Trainor v. Apollo Metal ( 2002 )

  •                       UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    v.                                                         No. 01-5077
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Filed January 23, 2003
    Before SEYMOUR, ALDISERT * and EBEL, Circuit Judges.
    Having considered the “Appellant’s Unopposed Petition for Rehearing or
    Motion to Correct Opinion” filed December 31, 2002, it is ordered that the
    petition for rehearing is denied. However, the motion for clarification is granted.
    The court has determined that the opinion filed December 13, 2003, should
    be amended to include a footnote at the end of the decision on page 23. The
    The Honorable Ruggero J. Aldisert, Circuit Judge, United States Court of
    Appeals for the Third Circuit, sitting by designation.
    opinion is otherwise unchanged. A copy of the amended opinion is attached to
    this order.
    Entered for the Court
    PATRICK FISHER, Clerk of Court
    by:     /s/ A.J. Schuler
    Deputy Clerk
    F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    DEC 13 2002
    No. 01-5077
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Oklahoma
    (D.C. No. 00-CV-250-K)
    Donald Gregory Bledsoe (Steven A. Novick with him on the briefs), Tulsa,
    Oklahoma, for Plaintiff-Appellant.
    Catherine Louise Campbell (Joseph A. Sharp, Karen M. Grundy and Matthew B.
    Free, with her on the brief), of Best & Sharp, Tulsa, Oklahoma, for
    Before SEYMOUR, ALDISERT * and EBEL, Circuit Judges.
    SEYMOUR, Circuit Judge.
    The Honorable Ruggero J. Aldisert, Circuit Judge, United States Court of
    Appeals for the Third Circuit, sitting by designation.
    Randy Trainor sued his former employer, Apollo Metal Specialties, Inc.,
    and Apollo’s majority stockholder, Danny Pilgrim, alleging disability employment
    discrimination in violation of Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 
    42 U.S.C. §§ 12111-17
     (“ADA”), and raising state law claims of discrimination,
    retaliatory discharge, breach of contract, tortious interference with an employment
    contract, and false inducement to employment. The district court granted
    defendants’ motion for summary judgment, ruling that Apollo was not an
    employer covered by the ADA because it did not have fifteen or more employees
    in each of twenty calendar weeks during the relevant period as required by 
    42 U.S.C. § 12111
    (5)(A) 1 and declining to exercise jurisdiction over the state law
    claims. Mr. Trainor appeals, contending the district court erred in placing the
    burden on Mr. Trainor to establish, in response to the summary judgment motion,
    the number and status of Apollo’s temporary employees for purposes of the
    ADA’s fifteen-employee requirement, and in holding that Mr. Pilgrim was not an
    Apollo employee. We reverse.
    Under the ADA, “[t]he term ‘employer’ means a person engaged in an
    industry affecting commerce who has 15 or more employees for each working day
    in each of 20 or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar year.”
    42 U.S.C. § 12111
    Defendants filed a motion to dismiss under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(1) or
    alternatively for summary judgment, contending the court lacked subject matter
    jurisdiction because Apollo was not within the ADA definition of an employer.
    In support of this motion, defendants attached corporate payroll records and an
    affidavit by Mr. Pilgrim. Mr. Trainor filed a brief in response and attached his
    affidavit. While noting some disagreement among the circuits and within this
    circuit as to whether meeting the employer definition in the ADA is an issue of
    subject matter jurisdiction, 2 the district court properly converted the motion to one
    The court compared Zinn v. McKune, 
    143 F.3d 1353
    , 1356 (10th Cir.
