United States v. Cunningham , 191 F. App'x 670 ( 2006 )

  •                                                                           F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    July 28, 2006
    TENTH CIRCUIT                       Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    Clerk of Court
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    v.                                                         No. 05-8077
    (D. W yoming)
    BILLY CUNNINGHAM ,                                  (D.Ct. No. 04-CR-213-B)
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Before H E N RY, BR ISC OE, and O’BRIEN, Circuit Judges.
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of
    this appeal. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2); 10th Cir. R. 34.1(G). The case is
    therefore ordered submitted without oral argument.
    After pleading guilty to one count of attempted child exploitation in
    violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 2251
    (a) and (e), Billy Cunningham w as sentenced to,
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent except under the doctrines of
    law of the case, res judicata and collateral estoppel. The court generally disfavors the
    citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order and judgment may be cited under
    the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    inter alia, 180 months imprisonment, the statutory minimum. He challenges the
    length of his sentence, claiming the statutory minimum violates his Eighth
    Amendment constitutional rights and the separation of powers doctrine.
    Exercising jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , we AFFIRM .
    I.     Background
    After four years in the United States Navy and twenty-four years as an
    employee of the United States Postal Service, Billy Cunningham retired and
    accepted a part-time position at Lowe’s Home Improvement Center in Kingston,
    M assachusetts. After his retirement, Cunningham purchased a computer for his
    personal use. On September 28, 2004, Cunningham entered a “Yahoo!” chat
    room identified for “11-13 year olds O NLY.” H e initiated communication with
    “kaylac93,” w ho purported to be an eleven-year-old girl. Unbeknownst to
    Cunningham, “kaylac93" was the moniker of an undercover United States
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer, Special A gent Nicole
    Cunningham invited “kaylac93" into a private chat room where he asked
    whether she owned a digital camera and discussed the possibility of her sending
    him nude pictures of herself. He also expressed a willingness to travel to
    W yoming to engage in sexual activity with her. Later the same day, he initiated
    an instant message discussion for approximately two hours. He again discussed
    engaging in sexual acts and stated he was comfortable with her age. He e-mailed
    nude pictures of himself during the instant message conversation and discussed
    his desire that she reciprocate. The ICE agent was able to obtain Cunningham’s
    personal identifying information from the e-mail address.
    Approximately one week later, Cunningham again initiated an instant
    message conversation. He again discussed traveling to Cheyenne, W yoming, to
    engage in sexual activity and informed her he would be sending her a digital
    camera to take photographs in various stages of undress. He also offered to send
    her intimate apparel. Later, he sent an e-mail confirming he had mailed the
    camera. Cunningham’s next e-mail promised her he would mail thong and g-
    string underw ear.
    Agent Balliet received the camera on October 11, 2004. 1 After a search of
    Cunningham’s residence, agents found the receipt for the camera. Cunningham
    acknowledged his actions and provided agents with various photographs of
    underage girls, some of w hich were classified as child pornography. He also
    admitted he had met a teenage girl on the Internet who lived in San Antonio,
    Texas, and he had been discussing sexual topics with her in the same manner as
    his conversations with “kaylac93.” 2 Seizure of Cunningham’s computer revealed
    The presentence report lists receipt of the camera occurring on October 11, 2005
    and the search of Cunningham’s residence on December 9, 2005. Given that
    Cunningham was indicted in November 2004, and pled guilty in May 2005, we assume
    the reference to dates later in 2005 are typographical errors. In any event, the dates do
    not affect our analysis.
    This contact was another ICE agent.
    fifteen to twenty images of child pornography.
    Cunningham w as indicted for attempted child exploitation and entered a
    plea of guilty to the charge on M ay 16, 2005. The plea agreement provided that
    (1) the November 1, 2003 Guidelines M anual be used, (2) the intended victim was
    eleven years old, and (3) Cunningham used a computer in connection with the
    offense. The plea agreement also identified USSG § 2G2.1 as the appropriate
    guideline for determining his advisory sentence. A presentence report was
    prepared, to which there were no objections. The report calculated Cunningham’s
    base offense level at twenty-seven. An additional four offense levels were added
    because his intended victim was eleven years old and another two because he used
    a computer in the commission of his offense. Three offense levels were deducted
    because Cunningham timely accepted responsibility, resulting in a final offense
    level of thirty. Because Cunningham had no prior criminal history, he qualified
    for Criminal History Category I. Under this calculation, the applicable advisory
    guideline sentence ranged from 97 to 121 months imprisonment. However, the
    statutory minimum sentence required imprisonment for 180 months.
    At sentencing, Cunningham did not object to the guideline calculations but
    lodged a general constitutional objection to the statutory minimum sentence.
    Cunningham did not ask the court to consider his sentence unconstitutional
    because it violated the Eighth Amendment as cruel and unusual punishment or
    because it violated the separation of powers doctrine. The district court noted the
    disparity between the guideline range and the minimum mandatory sentence
    required by statute. It expressed its frustration with the seemingly conflicting
    Congressional instructions and, with regret, imposed the 180 month mandatory
    minimum. This timely appeal followed.
