United States v. Diaz-Zappatta ( 1997 )

  •                                                                               F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    NOV 25 1997
    TENTH CIRCUIT                           PATRICK FISHER
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,                                  Nos. 96-2256
    and 96-2259
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    v.                                             (D. New Mexico)
    JOSE DIAZ-ZAPPATTA and ULISES                      (D.C. No. CR-95-430-LH)
    Defendants - Appellants.
    Before ANDERSON, TACHA, and BALDOCK, Circuit Judges.
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of
    this appeal. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a); 10th Cir. R. 34.1.9. The case is therefore
    ordered submitted without oral argument.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the doctrines of
    law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court generally disfavors the
    citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order and judgment may be cited under
    the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Codefendants Ulises Ramos-Fernandez and Jose Diaz-Zappatta appeal from
    their convictions following a jury trial. 1 Both Ramos-Fernandez and Diaz-
    Zappatta were convicted on one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to
    distribute cocaine base, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 846, and on one count of
    possession with intent to distribute cocaine base, in violation of 21 U.S.C. §
    841(a)(1). Additionally, Diaz-Zappatta was convicted on a second count of
    possession with intent to distribute cocaine base, in violation of 21 U.S.C. §
    841(a)(1), and on two counts of carrying a firearm during and in relation to a drug
    trafficking crime in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(1). On appeal, Ramos-
    Fernandez contends that the evidence was insufficient to support his conviction
    for conspiracy. Diaz-Zappatta contends that the evidence was insufficient to
    support his convictions for carrying a firearm during a drug trafficking crime.
    We affirm the convictions of both defendants.
    Based on information that unnamed persons were dealing crack cocaine out
    of an apartment located at 436 Louisiana S.E., Apt. 15, Albuquerque, New
    Mexico (“apartment 15"), Albuquerque police obtained and executed a search
    Because these two appeals involve the same underlying facts and testimony, we
    have companioned them for our consideration.
    warrant for that address on June 29, 1995. When they arrived, the apartment door
    was open. Identifying themselves, the officers entered and immediately saw four
    men who were sitting on sofas in the living room. The officers ordered the men
    to stand up. According to the officers’ trial testimony, when defendant Jose Diaz-
    Zappatta stood up, there was a loaded handgun on top of the sofa cushion exactly
    where he had been sitting. Although the gun had been hidden by Diaz-Zappatta’s
    body while he sat, once he stood, it was plainly visible. 2 R. Vol. III at 76-77, 79-
    80, 83, 98, 143. Detective Sallee, who was recognized as an expert in the area of
    narcotics investigations, testified that a person would carry a weapon in the
    vicinity of a drug transaction to protect the drug deal. 
    Id. at 83.
    According to
    Sallee, “it’s very common for one of the individuals involved in the deal to bring
    a weapon for protection of either his money or his drugs.” 
    Id. Sallee further
    Officer Sallee testified as follows regarding the handgun:
    A:      When I had Mr. Diaz stand up, I immediately noticed that there was a
    handgun right under where he was seated.
    Q:      Now, what do you mean by under?
    A:      He was sitting on top of it. It was on top of the cushion of the couch, and
    he was directly on top of the hand gun.
    Q:      So was his body, when he stood up and before he stood up, in direct
    physical contact or contact with this weapon?
    A:      Yes, it was.
    Q:      There was no cushion, no pillow, anything?
    A:      There was nothing in between him and the gun.
    R. Vol. III at 76-77.
    testified that only Diaz-Zappatta had access to the gun. 
    Id. “No one
    could get
    [the handgun] but Mr. Diaz because he was seated directly on top of it.” 
    Id. As the
    living room occupants were being secured, two officers entered the
    back bedroom, where they encountered Ramos-Fernandez and Lorenzo
    Hernandez. The first officer observed Hernandez drop a bag containing crack
    cocaine, and he also observed a large amount of money on the bed. 
    Id. 164-65, 86.
    During the ensuing search, the officers took pagers from both Ramos-
    Fernandez and Hernandez, and they found an envelope addressed to Ramos-
    Fernandez at apartment 15. 
    Id. at 121,
    127, 166-67.
    At that time, the officers arrested Ramos-Fernandez because he lived at the
    apartment and was in the back room with the drugs. 3 R. Vol. III at 90. They
    arrested Diaz-Zappatta because he was in charge of the firearm, and they arrested
    Hernandez because he was in the bedroom with the crack cocaine. See 
    id. At a
    later date, Cesar Cuba-Garcia was arrested. Eventually a federal grand jury
    returned a superseding indictment which charged all four men with various drug
    One of the officers testified that they concluded Ramos-Fernandez lived at
    apartment 15 because of the envelope addressed to him at the address, and also because
    Ramos-Fernandez told another officer that he resided there. R. Vol. III at 105-06.
