Bankert v. Shanks ( 1998 )

  •                                                                           F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    MAY 15 1998
    v.                                                    No. 97-2170
    (D.C. No. CIV-95-864-SC)
    JOHN SHANKS, Warden;                                   (D. N.M.)
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT            *
    Before BRORBY , BARRETT , and BRISCOE , Circuit Judges.
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of
    this appeal.   See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a); 10th Cir. R. 34.1.9. The case is therefore
    ordered submitted without oral argument.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Plaintiff appeals from the district court’s dismissal of his petition for writ
    of habeas corpus, filed pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 2254
    .        1
    Petitioner was convicted
    in New Mexico state court of felony murder, trafficking by possession with intent
    to distribute cocaine on an accomplice theory, and conspiracy to traffic by
    possession with intent to distribute cocaine.         The district court adopted the
    magistrate judge’s findings and recommendation and denied the petition.
    We review the district court’s denial of petitioner’s habeas petition de novo,
    see Sinclair v. Henman , 
    986 F.2d 407
    , 408 (10th Cir. 1993), and we affirm.
    On appeal, petitioner raises seven issues: (1) there was insufficient
    evidence of constructive possession of cocaine to support petitioner’s conviction
    of trafficking by possession with intent to distribute; (2) the jury instructions
    violated petitioner’s due process rights because they unconstitutionally relieved
    the prosecution of its burden of proving petitioner’s possession of the cocaine;
    (3) he was denied effective assistance of trial counsel; (4) he was denied effective
    assistance of appellate counsel; (5) there was insufficient evidence that the
    underlying felony was committed under inherently dangerous circumstances;
    (6) petitioner’s due process rights were violated by prosecutorial misconduct;
    and (7) the erroneous second degree murder instruction was inherently confusing
    We granted a certificate of probable cause in this case on February 13,
    for the jury. The facts of this case are set forth in the New Mexico Supreme
    Court opinion affirming petitioner’s conviction,   see State v. Bankert , 
    875 P.2d 370
     (N.M. 1994), and we will not repeat them here.
    Petitioner maintains that the state presented insufficient evidence of
    constructive possession of the cocaine to support his conviction for trafficking
    with intent to distribute cocaine on an accomplice theory. Because his conviction
    was as an accomplice, petitioner acknowledges that the state’s burden was to
    prove that he intended the crime be committed, the crime was committed, and
    petitioner helped, encouraged or caused its commission. To that end, the state
    was obligated to show that petitioner’s accomplice, Kathy Christison,
    constructively possessed the cocaine. Contrary to respondents’ assertion, we
    review the sufficiency of the evidence, a mixed question of law and fact, de novo.
    See Case v. Mondragon , 
    887 F.2d 1388
    , 1392, 1393 (10th Cir. 1989).
    Petitioner does not challenge the New Mexico Supreme Court’s or the
    magistrate judge’s statement of the evidence on this point, but he does argue
    that the stated evidence is insufficient to support the jury’s finding of possession.
    We disagree. New Mexico law states that “[a]n accused has constructive
    possession of narcotics found in the physical possession of his agent or any other
    person when the defendant has the immediate right to exercise dominion and
    control over the narcotics.”   State v. Bauske , 
    525 P.2d 411
    , 413 (N.M. Ct. App.
    1974). The evidence shows that Ms. Christison paid for the cocaine, and, not
    only did she have the immediate right to exercise control over the amount of
    cocaine that was given her, she did exercise control to the extent she weighed
    it and demanded that it be supplemented. As it happened, she and petitioner
    chose to dispute the amount instead of accepting the lesser amount and, in the
    course of demanding the full negotiated amount of cocaine, petitioner killed
    Robert Martin. There was sufficient evidence to support the jury’s finding
    regarding possession.
    Petitioner also argues that there was insufficient evidence from which the
    jury could have found he committed the underlying drug felony under inherently
    dangerous circumstances. Again, we disagree. The evidence shows that, part way
    into the drug deal, the participants traveled to a different location to complete the
    transaction. Before entering the second location, but after it was apparent there
    was a dispute as to the amount of cocaine, petitioner armed himself with a gun he
    had hidden in the vehicle in which he was traveling. Later, during the dispute
    over the amount of cocaine, the victim threw the money Ms. Christison had
    tendered for the drugs onto the table and asked if she wanted it back, petitioner
    held the gun to the victim’s neck insisting that they wanted the full amount of
    cocaine, and then petitioner shot him. That petitioner chose to arm himself going
    into the further drug negotiations and that he held the gun to the victim’s head in
    his attempt to get the full amount of cocaine is sufficient evidence to support the
    jury’s finding that he committed the crime of trafficking with intent to distribute
    under inherently dangerous circumstances.
