Dalton Johnson v. Directory Assistants Inc. , 797 F.3d 1294 ( 2015 )

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    No. 14-15631
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 5:14-cv-01358-IPJ
    Plaintiffs - Appellees,
    a Connecticut Corporation doing
    business in Alabama,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Alabama
    (August 20, 2015)
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    Before HULL, ROSENBAUM, and JILL PRYOR, Circuit Judges.
    Directory Assistants, Inc. (“DAI”) appeals the district court’s decision to
    vacate an arbitration award against the Alabama Women’s Center for Reproductive
    Alternatives (“AWCRA”) and Dalton Johnson (collectively, “plaintiffs”). After
    careful review, we vacate the district court’s order and remand for further
    DAI is an advertising consulting company. In 2009, Dalton Johnson,
    AWCRA’s administrator, signed a contract with DAI to have the company take
    over and manage AWCRA’s advertising activity. Mr. Johnson wrote on the
    contract that he was signing on behalf of “Alabama Women’s Center L.L.C.” The
    parties agree that no such organization is registered to do business in Alabama.
    Mr. Johnson asserts that he was actually signing on behalf of AWCRA, but he
    shortened the organization’s name because of limited space on the contract. The
    contract included an arbitration provision, which read in part:
    [W]e both agree to resolve any dispute arising out of or relating to this
    contract through confidential binding arbitration and agree to try to
    mutually choose the arbitration service, the location and which state’s
    law will govern. If we are unable to come to a mutual agreement, or if
    one of us refuses to participate in choosing, the party filing the
    demand will have the right to make the choices unilaterally, as long as
    the filing party has made a good faith attempt to come to a mutual
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    agreement. The non-filing party expressly consents to and waives any
    and all objections to the choices made.
    Doc. 13-1 at 2.
    The plaintiffs assert that DAI’s services were unsatisfactory. They allege
    that they communicated their dissatisfaction, but DAI refused to provide a solution.
    The plaintiffs ceased paying DAI in the second year of the contract. Subsequently,
    on February 27, 2013, DAI’s representative David Ford emailed Mr. Johnson in an
    attempt to agree on a location for arbitration to settle the dispute between the
    parties. Mr. Ford stated that he wanted to arbitrate in Connecticut under
    Connecticut law, but he would be willing to arbitrate in an equidistant location,
    such as Raleigh, North Carolina. Mr. Ford further stated that because Mr. Johnson
    “ha[d] not been very responsive in our efforts to work this out,” DAI would give
    him until March 5, 2013 to respond. Doc. 13-4. If he did not do so, then DAI
    would move forward with unilaterally selecting the arbitration location and
    governing law, as provided in the contract.
    The following day, Mr. Ford discussed the matter with the plaintiffs’
    attorney. The parties failed to agree on an arbitration location, and Mr. Ford
    reiterated his deadline of March 5 in a follow-up email to the attorney. The email
    also included a detailed case study of another arbitration that DAI had won. On
    March 11, Mr. Ford emailed the plaintiffs’ attorney, asking if she intended to
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    respond regarding an arbitration location. A few hours later, counsel replied that a
    response was forthcoming.
    By April 1, 2013, the attorney still had not communicated a response from
    Mr. Johnson. Mr. Ford stated in an email that if he did not hear from Mr. Johnson
    by April 3, DAI would move forward with filing an arbitration action. The
    plaintiffs’ counsel responded that “medical emergencies . . . ha[d] prevented the
    gathering of documentation,” but she would communicate a response as soon as
    she received the remaining documents from Mr. Johnson. Doc. 13-11. On April
    17, Mr. Ford again emailed the attorney and stated that if there was no resolution
    of the arbitration forum by April 25, DAI would choose the forum unilaterally.
    When the attorney did not respond, on April 22, Mr. Ford told her that DAI would
    be filing an arbitration demand that week. Again, the attorney did not respond.
    On November 1, 2013, DAI filed a demand for arbitration with the
    Alternative Dispute Resolution Center (“ADRC”). Mark V. Connolly was chosen
    as the arbitrator, and he disclosed that he had served as an arbitrator in a dispute
    involving DAI approximately five years earlier. The plaintiffs challenged Mr.
    Connolly, asking that he be replaced because of his prior experience with DAI.
    The ADRC denied this request because, after reviewing the record, “[Mr.
    Connolly] does not believe, nor do we, that his disclosure is of a material nature or
    would affect his impartiality or judgment . . . in the instant case.” Doc. 18-5 at 1.
