United States v. Hopkins , 128 F. App'x 51 ( 2005 )

  •                                                                           F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    APR 11 2005
    Plaintiff-Appellee/Cross-        Nos. 02-3373 and 02-3383
    v.                                             (D. of Kan.)
    CHARLES WILLIAM HOPKINS,                     (D.C. No. 00-CR-40024-06-SAC)
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT          *
    Before EBEL , BRISCOE , and TYMKOVICH , Circuit Judges.
    A federal jury in Kansas convicted Charles Williams Hopkins for his role in
    a tri-state conspiracy to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine, in
    violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 846
    . The district court subsequently sentenced Hopkins
    to a 121-month prison term.
    On appeal, Hopkins argues that the district court erred in its sentencing
    determinations under the United States Sentencing Guidelines (USSG or
    This order is not binding precedent, except under the doctrines of law of
    the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court generally disfavors the
    citation of orders; nevertheless, an order may be cited under the terms and
    conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Guidelines). First, he claims that the court improperly enhanced his sentence for
    possession of a dangerous weapon and obstruction of justice. Second, he
    contends that the district court erred in calculating his sentence based on a
    quantity of drugs in excess of that determined by the jury. See Apprendi v. New
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000); Blakely v. Washington, 
    124 S. Ct. 2531
    United States v. Booker, 
    125 S. Ct. 738
     (2005). On cross-appeal, the government
    also challenges the sentence, claiming that the district court misapplied the
    Guidelines by undercounting the quantity of drugs for which it held Hopkins
    accountable, and thus sentenced Hopkins at a lower range than the Guidelines
    Exercising jurisdiction pursuant to 
    18 U.S.C. § 3742
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    we find the district court erred in its sentencing determination. We remand for
    resentencing consistent with the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Booker, 
    125 S. Ct. 738
    In late 1998 and early 1999, state and federal agents identified Hopkins’s
    co-defendant, Shane Wright, as a manufacturer and distributor of high-grade
    methamphetamine. Wright was part of a large scale drug trafficking organization
    operating in the tri-state area of southeast Kansas, southwest Missouri, and
    northeast Oklahoma. Hopkins’s role in the conspiracy consisted of providing
    precision lab equipment and chemicals to Wright. In exchange, Hopkins received
    drugs for personal use.
    On January 26, 2000, police arrested Wright and Hopkins’s brother near
    Springfield, Missouri. Hearing of the arrests, Hopkins went to Wright’s home
    that evening and removed several guns and PVC pipes. Hopkins believed the
    pipes to contain money or drugs. He subsequently buried the pipes but returned
    the guns to Wright. Though police never recovered the pipes, co-defendant
    Tracey Wright later testified at trial that they contained chemicals used in the
    production of methamphetamine.
    Following his arrest in March 2000, a 77-count superseding indictment
    charged Hopkins along with 24 co-defendants. Three counts pertained to
    Hopkins’s role in the conspiracy. Count 1 alleged a conspiracy to manufacture
    and distribute methamphetamine beginning sometime prior to October 29, 1998,
    and continuing until March 2000, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 846
    . Two other
    counts charged Hopkins with using a communication facility to cause or facilitate
    the conspiracy offense, in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 843
    The jury convicted Hopkins on the conspiracy count, but acquitted him of
    the remaining two counts. In anticipation of sentencing, a probation officer
    conducted an investigation and prepared a Presentence Investigation Report
    (PSR). The PSR calculated Hopkins’s recommended sentence as follows: (1) a
    base offense level of 38 for being responsible for the manufacture of three or
    more kilograms of actual methamphetamine, USSG § 2D1.1(c)(1) (1998); (2)
    adjusted upward two levels for possession of a firearm in connection with the
    conspiracy, USSG § 2D1.1(b)(1); and (3) adjusted upward two levels for
    obstruction of justice for his removal of evidence from Wright’s house, USSG §
    3C1.1. This calculation yielded a total offense level of 42, criminal history
    category I, for a sentencing range of 360 months to life imprisonment. Since the
    jury determined the actual drug quantities attributable to Hopkins to be less than
    50 grams, 1 however, the statutory maximum for the offense of conviction as
    provided by 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (b)(1)(C) was 240 months. The PSR recommended
    the statutory maximum since that sentence would still be less than the Guidelines’
    The district court did not follow the drug quantity calculation in the PSR.
    Instead, the court found Hopkins responsible for 21 of grams of a
    methamphetamine mixture he received in exchange for drug-making chemicals
    and equipment, plus one additional ounce of actual methamphetamine attributable
    to the conspiracy. These quantities translated to a base offense level of 26. The
    court added the two level enhancements for possession of a dangerous weapon
    In response to special interrogatories on the verdict form, the jury found
    that Hopkins had conspired to manufacture or distribute less than 50 grams of
    and obstruction of justice for a total offense level of 30, resulting in a sentencing
    range of 97-121 months. The court sentenced Hopkins to the top of the range,
    121 months imprisonment.
