United States v. Gurule , 929 F.3d 1214 ( 2019 )

  •                                                                        FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    July 11, 2019
    PUBLISH                   Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    Clerk of Court
    v.                                                     No. 18-4039
    (D.C. NO. 2:17-CR-00485-DS-1)
    Ryan D. Tenney, Assistant United States Attorney (John W. Huber, United States
    Attorney, with him on the briefs), Office of the United States Attorney, Salt Lake
    City, Utah, for Appellant.
    Daphne Oberg, Assistant Federal Public Defendant (Kathryn N. Nester, Federal
    Public Defender, and Bretta Pirie, Assistant Federal Public Defender, with her on
    the brief), Office of the Federal Public Defender, Salt Lake City, Utah, for
    Before TYMKOVICH, Chief Judge, BACHARACH, and McHUGH, Circuit
    TYMKOVICH, Chief Judge.
    Tommy Gurule was frisked during a routine traffic stop of a car in which he
    was a passenger. When officers discovered a pistol, he was arrested and charged
    under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) as a felon in possession of a firearm. Gurule moved to
    suppress both the pistol and his subsequent confession as the products of an
    illegal search.
    The district court granted this motion, concluding Gurule had been
    unlawfully detained during the traffic stop and the officers lacked the necessary
    reasonable suspicion to frisk him.
    We reverse. We conclude the officers did not violate the Fourth
    Amendment when they (1) reasonably detained Gurule and the other occupants of
    the car prior to the search; and (2) frisked Gurule after they observed a gun in his
    pocket and had otherwise developed the reasonable suspicion he might be armed
    and dangerous.
    I. Background
    On the night of June 29, 2017, an officer from the West Valley City street
    crimes unit observed a sedan commit several traffic infractions. The officer
    initiated a traffic stop, and the car pulled into the parking lot of a nearby gas
    station. The parking lot was poorly lit, with a fence to the vehicles’ right, the
    station to their left, and a darkened field beyond.
    The sedan contained three occupants—two in front and one in back. None
    possessed a valid driver’s license, and the driver had accumulated multiple
    misdemeanor warrants, which she volunteered to the officer upon first contact.
    As the officer conducted a records check, one of his colleagues arrived to provide
    backup. Upon his arrival, the second officer made idle conversation with the
    occupants of the vehicle and focused primarily on securing the scene. The sedan
    was outfitted with tinted windows and also contained a great deal of property,
    since the driver apparently was living out of her car.
    After completing a records check, the driver was informed that a licensed
    driver was required to operate the vehicle lawfully. The officer also told the
    driver he would not arrest her if she revealed the presence of any contraband in
    the sedan. In response, she volunteered that the officers could search her vehicle
    to verify her claim that it contained nothing illegal. The officer confirmed her
    consent to the search and asked that she contact a licensed driver.
    The officers then asked the vehicle’s passengers to exit. Upon leaving the
    car, the front-seat passenger consented to a protective frisk. The officers then
    asked the back-seat passenger—Tommy Gurule—if they could also perform a
    protective frisk. Gurule twice told the officers that he would not consent to a
    search, and was directed to sit at a nearby curb.
    Gurule had initially engaged officers in a friendly manner—even
    volunteering that a bottle of alcohol in the sedan was his, so as not to incriminate
    the driver. As one officer asked repeatedly whether Gurule possessed any
    weapons, both officers began expressing concern that he was responding
    deceptively. Gurule disputed that he was acting uncooperatively and stated that
    he had no weapon. Unsatisfied with this response, one of the officers ordered
    Gurule to stand.
    As Gurule began to stand, the other officer noted a visible bulge in
    Gurule’s right-front pocket. That officer took hold of Gurule’s right arm as a
    protective action. He then observed a gun in Gurule’s right-front pocket. Both
    officers handcuffed Gurule before confiscating a pistol. Gurule’s equivocal
    response to questioning about his criminal history prompted further investigation,
    which revealed a prior felony conviction. He was arrested and—in a post-arrest
    interview—confessed to knowingly possessing the pistol.
    Gurule subsequently filed a motion to suppress both the firearm and his
    post-arrest statements, arguing they were fruits of an unlawful detention and
    search. After an evidentiary hearing at which both officers testified, the district
    court concluded Gurule should have been free to leave the scene on foot before
    the protective search. The district court also found that—even had Gurule’s
    detention been lawful—the officers had not developed the requisite reasonable
    suspicion to frisk him.
