Smith v. D. Colorado Sears Roebuck & a & D, C.L. , 21 F. App'x 796 ( 2001 )

  •                                                                         F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    OCT 10 2001
    Plaintiff - Appellant,                   No. 00-1416
    v.                                            D. Colorado
    SEARS ROEBUCK AND A&D, C.L.,                   (D.C. No. 99-WY-2212-CB)
    a New York corporation; TIM
    MOSHER, in his individual and
    official capacities; RON MAULER, in
    his individual capacity,
    Defendants - Appellees.
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT         *
    Before TACHA , Chief Judge, ANDERSON and MURPHY , Circuit Judges.
    Plaintiff Robert D. Smith appeals the grant of summary judgment in favor
    of defendants Sears Roebuck and A & D, C.L., a New York corporation, Sears
    sales representative Tim Mosher, and Arapahoe County Deputy Sheriff Ron
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Mauler in this 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
     action arising out of an altercation in a Sears
    store. We affirm.
    The district court found the following facts, viewed in the light most
    favorable to Smith:
    Mr. Smith purchased a water filtration system from the Sears store at
    the Southglen Mall. Defendant Tim Mosher was the Sears sale
    representative who sold Mr. Smith the system. The price paid by
    Mr. Smith included installation, but the contractor that was supposed
    to install the system no longer performed such services for Sears
    customers and the replacement contractor said it would not honor the
    contract price.
    Unsatisfied, Mr. Smith went to Sears to return the water
    filtration system. On the way there, he tore up his Sears credit card.
    Mr. Smith’s version of what occurred when he arrived is as follows:
    When Mr. Mosher requested to see Mr. Smith’s credit card, Mr.
    Smith presented the severed card. According to Mr. Smith, a dispute
    ensued, and Mr. Mosher dramatically but quietly told Mr. Smith,
    “I’m going to kick your ass.” Mr. Smith responded that if Mr.
    Mosher wanted to kick his ass he should call his manager. Mr. Smith
    then grabbed a nearby phone and called the operator. Sears employee
    Mark Fluekiger responded to the scene. Mr. Smith told Mr.
    Fluekiger that Mr. Mosher had told him that he was going to “kick
    his fucking ass.” Mr. Fluekiger and a customer both asked Mr. Smith
    to watch his language, and Mr. Smith admits that he retorted to the
    customer, “fuck you” or “fuck off.” The business transaction
    completed, Mr. Smith left the store with a parting salvo, “kick my
    fucking ass, we’ll see.”
    Order at 2-3, Appellant’s App. at 157-58.
    Smith filed a complaint with the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department,
    and defendant Ron Mauler was assigned the case. Deputy Mauler interviewed
    witnesses Fluekiger, Wilma Ruland and Patrick Malone, all of whom told Mauler
    that Smith was angry, out of control, and used foul language during the encounter
    with Mosher at Sears. After conducting an investigation, Mauler filed a charge of
    disorderly conduct against Smith, in violation of 
    Colo. Rev. Stat. § 18-9-106
    . The
    charge was subsequently amended to include a charge of harassment based upon a
    phone call Smith made to Sears following the incident. The charges were
    ultimately dismissed.   1
    Smith then filed suit against defendants, alleging as follows: (1) Mauler
    violated Smith’s constitutional rights, contrary to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , by knowingly
    filing criminal charges against Smith that were not supported by probable cause;
    (2) all defendants violated Smith’s constitutional rights, contrary to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , by conspiring to file charges against him unsupported by probable cause;
    and (3) Sears and Mosher engaged in malicious prosecution by arranging for the
    filing of false charges unsupported by probable cause. Smith initially filed the
    action in Colorado state court, and defendants subsequently removed it to federal
    The motion to dismiss the charges stated as grounds for dismissal that
    there was “[n]o useful purpose in further prosecution.” Mauler Aff. Ex. B,
    Appellant’s App. at 97.
    Sears and Mosher filed a motion to dismiss, and Mauler then filed a
    combined motion to dismiss and for summary judgment, raising the defense of
    qualified immunity. Mauler attached an affidavit and some additional evidence to
    his motion. When Smith filed his brief in opposition to Mauler’s motion, he
    attached affidavits and evidence in support. No materials outside the pleadings
    were attached to Sears’ and Mosher’s motion to dismiss or Smith’s response
    There was a hearing on all pending motions, at the conclusion of which the
    court treated Sears’ and Mosher’s motion to dismiss as a motion for summary
    judgment “[b]ecause the Court considered affidavits and other evidence outside of
    the pleadings,” Order at 1, Appellant’s App. at 156.   2
    The district court held that
    “[a]ll of Mr. Smith’s claims live or die on whether Deputy Mauler had probable
    cause to file the charges against Mr. Smith.”     
    Id. at 4
    . After examining what
    Colorado law requires to support a charge of disorderly conduct, the court
    concluded that “[b]ased on Mr. Smith’s own admissions, the Court finds as a
    matter of law that Deputy Mauler had probable cause to bring a disorderly
    conduct charge against Mr. Smith.”      
