United States v. Sanchez , 725 F.3d 1243 ( 2013 )

  •                                                                      FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    PUBLISH                    August 5, 2013
    Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                Clerk of Court
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    v.                                                    No. 12-2084
    Defendant - Appellant.
    (D.C. NO. 2:10-CR-02387-WJ-1)
    Caren I. Friedman, Santa Fe, New Mexico, for Defendant - Appellant.
    Laura Fashing, Assistant United States Attorney, (Kenneth J. Gonzales, United
    States Attorney, with her on the brief), Albuquerque, New Mexico, for Plaintiff -
    Before HARTZ, BALDOCK, and HOLMES, Circuit Judges.
    HARTZ, Circuit Judge.
    Defendant Edwin Sanchez appeals his conviction in the United States
    District Court for the District of New Mexico on one count of possession with
    intent to distribute 100 kilograms or more of marijuana, see 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (b)(1)(B)(vii), and his sentence of 78 months’ imprisonment. The marijuana
    was found in a shed behind Defendant’s home and in a detached garage on the
    property. The affidavit for the warrant to search the home made no mention of
    Defendant, who had not been implicated in the drug-conspiracy investigation
    leading to the search. The home was searched on the mistaken belief that it was
    the residence of an identified member of the conspiracy—Defendant’s daughter.
    At trial the government tied Defendant to drug trafficking by providing telephone
    records showing many phone calls between Defendant and a drug trafficker.
    Defendant argues that (1) factual errors in the search-warrant affidavit
    required suppression of the evidence obtained in the search; (2) the telephone
    records should not have been admitted as evidence because they were unfairly
    prejudicial; (3) the district court erred by denying him a minor-role sentencing
    adjustment; (4) the court’s finding that he gave perjured testimony during trial
    was not sufficiently independent of the jury’s verdict to support a sentence
    enhancement for obstruction of justice; and (5) his sentence is substantively
    We hold that (1) the errors in the affidavit do not undermine the magistrate
    judge’s finding of probable cause; (2) the phone-record evidence was relevant,
    and its relevance was not substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair
    prejudice; (3) the district court reasonably found that Defendant had not proved
    that his role in the offense was minor; (4) the court’s factual findings supported
    its imposition of the obstruction adjustment; and (5) Defendant’s within-
    guidelines sentence was substantively reasonable. Thus, exercising jurisdiction
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , we affirm. We summarize the relevant evidence as we
    discuss each issue in turn.
    In June 2010 officers of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration
    (DEA) obtained a warrant to search 4113 Barbara Vista in Albuquerque for
    documents relating to a drug-trafficking organization and for proceeds from the
    trafficking. The affidavit supporting the warrant linked Defendant’s daughter,
    Adriana Amaya, to drug trafficking. It recounted intercepted conversations
    among members of the drug conspiracy setting up meetings with Amaya and
    referring (in code) to currency that Amaya was to pass along for delivery to a
    drug supplier in Mexico. Amaya herself participated in some conversations,
    arranging meetings and, at least once, referring to money she was going to bring
    to a meeting. On one occasion a conspirator gave Amaya’s cell-phone number to
    another conspirator, who promptly called Amaya. The phone company’s records
    showed that the number was subscribed in Amaya’s name with a listed address of
    4113 Barbara Vista. The affidavit further stated that DEA officers had
    determined that 4113 Barbara Vista was Amaya’s residence “[b]ased on
    information received throughout this investigation from state and local
    databases.” R., Vol. 1 at 150.
    Some statements in the affidavit were undisputably wrong. The most
    significant error was the statement that “[t]hroughout the course of this
    investigation, agents have conducted physical surveillance, video surveillance and
    have spoken to some participants in order to confirm the owner or resident of
    each residence.” 
     at 149–50. At the suppression hearing in district court, the
    DEA agent who prepared the warrant application conceded that no video
    surveillance of 4113 Barbara Vista had been conducted and that physical
    surveillance had not confirmed that Amaya either resided at or owned the
    residence because Amaya had never been seen there. The affidavit also stated
    that agents saw “several video cameras strategically affixed to the residence,” and
    that “[t]he residence is surrounded on the west side by an 8 foot cinderblock fence
    that wraps around the north side of the residence concealing it from public view.”
     at 150–51. The affidavit suggested that these security measures showed that
    the residence was equipped as a “fortress” suitable for “protect[ing] either
    narcotics and/or bulk currency.” 
