Gagnon v. Resource Technology, Inc. , 19 F. App'x 745 ( 2001 )

  •                                                                           F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    AUG 13 2001
    v.                                                   No. 00-2410
    (D.C. No. CIV-99-653 DJS/WWD)
    RESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, INC.,                             (D. N.M.)
    a domestic corporation,
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT            *
    Before SEYMOUR and McKAY , Circuit Judges, and           BRORBY , Senior Circuit
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of
    this appeal.   See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2); 10th Cir. R. 34.1(G). The case is
    therefore ordered submitted without oral argument.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Plaintiff Gloria J. Gagnon sued her former employer, defendant Resource
    Technology, Inc., under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 
    29 U.S.C. §§ 201-219
    , and New Mexico state law. She claimed defendant failed to pay her
    overtime wages, fired her in retaliation for seeking to enforce her rights under the
    FLSA, and breached its employment contract by terminating her employment.
    Defendant responded that plaintiff was not entitled to overtime wages because she
    was an exempt employee. It further stated that plaintiff was an at-will employee
    and her employment was terminated for poor work performance and attitude.
    After a bench trial, the district court   1
    dismissed plaintiff’s claims and entered
    judgment in favor of defendant. Plaintiff appeals, pursuing here only her
    overtime-wages and breach-of-contract claims. We exercise jurisdiction under
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
     and affirm, but for different reasons than those relied on by
    the district court regarding the FLSA claim.          Sipma v. Mass. Cas. Ins. Co.   ,
    No. 00-1289, 
    2001 WL 811651
    , at *1 (10th Cir. July 17, 2001).
    Plaintiff was the office manager and bookkeeper for defendant’s consulting
    and engineering firm from 1991 to 1999. She supervised the bank accounts,
    accounts receivable and payable, employee time slips and employment
    The parties consented to proceed before a magistrate judge, pursuant to
    28 U.S.C. § 636
    verification forms, payroll records, tax records, purchase orders, and health and
    other insurance policies. She also attended and actively participated in senior
    staff meetings, attended interviews with prospective job applicants and made
    recommendations on both hiring and firing, kept and revised the company
    employment manual, signed letters of job offers, signed notices to employees and
    former employees regarding health insurance benefits, and dealt with vendors.
    She set up and managed a $5,000 emergency spending account. In addition, she
    performed some tasks also performed by the secretary/receptionist, such as
    answering telephones, as did other employees. Her starting salary was $22,000
    per year. Her ending salary was $38,000 per year.
    Defendant had a written employee manual that provided for progressive
    discipline and set forth the company’s sick leave policy. The manual also
    provided that an employee could be fired “[w]ith or without cause.”   Appellant’s
    App. at 118, 154. The district court found that defendant had considered
    discharging plaintiff for more than one year before the actual discharge and
    that plaintiff was aware of this.     
    Id. at 18
    Overtime Wages Claims
    Generally, the FLSA requires employers to pay their employees at least
    one and one-half times their regular wages for the number of hours worked that
    exceed forty in any week. 
    29 U.S.C. § 207
    (a)(1). An exception is made for
    employees “employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional
     § 213(a)(1). The Secretary of Labor has issued regulations
    defining and delimiting these statutes, the authority for which was delegated
    by Congress. Id. Therefore, the regulations have “the force and effect of law.”
    Batterton v. Francis , 
    432 U.S. 416
    , 425 n.9 (1977).
    We review the district court’s findings of fact for clear error.      Icicle
    Seafoods, Inc. v. Worthington , 
    475 U.S. 709
    , 714 (1986). The question of how
    plaintiff spent her time at work is a question of fact.     
     The determination of
    whether plaintiff’s work activities brought her within an exception to the FLSA’s
    overtime pay requirements is a question of law, which we review de novo.              
    “Exemptions to the FLSA are to be narrowly construed; the employer must show
    the employee[] fit[s] ‘plainly and unmistakenly within [the exemption’s] terms.’”
    Reich v. Wyoming , 
    993 F.2d 739
    , 741 (10th Cir. 1993) (quoting            Arnold v.
    Ben Kanowsky, Inc. , 
    361 U.S. 388
    , 392 (1960)).
