United States v. Solano-Rodriguez ( 1999 )

  •                                                                               F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    MAR 5 1999
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    v.                                                 No. 97-2348
    (D. Ct. No. CR 95-205 HB)
    MARIA SOLANO-RODRIGUEZ,                                     (D. N. Mex.)
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Before TACHA, BALDOCK, and MURPHY, Circuit Judges.
    Defendant-Appellant Maria Solano-Rodriguez appeals from her conviction
    in federal district court for possession with intent to distribute less than fifty
    kilograms of marijuana in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and 841(b)(1)(D).
    On appeal, she argues that the district court erred in: (1) refusing to allow her
    proposed expert witness to testify at trial; (2) denying her motion to suppress
    evidence; (3) denying her motion for a continuance at the beginning of the second
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the doctrines of
    law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. This court generally disfavors the
    citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order and judgment may be cited under
    the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    day of trial; (4) denying her motion for a mistrial after the introduction of hearsay
    evidence; and (5) upholding the jury verdict. 1 We have jurisdiction under 
    18 U.S.C. § 1291
     and affirm.
    I. Background
    On March 15, 1995, Ms. Solano-Rodriguez drove into the United States
    Border Patrol Checkpoint on Highway 54, between Orogrande and Alamogordo,
    New Mexico, with two of her daughters. Border Patrol Agent Joel Sims, working
    in the primary inspection area, first made contact with defendant, while Border
    Patrol Agent Manuel Cruz stood approximately six feet behind him for safety
    purposes. When Agent Sims questioned Ms. Solano-Rodriguez regarding her
    citizenship, she produced valid immigration documents. During this time, Agent
    Sims did not notice anything unusual about her demeanor. However, he testified
    that when he asked Ms. Solano-Rodriguez about her destination, she trembled and
    became shaky. Defendant told Agent Sims that she was driving to Alamogordo to
    pick up her niece. Agent Sims continued to question defendant about her exact
    destination within Alamogordo. Agent Sims testified that one of the children
    In support of these claims, defendant’s counsel filed an opening brief that did not
    comply with this court’s rules in effect at the time the brief was filed. Specifically,
    counsel used roman numerals rather than page numbers during its statement of
    jurisdiction, statement of the issues, and statement of the case in an apparent attempt to
    exceed the fifty page limit without leave of this court. See Fed. R. App. P. 28(g), 10th
    Cir. R. 28.3. Although we address defendant’s claims, we admonish defense counsel for
    its failure to adhere to this court’s rules.
    responded that the niece lived near a school. He repeated his question, directing
    it to Ms. Solano-Rodriguez, and testified that she responded that she would have
    to stop at a gas station and call her niece. At that point, Agent Sims stated that he
    became suspicious because she seemed increasingly nervous and could not pin-
    point her destination. Agent Sims also testified that in his past experience with
    narcotics transportation, the person transporting the narcotics often gives a
    general destination but is unable to provide a specific location, such as an
    address. He therefore asked for her consent to walk a border patrol canine around
    her car. He testified that she consented, and he directed her to the secondary
    inspection area.
    Agent Sims testified that his initial conversation with defendant occurred in
    English. He stated that he begins every checkpoint encounter in English,
    switching to Spanish if it appears that a person does not understand him.
    Although unable to translate words such as “rocker panel” and “trapdoor” at trial,
    Agent Sims has passed the Spanish tests required of all Border Patrol agents.
    Agent Sims did not believe that Ms. Solano-Rodriguez had any trouble
    understanding his English because she provided appropriate answers to his
    Agent Cruz, who was standing a few feet behind Agent Sims during his
    initial encounter with defendant, also testified that the conversation between
    Agents Sims and Ms. Solano-Rodriguez occurred in English. He claimed that he
    clearly heard Agent Sims speaking in English and that defendant replied in
    English. However, he could not hear every word nor remember the exact words
    she used. Agent Cruz further testified that defendant appeared ruffled and
    uncertain in her responses when questioned about the exact location she was to
    meet her niece and that she consented to the dog walking around the vehicle.
    The defense’s version of the events differs dramatically. Ms. Solano-
    Rodriguez testified that upon arriving at a checkpoint, she always showed her
    resident alien card. She further asserted that she does not speak English and
    asked her daughter to translate Agent Sims’ questions. Upon her daughter telling
    her that Agent Sims asked about their destination, she instructed her daughter to
