in her accustomed manner of living.” 
    Id. It also
    affords her “a limited power of
    appointment which enables her to appoint any remaining trust principal at her death to
    whomever she sees fit; provided, however, that this power is not exercisable in [her] favor
    . . . , her estate, her creditors or the creditors of her estate, for federal transfer tax
    Id. “[I]f she
    fails to exercise her limited power of appointment, any remaining
    trust principal in the Marital Trust will be disposed of pursuant to [the provisions of
    Moorer’s] Revocable Trust.” 
    Id. Under the
    relevant provisions of Moorer’s Revocable
    Trust, the remaining trust principal would “be divided into two equal shares” on behalf of
    Scott and her brother, if they are both living, “subject to the provisions of . . . lifetime
    trust[s] to be established for [their] benefit . . . .” 
    Id. at 408.
    “These lifetime trusts . . . are
    designed to be asset protection trusts for the benefit of” Scott and her brother. 
    Id. More specifically,
    they were designed “to insulate the assets held in the children’s trusts from a
    beneficiary’s creditors to the fullest extent permitted by law.”1 
    Id. “No provision
    made for Martha Moorer Wise, . . . Moorer’s daughter from a prior marriage,” i.e., Scott’s
    Id. The Debtors’
    bankruptcy petition
    The Debtors’ bankruptcy petition and attached schedules indicated that the
    Debtors’ assets were $46,586.20 and their liabilities, which they described as primarily
    business related, were $169,221.63. In response to a question on the petition asking them
    to “[l]ist all suits and administrative proceedings to which [they] [are] or [were] a party
    within one year immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case,” debtors listed
    four such proceedings: one pending federal case and three state court matters. 
    Id. at 42
    (emphasis omitted).
    Schedule B to the petition asked the Debtors, in pertinent part, to list and describe
    any “[c]ontingent and noncontingent interests in [the] estate of a decedent, [a] death
    benefit plan, [a] life insurance policy, or [a] trust.” 
    Id. at 53.
    Debtors listed no such
    According to the attorney who drafted the 2012 Will, he was advised that Moorer
    requested this provision in order “‘to protect [Scott] from herself’ and that [her brother]
    should be Trustee of that trust.” 
    Id. at 408.
    interests and instead checked the box indicating “NONE.” 
    Id. With their
    petition and schedules, Debtors signed and submitted a
    part, that they were declaring under penalty of perjury that their schedules “[we]re true
    and correct to the best of [their] knowledge, information, and belief.” 
    Id. at 80
    The initial bankruptcy proceedings
    The bankruptcy court appointed Dennis King as trustee. On May 16, 2012, King
    conducted a meeting of the Debtors’ creditors. During that meeting, King questioned
    Scott regarding the existence of any possible inheritances. Scott, in response, did not
    disclose Moorer’s death or any possible interest in his estate. King informed Scott that
    she was obligated to let him know if she won the lottery, received any life insurance
    proceeds, or learned that she was going to inherit money. Scott acknowledged that she
    understood this obligation.
    On August 2, 2012, the bankruptcy court issued an order granting the Debtors’
    discharge. On October 22, 2012, King issued a no-asset report that was based upon the
    information obtained from the Debtors’ schedules and the meeting of their creditors. On
    December 5, 2012, the case was closed.
    The probate contest
    In mid-June 2012, after the meeting of creditors but while the Debtors’ Chapter 7
    bankruptcy proceeding was still pending, Scott and her half-sister Wise hired an attorney
    to represent them in contesting the 2012 Will. On June 22, 2012, Scott and Wise,
    represented by counsel, filed a probate contest in Florida state court against their mother,
    as well as Scott’s brother and his wife.2 The probate contest alleged that Moorer lacked
    “testamentary capacity and was subject to ‘undue influence’ at the time he executed” the
    2012 Will. 
    Id. at 354.
