Sheldon v. Vermonty , 107 F. App'x 828 ( 2004 )

  •                                                                           F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    AUG 3 2004
    Appellant,                               Nos. 02-3364 & 03-3048
    (D.C. No. 98-CV-2277-JWL)
    v.                                                    (D. Kan.)
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT          *
    Before EBEL , ANDERSON , and BRISCOE , Circuit Judge.
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of
    these appeals.    See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2); 10th Cir. R. 34.1(G). The cases are
    therefore ordered submitted without oral argument.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    These appeals arise out of an action for securities violations and fraud
    brought by plaintiff to redress losses suffered in stock transactions involving a
    corporation controlled and promoted by defendants. After the jury found against
    defendants and awarded plaintiff $38,722 in compensatory damages, the district
    court heard additional evidence and awarded plaintiff $150,000 in punitive
    damages, $35,921 in statutory interest, $186,000 in attorney fees, and $12,000 in
    costs. Plaintiff filed a motion to alter or amend judgment, seeking an increase in
    the punitive damages, fees, and costs. The district court increased the award of
    costs to $12,143, but left the punitive damages and fee awards unchanged.
    Both sides appealed. In Appeal No. 02-3364, defendants assert numerous
    objections regarding the judgment of liability and the determination of damages.    1
    In Appeal No. 03-3048, plaintiff raises several issues regarding the fee award and
    also challenges, more summarily, the district court’s determination of punitive
    damages and costs. We affirm in both appeals, with one minor modification
    regarding plaintiff’s allowable costs.
    Defendants filed a notice of appeal following the jury verdict but before the
    district court determined punitive damages, and then failed to file a notice of
    appeal with respect to the subsequent award of punitive damages, fees, and costs.
    In the meantime, however, this court ordered the parties to brief the question of
    jurisdiction in Appeal No. 02-3364, and we now hold that defendants’ resultant
    memorandum brief, filed December 5, 2002, “gives the notice required by Rule 3
    [of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, and] is effective as a notice of
    appeal” sufficient to encompass the matters defendants address in their merits
    briefs. Smith v. Barry , 
    502 U.S. 244
    , 248-49 (1992).
    Defendants’ Appeal (No. 02-3364)
    Several issues raised by defendants concern trial matters that fall within the
    discretion of the district court, including the admission and exclusion of evidence,
    see McCue v. Kan., Dep’t of Human Resources            , 
    165 F.3d 784
    , 788 (10 th Cir.
    1999), enforcement of procedural provisions of the pretrial order,         see Denison v.
    Swaco Geolograph Co. , 
    941 F.2d 1416
    , 1425 (10 th Cir. 1991), handling of
    alleged juror misconduct,   see United States v. McVeigh , 
    153 F.3d 1166
    , 1185
    (10 th Cir. 1998), and maintenance of courtroom decorum,           see United States v.
    Okoronkwo , 
    46 F.3d 426
    , 436 (5 th Cir. 1995). Upon consideration of the parties’
    contentions and the pertinent materials, we         discern no abuse of discretion by the
    district court in any of these respects.
    Plaintiff prevailed on his claim under 
    Kan. Stat. Ann. § 17-1255
    defendants aided and abetted the sale of unregistered securities. The only
    affirmative defenses to this claim asserted by defendants in the pretrial order had
    been that the securities were exempt from registration requirements pursuant to
    Kan. Stat. Ann. § 17-1262
    (c) and (h).      See R. doc. 257 at 32-33;     see also 
    id. at 11
    Now, on appeal, defendants complain that they were not given the opportunity to
    prove that the securities were also exempt under 
    Kan. Stat. Ann. § 17-1262
    citing only to the trial record where, again, they made no reference to this distinct
    exemption. See R. doc. 361 at 561-63;         see also 
    id. at 564-70
     (further discussion
    of § 17-1262(c) & (h) defenses). We reject defendants’ attempt to expand the
    scope of their preserved and presented trial defenses.
    In contrast to plaintiff’s success on the aiding and abetting claim under
    § 17-1255, plaintiff failed to persuade the jury that defendants had also violated
