United States v. Villaseor , 61 F. App'x 653 ( 2003 )

  •                                                                              F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    APR 21 2003
    __________________________                    PATRICK FISHER
    v.                                                        No. 02-3066
    (D. Kan.)
    FRANCISCO V. VILLASENOR,                       (D.Ct. No. 01-CR-40003-01-RDR)
    Anthony W. Mattivi (Eric F. Melgren, United States Attorney, and Nancy Landis
    Caplinger, Assistant United States Attorney on the brief), Assistant United States
    Attorney, Topeka, Kansas, for Plaintiff-Appellee.
    Robert V. Eye of Irigonegaray & Associates, Topeka, Kansas, for Defendant-
    Before HENRY, Circuit Judge, BRORBY, Senior Circuit Judge, and HARTZ,
    Circuit Judge.
    Francisco Villasenor entered a conditional guilty plea to possession with
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent except under the doctrines of
    law of the case, res judicata and collateral estoppel. The court generally disfavors the
    citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order and judgment may be cited under
    the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    intent to distribute thirteen kilograms of cocaine in violation of 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1). In the plea agreement, Mr. Villasenor reserved the right to appeal
    the district court’s denial of his motion to suppress evidence. The present appeal
    employs this right. We exercise jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    A Kansas Highway Patrol Trooper stopped the Ford Explorer Mr.
    Villasenor was driving after observing it cross the center line several times. A
    female occupied the Explorer’s front passenger seat. As the trooper approached
    the Explorer, he noticed a strong chemical odor. The trooper asked Mr.
    Villasenor for his driver’s license and registration. Mr. Villasenor produced a
    Texas driver’s license and documents showing the Explorer was registered in
    Washington. The Explorer was not registered to either Mr. Villasenor or his
    passenger. Mr. Villasenor first said he owned the Explorer, but later explained he
    was in the process of buying it. Both Mr. Villasenor and his passenger seemed
    excessively nervous for a routine traffic stop.
    The trooper had Mr. Villasenor accompany him to the patrol vehicle. With
    Mr. Villasenor sitting in the front passenger seat, the trooper began to write a
    warning citation. As he was writing, the trooper questioned Mr. Villasenor about
    his travel plans. Mr. Villasenor said he was traveling from Seattle to Florida via
    Kansas City for a vacation. His hands were shaking, and he made little eye
    contact throughout the encounter.
    When the trooper checked the vehicle registration, he learned the Explorer
    had only been registered for two months. Leaving Mr. Villasenor in the patrol
    car, the trooper returned to the Explorer to check the vehicle identification
    number against the number on the vehicle registration. He also stopped to ask the
    passenger about her travel plans. She stated they were driving to Florida. Again,
    the passenger seemed extremely nervous.
    Upon returning to the patrol vehicle, the trooper explained he was only
    going to give Mr. Villasenor a warning citation and it would not cost any money.
    The trooper then asked whether Mr. Villasenor or his companion had any family
    in Florida and inquired about a stop the couple were going to make in Kansas
    City. After receiving answers to these questions, the trooper gave Mr. Villasenor
    the warning citation, returned Mr. Villasenor’s license and registration, and told
    Mr. Villasenor to “have a good trip” and “[t]ake care.”
    As Mr. Villasenor was exiting the patrol vehicle, the trooper said “[d]o you
    mind if I ask you a couple of questions, would that be okay?” Mr. Villasenor
    agreed. The trooper asked whether Mr. Villasenor was carrying anything illegal.
    Mr. Villasenor said he was not. The trooper then asked to search the vehicle, to
    which Mr. Villasenor responded “[s]ure.”
    After they both exited the patrol car, Mr. Villasenor provided the keys to
    the Explorer and the trooper used them to open the back cargo door. Almost
    immediately the trooper noticed a false compartment. The trooper closed the
    door, retrieved his drug dog, and had it circle the vehicle. The dog alerted at the
    back cargo area. The trooper then handcuffed Mr. Villasenor and read him the
    Miranda warning. 1 This entire sequence of events was captured on video tape
    from a camera in the trooper’s vehicle. Law enforcement later discovered twenty-
    nine pounds of cocaine in the false compartment.
    Two days later, a Garden City Police Officer questioned Mr. Villasenor.
    Prior to the questioning, the officer gave the Miranda warning and Mr. Villasenor
    signed a form waiving his Miranda rights. In addition to his oral answers, Mr.
