Persaud v. Doe ( 2007 )

  •                                                                        F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    January 24, 2007
    TENTH CIRCUIT                   Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    Clerk of Court
    R AM A NA N D PER SA U D ,
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    No. 06-6234
    v.                                                (D.C. No. CIV-05-09-R)
    (W .D. Okla.)
    G O FO RTH ; L. WA L KER ; T. KELSO;
    A M ER ICA,
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Before KELLY, M cKA Y, and LUCERO, Circuit Judges. **
    Ramanand Persaud, a federal inmate appearing pro se, appeals from the
    district court’s grant of summary judgment in favor of defendants, John Doe, T.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. It may be cited,
    however, for its persuasive value consistent with Fed. R. App. P. 32.1 and 10th
    Cir. R. 32.1.
    After examining the briefs and the appellate record, this three-judge
    panel has determined unanimously that oral argument would not be of material
    assistance in the determination of this appeal. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a); 10th
    Cir. R. 34.1(G). The cause is therefore ordered submitted without oral argument.
    Butt, 1 Tom F. Goforth, L. W alker, T. Kelso, C. W illiams, E. Barby, J. Parker, and
    the United States of America. On February 19, 2004, federal authorities
    transferred M r. Persaud from a Federal Correctional Institute (“FCI”) in Elkton,
    Ohio (“FCI Elkton”) to an FCI in Schuykill, Pennsylvania (“FCI Schuykill”). En
    route, M r. Persaud was housed temporarily for nearly two months at the Federal
    Transfer Center at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (“FTC OKC”). M r. Persaud claims
    that during transfer defendant Doe’s actions, or lack thereof, caused injury to his
    left ankle and that he subsequently received inadequate medical treatment upon
    arrival at FTC OKC.
    As a result, M r. Persaud brought an action against defendants pursuant to
    Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 
    403 U.S. 388
     (1971), and the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), 
    28 U.S.C. § 1346
    alleging that: during his transfer between federal prisons, defendants secured his
    legs using metal ankle cuffs, rather than flexicuffs, as allegedly required in his
    medical records; the metal ankle cuffs caused severe pain and bleeding because
    they rubbed against steel screws previously surgically inserted in his left ankle;
    and that defendants w ere deliberately indifferent to his medical needs during this
    time. The district court referred the matter to a magistrate judge and, after
    resolving M r. Persaud’s objections to the magistrate’s report and
    In the caption to this case, M s. Butt is referred as M s. Butts. Seeing as
    the defendants’ submissions consistently refer to her as M s. Butt, however, we
    will do the same.
    recommendation, granted summary judgment to defendants. Our jurisdiction
    arises under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , and we affirm.
    W e review a district court’s grant of summary judgment de novo, applying
    the same standards as the district court. Hackworth v. Progressive Cas. Ins. Co.,
    468 F.3d 722
    , 725 (10th Cir. 2006). Summary judgment is appropriate only
    where there exists no genuine issue of material fact, and the moving party is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law . Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c).
    I.    M r. Persaud’s B ivens claims against D efendants Butt and Goforth
    M r. Persaud’s Bivens claims against Defendants Butt and Goforth allege
    that both defendants w ere deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs in
    violation of the Eighth A mendment. At the time of M r. Persaud’s transfer, M s.
    Butt was the associate warden at FTC OKC and Dr. Goforth was the Clinical
    Director of the medical clinic at OKC. Both M s. Butt and Dr. Goforth argued
    below that they were entitled to summary judgment because M r. Persaud failed to
    bring forth sufficient evidence that they were directly or personally involved in
    any decisions about M r. Persaud’s medical care, and the district court agreed.
    In order to establish Bivens liability, a plaintiff is required to bring forth
    evidence that an individual defendant directly and personally participated in the
    purported constitutional violation. See Steele v. Fed. Bureau of Prisons, 
    355 F.3d 1204
    , 1214 (10th Cir. 2003), cert. denied, 
    543 U.S. 925
     (2004). As to M s. Butt,
    M r. Persaud alleges in his complaint that, nearly a month after he arrived at FTC
    OKC, M s. Butt “personally saw and interviewed [M r.] Persaud in regards to the
    leg injury, advising [M r.] Persaud to contact [Dr.] Goforth.” R. Doc. 1 at 14; see
    id. at 8
    . M r. Persaud also maintains that M s. Butt claimed she would take
    steps to get him on a flight to Philadelphia as soon as possible. 