    1998), and Lockard v. Pizza Hut, Inc., 
    162 F.3d 1062
    , 1069 (10th Cir. 1998), and
    expressed its view that the law in this circuit is unsettled with respect to whether
    the ADA’s fifteen-employee requirement presents a jurisdictional issue. In
    attempting to clarify this question we begin by pointing out the distinction
    between ascertaining whether a company falls within the definition of “employer”
    set out in 
    42 U.S.C. § 12111
    (5)(A), and determining whether an employment
    relationship exists between an employer and a particular employee. While these
    two inquiries often overlap, they are not necessarily co-extensive. In some cases,
    the defendant’s status as an “employer” within the statutory definition is
    undisputed and the only question is whether the plaintiff and the defendant have
    an employment relationship. See, e.g., Sizova v. Nat’l Inst. of Standards & Tech.,
    282 F.3d 1320
    , 1328-30 (10th Cir. 2002); Frank v. U.S. West, Inc., 
    3 F.3d 1357
    1361 (10th Cir. 1993). In these cases, establishment of the employment
    relationship is an element of a plaintiff’s prima facie case. See Frank, 
    3 F.3d at 1361
    . In the instant case, the existence of an employment relationship between
    plaintiff and Apollo is undisputed and the only question is whether Apollo is an
    “employer” within the statutory definition. This inquiry presents a question of
    subject matter jurisdiction. See Ferroni v. Teamsters Local No. 222, 
    297 F.3d 1146
    , 1151 (10th Cir. 2002). Confusion arises when, as here, ascertaining
    whether a defendant falls within the statutory definition requires the court to
    for summary judgment. We have held that “[w]hen subject matter jurisdiction is
    dependent upon the same statute which provides the substantive claim in the case,
    the jurisdictional claim and the merits are considered to be intertwined.” Wheeler
    v. Hurdman, 
    825 F.2d 257
    , 259 (10th Cir. 1987) (citing Clark v. Tarrant County,
    798 F.2d 736
    , 742 (5th Cir. 1986) (jurisdictional claim and merits intertwined in
    determining whether defendant was employer under Title VII)). When, as here,
    both parties submit evidence beyond the pleadings, the motion is properly
    characterized as one for summary judgment. 
    The court disposed of Mr. Trainor’s claims in two rulings. In its first
    order, the court treated as Apollo employees all those listed on the payroll,
    including all temporary employees. Under that scenario, Apollo met the fifteen-
    employee requirement for the requisite number of weeks if Mr. Pilgrim was
    considered an employee. After ruling that Mr. Pilgrim was not an employee, the
    court acknowledged Mr. Trainor’s challenge to the accuracy of defendants’
    payroll records and held that he had shown an adequate basis for further
    investigation. Accordingly, the court granted limited discovery to allow Mr.
    Trainor to investigate the number of Apollo’s employees, both full and part-time.
    determine whether that defendant has an employment relationship with the
    requisite fifteen employees. Because the inquiry nonetheless is directed to
    whether the defendant falls within the statute, the question is one of subject
    matter jurisdiction.
    In so doing, the court stated that it had “insufficient evidence to grant summary
    judgment to Defendants at this early stage.” Aplt. App. at 52.
    In its second order, the district court agreed with Mr. Trainor that Mrs.
    Pilgrim, who was also a shareholder in Apollo and worked for the corporation,
    was an employee each week during the time she worked there, a ruling defendants
    do not challenge on appeal. However, the court rejected Mr. Trainor’s argument
    that the fifteen-employee requirement had been met for twenty weeks. In
    reaching this conclusion, the court refused to deem all of Apollo’s temporary
    workers “employees,” ruling that Mr. Trainor had failed to controvert defendants’
    showing that some of these temporary workers were in fact independent
    contractors. Accordingly, the court granted summary judgment for defendants.
    We first address Mr. Trainor’s argument that the district court erred in
    holding he failed to carry his burden of proof under the summary judgment
    standard. We review the grant of summary judgment de novo, taking the facts and
    the reasonable inferences to be drawn from them in the light most favorable to the
    nonmoving party. See Whitesel v. Sengenberger, 
    222 F.3d 861
    , 867 (10th Cir.
    2000). Under Rule 56(c), the moving party bears the initial burden of presenting
    evidence to show the absence of a genuine issue of material fact. See Hom v.
    81 F.3d 969
    , 973 (10th Cir. 1996). In our circuit, “‘[t]he moving party
    carries the burden of showing beyond a reasonable doubt that it is entitled to
    summary judgment.’” Hicks v. City of Watonga, 
    942 F.2d 737
    , 743 (10th Cir.
    1991) (quoting Ewing v. Amoco Oil Co., 
    823 F.2d 1432
    , 1437 (10th Cir. 1987)).
