Vasquez v. Davis , 882 F.3d 1270 ( 2018 )

  •                                                                                FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    PUBLISH                              Tenth Circuit
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                    February 23, 2018
    Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    FOR THE TENTH CIRCUIT                          Clerk of Court
    Plaintiff - Appellant/Cross-
    v.                                                 Nos. 17-1026 & 17-1044
    JEANNE DAVIS, in her individual
    capacity; BRIAN WEBSTER, in his
    individual capacity; KATHLEEN
    MELLOH, in her individual capacity;
    MAURICE FAUVEL, in his individual and
    official capacities; RICK RAEMISCH, in
    his official capacity,
    Defendants - Appellees/Cross-
    individual capacity,
    GATBEL CHAMJOCK, in his individual
    Defendant - Appellee.
    Appeals from the United States District Court
    for the District of Colorado
    (D.C. No. 1:14-CV-01433-WJM-CBS)
    Elisabeth L. Owen, Prisoners’ Justice League of Colorado LLC, Denver, Colorado, for
    Plaintiff Vasquez.
    Chris W. Alber, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Denver, Colorado, for Defendants
    Davis, Martorano, Webster, Melloh, Fauvel, and Raemisch.
    Joseph P. Sanchez, Goodspeed & Merrill, Denver, Colorado, for Defendant Chamjock.
    Before BRISCOE, EBEL, and MATHESON, Circuit Judges.
    EBEL, Circuit Judge.
    In this 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     action, Plaintiff Jimmy Vasquez, an inmate in the
    Colorado Department of Corrections (“CDOC”), contends that CDOC medical
    providers were deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs in violation of the
    Eighth Amendment. Vasquez specifically alleges that Defendants delayed treating
    him for the hepatitis C virus (“HCV”), resulting in his suffering life-threatening
    permanent liver damage. In appeal No. 17-1026, we AFFIRM the district court’s
    decision to grant Defendants summary judgment, concluding Vasquez’s claims
    against Defendants Davis, Webster, Melloh, and Chamjock are time-barred, and
    Vasquez failed to present sufficient evidence that Defendant Fauvel acted with
    deliberate indifference. In appeal No. 17-1044, we VACATE an injunction requiring
    the CDOC to test Vasquez’s liver function every three months.
    Vasquez began serving a life sentence in the CDOC in 2004. At that time, he
    was diagnosed with HCV. HCV is transmitted primarily through blood-to-blood
    transfers by, for instance, sharing needles used for intravenous drug use or tattoos.
    While 75% to 80% of people with chronic HCV suffer no serious problems, the
    remainder, like Vasquez, suffer progressive liver damage from liver diseases such as
    cancer or cirrhosis. Cirrhosis, which is particularly relevant here, “is a progressive
    disease in which healthy liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue, eventually
    preventing the liver from functioning effectively.” (Aplt. App. 609 ¶ 34.) Liver
    damage from HCV can progress slowly, taking up to two or three decades.
    During the course of Vasquez’s prison sentence, the treatment of HCV has
    evolved and improved. When he first entered prison in 2004, HCV was treated, with
    limited success, using the antiviral medications interferon and ribavirin. These
    medications could produce severe side effects—“many guys get very sick on”
    interferon and ribavirin, (id. 445)—and could not be used if the patient had
    “decompensated” liver cirrhosis. (Id. 270-71 ¶¶ 19, 21; 1157 ¶¶ 19, 21.) In 2011,
    medical providers began using other antiviral medications to supplement interferon
    and ribavirin, improving cure rates. In 2013, a new antiviral medication sovaldi was
    used with interferon and/or ribavirin. In 2014, harvoni became available to treat
    specific genotypes of HCV. Although these antiviral medications can cure HCV with
    increasing effectiveness, they do not reverse any resulting permanent liver damage.
