United States v. Housholder , 664 F. App'x 720 ( 2016 )

  •                                                                            FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    November 8, 2016
    Clerk of Court
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    No. 15-3146
    v.                                           (D.C. No. 6:14-CR-10120-EFM-1)
    (D. Kan.)
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Before KELLY, HARTZ, and MATHESON, Circuit Judges.
    Defendant-Appellant Kim Housholder was convicted by a jury of
    possession of an unregistered silencer and sentenced to twenty-seven months’
    imprisonment and two years’ supervised release. 26 U.S.C. §§ 5861(d); 5871;
    5845(a)(7). He was also ordered to forfeit the rifle associated with his silencer.
    18 U.S.C. § 924(d)(1); 28 U.S.C. § 2461(c). Our jurisdiction arises under 28
    U.S.C. § 1291, and we affirm.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. It may be cited,
    however, for its persuasive value consistent with Fed. R. App. P. 32.1 and 10th
    Cir. R. 32.1.
    In April 2014, police officers obtained and executed a drug search warrant
    at Mr. Housholder’s residence in Greeley County, Kansas. The search warrant
    permitted the officers to seize, among other items, drug paraphernalia and
    1 Rawle 22
    –23. The officers found drug paraphernalia and arrested Mr.
    Housholder for drug offenses. One of the officers spotted and picked up a rifle in
    the living room as Mr. Housholder was being escorted out of his home.
    According to testimony at trial, when the officer started to examine a device that
    had been attached to the rifle’s barrel, Mr. Housholder spontaneously said, “that’s
    not a silencer; that’s a bicycle pedal.” 
    3 Rawle 152
    . Based on his training and
    experience, the officer thought that the device was a homemade silencer. The
    officer seized the rifle because there was no serial number or manufacturing
    information on the device, and he knew it was illegal to have an unregistered
    3 Rawle 183
    . There were no silencers registered to Mr. Housholder at the
    time of his arrest. 
    3 Rawle 344
    Upon further inspection, the officers discovered that the device was
    securely fixed on the rifle’s barrel with Allen screws and had been taken off and
    put on the rifle several times. 
    3 Rawle 183
    –84; see also Aplee. Br. Attach. A. To
    determine whether the device was a homemade silencer, the officers sent it to the
    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) for inspection
    and testing. 
    3 Rawle 184
    A BATFE firearm enforcement officer tested the device and concluded that
    it was a homemade silencer based on its design and functionality. 
    3 Rawle 364
    . She
    testified at trial that “[a] silencer is a device that’s utilized for silencing,
    muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm. It also includes . . . any
    combination of parts that . . . make a silencer.” 
    3 Rawle 352
    . The device’s physical
    design resembled a silencer — it was tightened over the rifle’s barrel, and had an
    expansion chamber and a rear and front cap. 
    3 Rawle 356
    . She also testified that the
    device’s design was unique because it fit over the rifle’s flash suppressor and was
    secured with three Allen screws. 
    3 Rawle 356
    The BATFE officer also conducted a sound meter test to determine whether
    the device reduced the sound of gunfire. She tested the device with an adapter so
    that it would fit on her .22 caliber Ruger pistol. 
    3 Rawle 358
    . She shot the pistol five
    times without the device in a testing area while another firearm enforcement
    officer measured how loud the gun shots were. 
    3 Rawle 357
    –58. When the pistol
    was fired five times with the device on, the resulting sound was about half as
    3 Rawle 360
    –63. The sound reduction was so significant that the BATFE
    officer noticed it through her ear protection. 
    3 Rawle 363
    . Based on its physical
    characteristics and the results of the sound meter test, she concluded that the
    device was a homemade silencer. 
    3 Rawle 364
    While the jury found Mr. Housholder guilty of knowingly possessing an
    unregistered silencer, it acquitted him of possessing a firearm as an unlawful user
    of a controlled substance. 