    In particular, the probate contest alleged: (1) that Scott’s brother
    was sitting next to Moorer at the will signing; and (2) that Moorer, immediately following
    the will signing, was taken to an inpatient memory treatment facility where he died less
    than one month later. The probate contest sought to reinstate the 1983 Will or, in the
    alternative, to have Moorer’s estate pass by intestacy.
    At no point prior to the December 5, 2012, closure of their Chapter 7 bankruptcy
    proceedings did Debtors disclose this probate contest to the bankruptcy court or King.
    Scott’s Chapter 13 proceeding
    On December 14, 2012, Scott filed a pro se Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition. The
    schedules and statement of financial affairs attached to the petition did not disclose the
    pending probate contest or any other interest in Moorer’s estate. On February 25, 2013,
    Scott amended her statement of financial affairs and Schedule B in this Chapter 13
    bankruptcy proceeding to list the probate contest. In doing so, she valued the probate
    The probate contest was comprised of two actions: (1) a “Counter Petition for
    Administration and Petition for [R]evocation of Probate of Will [d]ated January 9, 2012,”
    and (2) a “Complaint for Revocation of Trust dated January 9, 2012 . . . .” 
    Id. at 132.
    According to the record, both actions were treated as part of or otherwise consolidated
    with the probate proceeding that was filed on February 16, 2012, regarding the
    administration of Moorer’s estate. 
    Id. at 373.
    contest as “Unknown/$0.” 
    Id. at 353.
    In a subsequent hearing before the bankruptcy
    court regarding her Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceeding, Scott conceded that the probate
    contest was “going to be a huge financial drain” and might not result in any “asset[s] or
    any income or anything like that . . . .” 
    Id. at 110.
    On March 7, 2013, the bankruptcy court entered an order dismissing Scott’s
    Chapter 13 proceeding as a bad faith filing. During the hearing that resulted in the
    dismissal, Scott advised the bankruptcy court that her brother had stolen “millions of
    dollars . . . out of [her] dad’s account before he died,” and asked the bankruptcy court if
    she needed to disclose that on her bankruptcy forms. 
    Id. at 117.
    The bankruptcy court
    advised Scott that, “with respect to Chapter 7, [she] c[ould] file amended statements or
    schedules as [she] want[ed]” and that it would “be a function of whether the trustee
    want[ed] to pursue any of that.” 
    Id. Scott’s Chapter
    13 case was officially closed on April 18, 2013.
    The Debtors’ reopened Chapter 7 proceeding
    On December 28, 2012, Debtors moved to reopen their Chapter 7 bankruptcy case
    in order to amend their Schedule B to list a claim for wrongful foreclosure against their
    mortgage lender. Debtors subsequently filed an amended Chapter 7 Schedule B to
    include their wrongful foreclosure action. On that amended Schedule B, Debtors also
    listed, under the category of “[o]ther contingent and unliquidated claims of every nature,”
    the “Seale A Moorer - Estate - Probate - Florida - et al” as an asset, but claimed that its
    value was “unknown $0.00.” 
    Id. at 122.
    Debtors continued to state that they had no
    “[c]ontingent [or] noncontingent interests in [the] estate of a decedent . . . .” 
    Id. On March
    15, 2013, the bankruptcy court entered an order reopening the Debtors’
    Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding. Shortly thereafter, the bankruptcy court reappointed
    King to serve as trustee in the proceeding. On April 3, 2013, King withdrew his notice of
    no-asset report. In doing so, King stated that he had reason to believe that there was a
    high probability of assets coming into the estate.
    On April 5, 2013, Debtors sent a letter to King “attempt[ing] to justify their
    omission of the [probate contest] in their original bankruptcy schedules.” 
    Id. at 355.
    Debtors alleged that they never expected any “windfalls[] or inheritance that would have
    had an origination date prior to[] or during” the original pendency of their Chapter 7
    Id. (quotation marks
    and citation omitted). The Debtors further alleged that
    even if Scott was successful in challenging Moorer’s 2012 Will, she would not receive
    any distribution until five years after her mother’s death. Lastly, the Debtors alleged that
    if Scott was unsuccessful in challenging the 2012 Will, Scott would receive a distribution
    of funds only if her mother chose to allow such a distribution.
