Jurgevich v. McGary , 63 F. App'x 448 ( 2003 )

  •                                                                           F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    APR 21 2003
    v.                                                   No. 02-1291
    (D.C. No. 01-M-2032)
    WALTER McGARY, Chief Medical                           (D. Colo.)
    DON LAWSON, Chief Pharmacy
    Officer, DOC; JUDITH M.
    LENHART, Vice Pres. Operations,
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT            *
    Before EBEL , HENRY , and MURPHY , Circuit Judges.
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of
    this appeal.   See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2); 10th Cir. R. 34.1(G). The case is
    therefore ordered submitted without oral argument.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Plaintiff Stanley P. Jurgevich, a Colorado prisoner proceeding pro se,
    appeals from the grant of summary judgment in favor of defendants in his civil
    rights suit brought under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    . The district court concluded that
    summary judgement was proper because none of the named defendants were
    personally involved in the incident leading to the suit.   We affirm.
    Plaintiff’s complaint stems from his attempts to obtain relief from heel
    spurs. The dispute came to a head after plaintiff’s podiatrist requested surgery on
    March 22, 2001. That request was twice denied by Colorado Access, which has
    a contract with the Colorado Department of Corrections to act as a third party
    administrator to manage the health services provided to inmates. Colorado
    Access ultimately approved the surgery on September 12, 2001, but plaintiff did
    not undergo surgery until October 22, 2001. In the interim, plaintiff sued.
    Plaintiff’s original complaint named defendants McGary, Neufeld, Lawson,
    and Lenhart, and alleged the following:
    Claimant’s 8th Amendment right against Cruel and Unusual
    Punishment has been and is being violated, to wit: Despite the fact
    that two doctors have diagnosed the Claimant as having a recognized
    medical condition that needs surgery to correct, the Defendants have
    denied said treatment. Further, Defendant’s [sic] have also denied
    any stop-gap measures to alleviate the Claimant’s continuous pain
    and discomfort. This has been going on for years now.
    R., doc. 3 at 3. Plaintiff included documentation of his attempts to rectify the
    problem through the prison grievance procedure. Those documents alleged
    significant pain due to a denial of adequate or effective treatment for
    approximately four years.
    On February 1, 2002, defendants filed their motion for summary judgment.
    The same day, plaintiff filed a motion to amend his pro se complaint to name
    three additional defendants. The district court struck that motion for failure to
    comply with Fed. R. Civ. P. 15 and for failure to state sufficient claims against
    the new defendants. On March 7, 2002, plaintiff filed a second motion to amend,
    naming five additional defendants and including a more detailed recitation of
    factual allegations. As stated by plaintiff, the amendment was only necessary to
    rectify his mistake in initially identifying the proper parties; his claims
    concerning the new defendants “ar[o]se of the same conduct, transaction or
    occur[r]ence as set forth in the original pleading.” R., doc. 23 at 3.
    By order dated March 12, 2002, the district court deferred ruling on
    plaintiff’s motion, pending the court’s decision on summary judgment. The
    district court ultimately granted defendants’ motion, correctly ruling that the
    original defendants had no personal involvement in the alleged delay of medical
    treatment. See Coleman v. Turpen,     
    697 F.2d 1341
    , 1346 n.7 (10th Cir. 1982)
    (holding that a defendant cannot be liable under § 1983 unless personally
    involved in the deprivation).   1
    The district court then dismissed plaintiff’s action
    with prejudice without ruling on his motion to amend. Plaintiff filed a timely
    motion to alter or amend the judgment under Fed. R. Civ. P. 59, requesting the
    district court to reinstate his amended complaint naming the proper parties. The
    district court denied that motion summarily, and this appeal followed.
    We review the grant of summary judgment de novo, applying the same
    standard the district court applied under Federal Rule 56(c).       O’Toole v. Northrop
    Grumman Corp., 
    305 F.3d 1222
    , 1225 (10th Cir. 2002). Summary judgment is
    warranted “if the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and
    admissions on file, together with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no
    genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a
    judgment as a matter of law.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c). “An issue of fact is
    ‘material’ if under the substantive law it is essential to the proper disposition of
    the claim.”   Adler v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,      
    144 F.3d 664
    , 670 (10th Cir. 1998).
    “[A]n issue of material fact is genuine only if the nonmovant presents facts such
    that a reasonable jury could find in favor of the nonmovant.”        Simms v. Okla.
    ex rel. Dep’t of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Servs.,        
    165 F.3d 1321
    , 1326
    Despite her designation as a defendant on the district court’s docket sheet,
    Judith Lenhart was never served and never appeared before the court in this case.
    (10th Cir. 1999). If the movants carry their initial burden of a prima facie
    demonstration of the absence of a genuine issue of material fact and entitlement
    to judgment as a matter of law, “the nonmovant . . . may not simply rest upon
    [his] pleadings; the burden shifts to the nonmovant to go beyond the pleadings
    and ‘set forth specific facts’ that would be admissible in evidence in the event of
    trial from which a rational trier of fact could find for the nonmovant.”      Adler,
    144 F.3d at 671
    . Because plaintiff appears pro se, his pleadings must be
    construed liberally.   Haines v. Kerner, 
    404 U.S. 519
    , 520-21 (1972) (per curiam).
