Niemi v. Lasshofer , 728 F.3d 1252 ( 2013 )

  •                                                                     FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    September 6, 2013
    PUBLISH                  Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    Clerk of Court
    No. 12-1233
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Colorado
    (D.C. No. 1:12-CV-00869-RBJ)
    Kevin D. Evans (Phillip L. Douglass with him on the briefs), of Steese, Evans &
    Frankel, P.C., Denver, Colorado for Defendants-Appellants.
    Christopher W. Madel of Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L.P., Minneapolis,
    Minnesota (Robert N. Miller and Stephanie E. Dunn of Perkins Coie LLP,
    Denver, Colorado, with him on the briefs), for Plaintiffs-Appellees.
    Before TYMKOVICH, GORSUCH, and HOLMES, Circuit Judges.
    GORSUCH, Circuit Judge.
    An unconventional real estate financing scheme presents us with some
    unconventional legal questions. Questions ranging from whether an Austrian
    financier should be denied access to the American legal system because he failed
    to comply with an order freezing his assets worldwide — to whether the district
    court had the power to issue such a far-flying order in the first place.
    Our case starts in Breckenridge and lean economic times. John Niemi and
    his business partners set out to build a large luxury ski condominium complex in
    two phases, working through a set of companies controlled by Mesatex, LLC. But
    traditional financing proved hard to find: after completing the first phase of
    development they found no bank willing to loan the $220 million needed to finish
    the project. So they began casting about for alternative sources.
    They found a shady one in Michael Burgess. A Florida businessman, Mr.
    Burgess claimed to represent a European investor, Erwin Lasshofer, with an easy
    $250 million at hand. All Mesatex had to do to secure a loan was to pay a
    $180,000 commitment fee and provide another $2 million as a collateral deposit.
    This Mesatex did, but the promised loan never materialized. Where the $2.18
    million wound up is anyone’s guess, but for his part in the scheme Mr. Burgess
    eventually found himself in federal prison serving time for fraud and money
    Of course, Mr. Burgess’s sentence did little to satisfy Mesatex and its
    investors. They wanted their money back, and damages too. So they brought this
    lawsuit alleging that the lost loan wrecked Mesatex’s business, caused it millions
    in lost profits, and sent its properties into foreclosure. But for whatever reason,
    neither Mesatex nor any of its subsidiaries — the only parties to the loan
    arrangements with Mr. Burgess — was included as a party to this lawsuit.
    Instead, the suit named only Mr. Niemi, Robert Naegele, and Jesper Parnevik —
    Mesatex’s investors — as plaintiffs. A tactical decision with consequences that
    will become apparent soon enough.
    As defendants Mr. Niemi and his fellow investors named not just Mr.
    Burgess and Mr. Lasshofer. Thinking here about the relevant companies, the
    plaintiffs sued as well the Innovatis Group, a set of foreign companies associated
    with Mr. Lasshofer. Proceeding under (among other laws) the Racketeer
    Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act and the Colorado Organized Crime
    Control Act, Mr. Niemi and the other plaintiffs demanded as much as $150
    million in relief. See 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-1968
    Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 18-17-101
    Soon enough Mr. Burgess and Mr. Lasshofer began the finger pointing.
    Mr. Burgess insisted he was just following Mr. Lasshofer’s instructions. Mr.
    Lasshofer rejoined that he found himself unwittingly in business with a con man.
    Unpersuaded that Mr. Lasshofer was quite the innocent he claimed to be, the
    district court in June 2012 granted the plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary
    injunction, effectively freezing the worldwide assets of Mr. Lasshofer and the
    corporate defendants and ordering them to deposit $2.18 million in escrow
    pending a final judgment. It is this interlocutory order Mr. Lasshofer and the
    corporate defendants now ask us to undo. See 
    28 U.S.C. § 1292
    *    *    *
    Mr. Niemi and his colleagues say we should dismiss the defendants’ appeal
    summarily, without reaching the merits. They offer two reasons why.
    In the first place, they insist this appeal is moot. Moot because the district
    court granted a second preliminary injunction in October 2012 affording the same
    relief as the June 2012 injunction that’s the subject of this appeal. In the
    plaintiffs’ view, the June 2012 injunction no longer does any independent work of
    its own and anything we might say about its propriety would be academic because
    the October 2012 injunction hasn’t been appealed and will remain in force no
    matter what we do. Put plainly, Mr. Niemi and his colleagues argue the
    defendants needed to appeal both orders and didn’t.
