Ford v. Apfel ( 2000 )

  •                                                                            F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    MAY 26 2000
    v.                                                    No. 99-5134
    (D.C. No. 97-CV-621-EA)
    KENNETH S. APFEL, Commissioner                       (N.D. Okla.)
    of Social Security Administration,
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT            *
    Before KELLY , McKAY , and HENRY , Circuit Judges.
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously to grant the parties’ request for a decision on the briefs without oral
    argument. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(f); 10th Cir. R. 34.1(G). The case is therefore
    ordered submitted without oral argument.
    Claimant Wayne Ford appeals from    the district court’s order affirming the
    decision of the Commissioner of Social Security. In that decision, the
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Commissioner denied claimant’s application for disability insurance benefits
    under Title II of the Social Security Act. See 
    42 U.S.C. § 423
    . We exercise
    jurisdiction under 
    42 U.S.C. § 405
    (g) and 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , and reverse.
    I. Legal standards
    Our review is limited to determining whether the Commissioner’s decision
    is supported by substantial evidence on the whole record and comports with
    relevant legal standards.   See Casias v. Secretary of Health & Human Servs.       ,
    933 F.2d 799
    , 800-01 (10th Cir. 1991). Claims for disability benefits are
    evaluated according to the five-step sequential process set forth in 
    20 C.F.R. § 404.1520
    . See Williams v. Bowen , 
    844 F.2d 748
    , 750-52 (10th Cir. 1988)      .
    At step four of the process, “the claimant must show that the impairment prevents
    [him] from performing work he has performed in the past.”      
    Id. at 751
    omitted and alteration in original). If the claimant is successful at this stage, then
    the claimant
    has met his burden of proof, establishing a prima facie case of
    disability. The evaluation process thus proceeds to the fifth and final
    step: determining whether the claimant has the residual functional
    capacity (RFC) “to perform other work in the national economy in
    view of his age, education, and work experience.”
     (citation and footnote omitted).  At step five, the burden of proof is on the
    Commissioner “to show that the claimant retains the ability to do other work
    activity and that jobs the claimant could perform exist in the national economy.”
    Sorenson v. Bowen , 
    888 F.2d 706
    , 710 (10th Cir. 1989) (quotation omitted). The
    Commissioner’s decision “must be based on evidence offered at the hearing or
    otherwise included in the record.” 
    20 C.F.R. § 404.953
    II. Relevant facts
    Claimant’s problems began when he injured his back in two automobile
    accidents, with the first accident occurring in 1967.      See Appellant’s App. at 174,
    328, 354. Despite lumbar and thoracic back pain, he managed to work as a
    concrete finisher until 1982 when he had the second car wreck,       see 
    id. at 130, 174
    ; he then suffered a heart attack in 1983.       See 
    id. at 170
    . He resumed work
    sometime in 1984, but had nominal earnings in 1985 and 1987.          See 
    id. at 130
    Claimant drank heavily between 1977 and 1992. In 1987, he was admitted to the
    hospital and diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis, hepatic encephalopathy, alcoholic
    liver disease, and renal cell carcinoma.     See 
    id. at 239
    . Doctors removed the
    cancerous kidney. In 1987, claimant applied for but was denied social security
    disability benefits based on these conditions, back problems, and numbness in
    arms and legs. See 
    id. at 93-94, 164
    . He did not appeal from this denial.
    Claimant stated in 1988 that he had no medical insurance and could not
    pay his doctors.   See 
    id. at 91
    . In 1988 and 1989, claimant was unsuccessful
    at attempts at alcohol treatment.    See 
    id. at 301
    . He was admitted to the hospital
    in 1992 for acute alcohol poisoning.       See 
    id. at 285
    . During that examination his
    doctor noted “positive perilumbar muscle spasm.”    
    Id. at 286
    . After this
    admission, claimant successfully completed a course of in-patient treatment for
    alcoholism and remained sober through the time of the administrative hearing in
    1995. See 
    id. at 45
    . He also successfully completed training as a major appliance
    repairman in 1993.
    After abstaining from alcohol, claimant began having severe, chronic
    headaches and also began seeking treatment for his chronic back and neck pain.
    id. at 308, 354
    . When Dr. Sokolosky, his long-term treating physician, could
    not determine the cause of claimant’s chronic headaches, in August 1992 he
    admitted him to the hospital for a computed tomography (CT) scan of the head
    and neck. See 
    id. at 311
    . The CT scan revealed “cortical atrophy with associated
    ventricular and cisternal enlargement.”   
    Id. at 312
    . Dr. Sokolosky then referred
    claimant to an ear, nose, and throat specialist, Dr. Dushay, who in September
    1992 diagnosed cervical myositis, cervical adenitis, laryngitis, and septal
    deviation, and diagnosed his headaches as “muscle contraction cephalgia [sic].”