    II. Analysis
    The government contends that (1) the officers were permitted to detain
    Gurule until completion of the traffic stop; and (2) the protective search was
    lawful since—during the detention—officers developed reasonable suspicion that
    Gurule was armed and dangerous. We agree.
    We accept the district court’s factual findings “unless they are clearly
    erroneous.” United States v. Burleson, 
    657 F.3d 1040
    , 1044 (10th Cir. 2011)
    (quoting United States v. Caro, 
    248 F.3d 1240
    , 1243 (10th Cir. 2001)). 1 But we
    review de novo the district court’s legal conclusions, including “the ultimate
    determination of reasonableness under the Fourth Amendment.” 
    Id. (same). A.
    The Traffic-Stop Detention
    Traffic stops are seizures subject to the Fourth Amendment’s requirement
    for reasonableness. See, e.g., Rodriguez v. United States, 
    135 S. Ct. 1609
    , 1614
    (2015). It is well-established that the “touchstone” of this inquiry “is always the
    reasonableness in all the circumstances of the particular governmental invasion of
    a citizen’s personal security.” Pennsylvania v. Mimms, 
    434 U.S. 106
    , 108–09
    (1977) (citing Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 19 (1968)) (internal quotation marks
    omitted). “Reasonableness” in this context will hinge “on a balance between the
    public interest and the individual’s right to personal security free from arbitrary
    Video and audio body-camera footage from both officers was also
    included in the record. R. 136, 137.
    interference by law officers.” 
    Id. at 109.
    (quoting United States v. Brignoni-
    422 U.S. 873
    , 878 (1975)).
    In Mimms, the Supreme Court recognized “the safety of the officer” as a
    “legitimate and weighty” interest in support of detention during a traffic stop. 
    Id. at 110.
    “Against this important interest,” courts must weigh “the intrusion into
    the driver’s personal liberty . . . by the order to get out of the car.” 
    Id. at 111.
    Ultimately, the Court concluded this intrusion was “at most a mere inconvenience
    [that] cannot prevail when balanced against legitimate concerns for the officer’s
    Id. The Supreme
    Court has employed a similar logic in permitting police
    officers to order passengers from stopped cars. In Maryland v. Wilson, the
    Court—while acknowledging the personal-liberty interests of “passengers [are] in
    one sense stronger than that for the driver”—also recognized that the “danger to
    an officer from a traffic stop is likely to be greater when there are passengers in
    addition to the driver in the stopped car.” 
    519 U.S. 408
    , 413–14, 14–15 (1997).
    For this reason, the Court concluded that “[t]he risk of harm to both the police
    and the [vehicle’s] occupants is minimized if the officers routinely exercise
    unquestioned command of the situation.” 
    Id. at 414.
    (quoting Michigan v.
    452 U.S. 692
    , 702–03 (1981)).
    For much the same reason, the Supreme Court has observed it is
    “reasonable for passengers to expect that a police officer at the scene of a crime,
    arrest, or investigation will not let people move around in ways that could
    jeopardize his safety.” Brendlin v. California, 
    551 U.S. 249
    , 258 (2007). Indeed,
    the Court explained that no “sensible person” would “expect a police officer to
    allow people to come and go freely from the physical focal point of an
    Id. at 257.
    Moreover, the Court has further acknowledged that passengers may be
    detained for the duration of an otherwise-valid traffic stop: “The temporary
    seizure of driver and passengers ordinarily continues, and remains reasonable, for
    the duration of the stop. Normally, the stop ends when the police have no further
    need to control the scene. . . .” Arizona v. Johnson, 
    555 U.S. 323
    , 333 (2009)
    Brendlin, 551 U.S. at 258
    Employing much the same calculus in balancing these interests, our court
    has likewise held police officers may lawfully order passengers to remain in a
    stopped vehicle, United States v. Holt, 
    264 F.3d 1215
    , 1223 (10th Cir. 2001) (en
    banc), or to exit the vehicle, depending upon the circumstances. United States v.