    This line of attack rests on a faulty premise. Even a glance at the two
    injunctions reveals that they are not at all the same, contrary to the plaintiffs’
    representations. The October 2012 injunction controls only the disposition of
    approximately $6.8 million in a specific numbered bank account located in
    Switzerland and belonging to one of the corporate defendants. The June 2012
    injunction, meanwhile, binds both Mr. Lasshofer and all the corporate defendants;
    it freezes virtually all their assets anywhere in the world; and it requires them to
    deposit $2.18 million in an escrow account. Pretty plainly, the June 2012
    injunction does quite a bit of lively work all its own, and the dispute over its
    issuance is anything but academic. Cf. Wyoming v. U.S. Dep’t of Interior, 
    587 F.3d 1245
    , 1250 (10th Cir. 2009) (finding an order moot because it no longer had
    any “effect in the real world”) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Alternatively, Mr. Niemi and his colleagues suggest we still shouldn’t
    reach the merits of the appeal because of the “fugitive disentitlement doctrine.”
    The plaintiffs note that Mr. Lasshofer and the corporate defendants have failed to
    abide fully the terms of the June 2012 preliminary injunction. In fact, since we
    heard argument in this appeal, the district court apparently first held Mr.
    Lasshofer and his companies in (civil) contempt — for failing to deposit the $2.18
    million in escrow as ordered — and then entered a default judgment against them
    for nearly $62 million. In the plaintiffs’ view, the defendants should not be
    allowed to challenge on appeal the lawfulness of an order they have defied in the
    district court.
    But the so-called “fugitive disentitlement doctrine” doesn’t do nearly so
    much work as this. To understand the doctrine’s pedigree is to understand why.
    At common law, when someone was charged with a crime but failed to appear for
    trial, he was deemed an outlaw — a term the common law didn’t use lightly. An
    outlaw was, literally, outside the law’s protection. His goods and chattels were
    forfeit to the crown, he could be punished just as if he had been convicted, and —
    in the earliest days — he could be killed with impunity. 4 William Blackstone,
    Commentaries *319-20. Happily, the criminal law has long since abandoned
    outlawry. See United States v. Hall, 
    198 F.2d 726
    , 727-28 (2d Cir. 1952). But
    this humane advance brought with it new questions of its own. If the absconding
    defendant is no longer entirely outside the law’s protection, the question
    inevitably arises: which specific legal protections is he entitled to? Surely his
    life now receives a degree of protection — pursuers are supposed to try to arrest
    the fugitive rather than feel free to slay him on sight. 4 William Blackstone,
    Commentaries *320. And no trial can begin without his presence. See Crosby v.
    United States, 
    506 U.S. 255
    , 262 (1993); see also Fed. R. Crim. P. 43(a),
    (c)(1)(A). But what happens if he flees after indictment or conviction? Can he
    use the legal system to challenge the charges against him from the safety of his
    hideout? Does the law give a fleeing criminal defendant protection enough to do
    that? The answer courts have arrived at is a firm no, and today we call that
    answer by this mouthful — the “fugitive disentitlement doctrine.”
    Courts adopted this rule in order to avoid turning trials and appeals into
    unenforceable farces. If a defendant could file motions and appeals while on the
    lam, the litigation risks turning into nothing more than a rigged game, a sort of
    no-lose proposition for the defendant in which an adverse judgment guarantees
    nothing but a continuation of the chase — “heads, I win; tails you can’t find me.”
    See Allen v. Georgia, 
    166 U.S. 138
    , 141 (1897); United Elec., Radio & Mach.
    Workers of Am. v. 163 Pleasant St. Corp., 
    960 F.2d 1080
    , 1097 (1st Cir. 1992).
    Contemporary fugitive disentitlement doctrine exists to rebalance the playing
    field, to afford courts the “discretion to refuse to hear a criminal case . . . unless
    the convicted party [or charged defendant] . . . is where he can be made to
    respond to any judgment we may render.” Ortega-Rodriguez v. United States,
    507 U.S. 234
    , 240 (1993); see also Bonahan v. Nebraska, 
    125 U.S. 692
    Smith v. United States, 
    94 U.S. 97
    Precisely none of this helps Mr. Niemi and his colleagues. So far as we
    know, neither Mr. Lasshofer nor any of his companies has been charged with (let
    alone convicted of) crimes, and they aren’t hiding from the law — the usual
    preconditions for the doctrine’s application. Instead, they seem to be in their
    home countries, Austria and Panama, going about their business as usual, if in
    contempt of civil court orders here. All this leaves the plaintiffs to argue less for
    an application of the fugitive disentitlement doctrine than for a serious extension
    of it. They want us to disentitle not a criminal in hiding, but a civil litigant who
    has chosen to sit defiantly at home.