    Id. at 317-19
    . Dr. Sokolosky diagnosed claimant as having “myositis,” and his
    medical records note that claimant was treated for chronic low, mid, and
    cervical back pain and headaches from April 1992 through May 1995.      See 
    id. at 360-368, 388
    In June 1993, the Oklahoma state department of rehabilitative services sent
    claimant to Dr. Hastings, a consulting neurologist.       See 
    id. at 354
    . Dr. Hastings
    examined claimant, noted that claimant had not had extensive studies, and also
    noted that the head CT scan was “unremarkable.”         
     Claimant’s neurological
    exam revealed normal gait, coordination and upper reflexes, but “somewhat
    diminished” reflexes at the knee and no reflexes at the ankle.        
     He “d[id] not
    see any signs of active cervical or lumbar radiculopathy, thoracic disc disease or
    significant peripheral neuropathy” but stated that claimant “may have some
    symptoms . . . relate[d] to previous alcoholic peripheral neuropathy” and
    suggested he be treated with muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory drugs.           
    Id. at 355
    . Without making assessments on claimant’s ability to lift or move large
    appliances, he opined that claimant was capable of functioning as a major
    appliance repairman and had “no neurologic disability.”          See 
    X-rays taken in July 1993 showed minimal degenerative joint changes in
    claimant’s right hip, and ones taken in November 1995 showed additional
    degenerative joint changes in the right shoulder and both feet, and diffuse lumbar
    spondylosis between the L3 and S1 vertebraes.         See 
    id. at 419, 422-25
    Dr. Sokolosky treated claimant with osteopathic adjustments and a variety of
    anti-inflammatory drugs, narcotic pain relievers, and anti-depressants.         See 
    id. at 360-68, 378
    . In April 1994, after claimant had taken 150 Tylenol III tablets in
    one month for pain, Dr. Sokolosky requested consultations from a neurologist and
    a specialist in pain management.   See 
    id. at 375
    Dr. Eichert, a neurological surgeon, found “clinical evidence of a chronic
    lumbar radiculopathy, most likely from stenosis” in August 1994.     
    Id. at 379
    CT scans of his back showed “bilateral facet hypertrophy with ligamentous
    hypertrophy” at the L3 to L5 levels, mild disc space narrowing at the L5-S1
    levels, and “facet arthrosis of the L3, L4, and L5 levels,” but with no stenosis.
    Id. at 380-82
    . Dr. Sorenson, of the Pain Institute of Tulsa, examined and treated
    claimant between May and November 1994.         See 
    id. at 384-86
    . He reviewed the
    CT scan and stated that “it is possible facet irritation L5, S1 level. Also has
    paravertebral muscle spasming to the cervical area. Most intense discomfort is
    in lower lumbar.”   
    Id. at 384
    . Dr. Sorenson explained that
    [w]ith his history of multiple injuries, the progressive pain
    symptomatology and on examination of the films . . . there are
    multiple components associated with his pain symptoms. There
    are areas of significant muscle spasming located throughout the
    posterior serratus, rhomboid muscles, the cervical musculature and
    also the paravertebral gluteal muscles. Trigger point areas were
    located in some of these muscles and there were apparent facet
    discomfort also located. I do feel the headaches are associated
    more with some of the degenerative joint disease, myofascial and
    arthritic problems in these areas.
    Id. at 392
    . Dr. Sorenson prescribed medications and suggested the possibility of
    injections and block techniques.   See 
     In 1995, Dr. Sokolosky diagnosed
    continuing headaches and arthritis, stated that he “suspect[ed] fibromyalgia,”
    and continued prescribing various medications.          
    Id. at 388
    Claimant’s application for benefits was originally denied on April 12, 1994,
    after Dr. Luther Woodcock, a medical consultant for the state, determined
    (without examining claimant) that his condition was not disabling.            See 
    id. at 102-111
    . Dr. Woodcock reviewed only Dr. Sokolosky’s treatment records
    dated February 26, 1991 to March 11, 1994 in reaching his conclusion that
    claimant maintained the capacity to occasionally lift fifty pounds, frequently lift
    twenty-five pounds, stand and/or sit six hours in an eight-hour workday, and
    perform unlimited pushing and pulling.       2
    id. at 104, 111
    . Claimant challenged
    the denial and requested a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ).
    At the hearing in October 1995, claimant testified that he still had chronic
    headaches and that he could not walk very far or sit for very long because of the
    osteoarthritic pain in his toes, feet, knees, hips, and back.         See 
    id. at 48-49
    He had to alternate sitting with lying down during the day and could not sleep
    well at night because of his need to change positions often.           See 
    id. at 49-50, 61
    He could not use his hands to hold and squeeze or pull because of joint pain.
    id. at 57, 61
    . He testified that he could not take the medications that were
    Medium work is defined as the ability to lift up to fifty pounds, with
    frequent lifting of up to twenty-five pounds. 
