United States v. Shengyang Zhou , 717 F.3d 1139 ( 2013 )

  •                                                                           FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    June 10, 2013
    Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    Clerk of Court
    v.                                                         No. 11-1261
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Colorado
    (D.C. No. 1:10-CR-00226-PAB-1)
    Jessica E. Yates of Snell & Wilmer   L.L.P. ,   Denver, Colorado, for Defendant-
    James C. Murphy, Assistant U.S. Attorney (John F. Walsh, United States
    Attorney, with him on the brief), Denver, Colorado, for Plaintiff-Appellee.
    Before KELLY, SEYMOUR, and TYMKOVICH, Circuit Judges.
    SEYMOUR, Circuit Judge.
    Mr. Shengyang Zhou pled guilty to trafficking and attempted trafficking of
    counterfeit goods in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 2320
     and § 2. He was sentenced to
    eighty-seven months’ imprisonment and three years’ supervised release, and he
    was ordered to pay restitution of $507,567. Mr. Zhou contends the district court
    made a number of errors in sentencing him. We disagree and affirm.
    Mr. Zhou’s plea agreement set forth a lengthy statement of facts which the
    parties agreed the government’s evidence would establish. The following facts
    are taken from the plea agreement or from undisputed portions of the presentence
    report, which the district court adopted. See F ED . R. C RIM . P. 32(i)(3) (“At
    sentencing, the court: (A) may accept any undisputed portion of the presentence
    report as a finding of fact. . . .”).
    Between December 2008 and March 2009, the Food and Drug
    Administration (FDA) issued a series of nationwide broadcast alerts on its website
    advising the public that the agency had identified over seventy-two purported
    weight loss products containing undeclared active pharmaceutical ingredients
    (APIs) that could put consumers’ health at risk. One of the undeclared APIs was
    Sibutramine, a Schedule IV non-narcotic controlled substance that was at the time
    approved by the FDA only for the treatment of obesity in a patented drug
    commonly known as “Meridia.” The alerts stated that the listed products posed
    serious health risks and advised consumers to immediately stop taking them and
    to consult a medical professional.
    Starting in January 2010, the FDA issued a separate series of broadcast
    alerts on its website regarding the marketing and sales of counterfeit versions of a
    weight loss product known by its brand name, “Alli,” which had also been found
    to contain dangerous levels of Sibutramine. The genuine product is manufactured
    by the pharmaceutical company Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and contains Orlistat as
    its API, not Sibutramine, and is approved by the FDA for over-the-counter sales.
    The alerts indicated that the counterfeit Alli was typically being sold to
    consumers on internet auction websites and looked similar to the authentic Alli
    weight loss drug, including the Alli name and trademarks, but contained certain
    enumerated defects. The alerts further warned that consumers who took
    counterfeit versions of the drug in accordance with the GSK dosing directions for
    genuine Alli could be ingesting up to twice the recommended maximum dosage
    for Sibutramine, resulting in a myriad of health risks.
    During all periods relevant to this case, the name “Alli” and certain stylized
    versions of that name were trademarks registered by GSK on the principal register
    of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. GSK used these registered
    trademarks on the labels affixed to the bottles in which the Alli capsules were
    contained, on the associated boxes and related packaging, and on patient literature
    enclosed with the product.
    The investigation of Mr. Zhou was initiated by federal agents from the FDA
    Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI), Immigration and Customs Enforcement
    (ICE), and the Postal Inspection Service after a controlled delivery in April 2009
    to a Broomfield, Colorado resident identified as J.K. The parcel contained
    hundreds of boxes of “Super Slim” and “Meizitang,” two of the purported weight
    loss products listed in the FDA alerts as containing undeclared APIs. J.K.
    advised the agents that he operated an internet-based business selling these
    purported weight loss products to consumers throughout the United States. He
    informed the agents that one of his suppliers was a Chinese national ultimately
    identified by the agents as Mr. Zhou. J.K. told the agents that he had previously
    purchased from Mr. Zhou commercial quantities of these products, as well as “2
    Day Diet,” another product listed in the FDA alerts. He admitted that he had
    continued to purchase these products after learning about the FDA warnings and
    corresponding with Mr. Zhou about the alerts.
    Starting in August 2009, an FDA-OCI undercover agent began contacting
    Mr. Zhou through email, first portraying himself as J.K. and then also as J.K.’s
    business partner. In November 2009, the undercover agent placed an order with
    Mr. Zhou for 500 boxes of Super Slim. Mr. Zhou filled this order during late
    November and early December by causing six parcels to be mailed from various
    addresses in China to an undercover address in Littleton, Colorado. The parcels
    contained more than 18,000 capsules of Super Slim in blister packs, samples of
    which were determined in FDA laboratory testing to contain Sibutramine. In
    exchange, agents paid Mr. Zhou $2,500 via two Western Union payments sent to
    an individual in China later identified by Mr. Zhou as his girlfriend.
    In January 2010, the undercover FDA-OCI agent, acting as J.K.’s business
    partner, placed a second order with Mr. Zhou for 200 boxes of Super Slim and
    100 boxes each of Meizitang and 2 Day Diet. In addition, having learned that Mr.
    Zhou also sold commercial quantities of purported Alli, the agent requested fifty
    boxes of Alli. Mr. Zhou fulfilled this order, causing five parcels containing the
    requested quantities of the drugs and accompanying packaging and leaflets to be
    mailed from China to the undercover address in Littleton, Colorado. Tested
    samples from these parcels were determined to contain Sibutramine.
    One of these five parcels contained approximately 6,000 capsules of
    purported Alli, along with fifty folded boxes, bottles, and consumer product
    literature bearing the registered trademarks and other markings of the authentic
    Alli product (each bottle and corresponding box were to contain 120 capsules).
    On close inspection, the capsules, bottles, and related packaging and literature
    were found to share the same defects and errors detected in the counterfeit Alli
    products that were the subject of the FDA warnings. The agents paid Mr. Zhou
    $4,000 for these shipments via Western Union wire transfers to Mr. Zhou’s
    girlfriend in China.