    tell him that they were driving to Alamogordo to pick up a niece at the bus depot.
    Her daughter then responded to Agent Sims in English. At this point, defendant
    testified that she asked her daughter to request that Agent Sims get an agent who
    spoke Spanish. Agent Sims brought over Agent Cruz, who asked her to move her
    car to the secondary area and get out of the vehicle. Ms. Solano-Rodriguez
    claims that neither she nor her daughters ever told the agents that the niece lived
    near a school or that she needed to go to a gas station to call her. She also
    testified she never spoke to either agent in English.
    At the secondary inspection site, Agent Sims’ canine alerted to the
    floorboard on the driver’s side of Ms. Solano-Rodriguez’s car. Agent Sims
    opened the driver’s side door and noticed that the floorboard appeared raised.
    After pulling the carpet away, he found eighty-one pounds of marijuana under
    five trapdoors. Later, prior to selling the car at auction, authorities found another
    twenty pounds concealed in the rocker panel of the car. Border Patrol Agent
    Susan Sanchez testified that the marijuana appeared fresh, indicating that it had
    not been in the vehicle for a long period of time.
    Ms. Solano-Rodriguez testified that she did not know the car contained
    marijuana. According to her, she purchased the car for $700 from a man named
    Manuel, whom she met in a bar. However, she could not remember the name of
    the bar nor Manuel’s last name. One of her daughters testified that she saw
    Manuel come to the house with the car before her mother bought it and knew that
    her mother and older sister were saving money for a car.
    On April 4, 1995, a federal grand jury in the District of New Mexico
    returned an indictment charging defendant with one count of possession with
    intent to distribute less than fifty kilograms of marijuana in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and 841(b)(1)(D). She pled not guilty on April 21, 1995. On June
    19, 1995, defendant filed a motion to suppress statements and physical evidence,
    which the court denied after a hearing.
    On September 7, 1995, the United States filed a motion in limine objecting
    to the proposed testimony of defendant’s expert witness, Dr. Daniel Villa, to
    which defense responded on September 14. The first jury trial in this case began
    on September 18, 1995. During the trial, the district court refused to allow Dr.
    Villa to testify after listening to a proffer of his proposed testimony. At the
    conclusion of the trial on September 19, 1995, the court entered an order for a
    mistrial as a result of the jury’s inability to reach a verdict.
    Ms. Solano-Rodriguez’s second trial commenced on January 9, 1996.
    During the course of this trial, the court again refused to allow Dr. Villa to testify
    and again denied the defense’s renewed motion to suppress the evidence seized at
    the checkpoint. On January 10, 1996, the second and final day of defendant’s
    trial, defendant requested a continuance to enable a witness who had missed her
    flight to New Mexico to testify. The court denied this motion. At the conclusion
    of the trial, the jury returned a guilty verdict. Ms. Solano-Rodriguez filed a
    motion for judgment of acquittal or for a new trial on January 17, 1996, which the
    court denied. On September 24, 1997, the court sentenced Ms. Solano-Rodriguez
    to thirty-three months imprisonment and two years of supervised release.
    II. Discussion
    A. Expert Testimony
    Ms. Solano-Rodriguez argues that the district court erred in failing to admit
    the testimony of Dr. Daniel Villa, a proposed linguistics expert. She asserts that
    the district court should have allowed Dr. Villa to testify that Agent Sims could
    not speak enough Spanish to hold a basic conversation and that Ms. Solano-
    Rodriguez could not conduct a basic conversation in English. The “district court
    has broad discretion in determining whether or not to admit expert testimony, and
    we review a decision to admit or deny such testimony only for abuse of
    discretion.” Orth v. Emerson Elec. Co., 
    980 F.2d 632
    , 637 (10th Cir. 1992); see
    also United States v. Rice, 
    52 F.3d 843
    , 847 (10th Cir. 1995). “An abuse of
    discretion occurs only when the trial court based its decision on an erroneous
    conclusion of law or where there is no rational basis in the evidence for the
    ruling.” Wang v. Hsu, 
    919 F.2d 130
    , 130 (10th Cir. 1990) (quoting In re
    Coordinated Pretrial Proceedings in Petroleum Prod. Antitrust Litig., 
    669 F.2d 620
    , 623 (10th Cir. 1982)). Based upon our review of the record, we find that the
    district court had valid and legitimate reasons for its decision not to permit Dr.
    Villa to testify. 2
    The record reveals that the district court likely had concerns about the
    reliability of Dr. Villa’s testimony. It also apparently feared the testimony would
    Because Dr. Villa does not offer “testimony based upon a particular [scientific]
    methodology or technique,” Compton v. Subaru of Am., Inc., 
    82 F.3d 1513
    , 1519 (10th
    Cir. 1996), the Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 
    509 U.S. 579
    factors do not enter the analysis, see id. at 1518. “[A]pplication of the Daubert factors is
    unwarranted in cases where expert testimony is based solely upon experience or training.”
