United States v. Herder , 59 F. App'x 257 ( 2003 )

  •                                                                         F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    FEB 4 2003
    Plaintiff - Appellee,                   No. 01-2357
    v.                                        (D. New Mexico)
    RACHEL HERDER,                                 (D.C. No. CR-00-1533-LH)
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Plaintiff - Appellee,                   No. 01-2358
    v.                                        (D. New Mexico)
    CYNTHIA REDHOUSE,                              (D.C. No. CR-00-1533-LH)
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Before SEYMOUR, HOLLOWAY, and ANDERSON, Circuit Judges.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Cynthia Redhouse and Rachel Herder appeal their convictions, following a
    jury trial, for assaulting Sheila James with a deadly weapon (a baseball bat, a
    metal broom handle, or a car jack) with intent to do bodily harm, in violation of
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1153
    , 113(a)(3) and 2, and assault resulting in serious bodily injury,
    in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 1153
    , 113(a)(6) and 2. Both defendants were
    sentenced to concurrent terms of forty-six months in prison. Because both
    appeals largely raise identical issues, we have combined them for purposes of
    The appellants contend that the district court abused its discretion,
    committing reversible error, by: (a) not allowing defense counsel to question the
    victim, Sheila James, on her opinion about whether she had a reputation for
    violence; (b) striking the testimony of Laura Yazzie regarding Sheila’s reputation
    for violence; (c) not allowing evidence of two prior acts of violence by Sheila;
    and (d) not allowing Michael Prendergast to testify that three to four weeks prior
    to the incident he saw Sheila swinging a bat around at the trailer where the
    incident occurred and claiming that she would “protect herself if anybody messes
    with her.” Additionally, the appellants contend that the district court committed
    plain error by failing to instruct the jury to consider Sheila’s reputation for
    violence in determining whether she was the first aggressor.
    Appellant Herder separately argues that plain error occurred when the
    government introduced evidence regarding Cynthia Redhouse’s reputation for
    violence. And, both appellants claim cumulative error warrants reversal.
    Exercising jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , we affirm both convictions.
    The charges in this case arose out of a fight in a trailer located on Navajo
    land at Shiprock, New Mexico, 1 where the victim, 17-year-old Sheila James, was
    living with Mary Jane Redhouse’s son, Wilfred. On July 28, 2000, 62-year-old
    Mary Jane Redhouse, her daughter, 40-year-old appellant Cynthia Redhouse, and
    Cynthia’s two daughters, 23-year-old appellant Rachel Herder, and 14-year-old
    Candace Prendergast, drove to Wilfred’s trailer to retrieve from Sheila keys to a
    car owned by Mary Jane but being used by Wilfred. Earlier that day Mary Jane
    and the three other women had seen Sheila with Mary Jane’s car stopped by
    police for a traffic violation. Apparently Mary Jane had not known Wilfred was
    allowing Sheila to drive Mary Jane’s car, and she disapproved.
    The parties stipulated to the statutory elements, 
    18 U.S.C. § 1153
    , that the
    parties involved are Indians, enrolled members of the Navajo nation, and that the
    altercation occurred in Indian Country. Tr. of Trial, R. Vol. VI at 867. The
    stipulation was read to the jury. 
    When Mary Jane, Cynthia, Rachel and Candace arrived at the trailer, Sheila
    James and her friend, 20-year-old Greta Mark, along with Mark’s infant son, were
    just leaving. However, when Sheila saw the women, she had a “bad feeling”
    about encountering them, so she and Greta reentered the trailer and went to the
    bedroom at the south end of the single-wide trailer.
    Mary Jane went to the trailer, knocked on the door, and Sheila eventually
    came out of the bedroom and answered. The testimony differs as to the nature of
    Mary Jane’s encounter with Sheila (Mary Jane did not testify), but there is general
    agreement that Mary Jane demanded the car keys and ordered Sheila out of the
    trailer. It is also uncontested that Sheila then returned to the bedroom and began
    to pack up her belongings, and that Rachel subsequently went to and entered the
    At this point the testimony sharply differs. Sheila testified that Rachel
    carried with her the aluminum baseball bat Wilfred kept in the living room, and
    struck Sheila on the left side of the head with the bat. Greta, who was looking
    out from the bathroom, confirmed that Rachel brought the bat in and swung it at
    Sheila. Rachel, on the other hand, testified that she was simply going back to the
    bedroom to get the car keys and that when she entered, Sheila struck her in the
    legs with a baseball bat.
    In any event, a fight erupted in which Cynthia and then Candace joined
    with Rachel in fighting Sheila. It is also undisputed that the bat was used as a
    weapon, that it changed hands several times as the parties fought for possession
    of it and used it, and that Sheila was knocked to the floor with Cynthia on top of
    her and Rachel either partly on top or at the side. The testimony most favorable
    to the jury’s verdict indicated that when Candace joined in, she had a broom with
    a metal handle which broke, leaving a jagged edge.