    See Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    Villasenor provided a written statement. The record on appeal does not reflect
    the substance of either the oral answers or the written statement.
    Mr. Villasenor filed a motion in district court seeking to suppress the
    discovered cocaine and Mr. Villasenor’s oral and written statements to the Garden
    City Police Officer. Among other things, he argued the Kansas Highway Patrol
    Trooper’s questioning and subsequent search violated the Fourth Amendment
    because they were not based on a reasonable suspicion or consent. He also
    argued he did not voluntarily and intelligently waive his Miranda rights. The
    district court found Mr. Villasenor “lack[ed] proof that he had permission to
    operate and possess the vehicle”; the trooper “detected a strong unexplainable
    chemical odor from the vehicle; the vehicle was apparently being driven across
    the country; the destination was only vaguely identified; the driver and passenger
    were unusually nervous; and the vehicle had been obtained by the registered
    owner only two months earlier.” United States v. Villasenor, No. 01-40003-01-
    2001 WL 1013325
    , at *3 (D. Kan. Aug. 13, 2001). Based on these
    findings, the court concluded the trooper’s questioning was justified by
    reasonable suspicion. 
     The district court also concluded Mr. Villasenor freely
    and intelligently consented to the trooper’s search of the Explorer. 
    Id. at *4
    . In
    support of this conclusion the district court found the trooper returned Mr.
    Villasenor’s paperwork and Mr. Villasenor “understood ... he was free to go
    because [he] began to exit the trooper’s car.” 
    Id. at *3
    . The court noted there
    was “no evidence of duress or coercion leading to the consent to search” and Mr.
    Villasenor’s consent was “clear and unhesitating.” 
    Id. at *4
    . Finally, the district
    court concluded Mr. Villasenor voluntarily and intelligently waived his Miranda
     Relying on these findings and conclusion, the district court denied Mr.
    Villasenor’s motion to suppress. 
    Id. at *5
    Mr. Villasenor subsequently entered a conditional guilty plea. The district
    court sentenced him to seventy months imprisonment and three years supervised
    Mr. Villasenor raises two issues on appeal. First, he claims the trooper
    violated his Fourth Amendment rights when, after telling him he would receive a
    warning citation, the trooper further questioned him about his travel plans.
    Second, he argues he was detained and could not voluntarily consent to the
    trooper’s search of the Explorer because the trooper “moved almost immediately
    from” returning Mr. Villasenor’s documentation to additional questioning and
    asking for consent to search the vehicle. 2For these reasons, Mr. Villasenor
    believes the district court erred in denying his motion to suppress. Mr. Villasenor
    has not appealed the district court’s decision concerning the waiver of his
    Miranda rights.
    In reviewing he district court’s denial of Mr. Villasenor’s motion to
    suppress, “‘we accept its factual findings unless clearly erroneous and view the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the government.’” United States v. Hill,
    199 F.3d 1143
    , 1147 (10th Cir. 1999) (quoting United States v. Hargus, 
    128 F.3d 1358
    , 1361 (10th Cir. 1997), cert. denied, 
    523 U.S. 1029
     (1998)), cert. denied,
    531 U.S. 830
     (2000). However, the determination of whether the trooper’s
    conduct was unreasonable and therefore in violation of the Fourth Amendment “is
    a question of law which we review de novo.” 
    The Fourth Amendment protects people from “unreasonable searches and
    seizures.” U.S. Const. amend. IV. “A traffic stop is a ‘seizure’ within the
    meaning of the Fourth Amendment, even though the purpose of the stop is limited
    Although, Mr. Villasenor’s brief purportedly raises three issues, two of the
    issues deal with whether the trooper acted properly when he asked for permission to
    search the Explorer.
    and the resulting detention quite brief.” United States v. Hunnicutt, 
    135 F.3d 1345
    , 1348 (10th Cir. 1998) (quotation marks and citation omitted). To determine
    the reasonableness of a traffic stop, we must ask whether the trooper’s actions
    were “‘reasonably related in scope to the circumstances which justified [the
     (quoting Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 20 (1968)). We have repeatedly
    held it is reasonable for a trooper conducting a routine traffic stop to “request a
    driver’s license and vehicle registration, run a computer check, and issue a
     at 1349 (citing United States v. Gonzalez-Lerma, 
    14 F.3d 1479
    1483 (10th Cir. 1994)). The stop must “‘last no longer than is necessary to
    effectuate [its purpose].’” 
