NLRB v. Gaylord Chemical Company, LLC , 824 F.3d 1318 ( 2016 )

  •           Case: 15-10006     Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 1 of 38
    No. 15-10006
    Agency No. 10-CA-038782
    Cross Respondent,
    Cross Petitioner,
    Petitions for Review and Enforcement of a Decision of the
    National Labor Relations Board
    (June 3, 2016)
    Case: 15-10006        Date Filed: 06/03/2016      Page: 2 of 38
    Before CARNES, JILL PRYOR, and RIPPLE, * Circuit Judges.
    RIPPLE, Circuit Judge:
    The United Steelworkers International Union (“USW”) and its Local 887
    (collectively “the Union”) filed a complaint alleging that Gaylord Chemical
    Company, LLC (“Gaylord” or “the Company”), had failed to bargain collectively,
    had failed to provide information relevant to bargaining, had created a new job
    position without engaging in bargaining, and had interrogated employees about
    their union sympathies, all in violation of sections 8(a)(5) and (1) of the National
    Labor Relations Act (“NLRA” or “Act”), 29 U.S.C. § 158(a)(5), (1). Following a
    hearing, an Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) found that Gaylord had committed
    the charged unfair labor practices and ordered Gaylord to bargain with the Union
    and to take other remedial measures. The National Labor Relations Board
    (“NLRB” or “Board”) affirmed the ALJ’s findings of fact and conclusions of law
    and also adopted the recommended order. The NLRB now petitions for
    enforcement of the Board’s order. Gaylord cross-petitions for review of the
    Honorable Kenneth F. Ripple, United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit,
    sitting by designation.
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    Board’s order and asks that we deny the Board’s application for enforcement. For
    the reasons set forth in the following opinion, we grant the NLRB’s application for
    enforcement and deny Gaylord’s cross-petition.
    A. Facts
    From 2007 to 2010, Gaylord operated a chemical manufacturing facility in
    Bogalusa, Louisiana, where it produced Dimethyl Sulfoxide (“DMSO”) and
    Dimethyl Sulfide (“DMS”). It employed approximately twenty production and
    maintenance workers in the facility. For decades prior to Gaylord’s acquisition of
    the Bogalusa operation, the workers were represented by the USW and its
    designated local, which negotiated a series of collective bargaining agreements
    (“CBAs”) on the workers’ behalf. The most recent CBA, entered in 2009,
    provides that “[t]his Agreement [is] made and entered . . . by and between Gaylord
    Chemical Company, L.L.C., located at Bogalusa, Louisiana, hereinafter called the
    Company, and the United Steel Workers International Union and its Local No.
    Case: 15-10006       Date Filed: 06/03/2016      Page: 4 of 38
    13-0189, hereinafter called the Union.”1 The recognition clause of the CBA states
    that “[t]he Company hereby recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining
    agent for all employees in the single bargaining unit as defined in the Agreement.” 2
    The CBA was signed by all of the officers of the USW; District Director for
    District 13, Michael Tourne; and the leadership of Local 189.
    In February 2009, Gaylord informed its employees that it would close the
    Bogalusa plant and open a new facility in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, over 200 miles
    away. Gaylord extended job offers to all bargaining unit employees who wished to
    relocate. Gaylord and the Union also bargained regarding the effects of the
    relocation. Tourne negotiated on behalf of the workers, as he had with respect to
    earlier contracts. 3 During these negotiations, Claude Bloom, Gaylord’s then vice
    president of manufacturing, advised the bargaining committee that Gaylord
    preferred to operate its Tuscaloosa facility without union representation.
    J. Ex. 2 at 1. The local union’s number designation has changed over the years, as has
    ownership of the facility.
    Id. 3 He
    also had represented union members in arbitration and grievance matters.
    Case: 15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 5 of 38
    Beginning in September 2010, Gaylord moved substantial parts of the
    machinery and equipment necessary for production to the Tuscaloosa facility. In
    December of that year, the Tuscaloosa plant began producing DMSO, the only
    product produced at that facility. The Bogalusa facility closed in January 2011.
    Twelve bargaining unit employees permanently transferred from Bogalusa to
    Tuscaloosa. These twelve employees constituted almost ninety percent of the full
    complement of production and maintenance employees at the new Tuscaloosa
    facility, and they performed job functions “substantially similar to those previously
    performed by bargaining unit employees in Bogalusa.” 4
    Even before the move began, Daniel Flippo, the USW’s director for the
    district encompassing Tuscaloosa (District 9), sent a letter to Gaylord on August
    31, 2010, requesting “to meet and bargain at your newly opened Tuscaloosa,
    Alabama facility.” 5 “United Steelworkers,” the USW’s registered trademark, and
    “District 9” appeared on the letterhead. 6 The bottom of the letter stated “United
    J. Ex. 1(a) ¶12.
    J. Ex. 4.
    Id. 5 Case:
    15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 6 of 38
    Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and
    Service Workers International Union”; it provided the address for District 9 and
    also the USW’s website.7 Gaylord did not respond to the request.
    Flippo sent a second letter on September 23, 2010, requesting that Gaylord
    meet and bargain regarding the Tuscaloosa facility. On September 30, Gaylord’s
    president, Paul Dennis, responded that he had conferred with counsel and was
    “uncertain as to the legal basis of District 9’s status as the collective bargaining
    representative for our employees.”8 Dennis also requested that Flippo explain this
    legal basis to Gaylord so that it could “assess [its] position.”9 Flippo responded by
    letter dated October 19, 2010, which stated that “[t]he USW International Union is
    the certified bargaining representative of the employees at both of your plants
    located in Bogalusa, Louisiana and Tuscaloosa, Alabama. As you know, the USW
    has requested to bargain the Bogalusa, Louisiana unit’s relocation to Tuscaloosa,
    Id. 8 J.
    Ex. 6.
    Id. 6 Case:
    15-10006         Date Filed: 06/03/2016      Page: 7 of 38
    Alabama.” 10 Dennis responded by letter of October 25, 2010, in which he
    announced “Gaylord’s position that neither the International nor District 9 is the
    certified bargaining representative for Gaylord’s employees working at our
    Tuscaloosa, Alabama facility” and declined the request for bargaining and
    After the move to Tuscaloosa, Marc Smith, Vice President of Manufacturing
    for Gaylord, asked an employee, Doug Mitchell, to his office, purportedly to
    discuss leadership. During this conversation, Smith asked Mitchell “why [he]
    thought [the employees] needed a union.” 12 Mitchell replied, “why not[?]” 13 Smith
    explained that there was more flexibility and fewer expenses without a union.
    When Mitchell pressed Smith as to what those expenses were, Smith responded
    that there were union dues for the employees and legal fees for Gaylord.
    J. Ex. 7 at 1. The letter was written on the same letterhead previously used.