    1 Rawle 133
    , 106. By special verdict, the jury found that
    the rifle was involved in the commission of possessing an unregistered silencer, 
    1 Rawle 144
    , making both the rifle and the silencer subject to forfeiture, 
    1 Rawle 162
    Mr. Housholder challenges the sufficiency of evidence underlying his
    conviction. He also argues that the district court erred in ordering forfeiture of
    his rifle. We address both arguments in turn.
    A.    Sufficiency of the Evidence
    We review sufficiency of the evidence challenges de novo. United States v.
    795 F.3d 1243
    , 1247 (10th Cir. 2015). When determining whether a
    reasonable jury could have found the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt,
    we view the evidence and its accompanying inferences in a light most favorable
    to the government. Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    , 319 (1979). Weighing
    conflicting evidence and considering the witnesses’ credibility are duties reserved
    for the jury, not us. See United States v. Medina-Copete, 
    757 F.3d 1092
    , 1107
    (10th Cir. 2014).
    26 U.S.C. § 5861(d) criminalizes possessing a firearm that is not registered
    in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record. A silencer is a
    firearm. 26 U.S.C. § 5845(a)(7). “From the text of the statute, the only element
    is possession of an unregistered firearm. However, the Supreme Court has read a
    mens rea requirement into the crime — to obtain a conviction, the [g]overnment
    must prove the defendant ‘knew of the features of [the firearm] that brought it
    within the scope of the Act.’” United States v. Dwyer, 
    245 F.3d 1168
    , 1171 (10th
    Cir. 2001) (second alteration in original) (quoting Staples v. United States, 
    511 U.S. 600
    , 619 (1994)).
    The jury was instructed that it must find all of the following beyond a
    reasonable doubt:
    First, that on or about April 4, 2014, the defendant knowingly
    possessed a “silencer;”
    Second, the defendant knew of the specific characteristics or features
    of the “silencer” that caused it to be registrable under the National
    Firearms Registration and Transfer Record;
    Third, the “silencer” was in operating condition; and
    Fourth, the “silencer” was not registered to the defendant in the
    National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record. The
    government is not required to prove that the defendant knew that the
    firearm was not registered or had to be registered.
    1 Rawle 113
    On appeal, Mr. Housholder argues that the evidence was insufficient to
    prove the first and second elements of the offense. Aplt. Br. at 8–16, Aplt. Reply
    Br. at 2–5. With regard to the first element, Mr. Housholder argues that there was
    no evidence that the device was attached to the rifle for the purpose of
    diminishing the sound of the gunfire. Aplt. Br. at 8–12. A silencer is “any device
    for silencing, muffling, or diminishing the report of a portable firearm, including
    any combination of parts, designed or redesigned, and intended for use in
    assembling or fabricating a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, and any part
    intended only for use in such assembly or fabrication.” 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(24).
    Mr. Housholder relies on United States v. Crooker, 
    608 F.3d 94
    (1st Cir. 2010), a
    case where the silencer was created to silence an airgun — which is not a firearm
    — and required modification to fit a firearm. On these unusual facts, the First
    Circuit panel held that the defendant was entitled to an acquittal. 
    Id. 99–100. No
    evidence supported that the defendant intended the device to function as a firearm
    silencer, and the jury instructions said it was unnecessary. 1 
    Id. at 96,
    Crooker is plainly distinguishable. Viewing the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the government, Mr. Housholder fabricated a metal device into a
    silencer by welding a piece on it which allowed it to attach to his rifle. The
    device was attached to his rifle when seized, which clearly speaks to intent. As
    explained by the BATFE officer, the device was designed to be large enough to fit
    over a flash suppressor at the end of the rifle. It was secured to the rifle with
    three Allen screws. The BATFE officer discussed her testing of the device and
    we need not repeat the evidence.
    Mr. Housholder argues that the evidence is insufficient because the BATFE
    officer said it was unnecessary to rely upon the sound testing, had to attach the
    Given our standard of review of the evidence in this case, Mr.
