Kaufman v. American Family Mutual Insuran ( 2010 )

  •                                                                         FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    April 22, 2010
    Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    Clerk of Court
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    v.                                                     No. 08-1491
    (D. Ct. No. 1:05-CV-02311-WDM-
    AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL                                     MEH)
    Defendant - Appellee.
    This matter is before the court to correct a clerical error in the opinion
    which issued April 20, 2010. On page 5, in the last two lines of the decision, the
    original opinion states “an attorney for AFIC (“Mr. Chase”) telephoned the
    district court’s law clerk.” That clause should read “an attorney for AFIC (“Mr.
    Chase”) telephoned the Magistrate Judge’s law clerk.” An amended copy of the
    decision is attached to this order and shall issue nunc pro tunc to April 20, 2010.
    Entered for the Court,
    Clerk of Court
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    April 20, 2010
    PUBLISH                Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    Clerk of Court
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    v.                                              No. 08-1491
    Defendant - Appellee.
    (D. Ct. No. 1:05-CV-02311-WDM-MEH)
    Steven Silvern (Thomas A. Bulger, with him on the briefs), Silvern Law Offices,
    P.C., Wheat Ridge, Colorado, appearing for Appellant.
    Suzanne Lambdin (Sean A. Chase, with her on the brief), Lambdin & Chaney,
    LLP, Denver, Colorado, appearing for Appellee.
    Before TACHA, KELLY, and HARTZ, Circuit Judges.
    TACHA, Circuit Judge.
    The Silvern Law Offices, P.C. and its attorneys Steven Silvern and Jennifer
    Hicks (“Silvern”) appeal from the district court’s order imposing sanctions
    against them for discovery misconduct. Silvern also appeals from the district
    court’s refusal to order discovery into the extent of ex parte communications
    between opposing counsel and the court. We have jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
     and AFFIRM.
    Katherine Kaufman was involved in an automobile accident with a driver
    insured by American Family Insurance Company (“AFIC”). After the accident,
    an AFIC claims adjuster sent Ms. Kaufman a letter stating:
    While your injury claim includes consideration of necessary and
    reasonable medical care which is solely related to this accident and
    based on charges that are usual and customary, payment is not made
    until you are ready to settle.
    After you have concluded treatment, we will offer you a lump sum
    payment. This is inclusive of medical bills, loss [sic] wages and
    compensation for pain and suffering. The timing of that settlement is
    up to you. I look forward to being able to help you through a
    difficult time.
    AFIC never, however, paid Ms. Kaufman’s claim.
    Thereafter, Ms. Kaufman, through Silvern, brought a class action lawsuit
    under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(2) against AFIC for breach of contract and fraud. 1
    Her proposed class definition consisted of:
    [p]ersons who (1) were involved in a motor vehicle accident with an
    insured of Defendant; or who purchased uninsured/underinsured
    motorist coverage from the Defendant and were involved in an
    The suit was brought in Colorado state court but was removed to federal
    district court.
    accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver; (2) who received
    a letter from the Defendant during or after December, 2003 that
    included promises, representations, and requests for information
    identical or similar to those in the form letter [received by Ms.
    Kaufman]; (3) who provided privileged and/or other information to
    the Defendant, and/or refrained from hiring counsel or timely
    performing an accident investigation; and (4) whom the Defendant
    has not compensated or helped as promised.
    During discovery, Silvern 2 served interrogatories on AFIC regarding the
    number of people to whom AFIC sent the form letter and the number of those
    people AFIC had compensated. AFIC objected to the interrogatories, however,
    because responding to the requests would require it to review by hand more than
    7200 claims files and thus would be unduly burdensome. AFIC also contended
    that its claims files contained highly sensitive and confidential information. As a
    result, Silvern filed two motions to compel in which it argued that the discovery
    requests were relevant to Rule 23(a)(1)’s numerosity requirement 3 and also could
    help establish AFIC’s fraudulent intent. Silvern further suggested that a
    protective order could address AFIC’s concerns regarding confidentiality.
    In granting Silvern’s motions to compel, the magistrate judge ultimately
    agreed that the requests were important to ascertain numerosity and to establish
    Although Ms. Kaufman was at all times the plaintiff in the underlying
    litigation, we hereinafter refer only to Silvern because its actions, as opposed to
    Ms. Kaufman’s as a party, are at the center of this appeal.
