United States v. Singleton , 52 F. App'x 456 ( 2002 )

  •                                                                         F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                          DEC 4 2002
    TENTH CIRCUIT                     PATRICK FISHER
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    No. 02-2142
    D.C. Nos. CIV-01-1084 BB/LFG and
    CR-96-411 BB
    (D. New Mexico)
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Before SEYMOUR, HENRY, and BRISCOE, Circuit Judges.
    Samuel J. Singleton and numerous others were charged in a twenty-eight
    count indictment with various drug offenses, including conspiracy to distribute
    and to possess with intent to distribute one kilogram or more of a mixture or
    substance containing methamphetamine in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
     (a)(1) and
    After examining appellant’s brief and the appellate record, this panel has
    determined unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the
    determination of this appeal. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2) and 10th Cir. R.
    34.1(G). The case is therefore submitted without oral argument. This order and
    judgment is not binding precedent, except under the doctrines of law of the case,
    res judicata, or collateral estoppel. The court generally disfavors the citation of
    orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order and judgment may be cited under the
    terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    21 U.S.C. § 841
     (b)(1)(A). Mr. Singleton pled guilty to the conspiracy charge as
    part of a deal involving other codefendants. Several of the defendants who pled
    to the conspiracy count, including Mr. Singleton, subsequently moved to vacate
    their pleas. The motions were denied and the district court’s ruling was affirmed
    on appeal. See United States v. Hernandez, Nos. 98-2311, 98-2312, 98-2324, 98-
    2331, 98-2346, 98-2350, 98-2351, 98-2352, 98-2354, 09-2355, 
    2000 WL 797332
    (10th Cir. April 24, 2000).
    Mr. Singleton then brought this pro se action under 
    28 U.S.C. § 2255
    alleging that he was sentenced under section 841(b)(1)(A) in violation of
    Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000), that his sentence was enhanced on
    the basis of his leadership role in the offense in violation of Apprendi, that his
    constitutional rights were violated by a pretrial search of his jail cell during which
    materials protected by the attorney-client privilege were seized, and that he was
    denied the effective assistance of counsel. 1 The matter was referred to a
    magistrate judge, who issued a report and recommended that the motion be denied
    and the case dismissed with prejudice. Mr. Singleton filed objections to the
    report. The district court conducted a de novo review of those portions of the
    report to which Mr. Singleton objected, adopted the report and recommendation,
    Mr. Singleton also asserted that he was sentenced under unconstitutional
    statutes, a claim he has abandoned on appeal.
    and dismissed the motion. The court also denied Mr. Singleton’s request for a
    certificate of appealability. Mr. Singleton appeals.
    Mr. Singleton pled guilty to a conspiracy involving one kilogram or more
    of a mixture containing methamphetamine. Following his plea, he was sentenced
    under section 841(b)(1)(A)(viii) to 241 months (twenty years and one month) in
    prison. The version of section 841(b)(1)(A)(viii) under which he was sentenced
    provided a sentence of not less than ten years to life in prison for a drug violation
    involving one kilogram or more of a mixture containing methamphetamine. 2
    After Apprendi, when drug quantity is used to enhance a sentence beyond
    the statutory maximum, the amount must be charged in an indictment and proven
    to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt. See United States v. Lujan, 
    268 F.3d 965
    967 (10th Cir. 2001). Here, however, no Apprendi violation occurred. The count
    in the indictment to which Mr. Singleton pled guilty specifically charged that the
    crime involved one kilogram or more of a mixture containing methamphetamine,
    and Mr. Singleton’s guilty plea waived a jury determination of the amount. See
    268 F.3d at 969
    . 3 Accordingly, Mr. Singleton was properly sentenced
    Section 841 (b)(1)(A)(viii) was amended in 1998 to substitute the one
    kilogram amount with an amount of 500 grams. See Pub.L. 105-277 (1998). Mr.
    Singleton falls within either version of that provision.
    Mr. Singleton’s reliance upon United States v. Wilson 
    244 F.3d 1208
    (10th Cir. 2001), is misplaced. In that case, the defendant did not plead guilty but
    instead proceeded to trial and stipulated during trial to the drug amount charged
    in the indictment. We stated in dicta that we were “not inclined to consider the
    under section 841(b)(1)(A)(viii). Because his sentence of 241 months is within
    the statutory maximum of life in prison, no violation of Apprendi occurred.
    Our conclusion that Mr. Singleton was properly sentenced under section
    841(b)(1)(A)(viii) is also dispositive of his claim that his sentence enhancement
    violated Apprendi. Because the maximum sentence under this provision is life in
    prison and Mr. Singleton’s sentence, even with the enhancement, fell below this
    maximum, no Apprendi violation could have occurred as a result of the court’s
    determination that Mr. Singleton played a leadership role in the offense.
    Mr. Singleton claims that the pretrial search of his jail cell and the seizure
    of all his papers violated his rights under the First, Fifth and Sixth Amendments.
    Mr. Singleton asserts that the government’s action in removing all correspondence
    from his cell made him unwilling to communicate with his attorney in writing.
    He claims he was thus prejudiced by the government’s conduct and is entitled to
    be resentenced. 4
    stipulation as controlling, considering the lack of incentive to contest drug
    quantity before Apprendi and the fact that Mr. Wilson did request a jury
    instruction requiring the jury to consider approximate quantity.” 
     at 1215 n.3.