    Housholder lacks a factual predicate to rely upon Crooker and we express no
    opinion on its reasoning or outcome.
    device to a pistol because she did not have the rifle, and only reported a 9.7
    decibel reduction. He also points out that although the BATFE officer did testify
    that the device had an expansion chamber, it lacked internal baffles, wipes, or
    cones normally associated with silencers. Of course, these points were explored
    during the examination of the BAFTE officer. She considered the design,
    purpose, and actual function of the device in reaching her conclusion. The
    evidence is sufficient.
    Second, Mr. Housholder argues that there was insufficient evidence
    regarding his knowledge of the specific characteristics of the device that required
    registration. Aplt. Br. at 13–16. We disagree. There are several facts that could
    lead the jury to conclude that Mr. Housholder knew of the specific features of the
    device that required it to be registered. First, it is reasonable to infer that Mr.
    Housholder’s unprovoked statement, “that’s not a silencer; that’s a bicycle
    pedal,” shows that he knew the device had the characteristics of a silencer.
    3 Rawle 152
    . Although false exculpatory statements like his “cannot be considered
    by the jury as direct evidence of guilt,” United States v. Zang, 
    703 F.2d 1186
    1191 (10th Cir. 1982), they “support an inference of consciousness of guilt.”
    United States v. Smith, 
    833 F.2d 213
    , 218 (10th Cir. 1987). In United States v.
    Sanders, we explained that “a jury’s disbelief of a defendant’s testimony can raise
    a positive inference of guilt.” 
    240 F.3d 1279
    , 1284 (10th Cir. 2001). Because
    there was no evidence indicating that the device was anything but a homemade
    silencer, it would have been reasonable for the jury to disbelieve his statement
    and infer, because his statement was unprovoked, that he knew it required
    Second, the device had been modified to fit the rifle and had been attached
    and removed on multiple occasions. Because the rifle belonged to Mr.
    Housholder, it is reasonable to infer that he handled and modified the device, and
    therefore knew of the characteristics that required him to register it. This
    inference distinguishes this case from Sanders, in which the defendant had
    purchased a gun with an alleged silencer already attached, and had never removed
    Id. at 1283.
    The government’s expert in Sanders explained that “it was
    impossible to know that the attachment was a silencer based upon its physical
    characteristics without removing the attachment from the barrel.” 
    Id. (emphasis omitted).
    In sum, there was sufficient evidence to convict Mr. Housholder of
    possessing an unregistered firearm.
    B.    Forfeiture
    We review the district court’s interpretation of forfeiture laws de novo.
    United States v. McGinty, 
    610 F.3d 1242
    , 1245 (10th Cir. 2010). 18 U.S.C.
    § 924(d)(1) requires forfeiture of any firearm “involved in . . . any violation of
    any . . . criminal law of the United States” as “demonstrated by clear and
    convincing evidence.” The term “involved in” is not defined in the statute, so we
    must interpret it according to its ordinary meaning. Smith v. United States, 
    508 U.S. 223
    , 228 (1993). The Supreme Court has described the term “involved in”
    as “expansive.” 
    Id. at 235.
    Indeed, a firearm can be involved in a crime even
    when it is not used. 
    Id. Contrary to
    Mr. Housholder’s assertion, as long as the
    firearm is involved in the commission of a federal crime, it is immaterial whether
    the government “comingle[d] both [the silencer and the rifle] in each of their two
    forfeiture allegations when they were separately charged in the superseding
    indictment.” Aplt. Br. at 16. Although a conviction for possessing an
    unregistered silencer must not necessarily involve a gun, it certainly can.
    The jury’s conclusion that the rifle was involved in the crime of possessing
    an unregistered silencer is supported by clear and convincing evidence. The
    device was on the gun when the police discovered it, and had been removed and
    attached on several occasions. It was also designed to fit over the rifle’s flash
    At oral argument, Mr. Housholder argued for the first time that the rifle
    cannot be forfeited because it is not a firearm under 26 U.S.C. § 5845(a).
    Although we question the merit of this argument, we will not address it because it
    “comes too late.” Thomas v. Denny’s, Inc., 
    111 F.3d 1506
    , 1510 n.5 (10th Cir.
    Entered for the Court
    Paul J. Kelly, Jr.
    Circuit Judge
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