    In February 2010, Mr. Zhou agreed to meet with the FDA-OCI undercover
    agent in Bangkok, Thailand for the ostensible purpose of negotiating future sales
    of larger volumes of counterfeit weight loss products, as well as to introduce Mr.
    Zhou to a second undercover agent, a Postal Inspector, posing as the owner of a
    chain of grocery and health food stores in the United States. During the meetings,
    which were video and audio recorded, Mr. Zhou portrayed himself as the
    manufacturer and supplier of the counterfeit weight loss products and
    acknowledged that they contained Sibutramine and were the subject of FDA alerts
    in the United States. He told the agents that he sold commercial quantities of
    these products to various re-distributors in the United States, including in
    Colorado and Pennsylvania. Mr. Zhou and the agents discussed the various
    defects in his last batch of counterfeit Alli, and Mr. Zhou promised to correct
    these problems in the next batch of 10,000 boxes he planned to manufacture.
    The undercover agents indicated they were interested in purchasing larger
    volumes of counterfeit Alli but wanted Mr. Zhou to send it as air cargo with the
    help of a collusive private customs broker, actually another undercover FDA-OCI
    agent, who would assist in the plot. At the meeting in Bangkok, the undercover
    agents placed an order for 100 boxes each of 2 Day Diet and Super Slim to be
    shipped through the mail, as well as 1,000 boxes of counterfeit Alli to be shipped
    as air cargo. The agents paid Mr. Zhou $5,500 as half payment for the order.
    Following the meeting in Bangkok, the FDA-OCI undercover agent posing
    as J.K.’s associate exchanged several emails with Mr. Zhou regarding the
    progress of this third order. In early March 2010, a parcel containing
    approximately 2,994 capsules of Super Slim, along with 100 boxes and related
    materials, was received at the Littleton, Colorado undercover address from co-
    defendant Ms. Qingming Hu, Mr. Zhou’s Houston, Texas-based redistributor.
    The following day, a second parcel was received from China containing the order
    of 2 Day Diet and associated packaging materials. Samples from each of these
    parcels were found to contain Sibutramine.
    In an email sent March 2, 2010, Mr. Zhou asked the undercover agents to
    consider increasing their order of counterfeit Alli to cover his entire batch of
    10,000 boxes, containing a total of 1.2 million capsules. The agents agreed to do
    so but they wanted additional assurances the defects in the boxes, bottle labels,
    and customer pamphlets noted in the previous batch of counterfeit Alli had been
    corrected. Mr. Zhou agreed to send the agents samples of the new batch and also
    to show the agents samples at a meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii later that month.
    Thereafter, Mr. Zhou mailed from Kunming, China to Littleton, Colorado a
    parcel containing five sets of purported Alli boxes, the accompanying customer
    product pamphlets, and a sheet of bottle labels. The items bore GSK’s registered
    trademarks for the Alli product and were devoid of the defects and mistakes
    present in the previous batch of counterfeit Alli.
    On March 23, 2010, Mr. Zhou arrived in Honolulu and was met at the
    airport by the undercover FDA-OCI agent posing as J.K.’s associate and the
    Postal Inspector posing as the grocery and natural food stores owner. They went
    to a hotel where they met with a second undercover FDA-OCI agent, portraying
    himself as the collusive private customs broker. The meeting was video and
    audio recorded. Mr. Zhou told the agents that the boxes, bottle labels, and
    customer product pamphlets had been completed for the 10,000 counterfeit boxes
    of Alli the agents had ordered, and were in his control, but that he was still
    awaiting the fabrication of the counterfeit capsules themselves. As proof of his
    progress, he showed the agents a video clip that showed Mr. Zhou in an
    apartment, presumably in China, filled with stacks of large packages in plain
    brown wrappers. In the video, Mr. Zhou opened several of the packages, which
    contained folded Alli boxes, sheets of bottle labels, and product pamphlets, all
    displaying the GSK registered Alli trademarks affixed in the appropriate
    In addition, Mr. Zhou showed the undercover agents a set of counterfeit
    boxes, bottle labels, and customer pamphlets he had brought with him to the
    meeting, noting the defects that had been corrected since his last batch. Mr. Zhou
    also related to the agents his prior experience manufacturing counterfeit Alli. He
    told them his first batch had consisted of approximately 2,000 bottles and boxes,
    most of which had already been sold in the United States and the United Kingdom
    through his commercial customers. He again acknowledged that the counterfeit
    Alli, like the other weight loss products he sold, contained Sibutramine and told
    the agents that the batch he was currently producing would contain even more
    Mr. Zhou reviewed with the alleged private customs broker the logistics of
    shipping the 10,000 counterfeit Alli boxes as air cargo. He filled out customs and
    shipping documents, claiming falsely in the forms that the cargo would be “rice,”
    and providing fictitious contact information for the shipper. Mr. Zhou told the
    undercover agents that by April 10, eighteen days after the meeting, the order
    would be complete and ready to ship. As the meeting ended, one of the agents
    handed Mr. Zhou a stack of U.S. currency which was purportedly part of the
    $55,000 the agents had promised to pay him that day. Mr. Zhou was arrested
    after he accepted the money.
    During a series of post-arrest interviews, Mr. Zhou told agents that he had,
    in fact, been planning on completing the 10,000 unit order of counterfeit Alli and
    shipping the products to the undercover agents. He acknowledged that the
    contents of the capsules he had been distributing, and had been preparing to again
    provide, did not contain the same API as genuine Alli but instead contained
    Sibutramine. Mr. Zhou explained that he outsourced the fabrication of the
    various components of the products to associates in China. He also acknowledged
    being aware that the products he manufactured were the subject of FDA alerts and
    that the sale of these products in the United States violated United States law.