    That is quite a leap. To date, the plaintiffs can point to only one small step
    we’ve taken in the direction they encourage. This court has held that aliens
    hiding from deportation orders cannot simultaneously challenge those orders in
    court. We’ve done so explaining that the rationale underlying the doctrine in the
    criminal context applies with equal force in the immigration context: a fugitive
    alien makes the enforcement of any deportation order against him impossible, just
    as a fugitive defendant does with the criminal judgment against him — in this
    way again turning the litigation into a one-way street. See Martin v. Mukasey,
    517 F.3d 1201
    , 1204-05 (10th Cir. 2008); Sapoundjiev v. Ashcroft, 
    376 F.3d 727
    729-30 (7th Cir. 2004). The only other time we tried to extend the doctrine into
    the civil arena — a case involving a civil forfeiture action itself closely tied to a
    criminal case — the Supreme Court later firmly rebuffed our efforts. See Degen
    v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 820
    , 825 (1996), abrogating United States v. Timbers
    999 F.2d 452
    , 455 (10th Cir. 1993).
    Even worse for the plaintiffs, the Supreme Court long ago expressly
    rejected the very idea they ask us to accept — that a civil contemnor loses the
    right to participate further in his case because he — as here — failed to deposit
    funds in the court’s registry pursuant to a court order. See Hovey v. Ellott, 
    167 U.S. 409
    , 411-14 (1897). The plaintiffs’ suggestion that we turn away a civil
    contemnor’s interlocutory appeal sits more than a little awkwardly, too, with the
    law’s jealous insistence in other situations that a civil litigant must invite and
    accept contempt as the price to be paid for earning the right to pursue an
    interlocutory appeal. See, e.g., United States v. Copar Pumice Co., 
    714 F.3d 1197
    , 1206-07 (10th Cir. 2013).
    Quite apart from these formal problems with the plaintiffs’ invitation to
    extend into mainstream civil litigation a doctrine rooted in crime, the rationale
    underlying the doctrine simply isn’t in play here. The reason it isn’t lies in the
    difference between cash and the corporeal. In crime, the absence of the defending
    party’s person prevents a trial and the execution of an adverse judgment. Any
    litigation could only inhere to his advantage, creating a one-way street. But the
    same isn’t necessarily true when lucre rather than liberty is at stake. When only
    money is at stake, a court can usually proceed to issue an executable judgment
    even if the defendant chooses not to appear. Before final judgment, the court can
    try contempt orders to cajole his appearance and compliance. Failing that, the
    court can proceed to judgment without him, by entering a default judgment in a
    sum certain that provides the plaintiff with an executable interest in the
    defendant’s assets. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 37(b), 55. After a final judgment, too, an
    absent civil defendant cannot appeal without either posting a bond or coming to
    court and winning a stay. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 62. In all these ways, a civil
    defendant’s physical absence doesn’t guarantee him the chance to turn
    proceedings into a no-lose game. After outlawry’s demise, the criminal law may
    have needed something like the fugitive disentitlement doctrine to deal with the
    problem of the absent party, but mainstream civil law has evolved many rule-
    based solutions of its own adapted to its special circumstances to ensure evasion
    doesn’t always pay. Our case nicely illustrates the point: the plaintiffs have
    already won a default judgment against the defendants in the amount of $62
    million and are presumably busy working to execute that judgment, just as the
    law entitles them to do. See Degen, 
    517 U.S. at 827
    The fugitive disentitlement doctrine provides a discretionary remedy whose
    provenance lies in the common law or “inherent powers” of a court. Degen, 
    517 U.S. at 823-24
    . We are always hesitant about deploying authority of that kind,
    especially when existing rules or statutes anticipate and address the same subject.
    See id.; Chambers v. NASCO, Inc., 
    501 U.S. 32
    , 46-47 (1991) (inherent power to
    sanction bad-faith conduct “fill[s] in the interstices” of federal statutes and rules).