    J. Ex. 8 (emphasis added).
    Hr’g Tr. 177.
    Id. at 178.
    Case: 15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 8 of 38
    B. Administrative Proceedings
    After Gaylord’s refusal of its request to bargain, the USW filed a charge
    with the NLRB on January 11, 2011, alleging that Gaylord had violated the NLRA.
    A second charge was filed in April 2011. The USW first reiterated the allegations
    concerning the failure to bargain contained in the initial charge. It also contained
    two additional allegations: that Smith had interrogated employees about their
    union sympathies and that Gaylord had made unilateral changes in working
    conditions, namely creating the new position of “Lead Shipper,” 14 without notice
    or bargaining.
    An ALJ conducted a two-day hearing on the charges during which the
    General Counsel called two current Gaylord employees, Ronald Talley and
    Mitchell, as well as Flippo and Tourne. Although Smith was present during the
    hearing, Gaylord did not call him or any other witness. During the hearing, the
    General Counsel submitted, for in camera review, eight authorization cards signed
    G.C. Ex. 1(g) ¶19.
    Case: 15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 9 of 38
    by employees from the Tuscaloosa facility in early 2011 indicating their continued
    support for representation by the USW. 15
    The ALJ ruled in favor of the Union. He found the General Counsel’s
    witnesses to be credible and accepted their testimony. He then turned to the legal
    The Board has long held that, following an employer’s
    relocation, a union is entitled to continued recognition and to have an
    existing collective-bargaining agreement remain in effect, provided
    operations and equipment remain substantially the same at the new
    location, and a substantial percentage of employees at the old facility
    transfer to the new location. Rock Bottom Stores, 
    312 N.L.R.B. 400
    , 402
    (1993), enfd. 
    51 F.3d 366
    (2nd Cir. 1995), Westwood Import Co., 
    251 N.L.R.B. 1213
    , 1214 (1980), enfd. 
    681 F.2d 664
    (9th Cir. 1982). The
    “substantial percentage” requirement is met if the transferees from the
    old facility constitute at least approximately 40 percent of the new
    facility’s employee complement. Rock Bottom Stores at 402; Harte &
    278 N.L.R.B. 947
    , 948 (1986); Westwood Import Co. at 1216
    Here, the ALJ continued, Gaylord had continued to operate the Tuscaloosa facility
    in basically unchanged form, and the majority of its Tuscaloosa employees had
    See Hr’g Tr. 249.
    ALJ at 5–6.
    Case: 15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016    Page: 10 of 38
    been employed at the Bogalusa facility. Moreover, Gaylord had not offered any
    evidence that the Union ever lost the support of a majority of unit employees.
    The ALJ then addressed Gaylord’s argument that, based on a combination of
    factors, it was absolved of the duty to bargain with the USW. With respect to the
    first of these—“the conjunctive definition of the certified bargaining representative
    as both the International and its designated Local 189”—the ALJ noted that “[t]he
    Respondent’s collective-bargaining relationship has been with the USW
    International, not separately with its subordinate components, whose bargaining
    authority and representational authority derived entirely from their affiliation with
    the USW International.”17 He “therefore deem[ed] wholly lacking in merit
    [Gaylord’s] assertion that the conjunctive definition of the certified bargaining
    representative in the labor agreement, and/or the post-relocation change in union
    district or local jurisdiction, stripped the Union of its representational status.”18
    Id. at 6.
    Id. 10 Case:
    15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 11 of 38
    The distance between the old and new facilities also did not affect the
    Union’s status. “To hold otherwise,” the ALJ explained, “would be to allow an
    employer to evade its collective-bargaining obligations simply by moving further
    away—leading to the untenable result of making relocation more onerous on
    unionized employee[s].” 19
    Concerning Gaylord’s other points, the ALJ observed:
    The Respondent’s brief fails to specify any evidence supporting
    its claim that the Union has an internal requirement that employees
    continue to express a desire for unionization. . . .
    Although the geographic definition in the collective-bargaining
    agreement was Bogalusa, there was no language “at no other
    locations,” and other provisions in the agreement unequivocally
    demonstrate that the parties envisioned a dismantlement of the
    Bogalusa plant and transfer of its operations elsewhere. Moreover, the
    parties signed [a Memorandum of Agreement] regarding post-
    relocation employment of Bogalusa employees. As noted, the
    Respondent does not allege that [the] Union ever waived any rights to
    represent them after the relocation.
    Finally, the Union’s decision to collect authorization cards in
    no way serves as an admission against interest or supports the
    Respondent’s suggestion that the Union was required to file a
    representation petition to establish post-relocation majority status.
    Id. 11 Case:
    15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 12 of 38
    Indeed, the card check revealed that the Union continued to enjoy
    such status after the move to Tuscaloosa.
    Accordingly, I conclude that the Respondent was required to
    continue to recognize the Union and bargain with it as the collective-
    bargaining representative of the plant’s Tuscaloosa unit employees
    and that its failure to do so since on [or] about October 25 violated
    Section 8(a)(5) and (1) of the Act.[20]
    The ALJ similarly concluded that Gaylord had failed to supply information
    requested by the Union, that Gaylord had unilaterally created a new position
    without bargaining with the Union, and that Smith’s summoning of Mitchell to his
    office and querying him concerning his desire for a union interfered with
    Mitchell’s rights, all in violation of the NLRA. Gaylord filed exceptions to the
    ALJ’s decision.
    The NLRB affirmed the ALJ’s findings and conclusions and adopted his
    recommended order. The Board petitioned to enforce the order, and Gaylord
    cross-petitioned for review. Following the Supreme Court’s decision in NLRB v.
    Noel Canning, 
    134 S. Ct. 2550
    (2014), in which the Court ruled that the NLRB
    lacked a legally sufficient quorum for almost all of 2012, the General Counsel
    Id. at 7.
    Case: 15-10006      Date Filed: 06/03/2016    Page: 13 of 38
    moved to vacate the NLRB’s order, which had been issued during this timeframe.
    The General Counsel asked for an immediate remand for reconsideration by the
    NLRB, which now had a full complement of Senate-confirmed members. We
    granted the motion.
    On remand, the NLRB considered de novo the ALJ’s decision and the
    record. It then affirmed the ALJ’s rulings, findings, and conclusions and adopted
    his recommended order for the reasons set forth in his decision. The NLRB again
    petitioned to enforce its order in this court; Gaylord filed a cross-petition for
    review; and the USW filed a motion to intervene, which was granted.
    We now turn to an analysis of the issues brought to us by the parties. The
    general principles governing our evaluation are well established. “The Board’s