    During the course of the investigation of this case, the government
    identified several people in the United States who had purchased commercial
    quantities of Mr. Zhou’s products and then redistributed them to consumers. In
    addition to J.K. in Colorado, the government identified a Pennsylvania resident,
    referred to herein as W.C., and a Tennessee resident, referred to herein as K.S., as
    redistributors for Mr. Zhou. Both W.C. and K.S. purchased counterfeit Alli and
    other weight loss products from Mr. Zhou and resold retail amounts to consumers
    through internet auctions on eBay and other websites. Federal agents located and
    interviewed several consumers who had purchased counterfeit Alli through K.S.,
    W.C., and Zhou’s other redistributors. Many of these individuals had retained
    some of the purported Alli capsules, samples of which were tested by the FDA
    and found to contain Sibutramine. The bottles and accompanying packaging were
    inspected and, although they bore GSK’s registered trademarks, they were found
    to exhibit the same defects noted in the FDA alerts and presented on the bottles
    supplied by Mr. Zhou to the undercover agents in January 2010.
    Mr. Zhou was charged with fifty-nine counts relating to the trademark
    infringement, counterfeit production, and trafficking of weight loss drugs,
    including Alli. In accordance with his plea agreement, he entered a guilty plea as
    to count 41 of the superseding indictment for trafficking and attempted trafficking
    of Alli using counterfeit marks registered with the United States Patent and
    Trademark Office, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 2320
    (a)(1) and § 2. As part of his
    plea agreement, Mr. Zhou agreed that restitution was mandatory and that while he
    had pled guilty only to count 41 of the superseding indictment, restitution would
    be calculated based on the losses sustained as a result of his commission of all
    offenses charged, including relevant conduct. Mr. Zhou reserved the right to
    assert any arguments regarding the calculation of his sentencing guideline range
    that were factually consistent with the terms of his guilty plea.
    The pre-sentence report (PSR) calculated Mr. Zhou’s base offense level
    under U.S.S.G. § 2B5.3(a) to be eight. The PSR recommended several increases
    based on specific offense characteristics: a fourteen-point increase pursuant to §
    2B1.1 for the infringement amount, which the government calculated to be
    $661,292; a two-point increase pursuant to § 2B5.3(b)(3)(A) reflecting the
    manufacture and importation of the infringing items; a further two-point increase
    pursuant to § 2B5.3(b)(5)(A) because the offense involved the conscious or
    reckless risk of death or serious bodily injury; and a four-point increase pursuant
    to § 3B1.1(a) because Mr. Zhou was an organizer or leader of criminal activity
    that involved five or more participants or was otherwise extensive. Finally, the
    PSR recommended a three-point downward adjustment for acceptance of
    responsibility, resulting in a total recommended offense level of twenty-seven.
    Having no criminal history in the United States, Mr. Zhou’s criminal history
    category was I. Under the sentencing guidelines, an offense level twenty-seven
    combined with a category I criminal history provides for an advisory guideline
    range of seventy to eighty-seven months’ imprisonment. Mr. Zhou objected to
    the recommended enhancements for the infringement amount calculated in the
    PSR, the four-level enhancement for being a leader or organizer, the two-point
    enhancement for consciousness of a risk of death or serious bodily injury, and the
    amount of restitution ordered.
    At sentencing, the district court found the recommended enhancements in
    the PSR appropriate and concluded that a sentence at the top of the advisory
    guideline range was justified, sentencing Mr. Zhou to eighty-seven months’
    imprisonment and three years’ supervised release. The court also ordered Mr.
    Zhou to pay a total of $507,568.39 in restitution to the victims. Of that amount,
    $417,396.39 was to be paid to GSK and $90,172 to five individuals who had
    consumed the counterfeit products.
    Mr. Zhou raises four issues on appeal. He reiterates his objection to the
    district court’s calculation of the infringement amount, contending the court erred
    by including the not-yet-completed order of 10,000 bottles of counterfeit Alli
    without making findings regarding whether the sentencing guidelines provision on
    attempt, U.S.S.G. § 2X1.1, was satisfied. He contests the four-level enhancement
    for being an “organizer or leader” under U.S.S.G. § 3B1.1(a), claiming the court
    failed to articulate the factual basis for this enhancement. He also challenges the
    district court’s application of U.S.S.G. § 2B5.3(b)(5), asserting there was
    insufficient evidence he was consciously aware of a risk of death or serious
    bodily injury and arguing the court failed to apply the correct standard of
    “recklessness” in making this determination. Finally, Mr. Zhou contends the
    district court incorrectly included $385,217 of what he calls “public relations”
    expenses in the restitution he was ordered to pay GSK, asserting such costs are
    not compensable under the Mandatory Victims Restitution Act, 18 U.S.C. §
    3663A. We address each argument in turn.
    A. Infringement Amount
    Mr. Zhou first contends the district court erred in imposing a 14-level
    enhancement to his offense level by miscalculating the “infringement amount”
    under U.S.S.G. § 2B5.3(b)(1). The dispute centers on whether the final order of
    10,000 units of counterfeit Alli, which had not been delivered to the undercover
    agents at the time of Mr. Zhou’s arrest, should be included in the infringement
    amount. In determining that the 10,000 units should be included, the district
    court relied on Application Note 2(A)(vii) to § 2B5.3, which states:
    A case under 
    18 U.S.C. § 2318
     or § 2320 that involves a counterfeit
    label, patch, sticker, wrapper, badge, emblem, medallion, charm, box,
    container, can, case, hangtag, documentation, or packaging of any
    type or nature (I) that has not been affixed to, or does not enclose or
    accompany a good or service; and (II) which, had it been so used,
    would appear to a reasonably informed purchaser to be affixed to,
    enclosing or accompanying an identifiable, genuine good or service.
    In such a case, the “infringed item” is the identifiable, genuine good
    or service.
    U.S. S ENTENCING G UIDELINE M ANUAL § 2B5.3, app. note 2(A)(vii) (2012). The
    court held this application note squarely applies to the facts at hand because it is
    undisputed that the counterfeit boxes, booklets, and labels for the 10,000 units
    had already been produced and were in Mr. Zhou’s control at the time of his
    arrest. The court therefore calculated the infringement amount as the average
    retail price of a genuine unit of Alli (120-count refill pack) at the relevant time,
    $51, multiplied by the 666 units that had actually been completed and shipped to
    the United States plus the 10,000 units which Mr. Zhou had agreed to complete
    and send, for a total of $543,966. Applying the chart at § 2B1.1(b)(1), this
    amount of more than $400,000 but less than $1 million corresponded to the 14-
    level increase the court imposed.