    Kan. Stat. Ann. § 17-1254
     by acting as broker-dealers themselves. Yet on appeal
    defendants object to the admission of evidence plaintiff offered, ineffectually, to
    prove that they were required to register as broker-dealers. “It is elementary that
    a litigant is not entitled to have the court decide the merits of an issue he raises
    unless he can show some basis for arguing that the challenged action has caused
    him a cognizable injury.”   Ass’n Against Discrimination in Employment, Inc. v.
    City of Bridgeport , 
    710 F.2d 69
    , 73 (2d Cir. 1983). Given the disposition of the
    claim in their favor, defendants lack standing merely to seek review of subsidiary
    rulings or findings they deem erroneous.    See United States v. Good Samaritan
    Church , 
    29 F.3d 487
    , 488 (9 th Cir. 1994).
    In conjunction with seeking an evidentiary hearing on punitive damages,
    plaintiff’s counsel submitted an affidavit from plaintiff that was later revealed to
    have been improperly notarized by counsel outside plaintiff’s physical presence.
    When the circumstances were explained, candidly, by counsel, the district court
    found no fraudulent intent had been involved and elected to strike the affidavit
    but impose no further sanction. Plaintiff testified at the hearing, so exclusion of
    the affidavit did not affect the evidentiary underpinning for the court’s subsequent
    punitive damage award. On appeal, defendants insist the court should have halted
    the punitive damage proceedings altogether and ordered plaintiff and his counsel
    to pay costs associated with the aborted proceedings.
    The district court is afforded “wide discretion in selecting an appropriate
    sanction.” Eisenberg v. Univ. of N.M. , 
    936 F.2d 1131
    , 1136 (10 th Cir. 1991).
    Considering the substantive inconsequentiality of the offending conduct, and
    keeping in mind the general principle that “[t]he appropriate sanction should be
    the least severe sanction adequate to deter and punish the plaintiff,”   
    omitted), we do not think the district court acted beyond the proper bounds of its
    discretion in limiting its sanction to striking the improperly notarized affidavit.
    Defendants appear to combine two distinct objections to the verdict against
    them on plaintiff’s “10b-5 claim” under Section 10b of the Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. § 78j(b), and 
    17 C.F.R. § 240
    .10b-5. They initially frame
    the issue in terms of the district court’s failure to instruct the jury on the requisite
    scienter, but virtually all of their argument is directed toward what they consider
    plaintiff’s insufficient proof on that element. The indirect nature of defendants’
    presentation here may reflect their intimation, apt as explained below, that they
    failed to preserve the evidentiary challenge at trial.
    Parties may not raise a particular issue of evidentiary insufficiency on
    appeal unless they moved for judgment as a matter of law on the issue at the close
    of evidence, thereby affording the trial court a chance to consider the matter
    before giving the case to the jury.   Cummings v. Gen. Motors Corp. , 
    365 F.3d 944
    , 949 (10 th Cir. 2004). And though “technical precision” in identifying the
    grounds for such a motion is not required, the focus of the evidentiary challenge
    must at least “be stated with sufficient certainty to apprise the court and opposing
    counsel of the movant’s position.”     
    Id. at 949-50
     (quotation omitted). “Merely
    moving for directed verdict is not sufficient to preserve any and all issues that
    could have been, but were not raised in the directed verdict motion.”       
    Id. at 950
    (quotation omitted). Here, when given the chance to explain their generic and
    obscure “motion to dismiss this case in its entirety” because “plaintiff failed to
    present a prima facie case,” R. doc. 361 at 548, defendants conceded that they had
    “nothing further to add by way of argument in support,”       id. at 551, and the court
    turned to other matters . Under the circumstances, defendants may not now target
    the scienter element of plaintiff’s 10b-5 claim for an evidentiary challenge.
    We also reject defendants’ related contention that the jury was not told that
    a failure of proof on scienter would be fatal to plaintiff’s 10b-5 claim. The
    instruction stating the elements of the 10b-5 claim informed the jury that it had to
    find “that the defendant acted knowingly,” R. doc. 332 at 13, and a separate