    finding of an unfair labor practice ‘must be upheld if it is based upon substantial
    evidence contained in the record taken as a whole, and based upon reasonable
    inferences drawn from the facts as found.’” Shore Club Condo. Ass’n, Inc. v.
    400 F.3d 1336
    , 1338 (11th Cir. 2005) (quoting NLRB v. Imperial House
    Condo., Inc., 
    831 F.2d 999
    , 1006 (11th Cir. 1987)). Moreover, “[b]ecause of the
    Case: 15-10006        Date Filed: 06/03/2016       Page: 14 of 38
    Board’s special competence in the field of labor relations,” we accord its
    interpretation of the Act “substantial deference” and give “special respect” to its
    chosen remedy. 
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted). With respect to the
    Board’s factual determinations, as long as its inferences from the record are
    “plausible . . . , we will not overturn [them], even if we would have made different
    findings upon a de novo review of the evidence.” 
    Id. at 1338–39
    Cooper/T. Smith, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    177 F.3d 1259
    , 1261 (11th Cir. 1999)).
    The principal focus of the parties is whether Gaylord had a duty to bargain
    with the USW and Local 887 21 after the relocation to Tuscaloosa. “Generally, if an
    employer relocates and the new plant is considered merely a continuation of the
    old one, the employer must continue to recognize and bargain with the union
    which represented the employees at the old plant.” Lammert Indus. v. NLRB, 578
    Gaylord’s Tuscaloosa plant falls within the geographic jurisdiction of District 9 of the
    USW. The parties, therefore, sometimes speak in terms of the duty to bargain with District 9, as
    opposed to with the Tuscaloosa local, Local 887.
    Case: 15-10006      Date Filed: 06/03/2016       Page: 15 of 
    38 F.2d 1223
    , 1225 (7th Cir. 1978). “[T]he continuity requirement ensures that
    despite changes in management, plant location or production techniques,
    workplace conditions remain sufficiently unchanged such that ‘the union can still
    fairly be presumed to command majority support in the unit.’” Leach Corp. v.
    54 F.3d 802
    , 808 (D.C. Cir. 1995) (quoting United Mine Workers of Am.
    Local Union 1329 v. NLRB, 
    812 F.2d 741
    , 743 (D.C. Cir. 1987)). The inquiry
    centers “on whether the employees who have been retained will understandably
    view their job situations as essentially unaltered.” 
    Id. (internal quotation
    omitted); Tree-Free Fiber Co., 
    328 N.L.R.B. 389
    , 398 (1999) (same).
    In assessing whether this continuity has been established, the Board looks to
    whether the employer has maintained the same “operational methods, managerial
    hierarchy, customers, and services or products,” as well as “changes in either the
    size, makeup, or the identity of the employee complement.” King Soopers, Inc. v.
    254 F.3d 738
    , 743 (8th Cir. 2001) (quoting Westwood Imp. Co. v. NLRB,
    681 F.2d 664
    , 666 (9th Cir. 1982)).22
    In King Soopers, Inc. v. NLRB, 
    254 F.3d 738
    , 743 (8th Cir. 2001), the court also
    identified “distance between the old and new plants” as a relevant factor. In support of this
    Case: 15-10006     Date Filed: 06/03/2016       Page: 16 of 38
    Here, the parties stipulated that Gaylord “relocate[d] its equipment, supplies,
    materials and product to Tuscaloosa, Alabama.” 23 The Tuscaloosa facility
    produced DMSO, as had the Bogalusa facility. Twelve employees from Bogalusa
    transferred to Tuscaloosa, where they “perform[ed] job functions substantially
    similar to those previously performed by bargaining unit employees in
    Bogalusa.”24 The ALJ’s conclusion that Gaylord “has continued to operate the
    factor, the court relied upon Westwood Import Co. v. NLRB, 
    681 F.2d 664
    , 666 (9th Cir. 1982).
    In Westwood Import, the court did not discuss how distance factored into its analysis, but relied
    upon Tricor Products, Inc., 
    239 N.L.R.B. 65
    , 68 (1978). The issue in Tricor was whether Tricor, a
    successor corporation, had a continuing duty to bargain with a unit of patternmakers that had
    been employed by C & J, the assets of which Tricor had acquired. In describing the differences
    in operation, the Board noted that “Tricor is located several miles from the former location of
    C & J.” 
    Id. The Board
    nevertheless concluded accordingly:
    Tricor’s patternmaking operation is almost identical with that of C & J. When
    C & J closed, it transferred its operation to Tricor. C & J’s machinery and
    equipment were moved to Tricor, and all C & J’s patternmakers were transferred
    to Tricor. All work pending at C & J was moved to Tricor and finished there by
    using the same machinery, equipment, and employees formerly used on that work
    at C & J. It is found that Tricor’s patternmaking operation is a continuation of,
    and the same as, the patternmaking business of C & J.
    Id. We read
    Tricor, therefore, as standing for the proposition that the nature of operations and
    complement of workers are the most important factors in assessing the continuity of operations.
    J. Ex. 1(a) ¶10.
    Id. ¶12. (continued…)
    Case: 15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 17 of 38
    Tuscaloosa facility in basically unchanged form,” therefore, is supported by the
    With respect to the size, makeup, and identity of the employee complement
    at the new facility, former Bogalusa employees constitute nearly ninety percent of
    the employees at Gaylord’s Tuscaloosa plant. This is more than double the forty
    percent threshold that the NLRB usually applies to determine if there is a
    continuity of workforce. See NLRB v. Rock Bottom Stores, Inc., 
    51 F.3d 366
    , 370
    (2d Cir. 1995) (employing the NLRB’s rule that, if transferees “constitute
    approximately 40% or more of the employee complement at the new facility,”
    continuity of the bargaining unit has been shown). Substantial evidence, therefore,
    supports the view that there was a continuity in Gaylord’s operations.
    Gaylord does not dispute seriously that there was a continuation of
    operations between the Bogalusa and Tuscaloosa plants.26 Instead, the Company
    ALJ at 6.
    Case: 15-10006           Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 18 of 38
    maintains that it is no longer obligated to bargain with the USW because the CBA
    governing the Bogalusa employees “narrowly defined” the bargaining
    relationship.27 It notes that the CBA identifies the contracting parties as “Gaylord
    Chemical Company, L.L.C., located at Bogalusa, Louisiana,” and “the Union,”
    defined as “United Steel Workers International Union and its Local No.
    13-0189.”28 According to Gaylord, the “use of the conjunctive phrasing is
    significant because it identifies the specific local that is the certified
    representative,” and “this phraseology is not what the union typically uses in its
    contracts.”29 Therefore, it maintains, when Gaylord moved outside the
    geographical reach of Local 189, Local 189 no longer could represent its
    In the statement of facts in its brief, Gaylord does note that, in Bogalusa, it
    manufactured both DMSO and DMS, but only manufactures DMSO in Tuscaloosa. It does not
    argue, however, that this fact undermines the Board’s determination that there was a continuation
    of operations. The Company stipulated that it “relocate[d] its equipment, supplies, materials and