    Mr. Zhou asserts the court erred in calculating the infringement amount by
    not taking into account the law of attempt and U.S.S.G. § 2X.1.1, the general
    guideline for attempt, solicitation and conspiracy. He claims that under § 2X.1.1,
    in order to include the 10,000 unfinished units in the infringement amount, the
    district court was required to determine it was “reasonably certain” that Mr. Zhou
    was about to complete all the acts necessary for successful completion of these
    units but for the fact that he was arrested. 1 We review legal questions regarding
    the application of the sentencing guidelines de novo. United States v. Brown, 
    314 F.3d 1216
    , 1222 (10th Cir. 2003). We review the district court’s factual findings
    Section 2X1.1 provides, in pertinent part, that when a defendant is
    convicted of an attempt crime, the base offense level of the substantive offense is
    decreased by 3 levels “unless the defendant completed all the acts the defendant
    believed necessary for successful completion of the substantive offense or the
    circumstances demonstrate that the defendant was about to complete all such acts
    but for apprehension or interruption by some similar event beyond the defendant’s
    control.” U.S. S ENTENCING G UIDELINES M ANUAL § 2X1.1(b)(1) (2012).
    for clear error, “giving due deference to the district court’s application of the
    guidelines to the facts.” Id.
    According to its title, § 2X1.1 applies to attempts “not covered by a
    specific offense guideline.” § 2X1.1. See United States v. Martinez, 
    342 F.3d 1203
    , 1205 (10th Cir. 2003) (“[W]here a defendant is convicted of an attempt
    crime not itself covered by a specific offense guideline, calculation of the
    defendant’s sentence must be pursuant to § 2X1.1.”). The obvious corollary to
    this rule is that when an attempt crime is covered by a specific guideline, that
    guideline applies and § 2X1.1 does not. § 2X1.1(c)(1) (“When an attempt . . . is
    expressly covered by another offense guideline section, apply that guideline
    section.”). The district court determined that § 2B5.3 Application Note 2(A)(vii)
    constituted a specific guideline covering attempt in the context of trafficking
    counterfeit goods and accordingly applied it in lieu of § 2X1.1. See United States
    v. Mojica, 
    214 F.3d 1169
    , 1171 (10th Cir. 2000) (“District courts are obliged to
    follow the explanatory application notes unless they are plainly erroneous,
    inconsistent with the guidelines, or violative of the Constitution or a federal
    The cases cited by Mr. Zhou to support his argument against this
    conclusion are not persuasive. Both United States v. Guerra, 
    293 F.3d 1279
    Cir. 2002) (prosecution must establish with “reasonable certainty” that infringing
    items were close to completion), and United States v. Sung, 
    87 F.3d 194
     (7th Cir.
    1996) (same), were decided under an earlier version of § 2B5.3 that did not
    include Application Note (2)(A)(vii). This application note squarely addresses
    the circumstances here and, as admitted by Mr. Zhou in his opening brief, was
    added in direct response to Sung and similar cases. The district court did not err
    in relying on the specific offense guideline rather than the general attempt
    Mr. Zhou also contends the district court neglected to make a finding that
    the completed packaging materials “would appear to a reasonably informed
    purchaser to be affixed to, enclosing or accompanying an identifiable, genuine
    good” as required by § 2B5.3, Application Note 2(A)(vii). The record shows
    otherwise. Undisputed portions of the PSR and Mr. Zhou’s plea agreement
    recount that the completed packaging for the 10,000 units in question bore GSK’s
    registered trademarks for Alli in the same location as the genuine packaging.
    Samples of this packaging were sent to GSK employees who determined that,
    while counterfeit, the packaging was identical to or substantially indistinguishable
    from genuine packaging materials. Mr. Zhou did not object to these portions of
    the plea agreement or the PSR, the undisputed portions of which were adopted by
    the court as findings of fact at sentencing. The fact that the counterfeit package
    was virtually indistinguishable from the authentic items supports the district
    court’s application of Application Note 2(A)(vii).
    B. Mr. Zhou as Organizer or Leader
    Mr. Zhou next argues that the district court failed to articulate a sufficient
    basis for finding he was “an organizer or leader of a criminal activity that
    involved five or more participants or was otherwise extensive,” and for imposing
    the accompanying four-level role enhancement pursuant to U.S.S.G. § 3B1.1(a).
    We review the district court’s factual finding that the defendant acted as a leader
    or organizer under § 3B1.1 for clear error. United States v. Snow, 
    663 F.3d 1156
    1162 (10th Cir. 2011). “Under this standard, we will not reverse the district
    court’s finding unless, ‘on the entire evidence, we are left with the definite and
    firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.’” United States v. James, 
    592 F.3d 1109
    , 1113 (10th Cir. 2010) (quoting United States v. Wilfong, 
    475 F.3d 1214
    , 1218 (10th Cir. 2007)).
    The commentary accompanying § 3B1.1 instructs a sentencing court to
    consider the following factors to distinguish a leadership or organizational role
    from one of mere management or supervision:
    the exercise of decision making authority, the nature of participation
    in the commission of the offense, the recruitment of accomplices, the
    claimed right to a larger share of the fruits of the crime, the degree of
    participation in planning or organizing the offense, the nature and
    scope of the illegal activity, and the degree of control and authority
    exercised over others.
    U.S. S ENTENCING G UIDELINES M ANUAL § 3B1.1, cmt. n.4 (2012). More than one
    person can qualify as a leader or organizer of a single criminal association or
    conspiracy and “a defendant need not lead or organize at least five individuals. . .
    . A defendant may be eligible for the leader or organizer enhancement if he leads
    or organizes even one other participant.” United States v. Damato, 
    672 F.3d 832
    847 (10th Cir. 2012) (citing United States v. Hamilton, 
    587 F.3d 1199
    , 1222 (10th
    Cir. 2009)).
