Bowman v. SP Pharmaceuticals ( 2000 )

  •                                                                         F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    DEC 5 2000
    Plaintiff - Appellant,                   No. 99-2317
    v.                                          D. New Mexico
    SP PHARMACEUTICALS, L.L.C.,                  (D.C. No. CIV-98-415-LH/RLP)
    a New Mexico company; SP
    ASSOCIATES, INC., a New Mexico
    corporation; H. JOSEPH LARSEN;
    Defendants - Appellees.
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT         *
    Before TACHA , ANDERSON , and BALDOCK , Circuit Judges.
    Appellant Matthew F. Bowman brought this diversity action against SP
    Pharmaceuticals, L.L.C. (“SPLLC”), SP Associates, Inc. (“SPINC”), H. Joseph
    Larsen, Donald E. Hagman, and Fernando A. Correa da Costa after the individual
    defendants expelled him from a management buyout partnership (the “MBO
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Partnership”). Appellant’s complaint asserted breach of fiduciary duty, fraud,
    prima facie tort, derivative usurpation of corporate opportunity and constructive
    trust claims. The district court granted Defendants’ motion for summary
    judgment on all claims, holding that (1) because Appellant and the individual
    defendants agreed to abandon SPINC, Appellant may not assert claims on its
    behalf, and (2) since any opportunity enjoyed by Appellant was contingent on
    obtaining financing, the bank’s independent decision not to finance a transaction
    involving Appellant requires that summary judgment be granted as to the breach
    of fiduciary duty and constructive trust claims.
    On appeal, Appellant contends that the district court erred in granting
    summary judgment in favor of Defendants on the breach of fiduciary duty, fraud,
    derivative and constructive trust claims because: (1) regardless of the bank’s
    position, genuine issues of material fact exist as to whether the individual
    defendants breached their fiduciary duties to Appellant; (2) triable issues of fact
    exist regarding the individual defendants’ motives and state of mind when they
    represented to Appellant that he was a partner; (3) the court failed to take into
    consideration that the Letter of Intent (“LOI”) between SPINC and Pharmacia &
    Upjohn, Inc. (“P&U”) was never formally transferred to SPLLC; and (4) a
    constructive trust may arise because there are triable issues of fact as to whether
    the individual defendants breached their fiduciary duties to Appellant. We
    exercise jurisdiction pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 1291, and affirm.
    In early 1996, the individual defendants formed the MBO Partnership to
    pursue the acquisition of a sterile injectable pharmaceuticals facility (the
    “Facility”) from P&U. Appellant agreed to become the fourth partner in the MBO
    Partnership in April of 1996. He was to be the vice president of sales and
    marketing of the acquiring entity and was to hold an equity share in that entity
    equal to that of each individual defendant. The partners agreed that Appellant
    would relocate from Ohio to New Mexico after the transaction closed in order to
    devote his full attention to the new venture.
    On May 21, 1996, the four partners incorporated SPINC. Appellant and the
    individual defendants were SPINC’s sole directors, officers and shareholders.   1
    December of 1996, SPINC entered into the LOI with P&U. The LOI referred to
    Appellant as an officer and director of SPINC and stated that the LOI
    memorialized recent negotiations for the purchase of the Facility by “SP
    Associates, or its assignee, which will be controlled by the current owners of SP
    Associates, Inc.” Appellant’s App. at 280. The LOI provided that P&U would
    The SPINC shares apparently were never issued.
    sell the Facility to SPINC for $20,550,000 and that P&U would not, until the
    termination of the LOI, negotiate a sale of the Facility with any other buyer. The
    LOI was contingent on SPINC obtaining adequate financing.
    In January of 1997, the four partners met to discuss the transaction. The
    results of those discussions are found in a letter from da Costa to Appellant,
    Larsen and Hagman dated January 28, 1997 (the “da Costa Letter”).       The da Costa
    Letter states that the partners agreed to use NationsBank (“NB”) to finance the
    Id. at 290.
