Ronald David Jones v. Keith Dowdell , 683 F. App'x 819 ( 2017 )

  •              Case: 16-12316   Date Filed: 03/29/2017   Page: 1 of 9
    No. 16-12316
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 4:15-cv-00081-RH-CAS
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Commissioner District One,
    Customer Service Director, City
    of Quincy,
    City Manager, City of Quincy,
    Customer Service Director,
    Code Enforcement City of Quincy,
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Case: 16-12316         Date Filed: 03/29/2017         Page: 2 of 9
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Florida
    (March 29, 2017)
    Before MARTIN, JULIE CARNES, and ANDERSON, Circuit Judges.
    Plaintiff Ronald Jones (“Plaintiff”), proceeding pro se and in forma
    pauperis, filed an action under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , alleging various constitutional
    and state law violations against several individuals employed by the City of
    Quincy, Florida. The district court dismissed Plaintiff’s claim sua sponte under 28
    U.S.C § 1915(e)(2)(B)(ii) 1 for failing to state a claim on which relief may be
    granted. Upon review, we affirm the district court’s dismissal of Plaintiff’s action.
    A. Factual Background
    Plaintiff claims that on August 10, 2007, “Community Action” paid the
    balance of Plaintiff’s outstanding utilities bill, $775, after Plaintiff made a $3.01
    payment. According to city records, however, a balance remained on Plaintiff’s
    account, and power to his home was supposed to be shut off on that day, although
    Plaintiff claims it was not.
    Section 1915(e)(2)(B)(ii) states that “the court shall dismiss [an in forma pauperis] case at any
    time if the court determines that . . . the action or appeal . . . fails to state a claim on which relief
    may be granted.”
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    On June 5, 2008, two city employees—neither of whom are defendants in
    this case—complained to police that Plaintiff’s residence was receiving power,
    even though power should have been disconnected. The responding officer
    contacted Defendant Ms. Clemey, 2 who confirmed to the officer that Plaintiff was
    the current tenant and was not supposed to be receiving power as of August 10,
    2007. The officer concluded there was enough evidence to request a warrant for
    utilities theft. The city employees subsequently shut off the utilities at Plaintiff’s
    residence. When Plaintiff returned home that night, his neighbor informed him
    that the police and a “meter reader” had come to his house and cut off the lights.
    Plaintiff met with Defendant Ann Sherman when he inquired about his
    utilities the next day. Sherman told Plaintiff that the utilities were cut because
    there was an outstanding bill of $1481.57. Plaintiff indicated that he did not have
    money to pay the outstanding bill, but wanted his power restored anyway.
    Sherman informed Plaintiff that he would need to get a new account in his name to
    have his utilities restored, but he would still be responsible for the outstanding bill.
    Unable to pay for two bills, Plaintiff only paid on the second account.
    Plaintiff does not include Ms. Clemey’s first name in the complaint.
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    Plaintiff was arrested for theft of utilities on February 21, 2012—under the
    warrant issued in June 2008—and posted bail.3 Plaintiff visited Defendant Jack
    McLean, then City Manager, and Sherman on March 12, 2012, and showed the
    August 10, 2007 receipt indicating his utilities bill was paid in full. Sherman was
    not able to find a cut-off order for Plaintiff’s property for that date, prompting
    McLean to allegedly concede that the city had no case against Plaintiff. Plaintiff
    appeared in court the following day. The State Attorney declined to prosecute the
    case after the judge allegedly criticized the city for proceeding under a years-old
    warrant. Plaintiff claims that he reached a settlement with McLean, but that
    McLean was fired before Plaintiff could receive his settlement.
    At some point prior to McLean’s termination, Defendant Greg Taylor, a
    code enforcement employee, went to Plaintiff’s residence and mentioned that
    neighbors were complaining about Holy Ghost Temple, a church that Plaintiff
    started and runs from his home. Taylor allegedly told Plaintiff that he intended to
    meet with McLean to have Holy Ghost Temple shut down because he was certain
    that Plaintiff was violating some city ordinance. Plaintiff alleges that Taylor, along
    with other city officials, had devised the plan to have him falsely arrested for theft
    Plaintiff brought a false arrest claim previously against the officers who obtained the warrant
    and arrested him, but it was dismissed with prejudice for failure to state a claim. A panel of this
    Court affirmed the dismissal in an unpublished opinion, concluding that the face of the complaint
    showed there was probable cause to arrest Plaintiff. Jones v. Brown, 
    649 F. App'x 889
    , 890, 892
    (11th Cir. 2016).
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    of utilities as part of the city’s “harassing [him] about Holy Ghost Temple and
    trying to shut [him] down in violation of [his] right to religious freedom.” 4
    B. Procedural History
    Plaintiff has filed well over a dozen cases stemming from these events.
    Plaintiff’s amended complaint against Defendants alleges violations of the First,
    Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments, as well as a state law claim for defamation of
    character. 5 The magistrate judge recommended that Plaintiff’s amended complaint
    be summarily dismissed for failure to state a claim and noted that the case was
    frivolous. Over Plaintiff’s objection, the district court adopted the magistrate
    judge’s Report and Recommendation and dismissed the case with prejudice.
    Plaintiff timely appealed.
    In his brief, Plaintiff alleges that the harassment by the city includes attempts to kill him:
    They use chemical and biological weapons against Plaintiff. The City of Quincy
    tampers with Plaintiff[’s] car trying to kill Plaintiff and make it look like an
    accident. The[y] put over 100,000 killer bees at Holy Ghost Temple and all kinds
    of exotic snakes, fire ants, and all kinds of poison. The City of Quincy is guilty of
    attempted murder.