    instruction specifically elaborated on this requirement that “the defendant acted
    ‘knowingly’ or with ‘scienter,’” explaining, inter alia, that “[i]t is not enough for
    the plaintiff to show the defendant acted accidently, mistakenly, or negligently,”
    id. at 17.
    In sum, defendants have failed to demonstrate any reversible error in
    connection with the judgment entered against them. We therefore affirm in
    Appeal No. 02-3364.
    Plaintiff’s Cross-Appeal (No. 03-3048)
    Attorney Fees
    Following his success at trial, plaintiff moved for “reasonable attorney
    fees” under 
    Kan. Stat. Ann. § 17-1268
    (a). While this statutory fee authorization
    rests on “only three of [plaintiff’s] claims, the three Kansas Security Act claims,”
    the district court recognized that, under relevant state case law, “plaintiff is
    entitled to recover a reasonable fee for all of his claims.”      Sheldon v. Vermonty ,
    237 F. Supp. 2d 1270
    , 1273-74 (D. Kan. 2002). In contrast to these substantive
    points, which are properly controlled by state law, our standard of review is a
    matter of federal law.     See Mid-America Pipeline Co. v. Lario Enters., Inc.    ,
    942 F.2d 1519
    , 1524 (10 th Cir. 1991). Accordingly, we review the
    reasonableness of the district court’s fee award only “for abuse of
    discretion, giving great weight to the district court’s assessment.”      Sussman v.
    Patterson , 
    108 F.3d 1206
    , 1209 (10 th Cir. 1997) (quotation omitted). The district
    court determined the fee amount using the traditional lodestar formula of a
    reasonable number of hours times a reasonable hourly fee. On appeal, plaintiff
    objects only to the number of hours used in the district court’s calculation.
    Plaintiff initially sought fees for approximately 2100 hours. The district
    court reduced the figure to 1200 hours, citing the inadequacy of billing records
    (particularly for work done after plaintiff and counsel switched to a contingency
    fee arrangement and counsel’s hourly rate doubled), lack of billing judgment, and
    the expenditure of excessive time on tasks that warranted much less time or were
    not even necessary.   See Sheldon , 237 F. Supp. 2d at 1275-78 (also noting this
    court’s prior assessment of “the poor quality of [counsel’s] advocacy,”   Sheldon v.
    Vermonty , 
    2000 WL 1774038
    , at *6 (10      th Cir. Dec. 4, 2000)). Plaintiff moved for
    reconsideration, conceding that his initial request had overstated the number of
    compensable hours and substituting a request for 1725 hours supported by more
    detailed billing records. The district court refused to alter its determination,
    noting that the supporting materials were still deficient in some respects and
    holding that, in any event, even if the updated materials complied with applicable
    standards, the prior hourly reduction remained appropriate “for lack of billing
    judgment and because the billing for certain tasks was not reasonable.”     
    1284. The court also commented that the large hourly discrepancy between the
    initial and updated requests had undermined counsel’s credibility.      
    Plaintiff offers a rambling critique of the district court’s determination, and
    some of the points strung together in his brief warrant little comment. He objects
    to the court’s observation–on the materials submitted with the first request–that
    “it is clear [counsel] was not keeping detailed, contemporaneous records,”     
    id. at 1278
    , by suggesting that counsel had only to “keep” such records and that it was
    the court’s duty to inquire into, solicit, and facilitate submission of such records
    to shore up the deficient request.   See Appellee’s Response and Cross-Appellant’s
    Opening Brief (Aplee. Br.) at 29, 32, 37. This view of the respective duties of
    court and counsel is mistaken; counsel bears the burden of proving reasonable
    hours to the court “by submitting meticulous, contemporaneous time records.”
    Case v. Unified Sch. Dist. No. 233    , 
    157 F.3d 1243
    , 1250 (10 th Cir. 1998); see
    Mallinson-Montague v. Pocrnick       , 
    224 F.3d 1224
    , 1234 (10 th Cir. 2000) (noting
    counsel must “keep and produce” time records to support fee request). We are
    likewise unmoved by the hyperbole in plaintiff’s complaint that all of the effort
    put into substantiating the fee request was perfunctorily undercut by the district
    court “in one conclusory sentence,” Aplee. Br. at 38; on the contrary, the court’s