    Next, petitioner takes issue with two jury instructions. First, he argues that
    his due process rights were violated because jury instruction number 10 relieved
    the state of its burden of proving the element of possession. The portion of the
    instruction that petitioner disputes states: “Two or more people can have
    possession of a substance at the same time.” R. Vol. III at 134. We fail to see
    how so instructing the jury relieved the state’s burden of proving possession by
    petitioner’s accomplice. It merely clarified for the jury that, if it determined that
    someone else had possession of the cocaine, that did not preclude a finding that
    Ms. Christison simultaneously had possession. The instruction did not, as
    petitioner argues, permit the jury to   assume that Ms. Christison possessed the
    cocaine, despite having physically returned it to the seller. The instruction is
    consistent with New Mexico law, pursuant to which Ms. Christison could be
    found to have possessed the cocaine even when she no longer had physical
    possession of the drugs, because she had paid for them and had the immediate
    right to exercise control.   See Bauske , 
    525 P.2d at 413
    . Petitioner has failed to
    demonstrate that this jury instruction so infected his trial as to render it
    fundamentally unfair in violation of petitioner’s due process rights.     See Maes v.
    Thomas , 
    46 F.3d 979
    , 984 (10th Cir. 1995).
    Petitioner also argues that the second degree murder instruction erroneously
    included provocation language that was inherently confusing to the jury.
    Petitioner did not object to the instruction at trial. We agree with the magistrate
    judge and the New Mexico Supreme Court that giving the instruction, regardless
    of whether it was correct under New Mexico law, was not fundamental error.
    The jury was given a “step-down” instruction that it should only consider the
    second degree murder instruction if it found petitioner not guilty of felony
    murder. See R. Vol. III at 142-43. The jury did find petitioner guilty of felony
    murder, and, therefore, the second degree murder instruction did not enter into
    the jury deliberations.   See United States v. Coleman , 
    7 F.3d 1500
    , 1506
    (10th Cir. 1993) (stating that the court can assume the jury followed the law).
    Petitioner maintains that his Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance
    of counsel was violated and that he was entitled to an evidentiary hearing on the
    matter. To prevail on an ineffective assistance of counsel claim, petitioner must
    show both that counsel’s performance fell below an objective standard of
    reasonableness and that counsel’s deficient performance prejudiced petitioner’s
    defense, that is, that there is a reasonable probability that, absent counsel’s errors,
    the outcome of the proceeding would have been different.         See Strickland v.
    Washington , 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687-88, 694 (1984). Mainly, petitioner claims that his
    trial counsel was ineffective for choosing not to present any defense witnesses.
    The record shows that this was a tactical strategy that is “virtually
    Id. at 690
    . In addition, petitioner does not show that, had his
    counsel presented defense evidence, there is a reasonable probability that the
    outcome would have been different. Petitioner has shown neither deficient
    performance by counsel nor prejudice to his defense.
    Petitioner also alleges ineffective assistance of counsel regarding three
    specific trial occurrences. He complains that counsel did not raise a properly
    worded objection to jury instruction number 10, that counsel raised no objection
    to the second degree murder jury instruction, and that counsel pursued an
    improper line of questioning regarding Chester Smith, a convicted drug dealer
    who was also involved in the circumstances surrounding the murder. Petitioner
    has shown no prejudice resulting from these alleged errors by counsel.
    Petitioner also claims ineffective assistance of appellate counsel.
    He alleges that his appellate counsel neglected to raise a number of meritorious
    issues, only specifically citing ineffective assistance of trial counsel and
    prosecutorial misconduct. Petitioner has shown neither deficient performance
    nor prejudice regarding the unnamed issues. We have held herein that petitioner’s
    ineffective assistance of trial counsel and prosecutorial misconduct issues are
    meritless, and, therefore, appellate counsel was not deficient for declining to
    include them. See United States v. Cook , 
    45 F.3d 388
    , 392-93 (10th Cir. 1995).
    Finally, petitioner points to several instances of prosecutorial misconduct.
    He complains that the prosecutor, in entering into immunity agreements with two
    of the witnesses, somehow implicitly required the witnesses to give perjured
    testimony; that the prosecutor improperly linked petitioner with Chester Smith;
    and that the prosecution knowingly presented perjured testimony. Absent an
    allegation of deprivation of a more specific constitutional right, prosecutorial
    misconduct does not warrant habeas relief “unless the conduct complained of
    made petitioner’s trial so fundamentally unfair as to deny him due process.”
    Mahorney v. Wallman , 
    917 F.2d 469
    , 472 (10th Cir. 1990) (quotation omitted).
    Petitioner’s claims do not meet this high burden. The immunity agreement of
    which petitioner complains provides immunity in exchange for truthful testimony.
    Petitioner has pointed to no evidence, but only makes a bald assertion, of any
    agreement to provide perjured testimony. Whether or not the witnesses actually
    testified truthfully is a credibility matter within the province of the jury.
    In addition, petitioner was already linked to Chester Smith because Mr. Smith
    was involved in the circumstances of the murder. As the magistrate judge found,
    the prosecution had the burden to establish a drug transaction, and evidence of
    Chester Smith’s known drug dealings was relevant to his role in the transaction.
    Finally, petitioner does not support his conclusory allegation that the prosecution
    presented perjured testimony to represent the victim as an innocent bystander with
    any citation to the record. Even if petitioner’s allegation of perjured testimony
    were true, petitioner’s own representation of the evidence shows that the jury
    could not have reasonably believed any such perjured testimony. None of
    petitioner’s claims establish the fundamental unfairness of his trial.
    We AFFIRM the denial of the petition for habeas relief. We grant
    respondent’s motion to accept his answer brief as timely filed.
    Entered for the Court
    James E. Barrett
    Senior Circuit Judge