Keeler v. Cereal Food ( 2007 )

  •                                                                        FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    October 10, 2007
    Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    FO R TH E TENTH CIRCUIT        Clerk of Court
    v.                                                   No. 07-3055
    (D.C. No. 06-CV-1062-JTM )
    CEREAL FO OD PRO CESSORS,                              (D . Kan.)
    Before PO RFILIO, A ND ER SO N, and BALDOCK , Circuit Judges.
    Quincy Gerald Keeler appeals pro se from the district court’s dismissal of
    his discrimination claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
    42 U.S.C. §§ 2000e-2 and 2000e-3. Exercising jurisdiction under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , we affirm in part and reverse in part.
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of
    this appeal. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2); 10th Cir. R. 34.1(G). The case is
    therefore ordered submitted without oral argument. This order and judgment is
    not binding precedent, except under the doctrines of law of the case, res judicata,
    and collateral estoppel. It may be cited, however, for its persuasive value
    consistent w ith Fed. R. App. P. 32.1 and 10th Cir. R. 32.1.
    M r. Keeler began work as a temporary employee for Cereal Food
    Processors (CFP) in February 2003. He became a full-time employee in June
    2003 and continued to work for CFP until he was terminated in December 2004.
    M r. Keeler filed four charges of discrimination with the Kansas H uman Rights
    Commission and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) related
    to his employment with CFP. He filed his First Charge in February 2004,
    claiming that CFP discriminated against him based on his race (African
    American) and his age (twenty-six years old at the time), in temporarily laying
    him off in December 2003, while retaining an older, Caucasian employee with
    less seniority. He alleged that he filed a grievance with CFP management
    concerning his layoff and that CFP subsequently forced him to perform dangerous
    work in retaliation for having openly opposed CFP’s discriminatory acts and
    practices. He later amended his First Charge to add a claim of retaliation for
    complaining to CFP management about incidents of sexual harassment.
    M r. Keeler filed his Second Charge in August 2004, claiming that CFP
    accused him of making threats of violence, placed him on a paid leave of absence,
    and required him to see a psychiatrist. He alleged discrimination by CFP based
    on a perceived disability and in retaliation for filing his First Charge. In
    November 2004 he filed his Third Charge, again alleging retaliation by CFP based
    upon his filing of the First Charge. He claimed that on specified dates in
    February, July, August, and September, 2004, CFP criticized his job performance
    and reprimanded him for his attendance, in retaliation for his discrimination
    The EEOC issued a right-to-sue letter on M r. Keeler’s Second Charge on
    October 19, 2004, but he did not file a lawsuit within ninety days of his receipt of
    that letter. See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(f)(1) (providing civil action may be brought
    within ninety days of notice of right to sue by EEOC). CFP terminated M r.
    Keeler’s employment in December 2004. Several months later, on April 26,
    2005, the EEO C issued right-to-sue letters on his First and Third Charges. He
    filed his Fourth Charge in June 2005, alleging that he was terminated by CFP on
    December 17, 2004, in retaliation for having filed his Third Charge.
    M r. Keeler filed his First Action in district court on July 25, 2005, alleging
    race discrimination and retaliation in violation of Title VII. In his complaint he
    identified CFP’s discriminatory conduct as his termination, his layoff in
    December 2003, and retaliation. He alleged that CFP retaliated against him for
    his complaints about the layoff and sexual harassment, and he attached a lengthy
    letter further detailing his allegations. The district court dismissed the First
    Action on September 13, 2005, after M r. Keeler failed to specify his expenses in
    support of his Application for Leave to File Action W ithout Payment of Fees,
    Costs, or Security. He did not appeal that dismissal.
    The EEOC issued a right-to-sue letter on M r. Keeler’s Fourth Charge on
    December 19, 2005, and he filed this action in district court on M arch 16, 2006.
    His complaints in this action and his First Action are substantially identical. CFP
    moved for judgment on the pleadings under Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(c), arguing that
    this action should be dismissed as time-barred because M r. Keeler failed to file it
    within ninety days of receiving the applicable right-to-sue letters, or alternatively
    that certain claims should be dismissed for failure to exhaust administrative
    The district court granted CFP’s motion. It initially held that all of the
    claims alleged in M r. Keeler’s First, Second, and Third Charges were time-barred
    because he failed to file this action within ninety days of his receipt of any of the
    right-to-sue letters on those charges. Although he had filed the First Action
    within ninety days of the A pril 26, 2004, right-to-sue letters on his First and Third
    Charges, the district court held that its dismissal of that case without prejudice
    did not toll the statutory filing deadline under Title VII. See Brown v. Hartshorne
    Pub. Sch. Dist. No. 1, 
    926 F.2d 959
    , 961 (10th Cir. 1991) (Brown II) (“Courts
    have specifically held that the filing of a complaint that is dismissed without
    prejudice does not toll the statutory filing period of Title VII.”) M r. Keeler does
    not identify any error in this portion of the district court’s ruling and we therefore
    affirm the dismissal of his claims alleged in his First, Second, and Third Charges
    as untimely.
