United States v. Tiffany Smith , 697 F. App'x 944 ( 2017 )

  •              Case: 15-15550    Date Filed: 06/15/2017   Page: 1 of 26
    No. 15-15550
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 1:14-cr-20527-MGC-1
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    a.k.a. Tiffany Campbell,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (June 15, 2017)
    Before TJOFLAT, WILLIAM PRYOR, and JULIE CARNES, Circuit Judges.
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    Defendant Tiffany Smith (“Defendant”) appeals her conviction for access
    device fraud and aggravated identity theft. She cites various errors by the district
    court, including making incorrect evidentiary rulings, improperly limiting cross-
    examination, and expressing disbelief in Defendant’s testimony through questions
    posed to Defendant. Defendant also alleges prosecutorial misconduct, and
    challenges the district court’s calculation of the victim’s losses in determining her
    sentence. Finding no error by the court or misconduct by the prosecution, we
    Defendant was indicted by a grand jury for access device fraud, in violation
    18 U.S.C. § 1029
    (a)(5), and aggravated identity theft, in violation of 18 U.S.C.
    § 1028A(a)(1). The indictment indicated that Defendant had knowingly, and with
    the intent to defraud, used another person’s credit card, bank account numbers, and
    means of identification to receive payment or things of value.
    During the five-day jury trial in November 2014, Dr. John Nordt, an
    orthopedic spine surgeon and Defendant’s victim, testified that Defendant began
    working as the office manager of his medical practice in September 2008. Dr.
    Nordt added Defendant as an authorized signer to the office check book in
    December, though Defendant’s authorization was limited to checks issued for
    business purposes. The office also had several credit cards that Defendant was not
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    authorized to use at all. By May 2009, Dr. Nordt had become concerned that there
    was not enough money to run the office. By September 2009, Dr. Nordt became
    aware that Defendant had written unauthorized checks from the office account.
    Dr. Nordt later discovered that Defendant had used his name, birth date, and social
    security number to open a “Bill-Me-Later” account.1 The Bill-Me-Later account,
    as well as office credit cards, had been used without the doctor’s knowledge or
    authorization to make online purchases that totaled thousands of dollars and that
    included electronics, gifts, flowers, and furniture, much of which was shipped to
    Defendant’s address or to her friends and family. Dr. Nordt reported Defendant’s
    actions to the police and the United States Secret Service in September 2009,
    shortly after he fired Defendant.
    Defendant testified in her own defense. According to Defendant, Dr.
    Nordt’s office sent flowers to referral sources, and she was permitted to use
    business accounts to purchase flowers and gifts for personal use so long as she
    reimbursed Dr. Nordt. She claimed that she set up the Bill-Me-Later account at
    Dr. Nordt’s request so that he could buy a gift for his wife, and Defendant never
    used the account for personal purposes. Defendant testified that she only made
    purchases using business accounts for office purposes or with Dr. Nordt’s
    Bill-Me-Later is a service that extends a line of credit and allows the account holder to make
    online purchases without having to input personal credit card information directly.
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    The jury found Defendant guilty of both access device fraud and aggravated
    identity theft. After adding various sentencing enhancements under the Sentencing
    Guidelines, the court ultimately calculated a total offense level of 12 and a criminal
    history category of I to arrive at a guideline range of 10 to 16 months. The court
    imposed a 10-month sentence on the count charging access device fraud. It
    imposed a statutorily mandated 24-month consecutive sentence for her aggravated
    identity theft conviction. See 18 U.S.C. § 1028A(a)(1). Defendant appeals her
    conviction and sentence.
    On appeal, Defendant challenges several of the court’s evidentiary rulings.
    Defendant also challenges the court’s limitation of her cross-examination of Dr.
    Nordt, its refusal to allow her to enter what she claims to be a vital stipulation, and
    its questioning of Defendant during her testimony. Defendant also argues that the
    Government made inappropriate remarks during its closing statement that bolstered
    witness testimony, argued facts not in evidence, and impermissibly shifted the
    burden of proof to Defendant. Finally, Defendant challenges the district court’s
    calculation of loss in determining her sentence.
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    I.    Challenged District Court Rulings
    A.     Evidentiary Rulings
    A district court’s evidentiary rulings are reviewed for an abuse of discretion.
    United States v. Henderson, 
    409 F.3d 1293
    , 1297 (11th Cir. 2005). Even if the
    district court errs in its decision to admit or exclude evidence, we do not reverse if
    the error was harmless. United States v. Azmat, 
    805 F.3d 1018
    , 1041 (11th Cir.
    2015), cert. denied, 
    136 S. Ct. 2012
     (2016). Errors are not harmless when “there is
    a reasonable likelihood that they affected the defendant’s substantial rights,” but
    “where an error had no substantial influence on the outcome, and sufficient
    evidence uninfected by error supports the verdict, reversal is not warranted.”
    United States v. Hawkins, 
    905 F.2d 1489
    , 1493 (11th Cir. 1990).
    B.     Check Printouts
    Defendant was not charged with fraud based on her writing office checks.
    Nonetheless, she attempted to introduce into evidence a printout copy of checks