    Hopkins argues that the district court committed three discrete errors in
    determining his sentence. First, he argues the government failed to submit
    adequate proof to support the sentence enhancements. Second, he relies on
    Blakely v. Washington, 
    124 S. Ct. 2531
     (2004), to argue his sentence violates his
    constitutional rights because the quantity of drugs attributed to him for sentencing
    purposes exceeded the amount determined by the jury. Finally, he claims the
    district court further erred under Blakely when it imposed the two enhancements
    based on facts neither determined by the jury nor admitted by him. 2
    The crux of the cross appeal is the methodology used by the district court to
    determine drug quantities attributable to Hopkins. The government asserts the
    district court erred in employing a methodology to determine drug quantities that
    After oral argument in this case, the Supreme Court held the constitutional
    rule articulated in Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000), and Blakely
    applied to the Guidelines. See United States v. Booker, 
    125 S. Ct. 738
    , 755–56
    (2005). To remedy the constitutional infirmity created by using judge-found facts
    to enhance prison sentences, the Court severed the portion of the Guidelines that
    made their application mandatory. See 
    id. at 756
    not only violated the Guidelines but was not supported by substantial evidence in
    the record.
    We agree with the government that the district court employed an improper
    methodology in determining drug quantity and, further, that the drug quantity
    determination in this case is not supported by the record.
    This court reviews a district court’s legal interpretation of the Guidelines
    de novo. See United States v. Johnson, 
    42 F.3d 1312
    , 1320 (10th Cir. 1994).
    Factual findings with regard to drug quantities are reviewed for clear error and
    are reversed “only if the district court's finding was without factual support in the
    record or we are left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been
    made.” United States v. Ryan, 
    236 F.3d 1268
    , 1273 (10th Cir. 2001) (quotation
    marks and citation omitted).
    Our review starts with the PSR, which correctly identified the Guidelines’
    provisions for determining Hopkins’s base offense level, USSG § 2D1.1. The
    offense level in turn is linked to the quantity of drugs attributable to the
    defendant. As with any drug conspiracy, the quantities attributable to Hopkins
    are those amounts that both result from activities by defendant and his
    co-conspirators “in furtherance of the jointly undertaken” conspiracy and are
    “reasonably foreseeable in connection with” the conspiracy. See USSG § 1B1.3,
    comment. n. 2; United States v. Green, 
    175 F.3d 822
    , 837 (10th Cir. 1999). In
    deciding the drug amounts attributable to a defendant in a conspiracy case, the
    sentencing court must “analyze, and make particularized findings about, the scope
    of the specific agreement the individual defendant joined in relation to the
    conspiracy as a whole.” United States v. Melton, 
    131 F.3d 1400
    , 1404 (10th Cir.
    1997) (quotation marks and citations omitted). While the court to some extent
    may “rely upon an estimate to establish the defendant’s guideline offense level,”
    United States v. Ruiz-Castro, 
    92 F.3d 1519
    , 1534 (10th Cir. 1996), the “need to
    estimate drug quantities at times is not a license to calculate drug quantities by
    guesswork.” United States v. Richards, 
    27 F.3d 465
    , 469 (10th Cir. 1994)
    (quotation marks and citations omitted).
    Applying the Guidelines’ provisions, the PSR recommended that Hopkins
    should be held accountable for 7.25 kilograms of actual methamphetamine. This
    amount represented an estimate of the reasonably foreseeable amount of
    methamphetamine that Shane Wright produced between (1) the date of his arrest
    in January 2000, i.e., the date on which Hopkins furthered the conspiracy by
    removing guns and pipes from the Wright home, and (2) the date on which
    Hopkins and his co-conspirators were arrested in March 2000. The PSR,
    however, concluded that Hopkins was not responsible for any of the drugs
    produced by the conspiracy prior to the January 2000 concealment of evidence.
    Hopkins objected to the PSR’s quantity calculation prior to sentencing. He
    argued that he should be held accountable for no more than the amount
    determined by the jury. In his written response to Hopkins’s objections, the
    probation officer responsible for preparing the PSR further explained the reasons
    for the PSR’s quantity determination, namely: (1) there was substantial evidence
    that Wright produced two pounds of methamphetamine per week and the officer
    believed this level of production continued subsequent to Wright’s January 2000
    arrest, and (2) since the PSR held Hopkins accountable for only those drugs
    produced after January 2000, the quantity determination was “a conservative
    estimate, and errs on the side of the defendant.”
    The district court reviewed the evidence of drug quantities and Hopkins’s
    role in the conspiracy and made a series of findings for purposes of sentencing.
    Rejecting the PSR’s quantification, the court instead determined that Hopkins was
    responsible for 21 grams of a methamphetamine mixture (received for his
    personal use) plus an additional “one ounce of actual methamphetamine.” The
    latter amount represented the court’s “proportionate estimate of the defendant’s
    efforts at preserving the conspiracy” on the night in which he removed guns and
    pipes from the Wright home.