    The district court further concluded that M r. Keeler’s claim of retaliatory
    termination was time-barred because it was encompassed by his Third Charge:
    [P]laintiff’s claim of retaliation based on his 2004 termination should
    also be dismissed, since the plaintiff treated this claim as part of his
    first lawsuit and, therefore, failed to file this lawsuit within 90 days
    of receiving a Notice of Rights. The plaintiff included precisely the
    same allegation in his first lawsuit, which was filed seven months
    after he was terminated from Cereal Food, and one month after he
    filed his fourth administrative charge. The plaintiff’s allegation of
    termination was encompassed by his third charge. See Brown [v.
    Hartshorne Pub. Sch. Dist. No. 1], 864 F.2d [680] at 682 (10th Cir.
    1988) (Title VII claims may “encompass any discrimination like or
    reasonably related to the allegations of the EEOC charge, including
    new acts occurring during the pendency of the charge before the
    EEOC”). Here, the plaintiff used his third administrative charge as
    the basis for raising precisely the claim of retaliatory termination
    now in issue.
    R., Vol. II, Doc. 23 at 4. M r. Keeler challenges this ruling on appeal, contending
    that the district court erred in dismissing his termination claim because he filed
    this action within ninety days of receiving the right-to-sue letter on his Fourth
    W e review de novo a district court’s ruling on a motion for judgment on the
    pleadings under Rule 12(c). Nelson v. State Farm M ut. Auto. Ins. Co., 
    419 F.3d 1117
    , 1119 (10th Cir. 2005). The district court determined that M r. Keeler’s
    retaliatory termination claim was untimely under the ninety-day time period for
    filing an action pursuant to § 2000e-5(f)(1), which is “in the nature of a statute of
    limitations.” Biester v. M idwest Health Servs., Inc., 
    77 F.3d 1264
    , 1267
    (10th Cir. 1996). W hether a district court properly applied a statute of limitations
    is a question of law we review de novo. Nelson, 
    419 F.3d at 1119
    In dismissing M r. Keeler’s termination claim as time-barred, the district
    court emphasized his inclusion of that claim in his First A ction. W hile
    acknowledging that M r. Keeler had filed his Fourth Charge alleging retaliatory
    termination only a month before he filed the First Action, the court nonetheless
    concluded it was administratively exhausted because it was encompassed by his
    Third Charge. For this proposition, the court relied on Brown v. Hartshorne
    Public School District No. 1 (Brown I), 
    864 F.2d 680
    , 682 (10th Cir. 1988), which
    held that “w hen an employee seeks judicial relief for incidents not listed in his
    original charge to the EEOC, the judicial complaint nevertheless may encompass
    any discrimination like or reasonably related to the allegations of the EEOC
    charge, including new acts occurring during the pendency of the charge.”
    Id. at 682
     (quotation and brackets omitted). Therefore, the district court
    concluded that M r. Keeler’s termination claim was untimely because he failed to
    file it within ninety days of his receipt of the right-to-sue letter on his Third
    W e respectfully disagree. Under M artinez v. Potter, 
    347 F.3d 1208
    (10th Cir. 2003), the district court’s reliance on Brown I is misplaced. As we
    recognized in M artinez, the Supreme Court in National Railroad Passenger Corp.
    v. M organ, 
    536 U.S. 101
     (2002), “effected fundamental changes to the doctrine
    allowing administratively unexhausted claims in Title VII actions.” 
    347 F.3d at 1210
    . In M artinez, the plaintiff sought to litigate claims of retaliatory treatment
    that he never included in a formal charge. 
     The district court granted the
    defendant’s summary judgment motion, reasoning that the plaintiff had failed to
    exhaust administrative remedies with respect to the additional claims “because
    they were not like or reasonably related to the allegations in [his formal charge].”