    This isn’t to say a court’s common law or inherent powers are always enervated
    when rules and statutes touch on the same subject. See Chambers, 
    501 U.S. at 46
    Or even that the disentitlement doctrine might never come to play some role in
    the civil arena: we do not claim foresight enough to anticipate every contingency.
    But the existence of so many civil rules adapted to the particular problem the
    plaintiffs face in this case surely casts their demand that we dismiss this appeal
    before hearing it in an unattractive light.
    *   *   *
    With that and at long last, we turn to consider the defendants’ appeal.
    - 10 -
    Mr. Lasshofer and the corporate defendants argue that the preliminary
    injunction must be overturned because of Grupo Mexicano de Desarrollo, S.A. v.
    Alliance Bond Fund, Inc. There the Supreme Court held that, in cases seeking
    money judgments, federal district courts do not possess the inherent equitable
    power to issue preliminary injunctions preventing the transfer of assets in which
    the plaintiffs claim no pre-existing lien or equitable interest. 
    527 U.S. 308
    , 310,
    333 (1999). Yet that, the defendants argue, is exactly what happened here: in the
    June 2012 preliminary injunction the district court purported to freeze all of their
    assets worldwide, whether or not connected in any way to the allegations in this
    case and no matter if they greatly exceeded the amount of damages sought.
    Because the district court overstepped the bounds of its inherent authority, the
    defendants say, we must reverse.
    The defendants’ argument here, like both of the plaintiffs’ arguments
    before it, overstates its case. No doubt, Grupo Mexicano held that district courts
    lack inherent authority to issue preliminary injunctions like the one here, just as
    the defendants suggest. But the Supreme Court in Grupo Mexicano also
    acknowledged that Congress can and sometimes has added to the inherent
    authority of courts by statute, allowing courts to enter preliminary injunctions
    freezing assets on a national or international basis. 
    Id. at 325-26
    . And the Court
    expressly left open the question whether a district court sitting in diversity can
    issue an injunction along these same lines when state law permits. 
     at 318 n.3.
    - 11 -
    That last possibility is notable here because it’s the one the district court invoked
    in this case. When issuing its injunction, the district court pointed to subsection
    (6) of the civil-remedies section of COCCA, Colorado’s anti-racketeering law,
    and said that statutory subsection gave it the authority to grant the preliminary
    relief it did. See 
    Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-17-106
    (6); see also Fed. R. Civ. P. 64(a)
    (“[T]hroughout an action, every remedy is available that, under the law of the
    state where the court is located, provides for seizing a person or property to
    secure satisfaction of the potential judgment.”). So saying the district court
    lacked inherent authority to do as it did gets the defendants precisely nowhere for
    the simple reason that the district court never purported to rely on its inherent
    authority, but expressly relied instead on state statutory authority.
    Of course, Grupo Mexicano didn’t resolve — only highlighted — the
    question whether state law can expand the equitable powers of a federal court
    sitting in diversity. For its part, the district court ventured an affirmative answer
    to the question because of FDIC v. Antonio, 
    843 F.2d 1311
     (10th Cir. 1988). As a
    matter of state law, Antonio held that subsection (6) of COCCA’s civil remedies
    section authorizes courts to issue preliminary injunctions seizing assets even in
    the absence of a pre-existing lien or equitable interest. As a matter of federal
    law, Antonio saw no reason to doubt that a district court operating under the
    diversity statute could exercise this same authority. 
    Id. at 1312-14
    . In light of
    - 12 -
    these twin holdings, the district court in this case held that it possessed authority
    to issue its preliminary injunction.
    The defendants take issue with the district court’s analysis but give us too
    little to work with. For example, they argue that Antonio is no longer good law
    after Grupo Mexicano. But they (again) disregard the fact that Grupo Mexicano
    purported to speak only to a district court’s inherent authority to issue preliminary
    injunctions and expressly left open the question of a district court’s authority to
    issue preliminary injunctions under the diversity statute and state law.
    Separately, the defendants before us fault the defendants in Antonio for failing to
    identify federal statutory limits on the authority of a district court sitting in
    diversity to impose a preliminary injunction authorized by state law. But then
    Mr. Lasshofer and the corporate defendants themselves fail to identify any such
    limits in their briefing in this case. They point to § 11 of the Judiciary Act of
    1789. But that provision says only that federal courts shall have cognizance of
    civil suits “at common law or in equity,” see 
    1 Stat. 73
    , 78, and the defendants
    never explain how that language prohibits a federal court authorized by
    Congress’s diversity statute to apply state law from granting preliminary
    injunctive relief authorized by state law.