    The three women kicked, punched, and grabbed Sheila, as well as hitting
    her with the bat, and Candace and Rachel took turns hitting Sheila with the metal
    broom handle. Sheila, at the least, hit Cynthia and Rachel in the chest with the
    bat and probably struck both Cynthia and Rachel in other spots with the bat, as
    well as striking them with her fists and feet.
    As indicated above, not too far into the fight Sheila was knocked to the
    floor where she remained until Cynthia, Rachel and Candace broke off the
    altercation. They testified that they did so when Sheila, who was then on the
    ground crying and screaming out as if in excruciating pain (R. Vol. VII at 492),
    exclaimed she was pregnant. Sheila testified that she had already given that
    information to Mary Jane while they talked in the living room, and Greta Mark
    testified that she heard Mary Jane tell Rachel to “wash out the baby” before
    Rachel went to the bedroom.
    During the fight Greta left and, toward the end, Candace, who was told by
    Cynthia to “call the cops,” apparently left. However, Sheila testified that Rachel
    and Cynthia returned to the bedroom immediately after leaving and forced open
    the door which Sheila, after getting to her feet, was trying to hold shut, reentered
    the room, grabbed the bat and part of the broom handle and took them away.
    Officers later checked Mary Jane’s truck and the area immediately around
    Cynthia’s residence, but did not see the bat or part of the metal broomstick.
    After the altercation Mary Jane, Cynthia, Rachel and Candace left in their
    truck. Sheila, worried about a miscarriage due to the kicks she had received in
    her abdomen, went into the bathroom to see if there was blood in her urine. It
    was then that she discovered severe bleeding from a wound in her back, which
    she then examined by looking in a mirror. At first she thought the wound was
    caused by one of the women hitting her with a car jack that was on the bedroom
    floor, and she reported that in her initial account to the police. That report led to
    the inclusion of the jack as a weapon in the indictment.
    The injury consisted of a rounded gouge out of her flesh, about three inches
    in length, and a puncture wound at least three to four inches deep in the lower
    right side of her back. The defendants claimed she fell on the jack, and that is
    what caused the wound in her lower back. However, based on his investigation,
    FBI Agent Frank Chimitz testified that the injury was consistent with the
    cylindrical metal broomstick, and that the car jack could not have caused a wound
    of the type and dimensions in question. That testimony, which was not refuted in
    any significant way (and was not objected to on grounds of his qualification to
    give an expert opinion), was corroborated by medical and other testimony from
    officers who saw the size and shape of the wound. Additionally, the jury had for
    inspection a piece of the broom handle and pictures of the car jack to compare
    with, among other things, Agent Chimitz’ testimony, including his description of
    the blood on the jack appearing only in the form of drops.
    Cynthia, Rachel and Sheila all suffered bruises and contusions, and
    Candace (who did not testify) complained to an investigator that she had a sore
    left shoulder. However, Sheila was clearly the most injured, with bruises and
    contusions all over her body, including severe bruising and swelling on the left
    side of her head where she said Rachel first hit her with the bat. Her face and lips
    were swollen and she was bleeding from her nose and from the wound in her right
    Bleeding and injured, Sheila picked up the car keys from where they were
    lying on the bed (the appellants did not take them), got into the car she had been
    driving earlier, and drove directly to the police station. According to officers at
    the station, Sheila was trembling, moaning and crying, and left a trail of blood
    down the hall to the room where she was interviewed, reporting that she had been
    attacked. Officers at the station called an ambulance, which took Sheila to the
    hospital. She was hospitalized for three days due to the potentially life
    threatening stab wound in her lower back; although, as it turned out, the wound
    was not life threatening.
    The four other women saw Sheila drive into the police station parking lot,
    but did not follow. Instead, they drove to Cynthia’s residence, ostensibly to get
    Albuterol because Rachel was having an asthma attack. They called the police
    from there, about twenty minutes after Sheila had arrived at the station. The
    police had also received an earlier call, at about the time Sheila arrived, reporting
    the altercation. The caller was not identified.
    Police officers proceeded to Wilfred’s trailer and secured the scene. Other
    officers, Mark Scott and Alesia Barber, went to Cynthia’s residence where they
    interviewed Mary Jane, Cynthia, Rachel and Candace. They then arrested Cynthia
    and Rachel.
    Later the same evening, Agent Chimitz and Criminal Investigator Monique
    Maria examined Wilfred’s trailer. They observed no signs of a struggle in the
    living room, where Mary Jane first confronted Sheila. They then inspected the
    bedroom, where the fight occurred, and adjoining bathroom, taking notes, and
    pictures of blood and other items. The pictures were introduced in evidence at
    trial. The examination included an inspection of the car jack and the entire
    bedroom for blood and weapons. They found and took into evidence one end of a
    broken metal broom handle, which had no blood or flesh on it. However, the
    other end of the handle and the bat were not on or around the premises. They
    were never found.