    thorough consideration is plainly evident from its lengthy published analysis of
    the matter.   See Sheldon , 237 F. Supp. 2d at 1273-80, 1283-84.
    We also think it rather disingenuous of plaintiff to justify the inadequacy of
    counsel’s first billing statement by referring to its hasty completion in the busy
    period just before trial. There was nothing to prevent counsel from revising the
    materials during the month between trial and the bench proceedings on the fee
    request. But we need not pause long over plaintiff’s attempts to explain or excuse
    the manner in which the documentary burden associated with the fee request was
    handled, because, as noted above, the district court ultimately held that its initial
    reduction of the hourly total was appropriate in any event for the lack of billing
    judgment and excessive time expenditures evident in the request.
    The primary thrust of plaintiff’s criticism of the district court’s hourly
    determination is that it did not include much detail about specific instances
    prompting the reduction made. But “‘[a] general reduction of hours claimed in
    order to achieve what the court determines to be a reasonable number is not an
    erroneous method, so long as there is sufficient reason for its use.’”       Case ,
    157 F.3d at 1250
     (quoting    Mares v. Credit Bureau of Raton      , 
    801 F.2d 1197
    , 1203
    (10 th Cir. 1986)). In fact, in a case such as this, with “thousands of pages of
    written work product” and “well over a hundred pages in billing statements,” an
    overly particularized approach “is neither practical nor desirable.”        
    omitted); see, e.g., Gudenkauf v. Stauffer Communications, Inc.          , 
    158 F.3d 1074
    1082-83 (10 th Cir. 1998).
    What is “important is the discretionary determination by the district court
    of how many hours, in its experience, should have been expended on the specific
    case.” Case , 
    157 F.3d at 1250
    . The discussion in the district court’s initial and
    supplemental orders is sufficient to satisfy us that it properly considered the
    submitted materials in light of its hands-on knowledge of the demands of the case
    and the efficiency and efficacy of counsel’s efforts to satisfy those demands. We
    cannot say its determination was “arbitrary, capricious, whimsical, or manifestly
    unreasonable.”    Mallinson-Montague , 
    224 F.3d at 1235
     (articulating standard of
    review for discretionary hourly fee determination) (quotation omitted).
    Plaintiff suggests the fee reduction here is comparable to the determination
    reversed by this court in   Case . But we read Case as different not only in degree
    but in kind. There, this court reversed an 80% hourly reduction that cut counsel’s
    time to less than one-half that worked–and conceded as reasonable–by opposing
    counsel. We noted such unprecedented circumstances made for a “rare case”
    requiring the district court to provide “a fuller explanation for its actions.”      Case ,
    157 F.3d at 1253
    . Here, in contrast, there is no concession from defendants
    regarding the reasonableness of plaintiff’s hourly request, and the reduction made
    by the court is of a facially plausible, indeed fairly common, magnitude,         see, e.g. ,
    Mallinson-Montague , 
    224 F.3d at 1235
    ; Gudenkauf , 
    158 F.3d at 1082
    ; Jane L. v.
    Bangerter , 
    61 F.3d 1505
    , 1510 (10 th Cir. 1995).
    Finally, plaintiff summarily complains that the district court failed to make
    an adjustment for inflation. Plaintiff did not raise this point in either his initial
    fee request or his motion for reconsideration. We will not disturb the district
    court’s otherwise proper exercise of discretion on the basis of a contention it was
    not given an adequate chance to consider.      See, e.g. , Pierce v. Shorty Small’s of
    Branson Inc. , 
    137 F.3d 1190
    , 1192 (10 th Cir. 1998).
    Punitive Damages
    Plaintiff objects to the district court’s punitive damage award of $150,000,
    insisting the amount “should have been at a minimum very close to $500,000.”
    Aplee. Br. at 54. We note that this suggested minimum would potentially exceed
    a constitutionally permissible ratio of consequential to punitive damages.          See
    Cont’l Trend Res., Inc. v. OXY USA Inc.     , 
    101 F.3d 634
    , 639-40 (10       th Cir. 1996).
    In any event, we affirm the district court’s award under conventional common law
    review principles.
    The district court’s factual determinations regarding the amount of punitive