    II.   Discussion
    1.     Eighth Amendment
    Cunningham contends “[t]he mandatory minimum of 
    18 U.S.C. § 2251
    and (e) may not be unconstitutional per se, but it is grossly disproportionate as
    applied to [him] and is, therefore, unconstitutional.” (A ppellant’s Br. at 16.)
    N orm ally, w e review de novo whether a criminal sentence violates the Eighth
    Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. United States v.
    433 F.3d 738
    , 750 (10th Cir. 2006). In this case, however, because
    Cunningham raised only a vague and non-specific objection, we review his claim
    for plain error. United States v. Yazzie, 
    407 F.3d 1139
    , 1144 (10th Cir.) (en
    banc), cert. denied, 
    126 S.Ct. 303
     (2005). To find plain error, we must find (1)
    error, (2) that is plain, which (3) affects substantial rights, and which (4)
    seriously affects the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial
    proceedings. United States v. Gonzalez-Huerta, 
    403 F.3d 727
    , 732 (10th Cir.) (en
    banc), cert. denied, 
    126 S.Ct. 495
     (2005). W e apply the plain error standard of
    review less rigidly when reviewing a potential constitutional error. 
    Nonetheless, we need only address the first prong of the plain error test here.
    The Eighth Amendment provides: “Excessive bail shall not be required,
    nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” In
    determining whether a sentence for a period of years constitutes cruel or unusual
    punishment (rather than the manner of punishment), the Supreme Court has
    recognized, “[t]he Eighth Amendment . . . contains a narrow proportionality
    principle that applies to noncapital sentences.” Ewing v. California, 
    538 U.S. 11
    20 (2003) (internal quotation omitted). The Court has acknowledged it has “not
    established a clear or consistent path for courts to follow” when faced with a
    proportionality question. Lockyer v. Andrade, 
    538 U.S. 63
    , 72 (2003). W e know ,
    however, the Eighth Amendment “does not require strict proportionality between
    crime and sentence, . . . . forbid[ding] only extreme sentences that are ‘grossly
    disproportionate’ to the crime.” Ewing, 
    538 U.S. at 11-12
     (quoting Harmelin v.
    M ichigan, 
    501 U.S. 957
    , 1001 (1991) (Kennedy, J., concurring in part and
    concurring in the judgment)). Thus, “[t]he gross disproportionality principle
    reserves a constitutional violation for only the extraordinary case.” Lockyer, 
    538 U.S. at 77
    . This is not such a case.
    An appellant has a high hurdle to overcome to demonstrate his sentence
    violates the Eighth Amendment. In Angelos, we catalogued the Supreme Court
    precedent rejecting Eighth A mendment claims based on prison sentences for a
    term of years. Angelos, 433 F.3d at 750-51. 3 Cunningham does not explain how
    the fifteen years imprisonment he received for attempting to sexually abuse an
    eleven year old girl is any more grossly disproportionate than a forty year
    sentence for possession and use of marijuana. See Hutto, 454 U.S. at 375.
    Cunningham argues, “[t]o insure justice and equity, . . . it is vital that the
    sentencing judge have a manner and means by which he can identify the
    defendant as an individual.” (Appellant’s Br. at 15.) W hile this may be a
    heartfelt belief, the Supreme Court has “drawn the line of required individualized
    [T]he Supreme Court has rejected Eighth Amendment
    challenges to the following sentences:
    • A life sentence, with the possibility of parole, under a Texas recidivist
    statute for successive convictions of (1) fraudulent use of a credit card to
    obtain $80 worth of goods or services, (2) passing a forged check in the
    amount of $28.36, and (3) obtaining $120.75 by false pretenses. Rummel v.
    445 U.S. 263
    , 285 (1980).
    • A forty-year sentence for possession and distribution of 9 ounces of
    marijuana. Hutto v. Davis, 
    454 U.S. 370
    , 375 (1982).
    • A life sentence, without the possibility of parole, for possession of more
    than 650 grams of cocaine. Harmelin, 
    501 U.S. at 1005
    • A twenty-five year to life sentence imposed under a California recidivist
    statute for the offense of felony grand theft (i.e., stealing three golf clubs
    worth approximately $1,200). Ewing, 
    538 U.S. at 30-31
    • Two consecutive twenty-five-year to life sentences under a California
    recidivist statute for two counts of petty theft. Lockyer, 
    538 U.S. at 77
    Angelos, 433 F.3d at 750-51.
    sentencing at capital cases, and see[s] no basis for extending it further.”
    Harm elin, 
    501 U.S. at 996
    . M oreover, “[t]here can be no serious contention . . .
    that a sentence which is not otherw ise cruel and unusual becomes so simply
    because it is ‘mandatory.’” 