    Contrary to Mr. Zhou’s contention, the record supports the district court’s
    conclusion that he was a leader or organizer for purposes of § 3B1.1(a). The PSR
    recommended this enhancement and Mr. Zhou initially objected. But at the
    sentencing hearing Mr. Zhou’s counsel retreated from his earlier objection, stating
    that he would leave the matter to the court’s discretion in light of Mr. Zhou’s own
    recorded statements entered into evidence. 2 Indeed, the evidence relied on by the
    When asked by the district court whether he had any objection to the leader
    or organizer enhancement under § 3B1.1(a), Mr. Zhou’s counsel replied, “I will
    leave that to the Court’s discretion because what [Mr. Zhou] says in the DVD
    [recording the various meetings between Mr. Zhou and the undercover federal
    agents], I think he does say that there was certainly more than four people.
    Obviously, Ms. Hu is one person who we have that the Court is aware of, but the
    two people that were redistributors I assume the Court is going to say were part of
    the same thing that I heard, the organizer or organization of Defendant Zhou. So
    I have nothing more to submit on that. The DVD speaks for itself.” Rec., vol. II,
    at 102-03. After the prosecution offered a detailed description of the evidence
    they would produce showing Mr. Zhou qualified as a leader or organizer for
    purposes of § 3B1.1(a), the court asked Mr. Zhou’s attorney “do you contest?” to
    which he answered, “No.” Id. at 106. The court then clarified that the
    prosecution “may want to put on those witnesses unless there is no contested facts
    in terms of those people [whom the prosecution had alleged Mr. Zhou had led or
    organized].” Id. Mr. Zhou’s counsel replied “I am well aware of what my client
    told the government during its ‘debriefing’ and I would certainly acknowledge the
    government has sufficient – I should indicate when I filed the objections, I didn’t
    have access to the DVD nor my client. That’s why I went out to the joint to go
    talk to him and it appears what he said we are stuck with. And obviously he says
    that, and four or more, and the distinction, I mean obviously is a distinction
    district court in coming to this determination was largely undisputed, consisting
    mainly of Mr. Zhou’s own recorded statements from his meeting with the
    undercover agents in Bangkok, Thailand and from the meeting and subsequent
    post-arrest interviews with agents in Honolulu, Hawaii. During these encounters,
    Mr. Zhou told the agents that he owned two companies producing and distributing
    both the counterfeit Alli and the other weight loss drugs he sold to the undercover
    agents, that he was “the boss” of this enterprise, and that he had no other partners
    in the venture. Rec., vol. III at 41. He assured the undercover agents that he had
    no need to ask permission or seek approval from anyone else involved in the
    enterprise when he agreed to supply the counterfeit Alli and other weight loss
    drugs. Even after Mr. Zhou was arrested, he did not attempt to deny or minimize
    the leadership role he played in the production of the counterfeit drugs. Mr. Zhou
    explained to the agents in the course of several post-arrest interviews that while
    he outsourced the fabrication of the various components of the drugs to associates
    in China, he was solely responsible for the overall manufacture and distribution of
    the counterfeit products.
    At the sentencing hearing, the government offered to call agents to testify
    to these facts and also to testify that Mr. Zhou claimed to have had approximately
    twenty employees and that he personally had come up with the idea to produce
    counterfeit Alli and sell it in the United States. Although in his appeal Mr. Zhou
    without meaning.” Id.
    attempts to paint a different picture, the transcript of the sentencing hearing
    makes sufficiently clear that when the court asked Mr. Zhou if he contested these
    assertions, his counsel indicated he did not and that he would accept the
    government’s proffer of evidence. See n.3, infra. The district court did not spend
    much time discussing this uncontested evidence, but it found that the leader or
    organizer prong was satisfied, stating that “of course, here we know that [Mr.
    Zhou] was a leader or organizer of at least one person, namely the co-defendant,
    Ms. Hu. So in that sense that requirement has been satisfied.” 3 Rec., vol. II at
    The government also made a proffer that agents would testify to the
    extensive nature of the criminal activity and the existence of four or more
    additional people involved in the enterprise. Again, Mr. Zhou’s counsel indicated
    that he would accept the proffer and that it would not be necessary for the
    government to call witnesses to testify to these allegations. The district court
    then proceeded to name four individuals in addition to Mr. Zhou who were
    “underlings at least” and participants in the criminal enterprise. Id. at 107-08.
    The court further found that due to the sophistication and international scope of
    the criminal enterprise the “otherwise extensive” prong of § 3B1.1(a) was also
    Uncontested portions of the PSR and the plea agreement establish that Ms.
    Hu, based in Houston, Texas, was an employee of Mr. Zhou who facilitated the
    distribution of counterfeit drugs within the United States.
    It would have been preferable if the district court had been more thorough
    in articulating the reasons for the enhancement and in identifying which of the
    “organizer or leader” factors supported its finding, but the court’s findings were
    specific enough to provide “a clear picture of the reasoning [the court] employed .
    . . .” United States v. Pelliere, 
    57 F.3d 936
    , 940 (10th Cir. 1995) (internal
    quotation marks omitted); see also United States v. Wacker, 
    72 F.3d 1453
    , 1476
    (10th Cir. 1995) (holding district court’s factual findings sufficient for a §
    3B1.1(a) enhancement even though court did not explicitly discuss which
    “organizer or leader” factors supported its finding). The court’s findings on this
    matter are supported by substantial uncontested evidence. See Wacker, 72 F.3d at
    1476. Moreover, given that Mr. Zhou’s attorney withdrew his objection to this
    enhancement, it is understandable that the court did not make more detailed
    findings on this point.
    In sum, we conclude the district court made sufficient “specific findings
    and advance[d] a factual basis to support [the] enhancement under U.S.S.G. §
    3B1.1,” United States v. Ivy, 
    83 F.3d 1266
    , 1292 (10th Cir. 1996) (internal
    quotation marks omitted), and that the court’s finding that Mr. Zhou qualifies as a
    leader or organizer under § 3B1.1(a) was not clearly erroneous.