     (quoting Florida v. Royer, 
    460 U.S. 491
    , 500
    The trooper may asks questions beyond the scope of the initial purpose of
    the stop in two instances. “First, the officer may detain the driver for questioning
    unrelated to the initial stop if he has an objectively reasonable and articulable
    suspicion illegal activity has occurred or is occurring.” 
     (citing United States
    v. Soto, 
    988 F.2d 1548
    , 1554 (10th Cir. 1993)). “Second, further questioning
    unrelated to the initial stop is permissible if the initial detention has become a
    consensual encounter.” 
     (citing Gonzalez-Lerma, 
    14 F.3d at 1483
    ). Mr.
    Villasenor argues neither of these alternatives supports the trooper’s questioning
    and search of the Explorer in this case. We address each argument in turn.
    I.    Reasonable Suspicion
    Mr. Villasenor first argues the “questioning that occurred after [the trooper]
    determined that Mr. Villasenor was free to proceed with only a warning ticket
    was, at that point, impermissible because [the trooper] had no objective
    articulable evidence of criminal conduct attributable to Mr. Villasenor.”We
    conclude the questioning was proper.
    “A variety of factors may contribute to the formation of an objectively
    reasonable suspicion of illegal activity” justifying further detention and
     A reasonable suspicion justifying further questioning exists
    when the driver has no proof of ownership or authority to operate the vehicle.
     Extreme nervousness, when combined with other factors, also can be a
    basis for reasonable suspicion. See Soto, 
    988 F.2d at
    1556 & n.4. A reasonable
    suspicion is “distinct from an inchoate and unparticularized suspicion or hunch.”
    United States v. Valles, 
    292 F.3d 678
    , 680 (10th Cir. 2002) (quotation marks and
    citation omitted). Ultimately, we must assess reasonable suspicion in light of the
    “totality of the circumstances.” United States v. Arvizu, 
    534 U.S. 266
    , 273
    In this case, the district court found Mr. Villasenor did not provide “proof
    that he had permission to operate and possess the vehicle.” Villasenor, 
    2001 WL 1013325
    , at *3. Mr. Villasenor acknowledges the “vehicle registration problem”
    allowed the trooper to question him about his travel plans. The problem, as Mr.
    Villasenor sees it, is the trooper continued his questions after Mr. Villasenor had
    “explained away” the problem. Mr. Villasenor contends the trooper should have
    ceased questioning when his companion confirmed the couple was headed to
    Florida. He claims that at this point, the trooper had only a “generalized inchoate
    hunch that ‘something illegal’ was happening.” Furthermore, according to Mr.
    Villasenor, the trooper’s “announcement, upon reentering the patrol car, that only
    a warning ticket would be issued is objective evidence of his determination that
    the factors he considered incriminating were inadequate to justify” further
    Unsurprisingly, Mr. Villasenor’s position lacks case law support. Mr.
    Villasenor offers no case law suggesting that, in the absence of any objective
    evidence such as a bill of sale, a trooper must take a driver’s word as proof he has
    authority to operate a vehicle. Likewise, Mr. Villasenor has not cited cases
    holding troopers must ignore other suspicious circumstances, such as extreme
    nervousness or vague travel plans, once travel companions give consistent stories.
    Such facts are merely part of the entire picture a court must evaluate when
    considering the totality of the circumstances. Cf. 
    As to Mr. Villasenor’s argument that the trooper’s announcement he would
    only receive a warning constitutes “objective evidence” the trooper did not have
    authority to ask further questions, we flatly disagree. We remind Mr. Villasenor
    we must view the evidence “in the light most favorable to the government.” Hill,
    199 F.3d at 1147
    . Although the trooper told Mr. Villasenor he would only receive
    a warning, the trooper did not immediately give him the written warning or return
    the registration documents. Instead, the trooper sought to further clarify Mr.
    Villasenor’s travel plans. This suggests the officer was not completely satisfied
    with the previous vague answers Mr. Villasenor and his companion provided.
    Consequently, the trooper’s actions do not amount to “objective evidence” no
    reasonable suspicion of criminal activity existed.
    Thus, Mr. Villasenor has failed to persuade us the district court was clearly
    erroneous in finding he did not provide proof of his authority to operate the
    vehicle. Here, the circumstances provided more than a mere “hunch” Mr.
    Villasenor was engaged in criminal activity. See Valles, 
    292 F.3d at 680
    . Mr.