    Id. at 151
    . When officers executed the warrant,
    however, they found only one camera affixed to the residence; and the
    cinderblock fence turned out to be only five or six feet high. They also
    discovered that Amaya did not live at 4113 Barbara Vista, but her father,
    Defendant, did.
    The Fourth Amendment provides that “no Warrants shall issue, but upon
    probable cause.” U.S. Const. amend. IV. “Probable cause to issue a search
    warrant exists when the supporting affidavit sets forth sufficient facts that would
    lead a prudent person to believe that a search of the described premises would
    uncover contraband or evidence of a crime.” United States v. Sanchez, 
    555 F.3d 910
    , 914 (10th Cir. 2009) (brackets, ellipsis, and internal quotation marks
    omitted). “We afford great deference to the issuing magistrate’s probable-cause
    determination unless there is no substantial basis for concluding that probable
    cause existed.” 
     (ellipsis and internal quotation marks omitted).
    Defendant argues that probable cause to search his house was not set forth
    in the affidavit for the warrant. He first contends that “[i]t is important to
    remember that when the Government submitted the warrant application for the
    search of Defendant’s home, it had no information at all concerning him.” Aplt.
    Br. at 27. True, but irrelevant. It is undisputed that Defendant had not been a
    target of the DEA investigation and that the application to search 4113 Barbara
    Vista was premised on the belief that Amaya, who was one of the targets of the
    investigation, resided there. Although this belief turned out to be erroneous,
    probable cause is not certainty, and there is no constitutional requirement that
    evidence acquired in a search be used only against persons suspected of
    wrongdoing when the search was initiated.
    A more substantial objection to the search is that the affidavit contained
    “patently false information.” 
     Defendant contends that “nothing could cure
    the defect of false and misleading information.” 
    To determine the effect of false information in a warrant affidavit, we apply
    the test set forth by the Supreme Court in Franks v. Delaware, 
    438 U.S. 154
    (1978). Under that decision, courts must determine (1) whether the affiant made
    “a false statement knowingly and intentionally, or with reckless disregard for the
    id. at 155
    , and (2) whether, absent the false statement, “the affidavit’s
    remaining content is insufficient to establish probable cause,” 
    id. at 156
    . If both
    conditions are satisfied, “the search warrant must be voided and the fruits of the
    search excluded.” 
     The truthfulness at issue is that of the affiant, not the
    affiant’s sources (other than government employees, see United States v.
    603 F.3d 1218
    , 1228 (10th Cir. 2010)); and honest errors by the affiant
    are not grounds for suppression. As the Court explained, “[Not] every fact recited
    in the warrant affidavit [must] necessarily [be] correct, for probable cause may be
    founded upon hearsay and upon information received from informants, as well as
    upon information within the affiant’s own knowledge that sometimes must be
    garnered hastily.” Franks, 
    438 U.S. at 165
    . It suffices that “the information put
    forth is believed or appropriately accepted by the affiant as true.” 
    “[N]egligence or innocent mistakes are insufficient to justify the exclusion of
    evidence.” Campbell, 
    603 F.3d at 1228
    . “[W]e review only for clear error the
    district court’s determinations regarding the truth or falsity of statements in the
    affidavit and regarding the intentional or reckless character of such falsehoods.”
     (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Defendant’s challenge fails on the first prong of the Franks test. The
    district court found that the inaccuracies Defendant complained of were “small
    inadvertent errors,” R., Vol. 1 at 313 (Mem. Op. & Order Den. Def.’s Mot. to
    Suppress Evidence at 8, United States v. Sanchez, No. CR-10-2387 WJ (D. N.M.