    This isn’t to suggest a federal court sitting in diversity may always and
    everywhere impose a remedy authorized by state law. The Supreme Court has
    told us that it’s a mistake to assume “that whatever equitable remedy is available
    - 13 -
    in a State court must be available in a diversity suit in federal court.” Guaranty
    Trust Co. v. York, 
    326 U.S. 99
    , 105 (1945). The difficulty is that the defendants
    haven’t developed a theory why, as a matter of federal law, the district court in
    this case couldn’t issue a preliminary injunction authorized by COCCA. A good
    argument might exist — we do not prejudge what arguments other parties might
    muster in other cases — but none’s been made here.
    There is, however, another, related problem lurking here, one neither party
    has addressed. As a matter of state law, Antonio held that subsection (6) of
    COCCA’s civil-remedies section authorizes preliminary injunctions freezing
    assets worldwide. See 
    Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-17-106
    (6). But by its terms,
    subsection (6) permits preliminary injunctive relief only in cases “proceeding
    under subsection (1).” In turn, subsection (1) governs cases seeking permanent
    equitable relief. The complaint in this case, however, doesn’t request any form of
    permanent equitable relief, only damages. See Complaint, No. 1:12-CV-869-RBJ,
    at ¶¶ 261, 282, 292 (D. Colo. Apr. 4, 2012). Damages actions proceed under
    subsection (7) — not subsection (1) — and subsection (7) does not mention, let
    alone authorize, preliminary injunctive relief. Put simply, as a matter of state law
    COCCA appears to authorize preliminary injunctive relief in cases seeking
    permanent equitable relief, but not (as here) cases seeking only damages. 1
    Here are the relevant subsections of 
    Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-17-106
    - 14 -
    Though the parties don’t address this potential problem, it’s unclear
    whether we can ignore it. In our adversarial system we don’t usually go looking
    for trouble but rely instead on the parties to identify the issues we must decide.
    At the same time, of course, this court has an affirmative obligation to admit
    when we or the district court lack the jurisdiction, or power, to hear a case. See
    Steel Co. v. Citizens for a Better Env’t, 
    523 U.S. 83
    , 94 (1998). And it’s at least
    possible this problem bears a jurisdictional cast. To be sure, the “jurisdiction”
    epithet has been used too casually by too many courts in the past and it bears
    “many, too many, meanings.” 
    Id. at 90
     (internal quotation marks omitted). But
    (1) Any district court may, after making due provision for the rights of
    innocent persons, enjoin violations of the provisions of section 18-17-104
    by issuing appropriate orders and judgments, including, but not limited to:
    (a) Ordering any defendant to divest himself of any interest in any
    enterprise, including real property;
    (b) Imposing reasonable restrictions upon the future activities or
    investments of any defendant . . . ;
    [other forms of equitable relief].
    (6) Any aggrieved person may institute a proceeding under subsection (1)
    of this section. In such proceeding, . . . . a temporary restraining order and
    a preliminary injunction may be issued in any such action before a final
    determination on the merits.
    (7) Any person injured by reason of any violation of the provisions of
    section 18-17-104 shall have a cause of action for threefold the actual
    damages sustained. . . .
    - 15 -
    when talking about the absence of any inherent authority permitting a district
    court to issue a preliminary injunctive relief freezing a defendant’s assets
    worldwide, Grupo Mexicano spoke of the problem as one of power and authority,
    tying its discussion to the grant of equity jurisdiction found in the Judiciary Act
    of 1789. When addressing cases arising under the diversity statute, we’ve seen
    the Supreme Court has likewise suggested that diversity authority doesn’t
    necessarily endow federal district courts the power or authority to issue every
    form of equitable relief a state court might possess in the same situation.
    Guaranty Trust, 
    326 U.S. at 105
    . Whether, given all this, the potential absence of
    an equitable remedy under state law qualifies as a “jurisdictional” limit on a
    federal court sitting in diversity, or suggests only a potential error in the
    application of state law, poses at least a lively question.
    While we would normally pursue the question to its end and decide
    definitively whether we have a true jurisdictional problem knocking about here,
    we discern another and easier avenue to resolve this appeal. Even assuming a
    preliminary injunction is available in a COCCA action seeking only damages, Mr.