    Id. at 8
    . For her
    part, M s. Butt notes that M r. Persaud’s medical records do not indicate that he
    complained to her about an injury or that she referred him for medical care. R.
    Doc. 49, Ex. 2 at 1. M oreover, she has no memory of M r. Persaud or of an
    inmate with the injury he describes. 
     Viewing the evidence in the light most
    favorable to M r. Persaud, he has failed to create a genuine issue of material fact
    as to M s. Butt’s direct and personal involvement in any alleged deliberate
    indifference to his medical needs.
    The evidence only indicates that M s. Butt, when presented w ith M r.
    Persaud’s complaint, attempted to help him (as she would any inmate) by
    informing him of the proper individual (Dr. G oforth) to contact within FTC OKC.
    After all, M s. Butt is not a medical doctor and could not have treated M r. Persaud
    herself. Also, the fact that M s. Butt may have promised to transport him to
    Philadelphia in an expeditious manner does not constitute deliberate indifference
    given that he was seen at FTC OKC. As a result, the district court correctly
    determ ined that M s. B utt is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.
    The only concrete allegation M r. Persaud asserts against Dr. Goforth is that
    the doctor “personally review ed oral statements and written documentation in
    regards to [M r.] Persaud’s leg injury.” R. Doc. 1 at 17; see also Aplt. Br. at 20.
    Dr. Goforth claims that “[t]he medical records indicate that I never saw or
    examined plaintiff while he was at the FTC.” R. Doc. 49 Ex. 1 at 2. The doctor
    also claims that M s. Butt never mentioned M r. Persaud, let alone referred M r.
    Persaud to him. 
     Taking M r. Persaud’s allegation at face value, the evidence
    indicates only that Dr. Goforth reviewed M r. Persaud’s medical file (and later
    expressed the opinion that the treatment received by M r. Persaud was within the
    applicable standard of care, i.e. non-negligent). 
     This is insufficient, as a
    matter of law, to directly and personally implicate Dr. Goforth in the alleged
    deliberate indifference to M r. Persaud’s medical needs, and Dr. Goforth was
    entitled to summary judgment.
    II.   M r. Persaud’s Bivens claims against defendants Barby, Kelso, Parker and
    W alker
    M r. Persaud also claims that defendants Barby, Kelso, Parker and W alker
    were deliberately indifferent to his serious medical needs in violation of the
    Eighth Amendment. 2 The government sought summary judgment on the grounds
    that during his stay at FTC OKC, M r. Persaud was seen five times by medical
    personnel for various complaints, and was treated appropriately, particularly
    In his appellate brief, M r. Persaud also argues that Sandra J. Craiger, a
    physician’s assistant at FTC OKC, was also deliberately indifferent to his medical
    needs. See Aplt. Br. at 8-9. M s. Craiger, however, has not been named as a
    defendant in this action.
    given that he did not mention the problem during some of those visits. The
    government also maintained that his problem was caused not by the metal ankle
    cuffs, but rather by his increase in w ork, which aggravated a pre-existing injury
    which had been treated with surgical screws to stabilize the bone. Finally, the
    government maintains that in M ay 2004, M r. Persaud had successful surgery to
    remove the loose surgical screws from his left ankle. The district court granted
    summary judgment to these defendants on the ground that M r. Persaud “failed to
    point to any evidence of deliberate indifference by these Defendants of a serious
    health risk to [M r. Persaud] or evidence which creates a genuine issue for trial.”