    Under Rule 23(a)(1), a district court may not certify a class action unless
    the plaintiff demonstrates that “the class is so numerous that joinder of all
    members is impracticable.”
    the substantive elements of Ms. Kaufman’s claims; however, to alleviate the
    potential burden on AFIC that identifying the relevant documents could cause, the
    court ordered AFIC simply to make its files available for inspection so that
    Silvern could complete its own investigation. The magistrate further ordered the
    parties to stipulate to a protective order that would define Silvern’s use of the
    The stipulated motion for a protective order, which the magistrate granted,
    reiterated Silvern’s desire to inspect AFIC’s claims files in order to establish
    numerosity. The protective order also provided “[t]hat the documents may not be
    used for any purpose whatsoever, except for pre-trial preparation and trial of this
    case and only this case.”
    While reviewing AFIC’s claims files pursuant to the court’s discovery
    order and the resultant protective order, Silvern used contact information
    contained in the files to telephone approximately thirteen individuals and discuss
    the class action suit against AFIC with them. Six of the thirteen individuals then
    retained Silvern as their counsel and signed contingency fee agreements with the
    law firm. When AFIC learned of these contacts, which it believed violated the
    protective order and which it considered improper solicitation of clients, it moved
    for sanctions against Silvern. The district court permitted AFIC and Silvern to
    depose the claimants who Silvern had contacted and held a hearing on the
    sanctions motion.
    In granting the motion for sanctions, the district court described Silvern’s
    conduct as follows:
    [I]n nearly all cases [Silvern] asked about the claimant’s accident and
    informed the individual of the Plaintiff’s pending action. There is
    evidence that [one attorney] asked if the claimant wanted to
    participate in the lawsuit and related that [Silvern] could represent
    the claimant. In some cases, the claimant set up an in-person
    meeting with [Silvern] and arranged for representation in that
    meeting. . . . In the case of one claimant, H.L., [Silvern] told H.L.
    that there could be a statute of limitations problem and suggested that
    if H.L. did not like her attorney, she could switch to [Silvern]. In a
    telephone call to another claimant, [Silvern] may have said
    something along the lines that American Family had no intention of
    paying on the claimant’s accident. Six of the thirteen individuals
    contacted in this manner retained [Silvern] and signed contingency
    fee agreements; most testified . . . that before the call from [Silvern],
    they were not actively pursuing litigation against American Family or
    had no intent to do so and had no previous relationship with
    The district court’s sanction order stated that Silvern’s contacts with the
    claimants violated the protective order and were an abuse of discovery. The court
    ordered Silvern to pay the legal fees and costs incurred by AFIC in preparing its
    motion for sanctions, which AFIC was to set forth by a later affidavit.
    After AFIC submitted its fees and costs but before the court determined the
    precise amount of the sanction, the parties reached a settlement on the merits of
    the case and were ordered to file a joint motion to dismiss the lawsuit. Concerned
    that such a filing might end the litigation and divest the court of jurisdiction over
    the still-pending sanctions issue, an attorney for AFIC (“Mr. Chase”) telephoned
    the Magistrate Judge’s law clerk. In an affidavit, Mr. Chase stated that he simply
    wished to inform the court that the parties might file a status report rather than a
    dismissal in order to ensure the court retained jurisdiction. In an e-mail to
    Silvern the same day, however, Mr. Chase stated that he had spoken to the law
    clerk “and it has been suggested that we file a joint status report as opposed to a
    stipulation to dismiss,” which suggests the possibility that he sought advice from
    the court. Silvern moved for sanctions based on this ex parte communication with
    the court, which the court granted. The court, however, denied Silvern’s request
    that the court hold discovery regarding the full nature and extent of defense
    counsel’s improper ex parte communications.
    On appeal, Silvern contests the sanction order against it and further argues
    that the district court should have more fully investigated the circumstances of
    defense counsel’s ex parte contact.