    Once this burden is met, Rule 56(e) requires the non-moving party to set forth
    specific facts showing there is a genuine issue for trial. See Hom, 
    81 F.3d at 973
    Even when, as here, the moving party does not have the ultimate burden of
    persuasion at trial, it has both the initial burden of production on a motion for
    summary judgment and the burden of establishing that summary judgment is
    appropriate as a matter of law. See Nissan Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Fritz Cos.,
    210 F.3d 1099
    , 1102 (9th Cir. 2000). The moving party may carry its initial
    burden either by producing affirmative evidence negating an essential element of
    the nonmoving party’s claim, or by showing that the nonmoving party does not
    have enough evidence to carry its burden of persuasion at trial. 
    Id. at 1103-04
    If a moving party fails to carry its initial burden of production, the
    nonmoving party has no obligation to produce anything, even if the
    nonmoving party would have the ultimate burden of persuasion at
    trial. In such a case, the nonmoving party may defeat the motion for
    summary judgment without producing anything.
    Id. at 1102-03
     (citations omitted); see also Mullins v. Crowell, 
    228 F.3d 1305
    1313-14 (11th Cir. 2000), reh’g and suggestion for reh’g en banc denied by 
    251 F.3d 165
     (11th Cir. 2001); Hunter v. Caliber Syst., Inc., 
    220 F.3d 702
    , 725-26
    (6th Cir. 2000).
    Defendants sought to present evidence negating an essential element of Mr.
    Trainor’s case, the requirement that Apollo be an “employer” for ADA purposes.
    To do so, defendants contended that “at least several” of its temporary workers
    were independent contractors rather than employees and therefore could not be
    counted. Aplt. App. at 16. As defendants recognize, in this circuit a person’s
    status as either an employee or an independent contractor is determined using a
    hybrid test. See Sizova, 
    282 F.3d at 1328
    Under the hybrid test, the main focus of the court’s inquiry is the
    employer’s right to control the “means and manner” of the worker’s
    performance. However, the hybrid test also looks at other factors,
    including: (1) the kind of occupation at issue, with reference to
    whether the work usually is done under the direction of a supervisor
    or is done by a specialist without supervision; (2) the skill required
    in the particular occupation; (3) whether the employer or the
    employee furnishes the equipment used and the place of work; (4) the
    length of time the individual has worked; (5) the method of payment,
    whether by time or by the job; (6) the manner in which the work
    relationship is terminated; (7) whether annual leave is afforded; (8)
    whether the work is an integral part of the business of the employer;
    (9) whether the worker accumulates retirement benefits; (10) whether
    the employer pays social security taxes; and (11) the intention of the
    parties. No single factor is conclusive. Rather, the courts are to look
    at the totality of the circumstances surrounding the working
    relationship between the parties.
     (quoting Lambertsen v. Utah Dep’t of Corr., 
    79 F.3d 1024
    , 1028 (10th Cir.
    To support their argument that some workers were independent contractors
    under the hybrid test, defendants presented two exhibits – payroll records and Mr.
    Pilgrim’s affidavit. The payroll records consisted of four columns listing the
    payroll check date for each week of the relevant period, the number of full-time
    Apollo employees for each week, the number of people hired through temporary
    employment agencies for each week, and the total number of payroll checks
    issued each week. In his affidavit, Mr. Pilgrim explained his relationship to
    Apollo, the work he performed for the corporation, and the payroll records. Mr.
    Pilgrim stated that Apollo occasionally hired temporary workers, including
    welders, from personnel services. He said that although he assigned work and
    supervised employees, he did not supervise welders and they provided their own
    equipment. Defendants’ exhibits did not identify the number of welders Apollo
    hired, or the weeks during which welders worked, or otherwise identify which
    temporary workers or how many of them defendants contended were independent
    contractors in any given week. Moreover, under the hybrid test, Mr. Pilgrim’s
    admission that he assigned and supervised the work of all employees other than
    welders itself creates a fact issue as to whether all the temporary workers were
    independent contractors rather than employees.
    Because Mr. Trainor is the nonmoving party, we must take his factual
    allegations as true and draw all reasonable inferences from the evidence in his
    favor. Relying on his personal knowledge of the corporation’s operations which
    he acquired as Apollo’s general manager, Mr. Trainor disputed Mr. Pilgrim’s
    allegations regarding Apollo’s hiring practices with respect to temporary
    employees. According to Mr. Trainor, Apollo treated the employees it hired
    through personnel agencies in the same way it treated its permanent employees.