    410 F.3d 1203
    , 1210–11 (10th Cir. 2005) (“[A]n officer making a
    traffic stop may order both the driver and passengers to exit the vehicle pending
    completion of the stop because the additional intrusion on the passenger is
    minimal.” (citations and quotation marks omitted)).
    Given the circumstances the officers confronted in this case, these
    principles point towards an inescapable conclusion. So long as law enforcement
    retains the “need to control the scene”—here, for at least the duration of a consent
    search of the vehicle—the longstanding interest in officer safety outweighs any
    additional intrusion created by investigatory detention to a passenger’s personal
    liberty. See 
    Johnson, 555 U.S. at 333
    . 2
    Gurule argued before the district court the officers unreasonably extended
    his detention by requiring that he remain at the scene of the traffic stop beyond
    the point at which it was clear he had no warrants and was not dangerous. But, as
    we have discussed, our precedent establishes that a passenger may be detained for
    the duration of an otherwise-lawful traffic stop.
    For the first time on appeal—relying upon Rodriguez v. United States, 
    135 S. Ct. 1609
    (2015)—Gurule argues the officers also unconstitutionally extended
    the traffic stop as against the vehicle’s driver. In Rodriguez the Supreme Court
    observed that “the tolerable duration of police inquiries in the traffic-stop context
    is determined by the seizure’s ‘mission’—to address the traffic violation that
    warranted the stop, and attend to related safety concerns.” 
    Id. at 1614
    omitted). Gurule contends the lead officer extended the permissible duration of
    the stop by questioning the driver about the contents of her car.
    In his answer brief, Gurule argues for the first time that the search of the
    vehicle was coerced. Aple. Br. 23–27. We decline to consider the merits of this
    claim, as Gurule presented as undisputed fact before the district court in his
    Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suppress that “the driver consented to a
    search of the vehicle.” See R. 10.
    Although not preserved below, if we did reach the merits, this argument
    likewise cannot support Gurule’s theory that he was unlawfully detained as a
    derivative consequence of the driver’s detention. None of the vehicle’s occupants
    possessed a valid driver’s license, and the efforts on the part of law enforcement
    to help locate a licensed driver cannot be characterized as unconstitutionally
    extending this traffic stop.
    In a similar case, United States v. Vargas, 
    848 F.3d 971
    , 974 (11th Cir.
    2017), an officer learned during the course of a valid traffic stop “that [the driver]
    did not have a driver’s license, so [he] could not legally operate the vehicle. In
    an attempt to find someone who could, [the officer] asked [the passenger] if he
    had a driver’s license.” 
    Id. at 974.
    The passenger, like Gurule here, did not have
    one either.
    In Vargas, the officer “went even further in his attempt to end the detention
    and . . . asked [both driver and passenger] if they knew someone with a license
    they could call to drive the vehicle away.” 
    Id. In finding
    no fault with the
    encounter, the court held: “All of [law enforcement’s] actions were taken in the
    lawful discharge of [its] duties, which included enforcement of the law requiring
    that any person driving a vehicle be licensed to do so.” 
    Id. (emphasis added).
    Most importantly, that exercise was, “in the words of the Rodriguez
    opinion, ‘fairly characterized as part of [law enforcement’s] traffic mission.’” 
    Id. (emphasis added).
    It was “after [law enforcement] discovered that neither man
    had a driver’s license, and while the continued detention was still lawful, that [the
    officer] asked [the driver] for permission to search the vehicle.” 
    Id. As the
    observed, efforts aimed at preventing unlicensed drivers “from driving off without
    a license is lawful enforcement of the law, not unlawful detention.” 
    Id. “What prolonged
    the stop was not [law enforcement’s] desire to search the vehicle but
    the fact that [the] occupants of it could not lawfully drive it away.” 
    Id. at 974–75.
    The same logic would apply here. Accordingly, we conclude the district
    court erred in finding the officers unlawfully detained Gurule prior to the pat-
    down search.
    B. The Pat-Down Search
    During a valid investigatory detention, officers may conduct a limited
    protective search (commonly called a pat-down search or frisk) if they develop an
    articulable and reasonable suspicion that the subject is armed and dangerous.