    In addition, the da Costa Letter states that the partners,
    who were SPINC’s sole directors, officers and shareholders, unanimously agreed
    to abandon that entity and use a limited liability company (“LLC”) as the
    acquisition vehicle.   
    Id. at 291.
    On January 31, 1997, NB sent a letter to Larsen and Hagman formally
    proposing to finance the acquisition of the Facility. The proposed equity and
    ownership split was 40% for NB and 60% for the partners. NB’s proposal also
    recognized that an LLC would be used to acquire the Facility. On March 28,
    1997, Larsen, on behalf of the MBO Partnership, formed SPLLC. Larsen and
    Hagman were the initial members, and Larsen the manager, of SPLLC. The
    Organizing Operating Agreement authorized Larsen to execute a Membership
    Subscription Agreement between SPLLC and NB and a new operating agreement
    between SPLLC, NB, da Costa, Larsen, Hagman and others.
    After receiving data indicating a decrease in the Facility’s projected
    financial performance, NB revised the equity and ownership split in its financing
    proposal such that its share was increased to 70% and the partners’ share was
    decreased to 30%. However, the partners would retain 60% voting control. The
    partners attempted in vain to obtain more equity from NB.
    Once it became clear that NB would not increase the partners’ equity
    position, Appellant apparently became unsettled about the transaction. It was
    Appellant’s opinion that he had more at stake in the venture than the other three
    partners because he was the only partner relocating his family and incurring
    significant additional debt.   
    Id. at 334.
    In an attempt to make up for his reduction
    in equity, Appellant made various written proposals to the other partners on May
    27, 1997. Appellant suggested that SPLLC pay him performance bonuses
    potentially worth millions of dollars, increase his bonus from $35,000 to $45,000
    payable immediately, reimburse him for his daughter’s private school tuition, pay
    him a $700 a month car allowance, reimburse him for relocation costs, guarantee
    a minimum selling price for his home in Ohio and execute an employment
    contract guaranteeing his salary and bonus for at least two years.   
    Id. at 513-18.
    The individual defendants reacted negatively to Appellant’s proposals.
    Aside from being unwilling to give Appellant a package worth millions of dollars
    more than their own, they feared that Appellant’s attempt to renegotiate his deal
    would jeopardize the MBO Partnership’s ability to finance the acquisition. On
    May 28, 1997, da Costa wrote to Larsen and Hagman stating that they should give
    Appellant written notice that he was expelled from the MBO Partnership. Larsen
    drafted a memo dated May 29, 1997, informing Appellant that he was no longer a
    partner in the MBO Partnership. However, the memo was never delivered.
    Rather, at the urging of Walker Poole of NB, the partners met and reconciled.
    The individual defendants agreed to provide Appellant with a relocation package
    and Appellant withdrew his other proposals. On June 2, 1997, shortly after the
    partners had resolved their differences, da Costa sent Appellant an e-mail stating,
    “I’m delighted you are on board.”   
    Id. at 522.
    A June 5, 1997, draft of the
    Subscription Agreement and Representation Letter lists Appellant among the
    purchasers of membership interests in SPLLC.     
    Id. at 577-80.
    In early June 1997, the partners received a draft of the SPLLC operating
    agreement from NB. It contained a provision allowing NB to force a sale of
    SPLLC. The forced sale provision intensified Appellant’s concerns about the
    transaction. As a result, on June 10, 1997, Appellant made two alternative
    proposals to Larsen and NB. First, Appellant proposed to commute from Ohio to
    New Mexico each week, spending Monday through Thursday at SPLLC’s offices
    in Albuquerque and Friday through Sunday at home with his family in Ohio.
    Appellant offered to stay in New Mexico any weekend that he was needed and
    suggested that the company pay for most of his commuting expenses. In the
    alternative, he proposed to take a four week leave of absence from his present
    employer to assist with the transition and startup of SPLLC, help recruit a
    replacement for himself, return to work for his present employer and participate
    in SPLLC only as a board member and passive investor.