    Nov. 22, 2010)) (Mem. Op.), and that mistakes made by the affiant and fellow
    officers were not made with “reckless disregard of the truth.” Id. at 314 (Mem.
    Op. at 9). Defendant has not challenged these findings on appeal, and we see no
    clear error.
    Further, we hold that the affidavit provided probable cause to search 4113
    Barbara Vista even if the erroneous information is excluded. The affidavit stated:
    During the course of this wire intercept investigation agents
    intercepted Adriana Amaya talking to other members of this
    organization using cellular telephone (505) 907-1214. Cricket
    records show that the cellular phone is subscribed to by Adriana
    Amaya with a listed address of 4113 Barbara Vista SW,
    Albuquerque, NM (Subject Premises #1). Based on information
    derived from this investigation referenced below, (505) 907-1214
    was found to be utilized by Adriana Amaya.
    Id. at 150. Defendant argues that “even if there was evidence that one piece of
    mail might go to a certain address, that does not provide probable cause to believe
    that the person lives at that address.” Aplt. Br. at 26. But we agree with the
    district court that the quoted information was “enough even alone to lead a
    prudent person to believe that there was a fair probability Amaya lived at 4113
    Barbara Vista.” R., Vol. 1 at 310 (Mem. Op at 5). Perhaps contrary information
    could negate the probative value of the phone-company records. But the affidavit
    also stated that agents had determined that 4113 Barbara Vista was Amaya’s
    current address through “information received . . . from state and local
    databases,” id. at 150; and agent testimony at the suppression hearing confirmed,
    rather than contradicted, that statement. 1
    Defendant relies on our rejection of a warrant in United States v. Roach,
    582 F.3d 1192
     (10th Cir. 2009); but Roach is easily distinguishable. The affidavit
    in that case was tendered in support of an application to search 15 residences. It
    stated that the current residents of the targeted buildings had been confirmed
    through “investigations, which included checking for utilities information,
    driver’s license records, real estate records, Wichita Police Department records,
    tax records, social security records, U.S. Postal Service records, interviews and/or
    Id. at 1202
     (internal quotation marks omitted). There was no
    effort to link specific investigatory techniques with particular residences to be
    searched. See 
    id. at 1203
    . We observed that “[a] magistrate reading the
    statement would not, from the face of the affidavit, know which of the listed
    methods was used to verify that [the defendant] resided at 1441 N. Minneapolis,”
    and thus the magistrate judge could not “determine independently whether the
    The district court did not clearly err in crediting the database searches.
    Although defense counsel offered tax records for 2011 indicating that Amaya’s
    aunt (Defendant’s sister) was the property owner, the warrant was approved in
    June 2010.
    method employed to verify [the defendant’s] residency succeeded in doing so.”
     In contrast, the affidavit here specifically stated the investigatory techniques
    used to verify Amaya’s residence at 4113 Barbara Vista: searches of state and
    local databases and a telephone company’s subscription records. Thus, the
    affidavit established probable cause to believe that Amaya lived at 4113 Buena
    Finally, we note that “when police officers have probable cause to believe
    that a suspect is involved in drug distribution, there is also probable cause to
    believe that additional evidence of drug-trafficking crimes (such as drug
    paraphernalia or sales records) will be found in [her] residence.” Sanchez, 
    555 F.3d at 914
    . Defendant does not challenge that inference. 2
    To put the evidentiary issue in context, we first summarize the pertinent
    evidence. The search of Defendant’s home on June 9, 2010, established that it
    was being used by a substantial marijuana-distribution business. Officers found
    550 pounds of marijuana in two outbuildings—a shed that was 10 to 15 feet from
    the house and a garage about twice as far from the house. Some of the marijuana
    was in plastic bags and horse-feed bags in the shed. The rest was concealed in 11
    The warrant for the initial search did not authorize a search for drugs.