    Ramos-Fernandez’s counsel asked questions which suggested that the testifying officer
    had insufficient personal information to support the conclusion that Ramos-Fernandez
    lived at apartment 15, but he made no hearsay objection.
    crimes, 4 and which also charged Diaz-Zappatta with carrying a firearm during and
    in relation to drug trafficking crimes. R. Vol. I, Tab 60.
    Hernandez entered into a plea agreement. At trial, Hernandez testified that
    he began dealing drugs in February 1995. R. Vol. III at 184-86. His first contact
    was with Diaz-Zappatta and Cuba-Garcia, and thereafter, he generally purchased
    the drugs from Diaz-Zappatta. 
    Id. at 185-86,
    190. However, when Diaz-Zappatta
    was not available, Hernandez also purchased from Ramos-Fernandez on two or
    three occasions and from Cuba-Garcia on two or three occasions. 
    Id. at 192.
    Responding to a specific question about where his purchases from Ramos-
    Fernandez took place, Hernandez answered, “There at his house,” in apparent
    reference to apartment 15. 
    Id. at 222.
    According to Hernandez, Diaz-Zappatta, Ramos-Fernandez, and Cuba-
    Garcia were dealing drugs together at apartment 15, 
    id. at 191-92,
    and they would
    talk about “the rocks, the money, and the drugs.” 
    Id. at 201.
    Although Diaz-
    Zappatta appeared to be the one in charge, it was Ramos-Fernandez who would
    contact Hernandez by calling his pager. 
    Id. at 192,
    194. During the period that
    he was buying drugs from the codefendants, Hernandez was making about $2,000
    profit a month by reselling on the street. 
    Id. at 195.
    Generally, his transactions
    with his codefendants occurred in the same way as the transaction on June 29,
    The jury acquitted Cuba-Garcia on all counts.
    Id. at 190,
    200, 207, 240. Thus, on the day that police executed the
    warrant, he had gone to the apartment to buy drugs which belonged to Diaz-
    Zappatta and Ramos-Fernandez. 
    Id. at 197.
    On entry, he had greeted Diaz-
    Zappatta and then gone to see Ramos-Fernandez as usual. 
    Id. at 200.
    When the
    police arrived, Hernandez was in the process of counting out the money. 
    Id. at 196-97.
    Diaz-Zappatta also testified. Diaz-Zappatta denied any personal
    involvement in any drug dealing, and claimed that he was merely waiting for
    Ramos-Fernandez to give him a ride on the day that he was arrested. Diaz-
    Zappatta also denied any knowledge that a drug deal was proceeding between
    Ramos-Fernandez and Hernandez, and he further disputed the testimony that he
    had been sitting on a gun. According to Diaz-Zappatta, the police were not
    telling the truth when they said that there was a gun underneath him. R. Vol. IV
    at 369.
    Both Ramos-Fernandez and Diaz-Zappatta contend that the evidence is
    insufficient to support their convictions on certain counts. Whether the evidence
    is sufficient to support a conviction is a question of law which we review de
    novo. United States v. Dashney, 
    117 F.3d 1197
    , 1202 (10th Cir. 1997). Viewing
    the evidence—both direct and circumstantial, together with the reasonable
    inferences drawn therefrom—in the light most favorable to the government, we
    must determine whether “‘any rational trier of fact could have found the essential
    elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. In answering this question, we
    may neither weigh conflicting evidence nor consider the credibility of
    witnesses’.” United States v. Johnson, 
    120 F.3d 1107
    , 1108 (10th Cir. 1997)
    (quoting United States v. Pappert, 
    112 F.3d 1073
    , 1077 (10th Cir. 1997) (citations
    and internal quotations omitted)); United States v. Voss, 
    82 F.3d 1521
    , 1524-25
    (10th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    117 S. Ct. 226
    A. Ramos-Fernandez
    Ramos-Fernandez contends that the testimony is not sufficient to establish
    the existence of a conspiracy during the times alleged in the conspiracy count. He
    complains that, except for the date of his arrest, the government presented no
    evidence as to the dates of his alleged involvement in any conspiracy. Thus, he
    argues that “it would be an impermissible stretch of credulity to believe that
    Hernandez’s testimony must relate to the times alleged in the Indictment.”
    Appellant’s Br. at 12. We disagree.
    To obtain a conviction for conspiracy, the government must prove “‘[1] that
    two or more persons agreed to violate the law, [2] that the Defendant knew at
    least the essential objectives of the conspiracy, . . . [3] that the Defendant
    knowingly and voluntarily became a part of it, and [4] that the alleged
    coconspirators were interdependent.’” United States v. Ivy, 
    83 F.3d 1266
    , 1285
    (10th Cir.) (quoting United States v. Evans, 
    970 F.2d 663
    , 668 (10th Cir. 1992)),
    cert. denied, 
    117 S. Ct. 253
    In this case, the indictment charges that the conspiracy existed from at least
    April 1995 until September 1995. R. Vol. I, Tab 60, Count One at ¶ 1. In
    relation to Ramos-Fernandez, the indictment specifically charges overt acts
    related to the June 29, 1995, search and arrests. 