    The court went on to explain its proportionality analysis. In its view,
    Hopkins’s role was minimal:
    The more credible evidence at trial establishes that Hopkins’ efforts
    that night and next day were quite limited at best and that after his
    arrest Shane Wright did not continue manufacturing
    methamphetamine at the same or similar levels as before the arrest.
    Combining Hopkins’s limited role and Wright’s curtailed
    manufacturing, the court concludes the defendant should be held
    accountable for one ounce of actual methamphetamine, that is, the
    court’s proportionate estimate of the defendant’s efforts at preserving
    the conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine.
    The court, however, did not explain what it meant by a “proportionate
    estimate” of Hopkins’s involvement in the conspiracy. In fact, it conceded that the
    drug quantity was a guess extrapolated from the court’s understanding of the entire
    amount of methamphetamine produced by the conspiracy discounted by Hopkins’s
    In the court’s judgment, it seems both unreasonable and unfair in light
    of the evidence at trial and the jury’s verdict to hold the defendant
    accountable for the large sums of methamphetamine manufactured by
    Shane Wright’s extensive manufacturing conspiracy. By calculating
    and estimating relevant conduct as it has, the court has attempted to
    preserve at least the spirit of the jury’s verdict with respect to the
    amount of methamphetamine mixture and to hold the defendant
    accountable for his conduct [in removing items from the Wright
    home], with respect to the estimated amount of actual
    This assessment misses the mark under the Guidelines and our case law in
    two regards. First, while the court was understandably concerned about the
    relationship between the amounts found by the jury and those contained in the
    PSR, the court’s use of a “proportionality” analysis mixes up Hopkins’s relative
    role in the overall conspiracy with the consequences that flowed from his conduct
    that helped sustain the conspiracy after January 2000. We do not mean to imply
    that consideration of Hopkins’s contributory role as a factor at sentencing is
    improper. An analysis of such conduct may well affect the court’s determination
    of the scope of Hopkins’s involvement in the conspiracy or may lead the court to
    find the sentence should be reduced based on the mitigating role reductions
    contained in USSG § 3B1.2. It may also be that Hopkins’s conduct dictates a drug
    quantity determination lower than the entire production between January and
    March 2000. Our point is, rather, a finding by the court that Hopkins’s role in the
    conspiracy was relatively small does not excuse it from making the relevant
    conduct inquiries.
    Second, even if we were to sanction the use of proportional involvement
    analysis, there is nothing in the record indicating how the court determined that
    Hopkins’s role in preserving the conspiracy properly resulted in him being held
    accountable for one ounce of methamphetamine. The district court provides no
    quantifiable guidance, such as an estimate of the amount of drugs produced after
    January 2000, to which we can tether our review. Because we do not know how
    the court arrived at this number, we conclude that there is insufficient evidence in
    the record to support the drug quantity determination. See United States v.
    27 F.3d 465
    , 469 (10th Cir. 1994) (holding insufficient minimally
    reliable evidence in the record to support drug quantity determination).
    We therefore remand for resentencing.
    Having found the district court erred in attributing to Hopkins one ounce of
    methamphetamine based on his “proportional involvement” in preserving the
    conspiracy, we need not address the government’s other arguments. Similarly, we
    need not address Hopkins’s allegations that the government submitted insufficient
    evidence to support the sentencing enhancements, 3 nor his Sixth Amendment
    arguments regarding the judge’s role in determining the facts on which the
    sentence was based. 4
    On remand, resentencing will be governed by the Supreme Court’s recent
    decision in United States v. Booker, 
    125 S. Ct. 738
     (2005). After Booker, courts
    are no longer constrained by the mandatory application of the Guidelines.
    Nonetheless, a sentencing court is required to “consult” the Guidelines and the
    factors set forth in 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a) before imposing a sentence. See Booker,
    On remand the district court should consider these claims.
    Our case law has applied plain error review to sentences imposed under
    the Guidelines prior to United States v. Booker, 
    125 S. Ct. 738
     (2005). We need
    not consider the constitutional dimensions of the sentence in this case since we
    are remanding for resentencing under the post-Booker discretionary regime.
    125 S. Ct. at
    764–67. Consistent with the Booker remedial scheme, the sentencing
    court as fact finder should calculate the range prescribed by the Guidelines. The
    court then must review the other relevant factors contained in the Guidelines,
    including those in § 3553(a), and impose a reasonable sentence. See id. 5 In
    applying the Guidelines’ factors, the court should take care to explain its
    reasoning, see 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (c), especially if it imposes a sentence outside the
    Guidelines’ range. While the Guidelines are no longer mandatory, it is clear from
    125 S. Ct. at 757
    , that the now-discretionary Guidelines will be a vital
    barometer of reasonableness on appellate review.
    We remand to the district court with instructions to resentence Hopkins.
    Entered for the Court
    Timothy M. Tymkovich
    Circuit Judge
    We decline to review the sentence imposed on Hopkins for reasonableness
    because of the inadequacy of the record discussed above.