    Id. at 6
    . That conclusion, in turn, meant that
    Sears’ and Mosher’s attorney acknowledged at the hearing that, because
    their motion was one for dismissal, they were confined to arguing about the
    “all of Mr. Smith’s claims must fail.”       
     It accordingly granted summary
    judgment to all defendants.
    Smith appeals, arguing (1) the district court “erred in treating Sears’ and
    Mosher’s motion to dismiss as one for summary judgment because matters outside
    the pleadings had not been presented on that motion”; and (2) the district court
    erred in granting summary judgment for Mauler because “[m]aterial issues of fact
    were not considered by the trial court, and the trial court improperly failed to
    interpret all reasonable inferences in the light most favorable to Smith.”
    Appellant’s Opening Br. at 6, 7.
    We review a grant of summary judgment de novo, applying the same legal
    standard as did the district court.      Bartell v. Aurora Pub. Schs.   , No. 00-1162, 
    2001 WL 984719
     at *3 (10th Cir. Aug. 21, 2001). We view the evidence, and the
    reasonable inferences to be drawn therefrom, in the light most favorable to the
    non-moving party.      
     “To successfully oppose summary judgment, the
    nonmoving party must show that there is a ‘genuine’ issue of fact, which requires
    ‘more than simply show[ing] that there is some metaphysical doubt as to the
    material facts.’”   
     (quoting Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v. Zenith Radio Corp.      ,
    475 U.S. 574
    , 586 (1986)). When reviewing a motion to dismiss, “[w]e must
    accept the well-pleaded allegations in the complaint as true, construe them most
    favorably to the plaintiffs, and determine whether plaintiffs can prove any set of
    facts” establishing their entitlement to relief.     E.F.W. v. St. Stephens Indian High
    Sch. , No. 00-8002, 
    2001 WL 1040371
     at *4 (10th Cir. Sept. 11, 2001).
    I. Mauler’s Motion for Summary Judgment
    Mauler moved for summary judgment, arguing that, from the undisputed
    material facts, he did not violate Smith’s clearly established constitutional rights
    and is therefore qualifiedly immune. He also argued that Smith’s conspiracy
    charge against all defendants, including Mauler, was conclusory and failed to
    state a claim.
    The district court granted summary judgment to Mauler, after concluding as
    a matter of law that he had probable cause to charge Smith with disorderly
    conduct. We agree. Under the applicable Colorado statutory and case law, as set
    forth in the district court’s opinion, the undisputed facts, even viewed in the light
    most favorable to Smith, establish that Mauler had probable cause to file the
    disorderly conduct charge. No constitutional violation occurred, so we need not
    reach the issue of qualified immunity. Accordingly, we affirm the district court’s
    grant of summary judgment for Mauler on Smith’s claims that Mauler violated
    Smith’s § 1983 rights by filing charges against Smith which Mauler knew were
    unsupported by probable cause and by conspiring with Sears and Mosher to file
    such charges.
    II. Sears’ and Mosher’s Motion to Dismiss
    Sears and Mosher moved to dismiss Smith’s complaint pursuant to Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 12(b)(6). No affidavits or other materials were attached to the motion.
    However, because such affidavits and materials were attached to Mauler’s motion
    to dismiss and motion for summary judgment, and presumably because the two
    motions were orally argued together, the district court treated Sears’ and
    Mosher’s motion as one for summary judgment. Smith argues he failed to receive
    notice that the court intended to convert the motion to dismiss into a motion for
    summary judgment, that the court erred in so converting the motion to dismiss,
    and, under the motion to dismiss standard, he adequately pleaded a conspiracy to
    violate Smith’s § 1983 rights and malicious prosecution.
    “Rule 12(b) authorizes a court to treat a motion to dismiss as one for
    summary judgment, provided that the court affords the parties a ‘reasonable
    opportunity to present all material made pertinent to such a motion by Rule 56.’”
    Blue Circle Cement, Inc. v. Board of County Comm’rs    , 
    27 F.3d 1499
    , 1503 (10th
    Cir. 1994) (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)). We have acknowledged that “a court’s
    failure to comply with the notice requirements when changing a Rule 12(b)
    motion to one for summary judgment may constitute reversible error.”    
    have also expressly recognized, however, that “a court’s failure to comply with
    the notice requirements of Rule 56 constitutes harmless error if the dismissal can
    be justified under Rule 12(b)(6) standards without reference to matters outside the
    plaintiff’s complaint.”   
     We therefore apply the Rule 12(b)(6) standards and
    conclude that Smith’s complaint is properly dismissed.
    As indicated above, in applying Rule 12(b)(6) we accept the allegations
    pleaded in the complaint as true, construe them most favorably to Smith, and
    determine whether Smith can prove any set of facts entitling him to the relief he
    seeks. See Yousef v. Reno , 
    254 F.3d 1214
    , 1219 (10th Cir. 2001).