    damages may not be disturbed on appeal unless they are clearly erroneous.             Nieto
    v. Kapoor , 
    268 F.3d 1208
    , 1221 (10 th Cir. 2001). To properly implement this
    standard of review, we must have all of the relevant evidence relied upon by the
    party challenging the operative findings. Plaintiff’s argument for a larger award
    of punitive damages focuses on the district court’s finding that he had not shown
    that defendants profited from their misconduct. Plaintiff cites a number of trial
    exhibits that he insists establish such profit. But the trial exhibits are not in the
    appellate record. In light of this omission plaintiff cannot satisfy his burden of
    demonstrating that the district court’s findings were erroneous.    Scott v. Hern ,
    216 F.3d 897
    , 912 (10 th Cir. 2000) (following     Deines v. Vermeer Mfg. Co.    ,
    969 F.2d 977
    , 979-80 (10 th Cir. 1992)); see also United States v. Hanif      , 
    1 F.3d 998
    , 1002 & n.2 (10 th Cir. 1993). Even if some of the contents of these exhibits
    were included in some form with other materials in the eighteen-volume record, it
    would not be incumbent upon this court to search for and muster evidence that
    might support plaintiff’s appeal.    Munoz v. St. Mary-Corwin Hosp.       , 
    221 F.3d 1160
    , 1167 n.6 (10 th Cir. 2000); see also Lantec, Inc. v. Novell, Inc.    , 
    306 F.3d 1003
    , 1019 (10 th Cir. 2002).
    The district court supported its determination of punitive damages with an
    extensive and thoughtful analysis of the many relevant factors.       See Sheldon , 237
    F. Supp. 2d at 1280-83, 1286-87. Plaintiff has not demonstrated any error in this
    analysis. We therefore affirm.
    The district court awarded plaintiff $12,143 in costs. On appeal, plaintiff
    objects to the district court’s exclusion of expenses falling outside the express
    scope of 
    28 U.S.C. § 1920
    , arguing that some of the excluded costs were actually
    covered by the statute and that, in any event, the district court retained and should
    have exercised discretion to award even those costs that are not listed. The latter
    argument is contrary to controlling precedent.            See Bee v. Greaves , 
    910 F.2d 686
    690 (10 th Cir. 1990) (following        Crawford Fitting Co. v. J.T. Gibbons, Inc.      ,
    482 U.S. 437
    , 441-42 (1987), to hold district court “has no discretion to award
    items as costs that are not set out in section 1920”);          cf. Gobbo Farms & Orchards
    v. Poole Chem. Co. , 
    81 F.3d 122
    , 123 (10 th Cir. 1996) (noting district court has
    discretion to disregard limits set by statute          if awarding costs as a sanction ).
    Most of the items cited by plaintiff are simply not included in the statutory
    allowance. The district court did, however, mishandle one matter that is covered.
    Plaintiff sought expenses associated with a witness, Mike Psak, to which he was
    entitled under § 1920(3) (“[f]ees and disbursements for . . . witnesses”). This
    entitlement is fleshed out in 
    28 U.S.C. § 1821
    : “In addition to an attendance fee
    of [$40.00] per day, section 1821 also permits a witness to recover for travel
    expenses to and from trial and provides a subsistence allowance if the witness
    must stay overnight to attend trial.”       Reazin v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kan,
    Inc. , 
    899 F.2d 951
    , 980 n.45 (10       th Cir. 1990); see §§ 1821(b), (c) & (d). Plaintiff
    requested travel and subsistence expenses for Psak, but the district court denied
    the request on the basis that anything beyond the $40.00 attendance fee was not
    taxable. Sheldon , 237 F. Supp. 2d at 1285-86.
    The error is easily corrected. Plaintiff included a receipt for Psak’s airfare
    ($159), and we take judicial notice of the fact that the applicable government
    subsistence per diem referenced in § 1821(d) was $123 at the time of trial. Thus,
    we will modify the judgment to add $282 to the allowed costs, raising the total to
    $12,282. In doing so, we note that the full $700 plaintiff sought in connection
    with Psak was inflated by a clearly unauthorized request for reimbursement of
    missed work time and a generic request for car expenses that were not specified,
    quantified, or substantiated by receipts.
    The judgment of the district court, as modified to include an additional
    $282 to the total costs allowed, is AFFIRMED. Pending motions for stay and
    formal consolidation of these appeals are DENIED as moot.
    Entered for the Court
    David M. Ebel
    Circuit Judge