    Id. at ¶
    Clearly, Hernandez’s testimony provided ample evidence from which the
    jury could have found the essential elements of Ramos-Fernandez’s involvement
    in a conspiracy to violate drug laws on June 29, 1995. Moreover, taking the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the government, a reasonable juror could
    have found that Ramos-Fernandez had been engaged in similar acts over a course
    of months which spanned the larger period charged in the indictment. 5
    Accordingly, we affirm his conviction.
    Even if this were not the case, a “variance between an indictment and the proof
    may be disregarded if it does not affect an essential element of the offense so as to impair
    substantial rights of the defendant.” United States v. Smith, 
    838 F.2d 436
    , 440 n.1 (10th
    Cir. 1988) (citations omitted).
    B. Diaz-Zappatta
    Diaz-Zappatta does not appeal his convictions on the drug charges. Rather,
    he contends only that the officers’ testimony that he was seated on top of the gun
    is insufficient to support his conviction for carrying a weapon during and in
    relation to a drug transaction in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(1).
    Although the Supreme Court has not specifically defined “carry” under
    § 924, it has given some guidance which assists our considerations. Thus, “a
    firearm can be carried without being used, e.g., when an offender keeps a gun
    hidden in his clothing throughout a drug transaction.” Bailey v. United States,
    116 S. Ct. 501
    , 507 (1995). Consistent with Bailey, to obtain a conviction under
    the “carry” prong of § 924(c)(1), the government must prove that the defendant
    possessed the firearm through dominion and control, and that he transported or
    moved it. United States v. Smith, 
    82 F.3d 1564
    , 1568 (10th Cir. 1996).
    Clearly the officer’s testimony that Diaz-Zappatta was sitting directly on
    top of the gun, thereby giving him ready access to it, supports a finding that he
    possessed the gun through dominion and control. Nonetheless, Diaz-Zappatta
    complains that there was no evidence linking his possession to the drug
    transaction. In particular, he notes that nothing in Hernandez’s testimony
    concerned guns. The argument ignores the officer’s expert testimony regarding
    the purposes for which drug dealers bring guns to drug transactions. The fact that
    a drug transaction was occurring, in the open room immediately next to where
    Diaz-Zappatta sat, is sufficient to support a reasonable juror’s inference that the
    gun was related to the drug offense. Moreover, in reviewing for sufficiency of
    the evidence, we “‘presume a nexus between a firearm and a drug trafficking
    offense when an individual with ready access to a firearm is involved in such an
    offense.’” 6 United States v. Baker, 
    30 F.3d 1278
    , 1280 (10th Cir. 1994) (quoting
    United States v. Coslet, 
    987 F.2d 1493
    , 1495 (10th Cir. 1993)).
    Finally, Diaz-Zappatta contends that, even if there were a gun underneath
    him on the sofa, there is no evidence that he carried it. Again, viewing the record
    in the light most favorable to the government, we note the evidence that Diaz-
    Zappatta was sitting directly on top of the gun. Although there is no direct
    evidence that Diaz-Zappatta placed the gun beneath him in a way that both hid it
    and made it readily accessible, the circumstantial evidence is substantial. That is,
    in this case, only Diaz-Zappatta had access to the gun. From that circumstance, a
    As we noted in Baker:
    The “nexus presumption” language used in our cases in no way changes the
    government's burden at trial to prove every element of a § 924(c)(1)
    offense. . . . [T]he “nexus presumption” language is merely a tool of
    appellate review by which this court judges whether the evidence
    introduced at trial, with its accompanying inferences and viewed in the
    light most favorable to the government, is sufficient to permit a reasonable
    jury to find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
    Baker, 30 F.3d at 1280
    reasonable juror could infer that Diaz-Zappatta transported and placed the gun on
    the sofa, exactly where he sat. 7
    Accordingly, for the reasons stated, we AFFIRM the judgment of the
    district court.
    Stephen H. Anderson
    Circuit Judge
    That Diaz-Zappatta was the only person with access to, and control over, the gun
    readily distinguishes his case from United States v. Smith, 
    82 F.3d 1564
    (10th Cir. 1996),
    which involved a handgun found on the bedroom dresser of a defendant who was
    convicted of possession of cocaine with intent to distribute in violation of 21 U.S.C. §
    841(a)(1). In Smith, we rejected the government’s assertion “that at some unknown time,
    [the defendant] moved the weapon from some unknown previous location to the dresser
    where it was found.” 
    Id. at 1568.
    Finding that there was no evidence supporting that
    inference, we noted that several persons had access to the firearm and the dresser. Thus,
    we concluded that “we can only speculate whether defendant Smith, or any one of the
    several other persons in the house, during and in relation to the drug trafficking offense,
    moved the firearms or placed them where they were found during the search.” 
    Id. By contrast,
    in this case, the evidence demonstrated that the gun was located in direct contact
    with Diaz-Zappatta’s body, underneath him, where no one else could access it.