    A. Conspiracy Claim
    With respect to the conspiracy claim against all defendants, including Sears
    and Mosher, Smith’s complaint alleges as follows:
    Upon information and belief, the Defendants conspired and acted in
    concert with one another under color or authority of law of the State
    of Colorado and established policies and practices of the Arapahoe
    Police Department to deprive Plaintiff of his constitutional rights
    when they unlawfully conspired to file criminal charges against
    Plaintiff, knowing them to be false, or in reckless disregard of the
    Compl. ¶ 33, Appellant’s App. at 4.
    As Smith acknowledges in his opening brief:
    we have held that “[w]hen a plaintiff in a § 1983 action attempts to
    assert the necessary ‘state action’ by implicating state officials or
    judges in a conspiracy with private defendants, mere conclusory
    allegations with no supporting factual averments are insufficient; the
    pleadings must specifically present facts tending to show agreement
    and concerted action.”
    Hunt v. Bennett , 
    17 F.3d 1263
    , 1268 (10th Cir. 1994) (quoting   Sooner Prods. Co.
    v. McBride , 
    708 F.2d 510
    , 512 (10th Cir. 1983));   see Appellant’s Opening Br. at
    9. Smith’s complaint completely fails to meet that standard. Accordingly, the
    conspiracy claim against Mosher and Sears is properly dismissed for failure to
    state a claim.
    B. Malicious Prosecution
    Smith’s remaining claim against Mosher and Sears is one for malicious
    prosecution. Smith’s complaint alleges as follows regarding the malicious
    prosecution claim:
    The acts and conduct of the Defendants deprived Plaintiff of the
    rights and immunities secured to him by the law of this nation and
    the United States Constitution.
    The acts and conduct of the Defendants deprived Plaintiff of life,
    liberty or property without due process under the Fourth Amendment
    as incorporated in the Fourteenth Amendment.
    Defendants maliciously, wilfully and wantonly violated Plaintiff’s
    Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights as incorporated in the Fourteenth
    Amendment, by arranging to have false criminal charges pressed
    against Plaintiff, charges which Defendant knew, or had reason to
    know, were in violation of Plaintiff’s Fourth Amendment Rights, as
    they were not founded upon reasonable belief or probable cause.
    Compl. ¶ ¶ 36-38, Appellant’s App. at 5.
    Smith argues that this malicious prosecution claim is a claim under
    Colorado state law, despite his failure in his complaint to refer in any way to
    Colorado law. Assuming that this is a claim under Colorado law, over which the
    district court and we, exercising judicial discretion, could have supplemental
    jurisdiction, it completely fails to survive Rule 12(b)(6)’s standards.
    Colorado law provides that:
    To establish a claim for malicious prosecution, a plaintiff must prove
    by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant was a party to
    or assisted in a criminal or civil proceeding against the plaintiff, that
    the proceeding was resolved in favor of plaintiff, that there was no
    probable cause for the proceeding, that the defendant was actuated by
    malice in instituting the proceedings, and that the plaintiff was
    damaged thereby.
    Walford v. Blinder, Robinson & Co., Inc.    , 
    793 P.2d 620
    , 623 (Colo. Ct. App.
    1990) (citing Montgomery Ward & Co. v. Pherson       , 
    272 P.2d 643
     (1954)) (other
    citations omitted).
    As indicated, we must treat Sears’ and Mosher’s motion as a motion to
    dismiss, which we review by reference to the pleadings only.   3
    Even assuming we
    The district court, treating Sears’ and Mosher’s motion as one for summary
    judgment, examined matters outside the pleadings, including Smith’s own
    affidavit which he included in his response to Mauler’s motion for summary
    construe Smith’s complaint as alleging the elements of a state law claim for
    malicious prosecution, it completely fails to allege how Sears and Mosher
    “assisted” in Mauler’s bringing the disorderly conduct charge against Smith, other
    than the vague and completely speculative allegations of a conspiracy, nor does it
    allege, other than in a completely conclusory way, that Sears and Mosher were
    motivated by malice. Accordingly, it fails to state a state law claim for malicious
    prosecution against Sears and Mosher.   4
    judgment. Smith admitted in his affidavit that he swore on several occasions,
    loudly enough to disturb a customer in the area. The district court accordingly
    held that, even under Smith’s own version of the facts, there was probable cause
    to file the disorderly conduct charge against Smith. As we indicated in our
    affirmance of summary judgment for Mauler, that conclusion is amply supported
    by the undisputed facts established by the affidavits and other materials submitted
    in connection with Mauler’s summary judgment motion.
    If we view the malicious prosecution claim as one under § 1983, it would
    fail because it does not allege the requisite state action, inasmuch as Sears and
    Mosher are not state actors.
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the grant of summary judgment for
    Mauler and we REMAND this case for dismissal of the complaint against Sears
    and Mosher.
    Stephen H. Anderson
    Circuit Judge