    written from the doctor’s business account, some of which were annotated with
    “F” or “fraud.” Defendant had received these printouts during Dr. Nordt’s civil
    suit against her. Dr. Nordt testified that he did not make the annotations himself,
    and acknowledged that some of the checks were proper charges. Defendant
    claimed that this showed that Dr. Nordt had lied about Defendant’s unauthorized
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    writing of checks because some checks that Dr. Nordt said were legitimate had
    been marked fraudulent on the printout.
    The district court ruled that Defendant had not established that it was Dr.
    Nordt who had marked the checks and, absent that showing, there could be no
    inference that Dr. Nordt had made a prior inconsistent statement. Accordingly, the
    court excluded the check printouts as irrelevant. Defendant argues on appeal that
    the check printouts were necessary for the presentation of her defense because they
    gave the jury a complete picture of what happened and impeached Dr. Nordt’s
    A defendant has the constitutional right to present her defense, which
    includes the right to “to introduce evidence that, while not directly or indirectly
    relevant to an element of an offense or affirmative defense, attacks the credibility
    of important government witnesses” or to “complete the picture” when the
    “government’s selective presentation of entirely truthful evidence can cast a
    defendant in an inaccurate, unfavorable light.” United States v. Hurn, 
    368 F.3d 1359
    , 1366–67 (11th Cir. 2004). Still, the extent of a defendant’s rights are not
    unlimited. Such evidence must be relevant. See Taylor v. Illinois, 
    484 U.S. 400
    410 (1988) (“The accused does not have an unfettered right to offer testimony that
    is . . . otherwise inadmissible under standard rules of evidence.”); see also Hurn,
    368 F.3d at 1367
     (“[E]vidence introduced to ‘complete’ a potentially misleading
    Case: 15-15550     Date Filed: 06/15/2017   Page: 7 of 26
    story offered by the government is pertinent only when it might color a jury’s
    assessment of the material facts of the case.”). Further, the court has wide
    discretion to limit cross-examination that would result in “confusing . . . issues”
    and “interrogation that is repetitive or only marginally relevant.” Delaware v. Van
    475 U.S. 673
    , 679 (1986).
    Defendant was given wide latitude in questioning Dr. Nordt about the
    printouts and whether he marked them, which resulted in the jury learning that the
    checks were annotated in a way that indicated someone’s view that certain checks
    were fraudulent even though some of these checks were properly written. Even
    without admission of the printouts themselves, Defendant’s cross-examination of
    Dr. Nordt revealed her theory that it was he who had incorrectly annotated the
    checks and who has thus lied about Defendant’s wrongdoing. Thus, Defendant’s
    right to present a defense was not infringed. Further, Defendant never established
    who actually annotated the check copies or that Dr. Nordt had alleged through the
    annotations that the checks were fraudulent. Thus, the checks would not have
    helped Defendant impeach Dr. Nordt’s testimony. Nor is it the case that admitting
    the checks would have changed the outcome of the trial, as Defendant’s conviction
    rested on her creation and use of the Bill-Me-Later account and company credit
    cards, not her unauthorized writing of checks. Accordingly, the district court did
    not abuse its discretion in declining to admit the check printouts.
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    C.     Police Reports
    In another effort to impeach Dr. Nordt, Defendant sought to introduce
    evidence of police reports filed by Dr. Nordt alleging theft, trespass, and property
    damage against four former employees between 2010 and 2013. Defendant argued
    that these records showed Dr. Nordt had a pattern of “crying wolf” by going to the
    police and claiming to be a victim of his employees. Such behavior, Defendant
    argued, made less believable Dr. Nordt’s claim that Defendant had defrauded him.
    Notably, Defendant acknowledged that she did not intend to show that Dr. Nordt’s
    allegations against these employees were actually false. With no evidence or even
    an allegation that the reports were false, the district court disallowed inquiry into
    the police reports, though it eventually allowed limited inquiry into one allegation
    of credit card theft in 2013 (which Dr. Nordt admitted to making), as it was
    factually similar to Defendant’s case.
    Defendant argues the reports should have been admitted to allow Defendant
    to present a defense and cross-examine and impeach Dr. Nordt, as well as under
    Fed. R. Evid. 404. We disagree. First, the reports describe conduct that happened
    after Defendant left Dr. Nordt’s employ, and none of them shed any light on the
    facts at issue. Admittedly, a defendant can be allowed to present evidence that
    attacks the credibility of a government witness like Dr. Nordt. Hurn, 
    368 F.3d at
    Case: 15-15550       Date Filed: 06/15/2017       Page: 9 of 26
    1366. Yet, without evidence that these reports were false, the reports do not
    support an attack on Dr. Nordt’s credibility.
    As to Rule 404(a), while evidence of a person’s character trait is usually
    inadmissible to show that a person acted in accordance with that trait, a criminal
    defendant can offer evidence of an alleged victim’s pertinent trait. Fed. R. Evid.
    404(a). Without evidence of their falsity, however, the police reports do not show
    Dr. Nordt’s tendency to “cry wolf” or “play” a victim, as opposed to actually being
    a victim. Being an actual victim of crime is not a character trait that would affect
    Dr. Nordt’s credibility, and so Rule 404(a) does not help Defendant here.