    product to Tuscaloosa,” and that, at Tuscaloosa, the “employees were hired to perform job
    functions substantially similar to those previously performed by bargaining unit employees in
    Bogalusa.” J. Ex. 1(a) ¶¶10, 12.
    Resp’t/Cross-Pet’r’s Br. 4.
    J. Ex. 2 at 1 (emphasis added).
    Resp’t/Cross-Pet’r’s Br. 7.
    Case: 15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 19 of 38
    employees, and Gaylord’s bargaining obligations necessarily ceased. It points to
    the testimony of Flippo, as well as other evidence in the record, to establish both
    that the language of the CBA is unique and that it represents a tripartite
    relationship between the employer, the USW, and Local 189.30
    We do not believe that this evidence undermines the NLRB’s determination.
    We do not read Flippo’s testimony as suggesting that the contractual relationship
    between Gaylord, the USW, and Local 189 was in any way unique. During the
    hearing, Flippo testified:
    Q:    And who are the parties to the collective bargaining
    agreements between—
    A:    The international—the company, the international union
    on behalf of its locals, so its really between the company and the
    international, and we do it on behalf of the local.
    Q:    And is there any other language that you see used in that
    collective bargaining agreement[] when it’s talking about the local
    and the international?
    A:     Some of the older contracts actually say the company and
    the international and its local or and the local or and its local. Most
    say on behalf of its local. The company and the United Steelworkers
    id. at 7–8.
    Case: 15-10006       Date Filed: 06/03/2016       Page: 20 of 38
    International on behalf of its local. Some say the company and the
    international and its local or for its local. I mean, it depends on the
    company counsel and depending on who’s sitting there talking and
    how you write the words . . . .[31]
    Thus, according to Flippo, while the relationship between the USW, its locals, and
    the employees remains constant, different language may be used to describe the
    same relationship.32
    Hr’g Tr. 87–88.
    At oral argument, Gaylord argued belatedly that International Union, United
    Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) v. NLRB, 
    394 F.2d 757
    (D.C. Cir. 1968), supports its claim that, given the conjunctive language of the contract,
    it did not have a duty to bargain with the USW or its District 9 director. We perceive nothing in
    UAW that assists Gaylord; indeed, we agree with the General Counsel that UAW supports the
    Board’s action here.
    In UAW, Pierce Governor Company operated a production facility in Anderson, Indiana,
    where the employees were represented by Local 940; for several decades, the “contracts had
    been made between the Company ‘and the International and its Local 940, jointly (herein called
    “the Union”), as the “exclusive bargaining agency” for the employees . . . .’” 
    Id. at 761
    (emphasis added). The company decided to move its Anderson operation to Upland, Indiana,
    some thirty-five miles away. It bargained the effects of the move with Local 940, but refused “to
    recognize Local 940 for any purpose other than at Anderson”; the company was willing,
    however, to bargain with the UAW International at the new location. 
    Id. The UAW
    later filed
    an unfair labor practice charge in which it alleged that the company had violated the NLRA “[b]y
    refusing to bargain with the Anderson local (while willing, for a time, to bargain with a different
    UAW local at the new location).” 
    Id. (emphasis added)
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The court first affirmed the NLRB’s finding that the UAW International was the certified
    bargaining agent of the employees. As in this case, the record did not reveal “[h]ow the Local
    became engrafted into the process”; nevertheless, the court held that, despite the conjunctive
    Case: 15-10006       Date Filed: 06/03/2016      Page: 21 of 38
    Gaylord’s claim also is undermined by the Board’s decision in Tree-Free
    Fiber Co., 
    328 N.L.R.B. 389
    (1999). In that case, the relationship between Statler
    language in the contract, Local 940 was not an “independent bargaining entity,” but “at most it
    was a de facto agent” of the International. 
    Id. It would
    appear, therefore, that UAW does not
    support Gaylord’s claim that the conjunctive contract language evidences a bargaining obligation
    with the Bogalusa local independent of the obligation with the USW.
    In UAW, the court also considered whether, under the factual circumstances presented to
    it, the company had an obligation to bargain with Local 940 following the move. It observed
    that, prior to the relocation, only forty (of more than 200) employees had expressed interest in
    transferring. Moreover, when the new production facility opened, “[n]o Anderson employee . . .
    presented himself at Upland for employment at the Upland plant.” 
    Id. at 763
    (internal quotation
    marks omitted). It also was clear “that employees formerly at Anderson who were members of
    Local 940 did not constitute a majority of employees at Upland.” 
    Id. From these
    facts, the court
    concluded that
    the Company had reasonable grounds to believe that a majority of the people who
    applied and were hired at Upland did not belong to Local 940. When the
    Company reflected its concern and posed the question by offering to recognize
    any union which could show membership of a majority of its employees, the
    burden would seem to shift to the Union to make such a showing. Certainly the
    burden does not rest with the Company to show a lack of majority. If the question
    had been membership in the International, perhaps a different question would be
    presented. But in the situation here depicted it would seem correct to say, as the
    Board did, that the Union had failed to sustain its charge that the Company
    committed an unfair labor practice by failing to recognize Local 940 as the
    bargaining agent of its Upland employees.
    Id. (emphasis added)
    . UAW, therefore, held that an employer does not violate the NLRA by
    refusing to bargain with a local following a relocation in which the majority of the employees
    chose not to transfer. The company in UAW, however, had agreed to meet and bargain with the
    international concerning the new facility. The court, therefore, did not address the issue
    presented here—whether the company’s refusal to bargain with the international—was a
    violation of the NLRA.
    Case: 15-10006    Date Filed: 06/03/2016    Page: 22 of 38
    Industries and its employees was governed by a CBA which provided that “this
    agreement is made by and between the Augusta plant of Statler Tissue Div. of
    Statler Industries and the United Paperworkers International Union, AFL-CIO-
    CLC and its Augusta Locals No. 82 and 57.” 
    Id. at 397
    (emphasis added) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). The CBA further provided that the employer
    “recognize[d] the signatory Locals as the sole collective bargaining agent for its
    employees in the work which properly comes under its jurisdiction.” 
    Id. (emphasis added)
    (internal quotation marks omitted). Statler later declared bankruptcy, and
    Tree-Free Fiber Company purchased the mill. Following a hiatus of approximately