    C. Conscious or Reckless Risk of Death or Serious Injury
    Mr. Zhou also challenges the two-level increase applied to his offense level
    based on the district court’s finding that his conduct involved “the conscious or
    reckless risk of death or serious bodily injury” pursuant to U.S.S.G. §
    2B5.3(b)(5). 4 Mr. Zhou objected to the recommendation for this enhancement
    contained in the PSR and renewed his objection at the sentencing hearing. In this
    appeal, Mr. Zhou claims the evidence relied on by the district court does not
    support the finding that he was consciously aware of the serious health risks
    posed by the counterfeit Alli he was producing. He further asserts the court
    misapplied the “recklessness” prong of § 2B5.3(b)(5), arguing that the court
    utilized a negligence standard rather than a recklessness standard and therefore
    erred as a matter of law. As explained above, we review legal questions
    regarding the sentencing guidelines de novo and factual findings for clear error,
    “giving due deference to the district court’s application of the guidelines to the
    facts.” United States v. Doe, 
    398 F.3d 1254
    , 1257 (10th Cir. 2005) (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    We have not yet addressed what mental state is required to qualify for the §
    2B5.3(b)(5) enhancement. The wording of this enhancement is identical to the
    enhancement for theft and fraud offenses in U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(14), however,
    and the commentary background to §2B5.3 notes that “[t]his guideline treats
    copyright and trademark violations much like theft and fraud.” § 2B5.3 cmt.
    Section 2B5.3, Criminal Infringement of Copyright or Trademark, provides,
    in relevant part, that “[i]f the offense involved [] the conscious or reckless risk of
    death or serious bodily injury . . . increase [the offense level] by 2 levels.” U.S.
    S ENTENCING G UIDELINES M ANUAL § 2B5.3(b)(5) (2012).
    background. In light of this cross-reference and the identical wording of these
    two enhancements, we hold that the mens rea requirement of § 2B5.3(b)(5) is the
    same as the mens rea requirement for § 2B1.1(b)(14).
    We examined the mental state required for the theft and fraud enhancement
    in United States v. Maestas, 
    642 F.3d 1315
     (10th Cir. 2011), and held the
    guideline to “require the defendant to have been conscious of or reckless as to the
    existence of the risk created by his or her conduct.” 
    Id. at 1321
     (emphasis in
    original). We explained:
    Generally, recklessness is an objective standard, and we interpret
    “reckless risk” to describe objectively culpable conduct. We hold
    that a defendant’s conduct involves a conscious risk if the defendant
    was subjectively aware that his or her conduct created a risk of
    serious bodily injury, and a defendant’s conduct involves a reckless
    risk if the risk of bodily injury would have been obvious to a
    reasonable person.
    The district court applied this enhancement after finding that Mr. Zhou was
    consciously aware of both the FDA alerts describing the serious health risks
    posed generally by drugs containing Sibutramine as an undisclosed API, and the
    warnings specifically addressing the health risks of the counterfeit Alli he was
    producing and distributing. 5 In light of the uncontested evidence that Mr. Zhou
    The warnings noted, inter alia, that individuals taking counterfeit Alli in
    accordance with the established dosage instructions may have been taking three
    times the usual daily dose, which is twice the recommended maximum daily dose.
    The warnings explained that such high doses could cause anxiety, nausea, heart
    palpitations, tachycardia (a racing heart), insomnia and small increases in blood
    discussed these warnings with undercover agents in person in Bangkok and
    Hawaii, and also via email before those meetings took place, Mr. Zhou’s counsel
    accepted the government’s proffer that Mr. Zhou was aware of these warnings
    during the relevant time period. The court found that Mr. Zhou “had no reason to
    discount the validity of [the warnings] given the fact that they came from the
    FDA,” and concluded that Mr. Zhou was consciously aware of the risk of death or
    serious bodily injury from producing and distributing the counterfeit Alli. Rec.,
    vol. II at 116.
    The district court’s findings are supported by sufficient evidence and are
    not clearly erroneous. In arguing that he was not consciously aware his conduct
    created a risk of death or serious bodily injury, Mr. Zhou highlights several
    comments he made to the undercover agents during their meeting in Bangkok
    when he assured the undercover agents that he had tested the drugs and no one
    would die from taking them. He also claimed the FDA issued warnings for any
    product coming from China. The district court was not persuaded by this
    argument, noting that Mr. Zhou made these comments as a salesman in the
    process of selling counterfeit drugs to potential buyers and thus they must “be
    taken with a grain of salt.” 
    It was reasonable and not clear error for the district court to infer that
    pressure in healthy people. In those with a history of cardiovascular disease, it
    could lead to elevated blood pressure, stroke, or heart attack.
    because Mr. Zhou was aware of the FDA warnings, he was also subjectively and
    consciously aware of the information contained in the warnings that the
    counterfeit drugs he was manufacturing and distributing created a risk of death or
    serious bodily injury. See Maestas, 
    642 F.3d at 1322
     (allowing reasonable
    inference from defendant’s history that he had a conscious awareness his conduct
    involved a risk of death or serious bodily injury). It was therefore appropriate to
    add the two-level increase to Mr. Zhou’s offense level in accordance with
    § 2B5.3(b)(5).
    D. Restitution
    Mr. Zhou’s final argument is that the district court erred in ordering him to
    pay $417,396.39 in restitution to GSK under the Mandatory Victims Restitution
    Act (“MVRA”), 18 U.S.C. § 3663A. We review the legality of a restitution order
    de novo. United States v. Quarrell, 
    310 F.3d 664
     (10th Cir. 2002). “We review
    the factual findings underlying a restitution order for clear error and the amount
    of restitution imposed for abuse of discretion.” United States v. Bowling, 
    619 F.3d 1175
    , 1187 (10th Cir. 2010). Where the defendant failed to object, however,
    we review only for plain error. United States v. Overholt, 
    307 F.3d 1231
    , 1253
    (10th Cir. 2002) (stating plain error standard).