    Nor does Rule 404(b) support Defendant’s argument. Defendant argues that
    Rule 404(b) allowed admission of the records to show Dr. Nordt’s intent to blame
    former employees for his financial problems and his motive to lie. 2 Again, without
    evidence of falsity, there is no indication that these reports demonstrate such intent.
    In short, the district court did not abuse its discretion in excluding the police
    Rule 404(b) provides that “[e]vidence of a crime, wrong, or other act is not admissible to prove
    a person’s character in order to show that on a particular occasion the person acted in accordance
    with the character,” though in a criminal case, “[t]his evidence may be admissible for another
    purpose, such as proving motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity,
    absence of mistake, or lack of accident.” Fed. R. Evid. 404(b).
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    D.      Delivery Slips
    The court admitted as a Government exhibit documents certified as business
    records by the vendors from whom Defendant made purchases. For a few of these
    business records, vendors had certified documents that the Government had
    collected and shown to the company. Included in these documents were delivery
    confirmation slips for cameras and two GPS devices, which investigating agents
    had attached to the subpoena and submitted to the vendors to determine whether
    the latter could certify these as business records. Defendant challenges the
    admission of the proofs of delivery, arguing that they were not regularly kept
    business records, as required by Fed. R. Evid. 803(6) to constitute a valid hearsay
    “[T]he touchstone of admissibility under Rule 803(6) is reliability,” and the
    district court has “broad discretion to determine the admissibility of such
    evidence.” United States v. Arias-Izquierdo, 
    449 F.3d 1168
    , 1183 (11th Cir. 2006)
    (quoting United States v. Bueno–Sierra, 
    99 F.3d 375
    , 378–79 (11th Cir. 1996)).
    Indeed, the court’s factual finding of reliability in this context is reversible only if
    clearly erroneous. United States v. Petrie, 
    302 F.3d 1280
    , 1288 (11th Cir. 2002).
    As we have noted, it is not required that the records be prepared by the business
    Rule 803(6) allows records of a regularly conducted activity to be admitted as an exception to
    the hearsay rule, provided that, among other requirements, the record was kept in the course of a
    regularly conducted activity of a business and making the record was a regular practice of that
    activity. Certification that the requirements of the rule are met is required before the evidence
    can be admitted. Fed. R. Evid. 803(6)(D).
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    possessing them, or that a witness have first-hand knowledge of their preparation,
    as “other circumstantial evidence and testimony [can] suggest their
    trustworthiness.” United States v. Parker, 
    749 F.2d 628
    , 633 (11th Cir. 1984)
    (quotation marks omitted).
    Notably, although Defendant objected at trial to admission of these delivery
    slips, her counsel had announced at the pre-trial conference that Defendant had no
    objection. Explaining this change of course at trial, defense counsel indicated that
    he had purposely ambushed the Government, with the goal of lulling it into
    thinking there was no objection and then springing that objection at trial when
    there was no time to fix any problem.
    Although critical of this behavior, the district court nevertheless ruled on the
    merits of Defendant’s objection to admission of this handful of delivery slips and
    concluded that these records were admissible. After reviewing the process through
    which the records were obtained and certified, the district court made a factual
    finding that the vendors kept this shipping and delivery information in the course
    of their regularly conducted business activities, and had so certified that these
    documents were business records. The court’s ruling was not clearly erroneous.
    Indeed, defense counsel acknowledged that Defendant was not challenging the
    authenticity of the proofs of delivery or that the vendors kept shipping and delivery
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    information.4 It was not an abuse of discretion for the district court to admit
    business records that it found to be relevant and properly certified.
    E.     Limiting Cross-Examination of Dr. Nordt
    During cross-examination of Dr. Nordt, Defendant attempted to question
    him about his divorce and the financial disclosures he made as part of that divorce
    proceeding, which began in April 2010, months after Dr. Nordt had fired
    Defendant because of her theft. Defendant wanted to be able to argue that Dr.
    Nordt had a motive to falsely portray himself as an embezzlement victim and
    thereby reduce his alimony payments. The district court initially sustained the
    Government’s objection that this information was irrelevant, although the court
    eventually allowed limited testimony on the matter. Defendant faults the district
    court for interfering with her ability to probe in more detail Dr. Nordt’s divorce.
    Limitations on the scope of cross-examination are reviewed for clear abuse
    of discretion. United States v. Maxwell, 
    579 F.3d 1282
    , 1295 (11th Cir. 2009). A
    court’s otherwise broad discretion to rule on evidentiary issues and limit cross-
    examination is cabined by the constitutional guarantee that a criminal defendant
    has a right to cross-examine prosecution witnesses. 
     “In particular, ‘[c]ross-
    examination of a government ‘star’ witness is important, and a presumption favors
    As the Government notes, had the district court sustained Defendant’s objection as to these
    shipping documents, the Government would have simply called a live witness to authenticate the