    encompass material that would not “assist the trier of fact to understand the
    evidence or to determine a fact in issue,” Fed. R. Evid. 702, or might even
    mislead the jury or confuse the issues, see Fed. R. Evid. 403 (permitting court to
    exclude relevant evidence if “its probative value is substantially outweighed by
    the danger of . . . misleading the jury”). Thus, we hold that the district court did
    not abuse its discretion in refusing to allow defendant’s expert to testify.
    B. Suppression of Evidence
    Ms. Solano-Rodriguez also argues that the evidence presented at her trial,
    including the proffer of the defense expert Dr. Villa, establishes that the court
    should have granted her renewed motion to suppress. “When reviewing a district
    court’s denial of a motion to suppress, we consider the totality of the
    circumstances and view the evidence in a light most favorable to the
    government.” United States v. Villa-Chaparro, 
    115 F.3d 797
    , 800-01 (10th Cir.
    1997), cert. denied, 
    118 S. Ct. 326
     (1997). However, the ultimate determination
    of reasonableness under the Fourth Amendment is a question of law which we
    review de novo. See 
    The Fourth Amendment protects individuals against unreasonable searches
    and seizures. See U.S. Const. amend IV. Although the stop of a vehicle at a
    fixed border patrol checkpoint constitutes a “seizure” within the meaning of the
    Fourth Amendment, see United States v. Galindo-Gonzales, 
    142 F.3d 1217
    , 1221
    (10th Cir. 1998), border patrol agents may briefly detain and question a person at
    fixed checkpoints without any individualized suspicion that the person is engaged
    in criminal activity without violating the Fourth Amendment, see United States v.
    428 U.S. 543
    , 562 (1976); United States v. Massie, 
    65 F.3d 843
    847 (10th Cir. 1995). “The principle protection of Fourth Amendment rights at
    checkpoints lies in appropriate limitations on the scope of the stop.”
    428 U.S. at 566-67
    ; see also United States v. Rascon-Ortiz, 
    994 F.2d 749
    , 752 (10th Cir. 1993). “A routine checkpoint stop must be brief and
    unintrusive.” Rascon-Ortiz, 
    994 F.2d at 752
    . During a routine fixed-checkpoint
    stop, border patrol agents may inquire into an individual’s citizenship or
    immigration status and request documentation. See Massie, 
    65 F.3d at 847-48
    They may also may make a cursory visual inspection of the vehicle and may
    briefly question an individual “concerning such things as vehicle ownership,
    cargo, destination, and travel plans,” provided that such questions are “reasonably
    related to the agent’s duty to prevent the unauthorized entry of individuals into
    this country and to prevent the smuggling of contraband.” Rascon-Ortiz, 994 F.3d
    at 752; accord Massie, 
    65 F.3d at 848
    “Further detention of an individual beyond the scope of a routine
    checkpoint stop must be based on reasonable suspicion, consent, or probable
    cause.” Massie, 
    65 F.3d at 848
    ; accord Rascon-Ortiz, 
    994 F.2d at 752
    . Although
    a cursory visual inspection is permissible as part of a routine checkpoint stop,
    agents may not search stopped vehicles in the absence of probable cause or
    consent. See Rascon-Ortiz, 
    994 F.2d at 754
    Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the government, we
    accept the version of the events related by Agents Sims and Cruz, and find that
    the facts before the district court adequately support its decision to deny
    defendant’s motion to suppress. Agent Sims’ initial questioning regarding
    defendant’s alienage and destination was within the scope of a routine border
    checkpoint stop. Furthermore, the combination of Ms. Solano-Rodriguez’s
    nervousness and vague answers as to her precise destination, which Agent Sims
    testified that in his experience often occurred when a person was transporting
    narcotics, constitutes a sufficient basis for Agent Sims to detain her further while
    he requested her permission for a drug-detecting canine to walk around her car.
    Ms. Solano-Rodriguez consented to the canine inspection, making further
    justification for her detention during this inspection unnecessary. After the dog
    alerted to the floorboard of Ms. Solano-Rodriguez’s car, the border patrol agents
    had probable cause to detain her and search the vehicle. See Massie, 
    65 F.3d at 849
    . Therefore, we hold that the border patrol agents did not violate Ms. Solano-
    Rodriguez’s Fourth Amendment rights.
    C. Motion for Continuance
    - 10 -
    At the beginning of the second and final day of trial, Ms. Solano-Rodriguez
    requested a continuance because Norma Olivas, a witness scheduled to arrive in
    New Mexico from Denver, Colorado the previous night, had missed her flight.
    “We review the denial of a motion for continuance of trial for abuse of discretion
    and will find error only if the district court’s decision was arbitrary or
    unreasonable and materially prejudiced the defendant.” United States v. Simpson,
    152 F.3d 1241
    , 1251 (10th Cir. 1998); see also, e.g., Gust v. Jones, 
    162 F.3d 587
    598 (10th Cir. 1998). We find no abuse of discretion in this case.
    At the time of defendant’s arrest, she had a piece of paper with various first
    names, telephone numbers, cellular phone numbers, beeper numbers, and a
    Colorado address in her purse. On redirect, Agent Sanchez testified:
    By themselves, [the numbers] wouldn’t mean anything, but based on
    experience and having had involvement in numerous narcotics cases,
    cellular phone numbers are classic things used in the transportation
    of narcotics, because it helps the smugglers stay in contact, constant,
    continuous contact, with the person carrying their narcotics for them.
    . . . [T]his is large investment. . . . Denver, Colorado, is a city we
    come across with where these narcotics loads are destined to. So,
    yeah, all of these things by themselves don’t mean anything, but the
    combination of them are very significant to me, because I have had
    numerous experiences with narcotics cases and seeing these things
    involved in narcotics cases.
    R., Volume VI at 177-78. The government entered the paper containing the
    numbers into evidence as an exhibit.
    Defense counsel admits that she may have elicited much of this damaging
    - 11 -
    information during cross examination, but, at the time, she believed that Ms.
    Olivas would arrive to testify. Ms. Olivas would have testified that the numbers
    belonged to family and friends, rebutting the government’s inference that the
    numbers were drug-related. However, Ms. Olivas missed her flight, the last one
    from Denver for the evening, making her unavailable to testify. Defendant
    requested a continuance, but the district court denied the motion stating, “I do not
    think it’s reasonable to continue this case at this point to get a witness who could
    have or should have been obtained and brought here in a timely fashion.” R.,
    Volume VI at 290.
    Here, the district court did not act unreasonably nor arbitrarily in denying
    defendant’s motion for a continuance, nor did the court’s decision materially
    prejudice the defendant. The jury members, court, and government had already
    assembled and prepared for the second and final day of trial. Ms. Olivas’
    testimony would merely have reiterated that the telephone and beeper numbers
    belonged to family and friends, not drug carriers. Defendant and her daughter,
    Ms. Madrid, had already provided such testimony. Thus, we find that the court
    did not abuse its discretion in denying the motion for a continuance.
    D. Motion for Mistrial
    During defendant’s trial, government witness David Black testified that he
    had learned that a woman named Maria Solano and two young children had stayed
    - 12 -
    at the Townsman Motel in Alamogordo the night before Ms. Solano-Rodriguez’s
    arrest. This testimony contradicted defendant’s claim that she had no prearranged
    plan to go to Alamogordo before her niece called the day of her arrest. The
    district court sustained this objection on hearsay grounds and instructed the jury
    to disregard the statement. The court denied defendant’s request for a mistrial.
    On appeal, defendant argues that this remark “was so highly prejudicial as to be
    incurable by the trial court’s admonition. Appellant’s due process rights were
    violated by the improper evidence and it was error not to grant Appellant’s
    motion for a new trial.” Appellant’s Br. at 48. We disagree.
    Absent a clear abuse of discretion, we will not disturb a ruling on a motion
    for a mistrial. See United States v. Brooks, 
    161 F.3d 1240
    , 1245 (10th Cir.
    1998); United States v. Blaze, 
    143 F.3d 585
    , 594 (10th Cir. 1998). A new trial is
    warranted only when it cannot be said “with reasonable certainty that the
    reference to [inadmissable evidence] had but very slight effect on the verdict of
    the jury.” United States v. Joe, 
    8 F.3d 1488
    , 1498 (10th Cir. 1993) (internal
    quotation marks and citations omitted). In this case, the objectionable reference
    constitutes an isolated comment in a two day trial, and the district court
    immediately gave a curative instruction to the jury. An instruction to ignore the
    testimony typically cures any alleged prejudice. See United States v. Peveto, 
    881 F.2d 844
    , 859 (10th Cir. 1989). We hold that under these circumstances, the
    - 13 -
    judge’s immediate instruction cured any harm that might have arisen from Mr.
    Black’s inadmissible testimony. The district court did not abuse its discretion
    when it denied defendant’s motion for a mistrial. Cf. Joe, 
    8 F.3d at 1498
    no abuse of discretion where inadmissible testimony consisted of “a single
    isolated occurrence” and “the trial judge gave an immediate curative
    E. Sufficiency of Evidence
    Finally, Ms. Solano-Rodriguez argues on appeal that there exists
    insufficient evidence to support the jury’s verdict. In evaluating this claim, we
    “review the record de novo and ask only whether, taking the evidence -- both
    direct and circumstantial, together with the reasonable inferences to be drawn
    therefrom -- in the light most favorable to the government, a reasonable jury
    could find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.” United States v.
    82 F.3d 1521
    , 1524-25 (10th Cir. 1996) (internal quotation marks and
    citations omitted); accord United States v. Simpson, 
    152 F.3d 1241
    , 1251 (10th
    Cir. 1998). After carefully reviewing the record, we hold that sufficient evidence
    existed upon which a reasonable jury could convict defendant.
    - 14 -
    In conclusion, we AFFIRM the district court on all issues raised.
    Deanell Reece Tacha
    Circuit Judge
    - 15 -

