Nancy G. Clark v. Chase Bank USA, N.A. , 643 F. App'x 838 ( 2016 )

  •          Case: 15-13366   Date Filed: 02/12/2016   Page: 1 of 8
    No. 15-13366
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 1:14-cv-03641-MHC
    Plaintiff - Appellant,
    Defendants - Appellees.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Georgia
    (February 12, 2016)
    Case: 15-13366     Date Filed: 02/12/2016    Page: 2 of 8
    Before MARTIN, ANDERSON, and EDMONDSON, Circuit Judges.
    Nancy Clark appeals the district court’s dismissal of her complaint against
    Defendants Chase Bank USA, N.A. (“Chase”), Seterus, Inc., and Federal National
    Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”). Briefly stated, Plaintiff challenges the
    foreclosure proceedings on her home. No reversible error has been shown; we
    Plaintiff purchased a home in 2002, subject to a mortgage loan. Plaintiff
    later refinanced her mortgage loan in 2002 and again in 2005. Sometime after
    March 2005, Chase began servicing Plaintiff’s loan. Plaintiff alleges that, in
    September 2006, she started receiving mail advertisements and phone calls from
    Chase urging her to refinance again. Plaintiff did refinance her loan with Chase on
    25 April 2007, under terms that seem substantially less favorable than the terms of
    Plaintiff’s previous loan.
    Ownership of the security deed securing Plaintiff’s mortgage loan (“Security
    Deed”) was later assigned to Fannie Mae, and servicing of Plaintiff’s loan was
    transferred to Seterus. In early 2012, Plaintiff defaulted on her loan. Plaintiff
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    failed to cure the default; and Fannie Mae and Seterus ultimately accelerated
    payment under the loan and sought to foreclose on Plaintiff’s home.
    On 8 October 2014, Plaintiff filed this civil action against Defendants. In
    her complaint, Plaintiff purports to assert against Chase claims for (1) fraud; (2)
    violations of Georgia’s Unfair or Deceptive Practices Toward the Elderly,
    O.C.G.A. § 10-1-850 et seq. (“UDPTE”); and (3) violations of the Georgia Fair
    Business Practices Act, O.C.G.A. § 10-1-390 et seq. (“FBPA”). Against Fannie
    Mae and Seterus, Plaintiff purports to assert claims for (1) fraud; (2) breach of
    contract; and (3) wrongful foreclosure based on both fraudulent assignment and
    faulty notice.
    The district court granted Defendants’ motions to dismiss. The district court
    concluded that Plaintiff’s claims against Chase were barred by the pertinent 4-year
    and 2-year statutes of limitation; and determined that Plaintiff was unentitled to
    equitable tolling. In dismissing Plaintiff’s claims against Fannie Mae and Seterus,
    the district court first determined that Plaintiff lacked standing to challenge the
    validity of the assignments of the Security Deed. The district court also concluded
    that Fannie Mae and Seterus complied with the Security Deed’s notice
    We review de novo the district court’s dismissal of a case under Rule
    12(b)(6), “accepting the allegations in the complaint as true and construing them in
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    the light most favorable to the plaintiff.” Hill v. White, 
    321 F.3d 1334
    , 1335 (11th
    Cir. 2003).
    I.      Plaintiff’s Claims Against Chase
    Plaintiff does not challenge the district court’s determination that her claims
    against Chase for fraud and for violations of the FBPA and the UDPTE were
    untimely filed. Instead, Plaintiff contends that the statutes of limitation should be
    equitably tolled.
    “Equitable tolling is an extraordinary remedy which should be extended only
    sparingly.” Bost v. Fed. Express Corp., 
    372 F.3d 1233
    , 1242 (11th Cir. 2004).
    Under Georgia law, when a plaintiff seeks equitable tolling on the basis of fraud --
    as Plaintiff does here -- “[t]he statute of limitation is tolled until the actual fraud is
    discovered or by reasonable diligence should have been discovered.” Gerald v.
    311 S.E.2d 225
    , 226 (Ga. Ct. App. 1983) (emphasis in original). “Mere
    ignorance of facts constituting a cause of action does not prevent the running of a
    statute of limitations.” 
    Id. Plaintiff contends
    that she did not discover Chase’s alleged fraud until
    October 2012. But the facts upon which Plaintiff now relies to prove Chase’s
    alleged fraud -- including the interest rate under the Chase loan, the manner in
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    which that interest rate was adjustable, and the amount of interest Plaintiff would
    pay over the life of the loan -- were set forth plainly in the loan documents
    prepared and available to Plaintiff by April 2007. The plain contents of the loan
    documents put Plaintiff on sufficient notice that, with reasonable diligence, she
    should have discovered the alleged fraud.