    R. Doc. 86 at 2.
    The Eighth Amendment creates an obligation on the part of prison officials
    to provide adequate health care to inmates. Estelle v. Gamble, 
    429 U.S. 97
    , 103
    (1976). This does not mean, however, that a mere complaint that a physician has
    been negligent in diagnosing or treating a medical condition states a valid claim
    of medical mistreatment under the Eighth Amendment. 
    Id. at 106
    . Rather, “a
    prisoner must allege acts or omissions sufficiently harmful to evidence deliberate
    indifference to serious medical needs.” 
     This standard is met when (1) there is
    a medical need “that has been diagnosed by a physician as mandating treatment or
    one that is so obvious that even a lay person would easily recognize the necessity
    for a doctor’s attention,” Sealock v. Colorado, 
    218 F.3d 1205
    , 1209 (10th Cir.
    2000), and (2) a prison official “knows of and disregards an excessive risk to
    inmate health or safety,” Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 837 (1994).
    On February 23, 2004, four days after M r. Persaud arrived at FTC OKC,
    defendant Barby, an advanced registered nurse practitioner, treated M r. Persaud.
    This was the one and only time M r. Barby treated M r. Persaud. W hile M r.
    Persaud maintains that he informed the medical staff at FTC OKC of his ankle
    pain during each of his medical checkups, the medical records do not bear this
    out. M r. Persaud’s medical chart for the February 23 checkup with M r. Barby
    does not indicate that M r. Persaud complained of ankle pain. Rather, the chart
    indicates only that M r. Persaud was provided with an over-the-counter
    antihistamine. R. Doc. 39 Ex. 2 at 3. Because M r. Persaud has brought forth no
    evidence, other than conjecture, to indicate that M r. Barby knew of M r. Persaud’s
    ankle pain, summary judgment in M r. Barby’s favor w as appropriate.
    M s. Kelso, also an advanced registered nurse practitioner employed at FTC
    OKC, saw M r. Persaud on two occasions— February 26, 2004 and M arch 2, 2004.
    M r. Persaud’s medical record indicates that M r. Persaud, again, did not complain
    of ankle pain during his visit with M s. Kelso on February 26. Instead, he
    complained of athlete’s foot and was prescribed an antifungal cream. 
     M r.
    Persaud’s first complaint to FTC OKC staff regarding ankle pain occurred during
    his M arch 2 visit with M s. Kelso. See 
     As to that visit, M s. Kelso states that
    “[u]pon examination, I found the pedal pulse to be normal. No deformity was
    evident and the skin was intact (no broken skin).” R. Doc. 48 Ex. 3 at 1. 3 In
    response to his complaint, M s. Kelso prescribed M r. Persaud over-the-counter
    pain medication and wrapped the ankle. R. Doc. 39 Ex. 2 at 3. Based on the
    foregoing, no reasonable jury could find that M s. Kelso was deliberately
    indifferent to M r. Persaud’s medical needs. W hen informed of M r. Persaud’s
    ankle pain, M s. Kelso responded with treatment— though M r. Persaud disputes the
    efficacy of that treatment, he cannot establish deliberate indifference.
    Accordingly, the district court properly entered summary judgment for M s. Kelso.
    M s. Parker, an advanced registered nurse practitioner employed at FTC
    OKC as an independent contractor, saw M r. Persaud on two occasions. During
    the first visit, on M arch 18, 2004, M s. Parker notes that “[M r. Persaud] did not
    complain of or present symptoms consistent with significant ankle pain.” R. Doc.
    53 Ex. A at 2. M r. Persaud’s medical records indicate that, nonetheless, M s.
    Parker, consistent with prison policy, prescribed M r. Persaud an over-the-counter
    pain medication. R. Doc. 39 Ex. 2 at 4. The medical records show that during
    M r. Persaud’s second visit with M s. Parker, on M arch 23, 2004, M r. Persaud did
    not complain of ankle pain, and was prescribed antifungal cream for athlete’s
     View ing the evidence in the light most favorable to M r. Persaud, it
    appears that M s. Parker cannot be deemed deliberately indifferent and was thus
    A week later, on M arch 9, 2004, in a visit with defendant C. W illiams,
    M r. Persaud rated the pain he was experiencing in his ankle, on a scale of one
    through ten, as a four. R. Doc. 39 Ex. 2 at 3.
    properly granted summary judgment.