    These workers were interviewed and selected personally by either Mr. Trainor or
    Mr. Pilgrim. Apollo determined their salary and gave that information to the
    agency, which added a markup that included half of the employee’s social security
    tax. These workers were under the complete control and supervision of Apollo,
    and were governed by the same work rules and company policies as were the
    permanent employees. Mr. Trainor specifically disputed Mr. Pilgrim’s assertion
    that Mr. Pilgrim did not supervise welders, stating to the contrary that “Mr.
    Pilgrim often personally instructed welders as to how to perform each job.” Aplt.
    App. at 44. According to Mr. Trainor, the temporary workers were not hired by
    the job but were moved from job to job as the need arose. They were paid by the
    hour, hired for an unspecified, indefinite period, and some were eventually given
    permanent status. With respect to welders, Mr. Trainor stated:
    All work performed by temporary employees was performed in
    buildings owned or provided by Apollo. The statement that welders
    provided some of their own equipment is true as far as it goes.
    Welders provided their own toolboxes and helmets, but Apollo
    provided all the welding equipment and most of the supplies. When
    welders who were temporary employees were hired as permanent
    employees, nothing changed with respect to the provision of tools
    and equipment – permanent employee welders still provided their
    own toolboxes and helmets and Apollo still provided the welding
    equipment and supplies.
     Based on this evidence, Mr. Trainor argued that summary judgment was
    improper because a fact issue existed as to whether all of Apollo’s temporary
    workers should be considered employees rather than independent contractors for
    purposes of satisfying the ADA definition of employer. Alternatively, Mr.
    Trainor moved for a continuance to permit him further discovery.
    In its first ruling, the district court concluded that the parties had provided
    “insubstantial evidence to support or controvert” whether Apollo’s temporary
    employees should be considered employees or independent contractors. Id. at 50.
    The court also stated that it had “insufficient evidence to grant summary judgment
    to Defendants at this early stage.” Id. at 52. It is thus clear that in the court’s
    view, a view with which we agree, defendants had not carried their initial burden
    to show that no disputed issues of material fact existed, thereby entitling them to
    judgment as a matter of law. Nonetheless, rather than denying defendants’
    motion for summary judgment, the district court stayed the motion and granted
    Mr. Trainor’s alternative request for further discovery. Under the summary
    judgment standards set out above, however, when the moving party fails in its
    initial burden of production, the nonmoving party has no burden at all and
    summary judgment should have been denied. While the court’s ruling in this
    regard could be viewed as invited error in light of Mr. Trainor’s alternative
    motion for further discovery, as we discuss below the court subsequently
    compounded its error and improperly granted summary judgment.
    In its second order, the district court refused to deem all of Apollo’s
    temporary workers “employees” for ADA purposes. In granting summary
    judgment for defendants, the court held that Mr. Trainor was required to
    “demonstrate the existence of an employment relationship between employer and
    an employee for each working day of a specified number of weeks.” Aplt. App.
    at 112 (emphasis in original). The court ultimately held that Mr. Trainor “failed
    to meet his burden of proof.” Id. at 113. In response to Mr. Trainor’s argument
    that ADA jurisdiction presented a fact issue that should be submitted to a jury, the
    court stated “[t]he burden is on an ADA plaintiff to prove that the defendant
    employed the number of persons needed to trigger application of the ADA.” Id.
    at 110. The court apparently believed Mr. Trainor bore this burden on summary
    judgment because he would be required to bear that burden at trial. In so doing
    the court erred.
    As we have discussed, the moving party bears the ultimate burden of
    establishing its right to summary judgment as a matter of law even when it does
    not have the ultimate burden of persuasion at trial. We addressed this issue in
    Lake Hefner Open Space Alliance v. Dole, 
    871 F.2d 943
    , 944-45 (10th Cir. 1989).
    In that case, in response to the defendants’ motion for summary judgment, the
    plaintiff rested on its brief and on the administrative record. There, as here, the
    district court imposed a burden of proof on the plaintiff. We held that the court
    acted improperly in doing so.
    When a defendant files a motion for summary judgment, he has to
    show that there is no genuine issue of material fact and that he is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law. The opposing party . . . has
    no “burden of proof,” as such; however, in resisting the motion for
    summary judgment, [the nonmoving party] may not rely on mere
    allegations, or denials, contained in its pleadings or briefs. Rather,
    [the nonmoving party] must set forth specific facts showing the
    presence of a genuine issue of material fact for trial and significant
    probative evidence supporting the allegations.