    The MVRA mandates, in part, that a district court order a defendant to pay
    restitution when he is convicted of an offense “in which an identifiable victim . . .
    has suffered a physical injury or pecuniary loss.” 18 U.S.C. § 3663A(c)(1)(B)
    The statute requires restitution for a number of types of losses. As relevant here,
    § 3663A(b)(1) mandates restitution “in the case of an offense resulting in damage
    to or loss or destruction of property of a victim of the offense . . . .” In addition,
    § 3363A(b)(4) provides that a defendant is required to “reimburse the victim for
    lost income and . . . other expenses incurred during participation in the
    investigation or prosecution of the offense or attendance at proceedings related to
    the offense.” The only instances in which restitution is not required under the
    MVRA are if “the number of identifiable victims is so large as to make restitution
    impracticable,” or if “determining complex issues of fact related to the cause or
    amount of the victim’s losses would complicate or prolong the sentencing process
    to a degree that the need to provide restitution to any victim is outweighed by the
    burden on the sentencing process.” §§ 3663A(c)(3)(A), (B).
    It is uncontested that the MVRA applies to this case. The district court
    ordered Mr. Zhou to pay GSK restitution in the amount of $32,179.64 for lost
    sales, which Mr. Zhou does not challenge, and a further $385,216.75 for expenses
    incurred by GSK in responding in various ways to the counterfeit Alli, which Mr.
    Zhou appeals. These sums were based on a letter submitted by GSK to the
    probation officer and appended to the PSR, which describes the response efforts
    the company undertook when it learned that counterfeit Alli, produced and
    distributed by Mr. Zhou, was being sold in the United States. These efforts
    included: alerting consumers to the dangers posed by, and how to identify, the
    fraudulent drugs; monitoring and tracking consumer reports of the counterfeit
    product; and retaining the services of a public relations firm to assist with this
    crisis management. The public relations campaigns focused on providing
    consumers with “complete and accurate information about the problem [of
    counterfeit Alli]” through an ad campaign and by optimizing internet search
    engine results. Rec., vol IV at 144. The letter explains that GSK employees
    “collaborate[d] closely with the FDA and other officials on the rapidly evolving
    crisis” and “cooperated closely with the FDA-OCI in their investigation.” Id. It
    also states that “[t]he sales of counterfeit versions of our products threatens not
    only our hard-earned reputation but potentially imperils the health and safety of
    patients.” Id. at 143.
    Attached to the letter is a spreadsheet detailing the expenses incurred by
    GSK as a result of Mr. Zhou’s counterfeiting activities, which it describes as
    “Alli counterfeit management costs.” Id. at 143. The letter highlights that the
    expenses shown on the spreadsheet were “out-of-pocket sums” and did not
    include “the additional personnel time and other internal resources and expenses”
    the company dedicated to dealing with the counterfeit Alli. Id. at 145. Nor did
    the company seek to actually quantify the “damage to the reputation of the brand
    caused by Mr. Zhou’s activities,” id., which presumably would have been very
    difficult if not impossible. The spreadsheet itself provides the following “project
    descriptions” for the expenses: “issue management,” “website technical
    execution,” “website development,” “extended coverage for 1-800 phone line,”
    “the counterfeit Alli campaign for all three [search] engines,” and “omnibus
    study.” Id. at 146.
    In determining the amount of restitution it ordered Mr. Zhou to pay GSK,
    the district court adopted the amounts from the spreadsheet, finding
    they [are] the types of expenses that you would anticipate a
    manufacturer of a FDA approved drug would incur if it realized
    that someone was out there counterfeiting its product,
    especially counterfeiting the product in a way that could be
    harmful to the consumers and therefore not only hurt people,
    but also severely damage the brand name and as a result all of
    the trademarks, undercut the good will of the company . . . the
    fact that the company incurred all those different expenses
    which amount to quite a bit of money [is] perfectly reasonable.
    Rec., vol. II at 121. The district court further found that the restitution was a
    “direct result of the defendant’s activities and the company’s reasonable reaction
    to counterfeit Alli products of the defendant getting into the United States.” Id. at
    Mr. Zhou contends the district court erred by ordering restitution for
    expenses not authorized under the MVRA. “Courts have no inherent power to
    order restitution; they may only do so as authorized by statute.” United States v.
    480 F.3d 1205
    , 1210 (10th Cir. 2007). The MVRA therefore sets the
    outer limits on the type of damages that are compensable in this case. We have
    held that “the MVRA does not provide incidental, consequential, or pain and
    suffering awards,” United States v. Serawop, 
    505 F.3d 1112
    , 1124 (10th Cir.
    2007), but it does entitle victims to recover losses “‘actually caused by the
    defendant’s offense.” 
    Id. at 1123
    ; see also United States v. Patty, 
    992 F.2d 1045
    1049 (10th Cir. 1993); United States v. Quarrell, 
    310 F.3d 664
    , 680 (10th Cir.
    2002) (“A restitution order must be based on actual loss.”) (emphasis in original).
    Mr. Zhou’s main problem on appeal is that he failed to object to the
    requested restitution for GSK other than the vague general assertion that it was
    “speculative.” He now argues that the restitution for GSK’s public relations and
    other expenses included in the $385,216.75 are consequential in nature and do not
    fall within the losses covered by § 3663A(b)(1). He also contends the district
    court erred by accepting GSK’s calculation of its expenses without any supporting
    information from invoices, sworn statements, or the like, and that there was
    insufficient evidence Mr. Zhou caused these losses. He further asserts that the
    claimed expenses were not all incurred during participation in the investigation or
    prosecution of the offense and thus are not authorized for reimbursement under §
    To the extent Mr. Zhou is making a legal argument he failed to raise in
    district court, we review only for “particularly egregious or obvious and
    substantial legal error, which our failure to consider would result in a miscarriage
    of justice.” Patty, 
    992 F.2d at 1049
     (internal quotation marks omitted). To
    establish plain legal error, Mr. Zhou must show an error, clear and obvious under
    current law, that affects substantial rights. United States v. Hughes, 191 F.3d
    1317, 1322 (10th Cir. 1999). To the extent Mr. Zhou is attempting to raise
    unpreserved factual errors, we have held under the plain error standard that
    failure to assert a factual dispute at sentencing waives the challenge because it
    prevented the probation officer from reviewing and the district court from
    resolving the fact issue. Overholt, 
    307 F.3d at 1253
    We first address Mr. Zhou’s assertion that there is no indication the
    expenses claimed by GSK were “incurred during participation in the investigation
    or prosecution of the offense” as required by § 3663A(b)(4). In the district court,
    Mr. Zhou made no specific objection to the GSK letter or spreadsheet provided by
    GSK and relied on by the district court. It is clear from the letter that at least
    some of the disputed $385,216.75 in expenses were incurred by GSK during
    participation in the investigation of Mr. Zhou, which was occurring at the same
    time as GSK’s crisis management. See, e.g., United States v. Phillips, 
    477 F.3d 215
    , 224-25 (5th Cir. 2007) (affirming MVRA restitution to victim investigating
    harm from theft of its computer data for expenses incurred notifying other victims
    and determining extent of damage suffered). In imposing the restitution order,
    however, the district court did not mention GSK’s role in the government’s
    investigation or make a specific finding that the expenses were incurred during
    participation in that investigation. But Mr. Zhou did not object to the requested
    restitution on this basis. Whether all of the expenses were incurred by GSK
    during the government’s investigation or prosecution of this matter is a fact
    question which Mr. Zhou has waived by his failure to object.