    After the officers found marijuana, they stopped the search and obtained another
    warrant to search for drugs.
    tires in the garage and shed. Also found in the garage and shed were a metal
    press suitable for fashioning bricks of marijuana, brown tape of a kind commonly
    used to package drugs, and two electronic scales that could be used to weigh
    different quantities of drugs. Lying on the grounds outside any building were
    some tires, some intact and some cut open, one of which matched a few tires in
    the shed. On the back porch was a rubber-cutting tool. Inside the house was a
    key ring with keys to the shed, the garage, and Defendant’s truck; a triple-beam
    scale; and two prepaid cell phones. Officers testified at trial about the use by
    drug traffickers of scales, prepaid cell phones, packaging material, and home
    security cameras. Also, an officer testified about the methods used to smuggle
    marijuana from Mexico in tires of vehicles driven across the border. He opined
    that Defendant’s home was being used as a stash house where marijuana was
    stored after being removed from tires that had previously been taken off the
    transit vehicles.
    The central issue at trial was whether Defendant was involved in the
    marijuana enterprise. He testified that on June 4 he had left for a trip to Mexico,
    arriving home the evening before the June 9 search; that he had no knowledge of
    the marijuana; that he had given keys to the shed and garage to his children and to
    a man who leased the backyard for horses; and that he had never before seen the
    rubber-cutting tool found on the porch. The government produced a border
    document showing that Defendant had entered Santa Teresa, New Mexico, from
    Mexico the day before the search.
    Defendant refused to blame his children for the marijuana, but his attorney
    argued that they were the likely culprits. This theory of the defense probably
    accounts for Defendant’s failure to object to the testimony about the investigation
    leading to the search. An officer explained that the investigation originally
    targeted a cocaine-trafficking organization that employed Defendant’s adult son
    and adult daughter. According to the officer, intercepted calls showed that
    Defendant’s son was involved with the delivery of cocaine to Albuquerque, while
    his daughter was a currency courier. Defendant, however, never came up in any
    of the wiretaps or surveillance leading to the search.
    The evidence challenged by Defendant is phone records showing 128 calls
    from March 5, 2010, to the date of the search (June 9) between a phone
    subscribed to in the name of Alejandro Felix and the two prepaid cell phones
    found in Defendant’s home. Felix, the evidence showed, was arrested with a load
    of marijuana in September 2010 in the border town of Columbus, New Mexico,
    and was later convicted of marijuana trafficking. The March date of the first call
    was significant because Defendant had quit his job as an electrician during that
    month. Defendant testified that after quitting his job, he fixed up and sold cars to
    make ends meet. He said that he had sold Felix three cars and had been calling
    Felix to inform him about upcoming auto auctions. On cross-examination,
    however, the prosecution elicited that Defendant had no bills of sale for Felix’s
    purchases and that Defendant had not deposited any sale proceeds in his bank
    account or reported them as income.
    We review for abuse of discretion the district court’s decision to admit the
    phone records. See United States v. Cerno, 
    529 F.3d 926
    , 935–36 (10th Cir.
    2008). We see no abuse here. The district court could reasonably find that the
    phone records were relevant as making it more probable that Defendant was
    involved in marijuana trafficking. See Fed. R. Evid. 401 (“Evidence is relevant
    if: (a) it has any tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be
    without the evidence; and (b) the fact is of consequence in determining the
    action.”). One could infer from the frequent calls to a marijuana smuggler that it
    was unlikely that Defendant was unaware of the marijuana operation being
    conducted at his home. Of course, the calls could be explained as relating to a
    different type of relationship with the smuggler, and Defendant attempted to
    provide such an explanation. But the jury could reasonably disbelieve that
    Defendant’s dealings with Felix were limited to car sales.
    We recognize that even relevant evidence should be excluded if its
    probative value is “substantially outweighed by a danger of . . . unfair prejudice.”
    Fed. R. Evid. 403. And Defendant asserts that such a danger was present. He
    contends that evidence of his frequent calls to a convicted drug trafficker
    “provoked an emotional response in the jury and invited the jury to find
    Defendant guilty by association.” Aplt. Br. at 49. The argument is not frivolous.