    20 C.F.R. § 404.1567
    most effective against inflammation and pain because they impacted negatively
    on his liver and remaining kidney, and his doctor had told him there was nothing
    else he could do for him.   See 
    id. at 62-63
    . He further testified that he did not
    have the money to take “heated pool” treatments recommended by his doctor.
    Id. at 64
    At step four of his disability analysis, the ALJ found that claimant was
    unable to return to his former employment,         see 
    id. at 28
    , a conclusion that is
    supported by substantial evidence. He found, however, that claimant’s statements
    concerning his impairment and its impact on his ability to work were “not entirely
    credible in light of discrepancies between the claimant’s assertions and
    information contained in the documentary reports, the reports of the treating and
    examining practitioners, the medical history and the findings made on
    Id. at 30
    . After hearing testimony from a vocational expert, the
    ALJ concluded at step five that claimant was not disabled because he could
    perform a full range of light work, including light and sedentary hand packaging
    and sedentary telemarketing work.     See 
    id. at 31-33, 70-71
    III. Discussion
    Claimant argues that the ALJ did not properly evaluate and consider his
    combination of impairments because the ALJ misinterpreted the medical records
    and erroneously refused to give credence to his testimony regarding disabling
    pain. See Luna v. Bowen , 
    834 F.2d 161
    , 165-66 (10th Cir. 1987) (listing factors
    that ALJ should consider when determining the credibility of subjective claims of
    pain). We agree. Specifically, the ALJ stated that claimant’s doctor did not make
    a diagnosis of headaches. Our review of the record belies this finding, as
    Dr. Sokolosky, Dr. Dushay, and Dr. Sorenson all diagnosed chronic cephalalgia
    and/or headaches as one of claimant’s medical conditions.           See 
    id. at 311, 318, 368, 392
    . The ALJ recognized that claimant’s CT scans showed osteoarthritis in
    the back, hips, knees, and feet, but then concluded that “[t]here is no evidence of
    any osteoarthritis on objective examination or on any finding.”         Id. at 30. The
    CT scan itself contradicts this conclusion.
    The ALJ next focused on the fact that “[t]here is no objective medical
    evidence showing a limitation on the claimant’s ability to walk, stand, or sit, so
    long as such physical activities are consistent with light work.”        See id. Although
    it is true that none of claimant’s physicians expressly placed limitations on
    claimant’s abilities to walk, stand, or sit, he was not working during 1992-95 and
    none of the treating physicians were evaluating him for social security disability
    purposes. Thus, the absence of such limitations in the medical record means
    nothing. See Thompson v. Sullivan , 
    987 F.2d 1482
    , 1491 (10th Cir. 1993)
    (stating that the Commissioner can not meet the burden of proving that a claimant
    can perform work at a particular RFC level by relying on the absence of
    contraindication in medical records).
    The ALJ commented that one of claimant’s treating physician’s “offered
    him facet injections which were turned down,”          see Appellant’s App. at 30,
    apparently as a factor supporting his credibility determination,      see Teter v.
    Heckler , 
    775 F.2d 1104
    , 1107 (10th Cir. 1985) (setting out requirements that must
    be met before claimant’s failure to undertake treatment will preclude recovery of
    disability benefits). The medical record shows that Dr. Sorenson discussed the
    “aspects of injections and block techniques” in his first visit with claimant, which
    claimant preferred “not to try at this time,”      see Appellant’s App. at 392 (emphasis
    added), but it appears that trying injections remained an option that was discussed
    at a later visit, see id. at 385. Dr. Sorenson tried several different types of
    medications during his treatment of claimant.          See id. at 384-85. The ALJ did
    not ask claimant at the hearing why he did not try the injections. On appeal,
    claimant states that he could not afford the injections that cost $500 each, and
    that there was no evidence that using them would allow him to return to work.
    See Appellant’s Br. at 21. The fact that claimant had not undergone injection
    treatments at the time of the hearing is not, standing alone, sufficient evidence
    of a lack of credibility.
    Critically, claimant’s complaints of disabling pain and limitations
    associated with that pain are related to and consistent with the medical conditions
    diagnosed and treated by his treating physicians. Thus, contrary to the ALJ’s
    findings, there were no discrepancies between the claimant’s statements and the
    medical record. The ALJ cited no other “evidence” or factors supporting his
    finding regarding credibility.   “Findings as to credibility should be closely and
    affirmatively linked to substantial evidence and not just a conclusion in the guise
    of findings,” and “failure to make credibility findings regarding . . . critical
    testimony fatally undermines the [Commissioner’s] argument that there is
    substantial evidence adequate to support his conclusion that claimant is not under
    a disability.”   Kepler v. Chater , 
    68 F.3d 387
    , 391 (10th Cir. 1995) (quotations
    and citations omitted).   Because the ALJ’s credibility finding is not supported by
    substantial evidence, we cannot uphold it.