    If [the nonmoving party] had filed a motion for summary
    judgment, it would have had to show that there was no genuine issue
    of material fact and that it was entitled to judgment as a matter of
    law. And, of course, if this case had gone to trial, [the nonmoving
    party] would have had the plaintiff’s usual “burden of proof.” But in
    resisting defendants’ motion for summary judgment, [the nonmoving
    party] only has a “burden,” if that be the appropriate word, to
    identify specific facts posing genuine issues of material fact.
    Id. at 945
     (citations omitted) (emphasis added). Accordingly, we must assess the
    record to determine whether Mr. Trainor, as the nonmoving party, has shown the
    presence of a genuine issue of material fact precluding summary judgment. In so
    doing, we view the evidence in the light most favorable to him and draw all
    reasonable inferences in his favor.
    Summary judgment is not proper if a fact issue exists on whether Apollo’s
    temporary workers were in fact Apollo employees. Mr. Trainor’s affidavit, when
    taken as true, is sufficient to create a fact issue as to whether Apollo’s temporary
    employees, including any welders, are employees rather than independent
    contractors. 3 Thus even if we were to assume that defendants carried their initial
    burden on their motion for summary judgment, Mr. Trainor defeated that motion
    by setting out evidence which, when viewed most favorably to him, created a
    factual dispute on the critical issue of whether Apollo had fifteen employees for
    purposes of ADA jurisdiction. The grant of summary judgment in favor of
    defendants was therefore improper.
    Because the number of Apollo employees will be a material question in
    dispute on remand, we must also determine whether Mr. Pilgrim may be counted
    among them for purposes of the ADA. “In our review of the antidiscrimination
    laws we must be mindful of their remedial purposes, and liberally interpret their
    provisions to that end.” Wheeler v. Hurdman, 
    825 F.2d 257
    , 262 (10th Cir. 1987).
    “Such liberal construction is also to be given to the definition of ‘employer,’”
    Mr. Trainor stated that Mr. Pilgrim supervised all aspects of the temporary
    employees’ work, including the work of the welders; that except for the welders’
    toolboxes and helmets, which both temporary and permanent welders provided for
    themselves, Apollo supplied the equipment and the facilities; these employees
    worked for long periods and were paid by the hour rather than by the job; they
    were governed by the same policies and work rules as the permanent employees;
    they were an integral part of Apollo’s business and their work was a large part of
    the business operations; Apollo paid at least part of their social security taxes
    indirectly; and neither temporary nor permanent employees earned retirement
    benefits at Apollo.
    Owens v. Rush, 
    636 F.2d 283
    , 287 (10th Cir. 1980) (internal quotation omitted),
    and the term “employee,” see Chavero v. Local 241, 
    787 F.2d 1154
    , 1156 (7th
    Cir. 1986) (per curiam). 4 The ADA defines an “employee” as “an individual
    employed by an employer.” 
    42 U.S.C. § 12111
    (4). An “employer,” in turn, is
    defined as “a person engaged in an industry affecting commerce who has 15 or
    more employees for each working day in each of 20 or more calendar weeks in the
    current or preceding calendar year.” 
     § 12111(5). The ADA also provides that
    the term “person” “shall have the same meaning given such term[] in section
    2000e [Title VII] of this title.” Id. § 12111(7). Section 2000e defines “person”
    to include, among others, corporations. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e(a).
    It is undisputed that Mr. Pilgrim and his wife currently own in equal shares
    all the stock of Apollo, 5 that Mr. Pilgrim performed services for Apollo, and that
    Apollo paid him a salary for those services. Mr. Pilgrim was thus both an owner
    In Wheeler the plaintiff brought claims under Title VII, the Age
    Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Equal Pay Act. Wheeler, 
    825 F.2d at 258
    . In Owens and Chavero the plaintiff sued under Title VII. The definition of
    “employer” set out in the ADA is identical to that contained in Title VII and the
    other statutes at issue in Wheeler. Compare 
    42 U.S.C. § 12111
    (5)(A) (ADA) with
    42 U.S.C. § 2000e(b) (Title VII). Accordingly, this court has applied cases
    construing the definition of “employer” in Title VII cases to ADA cases. See
    Butler v. City of Prairie Village, 
    172 F.3d 736
    , 744 (10th Cir. 1999).