    Finally, defendant W alker, a physician’s assistant with the Bureau of
    Prisons, treated M r. Persaud on M arch 26, 2004. This was the last time M r.
    Persaud was treated at FTC OKC. M r. W alker’s notes in the medical records
    pertaining to M r. Persaud’s M arch 26 checkup are devoid of any mention of ankle
    pain. See R. Doc. 39 Ex. 2 at 4; see also R. Doc. 48 Ex. 4 at 1. Rather, according
    to M r. W alker, he examined M r. Persaud and prescribed him antibiotic ointment
    for chapped lips or skin. R. Doc. 48 Ex. 4 at 1; see also R. Doc. 39 Ex. 2 at 4.
    M r. Persaud has brought forth absolutely no evidence, other than his own
    uncorroborated allegations, that M r. W alker was even aware that M r. Persaud was
    suffering ankle pain. And this lack of evidence as to aw areness is fatal to M r.
    Persaud’s deliberate indifference claim against M r. W alker.
    III.   M r. Persaud’s claims against defendants Doe and W illiams.
    M r. Persaud also pressed deliberate indifference claims against John Doe,
    an unknown release and delivery officer at FCI Elkton, and C. W illiams, a
    member of the medical staff at FTC OKC. The district court dismissed these
    claims without prejudice for failure to timely and properly effect service of
    process. See R. Doc. 86 at 4. Because M r. Persaud’s appellate brief makes no
    mention of the district court’s dismissal as to these claims and does not argue why
    the district court may have been in error, the district court’s dismissal of these
    claims is affirmed. See Adler v. W al-M art Stores, Inc., 
    144 F.3d 664
    , 679 (10th
    Cir. 1998) ( “Arguments inadequately briefed in the opening brief are waived . . .
    .”); Ogden v. San Juan County, 
    32 F.3d 452
    , 455 (10th Cir.1994) (observing that
    appellant’s pro se status does not excuse him from “comply[ing] with the
    fundamental requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil and Appellate
    Procedure”); Abercrombie v. City of Catoosa, 
    896 F.2d 1228
    , 1231 (10th Cir.
    1990) (holding issue not argued in appellate brief is waived).
    IV.   M r. Persaud’s FTCA claims against the United States of America
    Like the district court, we liberally construe M r. Persaud’s complaint to
    allege two FTCA claims against the United States: (1) negligence based on an
    unknown release and delivery officer’s failure to use flexicuffs, instead of metal
    cuffs, on M r. Persaud’s ankles during transport, and (2) negligence based on the
    failure of the FTC OKC medical staff to properly treat M r. Persaud’s alleged
    ankle injury.
    The “test established by the Tort Claims Act for determining the United
    States’ liability is whether a private person would be responsible for similar
    negligence under the laws of the State where the acts occurred.” Rayonier, Inc. v.
    United States, 
    352 U.S. 315
    , 319 (1957). Negligence, of course, is a recognized
    cause of action in Oklahoma, requiring a plaintiff to show “(1) a duty owed by the
    defendant to protect the plaintiff from injury, (2) a failure properly to exercise or
    perform that duty, and (3) an injury to plaintiff proximately caused by the
    defendant’s breach of that duty.” Akin v. M issouri Pac. R.R. Co., 
    977 P.2d 1040
    - 10 -
    1054 (Okla. 1998).