    The ALJ cited to no specific evidence supporting his conclusion that
    claimant “retains the residual functional capacity to perform the exertional
    demands of light work” with no significant non-exertional limitations to limit
    that range of work. Appellant’s App. at 31. The Commissioner argues that
    Dr. Hasting’s 1993 consultative opinion that claimant could work as a major
    appliance repairman provides support for the ALJ’s conclusion. It does not
    appear that the ALJ relied on that opinion, perhaps because repairing major
    appliances is apparently not considered to be light work. We also note that
    Dr. Hasting’s opinion was admittedly given without benefit of the CT scans and
    X-rays taken later in 1993-94 and without awareness of claimant’s osteoarthritis.
    See id. at 354. Later neurological examinations also contradicted Dr. Hasting’s
    neurological findings.   See id. at 379.
    Although the ALJ did not mention Dr. Woodcock’s report and in fact
    rejected Dr. Woodcock’s findings that claimant could perform medium work,
    the Commissioner also argues that this report provides substantial evidence to
    support the ALJ’s findings and conclusions. We disagree. In the section in which
    Dr. Woodcock was to explain how and why the medical evidence supports his
    conclusions, he stated that claimant had a degenerative disease of his spine and
    that the treating physician reported pain and muscle spasm with decreased range
    of motion and no neurological deficits.     See id. at 104. Certainly, these
    statements do not support his conclusions that claimant could perform
    medium work. He also concluded, without explaining, that “pain does not limit
    further.” Id. We are at a loss to understand how the specific findings made by
    Dr. Woodcock could be based on Dr. Sokolosky’s records that did not include any
    statements regarding the claimant’s physical capabilities,    see id. at 108, or on the
    very limited medical records that he reviewed, especially in light of claimant’s
    allegations in his application that he had headaches all the time, his back stayed
    sore, and it hurt to move because of pain in his arms and legs.     See id. at 114.
    Dr. Woodcock’s conclusions do not provide support for the ALJ’s findings that
    claimant can do a full range of light or sedentary work.      See Gatson v. Bowen ,
    838 F.2d 442
    , 448 (10th Cir. 1988) (noting the “suspect reliability” of the views
    of consulting physicians who fill out the RFC forms when the forms bear no
    explanation of the basis for the conclusions and are filled out without examining
    the claimant).
    We conclude that the Commissioner has failed to establish that claimant
    maintained the RFC to perform a full range of light or sedentary work unlimited
    by pain. Usually, we would remand to the agency for        a supplemental hearing
    at which testimony by a vocational expert may be presented on the impact of
    plaintiff’s pain on his ability to work within the RFC.      See Thompson , 
    987 F.2d at 1493
    . The vocational expert testified at the hearing, however, that if claimant
    could not sit or stand for any length of time, the light-level jobs would be
    impacted, see Appellant’s App. at 73; that if he had constant pain in his joints,
    severe headaches, and sleep deprivation from pain, his cognitive skills in all jobs
    would be “problematic,”     id. at 74; and that if the osteoarthritis caused a lot of
    pain in his joints, it “would be problematic for a work setting,”    id. at 76. We
    also note that, at the time of the administrative hearing, claimant was 53½ years
    old, which is “approaching advanced age” under the regulations.         See 20 C.F.R.
    Pt. 404, Subpt. P, App. 2 § 201.00(g) (approaching advanced age is fifty to
    fifty-four years old). Claimant is now fifty-eight years old, which is considered
    to be “advanced age.” Under the medical and vocational guidelines, even when
    an individual of advanced age can perform a full range of light or sedentary work
    but must perform unskilled labor because he has no transferable skills from his
    previous work, as in this case,   see Appellant’s App. at 70-71, he is considered to
    be disabled. See 20 C.F.R. Subpt. P, App. 2, Tables 1, 2.    Outright reversal and
    remand for immediate award of benefits is appropriate when additional fact
    finding would serve no useful purpose.     See Harris v. Secretary of Health &
    Human Servs. , 
    821 F.2d 541
    , 545 (10th Cir. 1987).
    The judgment of the United States District Court for the Northern District
    of Oklahoma is REVERSED and the case is REMANDED to the district court
    with instructions to remand to the Commissioner for an immediate award of
    Entered for the Court
    Monroe G. McKay
    Circuit Judge