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    free cross-examination on possible bias, motive, ability to perceive and remember,
    and general character for truthfulness.’” 
     at 1295–96 (alteration in original)
    (quoting United States v. Phelps, 
    733 F.2d 1464
    , 1472 (11th Cir. 1984)).
    Nevertheless, information sought by cross-examination must be relevant,
    and allowing questioning beyond what is sufficient to satisfy the Sixth
    Amendment’s Confrontation Clause is in the court’s discretion. Id. at 1296. All
    that is required under the Sixth Amendment is a cross-examination broad enough
    to expose the jury to facts sufficient to evaluate the witness’s credibility and to
    create a record that allows defense counsel to argue why the witness might be
    unreliable. Id. Beyond this, “the district court enjoys wide latitude to impose
    reasonable limits on cross-examination based on, among other things, confusion of
    the issues and interrogation that is repetitive or only marginally relevant.” Id.
    (internal quotation marks omitted) (citing Delaware v. Van Arsdall, 
    475 U.S. 673
    679 (1986)).
    Defendant complains that she did not get to cross-examine Dr. Nordt to the
    extent that she wanted, but she is not entitled to unlimited cross-examination. 
    (quoting United States v. Baptista–Rodriguez, 
    17 F.3d 1354
    , 1366 (11th Cir.
    1994)) (noting that a defendant is not entitled to cross-examination “that is
    effective in whatever way, and to whatever extent, the defendant might wish”).
    Defendant was allowed some questioning of Dr. Nordt regarding his debts and
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    divorce. Defendant elicited from Dr. Nordt that the office had maxed-out credit
    cards when Defendant was working there, that a large balloon payment was
    upcoming on the office mortgage, and that Dr. Nordt had personal expenses from
    three yacht club memberships, two planes, and two mortgages on his home. Dr.
    Nordt also testified that divorce proceedings began in April 2010 and ended in
    December 2011, and that he claimed $450,000 in losses from Defendant’s actions
    as part of the divorce proceedings (which is significantly more than he claimed in
    his initial police report regarding Defendant’s actions), but that he did not recall
    any argument during the divorce proceedings regarding alimony. Defense counsel
    pointed to these facts during closing arguments and argued that Dr. Nordt had a
    motivation to lie. Defendant was thus able to raise and argue credibility issues
    before the jury, and it was not a clear abuse of discretion for the district court to
    limit further cross-examination on peripheral matters relating to Dr. Nordt’s
    F.     Disallowing Defendant’s Requested “Stipulation”
    When cross-examining Defendant, the Government played a portion of an
    audio recording from Defendant’s unemployment hearing. In the recording,
    Defendant was asked, “Is it true that you wrote your husband a check―,” to which
    Defendant replied, “Absolutely not. Absolutely not. And I’d like to see proof of
    that because that is—that’s all lies.” Defendant testified that this exchange
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    concerned a specific check for $10,000, and was not a denial that she had written
    other office checks payable to her husband. The Government questioned whether
    Defendant had actually so qualified this response in the hearing. Nevertheless,
    after reviewing the transcript, the court determined that Defendant likely was
    referring only to a specific $10,000 check, and said “[t]he parties will stipulate that
    the question referred to a check and that the prior conversation had been about a
    $10,000 check.” When defense counsel later requested to enter the stipulation on
    redirect examination, the court said, “It’s not a stipulation. You’re going to read in
    that one question that puts it into context as part of your redirect.” Defendant then
    testified that the discussion during the hearing about a check written out to her
    husband related to a specific check for $10,000 and did not relate to payroll
    Defendant argues that the court erred by not allowing her to enter the
    stipulation that her comments during the unemployment hearing referred
    specifically to a specific $10,000 check. As Defendant had previously testified,
    when the office stopped using a payroll company for paychecks, Defendant began
    writing paper checks for the staff, and she properly wrote paychecks to her
    husband. In not allowing the stipulation, Defendant says the court violated
    Defendant’s due process rights by leaving the jury with a possible misimpression
    that Defendant may have been denying at the hearing that she wrote payroll checks
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    to her husband, when in fact she was only denying that she wrote a $10,000 check
    to him. This misinformation, according to Defendant, led the jury to believe that
    she was not truthful.
    Yet, Defendant did not object when the court did not allow her to enter a
    stipulation5 as to the above, and so we review for plain error. United States v.
    808 F.3d 1263
    , 1268 (11th Cir. 2015), cert. denied, 
    136 S. Ct. 1391
    Under plain-error review, we may only correct an error when it is plain, affects
    substantial rights, and “seriously affects the fairness, integrity, or public reputation
    of judicial proceedings.” 
     (quoting United States v. Rodriguez, 
    398 F.3d 1291
    1298 (11th Cir. 2005)). An error affects substantial rights if the judicial
    proceeding's outcome would have been different but for the error. 
    standard is difficult to meet and should be exercised sparingly, and “only in those
    circumstances in which a miscarriage of justice would otherwise result.” United
    States v. DiFalco, 
    837 F.3d 1207
    , 1220–21 (11th Cir. 2016) (quoting United States