    I.    Exclusion of Specific Instances of Conduct/Character Evidence
    At trial, the appellants relied on a claim of self-defense. Thus, it was
    important to the defense to establish that Sheila was the aggressor in the fight.
    To help prove that point, defense counsel proposed to introduce evidence of three
    prior instances of conduct from which the jury could infer that Sheila had a
    violent character and, acting in conformity therewith, started the fight.
    The three instances proffered by the defense were as follows: (1) Laura
    Yazzie would testify that about a year before the fight Sheila hit Laura’s husband,
    Herbert, on the head with brass knuckles; (2) Laura would also testify that about
    eight months before the fight she saw Sheila throw a liter bottle of Coke which
    struck an elderly woman, Grace Yazzie, on the arm; and (3) Michael Prendergast,
    Rachel’s 16-year-old brother, would testify that three or four weeks before the
    fight he saw Sheila at her trailer swinging the bat used in the fight and saying that
    “she will protect herself if anybody messes with her.” R. Vol VII at 389.
    When making this proffer to the court, during a bench conference, defense
    counsel made a passing reference to Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b) as a ground
    for admissibility of all three incidents, but clearly and repeatedly referred the
    court to Rules 404(a)(2) and 405 as the basis upon which the testimony was being
    Id. at 390-94
    . Counsel summed up his position, and the court ruled, as
    MR. DAVIS: I’m offering the evidence pursuant to 404(a)(2).
    And the question is how I prove that. I’d like to inquire into specific
    incidents of conduct.
    Id. at 392
     (emphasis added).
    The court then ruled as follows:
    THE COURT: The evidence of a person’s character is not
    admissible for the purpose of proving action and conformity
    therewith on a particular occasion, except that character of the victim
    under 404(a)(2) may be shown, but this has to be shown according to
    the Tenth Circuit in its decision in United States v. Telemonte [sic],
    981 F.2d 1153
    , approved again in United States v. Yazzi [sic], 
    188 F.3d 1178
    . Those cases also held that specific instances of violent
    acts may not be used to show character.
    Id. at 392-93 (emphasis added).
    As indicated by the ruling, the court prohibited counsel from asking
    witnesses about the specific incidents in question. The court’s ruling likewise
    prohibited counsel from questioning Sheila on cross-examination about her own
    opinion of her reputation:
    So the objection is sustained. I will tell the jury to disregard
    the question. You may cross-examine, but you cannot introduce her
    [Sheila]—you cannot introduce evidence of her reputation through
    Id. at 393.
    These rulings form the basis of three of the issues raised by the appellants
    on appeal. In general, the appellants contend that the district court erred in ruling
    that they could not offer testimony regarding the three specific instances of
    conduct described above as evidence of Sheila’s allegedly violent character
    because such testimony would permit the defense to pursue the inference that
    Sheila was the aggressor. As indicated, at trial defense counsel cited Federal
    Rules of Evidence 404(a)(2) and 405 as grounds for the admissibility of that
    evidence. Those rules, as relevant, provide as follows:
    Rule 404. Character Evidence Not Admissible To Prove Conduct;
    Exceptions; Other Crimes
    (a) Character Evidence Generally.—Evidence of a person’s
    character or a trait of character is not admissible for the purpose of
    proving action in conformity therewith on a particular occasion,
    (2) Character of Alleged Victim.—Evidence of a
    pertinent trait of character of the alleged victim of the crime offered
    by an accused, or by the prosecution to rebut the same, or evidence
    of a character trait of peacefulness of the alleged victim offered by
    the prosecution in a homicide case to rebut evidence that the alleged
    victim was the first aggressor.
    Fed R. Evid. 404(a)(2).
    Rule 405. Methods of Proving Character
    (a) Reputation or opinion. In all cases in which evidence of
    character or a trait of character of a person is admissible, proof may
    be made by testimony as to reputation or by testimony in the form of
    an opinion. On cross-examination, inquiry is allowable into relevant
    specific instances of conduct.
    (b) Specific instances of conduct. In cases in which
    character or a trait of character of a person is an essential element of
    a charge, claim, or defense, proof may also be made of specific
    instances of that person’s conduct.
    Fed. R. Evid. 405(a) and (b).
    In reviewing the appellants’ claims of error on the issues in question, we
    apply the highly deferential abuse of discretion standard with respect to the
    district court’s rulings. United States v. Talamante, 
    981 F.2d 1153
    , 1155 (10th
    Cir. 1992). A court abuses its discretion when its decision is “arbitrary,
    capricious, whimsical, or manifestly unreasonable.” United States v. Combs, 
    267 F.3d 1167
    , 1176 (10th Cir. 2001) (quotation and citation omitted).