    United States v. Hammond, 
    890 F.3d 901
    , 905 (10th Cir. 2018). Within the
    context of a traffic stop, this is true not only for the driver but also for any
    Johnson, 555 U.S. at 332
    Because a frisk is a search for the purposes of the Fourth Amendment, it is
    subject to the reasonableness requirement the Supreme Court outlined in Terry.
    United States v. Garcia, 
    751 F.3d 1139
    , 1142 (10th Cir. 2014). The primary
    justification for a frisk, of course, is officer safety. 
    Id. (citing Terry,
    392 U.S. at
    27). We accordingly recognize the officer-safety rationale can overcome even
    “limited specific information leading [law enforcement] to believe that an
    individual was armed or dangerous.” 
    Id. (quoting United
    States v. McRae, 
    81 F.3d 1528
    , 1536 (10th Cir. 1996)).
    At any rate, reasonable suspicion “is not, and is not meant to be, an onerous
    standard.” United States v. Pettit, 
    785 F.3d 1374
    , 1379 (10th Cir. 2015) (quoting
    United States v. Kitchell, 
    653 F.3d 1206
    , 1219 (10th Cir. 2011)). It requires
    “considerably less” than a preponderance of the evidence and “obviously less”
    than probable cause. 
    Id. (quoting United
    States v. Esquivel-Rios, 
    725 F.3d 1231
    1236 (10th Cir. 2013)). So long as officers develop “a particularized and
    objective basis for suspecting an individual may be involved in criminal activity,
    [they] may initiate an investigatory detention even if it is more likely than not that
    the individual is not involved in any illegality.” 
    Id. at 1379–80.
    (citing United
    States v. Johnson, 
    364 F.3d 1185
    , 1194 (10th Cir. 2004)) (emphasis added).
    When assessing reasonable suspicion, we “defer to all reasonable
    inferences made by law enforcement officers in light of their knowledge and
    professional experience distinguishing between innocent and suspicious actions.”
    Id. at 1379.
    (citing United States v. Winder, 
    557 F.3d 1129
    , 1133 (10th Cir.
    2009)). We evaluate each factor alleged to support an inference of reasonable
    suspicion separately and in the aggregate. 
    Id. at 1380.
    (citing United States v.
    158 F.3d 1107
    , 1111 (10th Cir. 1998)). Although individual
    factors—when analyzed separately—might admit of innocent explanation, we may
    nonetheless hold they create reasonable suspicion in the aggregate. See 
    id. 1. Timing
    of the Frisk
    The parties contest the precise moment at which the search commenced.
    Gurule contends the search began when he was ordered to his feet and one officer
    grabbed hold of his right arm. The government, by contrast, argues the search did
    not commence until the officer physically manipulated Gurule’s right-front
    pocket—at which point one officer had already observed not only the bulge but
    also the gun itself.
    The government has the stronger argument. The frisk did not begin until
    after Gurule was already on his feet and officers had seen the gun. We evaluate
    the circumstance under an objective standard, and even if the officers intended to
    frisk Gurule after he was on his feet, that does not matter for our analysis. See
    United States v. Tinnie, 
    629 F.3d 749
    , 753 (7th Cir. 2011) (observing “it is
    irrelevant that” the officer “decided to frisk” the defendant “before directing him
    to exit the car”). Thus, by the time the search had therefore begun, at least one
    officer had seen the gun, such that both officers were justified in securing it for
    the duration of the vehicle search. 
    Garcia, 751 F.3d at 1141
    But even had we accepted Gurule’s argument that the frisk began when he
    was ordered to his feet, the totality of the circumstances created more than the
    requisite reasonable suspicion for officers to conduct the protective frisk.
    2. Reasonableness of the Frisk
    Several factors support a finding of reasonableness. As previously noted,
    the officers did not frisk Gurule until after they had noticed an unusual bulge in
    Gurule’s right-front pocket. As the Supreme Court observed in Mimms, a visible
    and suspicious “bulge” in a driver’s pocket may alone “permit[] the officer to
    conclude that [the suspect] was armed and thus posed a serious and present
    danger to the safety of the 
    officer.” 434 U.S. at 112
    Gurule contends the district court made no factual finding that either
    officer noticed the bulge. But this claim ignores both uncontested testimony
    about what officers observed, as well as footage from both body cameras
    indicating a plainly-visible bulge. E.g., R. 116-18. Moreover, the very fact that
    the officers asked repeatedly whether Gurule was carrying a weapon suggests
    contemporaneous concern that he was deceitful. 3
    The government also emphasizes the vulnerability that attends the act of
    turning one’s back on multiple subjects while searching an unfamiliar vehicle.