    Mr. Trainor stated by affidavit that at the time he was employed at Apollo
    and as late as sometime in 1998 an individual named Genave Rogers owned a
    third of the company stock. Aplt. App. at 41-42. This disputed fact is irrelevant
    because our resolution of whether Mr. Pilgrim is an employee does not rest on
    stock ownership.
    of Apollo and a participant in a traditional employment relationship with the
    corporation. The district court held that it would not be appropriate to classify
    Mr. Pilgrim as “an owner, proprietor, officer, director, manager, and employee,
    despite the fact that he performs some of the duties of an employee.” Aplt. App.
    at 51 (emphasis in original). In so doing, the court relied on four cases that we
    find distinguishable.
    In State Insurance Fund v. Ace Transportaion Inc., 
    195 F.3d 561
    , 565 (10th
    Cir. 1999), a suit to recover unpaid worker’s compensation premiums, we
    observed in passing that Oklahoma’s worker’s compensation system does not
    consider truck owner/operators as “employees” subject to worker’s compensation
    premiums. We agree with Mr. Trainor that a truck owner/operator is simply not
    analogous to the working shareholder of a corporation. Moreover, as Mr. Trainor
    points out, under Oklahoma worker’s compensation law a shareholder-employee
    of a corporation can elect to be covered by worker’s compensation insurance. See
    O KLA . S TAT . tit. 85, § 3(8); see also Bowman v. Sportsworld Dev., 
    837 P.2d 938
    (Okla. Ct. App. 1992) (stockholder-employees of corporation may elect to be
    included in policy).
    In Serapion v. Martinez, 
    119 F.3d 982
     (1st Cir. 1997), the court concluded
    that a senior or proprietary partner was not an employee of the partnership. The
    court undertook a factual analysis to determine whether the person “described as a
    partner actually bears a close enough resemblance to an employee to be afforded
    the protections of Title VII.” 
    Id. at 987
    . The court looked at ownership of firm
    assets and liability for firm debts and obligations, as well as the extent to which
    compensation is based on the firm’s profits, enhanced fringe benefits, and policy-
    making authority. See 
    id. at 990
    . Even assuming these factors may be relevant to
    assessing whether a corporate shareholder should also be considered an employee,
    the differences between a shareholder of a corporation and a partner in a
    partnership, particularly with respect to liability for the firm’s debts and
    obligations, may well compel a different result when the relevant factors are
    In Chavero, 
    787 F.2d 1154
    , 1155, the plaintiff brought a Title VII claim
    against a union local alleging employment discrimination. The court held that the
    members of the union’s executive board of directors were not union “employees”
    for purposes of Title VII coverage. In so doing, the court concluded that the term
    “employee” does not include persons “who are no more than directors of a
    corporation or unpaid, inactive officers.” 
    Id. at 1156
     (internal quotation omitted).
    Nevertheless, the court took care to point out that a director “may accept duties
    that make him also an employee,” 
     at 1157 (citing EEOC v. First Catholic
    Slovak Ladies Ass’n, 
    694 F.2d 1068
    , 1070 (6th Cir. 1982)), and that “the primary
    consideration is whether an employer-employee relationship exists,” 
     The court
    premised its ruling that the directors in that case were not also employees on a
    determination that the record failed “to establish that the board members
    perform[ed] traditional employee duties.” 
     To the extent that Chavero is
    relevant, therefore, it supports the conclusion that Mr. Pilgrim is an Apollo
    employee because he performs traditional employee duties as part of an
    employment relationship.
    Finally, in Matinchek v. John Alden Life Insurance Co., 
    93 F.3d 96
     (3d Cir.
    1996), the court held that ERISA did not govern an insurance coverage dispute
    regarding a coverage plan covering only a sole business owner and immediate
    family members. The court determined that Congress, in defining the terms
    employer and employee for purposes of ERISA, “did not intend to protect a split-
    personality business owner whose ego may act as an employee and whose alter-
    ego may act as an employer threatening to take away his or her own benefits.” 
    101 n.2. “When the employee and the employer are one and the same, there is
    little need to regulate plan administration.” 