    Id. at 995
    “[T]he fixing of prison terms for specific crimes involves a substantive
    penological judgment that, as a general matter, is properly within the province of
    legislatures, not courts.” 
    Id. at 998
     (Justice Kennedy concurring in part and
    concurring in the judgment) (internal quotation omitted) . The statute of
    18 U.S.C. § 2251
    , was amended by Section 103 of the PROTECT Act
    on April 30, 2003. 4 Prior to amendment, the m andatory minimum sentence for a
    violation was ten years. The amendment to a minimum of fifteen years was
    explained in the House Conference Report:
    The increased mandatory minimum sentences are responsive to real
    problems of excessive leniency in sentencing under existing law. For
    example, the offenses under chapter 117 of title 18, United States Code,
    apply in sexual abuse cases involving interstate movement of persons
    or use of interstate instrumentalities, such as luring of child victims
    through the Internet. Courts all too frequently impose sentences more
    lenient than those prescribed by the sentencing guidelines in cases
    under chapter 117, particularly in situations where an undercover agent
    rather than a child was the object of the enticement. Yet the offender's
    conduct in such a case reflects a real attempt to engage in sexual abuse
    of a child, and the fact that the target of the effort turned out to be an
    undercover officer has no bearing on the culpability of the offender, or
    on the danger he presents to children if not adequately restrained and
    deterred by criminal punishment. Likewise, courts have been disposed
    The “PROTECT ACT” is the common reference to the "Prosecutorial Remedies
    and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003."
    to grant downward departures from the guidelines for child pornography
    possession offenses under chapter 110, based on the misconception that
    these crimes are not serious.
    H.R. Conf. R. No. 10-866, Joint Explanatory Statement at 51 (commenting on
    Title 1 § 103(b)(A)). The comment patently illustrates a specific Congressional
    W hile Cunningham may have been a model citizen up to his retirement, he
    pled guilty to attempting to persuade an eleven year old girl to pose nude and
    send the picture to him. He e-mailed the child naked pictures of himself. In on-
    line chats, he stated he would travel to W yoming if she would have oral and
    vaginal intercourse. In addition, Cunningham admitted this w as not his only
    victim. Considering these facts, there is no question Cunningham’s sentence was
    not disproportionate to his behavior.
    Cunningham argues the disparity between the mandatory minimum sentence
    imposed in his case and the applicable guideline range is evidence that his
    sentence is disproportionate. This argument is unconvincing. Cunningham’s
    guideline calculation was derived from the November 5, 2003 Guidelines M anual.
    However, the applicable guideline, USSG §2G2.1, was amended to reflect the
    PROTECT Act changes to § 2251. Although the PROTECT Act was effective on
    April 30, 2003, the associated amendments to the guidelines did not appear until
    the November 1, 2004 Guidelines M anual was issued. Therefore, had
    Cunningham w aited only five weeks later to commit his criminal acts, the 2004
    edition would have applied. Under the amended guideline, his sentencing range
    would have been 168 to 210 months, a sentencing range encompassing the
    sentence he received. Accordingly, the district court did not violate
    Cunningham’s Eighth Amendment rights when applying the mandatory minimum
    2.     Separation of Powers
    Cunningham claims the minimum sentence of 180 months violates the
    separation of pow ers doctrine. W ithout citing to authority, he declares,
    “Congress has not imparted or created an[y] measure or mechanism by which a
    trial court may deviate from a mandatory minimum sentence imposed under 
    18 U.S.C. § 2251
    (a) or [(e)]. Therefore, the legislature has improperly divested the
    judiciary of its discretion and has prohibited it from any measure to avoid
    imposition of a cruel and unusual sentence as applied in individual cases.”
    (A ppellant’s Br. at 21.) Again, this argument must be review ed under a plain
    error standard.
    W e need not tarry long. Cunningham’s argument is clearly contrary to
    Supreme Court precedent. In Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, the Supreme Court
    observed that “the Constitution's central mechanism of separation of powers
    depends largely upon common understanding of what activities are appropriate to
    legislatures, to executives, and to courts.” 
    504 U.S. 555
    , 559-60 (1992). The
    Constitution expressly vests the legislative power in Congress, and confers on
    Congress the power to enact those laws that are “necessary and proper for
    carrying into Execution” its pow ers. U.S. Const., Art. I, §§ 1, 8. Thus,
    “Congress has the power to define criminal punishments w ithout giving the courts
    any sentencing discretion.” Chapman v. United States, 
    500 U.S. 453
    , 467 (1991);
    see also Ex parte United States, 
    242 U.S. 27
    , 42 (1916) (“[T]he authority to
    define and fix the punishment for crime is legislative, and . . . the right to relieve
    from the punishment fixed by law . . . belongs to the executive department.”). A s
    a result, the application of the mandatory minimum sentence of 180 months
    imprisonment to Cunningham did not violate the separation of powers doctrine.
    Entered by the C ourt:
    Terrence L. O ’Brien
    United States Circuit Judge