    As noted, M r. Persaud first claims that the United States should be held
    liable because its employee, the unknown release and delivery officer, failed to
    restrain M r. Persaud’s ankles with flexicuffs during transport. M r. Persaud
    argues that, at the time of transport, there existed a medical directive requesting
    that prison personnel use flexicuffs on his ankles, and that the release and
    delivery officer was negligent in denying “reasonable requests to follow
    medically directed conduct.” R. Doc. 1 at 10. While M r. Persaud is correct that,
    at one time, there existed a M edical Report of Duty Status (“Report”) that
    requested prison officials to use flexicuffs, that Report expired on December 3,
    2003. See R. Doc. 39 Ex. 2 at 25. The existence of that Report demonstrates that
    M r. Persaud was more than capable of informing medical personnel as to his
    ankle pain and that, when appropriate, the staff would recommend the use of
    flexicuffs. No other report in M r. Persaud’s medical file, however, requests that
    flexicuffs be used. See 
    id. at 26-32
    . In fact, the form filled out exclusively for
    the purpose of M r. Persaud’s transfer between FCI Elkton and FCI Schuykill
    indicates no medical condition whatsoever. See 
    id. at 31
    . The logical conclusion,
    therefore, is that M r. Persaud failed to inform the medical staff at FCI Elkton that
    he had an ankle condition or that he did indeed inform them but they either
    disregarded the information or concluded that his condition was not so severe as
    to merit a recommendation of flexicuffs. M r. Persaud has not brought suit,
    - 11 -
    however, against the United States based on any purported negligence of the
    medical staff at FCI Elkton. Rather, he bases his claim on the actions of an
    officer involved in his transfer, but considering the lack of an unexpired
    recommendation or requirement of flexicuffs in M r. Persaud’s medical files at the
    time of transfer, there is no evidence that the release and delivery officer failed to
    take a m edically directed action. As such, the basis for M r. Persaud’s first
    negligence claim against the United States fails.
    M r. Persaud also asserts a negligence claim against the United States based
    on an alleged failure of the medical staff at FTC OKC to properly treat his ankle
    wounds. In Oklahoma, the elements of a medical malpractice claim are identical
    to those in any other negligence claim. See Roberson v. Jeffrey M . W altner,
    M .D., Inc., 
    108 P.3d 567
    , 569 (Okla. Civ. App. 2005). Additionally, “in all but
    the extraordinary medical malpractice case, the plaintiff has the burden of
    producing expert testimony to support a prima facie case of negligence.” 
    This is not an “extraordinary medical malpractice case,” and because M r. Persaud
    has failed to present any expert evidence, his second basis for a negligence claim
    against the United States similarly fails. See Hill v. SmithKline Beecham Corp.,
    393 F.3d 1111
    , 1117 (10th Cir. 2004) (concluding that “the Colorado review
    statute is applicable to professional negligence claims brought against the United
    States under the FTCA” and dismissing the plaintiff’s FTCA claim for failure to
    file a certificate of review).
    - 12 -
    V.    M r. Persaud’s M otion for Sanctions
    M r. Persaud argues that the district court erred in failing to sanction
    defendants as a result of their alleged failure to turn over certain requested
    documents. W e review for an abuse of discretion the district court’s ruling
    rejecting M r. Persaud’s motion for sanctions. See, e.g., Augustine v. United
    810 F.2d 991
    , 996 (10th Cir. 1987) (“The refusal to impose sanctions is
    solely within the discretion of the trial court, to be reversed only when that
    discretion is abused.”). It appears that M r. Persaud’s primary basis for sanctions
    is defendants’ purported failure to turn over an expired “Duty Status Report”
    along with “all documents regarding [his] transfer to [FCI] Schuykill . . . .” Aplt.
    Br. at 21-22. M r. Persaud, however, was given a copy of a special report,
    compiled specifically for this litigation by the Bureau of Prisons, which contains
    numerous medical records relating to M r. Persaud’s transfer to FCI Schuykill and
    his subsequent medical care. Among the medical records contained within the
    special report was the expired M edical Duty Status Report. See R. Doc. 39 Ex. 2
    at 25. M r. Persaud also fails to indicate w hat documents relating to his transfer to
    FCI Schuykill defendants have failed to hand over. Thus, the district court did
    not abuse its discretion in denying M r. Persaud’s motion for sanctions.
    - 13 -
    AFFIRM ED. W e grant M r. Persaud IFP status, and remind him of his
    continuing obligation to make partial payments until the filing fee is paid.
    Entered for the Court
    Paul J. Kelly, Jr.
    Circuit Judge
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