John C. Tomberlin v. NCP Bayou 2, LLC ( 2021 )

  •        USCA11 Case: 20-10776     Date Filed: 05/05/2021   Page: 1 of 5
    No. 20-10776
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 2:17-cv-00872-ECM
    Bkcy. No. 16-bk-10168
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Alabama
    (May 5, 2021)
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    Before WILSON, ROSENBAUM, and GRANT, Circuit Judges.
    John Tomberlin was deeply in debt. In 2014, an Ohio court entered a
    judgment against him for more than $20,000,000, after he had defaulted on a loan
    to Multibank (successor-in-interest to appellee, NCP Bayou 2). And, to make
    matters worse, the IRS had been after him for years to pay more than $306,000 in
    unpaid taxes (including interest and penalties). So in 2015, when the IRS levied
    against his personal bank accounts, Tomberlin found himself in a difficult
    situation. If he continued to deposit his income into his personal accounts, he
    worried that the IRS would again garnish those funds, leaving him with nothing to
    pay his bills, much less his creditors. So with the advice of counsel, he started to
    use the corporate bank account of a business he owned—South Alabama
    Diagnostic Imaging, PC (SADI)—as his personal checking account. He deposited
    his salary into that account and withdrew funds from it to pay his phone bills,
    insurance premiums, mortgage, and credit cards.
    Though this allowed Tomberlin to “get-by financially” while he prepared to
    file for bankruptcy, the bankruptcy court later determined that this action also
    disqualified him from having his indebtedness discharged under 
    11 U.S.C. § 727
    Tomberlin unsuccessfully appealed that decision to the district court, and he now
    asks us to reverse the bankruptcy court’s order.
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    In an appeal from a bankruptcy proceeding, we “independently examine the
    bankruptcy court’s factual and legal determinations, applying the same standards
    of review as the district court.” In re Coady, 
    588 F.3d 1312
    , 1315 (11th Cir.
    2009). That means we “review the bankruptcy court’s factual findings for clear
    error and its resolution of any legal questions de novo.” 
    Debtors who file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy are offered an opportunity at a
    “fresh start”—a discharge of their debts—as long as they abide by certain rules. In
    re Mitchell, 
    633 F.3d 1319
    , 1326 (11th Cir. 2011). That is, under § 727(a)(2)(A),
    the bankruptcy court “shall grant the debtor a discharge, unless” the “debtor, with
    intent to hinder, delay, or defraud a creditor” has “transferred, removed, destroyed,
    mutilated, or concealed” his property “within one year before the date of the filing
    of the [bankruptcy] petition.” 
    11 U.S.C. § 727
    (a)(2)(A) (emphasis added). To
    successfully object to a discharge, a creditor must show by a preponderance of the
    evidence “(1) that the act complained of was done within one year prior to the date
    the petition was filed, (2) with actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud a creditor,
    (3) that the act was that of the debtor, and (4) that the act consisted [of]
    transferring, removing, destroying, or concealing any of the debtor’s property.” In
    re Jennings, 
    533 F.3d 1333
    , 1339 (11th Cir. 2008).
    Here, the bankruptcy court found that Tomberlin was not entitled to a
    discharge because he intended to hinder or delay payment to the IRS when he
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    channeled his personal income into his corporate account. And on appeal,
    Tomberlin admits that the first, third, and fourth elements were established. He
    argues only that he lacked the requisite intent—an argument he frames both as
    legal and factual.
    First, the alleged legal error. Tomberlin says that his intent—an “intent to
    get-by financially”—was not the type of intent Congress “considered so abusive”
    that it merited denial of a discharge. He claims that he “never misrepresented or
    actively concealed the nature of what he was doing to or from anyone; nor did he
    otherwise evidence intent to deceive or mislead his creditors (particularly the
    IRS).” He also says that he had no “nefarious intent to hinder or delay the IRS.”
    All that the evidence showed, he says, was that he “intended to prevent the IRS
    levying his personal funds so that he could continue operating (in a financial
    capacity) both professionally and personally.”
    Unfortunately for Tomberlin, that is all that the evidence needed to show: an
    intent to delay or hinder (i.e. “prevent”) the IRS from levying his personal funds.
    11 U.S.C. § 727
    (a)(2)(A). He posits that because he had a good reason for
    delaying payment to the IRS—he needed to “protect” his money to “get-by
    financially”—that he should still be entitled to a discharge. But even if he had
    logical reasons for postponing payment, it does not change the fact that he intended
    to delay the IRS’s collection. And such intent places him outside an entitlement to
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    a discharge under § 727. See In re Smiley, 
    864 F.2d 562
    , 568 (7th Cir. 1989)
    (affirming a denial of discharge when the debtor “intended to hinder or delay his
    creditors, even if he had no intent to defraud them”).
    We also find no clear error in the bankruptcy court’s factual finding that
    Tomberlin intended to delay or hinder the IRS. In re Kane, 
    755 F.3d 1285
    , 1298
    (11th Cir. 2014). As the court observed, his own testimony made this fact
    abundantly clear, as he testified that he used the “SADI account instead of personal
    accounts as a way to ‘protect’ his money.” There is nothing clearly erroneous in
    the court’s finding that using the SADI account to “‘protect’ the money and
    prevent garnishment” constituted an intent to “hinder or delay a creditor.”