    On appeal, plaintiff argues that the district court should have allowed him
    to amend his complaint to add those defendants that allegedly had direct
    involvement in delaying plaintiff’s medical treatment. Rule 15(a) states that
    “[a] party may amend the party’s pleading once as a matter of course at any time
    before a responsive pleading is served.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(a). After that, the
    party may amend only by leave of the court or by written consent of the adverse
     The right to amend is never absolute, however, as a district court may
    deny a motion to amend if the court concludes that the amendment would be
    futile. Foman v. Davis, 
    371 U.S. 178
    , 182 (1962).
    Nevertheless, it is error for the district court to deny a motion to amend
    without supplying a justification.    Fed. Ins. Co. v. Gates Learjet Corp.,    823 F.2d
    383, 387 (10th Cir. 1987). Indeed, the Supreme Court has stated that “outright
    refusal to grant the leave without any justifying reason appearing for the denial is
    not an exercise of discretion; it is merely abuse of that discretion and inconsistent
    with the spirit of the Federal Rules.”    Foman, 
    371 U.S. at 182
    In this case, plaintiff filed two motions to amend. The district court struck
    the first motion for failure to comply with Rule 15 and because it “fail[ed] to state
    sufficient claims against the defendants sought to be added.” R., doc. 19 at 1.
    This was proper as plaintiff’s motion relied on nonspecific and conclusory
    allegations to implicate each of the three additional defendants.   See Hall v.
    935 F.2d 1106
    , 1110 (10th Cir. 1991) (“[C]onclusory allegations
    without supporting factual averments are insufficient to state a claim on which
    relief can be based.”).
    The district court deferred ruling on the second motion to amend until
    it ruled on defendant’s motion for summary judgment. When it ruled on the
    summary judgment motion, however, it did not mention the outstanding motion to
    amend. Moreover, when presented with plaintiff’s Rule 59 motion requesting the
    district court to reinstate his complaint as amended, the court denied that motion
    summarily. Under Rule 15, a plaintiff has a right to amend his complaint once
    as a matter of course before defendant has filed and served a responsive pleading.
    A motion for summary judgment, like a motion to dismiss, is not considered to be
    a “responsive pleading” and therefore does not cut off a plaintiff’s right to amend
    without leave of court.      See Brever v. Rockwell Int’l Corp.,   
    40 F.3d 1119
    , 1131
    (10th Cir. 1994) (“Because defendants’ motions to dismiss or for summary
    judgment were not responsive pleadings, [plaintiff] could have amended her
    complaint prior to dismissal without requesting or receiving leave of the court.”);
    see also Zaidi v. Ehrlich,    
    732 F.2d 1218
    , 1219-20 (5th Cir. 1984) (holding that a
    motion for summary judgment is not a responsive pleading). Therefore, plaintiff
    should have been allowed to amend his complaint, subject only to the district
    court’s reasoned determination that the proposed amendment would be futile.
    The court made no such determination, and therefore erred in summarily denying
    plaintiff’s motion.
    “Although, as a general rule, the district court must give a reason for its
    refusal [to allow amendment], failure to state a reason can be harmless error
    where the reason is apparent.”       Pallottino v. City of Rio Rancho,   
    31 F.3d 1023
    1027 (10th Cir. 1994) (quotation and citation omitted). As we have previously
    noted, a district court may properly deny a motion to amend a pleading if the
    amendment would be futile.         Foman, 
    371 U.S. at 182
    . More specifically, this
    court has held that “[a] proposed amendment is futile if the complaint, as
    amended, would be subject to dismissal for any reason, including that the
    amendment would not survive a motion for summary judgment.”               Watson ex rel.
    Watson v. Beckel, 
    242 F.3d 1237
    , 1239-40 (10th Cir. 2001). Based on the record
    in the present case, we conclude that it is apparent plaintiff could not meet his
    burden at the summary judgment stage to show a genuine issue of material fact on
    his claim of an Eighth Amendment violation, regardless of the defendants named
    in the suit. Plaintiff concedes that the amendment itself was based on the same
    facts used to support his claim against the current defendants, and was being
    sought only to name the proper parties. Plaintiff also argued the merits of his
    constitutional claim and filed supporting documents in his responses to the motion
    for summary judgment. As we explain more fully below, at the time the district
    court ruled on summary judgment, the futility in amending plaintiff’s complaint to
    name defendants that were more personally involved in his claim was readily
    apparent. Therefore, we conclude that the district court’s failure to provide
    reasons for denying the proposed amendment is harmless.
    A violation of the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual
    punishment may be shown by “deliberate indifference to serious medical needs.”