    A.     Exclusion of Testimony Regarding Specific Instances of
    Conduct Alleged to be an “Essential Element” of the
    Defense Under Rule 405(b)
    Under Fed. R. Evid. 404(a)(2), specific instances of conduct may be
    relevant to the subject of character. But, as the district court correctly observed,
    “[F]ederal Rule of Evidence 405 establishes the permissible methods of proving
    character under Rule 402(a)(2).” Talamante, 
    981 F.2d at
    1156 (citing Perrin v.
    784 F.2d 1040
    , 1045 (10th Cir. 1986)).
    Accordingly, the appellants rely on Rule 405(b) which permits proof of
    specific instances of a person’s conduct when character or a trait of character is
    an essential element of the defense. They argue that when a defendant claims self
    defense, the allegedly violent character of the purported victim is clearly an
    essential element of the defense, permitting an inference that the alleged victim
    was the first aggressor.
    However, it is the law of this circuit that “a party may present testimony
    concerning specific instances of conduct only when ‘character is in issue in the
    strict sense.’” Talamante, 
    981 F.2d at 1156
     (quoting Perrin, 
    784 F.2d at 1045
    “Character is directly in issue in the strict sense when . . . the existence or
    nonexistence of the character trait itself determines the rights and liabilities of the
    parties.” Perrin, 
    784 F.2d at 1045
     (quotation omitted); see also United States v.
    57 F.3d 847
     (9th Cir. 1995) (“The relevant question should be: would
    proof, or failure of proof, of the character trait by itself actually satisfy an
    element of the charge, claim, or defense? If not, then character is not essential
    and evidence should be limited to opinion or reputation.”); Weinstein’s Fed. Evid.
    (2d Ed. § 405.05[3]); W. Strong, McCormick on Evidence, §§ 187, 193 (5th ed.
    1999). 2 Thus, “[w]hen character evidence is used circumstantially to create an
    For a contrary view relating to cases involving claims of self defense, the
    appellants cite three state court cases, the most representative of which is Heidel
    inference that a person acted in conformity with his or her character, Rule 405
    allows proof of character only by reputation and opinion.” Talamante, 
    981 F.2d at 1156
    Since character was not directly in issue in the strict sense in this case, the
    district court properly ruled that character evidence regarding Sheila was limited
    to reputation or opinion evidence. Cynthia concedes the point, seeking only to
    preserve the issue for possible en banc review, or appeal to the Supreme Court.
    Redhouse’s Br. at 34.
    B.     Preclusion of Cross-Examination of Sheila by Defense Counsel
    About Sheila’s Opinion as to Her Reputation for Violence
    The government called the victim, Sheila, to testify about the fight. None
    of the questions asked related to Sheila’s reputation. At the beginning of cross-
    examination by Rachel’s counsel, Michael Davis, Davis asked: “It’s true, is it
    not, that you [Sheila] have a reputation in the Shiprock area for violence?” R.
    Vol. VII at 388. Sheila answered, “No,” 
     at which point government counsel
    requested a bench conference during which he objected to the question, leading to
    the court’s ruling, quoted above, sustaining the objection and striking the
    v. State, 
    587 So. 2d 835
     (Miss. 1991). They, of course, do not control here.
    The appellants contend that the district court erred in precluding them from
    cross-examining Sheila as to her character. They cite no authority which would
    support that argument under these circumstances. Rule 405(a) only permits cross-
    examination relating to specific instances of conduct when the opposing side
    introduces evidence regarding the reputation of the witness. Cf., e.g., United
    States v. McHorse, 
    179 F.3d 889
    , 901-02 (10th Cir. 1999) (holding that Rule
    405(a) provides that “once evidence of defendant’s character is offered by the
    defendant . . . the government may counter that evidence on cross-examination by
    referencing relevant specific instances of conduct”); see also W. Strong,
    McCormick on Evidence, § 191 (5th ed. 1999); Weinstein’s Fed. Evid. (2d Ed.
    § 405.03[2][a]). That was not the case here.
    As for the limited question regarding the witness’s opinion as to her own
    reputation, it was already clear that she denied having a reputation for violence,
    so a repeat of that answer would not have assisted the defense. And, cross-
    examination of that answer in the form of specific instances of conduct would
    only be a tactic to do what the rules themselves do not contemplate. In short,
    defense counsel’s tactic would amount to bootstrapping to get into a prohibited
    line of questioning. See, e.g., United States v. Gilliand, 
    586 F.2d 1384
    , 1389
    (10th Cir. 1978).
    The district court did not abuse its discretion by precluding defense counsel
    from cross-examining Sheila on reputation.
    C.     Preclusion of Testimony by Michael Prendergast That he Saw
    Sheila With the Bat and Heard Her Say She Would Protect
    Herself if Anybody Messes with Her
    As indicated above, when defense counsel made his initial proffer with
    respect to three alleged incidents of violent conduct, he referred once to Fed. R.