    These antiviral treatments for HCV are expensive, ranging from $40,000 to
    $160,000 per patient, depending on the length of treatment, and they do not
    immunize the patient from becoming re-infected through, for example, further
    sharing of needles for intravenous drug use. In light of this, the CDOC requires that
    an inmate take six months of drug and alcohol avoidance classes (“D&A classes”)
    before becoming eligible for HCV treatment. Further, CDOC policy places the onus
    on the inmate both to request HCV treatment and to complete the requisite D&A
    When Vasquez was diagnosed with HCV in late 2004, CDOC officials gave
    him a two-page handout explaining HCV and the general treatment available at that
    time. Vasquez asked his case manager in March 2005 for assistance enrolling in
    D&A classes so that he could eventually be treated for HCV. At that time, however,
    there were no D&A classes available in the high security section of the CDOC’s
    prison in Sterling, where Vasquez was housed. Even though CDOC policy was to
    transfer an inmate who needed D&A classes to a facility where those classes were
    offered, such transfers were subject to CDOC security determinations. In Vasquez’s
    case, his case manager noted that she would check on the possibility of transferring
    Vasquez to another prison where he could attend D&A classes, but the record does
    not indicate whether the case manager ever checked.1
    Vasquez’s case manager at this time was Defendant Kathleen Martorano. On
    appeal, Vasquez does not challenge the district court’s decision to grant her summary
    In May 2005, six months after Vasquez entered the CDOC, Defendant Jeanne
    Davis, a prison nurse, confirmed that Vasquez’s HCV was chronic, and notified him
    that he was medically eligible for HCV treatment after he completed six months of
    D&A classes. Although Davis further informed Vasquez that he should “send a kite
    to medical” (id. 277 ¶ 57)—that is, send a written request to the prison medical clinic
    if he was interested in receiving treatment—Vasquez did not make such a request.
    Vasquez did not seek to enroll in D&A classes again for another seven years.
    During that time, D&A classes became available to him. In 2008, because many
    inmates were having trouble enrolling in these classes, the CDOC relaxed the
    requirements for what qualified as D&A classes. In 2012 or 2013, CDOC reinstated
    its stricter requirements for D&A classes, but made those classes available to all
    inmates, including those housed in Sterling’s high security wing. Vasquez indicates
    that he knew in 2010 that there were D&A classes available to him.
    Beginning in August 2006, a series of CDOC physician’s assistants, including
    Defendants Brian Webster, Gatbel Chamjock, and Kathleen Melloh, treated Vasquez
    for a variety of medical conditions. These Defendants were aware both that Vasquez
    had HCV and that he was beginning to show signs of liver damage. These signs
    included consistently high liver enzyme and ammonia levels in his blood. Based on
    his high ammonia levels, Defendant Webster diagnosed Vasquez with liver cirrhosis
    in June 2008, and spoke to Vasquez about his “worsening” liver condition resulting
    from his HCV (id. 222, 342). Webster prescribed Vasquez with medication to
    decrease the amount of ammonia in his blood. But Webster did not refer Vasquez for
    D&A classes, mistakenly believing both that the prevailing antiviral treatment could
    not be used on patients who had already developed any degree of liver cirrhosis and
    that Vasquez’s high security classification precluded him from participating in D&A
    classes. After 2008, Defendants Webster, Chamjock and Melloh continued to
    monitor Vasquez’s condition and to treat his symptoms, including lowering his
    ammonia levels.
    On January 14, 2012, Vasquez sought medical attention, reporting he had
    vomited blood. A day or two later, Vasquez requested assistance in enrolling in
    D&A classes. By this time, Vasquez knew that he had HCV, that progressive liver
    damage could result from untreated HCV, that his liver condition had been
    “worsening” for a number of years, and that to obtain treatment, he first had to
    complete six months of D&A classes. On February 6, 2012, Defendant Dr. Maurice
    Fauvel saw Vasquez for the first time, noted Vasquez’s interest in receiving HCV
    treatment, discussed the treatment protocol with him “at length,” and referred
    Vasquez to his case manager to enroll in available D&A classes. (Id. 261.) After
    several months of bureaucratic run-around, Vasquez began attending D&A classes in
    July 2012, and completed those classes in January 2013.2
    A week after Vasquez began these classes, in July 2012, Dr. Fauvel discussed
    with Vasquez the possibility of HCV treatment, consulted with CDOC medical
    The CDOC later determined that, through no fault of Vasquez, these classes did not
    qualify as the required D&A classes, but eventually the CDOC waived any concern
    about his having completed the appropriate classes.
    administrators about Vasquez, and then ordered a liver biopsy, which was the next
    step in determining whether Vasquez qualified medically for the prevailing antiviral
    HCV treatment. The liver biopsy had to be approved by CDOC’s third-party medical
    care payor, which appears to have delayed indefinitely Dr. Fauvel’s request.