    Although we agreed with its result, we parted company with the district
    court on its reasoning in M artinez: “M organ abrogates the continuing violation
    doctrine as previously applied to claims of discriminatory or retaliatory actions by
    employers, and replaces it with the teaching that each discrete incident of such
    treatment constitutes its own unlawful employment practice for which
    administrative remedies must be exhausted.” 
     (quotation omitted). In M organ
    the Supreme Court observed that “[d]iscrete acts such as termination, failure to
    promote, denial of transfer, or refusal to hire are easy to identify,” and it held that
    a charge could only encompass discrete, discriminatory acts that occurred within
    the statutory time period for filing a charge. 
    536 U.S. at 114
    . The Court reversed
    the court of appeals’ holding, which relied upon the continuing violation doctrine
    to bring prior discrete acts within a later-filed charge. 
    In M artinez, we applied the rule stated in M organ “to discrete claims based
    on incidents occurring after the filing of [a formal charge].” 
    347 F.3d at
    (emphasis in original). Thus, we recognized that the “continuing violation
    theory,” as applied in Brown I and the other prior decisions we cited, was no
    longer applicable to claims regarding discrete acts. See 
    id. at 1210-11
    . 1
    W e conclude, therefore, that the district court erred in its determination that
    M r. Keeler’s Third Charge encompassed his retaliatory termination claim because
    it was like or reasonably related to the allegations in that charge. Under
    M artinez, M r. Keeler’s Third Charge could not encompass his later-occurring,
    discrete claim regarding his termination; instead, he was required to file a
    separate charge with respect to that claim. See 
     He fulfilled that requirement
    by filing his Fourth Charge. But at the time he filed his First Action, he had not
    fully exhausted his administrative remedies with respect to that charge because he
    had not yet received a right-to-sue letter from the EEOC, nor had the 180-day
    waiting period under § 2000e-5(f)(1) expired. See EEOC v. W.H. Braum, Inc.,
    347 F.3d 1192
    , 1200 (10th Cir. 2003) (“The EEOC has exclusive jurisdiction over
    a claim during the 180 days following the filing of a charge . . . . During this time
    an individual employee may not bring suit in federal court.”); cf. Stone v. Dep’t of
    453 F.3d 1271
    , 1276-77 (10th Cir. 2006) (holding ADA claim had not
    “matured” and was subject to dismissal prior to receipt of right-to-sue letter).
    W e recognized in M artinez that this holding does not apply to hostile work
    environment claims. See 347 F.3d at 1211. But, as in M artinez, that type of
    claim is not before us in this case. See id. Although M r. Keeler’s charges alleged
    what could be characterized as “an ongoing pattern of retaliation,” id., he did not
    file any charge alleging that he was subject to a hostile w ork environment.
    M r. Keeler’s termination claim did not become ripe for filing until after the
    dismissal of the First Action, when he received his right-to-sue letter on his
    Fourth Charge. He filed this action within ninety days of receiving that letter.
    Accordingly, the district court erred in dismissing his termination claim as
    CFP contends that our holding in M artinez does not apply in this case
    because M r. Keeler represented to the district court in his First Action that he had
    exhausted his administrative remedies. Thus, CFP argues that M r. Keeler should
    not now be permitted to assert his own non-compliance with the exhaustion
    requirement in his First Action as a basis to save his termination claim in this
    action from being time-barred. But the exhaustion requirement is “a
    jurisdictional prerequisite to suit under Title VII–not merely a condition
    precedent to suit.” Shikles v. Sprint/United Mgmt. Co., 
    426 F.3d 1304
    , 1317
    (10th Cir. 2005). Therefore, had the district court not dismissed M r. Keeler’s
    First Action on procedural grounds, his retaliatory termination claim in that action
    would nevertheless have been subject to dismissal for lack of subject-matter
    jurisdiction, regardless of any representation he made about exhaustion of
    administrative remedies. See Mosley v. Pena, 
    100 F.3d 1515
    , 1517, 1519
    (10th Cir. 1996) (affirming dismissal of “prematurely filed” complaint for failure
    to exhaust administrative remedies). Just as M r. Keeler’s representations could
    not make his otherwise-premature claim ripe for filing, we decline to hold that
    they preclude him from litigating his termination claim once his administrative
    remedies were exhausted.
    The district court’s dismissal of M r. Keeler’s retaliatory termination claim
    alleged in his Fourth Charge is REVERSED and REM ANDED for further
    proceedings consistent with this order and judgment. This district court’s
    dism issal of M r. K eeler’s other claims is AFFIRMED.
    Entered for the Court
    John C. Porfilio
    Circuit Judge