    Evid. 404(b) without differentiating among the incidents. When the defendants
    put on their case, counsel called Michael Prendergast, Rachel’s 16-year-old
    brother, who was permitted to testify that Sheila had a reputation for violence and
    untruthfulness. The district court cut off the witness when it appeared he might
    get into details about the baseball bat incident and Sheila’s statement. Defense
    counsel remained silent on the point. He did not make any proffer or argument to
    the court with respect to permissible grounds for admissibility, whether under
    Fed. R. Evid. 404(b), as impeachment of answers given by Sheila during her
    testimony, or otherwise.
    The appellants now contend that the district court erred in not permitting
    testimony by Michael on this subject. They argue that under Rule 404(b) 3 the
    (b) Other crimes, wrongs, or acts. Evidence of other crimes, wrongs or
    acts is not admissible to prove the character of a person in order to show action in
    proffered evidence that Michael saw Sheila swinging the bat and “claiming she
    will protect herself if anybody messes with her,” R. Vol. VII at 389, would be
    admissible to show motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan and knowledge.
    Herder’s Br. at 25. 4
    The rule in this circuit is clear that a party offering evidence under Fed. R.
    Evid. 404(b) has the responsibility to “precisely articulate the purpose” for which
    the evidence is to be admitted. See United States v. Birch, 
    39 F.3d 1089
    , 1093
    (10th Cir. 1994); United States v. Kendall, 
    766 F.2d 1426
    , 1436 (10th Cir. 1985).
    A broad statement invoking rule 404(b) is not enough. See United States v.
    229 F.3d 1312
    , 1317 (10th Cir. 2000). Defense counsel failed to articulate
    any basis for admissibility of the alleged incident, and the district court had no
    obligation to guess at or formulate some ground for admission, and then rule on
    that formulation. 5 Indeed, as the record shows, counsel’s arguments for
    conformity therewith. It may, however, be admissible for other purposes, such as
    proof of motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or
    absence of mistake or accident, . . . .
    Fed. R. Evid. 404.
    The appellants do not contend that any of this, or other specific act,
    evidence was admissible for purposes of showing the defendants’ state of mind.
    Even if counsel had argued some basis for admissibility of the challenged
    evidence, that would still leave unanswered the outcome of applying the test
    required by Fed. R. Evid. 403, which would include the possibility of confusion
    admissibility actively steered the court away from any consideration under Rule
    404(b), and stressed only Rule 404(a)(2).
    In stating the general rule, the Birch court did acknowledge an exception
    where the 404(b) purpose of the evidence is “apparent from the record.” Birch,
    39 F.3d at 1094
    . Appellants argue for the first time in their reply briefs that they
    are entitled to invoke this exception because the 404(b) purpose of this evidence
    was apparent from the record. See Redhouse’s Reply Br. at 6; Herder’s Reply Br.
    at 1-2.
    Arguments raised for the first time in a reply brief need not be addressed.
    Stump v. Gates, 
    211 F.3d 527
    , 533 (10th Cir. 2000). Nevertheless, we point out
    that Birch is clearly distinguishable on its facts. In that case, the government
    informed the court and defense counsel prior to the trial that it intended to
    introduce Rule 404(b) evidence for the purpose of proving the defendant’s
    “knowledge, identity and absence of mistake or accident.” Birch, 
    39 F.3d at 1093
    . Notwithstanding this explanation of the purpose for the evidence, we found
    that the government failed sufficiently to articulate the “relevant purpose and
    specific inferences” to be drawn from the evidence. 
     In contrast, here the
    arising from potential mini trials at least with respect to the brass knuckles and
    the Coke bottle incidents. See Talamante, 
    981 F.2d at
    1156 n.5.
    appellants provided no statement—not even a deficient one—of the 404(b)
    purpose of the evidence. 6
    In any event, Birch does not require, as appellants’ argument implies, that
    we comb the record in search of a permissible 404(b) purpose, which the
    appellants did not identify at trial, that might justify the admission of the
    Finally, with respect to the appellants’ arguments regarding other grounds
    for admissibility, such as impeachment of Sheila’s direct testimony, we point out
    again that defense counsel made no arguments below which led to a ruling
    reviewable on appeal.
    The district court’s failure to admit the evidence under Rule 404(b) was not
    II.      Laura Yazzie’s Reputation Testimony
    The defense presented Laura Yazzie as a reputation witness who would
    testify that Sheila had a reputation for violence in the community. When asked if
    she knew Sheila James, Yazzie responded, “no.” R. Vol. II at 451. Later she
    testified that she did not know who Sheila James was. Id. at 452. After she was
    Furthermore, the statement that “I will protect myself” hardly presents an
    unambiguous reason, apparent from the record, for admission to prove a first
    aggressor argument.
    provided with an interpreter she again testified that she did not really know
    Sheila. See id. at 467. She also testified that she did not know how many people
    she knew who knew Sheila. See id.