    Id. at 101
     (internal quotation
    omitted) (emphasis in original). The case is irrelevant to determining whether a
    corporate shareholder who also performs services for the corporation should be
    considered an employee for purposes of the antidiscrimination laws. In sum,
    these cases are not persuasive authority for the conclusion that Mr. Pilgrim should
    not be considered an Apollo employee.
    On appeal, defendants rely upon cases holding that a partner in a
    partnership is not an employee under Title VII, contending there is little
    difference between a shareholder in a closely held corporation and a partner in a
    partnership. We disagree. Defendants ignore a hallmark distinction between
    shareholders and partners, and the differing liability each bears for their entity’s
    debts and obligations. Our circuit has clearly differentiated between partners in a
    partnership and shareholders in a corporation on this ground, among others. In
    825 F.2d at 262-76
    , we dealt at length with the definition of “employee”
    for Title VII purposes in the context of determining whether a partner should be
    considered an employee of a partnership. Throughout our discussion we were
    careful to distinguish between the economic realities of partnerships and those of
    corporations. We pointed out that while employees do not assume the risks of
    loss and the liabilities of their employers, partners are liable for partnership debts
    and obligations. See 
    id. at 274-75
    . We specifically stated that “the characteristics
    of general partnership are different from that of a small, voting
    shareholder/director or officer of a large corporation.” 
    Id. at 276
    . “There may be
    many aspects of a partner’s work environment in a partnership which are
    indistinguishable from that of a corporate employee. But in general the total
    bundle of partnership characteristics sufficiently differentiates between the two to
    remove general partners from the statutory term ‘employee.’” 
     In keeping with
    our analysis in Wheeler, we reject defendants’ contention that a corporate
    shareholder should be treated in the same manner as a partner for purposes of
    assessing “employee” status under the antidiscrimination laws.
    Defendants also ask us to follow those courts holding that shareholders in
    professional corporations are not employees of the corporation. The circuits are
    in some disarray on this issue.
    Courts have taken two approaches in resolving the question of
    whether shareholders and directors of professional corporations are
    employees under federal antidiscrimination law. Under one approach
    the type of organization is decisive, and individuals working for a
    professional corporation are considered employees. The other
    approach examines the actual circumstances to determine whether an
    individual functions like a partner. Individuals acting like partners
    will not be classified as employees because partners own and manage
    a firm.
    Devine v. Stone, Leyton & Gershman, P.C., 
    100 F.3d 78
    , 80 (8th Cir. 1996).
    Courts that focus on the type of organization reflect that:
    The incorporators of a professional corporation make a deliberate
    decision to adopt the corporate form for their business in order to
    avail themselves of important tax, employee benefit, and civil
    liability advantages. Having freely made the choice to adopt this
    form of business organization “they should not now be heard” to say
    that their firm is “essentially a medical partnership,” and not a
    Wells v. Clackamas Gastroenterology Assocs., 
    271 F.3d 903
    , 905 (9th Cir. 2001)
    (quoting Hyland v. New Haven Radiology Assocs., P.C., 
    794 F.2d 793
    , 798 (2d
    Cir. 1986)), cert. granted, 
    2002 WL 496771
     (Oct. 1, 2002).
    Courts that look to the actual circumstances of the business entity point out
    that a professional corporation allows doctors, lawyers, and other professionals
    “to practice their profession as do partners in a partnership while benefitting from
    certain liability and tax considerations applicable to corporations.” Fountain v.
    Metcalf, Zima & Co., P.A., 
    925 F.2d 1398
    , 1399 (11th Cir. 1991). These courts
    focus on factors indicating that the shareholders function as partners and that
    their relation to the business entity has the indicia of a partnership relationship.
    id. at 1401
    . In so doing, the courts have distinguished between professional
    corporations and traditional corporations. “The role of a shareholder in a
    professional corporation is far more analogous to a partner in a partnership than it
    is to the shareholder of a general corporation.” EEOC v. Dowd & Dowd, Ltd.,
    736 F.2d 1177
    , 1178 (7th Cir. 1984).
    Courts addressing the term “employee” in the context of professional
    corporations have therefore either given conclusive weight to the choice of
    corporate form, or have disregarded that form because the entity functioned as a
    partnership. In view of our determination that partnerships are not analogous to
    corporations, the treatment by the courts of professional corporations is not
    helpful to defendants. Indeed the very factors those courts rely on to hold that a
    professional corporation functions as a partnership are the factors this court cited
    in Wheeler to distinguish partnerships from corporations. 6 Given these
    differences, we are not persuaded cases dealing with professional corporations are
    an appropriate guide to our present inquiry.