    v. Pielago, 
    135 F.3d 703
    , 708 (11th Cir. 1998)).
    The record is clear that the court did not let any mischaracterization go
    unremedied. Although the court did not allow defense counsel to enter a formal
    stipulation, the court did allow her to read other parts of the hearing transcript into
    the record so that Defendant’s statements could be put into context on redirect
    A stipulation requires the agreement of both parties. It appears that the Government did not
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    examination. In addition, Defendant was ultimately convicted for her actions with
    the Bill-Me-Later account and the company credit cards. Thus, the absence of a
    stipulation concerning a check did not directly relate to the offenses for which she
    was ultimately convicted. Given this, along with other evidence of her guilt, the
    outcome of Defendant’s trial would not have been different but for the court’s
    decision here. Defendant therefore has not shown plain error regarding the court’s
    actions pertaining to its handling of this issue.
    G.     Court’s Posing of Questions to Defendant
    Defendant argues that she was deprived of a fair trial because the court
    asked multiple questions during Defendant’s three-and-a-half hours of testimony,
    mostly on direct examination, which telegraphed to the jury the court’s own
    disbelief as to the Defendant’s credibility and led the jury to question the veracity
    of Defendant’s testimony.
    Because Defendant did not raise this objection before the district court, we
    review for plain error. Chafin, 808 F.3d at 1268. As this Court has noted, a
    district court has “wide discretion in managing the proceedings,” and “may
    comment on the evidence, question witnesses, elicit facts not yet adduced or clarify
    those previously presented, and maintain the pace of a trial by interrupting or
    cutting off counsel as a matter of discretion.” United States v. Day, 
    405 F.3d 1293
    1297 (11th Cir. 2005) (internal quotation marks omitted). Indeed, the judge is
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    “more than a mere moderator and is under a duty to question witnesses and
    comment on evidence when it appears necessary,” including questioning a witness
    “to clarify his testimony or to insure that a case is fairly tried.” United States v.
    755 F.2d 770
    , 775 (11th Cir. 1985). In doing so, however, if the court
    “strays from neutrality, . . . the defendant has been denied a constitutionally fair
    trial.” United States v. Wright, 
    392 F.3d 1269
    , 1274 (11th Cir. 2004) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). In determining whether the court’s questioning of a
    defendant is inappropriate, “the tenor of the court’s questions rather than their bare
    number is the more important factor.” Moore v. United States, 
    598 F.2d 439
    , 442
    (5th Cir. 1979) (internal quotation marks omitted).6
    Here, the court’s questions were limited to factual inquires, and Defendant
    does not argue that the tone of the questions was inappropriate. Rather, she simply
    argues that the fact of the questioning itself biased the jury against Defendant.
    Because the court is allowed to question a witness, however, such an argument
    cannot succeed by itself. As the Court noted in Moore:
    [The defendant] claims only that the mere fact of judicial questioning
    to this extent tends to focus the jury’s attention on the defendant’s
    testimony and indicates some question of credibility in the judge’s
    mind. To embrace such a suggestion would in effect amount to
    adoption of a per se rule limiting judicial questioning to a specific
    number of questions, or to a certain proportion of the sum of inquiries
    This Court adopted as binding precedent all Fifth Circuit decisions prior to October 1, 1981.
    Bonner v. City of Prichard, 
    661 F.2d 1206
    , 1209 (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc).
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    made by defense counsel and prosecution; such a rule is inconsistent
    with the common law prerogatives of the trial judge secured by the
    Constitution to federal courts.
    Id. at 443. The district court also asked questions of other witnesses. Further, the
    district court instructed the jury that it should not consider anything said by the
    court in making its determination,7 which minimized the potential for the jury to
    give undue emphasis to the court’s questions. See Block, 
    755 F.2d at 777
    ; United
    States v. Harris, 
    720 F.2d 1259
    , 1262 (11th Cir. 1983); United States v. Hawkins,
    661 F.2d 436
    , 450–51 (5th Cir. Unit B Nov. 1981); Moore, 
    598 F.2d at 443
    Accordingly, Defendant has not demonstrated any plain error concerning the
    district court’s questions directed to her.
    II.      Prosecutorial Misconduct
    Defendant argues that, through the prosecutor’s remarks, the Government
    improperly bolstered witness testimony, misstated key evidence, and shifted the
    burden of proof. This is a claim of prosecutorial misconduct that we examine by
    determining whether a prosecutor’s remarks were improper and “prejudicially
    affected the defendant’s substantial rights.” Azmat, 805 F.3d at 1044. If a
    defendant has made a timely objection, we review alleged prosecutorial
    The court instructed the jury:
    You should not assume from anything I have said that I have any opinion about
    any factual issue in this case. Except for my instructions to you on the law, you
    should disregard anything I may have said during the trial in arriving at your own
    decision about the facts. Your own recollection and interpretation of the evidence
    is what matters.
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    misconduct de novo. Id. Defendant objected at trial only to the burden-shifting