    Both of Appellant’s June 10, 1997, proposals were unacceptable to the
    other partners and to NB. On June 11, 1997, Walker Poole of NB informed
    Larsen that the bank would not finance any transaction in which Appellant was a
    participant. Larsen Dep. at 130,   
    id. at 625.
    The individual defendants decided to
    expel Appellant from the MBO partnership that day as well.     
    Id. On June
    1997, Larsen told Appellant that NB would not fund the transaction if he were
    involved and that the other partners had decided to proceed without him. Larsen
    Dep. at 135-36, 
    id. at 628-29.
    Appellant continued to stress that he would go
    forward with his investment in the Facility even if he was not involved in
    management. However, the other partners would not allow him to participate in
    the deal in any way. SPLLC’s purchase of the Facility closed on June 30, 1997.
    Appellant was not included as an equity member or manager of SPLLC. This
    action followed.
    A.     Fiduciary Duty Claim
    It is a well-settled principle of law that partners owe each other a fiduciary
    duty. See GCM, Inc. v. Kentucky Cent. Life Ins. Co.            , 
    947 P.2d 143
    , 149 (N.M.
    1997); Levy v. Disharoon , 
    749 P.2d 84
    , 89 (N.M. 1988);           Citizens Bank of Clovis
    v. Williams , 
    630 P.2d 1228
    , 1230 (N.M. 1981); and N.M. Stat. Ann. § 54-1-21
    (effective until July 1, 1997). This fiduciary relationship between partners
    “imposes upon all the participants the obligation of loyalty to the joint concern
    and of the utmost good faith, fairness, and honesty in their dealings with each
    other with respect to matters pertaining to the enterprise.”        Bohatch v. Butler &
    Binion , 
    977 S.W.2d 543
    , 545 (Tex. 1998). Accordingly, “a partner is not allowed
    to gain any advantage over a co-partner by fraud, misrepresentation or
    concealment, and for any advantage so obtained he must account to the
    co-partner.”   Levy , 749 P.2d at 89.
    The fiduciary duty among partners, however, “applies only to activities
    where a partner will take advantage of his position in the partnership for his own
    profit or gain.”   Leigh v. Crescent Square, Ltd.    , 
    608 N.E.2d 1166
    , 1170 (Ohio Ct.
    App. 1992). Partners may, without violating the fiduciary duty among them,
    expel a partner for business reasons.     See St. Joseph’s Reg’l Health Ctr. v.
    Munos , 
    934 S.W.2d 192
    , 197-98 (Ark. 1996);         Lawlis v. Kightlinger & Gray    , 562
    N.E.2d 435, 442 (Ind. Ct. App. 1990);      Waite v. Sylvester , 
    560 A.2d 619
    , 622-23
    (N.H. 1989); Leigh , 608 N.E.2d at 1170; Bohatch , 977 S.W.2d at 546; Holman v.
    Coie , 
    522 P.2d 515
    , 523 (Wash. Ct. App. 1974).
    The district court granted Defendants’ motion for summary judgment on the
    fiduciary duty claim due to the fact that NB decided that it would not finance a
    transaction in which Appellant was involved. Appellant contends that the district
    court erred in focusing on NB’s position because genuine issues of material fact
    remain as to whether the individual defendants discharged the fiduciary duties
    they owed to him. We review a grant of summary judgment de novo, applying the
    same legal standard used by the district court.      Simms v. Oklahoma ex rel . Dep’t
    of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Servs.          , 
    165 F.3d 1321
    , 1326 (10th Cir.),
    cert. denied , 
    120 S. Ct. 53
    (1999). Summary judgment is appropriate if the
    pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file,
    together with the affidavits, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material
    fact and that the movant is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 56(c).
    There is ample evidence in the record that NB came to an independent
    conclusion that it would not fund the transaction if Appellant participated. NB
    adopted this position after Appellant made his alternative commuting and passive
    investor proposals. Appellant claims that it may still have been possible to obtain
    NB financing with him as a partner and points to Walker Poole’s deposition as
    evidence of that possibility. Poole stated that he did not know what his response
    would have been had the other partners accepted Appellant’s commuting
    proposal. Poole Dep. at 208, Appellant’s App. at 642. However, Poole also
    stated that he had concerns about Appellant’s stability and was concerned about
    Appellant’s commitment to the transaction. Poole Dep. at 169-70,      
    id. at 387-88.