    Villasenor’s failure to provide proof of his authorization to operate the Explorer,
    combined with his nervous behavior and vague answers to initial questions about
    his travel plans, provided a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity sufficient to
    support the trooper’s questions. 3
    II.    Consensual Encounter
    Mr. Villasenor next argues the trooper, after returning his license and
    registration, should have allowed him to continue on his way. He faults the
    trooper for asking whether he was transporting anything illegal and for seeking
    permission to search the Explorer. In Mr. Villasenor’s estimation, the questioning
    was not supported by a reasonable suspicion and the encounter was not
    consensual. Specifically, Mr. Villasenor argues the encounter was not consensual
    even though the trooper had returned his documents because the trooper “used
    equivocal phrases such as ‘have a good trip’ and ‘take care’ as he immediately
    segued into his request for further questioning.”
    As mentioned earlier, the district court relied on additional facts, like the
    chemical odor, in concluding the trooper’s questions were supported by a reasonable
    suspicion of criminal behavior. On appeal, Mr. Villasenor offers reasons why these
    additional facts did not support a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. Even
    assuming these facts amounted to nothing more than innocent behavior, we conclude Mr.
    Villasenor’s lack of proof of authority to operate the vehicle, excessive nervousness, and
    vague answers created a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.
    We have previously held a routine traffic stop becomes a consensual
    encounter once the trooper has returned the driver’s documentation so long as “‘a
    reasonable person under the circumstances would believe he was free to leave or
    disregard the officer’s request for information.’” United States v. Elliot, 
    107 F.3d 810
    , 814 (10th Cir. 1997) (quoting United States v. McKneely, 
    6 F.3d 1447
    , 1451
    (10th Cir. 1993)). A trooper may ask questions unsupported by a reasonable
    suspicion during a consensual encounter. See Gonzalez-Lerma, 143 F.3d at 1483.
    Furthermore, a search does not violate the Fourth Amendment when a person
    agrees to the search during a consensual encounter. See United States v. Pena,
    143 F.3d 1363
    , 1366 (10th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    525 U.S. 903
     (1998). Whether a
    person gives consent “is a question of fact and is determined from the totality of
    the circumstances.” 
    Applying these principles, we conclude the traffic stop became a
    consensual encounter. In this case, it is undisputed the trooper returned Mr.
    Villasenor’s documentation. The district court found the trooper told Mr.
    Villasenor to “have a good trip” and “[t]ake care.” Villasenor, 
    2001 WL 1013325
    , at *3. The district court also found Mr. Villasenor began to exit the
    patrol car. 
     Mr. Villasenor does not challenge these findings. Instead, he
    argues he did not know he was free to go because the trooper used “equivocal
    phrases.” Considering these circumstances, we hold a reasonable person would
    believe he was free to leave. Because the encounter was consensual, the trooper
    could ask Mr. Villasenor additional questions and seek permission to search the
    Explorer. 4
    Mr. Villasenor appears to argue his consent was not voluntary because the
    trooper “control[led]” the situation. He argues the trooper should have
    “empowered” him “with the knowledge that he could refuse to answer questions
    and refuse the search.” Although the trooper did not inform Mr. Villasenor of his
    right to refuse to allow the search, proof of knowledge of the right to refuse
    consent is not a “necessary prerequisite to demonstrating a ‘voluntary’ consent.”
    Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 
    412 U.S. 218
    , 232-33 (1973). Instead, we look at the
    totality of the circumstances. See 
     The district court found there was “no
    evidence of duress or coercion leading to the consent to search” and Mr.
    Villasenor’s consent was “clear and unhesitating.” Villasenor, 
    2001 WL 4
    Mr. Villasenor also argues “[t]here must be a sufficient attenuation between an
    alleged detention and a consent to search.” In support of his argument he cites United
    States v. Gonzalez, 
    763 F.2d 1127
    , 1133 (10th Cir. 1985). Gonzalez held “if there is
    sufficient attenuation between an illegal detention and a consent to search, the search may
    be valid despite the prior illegal acts of the officer.” 
     Gonzalez is not applicable here,
    and the government need not prove attenuation, because Mr. Villasenor’s consent was not
    preceded by an illegal detention or other Fourth Amendment violation. See supra Part I.
    1013325, at *4. Mr. Villasenor has not challenged the district court’s findings.
    Under these circumstances, we conclude the district court correctly found Mr.
    Villasenor consented to the trooper’s search.
    For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the district court’s denial of Mr.
    Villasenor’s motion to suppress evidence.
    Entered by the Court:
    United States Circuit Judge