    Debtors amended their Schedule B form two more times: on May 30, 2013, and
    again on November 4, 2013. Both of these amendments listed the probate contest, but
    indicated that it had no value.
    On November 7, 2013, King filed a notice of possible dividend, the purpose of
    which was to notify creditors that there might be money in the estate for distribution. The
    notice provided creditors with time in which to file claims.
    The settlement of the probate contest
    After learning of the existence of the pending probate contest, King retained
    counsel in Florida and, with counsel’s assistance, was successfully substituted for Scott in
    the probate contest. King’s counsel attended a court-ordered mediation, which resulted in
    a settlement of the probate contest. Under the terms of the settlement, King and Scott’s
    half-sister (the plaintiffs in the probate contest) would each receive $100,000 in exchange
    for releasing all claims. King would also receive $6,000 to pay his fees and expenses
    related to obtaining approval of the settlement agreement. In exchange for these
    payments, King agreed to “renounce[] and disclaim[] any and all interests [Scott] may
    have in the [e]state or property of . . . Moorer, including any and all interest as an heir at
    law or beneficiary of any will or trust created by [Moorer or his wife].” 
    Id. at 374.
    On February 4, 2014, King filed a motion asking the bankruptcy court to approve
    the settlement agreement. King argued in the motion that Scott’s “claims concerning the
    . . . 2012 Will . . . [we]re property of the . . . bankruptcy estate since [Moorer] passed
    away on February 7, 2012.” 
    Id. at 131.
    King in turn argued that “the settlement [wa]s
    fair and reasonable, [and] in the best interest of the bankruptcy estate . . . .” 
    Id. at 132.
    King elaborated on this point, arguing that the four factors outlined in In re Kopexa
    Realty Venture Co., 
    213 B.R. 1020
    , 1022 (BAP 10th Cir. 1997), supported the proposed
    settlement. App. at 132. Specifically, King argued that “there [wa]s little probability of
    success on the merits [of the probate contest] based upon his investigation of the
    [litigation] and the previous rejection of [similar] claims in other forums.” 
    Id. King 10
    further argued that the probate contest was “complex[] and would be expensive and time
    consuming to pursue.” 
    Id. In addition,
    King asserted that “[t]he settlement amount was
    the product of arms-length negotiations . . . and represent[ed] a negotiated compromise of
    disputed factual and legal issues and . . . t[ook] into account the time value of the estate’s
    claims even if the Will and Trust were held invalid and the will contest prevailed.” 
    Id. Debtors filed
    a pro se objection to King’s motion for approval of the settlement
    agreement. Debtors asserted a host of reasons why the settlement agreement should not
    be approved, including, in pertinent part, that Scott was “entitled to her full possible
    future inheritance, whatever and whenever that turns out to be, and [wa]s legally entitled
    to all of the excess after payments to any creditors who . . . properly validated their
    Id. at 147.
    In addition, Debtors argued that King “ha[d] no legal authority . . . to
    squander, plunder, erode, or negotiate away . . . Scott’s possible future assets.” 
    Id. Indeed, Debtors
    argued that King was “not acting to preserve and protect the possible
    future assets of the estate of . . . Scott,” but rather “appear[ed] to be [a] willing
    accessor[y] to the crimes of [his] real clients,” the defendants in the probate contest, “who
    [we]re making every grasping effort possible to avoid trial and prosecution . . . for the
    theft of . . . Scott’s possible future inheritance.” 
    Id. at 148.
    At no point in their pro se
    objection, however, did Debtors cite to § 541(c)(2) or argue that they were entitled to the
    exception outlined therein.
    Debtors subsequently retained counsel and filed another objection to King’s
    motion for approval. In this second objection, Debtors argued that King’s proposed
    settlement figure was “preposterous” and “ridiculously low” because the actual value of
    the probate contest was “about 3.1 million dollars (the remainder interest in a trust) of
    which . . . Scott has a one-third interest.” 