    Here, Mr. Singleton went far beyond stipulating to a fact; he waived a jury trial
    and admitted guilt by his plea. See North Carolina v. Alford, 
    400 U.S. 25
    , 32
    (1970) (“judgment of conviction resting on a plea of guilty is justified by the
    defendant’s admission that he committed the crime charged”).
    Mr. Singleton’s argument that the search and seizure violated his First
    Amendment rights fails because inmates have no reasonable expectation of
    privacy in their cells. See Hudson v. Palmer, 
    468 U.S. 517
    , 524-30 (1984). His
    Fifth Amendment argument fails because he has made no showing that any
    This court addressed “the appropriate Sixth Amendment standards
    governing an intrusion by the prosecution into the defendant’s communications
    with his attorney” in Shillinger v. Haworth, 
    70 F.3d 1132
    , 1134 (10th Cir. 1995).
    We held that “when the state becomes privy to confidential communications
    because of its purposeful intrusion into the attorney-client relationship and lacks a
    legitimate justification for doing so, a prejudicial effect on the reliability of the
    trial process must be presumed.” 
    Id. at 1142
    . In this case, the government
    contended that it had a legitimate justification for seeking a warrant to search the
    cells of Mr. Singleton and other jailed coconspirators because it wanted to seize
    “evidence that the defendants were conspiring to avoid conviction by not pleading
    guilty.” Rec. vol. I, doc. 9 at 15. The magistrate judge concluded that the
    government had set forth a legitimate justification for the search and seizure and
    that Mr. Singleton had failed to make the required showing of prejudice.
    On appeal, Mr. Singleton argues that the government’s reason for obtaining
    the warrant, to gather evidence that the defendants were conspiring to avoid
    conviction by not pleading guilty, is hardly a legitimate justification. He points to
    a lack of authority for the proposition that a criminal defendant violates the law
    by conspiring to plead innocent and go to trial. We need not decide whether a per
    se Sixth Amendment violation occurred here however, because a close reading of
    evidence gathered in the search resulted in his self-incrimination.
    the portion of Haworth discussing the remedy for such a violation indicates that
    there is no basis for imposing a remedy at this stage of the proceedings in any
    It is undisputed on this record that the trial team of prosecutors was
    shielded from access to any privileged information obtained by the search because
    a separate team of prosecutors and agents reviewed all the items seized. A
    magistrate judge acting as a special master reviewed the seized documents and
    conducted an evidentiary hearing, after which he “found that the trial team for the
    United States Attorney’s office had been shielded from any privileged information
    that had been seized. At no time was any privileged information, or the fruits of
    privileged information used against Defendants by the prosecution.” Rec. vol. I,
    doc. 9 at 15. These events all occurred well before Mr. Singleton’s guilty plea
    proceedings and his sentencing.
    In Haworth, in addressing the appropriate remedy for a per se Sixth
    Amendment violation, this court pointed out that under governing Supreme Court
    authority, “‘[c]ases involving Sixth Amendment deprivations are subject to the
    general rule that remedies should be tailored to the injury suffered from the
    constitutional violation and should not unnecessarily infringe on competing
    interests.’” Haworth, 70 F.3d at 1142 (quoting United States v. Morrison, 
    449 U.S. 361
    , 364 (1980)). “‘Our approach has thus been to identify and then
    neutralize the taint by tailoring relief appropriate in the circumstances to assure
    the defendant the effective assistance of counsel and a fair trial.’” 
    Id. at 1143
    (quoting Morrison, 449 U.S. at 365).
    In the instant case, even assuming that the government intruded into Mr.
    Singleton’s attorney-client relationship without legitimate justification, thereby
    giving rise to a per se Sixth Amendment violation, the appropriate remedy was
    provided by the use of a separate government team to review the documents and
    the special master’s hearing to assure that the trial prosecution team had been
    shielded from any privileged information seized. Absent any showing by Mr.
    Singleton that despite these measures the government’s conduct intruded into his
    relationship with his counsel and affected either his subsequent decision to plead
    guilty or his later sentencing proceeding, there is no basis for imposing a remedy
    at this time. 5
    Finally, we turn to Mr. Singleton’s argument on appeal that his attorney
    was ineffective in failing to request a hearing under Franks v. Delaware, 
    438 U.S. 5
    Mr. Singleton also contends that the government engaged in misconduct
    in obtaining and executing the search warrant, contending that the prosecution’s
    motive was not to gather evidence but to coerce him into pleading guilty. As the
    district court pointed out, Mr. Singleton did not raise this claim until his
    objections to the magistrate’s report and recommendation. Because the cell
    search occurred prior to the plea proceedings, Mr. Singleton could have raised
    this issue before he entered into his guilty plea or in his challenge to the
    voluntariness of his plea. His argument comes too late.
    154 (1978). This issue is raised for the first time on appeal and we therefore do
    not consider it. See In re Walker, 
    959 F.2d 894
    , 896 (10th Cir. 1992).
    A petitioner seeking to appeal an order disposing of a section 2255
    proceeding must obtain a certificate of appealability. See 
    28 U.S.C. § 2253
    (c)(1)(B). Such a certificate may issue only if the applicant has made a
    substantial showing of the denial of a constitutional right, 
     § 2253(c)(2), a
    showing that includes a demonstration that “reasonable jurists would find the
    district court’s assessment of the constitutional claims debatable or wrong,” see
    Slack v. McDaniel, 
    529 U.S. 473
    , 484 (2000). As discussed above, Mr. Singleton
    has failed to make such a showing and we therefore DENY his request for a
    certificate of appealability and DISMISS his appeal.
    Stephanie K. Seymour
    Circuit Judge