    On plaintiff’s claims for overtime wages, the district court held that she
    was a bona fide executive employee, and therefore was not entitled to overtime
    29 C.F.R. § 541.1
    . The qualifications for an exempt executive employee
    include “the customary and regular direction of the work of two or more other
     § 541.1(f). Here, there was no evidence that plaintiff directed
    the work of more than one other employee. Therefore, we must reverse the
    district court’s conclusion that plaintiff was an exempt executive employee.
    We affirm the denial of overtime wages, however, based on the facts found
    by the district court, as well as the undisputed facts, which establish that plaintiff
    was employed in a bona fide    administrative capacity. Id. § 541.2. We apply the
    “short test” because we hold that plaintiff meets both the salary test and the duties
    test. See Hays v. City of Pauls Valley , 
    74 F.3d 1002
    , 1008 (10th Cir. 1996);
    29 C.F.R. § 541.214
    Plaintiff disputes that she meets the salary test, which requires defendant to
    demonstrate (1) that plaintiff’s compensation was not less than $250 per week,
     § 541.214(a), and (2) that she “regularly receive[d] each pay period on
    a weekly or less frequent basis, a predetermined amount constituting all or
    part of [her] compensation,   which amount is not subject to reduction because
    of variations in the quality or quantity of the work performed   .” Id.
    §§ 541.118(a); 541.212 (emphasis added). Deductions for absences of a day or
    more for personal reasons or sickness may be made without affecting an
    employee’s salaried status.   Id. § 541.118(a)(2) & (3).
    Plaintiff concedes that the amount of her compensation exceeded the $250
    weekly minimum. She maintains, however, that her salary was subject to
    reduction for absences of less than a day due to illness, thus disqualifying her
    under the salary test. Plaintiff relies on defendant’s sick leave policy,
    which provides for an employee’s pay to be reduced for sick leave if several
    conditions are met.
    The instances of pay reduction must amount to an actual practice of making
    such deductions.   Spradling v. Tulsa , 
    198 F.3d 1219
    , 1224 (10th Cir. 2000) (citing
    Auer v. Robbins , 
    519 U.S. 452
    , 461 (1997)). Here, “no clear inference can be
    drawn as to the likelihood” that a reduction in pay for less than one day of sick
    leave would have been applied to employees such as plaintiff.     Auer , 
    519 U.S. at 462
    . Plaintiff does not allege that any deductions were made, or that defendant
    had a policy or practice of deductions, nor does the record suggest any reason to
    infer such a policy. “Accordingly, [d]efendant did not maintain an actual practice
    of making such deductions,” and the sick leave policy does not defeat the salary
    test. Spradling , 
    198 F.3d at 1224
    We now turn to the duties test to determine whether plaintiff was employed
    in a bona fide administrative capacity. The administrative exemption short test is
    met if plaintiff’s primary duty consisted of office or nonmanual work related to
    management policies or general business operations for defendant and included
    work requiring the exercise of discretion and independent judgment.     
    29 C.F.R. §§ 541.2
    (a); 541.214; accord Hays , 
    74 F.3d at 1008
    Plaintiff’s work was undeniably nonmanual office work, but she asserts
    her primary duty was bookkeeping, work specifically excluded from the
    administrative exemption. 
    29 C.F.R. § 541.205
    (c)(1) (“[I]t is clear that
    bookkeepers . . . hold the run-of-the-mine positions in any ordinary business and
    are not performing work directly related to management policies or general
    business operations.”). The district court found that “[a] significant portion of
    Plaintiff’s job duties were bookkeeping functions,” and noted that “Plaintiff
    estimated that the majority of her time was occupied by her bookkeeping duties.”
    Appellant’s App. at 17, 18.
    Generally, “primary duty” means the major part, or over fifty percent,
    of the employee’s time.   Dep’t of Labor v. City of Sapulpa     , 
    30 F.3d 1285
    , 1287
    (10th Cir. 1994); 
    29 C.F.R. §§ 541.103
    ; 541.206(b). “Time alone, however, is not
    the sole test,” and if an employee does not spend fifty percent of her time in
    administrative functions, other factors should be considered.      