    Estelle v. Gamble, 
    429 U.S. 97
    , 104 (1976);    see also Olson v. Stotts,   
    9 F.3d 1475
    1477 (10th Cir. 1993) (“Delay in medical care can only constitute an Eighth
    Amendment violation if there has been deliberate indifference which results in
    substantial harm.”) (quotation omitted). To meet the deliberate indifference
    standard, however, a prisoner’s claim of medical mistreatment must allege more
    than mere accident or even negligence. “[O]nly the unnecessary and wanton
    infliction of pain implicates the Eighth Amendment.”       Wilson v. Seiter, 
    501 U.S. 294
    , 297 (1991) (quotations and emphasis omitted). Delay in medical care, by
    itself, does not support a constitutional claim.    Olson, 
    9 F.3d at 1477
    . Moreover,
    mere disagreement with the medical judgment of prison doctors concerning
    treatment does not support a claim of cruel and unusual punishment.       
    In their motion for summary judgment, defendants argued that they had no
    personal involvement in plaintiff’s case and, alternatively, that plaintiff did not
    sufficiently allege a constitutional violation. Defendants attached medical records
    to bolster their contention that plaintiff received routine treatment for his feet
    until surgery was recommended and, five months later, ultimately approved. In
    his response, plaintiff argued that the same medical evidence demonstrated a three
    to five year delay in surgery, and that this delay, coupled with the arbitrariness of
    the denials of various treatment requests, showed deliberate indifference to his
    serious medical need. Plaintiff’s “Request to Amend Pleading Number 2” argued
    essentially the same thing, while tying his substantive claims to the actions of the
    additional defendants.
    Our independent review of the record confirms the absence of a
    constitutional deprivation. Plaintiff’s contention that he began experiencing pain
    as early as 1996 is unsupported, but also undisputed. The medical documentation
    submitted by both parties shows appropriate, albeit escalating medical treatment
    from 1998 until plaintiff’s podiatrist recommended surgery in March 2001.
    Plaintiff’s contention that surgery was considered as early as 1998 is also
    undisputed; his associated argument that this earlier consideration of surgery
    demonstrates deliberate indifference is significantly diminished by later
    documents evidencing plaintiff’s stated preference for alternatives to surgery.
    During that period of time between plaintiff’s formal request for surgery and the
    surgery itself, the record reveals that the request was denied twice due to the lack
    of supporting evidence. Each time, plaintiff’s doctor promptly appealed and
    supplied the needed documentation, until the request was ultimately approved.
    Overall, the record in this case presents evidence of reasonable responses to
    plaintiff’s gradually increasing complaints of pain, and the inevitable bureaucratic
    delays associated with obtaining approval for surgery. The record does not
    present “evidence . . . from which a rational trier of fact could find for [plaintiff]”
    on his Eighth Amendment claim.      Adler, 
    144 F.3d at 671
    . While the district court
    granted summary judgment for the reason that the named defendants were not
    personally involved in the alleged delay of medical treatment, “we are free to
    affirm a district court decision on any grounds for which there is a record
    sufficient to permit conclusions of law, even grounds not relied upon by the
    district court.”   Lambertsen v. Utah Dep’t of Corr.,   
    79 F.3d 1024
    , 1029 (10th Cir.
    1996) (quotation omitted). Accordingly, summary judgment was proper against
    plaintiff on his Eighth Amendment claim.
    In his briefs on appeal, plaintiff also suggests that the record was not
    sufficiently developed to support a decision on summary judgment. This
    contention implicates Rule 56(f), which permits the district court, in its
    discretion, to order a continuance “to permit affidavits to be obtained or
    depositions to be taken or discovery to be had.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(f). In the
    present case, plaintiff responded to the motion for summary judgment with a brief
    and exhibits, but also generally asserted that he did not possess all of his medical
    documentation or records, suggesting that he could not present “facts essential to
    justify [his] opposition.”   
     As we have previously explained, however,
    [t]he protection afforded by Rule 56(f) is an alternative to a response
    in opposition to summary judgment under 56(e) and is designed to
    safeguard against a premature or improvident grant of summary
    judgment. Rule 56(f) may not be invoked by the mere assertion that
    discovery is incomplete or that specific facts necessary to oppose
    summary judgment are unavailable; the opposing party must
    demonstrate how additional time will enable him to rebut movants
    allegations of no genuine issue of fact.
    Pasternak v. Lear Petroleum Exploration, Inc.,      
    790 F.2d 828
    , 833 (10th Cir.
    1986) (citation and quotation omitted). As in      Pasternak, even ignoring plaintiff’s
    failure to file an affidavit explaining the need for additional discovery as
    mandated by Rule 56(f), plaintiff’s general assertion to the district court also
    “falls far short of showing how the desired time would enable [him] to meet
    [his] burden in opposing summary judgment.”      
    The judgment of the United States District Court for the District of
    Colorado is AFFIRMED.
    Entered for the Court
    David M. Ebel
    Circuit Judge