    statements, so the bolstering and misstating key evidence claims are reviewed only
    for plain error. United States v. Rivera, 
    780 F.3d 1084
    , 1090 (11th Cir. 2015).
    A.     Bolstering the Witness’s Credibility
    A prosecutor may not bolster a witness’s testimony by vouching for that
    person’s credibility. United States v. Sosa, 
    777 F.3d 1279
    , 1295 (11th Cir. 2015).
    Improper vouching has occurred “if the jury could reasonably believe that the
    prosecutor was expressing a personal belief in the witness’s credibility,” either
    through “placing the prestige of the government behind the witness,” or by
    “indicating that information not before the jury supports the witness’s credibility.”
     (quoting United States v. Bernal–Benitez, 
    594 F.3d 1303
    , 1313 (11th Cir.
    2010)). A prosecutor may “comment[] on a witness’s credibility, which can be
    central to the government’s case,” and may “suggest what the jury should find
    from the evidence . . . if the attorney makes it clear that the conclusions he is
    urging are conclusions to be drawn from the evidence.” 
     at 1295–97 (internal
    quotation marks omitted).
    In its closing argument, the Government reminded the jury of the testimony
    of the investigating Secret Service agent that Defendant had been interviewed by
    the agent during the investigation and had made a statement that was inconsistent
    with a statement made by Defendant during her trial testimony: specifically,
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    during the interview Defendant stated that she had never made personal purchases
    with the credit card, but on the witness stand she explained that she had done so.
    In discussing Defendant’s prior interview during closing argument, the prosecutor
    referenced the interview as being made in the presence of both the agent and the
    It would have been more prudent—and would have avoided any allegation
    of bolstering—had the prosecutor, in urging the jury to believe the agent, not
    continued to reference her own presence at the interview in question.
    Nevertheless, we cannot say that the district court plainly erred in failing to sua
    sponte interrupt the prosecutor’s closing argument at the time the remarks were
    made, particularly when defense counsel did not perceive the remarks as
    problematic enough to warrant even an objection. Nor did the prosecutor’s
    remarks affect the substantial rights of Defendant, as is required to show plain
    error, because we conclude that the result of the proceedings would have been no
    different had the remarks not been made.
    B.      Arguing Evidence Not in the Record
    It is improper to make a closing argument based on facts not in evidence.
    United States v. Bailey, 
    123 F.3d 1381
    , 1400 (11th Cir. 1997) (“[A] prosecutor
    may not exceed the evidence in closing argument . . . .”). An attorney’s purpose
    during closing arguments is “to assist the jury in analyzing, evaluating and
    Case: 15-15550      Date Filed: 06/15/2017     Page: 22 of 26
    applying the evidence”—including through stating conclusions the jury should
    draw from that evidence—though it is improper when an argument “ranges beyond
    these boundaries.” United States v. Garza, 
    608 F.2d 659
    , 662–63 (5th Cir. 1979)
    (quoting United States v. Morris, 
    568 F.2d 396
    , 401 (5th Cir. 1978)).
    During closing arguments, the Government noted Dr. Nordt’s testimony that
    giving gifts to referral sources was illegal, and said, “[Dr. Nordt] certainly
    wouldn’t have authorized the defendant to conduct an illegal act and send a gift for
    a referral.” Defendant argues that the Government improperly argued facts not in
    evidence by stating that it was illegal to send a gift for a referral, as opposed to
    arguing merely that Dr. Nordt’s testimony indicated that he believed it was illegal
    to send a gift for a referral. Defendant claims this inappropriately gave more
    credibility to Dr. Nordt’s testimony vis-à-vis Defendant’s. Defendant’s argument
    that this statement by the prosecutor is based on facts not in evidence is without
    merit, as Dr. Nordt did testify that giving gifts for referrals was “against the law
    and against all ethical laws.” Furthermore, taken in its context, the remark by the
    prosecutor shows a fair recounting of Dr. Nordt’s testimony during closing
    arguments, and the remark was not based on information outside the record.8 The
    The prosecutor argued:
    Now the doctor says, “I don’t know anything about Pavilion Women’s Center. I
    don’t have any dealings with them. I’m a spine surgeon.”
    Case: 15-15550        Date Filed: 06/15/2017       Page: 23 of 26
    prosecutor’s comment here, even if imprecise, did not prejudice Defendant’s
    substantive rights, and so it was not plain error for this statement to go uncorrected.
    C.     Making Burden-Shifting Arguments
    It is also improper for a prosecutor to make comments that would shift the
    burden of proof to the defendant or otherwise suggest that the defendant has an
    obligation to produce evidence or prove innocence. Bernal–Benitez, 
    594 F.3d at
    1315 (citing United States v. Simon, 
    964 F.2d 1082
    , 1086 (11th Cir. 1992)). This
    does not preclude the prosecutor from commenting on the failure of defense
    counsel to counter or explain evidence, however. 
    Defendant argues that during cross-examination and during its closing
    argument, the Government tried to shift the burden of proof to Defendant.
    Defendant specifically points to the Government’s cross-examination of her as to
    why she did not offer a complete explanation at her unemployment hearing about
    Who has contacts with that place? The defendant. The doctor said, “I am not
    legally allowed to give gifts to somebody for a referral. That is illegal. That is
    not something I would do.”
    The doctor testified that he gets his business usually through word of mouth, not