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    Subsequently, the plaintiffs participated in the arbitration by filing an answer and
    counterclaims, 1 objecting to DAI’s unilateral selection of the arbitrator and
    arbitration location, and participating in two preliminary conferences with the
    In an initial ruling, the arbitrator determined that DAI had attempted to
    negotiate the terms of arbitration in good faith and that the matter could proceed to
    a hearing. The hearing was scheduled for March 3 and 4, 2014, but on February
    27, the plaintiffs’ attorney requested a continuance. The hearing was moved to
    April 14 and 15. On April 7, the arbitrator received a letter from the plaintiffs’
    attorney stating that “due to extraordinary circumstances and the current state of
    affairs surrounding [the plaintiffs’] industry,” the plaintiffs were “not able to
    continue with the arbitration of this matter.” Doc. 17 at 62. The attorney did not
    request a continuance. The arbitrator determined that he could continue the
    arbitration ex parte, pursuant to Rule 18 of the ADRC’s Commercial Rules. The
    hearing took place on April 14. DAI appeared by counsel and presented evidence
    to support its claim of breach of contract.
    The arbitrator issued his decision on April 21, 2014, concluding that the
    plaintiffs breached their contract with DAI. The arbitrator awarded DAI
    $51,999.36 in liquidated damages, $39,000.00 in late fees, $877.75 in hearing
    The counterclaims did not proceed to arbitration because the plaintiffs failed to pay the
    required arbitration fees.
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    exhibit expenses, and $7,795.30 in arbitration costs and fees. The total award was
    The plaintiffs filed this case against DAI in the Circuit Court of Madison
    County, Alabama. The complaint included claims of fraud, breach of contract, and
    misrepresentation, as well as a request to vacate the arbitration award issued by the
    ADRC. DAI removed the case to federal district court based on the diversity of
    citizenship of the parties. DAI then filed a motion to compel arbitration of the
    plaintiffs’ three counterclaims. The district court held a hearing on the motion but
    deferred ruling until the court could resolve the plaintiffs’ request to vacate the
    arbitration award. The court requested that the parties brief the issue of whether
    the award should be vacated.
    The plaintiffs filed a brief arguing that the arbitration award should be
    vacated. The defendants filed their opposition, arguing in part that the plaintiffs’
    request to vacate the award was procedurally improper because it was not made in
    the form of a motion. The district court issued an order construing the plaintiffs’
    request to vacate the award, included in their complaint, as a motion to vacate.
    The district court also decided that the parties needed “one more ‘bite’ at the
    proverbial apple” and ordered further briefing on the plaintiffs’ motion to vacate.
    Order, Doc. 14 at 5-6.
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    After the parties filed additional briefs, the district court released the order
    that is the subject of this appeal. The court granted DAI’s motion to compel
    arbitration of the plaintiffs’ counterclaims. The court further granted the plaintiffs’
    motion to vacate the arbitration award based on the court’s finding that the
    arbitrator was biased. DAI appealed the district court’s grant of the motion to
    In considering the district court’s decision on the motion to vacate the
    arbitration award, “we accept the district court’s findings of fact to the extent they
    are not clearly erroneous and review questions of law de novo.” Scott v.
    Prudential Sec., Inc., 
    141 F.3d 1007
    , 1014 (11th Cir. 1998), overruled in part on
    other grounds by Hall Street Assocs., L.L.C v. Mattell, Inc., 
    552 U.S. 576
    The Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) imposes strict procedural requirements
    on parties seeking to vacate arbitration awards. DAI argues that the plaintiffs’
    request to vacate the award was procedurally barred because the request appeared
    in the complaint, rather than in a separate motion. DAI is correct that the FAA
    generally requires parties to make a motion to vacate an award. 
    9 U.S.C. § 6
    However, in O.R. Securities, Inc. v. Professional Planning Associates, Inc., 857
    Case: 14-15631     Date Filed: 08/20/2015     Page: 8 of 
    15 F.2d 742
     (11th Cir. 1988), we affirmed a district court’s decision to consider a
    request to vacate made in a complaint, rather than a motion. We noted that the
    Federal Rules are liberal, such that “an erroneous nomenclature does not prevent
    the court from recognizing the true nature of a motion,” and that the parties had
    adequately briefed the issue of vacatur before the district court. 
    Id. at 746
    . This
    case is on all fours with O.R. Securities, especially considering the lengthy briefing
    on this issue that the parties submitted to the district court. While the plaintiffs
    improperly included their request to vacate the arbitration award in their complaint,
    it was not error for the district court to construe the request as a motion.
    Next, DAI challenges the district court’s decision to vacate the arbitration
    award. “There is a presumption under the FAA that arbitration awards will be
    confirmed, and federal courts should defer to an arbitrator’s decision whenever
    possible.” Frazier v. CitiFinancial Corp., LLC, 
    604 F.3d 1313
    , 1321 (11th Cir.