    Courts are most sensitive to the danger that a defendant will be convicted just
    because he is a bad man or keeps bad company. But in this case the evidence of
    Defendant’s relationship with Felix was unlikely to add any significant unfair
    prejudice. After all, Defendant’s chief defense was to suggest that his two
    children were the true culprits. Absent any evidence that Defendant had
    attempted to repudiate his children’s criminal activity, he was already
    significantly “tainted” by the evidence of their criminality. We note that one of
    this court’s leading cases holding that evidence was inadmissible because of the
    risk of guilt by association was evidence in a drug prosecution that the
    defendant’s sons were drug offenders. We wrote, “[E]ven if there was some
    tangential relevance to this evidence, the fact that it created the impression that
    most if not all members of Defendant[’s] immediate family were involved in drug
    trafficking suggests that whatever probative value it may have had was
    substantially outweighed by its prejudicial effect.” United States v. Espinoza, 
    244 F.3d 1234
    , 1240 (10th Cir. 2001). Yet here it was just this sort of evidence that
    Defendant used to argue his innocence. We think it unlikely that the risk of the
    jury’s convicting Defendant because of “an emotional response” of “guilty by
    association” was significantly increased by evidence that Defendant associated
    with drug dealers in addition to his children.
    The district court did not abuse its discretion in ruling that the probative
    value of the phone records was not substantially outweighed by the risk of unfair
    prejudice. Admission of the evidence was not error.
    At sentencing, the district court accepted the calculation of Defendant’s
    Presentence Investigation Report (PSR) that Defendant’s base offense level was
    26 because of the quantity of marijuana involved in his offense. The court
    imposed a two-level increase for Defendant’s obstruction of justice through his
    perjured trial testimony, resulting in an adjusted offense level of 28. The court
    denied Defendant’s motion for a two-level reduction in offense level based on his
    allegedly minor role in the offense. After the court determined that Defendant’s
    criminal-history category was I, Defendant’s sentencing guidelines range was
    78–97 months’ imprisonment. The court sentenced Defendant to 78 months’
    imprisonment. Defendant challenges the court’s application of the minor-role and
    obstruction-of-justice sentencing adjustments and the substantive reasonableness
    of his sentence. We address each contention in turn.
    A.    Minor Role in Offense
    Under USSG § 3B1.2(b) (2012), a defendant is entitled to a two-level
    decrease in offense level if he “was a minor participant in any criminal activity.” 3
    § 3B1.2 also provides for a four-level “minimal participant” offense-level
    reduction for a defendant who “was a minimal participant in any criminal
    To receive the adjustment, the defendant has “the burden to prove by a
    preponderance of the evidence” that he was “less culpable than most other
    participants.” United States v. Ballard, 
    16 F.3d 1110
    , 1114–15 (10th Cir. 1994);
    see USSG § 3B1.2 cmt. 3(A) (2012). Defendant contends that the district court’s
    denial of the reduction was improper because the evidence at trial showed that he
    was merely maintaining a stash house for an unknown drug-trafficking
    organization and did not show that he had been involved in transporting drugs
    from Mexico, supervising others, selling drugs, or even profiting from his
    maintenance of the stash house. We review the lower court’s decision for clear
    error. See Ballard, 
    16 F.3d at 1114
    The district court was not persuaded that Defendant was a minor
    participant, saying that “there’s just no evidence . . . to support, you know, a
    mitigating role adjustment in this case.” R., Vol. 3 pt. 2 at 714. We see no clear
    error. True, it is unclear precisely what Defendant’s role was. But it was
    Defendant’s burden to show that his role was minor. The evidence is fully
    consistent with his being an important component of a drug-distribution
    operation. The district court was not unreasonable in failing to be persuaded
    activity.” USSG § 3B1.2(a) (2012). Defendant sought a minimal-participant
    adjustment in district court but does not pursue the point on appeal.
    Defendant relies on United States v. Hued, 
    338 F. Supp. 2d 453
    2004), in which the district court granted a minimal-participant adjustment. It
    found (1) that the defendant had not become aware until a few weeks before her
    arrest that her boyfriend had been using her apartment as a heroin stash house,
    (2) that she had objected to his conduct, (3) that she did not derive any personal
    benefit from allowing her apartment to be used, and (4) that her sole active
    participation in the offense was to comply with his request on one occasion to
    deliver an envelope (which she suspected to contain drugs) to a person waiting
    downstairs. See 
     at 454–56.