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-3364, 03-3048

Citation Numbers: 107 F. App'x 828

Judges: Anderson, Briscoe, Ebel

Filed Date: 8/3/2004

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 8/3/2023

Authorities (28)

Lantec, Inc. v. Novell, Inc. , 306 F.3d 1003 ( 2002 )

Mallinson-Montague v. Pocrnick , 224 F.3d 1224 ( 2000 )

United States v. McVeigh , 153 F.3d 1166 ( 1998 )

Gregory Cummings Trace Cummings, Husband and Wife v. ... , 365 F.3d 944 ( 2004 )

daniel-howard-bee-v-dr-keith-greaves-and-medic-keith-hughes-and-dr , 910 F.2d 686 ( 1990 )

Nieto v. Kapoor , 268 F.3d 1208 ( 2001 )

Munoz v. St. Mary-Corwin Hospital , 221 F.3d 1160 ( 2000 )

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Colorado, Inc. ... , 216 F.3d 897 ( 2000 )

Caldo Mares and Sally Mares, His Wife v. Credit Bureau of ... , 801 F.2d 1197 ( 1986 )

McCue v. Kansas, Department of Human Resources , 165 F.3d 784 ( 1999 )

walter-l-reazin-md-hca-health-services-of-kansas-inc-dba-wesley , 899 F.2d 951 ( 1990 )

david-eisenberg-v-university-of-new-mexico-ken-johns-jerry-apodaca-frank , 936 F.2d 1131 ( 1991 )

continental-trend-resources-inc-harold-g-hamm-trustee-of-the-harold-g , 101 F.3d 634 ( 1996 )

jane-l-on-behalf-of-herself-and-all-others-similarly-situated-utah , 61 F.3d 1505 ( 1995 )

Richard Paul DENISON, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. SWACO ... , 941 F.2d 1416 ( 1991 )

Robert E. Deines v. Vermeer Manufacturing Company, and ... , 969 F.2d 977 ( 1992 )

Gobbo Farms & Orchards, a Colorado Partnership v. Poole ... , 81 F.3d 122 ( 1996 )

mid-america-pipeline-company-plaintiff-appellant-cross-appellee-v-lario , 942 F.2d 1519 ( 1991 )

Case v. Unified School District No. 233 , 157 F.3d 1243 ( 1998 )

Sussman v. Patterson , 108 F.3d 1206 ( 1997 )

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