    2010) (internal quotation marks omitted). The FAA provides four circumstances
    where it is appropriate for a court to vacate an arbitration award:
    (1) where the award was procured by corruption, fraud, or undue
    (2) where there was evident partiality or corruption in the arbitrators,
    or either of them;
    (3) where the arbitrators were guilty of misconduct in refusing to
    postpone the hearing, upon sufficient cause shown, or in refusing to
    hear evidence pertinent and material to the controversy; or of any
    other misbehavior by which the rights of any party have been
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    prejudiced; or
    (4) where the arbitrators exceeded their powers, or so imperfectly
    executed them that a mutual, final, and definite award upon the
    subject matter submitted was not made.
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    While several judicially-created bases for vacatur had developed in this
    circuit over the past few decades, we held in Frazier that such grounds are no
    longer valid in light of the Supreme Court’s decision in Hall Street. Frazier, 
    604 F.3d at 1324
    .2 Thus, the grounds for vacatur listed in § 10(a) are exclusive.
    The district court vacated the arbitration award under § 10(a)(2) because it
    found evident partiality on the part of the arbitrator. “[A]n arbitration award may
    be vacated due to the ‘evident partiality’ of an arbitrator only when either (1) an
    actual conflict exists, or (2) the arbitrator knows of, but fails to disclose,
    information which would lead a reasonable person to believe that a potential
    conflict exists.” Univ. Commons-Urbana, Ltd. v. Universal Constructors, Inc., 
    304 F.3d 1331
    , 1339 (11th Cir. 2002). The district court apparently based its decision
    on the first ground, the existence of an actual conflict. The court’s opinion further
    suggests that the arbitrator was biased because the arbitrator: (1) found that DAI
    attempted in good faith to agree to an arbitration location and applicable law; (2)
    conducted an ex parte hearing, while writing an arbitration award that suggested
    In accordance with Frazier, we must reject that plaintiffs’ argument that they have
    established non-statutory grounds for vacatur.
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    AWCRA was present at the hearing; 3 (3) held Mr. Johnson and a non-party to the
    contract (AWCRA) liable; and (4) improperly used the liquidated damages
    provision to calculate damages.
    On appeal, the plaintiffs concede that they “have not alleged that there was
    an actual conflict” on the part of the arbitrator. Appellees’ Br. at 14. Rather, they
    argue that the arbitration award should be vacated under § 10(a)(2) because “[t]he
    arbitrator and ADRC both refused to provide information to [plaintiffs] regarding
    how many arbitrations the service had conducted with DAI in the past,” which
    “created a reasonable impression of bias in [the plaintiffs].” 4 Id. at 15.
    The plaintiffs have not pointed to any part of the record showing when or
    how they requested additional information from ADRC. Our independent
    The district court found that the arbitrator “allow[ed] his opinion to suggest that the
    plaintiffs were present but simply failed to object to the defendant’s evidence.” Doc. 21 at 12-
    13. However, the arbitrator’s decision contains an entire section entitled “Respondents’ Notice
    of Not Attending the Hearing,” which describes in detail the plaintiffs’ letter notifying the
    arbitrator that they would not continue with the proceeding, and notes that the arbitrator “ruled
    . . . that the arbitration hearing would proceed . . . on an ex parte basis.” Doc. 13-14 at 9. To the
    extent the district court found that the arbitrator attempted to conceal the ex parte nature of the
    hearing, we reject that finding as clear error.
    The plaintiffs make two other arguments in this vein: (1) that the ADRC failed to
    properly investigate their objections to Mr. Connolly, the arbitrator, and (2) that the arbitration
    award should be vacated because the ADRC, rather than Mr. Connolly personally, disclosed that
    Mr. Connolly had previously served as an arbitrator in a dispute involving DAI. As to the first
    argument, the plaintiffs merely state, without elaboration or citation, that the ADRC’s
    investigation did not follow the organization’s own rules or FAA procedures. The plaintiffs fail
    to explain how the investigation was improper or how its impropriety would justify vacating the
    arbitration award. Accordingly, we reject this argument. As to the second argument, the
    plaintiffs waived it by failing to raise it in the district court. See Ramirez v. Sec’y, 
    686 F.3d 1239
    , 1249 (11th Cir. 2012). Even if we were to consider the argument, however, we would find
    it has no merit. Assuming arguendo that it matters whether the source of disclosure is the
    arbitrator or the arbitration service, the argument is contradicted by the record, which shows that
    the plaintiffs received a disclosure form personally completed by the arbitrator.