Document Info

Docket Number: 97-2348

Filed Date: 3/5/1999

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 4/17/2021

Authorities (18)

United States v. Pedro Villa-Chaparro , 115 F.3d 797 ( 1997 )

Francis S.L. Wang v. Paul Hsu C v. Chen Kwan Tao Li Lee and ... , 919 F.2d 130 ( 1990 )

Robert E. ORTH and Connie A. Orth, Plaintiffs-Appellees, v. ... , 980 F.2d 632 ( 1992 )

United States v. Jerry v. Rice , 52 F.3d 843 ( 1995 )

emery-duane-gust-and-dennie-g-dighera-v-jeffrey-s-jones-and-willis-shaw , 162 F.3d 587 ( 1998 )

United States v. Donald Albert Massie and Carson Lewis , 65 F.3d 843 ( 1995 )

United States v. John A. Voss, United States of America v. ... , 82 F.3d 1521 ( 1996 )

United States v. Galindo-Gonzales , 142 F.3d 1217 ( 1998 )

United States v. Melvin Joe , 8 F.3d 1488 ( 1993 )

United States v. William Riley Simpson , 152 F.3d 1241 ( 1998 )

in-re-coordinated-pretrial-proceedings-in-petroleum-products-antitrust , 669 F.2d 620 ( 1982 )

United States v. Brooks , 161 F.3d 1240 ( 1998 )

United States v. Juan Manuel Rascon-Ortiz, and Edgar Rascon-... , 994 F.2d 749 ( 1993 )

united-states-v-burl-allen-peveto-jr-united-states-of-america-v-melvin , 881 F.2d 844 ( 1989 )

44-fed-r-evid-serv-312-prodliabrep-cch-p-14649-steven-d-compton , 82 F.3d 1513 ( 1996 )

United States v. Johnny Blaze, A/K/A Ruben Hur Cedeno, A/K/... , 143 F.3d 585 ( 1998 )

United States v. Martinez-Fuerte , 96 S. Ct. 3074 ( 1976 )

Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. , 113 S. Ct. 2786 ( 1993 )

View All Authorities »