    one year, Tree-Free Fiber Company began operations. When Tree-Free Fiber
    Company was well into the hiring process for new employees—most of whom had
    been employees of Statler—the International Union sent a letter requesting that it
    be recognized as the exclusive collective-bargaining representative of the mill
    employees. Tree-Free Fiber Company refused and argued that, “because the
    Union’s May 8 letter demanding recognition was authored by the International
    Union, and the parties’ CBA recognizes the signatory locals as the sole collective-
    bargaining agent for the employees, the demand for recognition is inappropriate,”
    Case: 15-10006     Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 23 of 38
    and it was relieved “from any obligation to bargain with or recognize the Union.”
    Id. The ALJ
    disagreed and concluded that the employer’s refusal to recognize
    and bargain with the International Union was a violation of the NLRA. While
    acknowledging the language on which Tree-Free Fiber Company rested its
    argument, the ALJ noted that the CBA “contains provisions that provide for the
    International Union to be specifically involved in settlement discussions at the last
    step of the grievance procedure prior to the matter being referred to arbitration.”
    Id. at 398.
    This language indicated that the International Union was a party to the
    CBA. Additionally, there was a long history of the representatives of the
    International Union being involved in contract negotiations and administration.
    Given this history, the International Union, and not the individual locals, was the
    collective-bargaining representative of the Statler mill employees. The NLRB
    affirmed: “The judge also properly found that the Respondent refused to recognize
    and bargain with the Union as the employees’ collective-bargaining representative,
    in violation of Section 8(a)(5) and (1).” 
    Id. at 389.
    Case: 15-10006      Date Filed: 06/03/2016    Page: 24 of 38
    In the present case, the argument that Local 189 is the sole bargaining agent
    based on the contract language is not nearly as strong as it was in Tree-Free Fiber
    Company: Nowhere does the CBA designate Local 189 as the “sole collective
    bargaining agent” for Gaylord’s Bogalusa employees. Moreover, the history of the
    USW’s involvement in the negotiation and administration of CBAs at Bogalusa is
    just as strong as in Tree-Free Fiber Company. We therefore cannot accept
    Gaylord’s argument that the contract language requires it to bargain only with
    Local 189.
    Gaylord also points to other evidence to support its assertion that its
    obligation to bargain extended only to the USW in conjunction with Local 189.
    This evidence does not undermine the NLRB’s conclusion that Gaylord had an
    obligation to bargain with the USW in Tuscaloosa. For instance, the fact that a
    local has its own attorney, officers, and finances does not establish that it is a
    separate “union” for bargaining purposes. USW locals are chartered by the USW
    Case: 15-10006       Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 25 of 38
    and must comply with its by-laws and directives. 33 The USW dictates what
    officers a local may have, their terms of office, and their responsibilities—
    including the local treasurer’s responsibilities to track “[a]ll initiation fees and
    dues” and deposit them “in a separate bank account to be designated as a trust fund
    for the International Union.”34 Perhaps most pertinent to the issues before the
    court, the USW Constitution also provides that “[t]he International Union shall be
    the contracting party in all collective bargaining agreements and all such
    agreements shall be signed by the International Officers.”35
    Gaylord also points to an email from Tourne to Flippo. According to
    Gaylord, the email includes a statement by Tourne “that the employees desire
    union representation.” 36 On the basis of this statement, Gaylord submits that there
    was no pre-existing duty to bargain with the employees in Tuscaloosa. The
    context does not support this reading of the email. In the email, Tourne informs
    See G.C. Ex. 12 at 40.
    Id. at 47.
    Id. at 69.
    Resp’t/Cross-Pet’r’s Br. 8.
    Case: 15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 26 of 38
    Flippo where the “‘demand to bargain’ letter should be sent.” 37 Tourne then
    concludes with the following observations: “The local officer for the group talked
    to all the employees to make sure everyone is on board. Let me know if you need
    anything else or if I can help in any way. I have also attached a copy of the
    CBA.” 38 In short, the USW acted responsibly in confirming that it continued to
    enjoy support from the Bogalusa employees. Indeed, the fact that Tourne sent the
    Bogalusa CBA to Flippo is further evidence that Tourne believed the bargaining
    relationship survived the relocation.
    Gaylord also maintains that the USW’s collection of new authorization cards
    from the Tuscaloosa employees is evidence that the USW had doubts about its
    continued status as the employees’ bargaining agent. It is equally plausible,
    however, that the USW, facing an employer resistant to bargaining, simply was
    trying to make its rights as clear as possible. The ALJ thus was on solid ground in
    G.C. Ex. 14.
    Id. 26 Case:
    15-10006       Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 27 of 38
    concluding that “the card check revealed that the Union continued to enjoy
    [majority] status after the move to Tuscaloosa.” 39
    Finally, Gaylord argues that the NLRB’s order “improperly sanctions the
    United Steelworkers International’s transfer of jurisdiction from District 13 to
    District 9 without any evidence establishing that a majority of affected employees
    ratified such a transfer.” 40 It points to two cases, Hermet, Inc., 
    222 N.L.R.B. 29
    (1976), and The Gas Service Company, 
    213 N.L.R.B. 932
    (1974), for the proposition
    that, had it acknowledged and bargained with the USW’s District 9 Director in
    Tuscaloosa, it would have been violating the NLRA.
    Gaylord’s assertion is undermined, of course, by the fact that the USW
    collected cards from the majority of the Tuscaloosa facility indicating support for
    its continued representation. However, even if such evidence were not in the
    record, neither Hermet nor The Gas Service Company would control here.
    ALJ at 7.
    Resp’t/Cross-Pet’r’s Br. 10 (emphasis added).
    Case: 15-10006      Date Filed: 06/03/2016    Page: 28 of 38
    In Hermet, two unions affiliated with the same international were vying to
    represent workers at a facility which was scheduled to be moved from the
    geographic jurisdiction of the first local (Local 455) to the jurisdiction of the
    second (Local 545). During a strike designed to compel the company to execute a
    CBA, several employees signed a petition authorizing Local 455 to represent them;
    other employees signed cards distributed by a representative of Local 545, but the
    space on the cards where the local number was supposed to be written was left
    blank. The agreement reached at the end of the strike designated “Shopmen’s
    Local Union No. 455 of the International Association of Bridge, Structural and
    Ornamental Iron Workers (AFL-CIO)” as “the Union”; the CBA explicitly stated