    Id. at 578
    (quotation marks and citation
    On June 10, 2014, the bankruptcy court held an evidentiary hearing on King’s
    motion for approval of the settlement. King presented testimony from Nicholas Mizell,
    the attorney for the defendants in the probate contest. “Mizell testified that the 2012 Will
    was drafted by [Moorer] and [his wife’s] long-time attorney[,] who is highly regarded by
    the local wills and estates bar.” 
    Id. at 356.
    Mizell further testified that, “[b]ased on
    information garnered from the depositions of all parties present at the will-signing, . . . the
    2012 Will was properly executed and notarized by [Moorer].” 
    Id. In addition,
    “opined [that] it would be very hard to overcome the presumption under Florida law that
    [Moorer] was lucid at the time the 2012 Will was signed[,] despite the fact that he may
    have had a failing memory.” 
    Id. In support
    of this opinion, Mizell noted that “the 2012
    Will left [Moorer’s] entire estate to his wife of sixty years and did not make any material
    changes to the 1983 Will aside from brin[g]ing it current with changes in tax law.” 
    Id. Mizell also
    “explained that even if the 2012 Will was invalidated, the 1983 Will would
    control and the estate would not go into intestacy.” 
    Id. Lastly, Mizell
    opined that the
    probate contest was “in reality a fight between . . . Scott and her [m]other,” and he noted
    that discovery in the probate contest “had revealed a number of vitriolic e-mails from . . .
    Scott to” her mother. 
    Id. 12 Scott’s
    attorney in the probate contest, Douglas Rankin, also testified at the
    evidentiary hearing and “conceded the fragile foundation of . . . Scott’s position in the”
    probate contest. 
    Id. In particular,
    Rankin “admitted there were a number of
    contingencies that must be met before . . . Scott could recover more than” her half-sister,
    including that “the 2012 Will would have to be revoked, then the presence of factors of
    dependent relative revocation would have to be met, and then the court would have to
    find that [her half-sister] was not a ‘child’ of [Moorer] under the 1983 Will.” 
    Id. (footnote omitted).
    For his part, King testified that he was “reluctant to put . . . Scott on the stand in
    support of his case if forced to try the” probate contest. 
    Id. at 358.
    King explained that
    “he did not believe that she would be an effective witness” because she had “made a
    number of untrue statements or omitted key information during her [C]hapter 7 case . . . .”
    Id. King also
    opined “that there was no appreciable difference between . . . Scott’s
    position in the [probate contest] and” that of her half-sister. 
    Id. at 359.
    Because the half-
    sister “settled with the Defendants for $100,000 through mediation,” King “determined
    that the estate’s settlement for the same amount was fair and reasonable.” 
    Id. At the
    evidentiary hearing, the bankruptcy court expressly noted that during the
    course of the probate contest, “Scott filed over 60 complaints against various parties
    involved in the execution of the 2012 Will.” 
    Id. at 356.
    These included “complaints with
    the Florida bar against [Moorer’s] attorney, . . . complaints with the Florida governor’s
    office against the notary who notarized the 2012 Will,” and “claims against the notary’s
    surety company.” 
    Id. All of
    those complaints, the bankruptcy court noted, were either
    denied or rejected.
    On July 24, 2014, the bankruptcy court issued an order granting King’s motion for
    approval of the settlement agreement. In doing so, the bankruptcy court applied the four
    factors outlined in Kopexa and noted that, because the money at issue was held in a trust
    and no creditors had objected to the settlement agreement, the outcome of the motion
    hinged on King’s “chance of success on the merits [of the probate contest] and the
    complexity of th[at] litigation.” 
    Id. at 357.
    The bankruptcy court concluded that King
    “made a reasonable business judgment to enter [into] the Settlement Agreement” because
    “[h]e was faced with protracted litigation half-way across the country without any funds
    to proceed” and, “[m]ore importantly, his chances of winning at trial appear[ed] quite
    Id. at 359.