    In May 2013, Vazquez began vomiting large amounts of blood and was rushed
    to Denver for surgery to repair hemorrhaging varices in his esophagus. Such varices
    can be caused by liver cirrhosis. According to Vasquez, at this time the doctors in
    Denver told him that, because of the extent of damage to his liver, he did not qualify
    medically for then-available antiviral HCV treatments. When he returned to the
    Sterling prison in June 2013, Vasquez again asked Dr. Fauvel for HCV treatment and
    filed several grievances complaining of the lack of HCV treatment.
    In May 2014, having exhausted his administrative remedies,3 Vasquez, acting
    pro se, filed this 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     lawsuit. The district court appointed Vasquez
    counsel. While this case was pending, the CDOC, in 2016, approved Vasquez to be
    treated with a new antiviral regimen of sovaldi and ribavirin.
    In this litigation, Vasquez seeks damages from several CDOC medical
    providers, alleging they were deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs.
    The district court granted each of these Defendants summary judgment. In appeal
    Over Defendants’ objection, the district court ruled that Vasquez adequately
    exhausted his administrative remedies as required under 42 U.S.C. § 1997e(a).
    Defendants do not challenge that ruling on appeal and the exhaustion of
    administrative remedies is not, in any event, a jurisdictional prerequisite, see Jones v.
    549 U.S. 199
    , 211-12, 216 (2007) (holding exhaustion of administrative
    remedies under § 1997e(a) is affirmative defense).
    No. 17-1026, Vasquez challenges those rulings, but only as to Defendants Davis,
    Webster, Chamjock, Melloh and Fauvel. In appeal No. 17-1044, the State
    Defendants (all but Defendant Chamjock) challenge the district court’s decision to
    enter, sua sponte, a permanent injunction requiring CDOC officials to test Vasquez’s
    liver function every three months. We have jurisdiction to consider these appeals
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    II. APPEAL NO. 17-1026
    This court reviews de novo the district court’s decision to award Defendants
    Chamjock, Davis, Webster, Melloh and Fauvel summary judgment, viewing the
    evidence in the light most favorable to Vasquez. See Sylvia v. Glanz, 
    875 F.3d 1307
    1328 (10th Cir. 2017). The district court “shall grant summary judgment if the
    movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant
    is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).
    To recover damages from each of these Defendants under § 1983, Vasquez had
    to show that such Defendant personally participated in the alleged constitutional
    violation. See Robertson v. Las Animas Cty. Sheriff’s Dep’t, 
    500 F.3d 1185
    , 1193
    (10th Cir. 2007). Here, Vasquez alleged that Defendants violated the Eighth
    Amendment by acting with deliberate indifference to his serious medical needs. See
    Estelle v. Gamble, 
    429 U.S. 97
    , 104 (1976). To recover as to a particular Defendant,
    Vasquez had to prove as to that Defendant both an objective and a subjective element
    of his claim. See Al-Turki v. Robinson, 
    762 F.3d 1188
    , 1192 (10th Cir. 2014).
    To prove the objective element of his deliberate-indifference claim, Vasquez
    had to show that his “medical condition was sufficiently serious to be cognizable
    under the [Eighth Amendment’s] Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause.” 
    Id. at 1192
    (internal quotation marks omitted). Where, as here, the claim involves a delay in
    treatment, Vasquez had to show “that the delay resulted in substantial harm,” a
    requirement that “may be satisfied by” a showing of “lifelong handicap, permanent
    loss, or considerable pain.” 
    Id. at 1193
     (internal quotation marks omitted). To prove
    the subjective element of his claim, Vasquez had to show for each liable Defendant
    that such Defendant “kn[e]w of and disregard[ed] an excessive risk to [Vasquez’s]
    health or safety.” 
    Id. at 1192
     (quoting Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 837
    A. Vasquez’s claims against Defendants Davis, Webster, Chamjock, and Melloh
    are time-barred
    1. Vasquez’s claims against these Defendants accrued by February 2012
    Vasquez filed this case on May 21, 2014. The parties agree that, to be timely,
    Vasquez had to have filed suit within two years from the date his § 1983 Eighth
    Amendment claims accrued. See Myers v. Koopman, 
    738 F.3d 1190
    , 1194 n.2 (10th
    Cir. 2013) (applying 
    Colo. Rev. Stat. § 13-80-102
    (1)(a)). See generally Wallace v.