    Lasshofer and the corporate defendants argue another problem still bars the
    plaintiffs’ way. As a matter of state law, they say, the plaintiffs have failed to
    demonstrate statutory standing to pursue any COCCA claim. And without the
    right to pursue any COCCA claim, it follows that the preliminary injunction must
    be withdrawn. This argument has the virtue of being fully briefed, easily
    - 16 -
    resolved, and right. It has another virtue too. Because both this more modest
    state statutory standing question and any possible “jurisdictional” problem
    concerning the limits of the district court’s authority to issue injunctive relief in
    this case amount to “threshold grounds” for resolving this appeal short of
    reaching its merits, we possess “leeway to choose among” them and to “take[] the
    less burdensome course.” Sinochem Int’l Co. v. Malaysia Int’l Shipping Corp.,
    549 U.S. 422
    , 431, 436 (2007). We think it prudent to do just that in this case to
    avoid needlessly making a truly mammoth appeal out of one already large and
    tangled enough.
    *     *      *
    The statutory standing question is (relatively) easily resolved and
    dispositive for a reason we alluded to some time ago. It was Mesatex that sought
    the loan, signed the loan application, and received the loan commitment. It was
    Mesatex’s subsidiaries that signed the loan agreement and its amendment, paid
    the loan fees, and advanced the loan collateral. It was those companies, too, that
    owned the Breckenridge properties and whose business allegedly suffered when
    the loan failed to materialize. Yet neither Mesatex nor any of its subsidiaries is
    named as a plaintiff in this lawsuit. Mr. Niemi and his colleagues stress that they
    invested in Mesatex and its subsidiaries; they stress, too, that they guaranteed
    some of the corporations’ loans. But it’s long settled law that a shareholder or
    guarantor lacks standing to assert RICO claims when their losses are only
    - 17 -
    derivative of a corporation’s — when the individuals’ losses come about only
    because of the firm’s loss. Every circuit to have addressed the question —
    including this one in Bixler v. Foster, 
    596 F.3d 751
    , 758-59 (10th Cir. 2010) —
    has held that the proper plaintiff in these situations is the corporation, not the
    investor or guarantor. See Sparling v. Hoffman Const. Co., Inc., 
    864 F.2d 635
    640-41 (9th Cir. 1988) (collecting cases). We know, too, that Colorado courts
    interpreting COCCA look to federal RICO law for guidance. See Floyd v. Coors
    Brewing Co., 
    952 P.2d 797
    , 803 (Colo. App. 1997), rev’d on other grounds sub
    nom. Coors Brewing Co. v. Floyd, 
    978 P.2d 663
     (Colo. 1999). So taking all this
    together it seems pretty plain the plaintiffs lack standing to proceed under
    COCCA, let alone to win a preliminary injunction under COCCA. After all, “in
    addition to the Article III standing requirements, [p]laintiffs must also meet the
    statutory standing requirements” of the statute under which they seek relief. Utah
    v. Babbitt, 
    137 F.3d 1193
    , 1203 (10th Cir. 1998); see also 
    id. at 1216
    statutory standing under the APA); Kansas v. United States, 
    249 F.3d 1213
    , 1221-
    23 (10th Cir. 2001).
    Admittedly, few rules lack exceptions and the statutory standing rule we’ve
    just identified certainly bears an important one we must pause to consider. A
    plaintiff who can identify some way in which he or she suffered personally and
    directly as a result of the defendant’s conduct — some way in which his or her
    losses are not derivative of the corporation’s losses — can proceed with or
    - 18 -
    without the corporation in the case. See generally Franchise Tax Bd. of Cal. v.
    Alcan Aluminium Ltd., 
    493 U.S. 331
    , 336 (1990). So, for example, when a
    plaintiff can claim that the defendant’s actions not only hurt the corporation but
    prevented her personally from practicing her trade or profession, that can be
    enough to allow a suit to proceed with her as plaintiff. See Heart of Am. Grain
    Inspection Servs., Inc. v. Missouri Dep’t of Agric., 
    123 F.3d 1098
    , 1102 (8th Cir.
    1997); Cooper v. McBeath, 
    11 F.3d 547
    , 551 (5th Cir. 1994); see also Hobby
    Lobby, ___ F.3d ___, 
    2013 WL 3216103
    , at *34 (10th Cir. 2013) (en banc)
    (Gorsuch, J., concurring).