    The settlement, the bankruptcy court noted, “provide[d] $100,000
    to an otherwise asset-less estate without the necessity of [expending] significant time,
    effort and expense[] to pursue an unknown result in the [probate contest].” 
    Id. Lastly, the
    bankruptcy court concluded that King “ha[d] fulfilled his statutory and fiduciary duty
    to the estate by maximizing the value of this asset . . . .” 
    Id. Consequently, the
    bankruptcy court held, it would “not disturb that result.” 
    Id. The bankruptcy
    court also found in its order approving the settlement agreement
    that the Debtors had “sought to perpetrate a fraud on the [bankruptcy court] and on their
    creditors,” by which, “[h]ad they been successful, they would have deprived their
    creditors of any asset distribution . . . .” 
    Id. at 360.
    As a result, the bankruptcy court
    concluded that “in equity and good conscience, [it] c[ould not] permit the Debtors’
    constant and continuing bad faith with respect to this matter to derail [King’s] efforts on
    behalf of their creditors.” 
    Id. at 361.
    Thus, the bankruptcy court concluded that, “[b]y
    their bad faith conduct, the Debtors ha[d] forfeited the right to have their voices heard”
    and would not be permitted to “claim that the [probate contest] ha[d] any higher value
    than that of the Settlement Agreement.” 
    Id. The BAP’s
    On August 29, 2014, Debtors filed a pro se notice of appeal from the bankruptcy
    court’s order approving the settlement. On September 2, 2015, the BAP issued an
    unpublished decision affirming the bankruptcy court’s order. The BAP concluded that
    Scott’s interest in the probate contest, and in the Wills generally, was property of the
    bankruptcy estate, and that the bankruptcy court did not abuse its discretion in approving
    the settlement agreement.
    Scott filed a notice of appeal from the BAP’s order on September 15, 2015.
    Scott asserts a single issue on appeal: that the bankruptcy court lacked subject
    matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1334(e)(1) to administer her interest in Moorer’s
    spendthrift trust because it was not an “asset of the estate” under 11 U.S.C. § 541(c)(2).
    Although this appeal is from a decision by the BAP, we do not rely on the substance of its
    order and instead conduct a plenary review of the bankruptcy court’s decision. Mathai v.
    Warren (In re Warren), 
    512 F.3d 1241
    , 1248 (10th Cir. 2008). More specifically, “we
    treat the BAP as a subordinate appellate tribunal whose rulings are not entitled to any
    deference (although they certainly may be persuasive).” 
    Id. As for
    the bankruptcy
    court’s decision, “[w]e review matters of law de novo” and “factual findings
    . . . for clear error.” 
    Id. A The
    jurisdiction of a bankruptcy court is circumscribed by 28 U.S.C. § 1334. Of
    relevance here, § 1334 provides that “[t]he district court in which a case under title 11 is
    commenced or is pending shall have exclusive jurisdiction . . . of all the property,
    wherever located, of the debtor as of the commencement of such case, and of property of
    the estate . . . .”3 28 U.S.C. § 1334(e)(1); see 28 U.S.C. § 157(a) (“Each district court
    may provide that any or all cases under title 11 . . . shall be referred to the bankruptcy
    judges for the district.”). In short, § 1334(e)(1) affords a bankruptcy court with
    “exclusive [in rem] jurisdiction over a debtor’s property, wherever located, and over the
    estate.” Tenn. Student Assistance Corp. v. Hood, 
    541 U.S. 440
    , 447 (2004) (citing 28
    U.S.C. § 1334(e)); see 
    id. (“The discharge
    of a debt by a bankruptcy court is . . . an in rem
    “The commencement of a” Chapter 7 bankruptcy case “creates an estate.” 11
    U.S.C. § 541(a). “Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c)(2) of” § 541, the estate
    includes “all legal or equitable interests of the debtor in property as of the commencement
    This latter category of property would include, for example, earnings on estate
    property and recoveries of property by a trustee or debtor-in-possession. See Tenn.
    Student Assistance Corp. v. Hood, 
    541 U.S. 440
    , 447 (2004).
    of the case.” 