    from referrals from other doctors or other practices. There is no quid pro quo.
    There is no giving and getting. He does not have any connection with that center.
    And he certainly wouldn’t have authorized the defendant to conduct an illegal act
    and send a gift for a referral.
    Seven former co-workers received baskets from the defendant. Do you truly
    believe that seven people provided referrals or that the defendant was being
    generous with the doctor’s money?
    Case: 15-15550       Date Filed: 06/15/2017      Page: 24 of 26
    the check payments she had made, as well as asking Agent Collins about details
    Defendant failed to reveal during the May 20th interview. The Government
    explicitly commented on the latter during closing arguments. Because Defendant
    objected to these allegedly burden-shifting questions and arguments, we review
    these claims de novo.9 Azmat, 805 F.3d at 1044.
    Viewed in context, what Defendant argues are burden-shifting questions and
    comments by the Government were instead nothing more than the prosecutor’s
    efforts to highlight Defendant’s prior inconsistent statements, an emphasis that is
    entirely proper. When questioning Defendant about her statements made during
    the unemployment hearing, the Government did not ask Defendant to provide
    evidence or prove her innocence, but rather pointed to explanations regarding
    checks that Defendant offered at trial, but did not offer at the hearing. It was
    permissible for the Government to question Defendant about whether her prior
    statements and trial testimony were truthful, as her credibility was central to the
    government’s case, see Sosa, 777 F.3d at 1295, and questioning the truthfulness of
    a witness who has given inconsistent statements does not shift the burden. See
    Anderson v. Charles, 
    447 U.S. 404
    , 408–09 (1980) (holding that it was permissible
    for a prosecutor to ask on cross-examination why the defendant did not offer to
    Defendant did not make a burden-shifting objection when the Government questioned Agent
    Collins regarding the May 20th interview. Under plain-error review, we conclude that this line
    of questioning was not prejudicial to Defendant’s substantive rights. The prosecutor did not
    suggest that Defendant had an obligation to establish her innocence, but rather asked Agent
    Collins whether Defendant was asked certain questions and how she responded to the questions.
    Case: 15-15550        Date Filed: 06/15/2017        Page: 25 of 26
    police at the time of his arrest the explanation given at trial regarding his
    possession of a car); Anderson v. Dykes, 
    524 F. Supp. 101
    , 103 (S.D. Ga. 1981)
    (“[A] defendant’s silence prior to arrest may be commented on and utilized for
    impeachment.”). Similarly, the challenged closing-argument statements were not
    burden shifting, but likewise highlighted inconsistent testimony. Finally, the
    court’s instructions made clear that the Government bore the burden of proof.10
    See e.g., United States v. Zitron, 
    810 F.3d 1253
    , 1259 (11th Cir. 2016). In sum, we
    find no reversible error arising out of the prosecutor’s comments and questions.11
    III.     Loss Calculation
    Among other sentencing enhancements, the presentence investigation report
    added four levels under U.S.S.G. § 2B1.1(b)(1)(C) for a loss of more than $15,000
    but less than $40,000. Defendant objected to this calculation, in part because it
    included duplicate credit card charges of $571.02 and $308.93, which were made
    after the initial purchases were denied. The district court ultimately counted the
    The district court instructed the jury on burden of proof as follows:
    The law presumes every defendant is innocent. The defendant does not have to
    prove her innocence or produce any evidence at all. The Government must prove
    guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If it fails to do so, you must find the defendant
    not guilty. The Government’s burden of proof is heavy, but it does not have to
    prove a defendant’s guilt beyond all possible doubt. The Government’s proof
    only has to exclude any “reasonable doubt” concerning the defendant's guilt.
    Defendant also argues that her conviction should be reversed because of cumulative errors
    that occurred at trial. Having found no errors, we reject this request.
    Case: 15-15550       Date Filed: 06/15/2017   Page: 26 of 26
    duplicate charges separately, reasoning that Defendant had made four separate
    attempts to use the credit card.
    Commentary to the guidelines notes that “loss is the greater of actual loss or
    intended loss,” and intended loss “means the pecuniary harm that the defendant
    purposely sought to inflict[, which] includes intended pecuniary harm that would
    have been impossible or unlikely to occur.” Id. § 2B1.1, comment. (n.3(A)(i)–(ii)).
    The district court’s loss calculation does not need to be exact, but only a reasonable
    estimate. Id. § 2B1.1, comment. (n.3(C)). We review a district court’s loss
    calculation for clear error. United States v. Cobb, 
    842 F.3d 1213
    , 1218 (11th Cir.
    2016). Under clear-error review, a loss calculation is overturned when “we are left
    with a definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed.” United
    States v. Campbell, 
    765 F.3d 1291
    , 1302 (11th Cir. 2014) (quoting United States v.
    407 F.3d 1174
    , 1177 (11th Cir. 2005)).
    Here, Defendant made the deliberate choice four separate times to try to
    inflict pecuniary harm on her victim by four times attempting to make an improper
    charge. We find no clear error, and thus affirm the sentence imposed by the
    district court.
    Defendant has not demonstrated any reversible errors during her trial or in
    calculating her sentence. Therefore, her conviction and sentence are AFFIRMED.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-15550