    Hued is readily distinguishable. Here, the district court made no findings
    like those in Hued, nor would findings of that nature be supported by the evidence
    presented. Moreover, even if two district courts were somewhat inconsistent, it
    does not follow that the decision of one must have been clearly erroneous. Under
    the deferential clear-error standard of review, an appellate court can affirm both
    of two district courts that disagree about the implications of the same facts. See
    United States v. McClatchey, 
    316 F.3d 1122
    , 1128 (10th Cir. 2003) (“[W]e are not
    free to substitute our judgment for that of the district judge.” (internal quotation
    marks omitted)).
    B.     Obstruction of Justice
    Defendant’s PSR stated that he had perjured himself at trial and
    recommended an obstruction-of-justice enhancement to his offense level. Under
    USSG § 3C1.1 (2012), a defendant is subject to a two-offense-level increase “[i]f
    (1) [he] willfully obstructed or impeded, or attempted to obstruct or impede, the
    administration of justice with respect to the investigation, prosecution, or
    sentencing of the instant offense of conviction, and (2) the obstructive conduct
    related to . . . [his] offense of conviction.” The guideline commentary provides
    examples of specific conduct to which the guideline applies, including
    “committing, suborning, or attempting to suborn perjury.” Id. cmt. n.4(B).
    Defendant asserted in his district-court sentencing memorandum that the
    PSR’s sole basis for recommending the adjustment was the incompatibility of his
    testimony with the jury’s verdict, and he argued that a finding of perjury on this
    basis would unconstitutionally burden his right to testify in his own defense. We
    do not fault his statement of the governing law. “The mere fact that a defendant
    testifies to his or her innocence and is later found guilty by the jury does not
    automatically warrant a finding of perjury. An automatic finding of
    untruthfulness, based on the verdict alone, would impinge upon the constitutional
    right to testify on one’s own behalf.” United States v. Markum, 
    4 F.3d 891
    , 897
    (10th Cir. 1993) (citation omitted). The district court must make “a specific
    finding that independent of the jury verdict, defendant committed perjury.” 
    Id. at 898
    The district court, however, did not commit reversible error. In imposing
    the obstruction enhancement, it stated:
    Now, in this case, obviously, the defendant testified and he was
    under oath, and the—at trial, the defendant’s, you know, the defense
    strategy and the defense was essentially it rested on the notion that
    the defendant did not have any knowledge of the marijuana, and
    therefore, he was not knowingly in possession of the marijuana. In
    my view, and again, based on the requirements under the guidelines
    for that enhancement, it was correctly applied because and I’ll make
    a finding that the defendant’s testimony, and again, taking into
    account the jury’s verdict, the defendant’s testimony was perjured
    testimony when he testified under oath that he had no knowledge of
    the marijuana found in his garage and in his shed . . . .
    R., Vol. 3 pt. 2 at 715–16 (emphasis added). The court specifically identified the
    perjurious statement—Defendant’s testimony that he did not know about the
    marijuana. And it did not base its finding of perjury solely on the jury’s verdict.
    It stated that it was expressing “my view”; and although it took “into account the
    jury’s verdict,” it stated “I’ll make a finding that . . . the defendant’s testimony
    was perjured testimony.” 
     (emphasis added). Defense counsel apparently had
    no questions about the basis of the court’s perjury finding, because she raised no
    challenge after the court ruled.
    C.       Substantive Reasonableness
    Defendant’s final claim is that his sentence of 78 months’ imprisonment,
    which was the guidelines minimum, was substantively unreasonable. We presume
    that a within-guidelines sentence is reasonable. See United States v. Kristl, 
    437 F.3d 1050
    , 1055 (10th Cir. 2006). Defendant has not overcome that presumption
    with his evidence of stable employment history, family ties, and the likelihood of
    We AFFIRM Defendant’s conviction and sentence.