    549 U.S. 384
    , 387 (2007) (looking to relevant state’s law for § 1983 limitations
    Federal law, which governs when a § 1983 claim accrues, provides that
    Vasquez’s claims accrued when he had “a complete and present cause of action”; that
    is, when he could have filed suit and obtained relief. Id. at 388 (internal quotation
    marks omitted). In light of the objective and subjective elements of Vasquez’s
    Eighth Amendment claims, those claims accrued when he “knew or had reason to
    know[,]” Mata v. Anderson, 
    635 F.3d 1250
    , 1253 (10th Cir. 2011), separately for
    each of these Defendants—Davis, Webster, Chamjock and Melloh—to be liable, that
    they had acted with deliberate indifference to a known risk to Vasquez’s medical
    needs, and that his or her deliberate indifference resulted in a delay in treatment that
    caused Vasquez substantial harm. See Bauer v. City & Cty. of Denver, 642 F. App’x
    920, 924 (10th Cir. 2016) (unpublished) (holding Eighth Amendment claim accrued
    when inmate knew he had been denied medical treatment and that he would lose his
    foot as a result).4 The claim accrued once Vasquez knew Defendants’ deliberate
    indifference caused him substantial harm, “even though the full extent of the injury is
    not then known or predictable.” Wallace, 
    549 U.S. at 391
     (internal quotation marks
    Here, the deliberate indifference (if any) of these Defendants—Davis,
    Webster, Chamjock and Melloh—would have occurred more than two years before
    Vasquez filed this action. Defendant Davis’s only contact with Vasquez was in 2004
    and 2005. Defendant Webster last treated Vasquez in March 2009. Defendant
    Chamjock refilled Vasquez’s prescriptions and saw him just a few times between
    May 2008 and May 2010. Melloh refilled Vasquez’s prescriptions and ordered
    periodic lab tests in 2010, and saw Vasquez once, in January 2012.
    Though unpublished, we find Bauer’s reasoning persuasive.
    Vasquez’s claims against these Defendants, therefore, cannot be timely unless
    he did not know, or have reason to know, that their deliberate indifference
    substantially harmed him until at least May 2012, two years before he filed this suit.
    The district court, however, correctly concluded instead that Vasquez knew he had
    been substantially harmed by no later than February 2012. By that time certainly
    (and likely at an even earlier time), Vasquez knew he had chronic HCV and that
    HCV could “eventually kill you” (Aplt. App. 530). Vasquez further knew that
    progressive liver damage was possible from HCV, and that since June 2008 his liver
    was “worsening . . . from HCV” (id. 222, 342). Vasquez also knew that, from June
    2008 forward, he had to take prescription medication each day for his worsening
    liver. In addition, Vasquez knew that, in order to obtain HCV treatment, he needed
    to complete six months of D&A classes, but that when he tried to enroll in those
    classes in March 2005, he was unable to do so. A few days after seeking medical
    attention for vomiting blood in January 2012, Vasquez again began requesting to
    enroll in D&A classes in order to get HCV treatment.
    Vasquez asserts that there is no evidence “that he understood the import of
    these things” because he is not a medical professional and “is severely intellectually
    limited.” (Vasquez Br. 29.) But Vasquez’s subsequent conduct belies that assertion.
    After requesting to enroll in D&A classes in January 2012, Vasquez met with Dr.
    Fauvel in February 2012; Fauvel noted Vasquez’s interest in the D&A classes,
    discussed HCV treatment with Vasquez “at length,” indicated Vasquez “understood,”
    and referred Vasquez to his case manager to enroll in D&A classes. (Aplt. App.
    261.) When he ran into several bureaucratic snags to enrolling, Vasquez filed several
    grievances, asserting that he needed to enroll in the D&A classes in order to get “the
    treatment I need for hepatitis C. . . . because its [sic] been long enough” and
    apologizing “for the inconvenience but I need this treatment.” (Id. 835.) In light of
    this evidence, the district court correctly held that Vasquez knew, certainly no later
    than February 2012, that any failure of Defendants Davis, Webster, Chamjock and
    Melloh to treat Vasquez’s HCV had substantially harmed him, thereby triggering the
    two-year limitations period.5
    2. Continuing violation
    Vasquez argues that, even if his Eighth Amendment claims against Defendants
    Davis, Webster, Chamjock and Melloh accrued in February 2012, the “continuing
    violation” doctrine saves those claims from being time-barred. Vasquez’s theory is
    that, even if his § 1983 claims against these four Defendants accrued in February
    2012, the Eighth Amendment violation underlying his claims—the delay in treating
    his HCV—continued until he received he was finally treated for HCV in February
    The continuing violation doctrine was developed in the Title VII employment
    law context, see Hunt v. Bennett, 
    17 F.3d 1263
    , 1266 (10th Cir. 1994), and this court
    has not yet decided whether it should apply to § 1983 claims, see Colby v. Herrick,
    849 F.3d 1273
    , 1280 (10th Cir. 2017) (assuming “[f]or the sake of argument” that
    Vasquez has never asserted that the limitations period should be tolled because of
    mental or other disability or obstacle.