    The problem we face is this. Despite being challenged to do so in this
    appeal, the plaintiffs have not identified in their brief any direct and personal
    injury they suffered. Mr. Niemi points out that he signed the loan agreement with
    Mr. Burgess and that he wired the funds required by the loan agreement. But he
    admits he signed the loan agreement and other documents only in his capacity as
    a manager of Mesatex or its subsidiaries. See, e.g., Loan Agreement at 81, Exh.
    17 to Mot. for Temporary Restraining Order & Preliminary Injunction, No. 12-
    CV-869-RBJ (D. Colo. Apr. 5, 2012), ECF No. 6. And signing a contract or
    performing actions on behalf of a corporation generally isn’t enough to qualify as
    a direct and personal interest. See Kaplan v. First Options of Chicago (In re
    143 F.3d 807
    , 812 (3d Cir. 1998). Likewise, Mr. Niemi never disputes
    that he and his colleagues sent money to the defendants only in their roles as
    - 19 -
    Mesatex’s creditors to satisfy Mesatex’s contractual duties to the defendants —
    and they develop no argument and cite no authority suggesting this was enough to
    establish a direct and personal loss of their own. See Am. Capital Corp. v. FDIC,
    472 F.3d 859
    , 866-67 (Fed. Cir. 2006). We are thus left without any convincing
    explanation how the losses the individual plaintiffs suffered in this case arose
    from anything other than their participation as investors, creditors, and guarantors
    of the injured corporation.
    Without proof of a direct and personal injury, the plaintiffs try to save the
    preliminary injunction with a very different line of attack. They assert that
    Mesatex assigned its claims to them or that they otherwise succeeded to the
    company’s interests when it became defunct. But everyone acknowledges that
    standing to pursue a claim must normally exist by the time a lawsuit is filed. See
    Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. Laidlaw Envtl. Servs., Inc., 
    528 U.S. 167
    , 180
    (2000); Utah Ass’n of Counties v. Bush, 
    455 F.3d 1094
    , 1099 (10th Cir. 2006).
    And though the record before us on appeal suggests an assignment took place
    sometime, it doesn’t tell us when — let alone offer assurance that the assignment
    took place before this lawsuit began. Neither does the record on appeal show that
    Mesatex or its subsidiaries ever dissolved, let alone that they dissolved and the
    plaintiffs somehow succeeded to their claims before this lawsuit started. The
    burden of proving statutory standing rests on the plaintiffs’ shoulders and, try as
    - 20 -
    we might, we see no way we can faithfully hold that they carried that burden in
    their appellate briefs and the record they assembled for this appeal.
    *      *     *
    Even so, that isn’t quite the end of the story. After briefing and oral
    argument and while this case was under submission, the plaintiffs graced us with
    no fewer than five Rule 28(j) letters. See Fed. R. App. P. 28(j). In these letters,
    the plaintiffs have sought to inject new issues and theories into this appeal.
    Among other things, they now contend for the first time that the defendants
    forfeited their statutory standing complaint by failing to raise the issue in district
    court. Not to be outdone, the defendants have replied in kind, with five letters of
    their own, insisting (again, among many other things) that they did present the
    statutory standing issue in district court.
    We decline to resolve the parties’ collateral appeal by correspondence. In
    their opening appellate brief, the defendants contested the plaintiffs’ statutory
    standing. In their responsive appellate brief, the plaintiffs chose to meet the
    defendants’ statutory standing challenge head on, asking us to affirm their
    standing outright, forgoing any suggestion that the defendants forfeited the issue
    in district court. Only after we voiced interest in the statutory standing issue at
    oral argument did the plaintiffs apparently worry about the need for a backup
    argument and try to introduce the forfeiture question by way of a letter to the
    court. This tactical shift comes far too late in the day. While we will consider
    - 21 -
    jurisdictional problems whenever they appear, we generally refuse to consider any
    other new issue introduced for the first time in a reply brief, let alone in a Rule
    28(j) letter. See Hill v. Kemp, 
    478 F.3d 1236
    , 1250-51 (10th Cir. 2007); Headrick
    v. Rockwell Int’l Corp., 
    24 F.3d 1272
    , 1277-78 (10th Cir. 1994) (White, J., sitting
    by designation).
    The proper function of Rule 28(j) letters, after all, is to advise the court of
    “new authorities” a party has learned of after oral argument, not to interject a
    long available but previously unmentioned issue for decision. See Fed. R. App. P.
