Pacheco-Koveleski v. Brown ( 1999 )

  •                                                                         F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    OCT 27 1999
    No. 99-1019
    ____________________________                   (D.C. No. 97-B-2671)
    (D. Colo.)
    KOVELESKI, Chapter 7 Trustee,
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT           *
    Before TACHA , KELLY , and BRISCOE , Circuit Judges.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the determination of
    this appeal. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2); 10th Cir. R. 34.1(G). The case is
    therefore ordered submitted without oral argument.
    Debtors Kirk and Helen Brown appeal the district court’s affirmance of the
    bankruptcy court’s orders (1) granting the trustee an extension of time in which to
    file a complaint objecting to debtors’ discharge, and (2) denying debtors a
    discharge pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §§ 727(a)(2) & (4). We exercise jurisdiction
    pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 158, and affirm.
    Debtors filed bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of Title 11 of the United States
    Code on December 9, 1996. At that time, Mr. Brown was a practicing attorney
    whose office maintained a Colorado Lawyer Trust Account Foundation
    (COLTAF) account. The first creditors’ meeting was set for January 8, 1997, thus
    the trustee had until March 10, 1997, to object to debtors’ discharge.   See Fed. R.
    Bank. P. 4004(a). The bankruptcy court approved counsel for the trustee on
    February 7, 1997.
    A group of five unsecured creditors had previously scheduled a Rule 2004
    creditors’ examination for February 12, 1997. Because the trustee’s counsel had
    just been appointed, the trustee did not attend and participate in the examination.
    The examination was not completed on that date, however, and a continuation was
    scheduled for March 19, 1997, nine days after the deadline for objecting to the
    debtors’ discharge. On March 7, 1997, after reviewing a copy of the examination
    transcript and certain documents received on March 6, 1997, the trustee moved
    for an extension of the deadline for objecting to debtors’ discharge. The group of
    five creditors joined in the trustee’s motion. A hearing was held on April 21,
    1997, at which the requested ninety-day extension was granted.
    The creditors’ examination continued on March 19, 1997, but was not
    completed. On March 27, 1997, the trustee obtained an order for a Rule 2004
    examination to be held on May 14, 1997. On June 6, 1997, the trustee filed her
    complaint objecting to the debtors’ discharge based on debtors’ use and
    subsequent concealment of the COLTAF account. After a trial, the bankruptcy
    court denied debtors’ discharge on December 8, 1997. The district court
    affirmed, and this appeal followed.
    Debtors argue first that the district court erred in finding the bankruptcy
    court did not abuse its discretion by granting the extension.   1
    “We review the
    district and bankruptcy courts’ legal determinations de novo, and the bankruptcy
    Debtors also argue for the first time that they were not provided notice of
    the hearing on the motion to extend. We do not consider bankruptcy issues that
    were not raised in an appeal to the district court, however.  See Walker v. Mather
    (In re Walker) , 
    959 F.2d 894
    , 896 (10th Cir. 1992). Even if we were to consider
    this issue, debtors would lose, because it is apparent that they had actual notice of
    the hearing and were represented by counsel at that proceeding.
    court’s factual findings for clear error.”   IRS v. Craddock (In re Craddock)   , 
    149 F.3d 1249
    , 1255 (10th Cir. 1998). The bankruptcy court’s order granting an
    extension of time is reviewed for an abuse of discretion.    See Pioneer Inv. Servs.,
    Co. v. Brunswick Assocs. Ltd. Partnership      , 
    507 U.S. 380
    , 398 (1993) (reviewing
    extension of bar date under Fed. R. Bank. P. 9006(b)(1) for abuse of discretion).
    We conclude the bankruptcy court did not abuse its discretion. Debtors
    have attempted to prevent inquiry into their use of the COLTAF account from the
    beginning, by failing to disclose the account or their use of it on any of their
    schedules, by seeking a protective order, by claiming the information was
    privileged, and by delaying production of much of the requested documentation
    until after the March 10, 1997 deadline for objecting to their discharge. Debtors
    were responsible also for the delay in continuing the creditor’s Rule 2004
    examination beyond the scheduled deadline based on their attorney’s congested
    calendar. It is clear that denying the motion to extend the deadline would have
    precluded a full and complete examination of debtors and would have permitted
    them to thwart the purpose of the examination procedure.      See In re Solomon , 
    506 F.2d 463
    , 465 (7th Cir. 1974) (approving extension when retaining original
    deadline would have precluded proper examination of debtors);       Northeastern Real
    Estate Secs. Corp. v. Goldstein    , 
    91 F.2d 942
    , 943-44 (2d Cir. 1937) (describing
    considerations for extending deadline to file discharge objections as “whether the
    creditor has had enough time to bring the examination to a conclusion; whether
    anything has yet been unearthed which should be followed up; whether the
    bankrupt has proved recalcitrant or appears to be trying either to rush, or to
    obstruct, the proceeding”);   In re Schultz , 
    134 B.R. 604
    , 606 (Bankr. E.D. Mich.
    1991) (extending deadline for filing discharge complaint when inability to
    examine debtor before deadline was due, in part, to delay by debtor’s attorney);     In
    re Halliwell , 
    130 B.R. 508
    , 509 (Bankr. S.D. Ohio 1991) (extending deadline
    when debtor failed to disclose completely all available information relating to
    dischargeability issues).
    We conclude also that the bankruptcy court did not err in denying debtors a
    discharge. We agree with the district court that debtors failed to challenge
    adequately the bankruptcy court’s denial of a discharge under § 727(a)(4), and
    note that the decision could be affirmed on this ground alone. Nonetheless, after
    carefully reviewing the record, we conclude there is sufficient evidence to support
    the bankruptcy court’s denial of a discharge under either § 727(a)(2) (acting with
    intent to hinder, delay, or defraud creditors) or § 727(a)(4) (knowingly and
    fraudulently making a false oath). The evidence, including an admission by
    Mr. Brown, fully supports the finding that debtors acted with the intent to hinder
    or delay the IRS’ collection of taxes that were due and owing when debtors took
    their actions. The evidence also fully supports the finding that debtors
    knowingly and fraudulently failed to disclose the existence of the COLTAF
    account or their extensive use of that account during the previous year. The
    bankruptcy court did not err, therefore, in denying a discharge to debtors.     2
    The judgment of the district court is AFFIRMED.
    Entered for the Court
    Mary Beck Briscoe
    Circuit Judge
    Debtors also argue that the court erred in denying them a discharge
    because, in retrospect, they did not actually owe a debt to the IRS. As this
    argument was not raised to the district court, it will not be considered on appeal.
    See In re Walker , 959 F.2d at 896. We note, however, that a debt was due and
    owing to the IRS at the time debtors were funneling their income and expenses
    through the client trust account, even if the debt was adjusted later by filing an
    amended 1994 tax return.