    Plaintiff also raises several other complaints for the first time on appeal: malicious
    prosecution, attempted murder, and equal protection violations. Because these allegations were
    made for the first time on appeal and were not raised before the district court, we need not
    consider them further. See, e.g., Access Now, Inc. v. Sw. Airlines Co., 
    385 F.3d 1324
    , 1331 (11th
    Cir. 2004).
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    A. Applicable Standards
    We review de novo the district court’s dismissal of a complaint for failure to
    state a claim under § 1915(e)(2)(B)(ii). Troville v. Venz, 
    303 F.3d 1256
    , 1259
    (11th Cir. 2002). Pro se complaints are held to less stringent standards than are
    pleadings drafted by an attorney. Wright v. Newsome, 
    795 F.2d 964
    , 967 (11th Cir.
    To survive a motion to dismiss, Plaintiff’s complaint must state a claim that
    is plausible on its face, which requires Plaintiff to “plead[] factual content that
    allows the court to draw the reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the
    misconduct alleged.” Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009). While “detailed
    factual allegations” are not required, a complaint must offer “more than a sheer
    possibility that a defendant has acted unlawfully.” 
     Accordingly, “[t]hreadbare
    recitals of the elements of a cause of action, supported by mere conclusory
    statements, do not suffice.” 
     In other words, pleadings that “are no more than
    conclusions[] are not entitled to the assumption of truth.” 
    Id. at 679
    B. Plaintiff’s Federal Claims
    As discussed below, we agree with the district court that Plaintiff has failed
    to allege any constitutional violations against each of the Defendants in this case.
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    1. Keith Dowdell and Jack McLean
    Plaintiff has not alleged any facts that suggest Defendant Keith Dowdell 6 or
    McLean violated Plaintiff’s constitutional rights. In addition, as Plaintiff concedes,
    § 1983 does not provide for liability under a theory of respondeat superior.
    Cottone v. Jenne, 
    326 F.3d 1352
    , 1360 (11th Cir. 2003). So even if employees
    under Dowdell’s or McLean’s supervision violated the Constitution, Dowdell and
    McLean would not be liable under § 1983 unless there was a causal connection
    between their actions and the unconstitutional conduct. Id. Plaintiff alleges no
    facts to support such a connection. Plaintiff has therefore failed to state a claim
    against Dowdell or McLean.
    2. Ann Sherman
    The only interaction between Plaintiff and Sherman occurred in the context
    of Plaintiff inquiring about his utilities and outstanding account balances. Nothing
    in Plaintiff’s complaint suggests that Sherman was involved in Plaintiff’s arrest or
    any alleged infringement of his First Amendment rights. Plaintiff has therefore
    failed to state a claim against Sherman.
    Dowdell only appears in Plaintiff’s narrative when Dowdell came to Plaintiff’s house while
    campaigning for reelection and encouraged Plaintiff to collect a city-issued check from the
    interim city manager, who had Plaintiff’s name on a list.
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    3. Ms. Clemey
    Ms. Clemey is the only Defendant in this case connected with Plaintiff’s
    arrest, but Plaintiff has no Fourth Amendment claim against her because she is not
    the arresting officer here. 7 In addition, Plaintiff admits that his account had an
    outstanding balance of over $1400 the day after the police investigated him for
    utilities theft, which contradicts Plaintiff’s allegation that Clemey gave false
    information about the status of his account to the police. Because Plaintiff’s
    complaint also fails to allege any facts to show that Clemey has violated Plaintiff’s
    First Amendment rights, Plaintiff’s complaint fails to state a claim against her.
    4. Greg Taylor
    Plaintiff’s claims against Greg Taylor amount to nothing more than an
    unsupported conclusory allegation that Taylor was part of a conspiracy to have
    Plaintiff arrested. No facts are alleged to support this claim, nor any facts that
    otherwise connect Taylor to Plaintiff’s arrest. Nor are there any facts alleged that
    connect Plaintiff’s arrest to his religious practice. Plaintiff has therefore failed to
    allege a constitutional violation against Taylor.
    False arrest claims based on a lack of probable cause and asserted under the Fourth
    Amendment—which is Plaintiff’s claim here—lie against the arresting officers. See Ortega v.
    85 F.3d 1521
    , 1526 (11th Cir. 1996) (“Where a police officer lacks probable cause to
    make an arrest, the arrestee has a claim under section 1983 for false imprisonment based on a
    detention pursuant to that arrest. This false imprisonment claim under section 1983 is grounded
    in the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee against unreasonable seizures.” (internal citations
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    C. State Law Defamation Claim
    The district court properly dismissed Plaintiff’s state law claim, as the
    federal claims were eliminated early in litigation and only a state law claim
    remained. See Carnegie-Mellon Univ. v. Cohill, 
    484 U.S. 343
    , 350 (1988). On
    appeal, Plaintiff makes no arguments about the propriety of this dismissal, or
    whether the district court should have dismissed his state law claim without
    prejudice, rather than with prejudice. Plaintiff has thus abandoned this issue. See
    Timson v. Sampson, 
    518 F.3d 870
    , 874 (11th Cir. 2008).
    Despite the liberal construction afforded Plaintiff’s complaint because of his
    pro se status, Plaintiff has failed to state any viable claims against the Defendants.
    Accordingly, the district court properly dismissed Plaintiff’s claim, and the district
    court’s judgement is AFFIRMED.