    that “[t]he International . . . is not a party to this agreement.” 
    Hermet, 222 N.L.R.B. at 32
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    A dispute soon arose between the locals concerning which would represent
    the employees once the operation was moved. With mediation from the
    international, the locals concluded that jurisdiction should be transferred to Local
    545. When the employees discovered this development, however, forty-two of the
    sixty-eight members of the bargaining unit signed a letter expressing their
    Case: 15-10006    Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 29 of 38
    preference to remain with Local 455. The company nevertheless acquiesced in the
    transfer and began treating Local 545 as the employees’ collective-bargaining
    representative; the employees were required to transfer their membership to Local
    545 as a condition of continued employment. The employees then filed an unfair
    labor practice charge against Local 545 and the company. The NLRB concluded
    that the transfer of jurisdiction violated the employees’ rights under the NLRA:
    [T]he Company and Local 545 entered into an agreement which in
    effect recognized Local 545 as the employees’ exclusive bargaining
    representative and required membership therein as a condition of
    employment, notwithstanding the employees’ preference for the
    Brooklyn local as manifested by their letter to the International before
    Respondents announced to the employees that a purported transfer of
    bargaining rights was to take place. Moreover, thereafter Respondents
    maintained and enforced that agreement.
    Id. at 37.
    Such evidence, the NLRB concluded, constituted at least a prima facie
    case that the company and Local 545 had violated the NLRA.
    Gaylord maintains that had it, like the employer in Hermet, negotiated with
    the District 9 Director in Tuscaloosa, it would have violated the NLRA. Here,
    however, the USW was a party to the CBA and its employee, Tourne, had been
    Case: 15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016    Page: 30 of 38
    active in negotiations and arbitrations on behalf of the employees at Bogalusa.
    Indeed, Gaylord stipulated to the following facts:
    At all material times, since at least 2007, the International
    Steelworkers Union, through Michael Tourne, who also is and was at
    all times affiliated with District 10, sub-district 3, of the International
    Steelworkers Union has been a signatory to all collective bargaining
    agreements between the Respondent and the Union, has actively
    participated in all contract negotiations as the chief Union negotiator
    for such agreements, has engaged in contract administration and
    participated in grievance meetings and arbitrations on behalf of the
    bargaining unit.[41]
    In the present case, therefore, bargaining rights were not being transferred to an
    organization that was a stranger to the contract. Moreover, in Hermet, there was
    affirmative evidence that the employees had chosen a specific local as their
    bargaining agent, to the exclusion of the international, and they did not agree with
    the transfer of jurisdiction. Here, by contrast, all evidence points to the conclusion
    that the employees wanted the USW to continue to represent their interests at the
    new facility in Tuscaloosa.
    J. Ex. 1(a) ¶5.
    Case: 15-10006     Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 31 of 38
    Equally unhelpful to Gaylord is The Gas Service Company, 
    213 N.L.R.B. 932
    (1974). In that case, Local 1613 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical
    Workers (“IBEW”) prevailed in an election against a competing union, and Local
    1613 negotiated a CBA with the employer. Local 1613’s business manager,
    however, became overwhelmed trying to represent both The Gas Service
    Company’s employees and the employees at Kansas City Power and Light
    Company, and both groups of employees complained that the business manager
    was devoting insufficient time to their needs. These complaints came to the
    attention of a representative of the IBEW, who was aware that another local had an
    assistant business agent with several years’ experience in representing clerical
    employees. The IBEW representative contacted the assistant business agent,
    William James, to see if he could assist Local 1613’s business manager, and James
    agreed. James then met with the clerical employees of the company and told them
    that Local 53 would assume all assets and liabilities of Local 1613, including its
    current contract with The Gas Service Company. Local 1613 would revert to the
    task of representing only the clerical employees of Kansas City Power and Light
    Company as it had before. On March 26, 1974, Local 1613 conducted an election
    Case: 15-10006     Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 32 of 38
    among the employees as to their preference for Local 1613 or Local 53. According
    to Local 1613, the vote was in favor of Local 53.
    Local 53 and Local 1613 then filed a joint petition with the Board seeking to
    substitute Local 53 for Local 1613 as representative of the office clerical
    employees. The NLRB denied the petition. It noted that
    Local 53’s officials, with the exception of James, have generally
    represented only outside electrical field and line employees in a wide
    variety of units in Missouri and Kansas. They are generally unfamiliar
    with Local 1613’s contract with the Employer and the ordinary
    problems faced by [the] Employer’s clericals in their daily routine.
    Local 1613, on the other hand, has been administering the contract
    and is familiar with the problems and conditions.
    Id. at 933.
    It could not conclude, therefore, that this was simply an
    “administrative” matter, which could be addressed through a petition to the Board.
    The NLRB further explained that
    [t]he petition does not assure the employees of the continuity of their
    certified bargaining representative, but rather seeks to substitute a new
    and different labor organization with its own officers and a complete
    change in the representative. Such a proposed change would raise a
    question concerning representation.…[T]hat question may only be
    considered upon the timely filing of a representation petition and a
    secret ballot of the employees concerned.
    Id. 32 Case:
    15-10006        Date Filed: 06/03/2016        Page: 33 of 38
    Again, the factual differences between the present case and The Gas Service
    Company are marked. Here, Gaylord stipulated that the USW has been actively
    involved in the representation of Gaylord employees for many years. Its
    representative had negotiated CBAs with Gaylord and had participated actively in
    administering those CBAs on behalf of Bogalusa employees. The USW is
    “familiar with the problems and conditions” faced by Gaylord employees, and,
    therefore, would provide continuity of representation to the employees that Local
    53 could not provide to the employees in The Gas Service Company.42
    Gaylord also cites at length two advice memoranda from the Office of the General
    Counsel. “Such memoranda are intended to serve as internal instruction for use by the Office of
    the General Counsel, and have no precedential value or authoritative weight for administrative
    law judges.” U.S. Postal Serv., 
    345 N.L.R.B. 1203
    , 1214 n.17 (2005). Moreover, like the cases
    cited by Gaylord, the factual circumstances in the advice memoranda are different from the ones
    presented here. In Crescent Bay Convalescent Hospital, No. 31-CA-25999, 
    2003 WL 26072163
    (NLRB G.C. February 26, 2003), Local 399 of the Service Employees International Union was
    the certified bargaining representative of employees of a convalescent home; there was no
    evidence that the international was a party to the CBA. At some time later, the international
    transferred jurisdiction over convalescent homes in Southern California to Local 434B. The
    General Counsel concluded that “the Employer did not have a duty to recognize Local 434B
    because that Union never had a majority showing. The Employer did, however, have a
    continuing duty to recognize Local 399 because that Union never disclaimed interest.” 
    Id. at 3.
    Here, by contrast, it is clear that the USW is a party to the CBA, that the Bogalusa local no
    longer is asserting an interest, and that a majority of the employees in Tuscaloosa desires that the
    USW continue to represent their interests.
    Case: 15-10006        Date Filed: 06/03/2016       Page: 34 of 38
    We turn now to the other issues raised by the parties. As previously
    discussed, Gaylord’s sole argument in its cross-petition is that, following the
    transfer to Tuscaloosa, it no longer had the duty to bargain with the USW. It does
    not contest the factual bases underlying the other unfair labor practices related to
    bargaining. Specifically, it does not dispute that, on August 31, September 23, and
    October 19, 2010, Flippo requested that Gaylord provide the USW information
    related to the terms and conditions of its Tuscaloosa employees. It also does not
    dispute that failure to provide this information violated the NLRA if it had a duty
    to bargain with the USW. See NLRB v. U.S. Postal Serv., 
    888 F.2d 1568
    , 1570
    (11th Cir. 1989) (holding that an employer violates the NLRA when it fails “to
    provide information that is needed by the bargaining representative for the proper
    performance of its duties” (internal quotation marks omitted)). Similarly, Gaylord
    The second advice memorandum involving Centra, Inc., “raise[d] the novel question of
    whether, after an international union has made a decision to transfer jurisdiction from one local
    to another, the second local succeeds to the representational rights of the first local.” Centra,
    Inc., No. 8-CA-27564, 
    1996 WL 138065
    , at *2 (NLRB G.C. January 22, 1996). The General
    Counsel, however, never reached this issue because there were pending representation petitions
    before the Board that would resolve the issue. See 
    id. 34 Case:
    15-10006           Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 35 of 38
    does not contest that it created a new position of “Lead Shipper” without notifying
    the USW or providing it an opportunity to bargain, or that creating a new position
    in the bargaining unit is a mandatory subject of bargaining, see Spurlino Materials,
    LLC v. NLRB, 
    645 F.3d 870
    , 879 (7th Cir. 2011). We therefore enforce the
    NLRB’s order with respect to these bargaining issues.
    The NLRB also found that Smith had interrogated Mitchell about his union
    sympathies in violation of the NLRA, and it seeks enforcement of its order on this
    issue. Although Gaylord denies that “it unlawfully interrogated employees,” 43 it
    makes no argument in support of this assertion. A party must make more than a
    “passing reference[]” to an issue to preserve it for review. See, e.g., United States
    v. Jernigan, 
    341 F.3d 1273
    , 1283 n.8 (11th Cir. 2003). Moreover, when a party
    fails to contest a violation, the NLRB is entitled to summary enforcement. NLRB
    v. Dynatron/Bondo Corp., 
    176 F.3d 1310
    , 1313 n.2 (11th Cir. 1999).
    Even if this were not the case, we would affirm the NLRB’s order. “An
    employer violates section 8(a)(1) of the Act by coercively interrogating its
    Resp’t/Cross-Pet’r’s Br. 5.
    Case: 15-10006       Date Filed: 06/03/2016      Page: 36 of 38
    employees about their union activities. An interrogation is coercive if, when
    viewed in all the surrounding circumstances, ‘its probable effect’ tends to interfere
    with the employees’ free exercise of their Section rights.” NLRB v. E.I. DuPont
    De Nemours, 
    750 F.2d 524
    , 527 (6th Cir. 1984) (quoting Larand Leisurelies, Inc.
    v. NLRB, 
    523 F.2d 814
    , 819 (6th Cir. 1975)).
    In determining whether certain interrogation tends to be coercive in
    the totality of the circumstances, the following factors are to be
    considered: (1) the history of the employer’s attitude toward its
    employees; (2) the nature of the information sought; (3) the rank of
    the official of the employer in the employer’s hierarchy; (4) the place
    and manner of the conversation; (5) the truthfulness of the employees’
    reply; (6) whether the employer has a valid purpose in obtaining
    information concerning the union; (7) whether this valid purpose, if
    existent, is communicated to the employees; and (8) whether the
    employer assures the employees that no reprisals will be taken if they
    support the union.
    TRW-United Greenfield Div. v. NLRB, 
    637 F.2d 410
    , 416 (5th Cir. Feb. 1981); 
    44 N.L.R.B. v
    . McCullough Envtl. Servs., Inc., 
    5 F.3d 923
    , 928 (5th Cir. 1993) (same).
    Here, Gaylord representatives had indicated their interest in not having a
    union at the Tuscaloosa facility. Once in Tuscaloosa, Smith, a vice president,
    In Bonner v. City of Pritchard, 
    661 F.2d 1206
    , 1209 (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc), this
    Court adopted as binding precedent all decisions of the former Fifth Circuit handed down prior
    to close of business on September 30, 1981.
    Case: 15-10006   Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 37 of 38
    summoned Mitchell to his office, questioned him directly about his support for a
    union, and attempted to persuade him that he and Gaylord would be better off
    without union representation. During the meeting, Smith did not give Mitchell any
    assurances that there would not be reprisals for his responses. Moreover, before
    the ALJ, Gaylord did not call Smith (or anyone else) as a witness to establish that
    Smith had a valid purpose in posing these questions to Mitchell. The ALJ relied
    on this evidence in concluding that “Smith’s questions had the reasonably
    foreseeable effect of discouraging employees from supporting the Union and
    thereby constituted unlawful interrogation.” 45 That conclusion is amply supported
    by the record.
    The evidence in the record supports the Board’s conclusion that Gaylord had
    a bargaining relationship with the USW that pre-dated the move to Tuscaloosa, that
    Gaylord’s operation in Tuscaloosa was a continuation of its operation in Bogalusa,
    and therefore that Gaylord had an obligation to bargain with the USW concerning
    its Tuscaloosa employees. Moreover, the record supports the NLRB’s conclusion
    ALJ at 8.
    Case: 15-10006    Date Filed: 06/03/2016   Page: 38 of 38
    that Smith interrogated Mitchell about his union sympathies in violation of the
    NLRA. We therefore grant the NLRB’s petition to enforce its order and deny
    Gaylord’s cross-petition for review.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-10006

Citation Numbers: 824 F.3d 1318

Filed Date: 6/3/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (19)

Shore Club Condominium Ass'n v. National Labor Relations ... , 400 F.3d 1336 ( 2005 )

United States v. Jernigan , 341 F.3d 1273 ( 2003 )

Larry Bonner v. City of Prichard, Alabama , 661 F.2d 1206 ( 1981 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Imperial House ... , 831 F.2d 999 ( 1987 )

National Labor Relations Board v. Dynatron/bondo Corporation , 176 F.3d 1310 ( 1999 )

Cooper/t. Smith, Inc., Crescent Towing Co., Inc., ... , 177 F.3d 1259 ( 1999 )

Trw-United Greenfield Division, Petitioner-Cross-Respondent ... , 637 F.2d 410 ( 1981 )

National Labor Relations Board v. E.I. Dupont De Nemours , 750 F.2d 524 ( 1984 )

National Labor Relations Board v. McCullough Environmental ... , 5 F.3d 923 ( 1993 )

National Labor Relations Board, and Local 1199, Drug, ... , 51 F.3d 366 ( 1995 )

Larand Leisurelies, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board, ... , 523 F.2d 814 ( 1975 )

Spurlino Materials, LLC v. National Labor Relations Board , 645 F.3d 870 ( 2011 )

King Soopers, Inc., Petitioner/cross-Respondent v. National ... , 254 F.3d 738 ( 2001 )

National Labor Relations Board v. United States Postal ... , 888 F.2d 1568 ( 1989 )

No. 93-1707 , 54 F.3d 802 ( 1995 )

Westwood Import Co. Inc., and Gamut Designs, Inc., D/B/A ... , 681 F.2d 664 ( 1982 )

United Mine Workers of America Local Union 1329 v. National ... , 812 F.2d 741 ( 1987 )

international-union-united-automobile-aerospace-and-agricultural , 394 F.2d 757 ( 1968 )

Nat'l Labor Relations Bd. v. Canning , 134 S. Ct. 2550 ( 2014 )

View All Authorities »