    Id. § 541(a)(1).
    Subsection (c)(2) states that “[a] restriction on the transfer
    of a beneficial interest of the debtor in a trust that is enforceable under applicable
    nonbankruptcy law is enforceable in a case under this title.” 11 U.S.C. § 541(c)(2). We
    have held that “[a] beneficial interest in an ordinary spendthrift trust would clearly qualify
    for the [§ 541(c)(2)] exemption if the state courts would hold that creditors could not
    reach the interest.” Gladwell v. Harline (In re Harline), 
    950 F.2d 669
    , 670 (10th Cir.
    1991); see 9 William L. Norton, Jr. & William L. Norton III, Norton Bankruptcy Law and
    Practice 3d § 175:31, Westlaw (database updated July 2016) (noting that subsection (c)(2)
    excludes spendthrift trusts from the estate, provided that they are recognized under
    applicable state law).
    Scott argues that the bankruptcy court in this case “lacked subject matter
    jurisdiction to administer” what she describes as her “interest in her late father’s
    spendthrift trust because that interest is excluded from the property of the estate pursuant
    to 11 U.S.C. § 541(c)(2).” Aplt. Br. at 9. As a result, Scott argues, “[t]he bankruptcy
    court exceeded [its] jurisdiction in approving the settlement between [King] and the other
    parties to the Florida litigation over Scott’s interest in her late father’s spendthrift trust.”
    Id. We reject
    Scott’s arguments for the reasons outlined below.
    The § 541(c)(2) exclusion is permissive
    King argues, and we agree, that “the exclusion of property from the bankruptcy
    estate under § 541(c)(2) is permissive rather than mandatory.” Aplee. Br. at 18. As
    previously discussed, § 541(a) limits the bankruptcy estate to “all legal or equitable
    interests of the debtor in property as of the commencement of the case[,] . . . [e]xcept as
    provided in subsections (b) and (c)(2) of . . . section [541].” 11 U.S.C. § 541(a)(1). But
    the exception outlined in subsection (c)(2) is worded in permissive rather than mandatory
    fashion. In particular, it states that “[a] restriction on the transfer of a beneficial interest
    of the debtor in a trust that is enforceable under applicable nonbankruptcy law is
    enforceable in a case under this title.” 
    Id. § 541(c)(2).
    The Ninth Circuit in Rains v.
    Flinn (In re Rains), 
    428 F.3d 893
    , 905 (9th Cir. 2005), has expressly recognized that this
    language is “permissive rather than mandatory,” and the Supreme Court has also
    suggested as much in Patterson v. Shumate, 
    504 U.S. 753
    , 765 (1992) (“may be
    excluded”). Thus, we agree with King that it is a debtor’s choice whether or not to
    include such an interest in the bankruptcy estate.
    Scott’s interest in the spendthrift trust and her interest in the probate contest
    The settlement agreement entered into by King purports to encompass, and
    ultimately agrees to waive, both Scott’s interest in the spendthrift trust created by Moorer
    as part of the 2012 Will and her interest in the probate contest challenging the validity of
    the 2012 Will. In her appeal to the BAP, Scott argued that neither of these interests were
    part of her bankruptcy estate. The BAP disagreed. Now, in this appeal, Scott appears to
    focus exclusively on the interest in the spendthrift trust. Out of an abundance of caution,
    we will address both of these interests.
    To begin with, the record on appeal indicates that Moorer’s 2012 Will does,
    indeed, contain a spendthrift provision. As we have noted, the 2012 Will provides that if
    Moorer’s wife “fails to exercise her limited power of appointment” prior to her death,
    “any remaining trust principal in the Marital Trust will be disposed of pursuant to [the
    provisions of] Moorer’s Revocable Trust.” App. at 407. Under the relevant provisions of
    Moorer’s Revocable Trust, the remaining trust principal would “be divided into two equal
    shares” on behalf of Scott and her brother, if they are both living, “subject to the
    provisions of . . . lifetime trust[s] to be established for [their] benefit . . . .” 