Citation Numbers: 697 F. App'x 944

Filed Date: 6/15/2017

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023

Authorities (27)

United States v. Bailey , 123 F.3d 1381 ( 1997 )

United States v. Jesse Wright, Jr., A.K.A. Jessie Wright , 392 F.3d 1269 ( 2004 )

United States v. Damian Hawkins and Peter Hawkins , 905 F.2d 1489 ( 1990 )

United States v. Carlos Simon , 964 F.2d 1082 ( 1992 )

United States v. Donna R. Day , 405 F.3d 1293 ( 2005 )

United States v. Bernal-Benitez , 594 F.3d 1303 ( 2010 )

United States v. Robert Petrie , 302 F.3d 1280 ( 2002 )

United States v. Samuel Theodore Block, Robert Edwards, ... , 755 F.2d 770 ( 1985 )

United States v. Juan Baptista-Rodriguez, Ramon Calvo, and ... , 17 F.3d 1354 ( 1994 )

United States v. Charles Crawford, Jr. , 407 F.3d 1174 ( 2005 )

United States v. Patrice Daliberti Hurn , 368 F.3d 1359 ( 2004 )

United States v. Wyatt Henderson , 409 F.3d 1293 ( 2005 )

United States v. Sherman Harris, Johnny Lewis Holt, Ernest ... , 720 F.2d 1259 ( 1983 )

United States v. Dan Phelps, A/K/A Al, A/K/A Sly Fox, Sally ... , 733 F.2d 1464 ( 1984 )

United States v. Adrian Pielago, Maria Varona , 135 F.3d 703 ( 1998 )

United States v. Charles David Parker A/K/A Ramp Parker , 749 F.2d 628 ( 1984 )

United States v. Maxwell , 579 F.3d 1282 ( 2009 )

United States v. Bueno-Sierra , 99 F.3d 375 ( 1996 )

United States v. Alvenis Arias-Izquierdo , 449 F.3d 1168 ( 2006 )

Larry Bonner v. City of Prichard, Alabama , 661 F.2d 1206 ( 1981 )

View All Authorities »