    A.    Sanctions Against Silvern
    1.     Standard of Review
    In ordering sanctions against Silvern, the district court concluded that its
    contacts with the claimants violated the protective order and constituted an abuse
    of discovery. The court relied on both its inherent authority to control and
    supervise the litigation, as well as Fed. R. Civ. P. 37, to issue the sanction. We
    therefore review the order for abuse of discretion. See Neiberger v. Fed Ex
    Ground Package Sys., Inc., 
    566 F.3d 1184
    , 1192 (10th Cir. 2009) (reviewing Rule
    37 sanctions for abuse of discretion); United States v. Evans & Assoc. Const. Co.,
    839 F.2d 656
    , 660 (10th Cir. 1988) (reviewing sanction imposed under court’s
    inherent authority for abuse of discretion). 4
    2.     Propriety of Sanctions
    a.     Interpretation of the Protective Order
    Silvern argues that using AFIC’s claims files to contact and recruit
    additional class representatives or class members constitutes “pre-trial preparation
    and trial of [the] case” and therefore is permitted by the protective order.
    Silvern’s reading of the protective order is unduly narrow and ignores the context
    in which the order was issued.
    From the beginning of the dispute over the discoverability of AFIC’s
    claims files, Silvern consistently and exclusively maintained that it needed the
    claims files to establish numerosity and to help prove the elements of Ms.
    Kaufman’s substantive claims. Silvern never stated or suggested that it sought to
    use the files to solicit the claimants’ participation in the litigation as class
    representatives or class members or to secure the claimants as Silvern clients.
    Indeed, the parties’ stipulated motion for a protective order specifically states that
    Silvern argues for the first time on appeal that the district court did not
    have authority under either Rule 37 or its inherent power to impose sanctions
    against it in this case. Because Silvern did not present this argument to the
    district court, we do not consider it here. See McDonald v. Kinder-Morgan, Inc.,
    287 F.3d 992
    , 999 (10th Cir. 2002).
    “Plaintiff desires to inspect the documents to determine whether the numerosity
    component for certifying a class action is present.” Silvern did not identify any
    other reason it needed access to the files. Thus, Silvern’s reading of the
    protective order’s limiting language—i.e., that the files only be used for pre-trial
    preparation and trial of the case—to include client solicitation is unsupportable
    given Silvern’s prior representations to the court.
    Silvern’s position would essentially require a district court not only to set
    forth the affirmative scope of a discovery order and any accompanying protective
    orders, but also expressly to enumerate each and every act prohibited by the
    orders even when such prohibited acts are obvious from the context of the
    litigation and the context in which the orders were issued. We have never
    required a district court to define the scope of its discovery orders with such
    specificity, and we decline Silvern’s invitation to impose that heavy burden on
    district courts today. Furthermore, as demonstrated by our use of the abuse of
    discretion standard to review sanctions for discovery violations, we recognize that
    a district court is in the best position to define the scope of the discovery orders
    and attendant protective orders it issues. Mindful of our deferential standard of
    review, we simply cannot read the protective order in the narrow vacuum Silvern
    advocates. Accordingly, we conclude that the district court did not abuse its
    discretion in concluding that Silvern’s use of AFIC’s confidential files to solicit
    clients violated the protective order and was an abuse of discovery.
    b.     First Amendment
    Silvern also argues that the sanction violates its and/or Ms. Kaufman’s First
    Amendment right of association and access to the courts. See Applt. Br. at 25
    (“There is no doubt that Kaufman, with her counsel’s assistance, was exercising
    that fundamental right by seeking additional class representatives in this
    matter.”). To the extent Silvern raises a violation of Ms. Kaufman’s First
    Amendment rights, it does not have standing because Ms. Kaufman is not a party
    to this appeal. See Howard v. Mail-Well Envelope Co., 
    150 F.3d 1227
    , 1230
    (10th Cir. 1998) (“Mr. Smith contends that by disqualifying him, the district court
    deprived the plaintiff of her First and Seventh Amendment rights. However, Mr.
    Smith has standing to raise only issues which concern his own personal interests;
    grievances he perceives and attributes to a former client are not properly within
    the scope of this appeal.”).
    To the extent Silvern raises a violation of its own First Amendment rights,
    it is clear that the speech at issue is commercial speech and that the sanction is
    not an unconstitutional restraint. Silvern, however, contends that its use of
    AFIC’s confidential files to solicit clients constituted core protected speech and
    that the district court’s sanction must therefore withstand strict scrutiny. Indeed,
    Silvern equates its attempts to solicit class representatives on a contingency fee
    basis to the conduct of the ACLU attorney in In re Primus, 
    436 U.S. 412
    who offered free legal assistance to pregnant mothers who were being sterilized
    as a condition of their continued receipt of Medicaid assistance.
    In In re Primus, the Supreme Court concluded that the South Carolina State
    Bar’s disciplinary actions against the ACLU attorney, which had been imposed
    pursuant to a state ethics rule restricting solicitation of clients, violated the
    attorney’s First Amendment rights. 
    436 U.S. at 439
    . In reaching this conclusion,
    the Court emphasized that “[f]or the ACLU . . . ‘litigation is not a technique of
    resolving private differences’; it is ‘a form of political expression’ and ‘political
    Id. at 428
     (quoting NAACP v. Button, 
    371 U.S. 415
     (1963)). The
    Court also emphasized that the attorney “received no compensation for any of the
    activities in question” and that “neither the ACLU nor any lawyer associated with
    it would have shared in any monetary recovery by the plaintiffs . . . .” 
    Conversely, on the same day it decided In re Primus, the Supreme Court
    upheld disciplinary actions against an Ohio attorney who engaged in in-person
    solicitation of business from an accident victim at the victim’s hospital bed. See
    Ohralik v. Ohio State Bar Ass’n, 
    436 U.S. 447
     (1978). In Ohralik, the Court
    concluded that “[i]n-person solicitation by a lawyer of remunerative employment
    is a business transaction in which speech is an essential but subordinate
    Id. at 457
    . Having concluded that the attorney’s solicitation
    amounted only to commercial speech which enjoys limited First Amendment
    protection, the Court held that the state could regulate the speech on showing that
    it was “likely to pose dangers the state had a right to prevent.” 
    Id. at 449
    Silvern’s attempt to characterize its solicitation of clients as political
    expression or association is unavailing. In this case, the record demonstrates that
    Silvern contracted with clients on a contingency fee basis to assist them in
    resolving private disputes with AFIC. Silvern makes no claim that it was a not-
    for-profit entity or that it sought only to recoup its costs from clients.
    Furthermore, the fact that Silvern obtained a number of contingency fee
    agreements through its communications with AFIC claimants belies its assertion
    that it was engaged in efforts to vindicate public rights or pursue political ends.
    Clearly, Silvern sought remunerative employment through its contacts with AFIC
    claimants. Accordingly, we conclude that Silvern’s solicitation of clients in this
    case constitutes commercial speech similar to that which was constitutionally
    regulated in Ohralik. See 
    id. at 459
     (“A lawyer’s procurement of remunerative
    employment is a subject only marginally affected with First Amendment
    “Commercial speech enjoys a limited measure of protection, commensurate
    with its subordinate position in the scale of First Amendment values, and is
    subject to modes of regulation that might be impermissible in the realm of
    noncommercial expression.” Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc., 
    515 U.S. 618
    , 623
    (1995) (quotations and alterations omitted). Silvern likens the protective order
    and the sanctions that resulted from Silvern’s violation of it to the order that was
    struck down by the Fifth Circuit in Bernard v. Gulf Oil Co., 
    619 F.2d 459
    Cir. 1980). In Bernard, the Fifth Circuit held that a broad order in a class action
    discrimination suit that prohibited plaintiffs’ counsel or any plaintiff from having
    any communication with potential class members or class representatives without
    first obtaining leave of the court was an impermissible restraint on the attorney’s
    and the plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights. Bernard, 
    619 F.2d at
    464 n.4, 478.
    Bernard is distinguishable from the instant case in many respects. Most
    important, the restraint on free speech at issue in Bernard was much more
    intrusive than the protective order and subsequent sanction in this case. In
    Bernard, the court was concerned with an order that it described as “broad in
    scope and plenary in nature” and which forbade “a wide range of
    Id. at 464
    . That order stated “any further communication,
    either direct or indirect, oral or in writing . . . from the named parties, their
    representatives or counsel to the potential or actual class members not formal
    parties to this action is forbidden.” 
     at 464 n.4.
    In this case, we are not concerned with an absolute prohibition of
    communication with potential class members, class representatives, or clients.
    Rather, the protective order Silvern violated merely defined the scope of Silvern’s
    permitted use of AFIC’s confidential files during the discovery process. The
    court never suggested that Silvern could not, on its own initiative and as a result
    of its own investigation, locate, interview, and encourage others to join the suit.
    It did, however, prohibit Silvern from employing the court’s discovery authority
    to gain access to its adversary’s confidential files and then using those files for its
    own pecuniary gain. The protection afforded commercial speech by the First
    Amendment does not prevent district courts from prohibiting and sanctioning such
    abuses of the discovery process. Accordingly, Silvern’s First Amendment claim
    is without merit.
    c.     Due Process
    For these same reasons, we reject Silvern’s due process argument that it
    had no notice that its conduct was sanctionable because the protective order
    arguably permitted recruitment of clients. As we explained, the limiting language
    of the protective order and the context in which it was issued make clear that the
    district court was not giving Silvern carte blanche authority to use AFIC’s
    confidential files to telephone, interview, and encourage claimants to join the
    action against AFIC. Moreover, the First Amendment cases cited by Silvern do
    not support its position and thus cannot have provided it with a reasonable belief,
    as Silvern contends, that its actions were permissible. Accordingly, Silvern was
    provided adequate notice that its use of AFIC’s confidential files to solicit clients
    was sanctionable under the protective order, and therefore its Due Process claim
    is without merit.
    B.    Sanctions Against Mr. Chase
    On Silvern’s motion to sanction defense counsel for the ex parte
    communication, the district court explained that, in essence, the communication
    was harmless and did not advantage the defense as the court would have retained
    jurisdiction over the sanctions issue even had the case been dismissed. The court
    also emphasized that Mr. Chase had not attempted to influence a judicial officer
    (counsel was, at most, seeking advice) and had informed Silvern of the
    communication. In a later order, the court stated that nothing in the record
    indicated that other communications had taken place. Nonetheless, the
    communication was improper, and the court ordered counsel to pay for Silvern’s
    reasonable fees incurred in making the motion.
    On appeal, Silvern argues that the district court erred in refusing to
    investigate or disclose the details of the ex parte communication between defense
    counsel and the court’s law clerk, and by refusing to investigate whether other ex
    parte contacts had taken place. To the extent Silvern seeks further investigation
    of possible ex parte communications regarding the merits of Ms. Kaufman’s case,
    it does not have standing to raise this issue. Any ex parte communications
    between defense counsel and the court regarding the merits of the litigation would
    have prejudiced, if anyone, Ms. Kaufman as the litigant and not Silvern as her
    counsel. Ms. Kaufman has resolved her claims against AFIC, however, and is not
    a party to this appeal. Thus, Silvern does not have standing to appeal this issue.
    See Weeks v. Indep. Sch. Dist. No. I-89, 
    230 F.3d 1201
    , 1213 (10th Cir. 2000)
    (“Although counsel have standing to appeal orders directly affecting them, they
    do not have standing to appeal orders only applicable to their clients.”).
    To the extent Silvern seeks further disclosure or investigation of other
    potential ex parte contacts regarding the sanctions against it, its claims are
    without merit. “We recognize that ex parte communications may be fraught with
    peril, and that judges must take great care with respect to ex parte
    communications even in the most exigent of circumstances . . .” J.B. v.
    Washington Co., 
    127 F.3d 919
    , 925–26 (10th Cir. 1997). Generally, the danger
    posed by an ex parte communication between a litigant and the court is that the
    court’s impartiality may be compromised by the communication itself and the
    other litigant’s inability to refute or clarify the substance of the communication.
    id. at 926
     (concluding that despite the existence of ex parte contacts, nothing
    in the record suggested that the judge abandoned his impartial judicial role).
    Mere speculation that an ex parte contact has occurred or that a judge was
    affected by it, however, does not warrant relief or further investigation. See West
    v. Grand Co., 
    967 F.2d 362
    , 367 (10th Cir. 1992) (denying due process claim
    because party’s “contention that the Commissioners based their decision on ex
    parte communications [was] pure speculation . . .”).
    In this case, the single ex parte contact that occurred was promptly
    disclosed to Silvern. Furthermore, despite the district court’s conclusion that the
    contact was harmless, it nevertheless awarded Silvern reasonable fees because of
    it. Thus, there is no basis for Silvern’s claim that further disclosure or
    investigation of that communication is necessary.
    Moreover, Silvern’s claim that other similar or even more ominous contacts
    may have occurred is pure speculation. Indeed, in its motion for sanctions,
    Silvern did not identify any other contact it feared may have taken place,
    suggesting only that the possibility of one improper communication required the
    court to order full-blown discovery to determine whether any other ex parte
    communications had occurred. On such a record, we cannot say that the district
    court erred in refusing to order such an investigation into the possibility of other
    ex parte contacts.
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the decision of the district court.