    After hearing the government’s cross-examination, in which Yazzie again
    denied knowing Sheila, the district court struck Yazzie’s testimony for lack of
    foundation. 7 Appellants argue that this was error because any deficiencies in
    Yazzie’s testimony went to the weight of, and not the foundation for, her
    testimony. We disagree.
    “The admission of reputation evidence is left to the sound discretion of the
    district court.” United States v. Ruiz-Castro, 
    92 F.3d 1519
    , 1529 (10th Cir.
    1996). A reputation witness must have “such acquaintance with the [person], the
    community in which he has lived and the circles in which he has moved as to
    The Appellants also argue that the testimony was excluded not because it
    lacked foundation but because the court made an impermissible credibility
    judgment. We disagree. It is apparent from reading the testimony and the
    objections that the court’s ruling was based upon grounds of insufficient
    foundation which went directly to admissibility. See R. Vol. VII at 465-67.
    speak with authority on the terms in which generally he is regarded.” 8 Michelson
    v. United States, 
    335 U.S. 469
    , 478 (1948); Ruiz-Castro, 
    92 F.3d at 1529
    Yazzie’s testimony, which was rife with equivocations and inconsistencies,
    evidenced her lack of familiarity with Sheila and her reputation in the community.
    The appellants did not give the court any additional evidence to suggest that
    Yazzie was familiar with Sheila or her community. The record supports the trial
    court’s conclusion that there was insufficient foundation for Yazzie’s testimony.
    “Particularly in light of the abuse of discretion standard applicable . . . we decline
    to second-guess the district court's conclusion on the record before us.” United
    States v. McVeigh, 
    119 F.3d 806
    , 814 (10th Cir. 1997).
    III.   Jury Instructions
    Appellants next argue that the instructions to the jury were erroneous.
    They point to two alleged mistakes: (1) the court illogically instructed the jury to
    Appellants also argue that Yazzie’s testimony should be evaluated as
    opinion, rather than reputation, character evidence. Herder’s Br. at 28-29.
    Opinion testimony need not have the same foundation as reputation evidence; it
    requires only that the witness have personal knowledge and an opinion—not that
    the witness know the person and her community. However, this argument is not
    supported by the record. Yazzie was never asked her opinion of Sheila’s
    character. Rather, defense counsel asked Yazzie if she knew Sheila’s reputation
    in the community. R. Vol. VII at 464-66. Since the defense never solicited
    opinion testimony, we will evaluate the adequacy of the foundation for Yazzie’s
    testimony under the reputation standard.
    consider Sheila’s reputation for violence when considering her credibility; and (2)
    the district court failed to include a separate instruction directing the jury to
    consider Sheila’s reputation for violence when determining who was the first
    The district court instructed the jury as follows:
    Instruction No. 12
    The Defendants have offered evidence of having acted in self-
    Use of force is justified when a person reasonably believes that
    it is necessary for the defense of oneself or another against the
    immediate use of unlawful force. However, a person must use no
    more force than appears reasonably necessary in the circumstances.
    The Government has the burden of proving beyond a
    reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act in self-defense as it
    has been described in this instruction.
    Instruction No. 13
    You have heard the testimony of Sheila James. You also heard
    testimony from Michael Prendergast concerning his opinion about
    whether that witness is a truthful person and the witness’s reputation,
    in the community where the witness lives, for telling the truth and for
    violence. It is up to you to decide from what you heard here whether
    Sheila James was telling the truth in this trial. In deciding this, you
    should bear in mind the testimony concerning the witness’s
    reputation for truthfulness and violence as well as all the other
    factors already mentioned.
    R. Vol. I, Court’s Instructions to the Jury, Instructions No. 12, 13.
    There was no objection to these instructions. Absent an objection at trial,
    we review jury instructions for plain error. See United States v. Fabiano, 
    169 F.3d 1299
    , 1302 (10th Cir. 1999). Under the plain error standard Appellants
    “must show: (1) an ‘error,’ (2) that is ‘plain,’ which means ‘clear’ or ‘obvious’
    under current law, and (3) that ‘affects substantial rights.’” 
     1303 (citing
    United States v. Olano, 
    507 U.S. 725
    , 732 (1993)). Under this standard we may
    correct an error only if it “seriously affects the fairness, integrity or public
    reputation of judicial proceedings.” Olano, 
    507 U.S. at 732
     (quotation and
    citation omitted). “[W]e examine [instructions] as a whole to determine whether
    the jury may have been misled, upholding the judgment in the absence of
    substantial doubt that the jury was fairly guided.” United States v. Wiktor, 
    146 F.3d 815
    , 817 (10th Cir. 1998) (quotation omitted).