    The most helpful authorities in addressing whether Mr. Pilgrim is an
    employee of Apollo are those dealing with the circumstances in which a corporate
    officer or director is also a corporate employee. The Supreme Court has pointed
    out “[t]here is nothing inherently inconsistent between the coexistence of a
    proprietary and an employment relationship.” Goldberg v. Whitaker House Coop.,
    366 U.S. 28
    , 32 (1961); see also Wheeler, 
    825 F.2d at 267
     (owners in
    contexts other than partnerships can also be employees). Courts have generally
    applied a three-factor test in making this determination, looking to “(1) whether
    the director has undertaken traditional employee duties; (2) whether the director
    was regularly employed by a separate entity; and (3) whether the director reported
    to someone higher in the hierarchy.” EEOC v. Johnson & Higgins, Inc., 
    91 F.3d 1529
    , 1539 (2d Cir. 1996). “[T]he primary consideration is whether an employer-
    employee relationship exists” in which the director “perform[s] traditional
    employee duties.” Chavero, 
    787 F.2d at 1157
    ; Walters v. Metro. Educ. Enter.,
    519 U.S. 202
    , 212 (1997) (“the ultimate touchstone under § 2000e(b) is
    In Oklahoma, for example, shareholders in a professional corporation, as
    opposed to shareholders generally, are personally liable with respect to the
    rendering of professional services. See O KLA . S TAT . tit. 18, § 812.
    whether an employer has employment relationships with 15 or more individuals”);
    see also Whitaker House Coop., 
    366 U.S. at 32
     (members in cooperative are also
    employees when cooperative provided opportunity to work and paid for it);
    Graves v. Women’s Prof. Rodeo Ass’n, 
    907 F.2d 71
    , 72-73 (8th Cir. 1990)
    (members of corporation not employees because they did not receive
    compensation for services and therefore did not have employment relationship
    with corporation); Zimmerman v. N. Am. Signal Co., 
    704 F.2d 347
    , 351-52 (7th
    Cir. 1983) (corporate officers who were paid for their services and worked for
    corporation deemed employees, while officers who were unpaid and took no role
    in corporate daily affairs were not considered employees), overruled on other
    grounds by Walters v. Metro. Educ. Enter., Inc., 
    519 U.S. 202
     (1997); EEOC v.
    First Catholic Slovak Ladies Ass’n, 
    694 F.2d 1068
    , 1070 (6th Cir. 1982)
    (association directors were also employees when they performed traditional
    employee duties and drew salaries).
    In this case, when the facts viewed most favorably to Mr. Trainor are
    assessed under the above three factors, it is clear defendants have failed to
    establish as a matter of law that Mr. Pilgrim is not an employee of Apollo for
    purposes of subject matter jurisdiction under the ADA. Mr. Pilgrim’s own
    evidence establishes that he had an employment relationship with the corporation
    in which he performed services for it and was paid for those services. There is no
    evidence in the record tending to show that he was regularly employed by any
    other entity. While it may be true that Mr. Pilgrim did not answer to anyone but
    himself in performing his services for Apollo, we do not think this factor is
    dispositive in light of the undisputed evidence of his employment relationship
    with the company. Accordingly, the district court erred in holding as a matter of
    law that Mr. Pilgrim was not an employee of Apollo.
    We REVERSE the grant of summary judgment in favor of defendants and
    REMAND for further proceedings in light of this opinion. 7
    Upon granting defendants’ motion for summary judgment on the federal
    ADA claim, the district court declined to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over
    the state law claims and dismissed them without prejudice. Our reversal of
    summary judgment on the federal claim reestablishes federal question jurisdiction
    and a jurisdictional basis may therefore exist to support supplemental jurisdiction.
    See Olcott v. Delaware Flood Co., 
    76 F.3d 1538
    , 1550 (10th Cir. 1996).
    Accordingly, dismissal of the state law claims is reversed and remanded for
    further consideration in light of Olcott.

Document Info

Docket Number: 01-5077

Filed Date: 12/13/2002

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2016

Authorities (33)

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