    28(j). Allowing a party to convert the rule to an entirely new and different
    purpose — allowing Rule 28(j) letters to be used to introduce any sort of new
    issue after briefing is complete — risks leaving opponents with no opportunity (at
    least if they abide the rules of appellate procedure) for a proper response; it risks
    an improvident opinion from this court by tasking us with the job of issuing an
    opinion without the full benefits of the adversarial process; and it invites an
    unsavory degree of tactical sandbagging by litigants in future cases: why bother
    pursuing a potentially winning issue at the outset when you can wait to introduce
    it at the last second and leave your opponent without the chance to respond? See
    478 F.3d at 1250-51
    ; Headrick, 
    24 F.3d at 1277-78
    This is not to suggest that we cannot take notice on our own of a forfeiture
    not timely raised by the opposing party, only that nothing compels that course in
    this case. Yet, even if we did so here — even if we found the statutory standing
    - 22 -
    question forfeited and so reviewed it only under a plain error standard — we
    would reach the same result. Plain error is “(i) error, (ii) that is plain, which (iii)
    affects substantial rights, and which (iv) seriously affects the fairness, integrity,
    or public reputation of judicial proceedings.” See Richison v. Ernest Grp., Inc.,
    634 F.3d 1123
    , 1128 (10th Cir. 2010). The absence of evidence in the record on
    appeal establishing a pre-lawsuit assignment or some direct and personal injury is
    plain enough. Neither do we doubt that an order freezing all of a defendant’s
    worldy assets affects his substantial rights. And affording such sweeping relief
    based on a claim that belongs only to parties who are not even before the court
    cannot help but seriously affect the fairness of the proceedings.
    Besides pressing forfeiture for the first time, the plaintiffs use Rule 28(j)
    letters to say even more about statutory standing. They assert that, since oral
    argument in this appeal, the district court has addressed the issue further and in
    doing so resolved any worry we might have. But even assuming the district court
    had the power to address the statutory standing question while it was pending in
    this court — see Colorado v. Idarado Min. Co., 
    916 F.2d 1486
    , 1490 n.2 (10th
    Cir. 1990) — the transcript the plaintiffs provide from the district court
    proceeding does not resolve this appeal. To be sure, the transcript discusses how
    Mr. Niemi and his partners advanced the $2.18 million to the defendants on
    behalf of Mesatex. But it does not discuss Bixler or examine how the individual
    plaintiffs’ payment on behalf of and in the name of Mesatex and its affiliated
    - 23 -
    companies might avoid Bixler. Neither does the transcript reveal when Mesatex’s
    interests might have been transferred to the individual plaintiffs, or clearly hold
    that they have established a direct and personal injury as required by Bixler.
    This isn’t to suggest the statutory standing problem is insurmountable — or
    even close to it. Though standing isn’t apparent in the transcript the plaintiffs
    recently supplied or the record they prepared for our review on appeal, perhaps on
    remand the plaintiffs can muster credible evidence that an assignment occurred
    before the lawsuit began. Perhaps they can persuade the district court to add
    Mesatex and the other corporations to the suit. Perhaps they can establish some
    direct and personal injury. Some other possible factual or legal angle might
    appear. But at this point — on the arguments before us and with the record on
    appeal supplied to us — we see no way we might lawfully avoid the conclusion
    that the plaintiffs have not established statutory standing under COCCA.
    *     *      *
    We take no joy in having to undo the district court’s work in this case. As
    this appeal illustrates (and only illustrates — representing just a small window
    into the case), this litigation has already proven a long and arduous journey with
    the parties avidly clawing for every inch tooth and nail. It pleases us not at all to
    add to the delay and cost of this litigation or to the district court’s plate — and to
    do so in a case that, we must add, the district court has managed with
    extraordinary diligence, rectitude, and care. But we take cases as they come to
    - 24 -
    us, and on the briefs and record that come to us in this one, the law demands that
    we recognize the absence of statutory standing. For this court in this appeal, if
    not for the district court on remand, that has to mark the end of the road. The
    June 2012 preliminary injunction is vacated and the case is remanded for further
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    - 25 -

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-1233

Citation Numbers: 728 F.3d 1252

Judges: Gorsuch, Holmes, Tymkovich

Filed Date: 9/6/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/7/2023

Authorities (32)

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