    Drawing all reasonable inferences in Plaintiff’s favor, Plaintiff made no
    effort to research or to investigate the terms of the loan before finalizing the loan
    transaction. That Plaintiff failed to understand fully the consequences of the loan
    terms, or failed to pay attention to them, does not entitle her to equitable tolling,
    particularly where Plaintiff has alleged no facts that she acted diligently. See
    Gerald, 311 S.E.2d at 226
    . We reject, as a matter of state law, Plaintiff’s argument
    that a confidential relationship existed between Plaintiff and Chase such that
    Plaintiff’s failure to exercise diligence should be excused. See Baxter v. Fairfield
    Fin. Servs., 
    704 S.E.2d 423
    , 429 (Ga. Ct. App. 2010) (“[N]o confidential
    relationship [exists] between lender and borrower or mortgagee and mortgagor for
    they are creditor and debtor with clearly opposite interests. The mere fact that one
    reposes trust and confidence in another does not create a confidential
    The district court dismissed properly, as untimely, Plaintiff’s substantive
    claims against Chase. Thus, Plaintiff’s claims for punitive damages also fail as a
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    matter of law. See Mann v. Taser Int’l, Inc., 
    588 F.3d 1291
    , 1304 (11th Cir. 2009)
    (“[W]here a court has dismissed a plaintiff’s underlying tort claim, dismissal of a
    plaintiff’s punitive damage claim is also required.”).
    II.      Plaintiff’s Claims Against Fannie Mae and Seterus
    As an initial matter, Plaintiff fails to challenge the district court’s dismissal
    of her claims against Defendants Fannie Mae and Seterus for fraud, for wrongful
    foreclosure based on fraudulent assignment, and for injunctive relief. Thus, these
    claims have been abandoned. See Carmichael v. Kellogg, Brown & Root Serv.,
    572 F.3d 1271
    , 1293 (11th Cir. 2009).
    Plaintiff’s remaining claims against Defendants Fannie Mae and Seterus (for
    breach of contract and for wrongful foreclosure based on faulty notice) stem from
    Defendants’ alleged failure to provide -- in compliance with the terms of the
    Security Deed -- adequate notice of their intent to accelerate the loan and to initiate
    foreclosure proceedings.
    The Security Deed required, in pertinent part, that Defendants provide notice
    to Plaintiff of their intent to accelerate payment under the loan if Plaintiff failed to
    cure a default. Defendants must specify a date “not less than 30 days from the date
    the notice is given” to Plaintiff, on which the default must be cured to avoid
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    acceleration. “If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the
    notice, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums
    secured by this Security Instrument without further demand and may invoke the
    power of sale granted by Borrower and any other remedies permitted by
    Applicable Law.” (emphasis added). In addition, if Defendants invoke the power
    of sale, they must “give a copy of a notice of sale by public advertisement” and
    “without further demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property at public auction.”
    (emphasis added).
    Plaintiff does not dispute that she received four letters from Seterus between
    22 July 2012 and 26 December 2012. Each letter notified Plaintiff expressly that
    her loan was in default and that, if she failed to cure timely the default, Defendants
    intended to accelerate the loan payments and to initiate foreclosure proceedings.
    Each letter also specified a date, which was more than 30 days from the date of
    each notice, by which Plaintiff was required to cure the default. These letters
    satisfy clearly the pre-acceleration notice requirements under the Security Deed.
    Because Plaintiff failed to cure the default, Defendants were entitled to
    accelerate the loan payments “without further demand.” Indeed, Defendants
    notified Plaintiff on 3 February 2013 that the loan had been accelerated and that
    the full loan amount was due and owing. As a result of Plaintiff’s failure to cure
    the default, Defendants were also entitled to initiate foreclosure proceedings.
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    Under the terms of the Security Deed, Defendants were required to provide
    Plaintiff with only a copy of the notice of foreclosure sale, which Plaintiff in fact
    received in July 2014.
    Plaintiff’s allegations that Defendants failed to comply with the notification
    requirements under the Security Deed are refuted plainly by documents in the
    record. We affirm the district court’s dismissal of Plaintiff’s claims against
    Defendants Fannie Mae and Seterus.