    According to appellant Herder, at trial “the only disputed issue [was] who
    was the first aggressor.” Herder’s Reply Br. at 1. Sheila testified that she was
    not the first aggressor. In considering her credibility on this topic, her reputation
    for violence was relevant information for the jury to weigh. The instruction to
    consider her reputation for violence when determining her credibility was neither
    “illogical” nor “nonsensical” as the appellants argue. Instead, it directed the jury
    to consider all available evidence when evaluating Sheila’s credibility.
    Appellants’ second contention is that the district court should have given a
    separate instruction directing the jury to consider Sheila’s reputation for violence
    when considering who was the first aggressor. Appellants do not argue that
    Instruction No. 12 was an incomplete or inaccurate statement of the law, rather
    they argue that it was insufficient. Appellants, however, did not offer any
    alternate instruction at trial. In the presence of a proper statement of the law of
    self-defense, mere failure to give an additional instruction telling the jury to
    consider the parties’ reputations for violence when evaluating the self-defense
    claim does not create “substantial doubt that the jury was fairly guided.” Wiktor,
    146 F.3d at 817
    . The court’s instruction did not constitute plain error.
    IV.   Rachel Herder’s Plain Error Contention as to Evidence
    Regarding Cynthia Redhouse’s Reputation for Violence
    At trial, counsel for Rachel Herder elicited testimony from Michael
    Prendergast that Sheila had a reputation in the community as a violent and
    untruthful person. R. Vol. VII at 456-57. The purpose of the evidence was to
    support the claim—asserted by both defendants—that Sheila was the first
    aggressor and that the defendants were acting in self-defense.
    On rebuttal, the government called Officer Dwayne Vigil who testified that
    the defendant, Cynthia Redhouse (Rachel’s mother), had a reputation in the
    community as a person “prone to violence.” Id. at 560. Neither counsel for
    Cynthia nor counsel for Rachel objected to that testimony.
    Rule 404(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Evidence, set out more fully above,
    provides, as relevant:
    (1) Character of Accused. — . . . if evidence of
    a trait of character of the alleged victim of the crime is
    offered by an accused and admitted under Rule
    404(a)(2), evidence of the same trait of character of the
    accused offered by the prosecution;
    Fed. R. Evid. 404(a)(1) (emphasis added).
    Rachel contends that under a plain language reading of Rule 404(a)(1), the
    government can only introduce character evidence against “the accused” who
    offered character evidence against the victim. Thus, since Cynthia was not “the
    accused” who offered character evidence against Sheila, the court committed
    plain error by admitting rebuttal evidence about Cynthia’s character. Put another
    way, since Rachel was the one who elicited reputation testimony against Sheila,
    then Rachel was the only defendant against whom the government could offer
    rebuttal character evidence.
    In response, the government argues that “the accused” can be read
    collectively to apply to all co-defendants or, in any case, the drafters did not think
    of a co-defendant situation and could not have intended the limitation envisioned
    by Rachel since it would allow counsel for co-defendants to manipulate the Rules.
    Because the present wording of the Rule in question has only been in effect since
    the year 2000, it has not been interpreted in any prior case; but, in any event, the
    issue here falls into a unique category which neither party addresses at any length.
    First, it is notable that Cynthia, the defendant whose character was
    attacked, not only did not object at trial, she also does not join in raising the issue
    on appeal. This is particularly significant since, according to Rachel’s view, the
    Rule allegedly violated here relates solely to Cynthia and her protection against
    adverse character evidence. See, e.g., Rachel’s reliance in her reply brief on
    Michelson v. United States, 
    335 U.S. 469
    , 475-79 (1948). So, at the very least,
    the issue at the outset must be modified to whether a co-defendant has any right to
    object at all, or to claim plain error, when the accused, whose immunity under
    Rule 404(a) from character evidence has been violated, has no objection to the
    introduction by the prosecution of character evidence against her.
    However, the issue is even more fundamentally altered when looked at from
    the standpoint of Rachel’s burden to show prejudice under the plain error rule.
    She contends she was prejudiced by evidence of Cynthia’s character trait of being
    “prone to violence” since the jury could draw the inference of “like mother, like
    daughter.” Herder’s Br. at 34. 9 But the problem with the issue as thus distilled is
    that the alleged prejudice to Rachel remains the same whether or not Rule
    Rachel also argues that the character evidence would suggest that Cynthia,
    not Sheila, was the first aggressor, thus casting doubt on the self-defense position
    upon which Cynthia and Rachel jointly relied. But no one disputed at trial that
    Rachel entered the bedroom first, that the fight began between Sheila and Rachel,
    and that the first aggressor question was solely between them. So Rachel’s
    argument that Cynthia might be seen as the first aggressor is wholly lacking in
    404(a)(1) was violated. So, it seems irrelevant whether there was or was not error
    under Rule 404(a)(1). Under these circumstances, it is highly doubtful whether
    Rule 404(a)(1) was violated as to Rachel, and, if any error exists, it is hardly
    Regardless, assuming, arguendo, that Rule 404(a)(1) was plainly violated,
    at least as to Cynthia, Rachel still must show prejudice under the plain error rule.