    continuing violation doctrine applies to § 1983 claims, but concluding doctrine would
    not save time-barred claim in that case). We need not decide the question here,
    either, because even if we were to apply that doctrine, it would not save Vasquez’s
    claims against Defendants Davis, Webster, Chamjock, or Melloh. That is because, as
    this Court has recognized it, the continuing violation “doctrine is triggered by
    continuing unlawful acts but not by continuing damages from the initial violation.”
    Colby, 849 F.3d at 1280; see also Mata, 
    635 F.3d at
    1253 (citing other Tenth Circuit
    cases). Said another way, the continuing violation doctrine, as we have defined it,
    would apply here only when a particular defendant allegedly committed wrongful
    acts within, as well as outside, the limitations period. See also Shomo v. City of New
    579 F.3d 176
    , 183-84 (2d Cir. 2009). Here, none of these Defendants—Davis,
    Webster, Chamjock or Melloh—had any interactions with Vasquez within the two-
    year period preceding his filing this action. Even if we applied the continuing
    violation doctrine, then, it would not save Vasquez’s claims against these
    B. Vasquez failed to submit sufficient evidence that Defendant Fauvel acted
    with deliberate indifference
    Vazquez’s claim against Defendant Fauvel is different. Because almost all of
    Fauvel’s interactions with Vasquez occurred within the two-year period immediately
    preceding his filing this suit, any substantial harm resulting from Fauvel’s deliberate
    indifference as part of these interactions would support a timely claim against him.
    The district court, nevertheless, granted Fauvel summary judgment, concluding
    Vasquez failed to present sufficient evidence from which a jury could find that Dr.
    Fauvel had subjectively acted with deliberate indifference. The record supports the
    district court’s determination.
    The subjective component of an Eighth Amendment claim “presents a high
    evidentiary hurdle to . . . [§ 1983] plaintiffs.” Self v. Crum, 
    439 F.3d 1227
    , 1232
    (10th Cir. 2006). To establish that Dr. Fauvel acted with deliberate indifference,
    Vasquez had to show that Fauvel both knew of a “substantial risk of serious harm” to
    Vasquez and acted in disregard of that risk. Farmer, 
    511 U.S. at 837
    . Deliberate
    indifference to such a risk requires more than a showing of negligence, see 
    id. at 835
    or even malpractice, see Self, 
    439 F.3d at 1230-33
    . Further, this “subjective
    component” of Vasquez’s claim “is not satisfied, absent an extraordinary degree of
    neglect, where a doctor merely exercises his considered medical judgment.” 
    Id. at 1232
    . Here, there is no evidence that Dr. Fauvel acted with the required culpability
    to establish Eighth Amendment liability in treating Vasquez.
    When Fauvel first saw Vasquez in February 2012, Vasquez had already been
    diagnosed with both chronic HCV and resulting liver cirrhosis. At their first
    meeting, Fauvel noted Vasquez wanted to enroll in D&A classes in order to receive
    HCV treatment, discussed that treatment with Vasquez “at length,” and then referred
    Vasquez to his case manager to enroll in D&A classes. (Aplt. App. 434.) Once
    Vasquez was enrolled, Fauvel sought to facilitate Vasquez getting treatment for his
    HCV. But Fauvel had at least two related problems in facilitating treatment: First,
    there is no indication that Fauvel himself could authorize treatment; instead, HCV
    treatment had to be authorized by a CDOC infectious disease committee. In light of
    that, Fauvel sought to complete the workup and other necessary steps before the
    committee could consider Vasquez for treatment. Second, Fauvel was not sure if
    Vasquez could qualify medically for HCV treatment in light of his cirrhosis. Fauvel,
    therefore, consulted with higher level CDOC administrators regarding Vasquez.