    Poole further declared that “it was clear that this was a management team that was
    not going to work,” Poole Dep. at 175,    
    id. at 391,
    and that he and his colleagues
    at NB “decided that we certainly weren’t willing to commit the kind of capital
    that we were going to commit to this opportunity with Mr. Bowman as one of the
    four partners.” Poole Dep. at 171,    
    id. at 389.
    We conclude that the district
    court’s finding that NB independently decided to exclude Appellant from the deal
    is clearly supported by the record.
    Given NB’s position, it appears that had the individual defendants decided
    to include Appellant in the transaction after his second round of proposals, they
    would have lost their financing for the deal and it would not have happened.
    Appellant hints that other financing might have been procured, but provides no
    evidence that other financing was available. Moreover, the record indicates that
    there was no time to obtain alternative financing. Larsen stated in his affidavit
    that “I knew that P&U would not provide management additional time to find
    acquisition financing other than that being offered by NationsBank. If the
    transaction did not close promptly, P&U would simply close the facility.” Larsen
    Aff. ¶ 45, 
    id. at 378-79.
    Because of NB’s position regarding Appellant and the MBO Partnership’s
    inability to raise alternative acquisition financing, the individual defendants were
    faced with a choice of retaining Appellant as a partner and losing the opportunity
    to acquire the Facility or expelling Appellant from the MBO Partnership and
    preserving some chance of completing the acquisition. The fiduciary duties the
    other partners owed Appellant did not require them to keep him as a partner
    where doing so meant frustrating the purpose of the MBO Partnership.
    Once it was determined that Appellant would be expelled, he was promptly
    informed. Larsen told Appellant on June 14, 1997, that NB would not fund the
    transaction if he were involved and that the other three partners were going ahead
    without him. Larsen Aff. ¶ 44,     
    id. at 378.
    Appellant understood this
    communication because he stated in a June 20, 1997, e-mail to da Costa that “Joe
    and Don want me out.”       
    Id. at 524.
    Appellant’s expulsion was again
    communicated to him on June 27, 1997, and June 30, 1997, in e-mails from
    da Costa. 
    Id. at 336-43.
    These communications show that the other partners did
    not deceive Appellant, but were honest and open about their decision and the
    reasons therefor. That candor was sufficient to discharge their fiduciary duties to
    Appellant under these circumstances. For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that
    the district court did not err in granting summary judgment in favor of Defendants
    as to the breach of fiduciary duty claim.
    B.     Fraud Claim
    “Actionable fraud consists of misrepresentation of a fact, known to be
    untrue by the maker, and made with an intent to deceive and to induce the other
    party to act in reliance thereon to his detriment.”   Cargill v. Sherrod , 
    631 P.2d 726
    , 727-28 (N.M. 1981). Appellant claims that he was defrauded by the
    individual defendants. As evidence thereof, he points to a series of
    communications beginning with da Costa’s letter to Larsen and Hagman, dated
    May 28, 1997, in which da Costa states:
    The position and requests of our estranged partner, as defined in his
    handwritten note to us dated 5/27 are, in my opinion, totally
    unacceptable. . . . My suggestion would be to draft a letter to him
    stating that his positions cannot be accepted by the other partners (or
    the bank) and that, therefore, we (the three of us) have decide[d] that
    we will proceed with a partnership of three.
    Appellant’s App. at 519. The following day, Larsen drafted a memo to Appellant
    stating, “[a]fter due consideration, we feel that it is in the best interests of all
    team members involved to release you from the SP Associates and SP
    Pharmaceuticals LLC team.”        
    Id. at 520.
    Larsen’s memo to Appellant, however, was never delivered. When the
    individual defendants informed NB that they were going to expel Appellant,
    Walker Poole told them that doing so may jeopardize NB’s willingness to finance
    the transaction since Appellant was the only partner with marketing expertise.