    Id. at 408.
    “These lifetime trusts . . . are designed to be asset protection trusts for the benefit of”
    Scott and her brother. 
    Id. More specifically,
    they are designed “to insulate the assets
    held in the children’s trusts from a beneficiary’s creditors to the fullest extent permitted
    by law.” 
    Id. In sum,
    this is a spendthrift provision that is recognized as valid under
    Florida state law. Id.; see Zlatkiss v. All Am. Team Concepts, LLC, 
    125 So. 3d 953
    , 955
    (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2013) (discussing spendthrift trusts, noting that they are recognized as
    valid and enforceable under Florida statutes, and do not violate the Florida Constitution).
    The question thus becomes whether the existence of this spendthrift provision
    prevents Scott’s interest in the 2012 Will from becoming part of her Chapter 7 bankruptcy
    estate. As we have explained, the type of interest that Scott has here, i.e., a beneficial
    interest in a spendthrift trust that is recognized and protected by applicable state law,
    would generally qualify for the § 541(c)(2) exception. In other words, it typically would
    not be considered part of the bankruptcy estate.
    But, as we have also explained, the exception outlined in § 541(c)(2) is permissive
    rather than mandatory, and thus it is a debtor’s choice whether or not to include such an
    interest in his or her bankruptcy estate. And in this case, the record indicates that Scott
    effectively chose to include her interest in the 2012 Will as part of her estate.
    Specifically, she amended her Schedule B to include her interests in the pending probate
    proceeding and the related probate contest. Moreover, at no point during the proceedings
    before the bankruptcy court did she argue that she was entitled to the exception outlined
    in § 541(c)(2). Lastly, as King points out in his appellate briefing, until recently, Scott
    asserted that the 2012 Will was invalid and that her interest thereunder was essentially
    worthless. For all of these reasons, we reject Scott’s claim of entitlement to the §
    541(c)(2) exception, and affirm the bankruptcy court’s conclusion that Scott’s interest in
    the 2012 Will was part of her bankruptcy estate.
    As for Scott’s interest in the probate contest, it does not qualify for the exception
    outlined in § 541(c)(2). The probate contest is simply a cause of action that has some
    present value, whatever that may be, and is a distinct asset of its own. See generally
    Moratzka v. Morris (In re Senior Cottages of Am., LLC), 
    482 F.3d 997
    , 1001 (8th Cir.
    2007) (“Causes of action are interests in property and are therefore included in the estate
    . . . .”); Sender v. Buchanan (In re Hedged-Invs. Assocs., Inc.), 
    84 F.3d 1281
    , 1285 (10th
    Cir. 1996) (same). And that cause of action, unlike the underlying legal instrument that it
    seeks to invoke (i.e., the 1983 Will), is not subject to any spendthrift provision. At most,
    the present value of this cause of action might be impacted by the existence of a
    spendthrift provision in the 1983 Will. Therefore, we conclude that the bankruptcy court
    properly treated Scott’s interest in the Florida probate contest as property of the Debtors’
    bankruptcy estate.
    King has filed a motion for leave to file a surreply brief. In his motion, King
    asserts that Scott, in her appellate reply brief, is raising for the first time “an argument
    that the release of claims set forth in the Settlement Agreement entered into by [King] . . .
    should not have included any contingent interests she may have had in spendthrift trusts
    created under [Moorer’s] estate planning documents.” Mot. at 1. Although King is
    correct that Scott’s opening brief did not mention King’s authority to release her interest
    in the spendthrift trust created by the 2012 Will, she did argue that this very interest was
    not part of the estate and not within the bankruptcy court’s jurisdiction. In other words,
    the argument that Scott makes in her appellate reply brief regarding King’s lack of
    authority to settle is a necessary corollary to the key argument presented in her opening
    brief. Thus, it is not really a “new” argument, as King asserts. Consequently, we deny
    King’s motion.
    We DENY appellees’ motion to file a surreply brief and AFFIRM the decision of
    the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel.