Williamson v. Ward ( 1997 )

  •                                                                        F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    PUBLISH                                APR 10 1997
    No. 95-7141
    RONALD WARD, Warden, State
    Penitentiary at McAlester,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Eastern District of Oklahoma
    (D.C. No. CIV-94-539-S)
    William L. Humes and Robert L. Whittaker, Assistant Attorneys General, (W.A.
    Drew Edmondson, Attorney General of Oklahoma and Sandra D. Howard,
    Assistant Attorney General, with them on the briefs), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
    for Respondent-Appellant.
    Janet Chesley, Assistant Federal Public Defender (Vicki Ruth Adams Werneke,
    Assistant Federal Public Defender, with her on the brief), Oklahoma City,
    Oklahoma, for Petitioner-Appellee.
    Before SEYMOUR, Chief Judge, TACHA and EBEL, Circuit Judges.
    SEYMOUR, Chief Judge.
    Ronald Keith Williamson was convicted in Oklahoma state court of first-
    degree murder and sentenced to death. His conviction was affirmed on direct
    appeal, see Williamson v. State, 
    812 P.2d 384
     (Williamson I), order corrected by,
    905 P.2d 1135
     (Okla. Crim. App. 1991), cert. denied, 
    503 U.S. 973
     (1992), and
    his petition for state post-conviction relief was denied, see Williamson v. State,
    852 P.2d 167
     (Okla. Crim. App. 1993) (Williamson II), cert. denied, 
    114 S. Ct. 2122
     (1994). Mr. Williamson then filed a petition for habeas corpus relief in
    federal court under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    , asserting that he was convicted and
    sentenced in violation of the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments.
    The district court granted relief, ruling that both the conviction and the sentence
    of death were constitutionally infirm on numerous grounds. Williamson v.
    904 F. Supp. 1529
     (E.D. Okla. 1995) (Williamson III). On appeal, we
    agree with the district court that Mr Williamson was denied his Sixth Amendment
    right to the effective assistance of counsel in two regards and that his conviction
    must therefore be reversed. However, we also agree with the State that the
    district court erred in several of its rulings, which we address below in part V in
    the event of a retrial.
    The underlying circumstances are as follows. The murder occurred in 1982
    in the small town of Ada, Oklahoma. The victim, twenty-one year old Debra Sue
    Carter, was found dead in her apartment. The door had been broken open and the
    crime scene showed signs of a struggle. The police found a washcloth forced into
    Ms. Carter’s mouth and a ligature around her neck. The police concluded that
    Ms. Carter had been sexually assaulted, and suffocated. The police recovered
    latent fingerprints, hair, and body fluids from the scene, and found a bloody
    fingerprint on the wall of the bedroom in which the body was located. The only
    latent prints identified were those of the victim and an Ada police detective who
    investigated the crime. In a 1983 report, a state fingerprint expert concluded that
    the bloody print did not match that of the victim or of Mr. Williamson, who was a
    suspect by that time.
    Ms. Carter had worked at the Coachlight Club. The murder took place after
    she left the Club in the early morning hours of December 8, 1982. Mr.
    Williamson was known to frequent the Club with Dennis Fritz, 1 and one witness
    placed Mr. Williamson at the Club the night of the murder. 2 Mr. Williamson was
    Mr. Fritz was also charged with first-degree murder. He was tried
    separately, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison.
    Glen Gore testified at Mr. Williamson’s preliminary hearing that he saw
    both the victim and Mr. Williamson at the Club the night of the murder. Mr. Gore
    stated that the victim told him Mr. Williamson was “bugging” her, and that the
    victim and Mr. Williamson were talking together around closing time. Mr. Gore
    refused to testify at Mr. Williamson’s trial on Fifth Amendment grounds and his
    first interviewed by the authorities in March 1983. He denied any involvement
    and agreed to provide hair and saliva samples. His mother stated that he was
    home by 10:00 p.m. the night of the murder. Mr. Williamson was interviewed
    several additional times in 1983 by both the Ada police and agents from the
    Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI), and he took two inconclusive
    polygraph examinations. He continued to assert that he knew nothing about the
    From October 1984 through January 1985, Mr. Williamson was
    incarcerated in the Pontotoc County Jail on an unrelated bad-check charge. In
    August 1985, Charles W. Amos of the Mental Health Services of Southern
    Oklahoma determined that Mr. Williamson was not competent to stand trial on
    this charge, and in September the state district judge in that case ruled him
    earlier testimony was read to the jury. Mr. Gore’s evidence was subject to serious
    impeachment. At the time of trial, he had been convicted on numerous counts
    arising from his attack on a young woman and was serving a forty-year sentence
    as a result of a plea bargain made a week after he was listed as a witness in Mr.
    Williamson’s case. He was admittedly the last person to see the victim alive as
    she was leaving the Club. One person who saw Mr. Gore with the victim as she
    was leaving told co-workers that they were arguing and that Mr. Gore had shoved
    the victim at the end of the encounter. None of this impeachment evidence was
    presented to the jury. Mr. Williamson asserted in his federal habeas petition that
    his counsel was ineffective in failing to investigate and impeach Mr. Gore’s
    preliminary hearing testimony, and the district court agreed. Williamson III, 
    904 F. Supp. at 1549-50
    . In light of our conclusion that counsel was inadequate in
    other respects, we need not decide whether the district court’s conclusion with
    respect to Mr. Gore was correct.
    incompetent and sent him to Eastern State Hospital. In October, Dr. R.D. Garcia,
    Chief Forensic Psychiatrist at Eastern State Hospital, issued an opinion stating
    that Mr. Williamson was competent and returned him for trial. In February 1986,
    Terri Holland, who had been incarcerated in the Pontotoc County Jail while Mr.
    Williamson was held there a year earlier, informed the District Attorney that she
    had heard Mr. Williamson confess to the murder when they were in jail together. 3
    On May 1, 1987, the victim’s body was exhumed and another set of her
    fingerprints was obtained. The state fingerprint expert then changed his opinion
    and concluded that the bloody print found on the bedroom matched that of the
    victim. Mr. Williamson was arrested on May 8. On May 9, after being held in
    Ms. Holland testified to that effect during trial. Her testimony was also
    subject to impeachment. During this same period of incarceration, Ms. Holland
    allegedly heard another inmate confess to a different murder. She brought this
    information to the attention of the authorities immediately and testified against
    that defendant in January 1985. Around that date, she also pled guilty to her third
    felony, received a light sentence, had three years of it suspended, and was ordered
    to pay restitution of $50 a month. By the time of Mr. Williamson’s trial in 1988,
    she had made only one payment. In 1986, she was again in trouble over writing
    bad checks and worked out a restitution agreement in lieu of being charged. Mr.
    Williamson asserted in his federal habeas petition that his trial counsel was
    ineffective in failing to investigate and bring to the jury’s attention Ms. Holland’s
    part in the trial of the other inmate, and the similarities between her conduct in
    that case and the lenient treatment she received on those charges, and her actions
    in the present case and the lenient treatment she received from the prosecuting
    authorities on her more recent problems. The district court agreed. Williamson
    904 F. Supp. at 1550-51
    . As with the testimony of Mr. Gore, see n.3 supra,
    we need not review this ruling in view of our conclusion that counsel was
    ineffective in other respects.
    the Pontotoc County Jail for twenty-four hours, Mr. Williamson gave a statement
    to Agent Gary Rogers of the OSBI describing a dream in which he had committed
    the murder. Mr. Williamson also related the contents of a similar dream to a
    Pontotoc County jailor on May 22. Neither of these statements was recorded. In
    September 1987, another man, Ricky Jo Simmons, confessed to killing Ms. Carter
    in a statement that was videotaped by police. Mr. Williamson was tried and
    convicted in April 1988.
    Mr. Williamson was represented by appointed counsel W.B. Ward, a sole
    practitioner who was an experienced criminal attorney. Mr. Ward moved the
    court for additional counsel, citing “the seriousness of the charges against
    Defendant and the complexity and time consuming nature of the case.” Rec. vol.
    IV, no. 1 at 23. Although the court granted this motion, co-counsel withdrew as
    attorney for Mr. Williamson three weeks before trial because he had accepted
    appointment as an assistant district attorney.
    The record reveals that Mr. Ward found representing Mr. Williamson
    demanding and difficult. At his preliminary hearing, Mr. Williamson became
    abusive and violent, overturning counsel table and threatening his co-defendant.
    He was physically restrained and the hearing ultimately proceeded without his
    presence. Mr. Ward’s motion to withdraw as counsel was denied. Mr. Ward, who
    is blind, subsequently stated by affidavit:
    Because of my previous experiences with Mr. Williamson I had
    expected some trouble [during trial], and consequently I arranged to
    have my son sit behind him during the trial with instructions to bring
    him to the ground if he made any sudden move toward me. On the
    whole I found my representation of Mr. Williamson to be an
    extremely unpleasant experience and I was glad to get this case over
    Rec. vol. XXII, doc. 31, ex. 1 at 2. 4
    At one point in attempting to obtain witness names from the State, Mr.
    Ward stated to the state trial court:
    If the Court please, we’re not trying a man that’s charged with
    running a stop sign, he’s charged with the most serious offense
    covered by the statutes of the State of Oklahoma. I’m a court-
    appointed lawyer, as you well know. I don’t intend to . . . spend any
    more time than is necessary on this, but I also intend to do a proper
    job of it.
    Rec. vol. VI at 6. Mr. Ward subsequently stated at a motion hearing: “Judge, I’ve
    got to make a living. I can’t spend all my time on this case.” Rec. vol. VIII at
    12. Records reveal that Mr. Ward spent twenty-one and one-half hours preparing
    for the preliminary hearing, thirty-two hours at the preliminary hearing, fourteen
    hours on trial motions, forty-three and one-half hours preparing for trial and
    forty-five hours in trial, for which he was paid the maximum fee provided by law,
    $3200. Rec. vol. IV, no. 3 at 369.
    Mr. Ward’s affidavit, from which the quotes in this opinion are taken, was
    part of the state court record in Mr. Williamson’s direct appeal. The same
    affidavit was presented to the federal district court.
    Mr. Williamson has consistently argued in both state and federal court that
    he was deprived of his right to the effective assistance of counsel in numerous
    respects. We address only two of Mr. Williamson’s contentions, his assertion that
    Mr. Ward was incompetent in failing to investigate and make use of his history of
    mental problems, and his assertion that Mr. Ward was incompetent in failing to
    investigate and present to the jury Ricky Simmons’ confession. Because we
    conclude the district court was correct in ruling that counsel’s actions on these
    two matters violated Mr. Williamson’s Sixth Amendment rights, we do not reach
    the remaining arguments on appeal.
    Before we deal with the merits of these issues, we address two preliminary
    matters. We turn first to the question of the applicability of the habeas corpus
    amendments enacted as Title I of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty
    Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-132, 
    110 Stat. 1214
    . 5 These provisions were signed
    The new Act amended existing habeas provisions in 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 2244
    2253, 2254, and 2255. In addition, the Act created special habeas corpus
    procedures, to be codified at 
    28 U.S.C. §§ 2261-2266
    , applicable to capital cases
    in qualifying states. Pub. L. No. 104-132, §§ 2261-66, 
    110 Stat. 1221
    -26 (1996).
    The State here has conceded in a supplemental brief that it is not a qualifying
    state for purposes of the newly created capital procedures.
    into law on April 24, 1996. Mr. Williamson filed his petition for federal habeas
    corpus relief September 22, 1994. The district court decision was filed September
    19, 1995, and the notice of appeal was filed October 16, 1995, all before the new
    amendments were enacted. In Edens v. Hannigan, 
    87 F.3d 1109
     (10th Cir. 1996),
    we considered a claim on federal habeas that a petitioner had been denied his
    Sixth Amendment right to counsel in a virtually identical time-frame. We there
    held that the new law does not apply under these circumstances. 
     at 1112 n.1.
    That holding governs here. 6
    Second, we address the State’s argument that the district court erred in
    failing to presume correct the state court fact-findings, and in accepting as true
    affidavits offered by Mr. Williamson without holding an evidentiary hearing. As
    the State recognizes, however, a claim of ineffective counsel is a mixed question
    of fact and law, Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 698 (1984), which a
    federal habeas court reviews de novo, Miles v. Dorsey, 
    61 F.3d 1459
    , 1474 (10th
    Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 
    116 S. Ct. 743
     (1996). The court is required, of course,
    to presume correct the “‘basic, primary, or historical facts: facts in the sense of a
    We note, however, that our analysis and decision would be the same under
    the new provisions as well. See, e.g., Reid v. Oklahoma, 
    101 F.3d 628
    , 629 n.2
    (10th Cir. 1996) (noting that result would be the same under either version of
    habeas corpus provisions); United States v. Hernandez, 
    94 F.3d 606
    , 612 n.4
    (10th Cir. 1996) (same); Earnest v. Dorsey, 
    87 F.3d 1123
    , 1127 n.1 (10th Cir.)
    (same), cert. denied, 
    117 S. Ct. 527
    recital of external events and the credibility of their narrators.’” Thompson v.
    116 S. Ct. 457
    , 464 (1995) (quoting Townsend v. Sain, 
    372 U.S. 293
    309 n.6 (1963) (internal quotation omitted)). This is true under the former habeas
    provisions as well as the new ones. 7 Nonetheless, as we discuss in detail below,
    we agree with the district court that the state court determination on the
    competency of counsel was undermined by factual assertions that are contradicted
    by the State’s own evidence. See, e.g., Williamson III, 
    904 F. Supp. at
    1538 n.4,
    1557. Finally, we point out that after Mr. Williamson had submitted the affidavits
    the State now alleges it was not given the opportunity to rebut, the State argued to
    the district court that “[t]here is absolutely no need for an evidentiary hearing on
    any issue.” Rec. vol. XXXII at 103. The State did not offer counter-affidavits
    below, nor did it argue that in light of Mr. Williamson’s submissions an
    evidentiary hearing had become necessary. Even on appeal the State does not
    Under the old habeas corpus provisions, “a determination after a hearing
    on the merits of a factual issue, made by a State court of competent jurisdiction . .
    . shall be presumed to be correct” unless one of eight enumerated circumstances is
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d) (1994). Under the new Act, section 2254 is
    amended to provide that the writ shall not be granted “with respect to any claim
    that was adjudicated on the merits in State court proceedings unless the
    adjudication of the claim . . . resulted in a decision that was based on an
    unreasonable determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented in the
    State court proceeding.” § 104, 
    110 Stat. 1218
    -19 (to be codified at 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d)(2)). The new Act further provides that “a determination of a factual
    issue made by a State court shall be presumed to be correct. The applicant shall
    have the burden of rebutting the presumption of correctness by clear and
    convincing evidence.” 
     (to be codified at 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    identify which of Mr. Williamson’s affidavits it believes are subject to challenge
    or why, or set out the evidence it wants to present at a hearing. Accordingly, we
    conclude that the district court did not act improperly in relying on the
    uncontroverted affidavits, to the extent that it did so.
    In his federal habeas petition, Mr. Williamson argued that his right to
    competent counsel was denied during the guilt phase of his trial by, inter alia, Mr.
    Ward’s failure to investigate and use the evidence of Mr. Williamson’s mental
    The right to counsel is a fundamental right of criminal
    defendants; it assures the fairness, and thus the legitimacy, of our
    adversarial process. The essence of an ineffective-assistance claim is
    that counsel’s unprofessional errors so upset the adversarial balance
    between defense and prosecution that the trial was rendered unfair
    and the verdict rendered suspect.
    Kimmelman v. Morrison, 
    477 U.S. 365
    , 374 (1986) (citation omitted). Evaluating
    the effectiveness of counsel’s assistance requires a two-part inquiry. “In order to
    prevail, the defendant must show both that counsel’s representation fell below an
    objective standard of reasonableness, and that there exists a reasonable
    probability that, but for counsel’s unprofessional errors, the result of the
    proceedings would have been different.” 
     at 375 (citing Strickland, 466 U.S. at
    688, 694.
    There is a strong presumption that counsel’s performance falls within
    the wide range of professional assistance, the defendant bears the
    burden of proving that counsel’s representation was unreasonable
    under prevailing professional norms and that the challenged action
    was not sound strategy. The reasonableness of counsel’s
    performance is to be evaluated from counsel’s perspective at the time
    of the alleged error and in light of all the circumstances, and the
    standard of review is highly deferential.
    Id. at 381
     (internal quotation omitted) (citing Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 688-89
    The district court here held that Mr. Ward’s failure to adequately
    investigate Mr. Williamson’s mental illness both created a reasonable probability
    that he was tried while incompetent and left counsel unprepared to challenge the
    dream confessions. Williamson III, 
    904 F. Supp. at 1542, 1545
    . The duty to
    investigate derives from counsel’s basic function, which is “‘to make the
    adversarial testing process work in the particular case.’” Kimmelman, 
    477 U.S. at 384
     (quoting Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 690
    ). “Because that testing process
    generally will not function properly unless defense counsel has done some
    investigation into the prosecution’s case and into various defense strategies, [the
    Supreme Court has] noted that ‘counsel has a duty to make reasonable
    investigations or to make a reasonable decision that makes particular
    investigations unnecessary.’” 
     (quoting Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 691
    ). In
    assessing counsel’s conduct, we are mindful of the Supreme Court’s observation
    that “[o]ur duty to search for constitutional error with painstaking care is never
    more exacting than it is in a capital case.” Burger v. Kemp, 
    483 U.S. 776
    , 785
    (1987); see also Kyles v. Whitley, 
    115 S. Ct. 1555
    , 1560 & n.1 (1995). In
    addition, we have pointed out that in a capital case, counsel’s duty to investigate
    all reasonable lines of defense is strictly observed. Coleman v. Brown, 
    802 F.2d 1227
    , 1233-34 (10th Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 
    482 U.S. 909
    The history of Mr. Williamson’s mental problems is extensive. The district
    court set it out in detail and we will highlight it here. In December 1979, Mr.
    Williamson was admitted to Saint Anthony Hospital in Oklahoma City upon
    referral by vocational rehabilitation personnel in Ada. A report from M.P.
    Prosser, M.D., prepared as a result of Mr. Williamson’s stay there, stated:
    Actually this boy has demonstrated rather bizarre and sometimes
    psychopathic behavior whether he is maniac [sic] as the counselor in
    Ada thought or a schizoid individual with sociopathic trends, or the
    reverse, sociopathic individual with schizoid trends may never be
    determined. . . .
    This boy has lived in a dream since early adolescence when he
    demonstrated rather remarkable skill in the baseball area. He has
    always wanted to be a big-time player and a pro, has almost made the
    pro training teams on occasion, has never been able to be accepted
    and make the big leagues and still thinks that they are going to come
    for him or accept him or somehow make him famous. This is the real
    schizophrenic part of his disorder. Long term treatment may be
    required but he does not feel he needs treatment for schizophrenia, he
    just wants to get in the ballgame and preferrably [sic] as one of the
    Rec. vol. XXII, doc. 31, ex. 3.
    In November 1981, he was admitted to Central State Hospital in Norman,
    Oklahoma, where his history of drug and alcohol abuse was noted, he was
    diagnosed with dysthymic disorder, 8 and he was prescribed chemotherapy and
    given a fair prognosis. 
     ex. 4. In June 1983, he was evaluated at Mental
    Health Services of Southern Oklahoma (Valley Hope Association), diagnosed
    with alcohol dependence and schizophrenic disorder, and given a guarded
     ex. 5. In August of that year, he was given a psychological
    evaluation at Vocational Rehabilitative Services in Pontotoc County by a
    psychological assistant and diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 9 alcoholism and drug
    dependence (in remission), a paranoid personality disorder, and borderline
    personality disorder. 
     ex. 6.
    In August 1985, Mr. Williamson was referred by the court to Charles W.
    Amos of the Mental Health Services of Southern Oklahoma for a psychological
    evaluation to determine whether he was competent to stand trial on the bad-check
    charge. Mr. Amos determined that Mr. Williamson was not competent and
    recommended that he be sent to Eastern State Hospital for inpatient observation
    and evaluation. Mr. Amos, who had seen Mr. Williamson previously, stated that
    Dysthymia is a mood disorder, “less severe than a major depression,
    marked by [despondency and] loss of interest in activities, . . . and lasting more
    than two years.” 1 J.E. S CHMIDT , M.D., A TTORNEYS ’ D ICTIONARY OF M EDICINE
    D-171 (1996).
    Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder marked by alternating manic and
    depressive episodes. 1 J.E. S CHMIDT , M.D., A TTORNEYS ’ D ICTIONARY OF
    M EDICINE B-76 (1996).
    Mr. Williamson showed “a marked deterioration of emotional function since our
    last encounter in 1982,” and that Mr. Williamson was “most likely delusional at
    this time.” Rec. vol. XXIX, app. J, no. 6. The court found Mr. Williamson
    incompetent on the basis of Mr. Amos’ report, “previous testimony, and the
    Court’s in court observation of defendant.” 
     no. 7. After a stay at Eastern
    State, Dr. Garcia determined that Mr. Williamson was competent and he was
    returned for trial. Nonetheless, his discharge summary stated that he was a
    sociopath who must continue to take 100 mg. of thorazine four times a day. 
    no. 8.
    From October 1986 to January 27, 1987, after his release from prison on
    the bad-check conviction, Mr. Williamson was seen at the Mental Health Services
    of Southern Oklahoma by Marie T. Snow, M.D., a psychiatrist, and Norma
    Walker, a social worker. He was diagnosed with atypical bipolar illness and
    prescribed lithium carbonate, navane, and artane. 
     no. 9. The record contains
    three significant letters written by Ms. Walker. The first, written on January 27,
    1987, stated the Mr. Williamson had been stable on lithium until the middle of
    December 1986, when he had stopped taking the drug for religious reasons. She
    further stated that “[w]ithout meds, he is belligerent, abusive, physically violent,
    has religious delusions and a thought disorder.” 
     On July 16, 1987, Ms.
    Walker wrote a letter to Mr. Williamson’s attorney, Mr. Ward, summarizing his
    history of behavior and treatment. The letter closed with the following paragraph.
    This client has been suspected by each counselor who saw him of
    shamming, malingering, attempting to manipulate the system. The
    known abuse of alcohol and drugs complicates the picture. There
    may be neurological damage, or organic brain syndrome. Or the
    client may know how to feign thought disorder. As an outpatient
    facility we are not equipped to rule out those conditions. He needs a
    complete neurological evaluation and observation by experienced
    professionals in an inpatient facility. This is the only way to obtain a
    differential diagnosis in this case, in my opinion.
    Rec. vol. XXII, doc. 31, ex. 1B. 10
    On October 21, 1987, Ms. Walker wrote a letter to whom it may concern,
    apparently addressing a disability benefits determination. This letter is set out in
    its entirety below.
    I last saw Ron Williamson on February 20, 1987, and he was
    not capable of managing his daily living activities. He was greatly
    impaired in his ability to make reasonable life decisions. He was
    disoriented to time, was impaired in attention span, abstract thinking
    and level of consciousness. He was at times delusional, also showing
    an associational disturbance and confused thinking. He showed very
    poor judgment and was not taking care of his own needs for food and
    He was unmedicated at that time, and refused to take
    medication. Even when he had been on medication, he was quite
    unrealistic in his expectations of how others would act. His
    perceptions of reality were seriously distorted.
    He would be unable to care for himself without being
    In the voluminous records of Mr. Williamson’s treatment history, we
    have found only one written indication that any mental health professional who
    saw him felt he was shamming. In 1983, a substance abuse counselor expressed a
    belief that, if pressured, Mr. Williamson might “jump to insanity to perpetuate his
    dependent existence.” See rec. vol. XXIX, app. J, no.5.
    medicated, and would be hard to manage, even with medication.
    From my experience, I expect him to need long-term
    institutionalization for his diminished mental capacities and
    unmanageable behavior.
     ex. 11.
    On November 9, 1987, Mr. Williamson was awarded disability benefits
    under the Social Security Act. In granting benefits, the Administrative Law Judge
    relied on many of the medical records described above to conclude that Mr.
    Williamson was suffering from severe bipolar disorder, personality disorder and
    substance abuse disorder, and that his mental illness had rendered him disabled on
    or before March 31, 1985. Rec. vol. XXIX, app. J, no. 13. The ALJ stated:
    His perception of reality is seriously distorted. He apparently has a
    history of unmanageable behavior, and it is expected that he will
    need long term institutionalization for his diminished mental
    capacities. It is noted that he would likely be hard to manage even
    with medication. There are repeated episodes of disorientation to
    time, impaired attention span, as well as impaired abstract thinking
    and level of consciousness. He is at times delusional, also showing
    an associational disturbance and confused thinking.
     The record also contains affidavits from members of Mr. Williamson’s family
    describing his history of mental problems.
    Counsel for Mr. Williamson made no use of this history of mental
    problems. Mr. Ward did not move the court for a competency determination, nor
    did he suggest at trial that Mr. Williamson’s dream confessions were not credible
    because they were the delusional product of Mr. Williamson’s mental illness. In
    an affidavit, Mr. Ward stated that he “had become aware of some of Mr.
    Williamson’s psychiatric history” prior to trial. Rec. vol. XXX, app. K, no. 6, ex.
    1. Nonetheless, the only documentation Mr. Ward collected regarding his client’s
    psychiatric history was the October 1985 letter from Dr. Garcia stating that Mr.
    Williamson was competent to stand trial at that time, the July 1987 letter from
    Ms. Walker quoted above, and a psychological report prepared by Claudette S.
    Ray, M.S., of the Pontotoc County Health Department. 
     Ms. Ray’s report,
    dated October 5, 1987, evaluated Mr. Williamson while he was incarcerated at the
    county jail on the murder charge. Rec. vol. XXII, doc. 31, ex. 1C. Ms. Ray
    concluded that Mr. Williamson possessed “sufficient skills to meet the ordinary
    demands of daily life, including personal care, social interaction, job
    performance, and money management.” 
     However, Ms. Ray closed with the
    following observation: “He may behave inappropriately, such as not attending
    preliminary hearings which would benefit him, because of his panic and confused
    thinking. Most individuals would be demanding to hear information and opinions
    that would influence their future life or death.” 
    Mr. Ward gave the following reasons for limiting his investigation to the
    above three documents.
    Since Mr. Williamson had already been found mentally
    competent in [the 1985 case], I did not feel that it was worthwhile to
    pursue a pretrial mental competency examination in the present case.
    Further, that since none of the mental health professionals that I was
    aware of had stated that Mr. Williamson did not know right from
    wrong, I saw no reason to further develop the issue of Mr.
    Williamson’s mental health regarding either an insanity defense, or
    as mitigation for punishment. I am a solo practitioner with a staff of
    only one secretary. As such I do not have the resources for extensive
     ex. 1 (emphasis added).
    The Supreme Court has declared that counsel’s strategic decisions based on
    limited investigation
    are reasonable precisely to the extent that reasonable professional
    judgments support the limitations on investigation. In other words,
    counsel has a duty to make reasonable investigations or to make a
    reasonable decision that makes particular investigations unnecessary.
    In any ineffectiveness case, a particular decision not to investigate
    must be directly assessed for reasonableness in all the circumstances,
    applying a heavy measure of deference to counsel’s judgments.
    466 U.S. at 691
     (emphasis added).
    Based on this record, and in light of governing Supreme Court authority,
    we agree with the district court that Mr. Ward did not exercise reasonable
    professional judgment in deciding to limit his investigation of his client’s mental
    condition to the three documents described above, and to rely solely on Dr.
    Garcia’s letter in deciding not to request a competency determination. 11 “‘[T]he
    The State relies heavily on Miles v. Dorsey, 
    61 F.3d 1459
     (10th Cir.
    1995), cert. denied, 
    116 S. Ct. 743
     (1996), in arguing that counsel’s failure to
    investigate was reasonable in this case. That case is factually distinguishable and
    indeed emphasizes that the reasonableness inquiry requires a case-by-case
    determination. Id. at 1475-77. In Miles, counsel had obtained a recent evaluation
    of a clinical psychologist who found no thought disorders, as well as a prior
    criminal trial of an incompetent defendant violates due process.’” Cooper v.
    116 S. Ct. 1373
    , 1376 (1996) (quoting Medina v. California, 
    505 U.S. 437
    , 453 (1992).
    “Competence to stand trial is rudimentary, for upon it depends the
    main part of those rights deemed essential to a fair trial, including
    the right to effective assistance of counsel, the rights to summon, to
    confront, and to cross-examine witnesses, and the right to testify on
    one’s own behalf or to remain silent without penalty for doing so.”
     (quoting Drope v. Missouri, 
    420 U.S. 162
    , 171-72 (1975)). “The test for
    incompetence is also well-settled. A defendant may not be put to trial unless he
    ‘has sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree
    of rational understanding . . . [and] a rational as well as factual understanding of
    the proceeding against him.’” Id. at 1377 (quoting Dusky v. United States, 
    362 U.S. 402
    , 402 (1960) (per curiam)). Here the existing circumstances clearly
    created doubt about Mr. Williamson’s competence sufficient to render counsel’s
    decision not to pursue the matter professionally unreasonable.
    Dr. Garcia’s opinion on Mr. Williamson’s competency was provided two
    years before the period with which we are concerned. Moreover, a court had
    forensic evaluation that found substantial indications of shamming but likewise
    found no psychosis. Id. at 1475. Moreover, counsel’s client there did not
    demonstrate the bizarre behavior we have described above. We believe the
    instant case is closer factually to the cases that the court in Miles concluded were
    both distinguishable and illustrative of the need to assess the issue in light of all
    the circumstances. Id. at 1476 & n.14.
    previously found Mr. Williamson incompetent and had sent him to Eastern State
    Hospital for observation and treatment. Mr. Ward was aware from Ms. Walker’s
    letter that she recommended Mr. Williamson be given a complete neurological
    evaluation and observation by experienced professionals in an inpatient facility.
    Mr. Ward was also aware that Mr. Williamson had been awarded disability
    benefits on the basis of his mental condition during his pretrial incarceration,
    although Mr. Ward did not obtain a copy of the award decision sent to Mr.
    Williamson at the Pontotoc County Jail. The report from Ms. Ray indicated that
    Mr. Williamson’s mental state might cause him to inappropriately choose not to
    attend his preliminary hearings.
    Indeed, Mr. Ward’s own observations and experiences while representing
    Mr. Williamson were objective indications that Mr. Williamson’s competency was
    open to serious question. Mr. Ward stated:
    I had significant difficulties in dealing with Mr. Williamson.
    Mr. Williamson behaved well enough when I visited him at the jail,
    although I did hear stories from the jailers about incidents of unusual
    behavior. However his conduct at court appearances was atrocious
    and unpredictable. At virtually every appearance there was some
    kind of outburst from Mr. Williamson. . . . At the preliminary
    hearing Mr. Williamson became so incensed that he turned a table
    over on my secretary and Greg Saunders, counsel for Dennis Fritz.
    At that point Mr. Williamson had to be removed from the courtroom.
    The preliminary hearing lasted for several days and the magistrate
    gave Mr. Williamson more than one opportunity to return to the
    proceedings, but Mr. Williamson always refused. As a result he
    missed the entire preliminary hearing. . . . [A]t the jury trial he
    continued to be disruptive. He argued with the prosecutor and the
    witnesses in front of the jury, and made a poor argumentative
    I was aware that Mr. Williamson was receiving medication in
    the Pontotoc County Jail, and was receiving the medicine through Dr.
    Marie T. Snow, a local psychiatrist associated with Mental Health
    Services of Southern Oklahoma. . . . Early on in my representation
    of Mr. Williamson I became concerned that he was being over
    medicated because he appeared to be too drowsy on occasions when I
    would attempt to interview him. As a result of this problem I
    requested that Mr. Williamson’s dosage be reduced. Dr. Snow is an
    elderly lady, and is the only psychiatrist in Ada. I did not find her to
    be very communicative regarding Mr. Williamson’s mental
    condition. I never had a formal interview with her regarding
    Williamson, nor did I subpoena her for the trial or any hearing.
    However on one occasion she did tell me not to let the jailers lock
    me in the cell with Mr. Williamson.
    Rec. vol. XXII, doc. 31, ex. 1.
    We are convinced that these observations of Mr. Williamson’s demeanor
    before and during the court proceedings, coupled with the scant documentary
    evidence of Mr. Williamson’s mental condition that Mr. Ward did obtain, would
    have prompted a reasonable attorney in a capital case to investigate further before
    deciding to forego a competency determination. Mr. Ward knew of his client’s
    history of mental problems, knew that he was being medicated, perhaps over-
    medicated, observed his client’s bizarre behavior, knew that he had previously
    been determined incompetent, and knew that he had been awarded disability
    benefits on the basis of his mental condition. “An attorney has expanded duties
    when representing a client whose condition prevents him from exercising proper
    judgment.” Thompson v. Wainwright, 
    787 F.2d 1447
    , 1451-52 (11th Cir. 1986)
    (citing Code of Professional Responsibility of Florida Bar, F LA . S TAT . A NN . §
    EC7-12 (West 1983), cert denied, 
    481 U.S. 1042
     (1987). Indeed, the evidence of
    which Mr. Ward was aware triggered not only a duty to investigate further, but
    also his duty to seek a competency hearing to determine whether Mr. Williamson
    was mentally able to consult with his attorney and aid in his defense with a
    reasonable degree of rational understanding. Counsel’s failure to do so is both
    unreasonable and difficult to understand. 12 Accord Antwine v. Delo, 
    54 F.3d 1357
    , 1367-68 (8th Cir. 1995) (holding counsel ineffective in failing to
    investigate fully before rejecting strategies based on client’s mental condition),
    cert. denied, 
    116 S. Ct. 753
     (1996); Kenley v. Armontrout, 
    937 F.2d 1298
    , 1304-
    08 (8th Cir.) (same), cert. denied, 
    502 U.S. 964
     (1991); Bouchillon v. Collins, 
    907 F.2d 589
    , 597 (5th Cir. 1990) (“It must be a very rare circumstance indeed where
    a decision not to investigate would be ‘reasonable’ after counsel has notice of the
    client’s history of mental problems.”); cf. Jones v. Page, 
    76 F.3d 831
    , 842-43 (7th
    Cir.) (limited inquiry into client’s mental state not ineffective assistance where
    Under Oklahoma law, competency examination procedures are
    completely at state expense. O KLA . S TAT . tit. 22, § 1176 (1991); see generally id.
    at §§ 1175.2-1176. Moreover, requesting a competency hearing would not have
    required a significant investment of time by counsel. Mr. Ward did not defend his
    failure to pursue the issue of competency as a matter of strategy, and we can see
    no strategic advantage to be gained by his decision.
    client’s behavior gave no reason to question competency), cert. denied, 
    117 S. Ct. 363
     (1996); Miles v. Dorsey, 
    61 F.3d 1459
    , 1476 (10th Cir. 1995), cert. denied,
    116 S. Ct. 743
     (1996) (same).
    Having concluded that counsel’s performance in not pursuing a competency
    determination fell below an objective standard of reasonableness, we turn to the
    second prong of the Strickland inquiry and assess whether “there is a reasonable
    probability that, but for counsel’s unprofessional errors, the result of the
    proceeding would have been different. A reasonable probability is a probability
    sufficient to undermine confidence in the outcome.” Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 694
    Had Mr. Ward investigated his client’s history of mental problems and
    sought information about his mental state either from the mental health
    professionals who had treated him or from his family, Mr. Ward would have
    discovered significant evidence casting doubt upon the validity of Dr. Garcia’s
    1985 opinion that Mr. Williamson was competent. Most significantly, at the time
    Dr. Garcia rendered that opinion, it appears that Dr. Garcia, who died in 1986,
    was himself suffering from severe untreated bipolar disorder. See rec. vol. XXX,
    app. L. The record contains affidavits to that effect from mental health
    professionals who worked with Dr. Garcia and from a state Inspector General for
    the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health who received complaints about Dr.
    Garcia’s bizarre conduct. The record also contains an affidavit from Dr. Philip J.
    Murphy, a clinical psychologist, who reviewed Dr. Garcia’s personal medical
    history and his history of patient evaluations at Eastern State Hospital after Dr.
    Garcia’s death. Dr. Murphy stated that, in his expert opinion, Dr. Garcia’s
    “illness, in its manic form, was severe enough to affect Dr. Garcia’s treatment of
    his patients and to impair and distort his diagnostic judgment.” 
     Dr. Murphy
    In summary, it is my opinion that because of the distorting influence
    of Dr. Garcia’s mental illness on his perceptions and his judgments,
    neither Dr. Garcia’s evaluations of Mr. Coleman’s condition nor his
    opinion about Mr. Coleman’s competency to stand trial should have
    formed the basis of a determination of Mr. Coleman’s competency in
    In addition, further investigation by Mr. Ward would have uncovered the
    opinion granting Mr. Williamson disability benefits on the basis of his mental
    illness as of March 1985, several months before Dr. Garcia’s opinion was
    rendered. Mr. Ward would have discovered the other letters from Ms. Walker
    describing Mr. Williamson’s delusional thinking, as well as the extensive history
    of his mental problems and treatment. There is a reasonable probability that had
    Mr. Ward been in possession of the information that a more thorough
    investigation would have revealed, he would not have relied upon Dr. Garcia’s
    letter in deciding against requesting a competency hearing.
    In order to show prejudice, however, Mr. Williamson must show a
    reasonable probability that the outcome would have been different. Strickland,
    466 U.S. at 694
    . We agree with the court in Bouchillon that, “[w]ith respect to
    the prejudice prong of a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, [a petitioner]
    need only demonstrate a ‘reasonable probability’ that he was incompetent,
    ‘sufficient to undermine confidence in the outcome.’” Bouchillon, 
    907 F.2d at 595
    (quoting Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 694
    ). In our view, the evidence of Mr.
    Williamson’s mental state which we have recited at length throughout this opinion
    establishes a reasonable probability that he was not competent to stand trial. Mr.
    Ward’s lack of investigation created a substantial risk that his client’s due process
    rights were violated by standing trial while incompetent, and therefore
    undermines our confidence in the reliability of the adversarial testing process.
    Mr. Ward’s failure to investigate his client’s mental illness also left him
    unprepared to challenge the credibility of Mr. Williamson’s dream confessions.
    Mr. Williamson related his dream of committing the murder first to Agent Rogers
    on May 9, 1987, after he had been incarcerated for twenty-four hours, and again
    to a jailor on May 22. The jail medication log does not indicate that Mr.
    Williamson received medication for his mental illness before June 10, 1987. See
    rec. vol. XXII, doc. 31, ex. 12. Ms. Walker’s letter of October 21, 1987, indicates
    that Mr. Williamson had been unmedicated since before February 20, 1987, and
    was refusing medication as of that date. 
     ex. 11. Mr. Amos, Ms. Walker, and
    the disability benefits opinion all stated that Mr. Williamson had a distorted
    perception of reality and was delusional, particularly when he was not taking
    medication. Id.; rec. vol. XXIX, app. J, no. 6; 
     no. 13.
    While a defendant’s mental condition of itself cannot justify the
    suppression of his confession absent evidence of police coercion, see Colorado v.
    479 U.S. 157
    , 167 (1986), evidence of a defendant’s mental state can be
    used to impeach the credibility of a confession once admitted. We have already
    determined that counsel’s failure to investigate Mr. Williamson’s history of
    mental illness was not professionally reasonable and rendered counsel’s decision
    to forego a competency hearing ineffective. In addition, Mr. Ward’s failure to
    uncover evidence that Mr. Williamson’s mental illness distorted his perception of
    reality and caused delusions deprived counsel of a potent weapon with which to
    challenge the State’s most direct evidence. Aside from Mr. Williamson’s
    confession, the case against him consisted primarily of the testimony of Mr. Gore,
    see supra note 3, the testimony of Ms. Holland, see supra note 4, and the fact that
    four of the many hairs found at the murder scene were “consistent with” those of
    Mr. Williamson. 13 This evidence was largely circumstantial and hardly
    The district court extensively discussed the reliability of hair analysis and
    ruled that it was inadmissible. See Williamson v. Reynolds, 
    904 F. Supp. 1529
    1554-58 (E.D. Okla. 1995). Although we do not review the merits of the court’s
    ruling, we note that some of the authorities it cited view hair analysis as highly
    subjective and unreliable. It is undisputed that hair analysis, unlike fingerprint
    overwhelming. Thus, Mr. Williamson’s dream confessions were likely given
    great weight by the jury, which was unaware that Mr. Williamson was mentally ill
    with a disorder that distorted reality and produced delusions. Counsel’s failure to
    discover and use this evidence to discredit the dream confessions undermines our
    confidence in the outcome of the proceedings, particularly when considered
    together with counsel’s failure to bring before the jury evidence that another man
    had confessed to the crime, as we discuss below.
    In reaching this conclusion, we acknowledge the deference to be accorded
    state court findings of historical fact under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d) (1994). Such
    findings “shall be presumed to be correct, unless the applicant shall establish or it
    shall otherwise appear” that one of eight circumstances exist. 
     Under the
    eighth exception, the presumption does not apply if the state court’s “factual
    determination is not fairly supported by the record.” 
     § 2254(d)(8).
    Here, the state court’s treatment of counsel’s failure to investigate was
    based on an inaccurate characterization of the record. In addressing whether the
    failure fell below an objective standard of reasonableness, the court stated that
    counsel had three opinions from mental health professionals that Mr. Williamson
    was competent and a malingerer. See id. at 413. In fact, only Ms. Walker’s letter
    identification and DNA analysis, is not conclusive. As in the instant case, the
    most that hair analysts are willing to state is that hair samples are “consistent
    with” each other and “could have” come from the same source.
    referred to Mr. Williamson’s possible shamming, and in that same letter she stated
    that her facility was not equipped to assess whether Mr. Williamson was in fact
    malingering, and that he needed to be evaluated by experienced professionals in
    an inpatient facility. We likewise cannot find adequate support for the court’s
    statement that “[c]ounsel was well aware of Appellant’s past and present mental
    condition.” Id. at 413. While Mr. Ward was, of course, aware of his client’s
    bizarre behavior, he did not know that this behavior was the manifestation of
    severe mental illness that produced delusions and a distorted perception of reality.
    The state court’s treatment of the prejudice prong is similarly troublesome.
    The court stated that all the affidavits but one in Mr. Williamson’s history of
    treatment described him as competent. See id. at 414. However, only Dr.
    Garcia’s letter addressed competency as such, and that opinion would clearly have
    been subject to challenge upon investigation. We conclude, contrary to the state
    court, that no significance can be given to the possibility that further investigation
    would have allowed the prosecution to use the reference to Mr. Williamson’s
    malingering. There is but a single reference made in 1983 at Ms. Walker’s
    facility to support her statement that Mr. Williamson might be shamming. This
    reference would itself have to be evaluated in light of Ms. Walker’s statement that
    her facility was not equipped to evaluate the possibility of shamming. Moreover,
    “[w]e presume . . . that it is unusual for even the most artful malingerer to feign
    incompetence successfully for a period of time while under professional care.”
    Cooper, 116 S. Ct. at 1382. The state court also did not take into account the
    disability determination. Because the state court’s treatment of ineffectiveness in
    general was based on an incomplete view of the record, we do not accord its fact
    findings on the issue any deference. See 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    (d)(8) (1994)
    (presumption of correctness need not be accorded when state court “factual
    determination is not fairly supported by the record”). 14
    The district court also concluded that counsel was ineffective in failing to
    investigate and present to the jury the fact that another man, Ricky Simmons, had
    confessed to the murder. Mr. Ward stated by affidavit that:
    Prior to trial the prosecution made available to me and Greg
    Saunders, trial counsel for Dennis Fritz, the co-defendant, a video
    tape of one Ricky Simmons. . . . In this tape Mr. Simmons makes a
    confused confession to the murder of Debra Carter, the victim in this
    Similarly, under section 2254(d) as amended, we conclude that the state
    court’s resolution of the ineffectiveness claim as it relates to counsel’s failure to
    investigate his client’s mental condition “resulted in a decision that was based on
    an unreasonable determination of the facts in light of the evidence presented in
    the State court proceeding.” Pub. L. No. 104-132, § 104, 
    110 Stat. 1218
    -19 (to be
    codified at 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    case. I did not attempt to introduce this tape, or the fact of Mr.
    Simmon’s [sic] confession into evidence at trial, and I cannot
    remember why I did not do so. Upon reflection, I think that I should
    had [sic] attempted to do so because Simmon’s confession was as
    believable as Mr. Williamson’s.
    Rec. vol. XXII, doc. 31, ex. 1. The jury was never informed that Mr. Simmons
    had confessed to the crime.
    The trial transcript reveals that when Mr. Ward first made reference to the
    Simmons tape, the prosecutor objected on the ground that the tape was made at a
    polygraph examination. Rec. vol. XV at 486. In fact, as the state court
    recognized, the tape “does not reflect that it was made at a polygraph
    examination.” Williamson I, 812 P.2d at 412. Counsel’s failure to investigate the
    circumstances surrounding the Simmons confession left him unprepared to
    challenge the prosecution’s erroneous objection and thus unable to present the
    jury with this confession which he himself recognized was as believable as that of
    his client.
    The state court nonetheless concluded that Mr. Williamson “was not
    prejudiced by the absence of the confession as introducing the confession would
    have allowed the State the opportunity to present evidence that Ricky Simmons
    had been excluded as a suspect based upon the results of hair analysis.” Id.
    However, the state court’s finding that hair analysis eliminated Mr. Simmons as a
    suspect is contradicted by the record. The hair analysis report prepared by the
    state’s expert in April 1988, just prior to the trial in this case, reveals that the
    expert did not compare Ricky Simmons’ hair samples with unidentified hairs
    retrieved from the crime scene. Instead, the expert compared Mr. Simmons’ hair
    with six hairs already determined to be consistent with that of co-defendant
    Dennis Fritz and one hair already determined to be consistent with that of Mr.
    Williamson. See rec. vol. XXIX, app. G. An analysis that compared Mr.
    Simmons’ hair with hair already determined to be consistent with samples from
    someone else but failed to compare Mr. Simmons’ hair to unidentified hairs could
    not eliminate Mr. Simmons as a suspect in the case. 15
    We conclude that counsel’s failure to investigate the circumstances
    surrounding Mr. Simmons’ confession left counsel unprepared to obtain the
    confession’s admission at trial and fell below an objective standard of
    professional reasonableness. We further conclude a reasonable probability exists
    that the outcome of the trial would have been different if the jury had been able to
    consider another confession to the crime that was as convincing as that of Mr.
    Williamson. Our confidence in the outcome of this trial has been undermined by
    The prosecution relied on the same flawed analysis to argue at trial that
    Glen Gore had been eliminated as a suspect. See rec. vol. XV at 736. In fact, the
    hair expert compared samples from Mr. Gore with hairs already determined to be
    consistent with those of the victim, Mr. Fritz, and Mr. Williamson, but not
    compare Mr. Gore’s samples with unidentified hairs. See rec. vol. XXIX, app. G.
    Mr. Williamson’s counsel did not challenge the validity of the hair comparison
    evidence on this ground.
    counsel’s treatment of the Simmons statement, particularly when viewed together
    with counsel’s failure to challenge the credibility of his client’s confession.
    In so holding, we, like the Fifth Circuit, “are not insensitive to the
    hardships imposed on appointed counsel who work with little or no compensation
    under difficult conditions. It is very often a thankless undertaking. Nevertheless,
    there is a duty to investigate which cannot be abridged because counsel is only
    appointed, not retained.” Bouchillon, 
    907 F.2d at 597
    . We also point out that
    while the representation of this capital defendant was constitutionally ineffective
    in some respects, much of the fault lies with the state system under which Mr.
    Ward was forced to operate.
    Mr. Ward is a sole practitioner. After his appointed co-counsel withdrew
    from the case shortly before trial, Mr. Ward did not request a replacement and
    was left to carry on alone. 16 Moreover, Mr. Ward did not receive investigative or
    expert services. 17 Finally, at the time of trial in 1988 the statutory maximum fee,
    which Mr. Ward received, was $3200. 
    Okla. Stat. tit. 21, § 701.14
     (Supp. 1985).
    These factors make it economically unattractive, if not impossible in many
    We note Congress has provided that a defendant in a federal capital case
    is entitled upon request to the appointment of two counsel, at least one of which
    “shall be learned in the law applicable to capital cases.” See 
    18 U.S.C. § 3005
    (1994); United States v. McCullah, 
    76 F.3d 1087
    , 1097-98 (10th Cir. 1996).
    Congress has also provided funds in federal death penalty cases for
    investigative and expert services. See 
    21 U.S.C. § 848
    (q)(4) (1994).
    circumstances, for appointed counsel to expend the time and effort required to
    adequately represent a client in a capital case. 18
    In sum, we agree with the district court that Mr. Williamson is entitled to a
    new trial, both on the ground that his counsel was ineffective in failing to pursue
    a competency determination and on the ground that counsel’s failure to conduct
    pretrial investigation precluded him from properly dealing with the confessions at
    The state has questioned many of the other conclusions reached by the
    district court. We address only three of these briefly because they may well arise
    in the event of a retrial.
    The state argues that the district court applied the wrong standard in ruling
    that the hair analysis evidence was inadmissible. We agree. When the admission
    Since Mr. Williamson’s trial, the Supreme Court of Oklahoma has
    acknowledged this dilemma. In State v. Lynch, 
    796 P.2d 1150
    , 1153-54 (Okla.
    1990), the court held that, as applied, the statutory scheme for compensating
    appointed counsel was unconstitutional under the State constitution because it
    was so confiscatory it could amount to an improper taking of private property.
    Lynch mandated that appointed counsel receive an hourly rate tied to that of
    prosecutors and public defenders plus an average hourly rate for overhead. Id. at
    1161-62. Congress has likewise refused to impose a maximum fee in federal
    capital cases. See 
    21 U.S.C. § 848
    (q)(4) (1994).
    of evidence in a state trial is challenged on federal habeas, the question is whether
    the error, if any, was so grossly prejudicial that it fatally infected the trial and
    denied the fundamental fairness that is the essence of due process. See, e.g.,
    Maes v. Thomas, 
    46 F.3d 979
    , 987 (10th Cir. 1995). See also Carlson v. State,
    945 F.2d 1026
    , 1029 (8th Cir. 1991) (admissibility of hair evidence). This
    assessment requires examining both the reliability of the evidence and the
    significance it had at trial. The district court here, however, did not perform its
    analysis under a due process/fundamental fairness standard. Instead, it incorrectly
    assessed the issue in evidentiary terms under Daubert v. Merrell Dow
    Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 
    509 U.S. 579
     (1993). Because the court employed the
    wrong standard, we reverse its ruling that the hair analysis was inadmissible.
    That evidentiary determination is properly left to the state court in the event of a
    The state also contends the district court was incorrect in holding that the
    trial court erred in instructing the jury regarding the need for a unanimous verdict.
    We agree. Mr. Williamson was charged with two alternative counts of first
    degree murder: murder with malice aforethought and felony murder. Although
    the trial court instructed the jury that its verdict had to be unanimous, the court
    did not explain that the verdict had to be unanimous on one count or the other,
    and the verdict form likewise did not distinguish between the two alternative
    counts. The district court held that because the instructions and the verdict form
    left open the possibility that the jury may not have unanimously agreed on which
    of the alternative counts was applicable, Mr. Williamson was deprived of his
    constitutional right to a unanimous verdict. The district court’s determination is
    foreclosed by Schad v. Arizona, 
    501 U.S. 624
    , 645 (1991). Although that case
    was a plurality opinion, Justice Scalia wrote a separate concurrence agreeing with
    the result reached by the plurality and rejecting the argument adopted by the
    district court here. 
    Id. at 648-51
    Finally, we turn to the state’s argument that the district court erred in ruling
    Mr. Williamson’s due process rights were violated when, in accordance with state
    law, the jury was allowed to consider evidence of unadjudicated crimes in
    considering the death penalty. The district court’s holding is directly contrary to
    our decision in Hatch v. Oklahoma, 
    58 F.3d 1447
    , 1465 (10th Cir. 1995), in which
    this court concluded that “consideration of evidence of unadjudicated crimes in
    imposing the death sentence does not violate a petitioner’s due process rights.”
    In conclusion, we hold that counsel was constitutionally inadequate in
    failing to fully investigate Mr. Williamson’s history of mental illness, failing to
    seek a competency determination, failing to challenge the credibility of his
    client’s confession, and failing to investigate and present to the jury the fact that
    another man had confessed to the crime. Because Mr. Williamson was prejudiced
    by counsel’s ineffectiveness, he is entitled to relief. Accordingly, we AFFIRM
    the ruling of the district court directing that Mr. Williamson be granted a new
    trial within 120 days or permanently released from custody.

Document Info

Docket Number: 95-7141

Filed Date: 4/10/1997

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (30)

Reid v. Oklahoma State of , 101 F.3d 628 ( 1996 )

James M. Edens v. Robert D. Hannigan and Attorney General ... , 87 F.3d 1109 ( 1996 )

United States v. Hernandez , 94 F.3d 606 ( 1996 )

Steven Keith Hatch v. State of Oklahoma , 58 F.3d 1447 ( 1995 )

United States v. John Javilo McCullah , 76 F.3d 1087 ( 1996 )

Vernard Miles, Jr. v. Donald A. Dorsey, Warden Attorney ... , 61 F.3d 1459 ( 1995 )

David A. Carlson v. State of Minnesota , 945 F.2d 1026 ( 1991 )

William Lee Thompson, Cross-Appellee v. Louie L. Wainwright,... , 787 F.2d 1447 ( 1986 )

Calvert L. Antwine v. Paul Delo Missouri Attorney General , 54 F.3d 1357 ( 1995 )

Andre Jones v. Thomas F. Page, Warden, Menard Correctional ... , 76 F.3d 831 ( 1996 )

Eddie Maes v. John Thomas, Warden and Attorney General of ... , 46 F.3d 979 ( 1995 )

Terry Allen Bouchillon v. James A. Collins, Director Texas ... , 907 F.2d 589 ( 1990 )

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Ralph Rodney Earnest v. Donald Dorsey, Attorney General of ... , 87 F.3d 1123 ( 1996 )

Burger v. Kemp , 107 S. Ct. 3114 ( 1987 )

Cooper v. Oklahoma , 116 S. Ct. 1373 ( 1996 )

Williamson v. State , 852 P.2d 167 ( 1993 )

Williamson v. State , 905 P.2d 1135 ( 1991 )

Drope v. Missouri , 95 S. Ct. 896 ( 1975 )

Williamson v. Reynolds , 904 F. Supp. 1529 ( 1995 )

View All Authorities »