    Poole suggested that the individual defendants meet with Appellant to see if they
    could work out their differences and keep the management team together. The
    partners met and were able to resolve their differences. Shortly after this
    reconciliation, da Costa sent Appellant an e-mail stating, “Dear Matt: I’m
    delighted you are on board.”   
    Id. at 522.
    This reconciliation was short-lived. After Appellant made his alternative
    commuting and passive investor proposals, both the partners and NB decided that
    he must go. After his expulsion from the partnership and his initiation of this
    action, Appellant discovered the May 28, 1997, letter from da Costa to Larsen and
    Hagman and the draft expulsion memo dated May 29, 1997. Appellant had been
    unaware that his first round of proposals had nearly cost him his partnership. As
    a result of this discovery, Appellant alleges that the individual defendants
    intended to expel him from the MBO Partnership all along and that their
    communications to the contrary, especially da Costa’s June 2, 1997, e-mail,
    intentionally misled him to believe in, and detrimentally rely on, his status as a
    partner in the MBO Partnership.
    The district court granted Defendant’s motion for summary judgment on
    this claim at the summary judgment hearing. Appellant contends that the district
    court erred in so doing because the aforementioned communications between the
    individual defendants establish genuine issues of material fact as to their motives
    and state of mind at the time those communications were made.
    The record shows that all parties understood that Appellant was a partner in
    the MBO Partnership until at least June 10, 1997. It is clear that the individual
    defendants intended to expel Appellant from the MBO Partnership on May 29,
    1997. However, they changed their minds after meeting with Appellant and
    working out their differences. There is nothing in the record to indicate that the
    reconciliation between the partners was other than genuine. Moreover, there is
    nothing in the record that suggests that the individual defendants intended to
    expel Appellant as of June 2, 1997. As a result, da Costa’s June 2, 1997, e-mail
    to Appellant was not misleading. Rather, it confirmed the recent reconciliation of
    the partners. It was not until Appellant made further demands that both the
    partners and NB decided to proceed without him. Because we find that Appellant
    has failed to demonstrate the existence of any genuine issues of material fact as to
    the elements of fraud, we conclude that the district court did not err in granting
    summary judgment on the fraud claim in favor of Defendants.
    C.     Derivative Usurpation of Corporate Opportunity Claim
    Shareholders of New Mexico corporations may bring derivative actions on
    behalf of the corporation in order to assert the unenforced rights of the
    corporation.   See Petty v. Bank of N.M. Holding Co.       , 
    787 P.2d 443
    , 446 (N.M.
    1990). Appellant contends that the individual defendants breached their fiduciary
    duties to SPINC by usurping a corporate opportunity that rightfully belonged to
    SPINC, namely the acquisition of the Facility. SPINC has never sought to
    enforce its alleged rights with respect to the purchase of the Facility and
    Appellant purports to bring his derivative claim in order to vindicate those rights.   2
    As indicated in the da Costa Letter, Appellant and the individual
    defendants, the sole directors, officers and shareholders of SPINC, unanimously
    decided in January of 1997 to use an LLC as the acquisition vehicle for the
    Facility. Their decision was based on legitimate business reasons. The partners
    wanted to use a flow through entity for the acquisition and they could not qualify
    as a Subchapter S corporation under the Internal Revenue Code because one of
    SPINC’s shareholders, da Costa, was not a U.S. citizen. In addition, there were
    potential tax advantages to an LLC. Appellant’s App. at 291, Larsen Aff. ¶ 28,
    It appears that Appellant’s derivative action is improperly brought under
    New Mexico law as it fails to meet the requirements of N.M. Stat. Ann. § 53-11-
    47. We need not address this issue, however, since we reach the merits of
    Appellant’s derivative claim.
    id. at 373.
    Although the partners agreed to abandon SPINC, they never caused
    SPINC formally to transfer the LOI to SPLLC.