    The very fact of a search creates a need to detain individuals safely. See, e.g.,
    The district court also relied on an unpublished case, United States v.
    House, 463 F. App’x 783 (10th Cir. 1999), for the proposition that even actual
    knowledge that a suspect was armed would not create reasonable suspicion that he
    might be “armed and dangerous.” See R. 69. (emphases added). But we have
    explicitly rejected the notion that officers must assess “armed” and “dangerous”
    in disjunctive fashion: “[A]n officer’s suspicion that an individual is dangerous
    can affect that officer’s suspicion that an individual is armed, and vice versa.”
    Garcia, 751 F.3d at 1143
    United States v. Manjarrez, 
    348 F.3d 881
    , 886–87 (10th Cir. 2003) (“The purpose
    of the limited pat-down search is not to discover evidence of a crime, but to allow
    the officer to pursue his investigation without fear of violence.”) (citations and
    quotation marks omitted). Nor does the presence of an additional officer
    necessarily vitiate this concern. See United States v. Fager, 
    811 F.3d 381
    , 389
    (10th Cir. 2016) (“[I]f [the defendant] harbored a desire to use his weapon against
    the officers, he may very well have used it regardless of whether the backup
    officer was keeping an eye on him. . . .”).
    This danger is only heightened when at least one of the subjects has
    accumulated multiple arrest warrants. Officers are “entitled to infer a common
    purpose or enterprise” between drivers and passengers when one, as here, knows
    of the other’s “arrest warrants and would want to conceal evidence of any
    wrongdoing.” See 
    id. (quoting Dennison,
    410 F.3d at 1213). 4
    In this instance, the driver volunteered she was the subject of at least one
    outstanding warrant for theft. And the district court found—based on the
    We have observed that—“[i]n conjunction with other factors[—]criminal
    history contributes powerfully to the reasonable suspicion calculus.” E.g., United
    States v. Simpson, 
    609 F.3d 1140
    , 1147 (10th Cir. 2010) (quoting United States v.
    584 F.3d 935
    , 951 (10th Cir. 2009)). But this commonsense principle is
    not without limits and must operate—as here—in conjunction with other factors:
    “To be sure, this [c]ourt has held that a prior criminal history is by itself
    insufficient to create reasonable suspicion.” United States v. Santos, 
    403 F.3d 1120
    , 1132 (10th Cir. 2005) (citing United States v. Sandoval, 
    29 F.3d 537
    , 542
    (10th Cir. 1994)).
    testimony of one officer—that the vehicle’s backseat contained a great deal of
    property. R. 63. The combination of these circumstances could reasonably lead
    officers to conclude they should exercise special caution in conducting the search,
    given the possibility that criminal activity was once again afoot.
    The time and the place of the traffic stop lastly contribute to the
    reasonableness of the pat-down search. In Johnson, we observed that “the nature
    of the area in which a detention takes place is a relevant consideration in the
    analysis.” 364 F.3d at 1193
    . The stop transpired at night,
    (10:30 PM), and the government emphasizes both the darkness of the gas-station
    parking lot, as well as the proximity of a darkened field just beyond where the
    vehicles had stopped. In addition, one officer observed that the general area
    “regularly sees a high volume of drug activity as well as property crimes[,]
    including stolen vehicles.” R. 108–09.
    Even had one officer not seen the gun in Gurule’s right-front pocket, we
    conclude these circumstances—when taken together—would create the requisite
    reasonable suspicion to justify the frisk.
    III. Conclusion
    For the reasons set forth above, we REVERSE the district court’s decision
    granting Gurule’s motion to suppress.
    United States v. Gurule, No. 18-4039, Bacharach, J., concurring.
    The majority opinion properly recognizes that Mr. Gurule forfeited
    his Rodriguez argument. Majority Op. at 9. Nonetheless, the majority states
    how it would decide this issue if it had been preserved. 
    Id. at 9–10.
    Mr. Gurule’s forfeiture, I would decline to say how we would decide the
    merits. I otherwise agree with the majority opinion.