    Mr. Zhou also argues that the government failed in its burden to establish
    he caused all of the claimed damages. Whether the government established
    causation is a fact issue that Mr. Zhou failed to raise and has thus waived. See
    307 F. 3d at 1253
     (defendant’s argument that damage to victim’s
    property “came from other sources” is a “purely factual issue[]” and is waived if
    not raised below).
    Mr. Zhou contends in addition that many of the listed expenses are not
    covered by § 3663A(b)(1), which provides restitution for damage to property. At
    sentencing, Mr. Zhou did not object to the recommended GSK restitution on the
    basis that it was not authorized under the MVRA. We therefore review this
    alleged legal error only if it is clear and obvious under current law, which is the
    plain error standard he must meet. Id.
    The district court found that the expenses GSK requested were reasonable
    and directly related to the damage done by Mr. Zhou to GSK’s property through
    his counterfeiting activities, specifically mentioning that Mr. Zhou’s
    counterfeiting activity was done in a way that would “severely damage the brand
    name and . . . undercut the good will of the company,” indicating that the court
    was ordering restitution pursuant to § 3663A(b)(1)(B). See supra at 28. GSK’s
    property, its registered trademarks for Alli and the reputation and goodwill of the
    company, was the subject of Mr. Zhou’s offense. See United States v. Shepard,
    269 F.3d 884
    , 887 (7th Cir. 2001) (restitution under MVRA is limited to the
    “property subject to the offense”) (citing United States v. Arvantis, 
    902 F.2d 489
    497 (7th Cir. 1990)).
    Restitution under § 3663A(b)(1)(B) is not limited to damage done to a
    victim’s tangible property; it also includes damage to intangible property. See,
    e.g., Overholt, 
    307 F.3d at 1254
     (noting courts have allowed restitution under
    MVRA for “purely financial losses,” collecting cases); United States v. Robers,
    698 F.3d at 937, 955 (7th Cir. 2012) (allowing restitution under MVRA for
    damage to capital in mortgage fraud scheme); Hosking, 567 F.3d at 332 (same for
    damage to capital in embezzlement scheme). Accordingly, the district court
    properly applied § 3663A(b)(1)(B) to the intangible property of GSK damaged by
    Mr. Zhou’s counterfeiting activities.
    District courts have “abundant discretion” in determining the amount of
    damage done to a victim’s property. Serawop, 
    505 F.3d at 1124
    . We and other
    courts have held that a restitution order under § 3663A(b)(1)(B) can properly
    include the cost of cleanup or repair of the damaged property because such costs
    can serve as an “easily ascertained proxy for the loss sustained by the [victim] as
    a result of [the defendant’s] crimes.” United States v. Barton, 
    366 F.3d 1160
    1167 (10th Cir. 2004); see also Quarrell, 
    310 F.3d at 680-81
     (affirming MVRA
    restitution in amount equal to costs incurred repairing archaeological site in
    national forest) ; Overholt, 
    307 F.3d at 1254
     (affirming, under plain error review,
    an MVRA restitution order directing defendants convicted of conspiring to
    illegally dump petroleum-impacted wastewater to pay Coast Guard’s costs of
    cleaning up pollution caused by defendants); United States v. Brock-Davis, 
    504 F.3d 991
     (9th Cir. 2007) (“[C]lean-up or repair costs may be ordered under the
    MVRA.”) (internal quotation marks omitted); United States v. Quillen, 
    335 F.3d 219
    , 226 (3d Cir. 2003) (holding “clean-up or repair costs may be ordered under
    the MVRA, provided the defendant is not required to compensate the victim twice
    for the same loss,” collecting circuit court cases).
    The expenses listed by GSK in the letter and spreadsheet can be
    characterized as “cleanup or repair costs” directly related to Mr. Zhou’s
    counterfeiting activities. While the expenses incurred by GSK seeking to mitigate
    and repair the damage done by Mr. Zhou are not an exact measure of the harm he
    caused to GSK’s property, they serve as an acceptable proxy which is much easier
    to quantify and verify than the actual damage to GSK’s trademarks, reputation,
    and goodwill. See Barton, 
    366 F.3d at 1167
     (instructing district court to order
    MVRA restitution from defendant convicted of setting fire to inflammable
    materials on federal lands in amount spent by Forest Service on revegetating
    burned area despite difficulty in quantifying the actual value of the damage done
    to the property). Indeed, as noted above, a district court has broad discretion in
    crafting a restitution order under the MVRA, Serawop, 
    505 F.3d at 1124
    , and at
    the sentencing hearing here the district court found the mitigation expenses were
    “reasonable” and incurred as “a direct result of the defendant’s activities . . . .”
    Rec., vol. II at 122; see Patty, 
    992 F.2d at 1049
     (losses must be “directly related”
    to defendant’s criminal conduct). This damage was thus not incidental or
    consequential to Mr. Zhou’s counterfeiting, but rather, as determined by the
    district court, was “direct,” causing actual losses to GSK. Rec., vol. II at 121.
    In sum, although we doubt there was any error at all, we affirm the
    restitution order “because if there was error, it was not ‘clear or obvious under
    current law.’” Overholt, 
    307 F.3d at 1253
     (internal quotation marks omitted).
    We AFFIRM.