    The district court granted summary judgment in favor of Defendants on
    Appellant’s derivative claim holding that because Appellant was among those
    who agreed to abandon SPINC in favor of an LLC, he could assert no claims on
    its behalf in connection with that action. Appellant argues that the district court
    erred in its holding because the fact that the LOI was never formally transferred
    to SPLLC establishes that SPLLC and its members, three of whom are directors
    and officers of SPINC, illegally usurped SPINC’s corporate opportunity to
    purchase the Facility. We disagree.
    The decision to abandon SPINC was legal. Aside from its sound business
    purpose, the decision was made by all of SPINC’s directors, officers and
    shareholders. There was no dissent at the time the decision was made and we will
    not now allow Appellant to recast himself as a dissenting minority shareholder.
    The only complication in our analysis is the existence of the LOI.
    However, that is easily dispensed with. The LOI itself states that with the
    exception of the confidentiality and exclusivity provisions, the LOI “does not
    bind and will not result in any liability o [sic] the part of either party.”   
    Id. at 478.
    The LOI did not bind SPINC to purchase the Facility. When SPINC’s directors,
    officers and shareholders unanimously decided to abandon that entity in favor of
    an LLC, SPINC effectively backed out of the deal. As a result, the provisions of
    the LOI, other than the confidentiality provision, no longer had any effect. For
    the foregoing reasons, we conclude that the district court did not err in granting
    summary judgment in favor of Defendants as to Appellant’s derivative claim.
    D.      Constructive Trust Claim
    Appellant argues that because, as he alleges, the individual defendants
    evicted him from the MBO Partnership thereby wrongfully appropriating his
    portion of the buyout opportunity to themselves, he is entitled to a constructive
    trust. He asserts that “genuine issues of material fact remain as to whether
    Defendants breached their fiduciary duties, which would entitle Bowman to a
    constructive trust.” Appellant’s Br. at 45. “A constructive trust arises where a
    person who holds title to property is subject to an equitable duty to convey it to
    another on the ground that he would be unjustly enriched if he were permitted to
    retain it.”   Bassett v. Bassett , 
    798 P.2d 160
    , 167 (N.M. 1990). The district court
    granted summary judgment for Defendants on this claim for the same reasons it
    granted summary judgment on the fiduciary duty claims, namely that the
    opportunity for an entity partly owned by Appellant to purchase the Facility was
    prospective and evaporated when NB decided it would not finance a transaction in
    which Appellant was involved.
    We have already determined that Appellant was legally expelled from the
    MBO Partnership for legitimate business reasons. In the alternative, Appellant
    claims that he had a contractual entitlement to participate in the transaction
    pursuant to the LOI. As discussed above, the only binding provisions of the LOI
    were the confidentiality and exclusivity provisions. When Appellant and SPINC’s
    other directors, officers and shareholders decided to abandon that entity for
    purposes of the acquisition, the LOI lost its buyer and the parties started over.
    Even if the LOI had been in effect in June of 1997, it would have
    terminated on June 11, 1997, upon NB’s decision not to extend financing for any
    acquisition in which Appellant was involved. The LOI did not require NB
    financing, but the record indicates that there was no time to find alternative
    financing in June of 1997. Larsen Aff. ¶ 45, Appellant’s App. at 378-79. As a
    result, the LOI was terminated since the buyer, an entity involving Appellant,
    could not obtain financing for the acquisition.
    Appellant was not the victim of either a breach of fiduciary duties or a
    breach of contract. In order for there to be a constructive trust, there must be
    some underlying wrong giving rise to the equitable duty of the owner of the
    property to convey it to the party from whom it was wrongfully taken. Because
    the record shows that the actions taken by the individual defendants were legal,
    no constructive trust arises. Accordingly, we conclude that the district court did
    not err in granting Defendants’ summary judgment motion as to Appellant’s
    constructive trust claim.
    Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the district court did not err in
    granting Defendant’s motion for summary judgment. We therefore AFFIRM the
    district court in all respects.
    Stephen H. Anderson
    Circuit Judge