    The admission of Cynthia’s character trait—“prone to violence”—does not
    constitute plain error as to Rachel unless the “error” substantially affected the
    fairness, integrity, or public reputation of her trial. See Olano, 
    507 U.S. at 732
    We are unpersuaded that this demanding test has been met here.
    The district court instructed the jury that it should weigh the evidence
    separately against Rachel and Cynthia; in other words, not to speculate that
    Rachel was prone to violence just because her mother, Cynthia, was. The court
    instructed the jury as follows:
    Instruction No. 7
    A separate crime is charged against one or more of the
    defendants in each count of the indictment. Each count, and the
    evidence pertaining to it, should be considered separately and
    individually, the fact that you may find one or more of the accused
    guilty or not guilty of any of the crimes charges should not control
    your verdict as to any other crime or any other defendant. You must
    give separate consideration to the evidence as to each defendant.
    R. Vol. I, Court’s Instructions to the Jury, Instruction No. 7 (emphasis added).
    We presume that a jury follows the court’s instructions. See Weeks v. Angelone,
    528 U.S. 225
    , 234 (2000); Battenfield v. Gibson, 
    236 F.3d 1215
    , 1225 (10th Cir.
    2001). The court’s instruction, when followed, was sufficient to avoid any
    prejudice to Rachel.
    Rachel contends that she was prejudiced because in this context the jury
    would not be “capable of using the evidence of Cynthia Redhouse’s violent
    character as proof in the case against Cynthia . . . but not using it in this way in
    the case against Rachel Herder.” Herder’s Reply Br. at 4. She argues that in the
    context of multiple, related defendants, the task of considering the evidence
    separately is simply too difficult to assume that an instruction could properly
    guide the jury. See Bruton v. United States, 
    391 U.S. 123
    , 131-36 (1968).
    Bruton, the case Herder cites for this proposition, is clearly inapposite. To avoid
    the harm Rachel alleges, the jury need not have done the kind of “mental
    gymnastics” the Bruton jury faced—considering a confession with regard to one
    defendant but ignoring it with regard to a co-defendant implicated by the
    confession. This case is far from a Bruton situation. Bruton, as well as all of the
    cases the Bruton court cited as examples of contexts in which it is unreasonable to
    believe that the jury could follow a court’s instructions, involved the admission of
    the confession of a co-defendant which directly implicated the defendant. See 
    id. at 135
    ; Holt v. United States, 
    94 F.2d 90
     (10th Cir. 1937); Mora v. United States,
    190 F.2d 749
     (5th Cir. 1951). The reputation evidence that Rachel argues was
    improperly admitted did not directly incriminate either Cynthia or Rachel.
    To avoid the harm Rachel alleges, all that was required was that the jury
    not speculate that because Cynthia was “prone to violence,” Rachel must also be
    prone to violence, and then further speculate that, as a result, she was the first
    aggressor. Considering the instructions given to the jury, and an examination of
    the full record, we are unconvinced that the evidence that Cynthia was “prone to
    violence” seriously affected the fairness or outcome of the trial as to Rachel.
    Despite the appellants’ contention that this was simply a case of Rachel’s
    word against Sheila as to who was the first aggressor, the jury had far more
    evidence before it than that to consider. It is undisputed that Rachel went to
    where Sheila was packing in the back bedroom, rather than Sheila approaching
    Rachel or any of the others. It is also undisputed that a fight which began as one
    on one quickly evolved into three against one and that a new weapon, the
    broomstick, and then the jagged end of the broom handle, was introduced by one
    of the three fighting with Sheila. Sheila clearly received the most serious
    wounds, and the major wound was consistent with having been inflicted by the
    jagged end of the broken broom handle. The jury also had the testimony of
    officers who observed all the participants shortly after the fight, noted their
    demeanor and reported on their activities. The jury was also in a position to
    listen to the testimony of Sheila, Greta Mark, Rachel and Cynthia and to assess
    the credibility of each in connection with the foregoing facts, as well as the
    attendant circumstances. In short, we reiterate that the demanding standards set
    out in Olano were not violated as to Rachel.
    V.    Cumulative Error
    We have considered all of the arguments raised by the appellants and
    addressed the main issues, and we conclude that no error was committed in this
    trial. It follows that the appellants’ assertion of cumulative error also fails. See
    United States v. Rivera, 
    900 F.2d 1462
    , 1471 (10th Cir. 1990).
    For the foregoing reasons, the district court judgment is AFFIRMED.
    Stephen H. Anderson
    Circuit Judge