    Those administrators encouraged Fauvel to order a liver biopsy, which was needed
    for treatment approval and would indicate whether Vasquez’s liver was already too
    damaged for treatment. Fauvel requested a liver biopsy August 15, 2012. However,
    Fauvel did not have authority to have the biopsy done, either; it had to be approved
    by the CDOC’s third-party medical payor. And apparently Fauvel’s request
    languished for a long time without any action.
    Dr. Fauvel did not see Vasquez for almost a year after he requested the liver
    biopsy; Vasquez was seen during this time by other medical providers. In the
    meantime, Vasquez had to be rushed to Denver in May 2013, for surgery to repair his
    bleeding esophageal varices. For a time, recovery from this surgery took precedence
    over possibly treating Vasquez's HCV. Moreover, according to Vasquez, Denver
    doctors told him that he could no longer receive HCV treatment because his liver was
    so damaged. Several months later, another doctor apparently outside the CDOC saw
    Vasquez, but did not advocate treating his HCV.
    At about this same time period, Vasquez was also diagnosed with multiple
    myeloma. For a while, evaluation and treatment of this condition took precedence.
    Nonetheless, when Fauvel saw Vasquez in June 2013, after Vasquez returned from
    Denver, Fauvel emailed the CDOC “Hep C committee” to see if Vasquez was on the
    committee’s schedule and to determine if “everything [is] completed for the Hep C
    treatment.” (Id. 427.) On several later occasions, Fauvel attempted to correspond
    with upper level CDOC medical administrators about possible HCV treatment for
    Vasquez. In addition, Fauvel continued to see Vasquez every few weeks, monitored
    his liver condition and treated his ammonia levels, among other symptoms, through
    the time Vasquez initiated this litigation.
    A jury could not find from this record that Dr. Fauvel acted with deliberate
    indifference to a serious risk to Vasquez’s health. Instead, the record establishes that
    that Fauvel exercised his medical judgment to provide Vasquez with medical care
    within the limitations imposed by Vasquez’s health and CDOC treatment
    III. APPEAL NO. 17-1044
    While this litigation was pending, the CDOC approved treating Vasquez with
    the antiviral medication sovaldi. At that same time, Vasquez sought a preliminary
    injunction ordering the CDOC to treat him, instead, with another drug, harvoni.
    During a hearing on the motion for the preliminary injunction, evidence from both
    sides indicated that sovaldi, and not harvoni, was the appropriate antiviral medication
    Importantly, Vasquez did not challenge the CDOC policies pertaining to HCV, nor
    did he sue the CDOC officials responsible for creating or enforcing such policies, so
    that is not before us. See Hilton v. Wright, 
    673 F.3d 120
    , 124 (2d Cir. 2012)
    (addressing inmates’ claim challenging department of corrections’ policy
    conditioning HCV treatment on inmates’ participation in substance abuse programs);
    Roe v. Elyea, 
    631 F.3d 843
    , 847 (7th Cir. 2011) (upholding jury’s verdict that prison
    policy regarding treatment of HCV was deliberately indifferent).
    to treat Vasquez’s HCV. On that basis, the district court denied Vasquez’s motion
    for a preliminary injunction. The court, nevertheless, sua sponte entered an
    injunction requiring Defendant Rick Raemisch, in his official capacity as executive
    director of the CDOC, to ensure that his subordinates tested Vasquez’s liver
    functioning at least every three months. When the district court entered summary
    judgment for Defendants on Vasquez’s damages claim, otherwise ending this
    litigation, the court made that injunction permanent.
    In their cross-appeal, the State Defendants—CDOC Executive Director
    Raemisch, sued in his official capacity, and Defendants Davis, Webster, Melloh and
    Fauvel (but not Chamjock) sued in their individual capacity—challenge that
    permanent injunction, arguing that the district court abused its discretion 1) to the
    extent it entered the injunction against any Defendant sued in his individual capacity,
    and 2) in entering an injunction without finding the existence of any constitutional
    violation. We agree with the first point, the injunction can (and did) apply only to
    Defendant Raemisch in his official capacity. See Brown v. Montoya, 
    662 F.3d 1152
    1161 n.5 (10th Cir. 2011). We need not address the second argument because
    Vasquez, in any event, does not contest that the injunction should be vacated.
    Accordingly, we remand this action with instructions for the district court to vacate
    this injunction and dismiss that action.
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM summary judgment for Defendants in
    appeal No. 17-1026 and REMAND appeal No. 17-1044 to the district court to
    VACATE its permanent injunction and to dismiss that action as well.