     § 541.103.
    Administrative duties include “advising the management, planning, negotiating,
    representing the company, purchasing, promoting sales, and business research
    and control,” even where the employee acts “as an administrative assistant to
    an executive in the production department of the business.”       Id. § 541.205(b).
    The administrative exemption is limited to those who perform work of substantial
    importance to the employer’s business,     id. § 541.205(a), and includes those
    whose work “affects policy or whose responsibility is to execute or carry it out.”
    Id. § 541.205(c).
    The summary of plaintiff’s responsibilities given above demonstrates that
    plaintiff’s primary duty was to administer and carry out the office work necessary
    to run defendant’s business. Plaintiff alone was charged with those
    responsibilities, demonstrating that her duties were of primary importance to
    defendant. Cf. Lott v. Howard Wilson Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc.     , 
    203 F.3d 326
    331 (5th Cir. 2000) (exempt administrative office manager’s primary duty was
    “office work directly related to the general business operations”). Plaintiff also
    participated in policy decisions and was often charged with executing them.
    Consequently, we hold that plaintiff’s primary duty consisted of office or
    nonmanual work related to management policies or general business operations
    for defendant.
    The final inquiry in the short test for the administrative exemption is
    whether plaintiff’s job included work requiring the exercise of discretion and
    independent judgment.   “In general, the exercise of discretion and independent
    judgment involves the comparison and the evaluation of possible courses of
    conduct and acting or making a decision after the various possibilities have been
    29 C.F.R. § 541.207
    (a). “The decisions made as a result of the
    exercise of discretion and independent judgment may consist of recommendations
    for action rather than the actual taking of action.”   
     § 541.207(e)(1).
    Plaintiff claims she merely collected information and presented it to the
    company president and the senior staff, who made the decisions. She attended
    the senior staff meetings at which most decisions were made, usually by
    consensus. The district court found credible and persuasive the testimony of
    defendant’s witnesses that “Plaintiff actively participated in the Senior Staff
    meetings and had a say in how the company was run.” Appellant’s App. at 17.
    As noted above, plaintiff also participated in and made recommendations in the
    areas of insurance policies, hiring and firing, and banking. She clearly exercised
    the requisite discretion and independent judgment to qualify as an exempt
    administr ative employee. Because we determine that plaintiff was employed in
    a bona fide administrative capacity, we affirm the district court’s dismissal of
    her FLSA overtime wages claim, as well as her similar claim brought under the
    New Mexico Minimum Wage Act,           see 
    N.M. Stat. Ann. § 50-4-21
    (exempting employee in bona fide administrative capacity).
    State Law Breach of Employment Contract Claim
    Plaintiff alleges defendant breached its employment contract with her
    because it failed to follow the progressive discipline outlined in the employee
    manual. In this claim based on New Mexico state law, we must reach the same
    conclusion the state’s highest court would reach.      Cf. Blanke v. Alexander ,
    152 F.3d 1224
    , 1228 (10th Cir. 1998) (diversity action).
    The employee manual stated that any employee could be discharged “[w]ith
    or without cause.” Appellant’s App. at 118, 154. Plaintiff argues that the joint
    proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, adopted by the district court,
    precludes application of that provision to her. That document notes that the
    employee manual provided for “progressive discipline and for-cause termination
    following successful completion of the probationary period,”       id. at 11, but does
    not prohibit application of the provision for discharge with or without cause.
    The district court held that defendant had cause to discharge plaintiff and that
    the manual permitted it to discharge her without cause.
    Under New Mexico law, employment is generally at-will, absent an express
    agreement specifying the employment terms.          Lopez v. Kline , 
    953 P.2d 304
    , 306
    (N.M. Ct. App. 1997) (collecting cases). Plaintiff does not claim that the
    employee manual affected her status as an at-will employee. “An at-will
    employer-employee relationship is subject to termination at any time, with
    or without cause.”   
     Plaintiff’s legal authorities are inapposite. We hold
    that the district court properly dismissed plaintiff’s state law
    breach-of-employment-contract claim.
    Entered for the Court
    Wade Brorby
    Senior Circuit Judge