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    examination of the record has not revealed any such evidence. But even if the
    plaintiffs could show that they asked the ADRC to disclose how many times DAI
    had used the arbitration service, we are unconvinced that the failure to disclose that
    information would justify vacatur. The §10(a)(2) inquiry focuses on whether “the
    undisclosed facts create a reasonable impression of partiality.” Lifecare Int’l v. CD
    68 F.3d 429
    , 433 (11th Cir. 1995) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Assuming DAI had used the ADRC to conduct several arbitrations, we do not
    think this fact alone would lead a reasonable person to suspect partiality, especially
    because the ADRC uses a variety of arbitrators. Given the lack of evidence
    supporting the plaintiffs’ argument under § 10(a)(2), we cannot affirm the district
    court’s order on this basis.
    The plaintiffs next argue that the arbitration award is due to be vacated under
    § 10(a)(3) because the arbitrator failed to postpone the hearing. “[A] mere
    difference of opinion between the arbitrators and the moving party as to the correct
    resolution of a procedural problem will not support vacatur under section
    10(a)(3).” Scott, 
    141 F.3d at 1016
    . “[W]e must decide whether there was any
    reasonable basis for failing to postpone the hearing to receive relevant evidence.”
     (internal quotation omitted). In Scott, the appellant argued that he could not
    attend the arbitration hearing because “the demands of ongoing litigation in Miami
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    required his presence there.” 
     We held that this was not a compelling excuse
    because the appellant was under no court-ordered obligation to remain in Miami,
    and “self-imposed scheduling obstacles . . . do not require an arbitrator to postpone
    a hearing.” 
    Here, the plaintiffs argue that they could not attend the hearing “due to
    financial constraints caused [] by the services of DAI which caused a decline in
    Johnson and AWCRA’[s] business and the current state of Johnson and
    AWCRA’[s] industry.” Appellees’ Br. at 17. The plaintiffs presented no evidence
    to support this claim of financial hardship. Moreover, the plaintiffs did not provide
    this excuse to the arbitrator; they merely stated that they could not attend “due to
    extraordinary circumstances and the current state of affairs surrounding [the
    plaintiffs’] industry.” Doc. 17 at 62. The plaintiffs never requested that the
    hearing dates be moved. Their letter simply informed the arbitrator that the
    plaintiffs would no longer participate in the arbitration. Under these
    circumstances, where a party participated in an arbitration proceeding only to
    withdraw a week before the hearing with little explanation and no request for
    extension, vacatur is inappropriate under § 10(a)(3) for a failure to postpone a
    The plaintiffs also argue for vacatur under § 10(a)(3) because, they allege,
    the arbitrator failed to consider evidence that the plaintiffs had put forth prior to the
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    arbitration hearing. Vacatur is appropriate where the arbitrator refuses to consider
    evidence “pertinent and material to the controversy.” 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    Unfortunately, the plaintiffs have not identified the evidence the arbitrator
    purportedly failed to consider, much less shown why any such evidence was
    pertinent or material to the case. Their brief states only that the plaintiffs
    submitted “documents and correspondence” and baldly asserts that the arbitrator
    did not consider this evidence. Appellees’ Br. at 18. We can determine neither
    what these documents said nor whether the arbitrator in fact considered them.
    Accordingly, we reject the plaintiffs’ argument.
    Finally, the plaintiffs argue that vacatur is justified under § 10(a)(4)5 because
    the arbitrator exceeded his powers by (1) ruling that DAI had attempted to
    negotiate the terms of arbitration in good faith and (2) granting DAI an exorbitant
    award. To vacate an award under § 10(a)(4), “[i]t is not enough to show that the
    arbitrator committed an error — or even a serious error.” Oxford Health Plans
    LLC, v. Sutter, 569 U.S. __, 
    133 S. Ct. 2064
    , 2068 (2013) (alterations and internal
    quotation marks omitted). “[A]n arbitral decision even arguably construing or
    applying the contract must stand, regardless of a court’s view of its (de)merits.”
     (internal quotation omitted). “So the sole question for us is whether the
    The parties agree that § 10(a)(1), which allows for vacatur of an award procured by
    corruption, fraud, or undue means, does not apply to this case.
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    arbitrator (even arguably) interpreted the parties’ contract, not whether he got its
    meaning right or wrong.” Id.
    The arbitrator’s rulings here do not meet this standard. First, the arbitrator
    clearly was construing the contract’s arbitration provision when he found that DAI
    made good faith attempts to agree to arbitration terms. Notably, the finding is also
    supported by the record, which shows that DAI attempted to come to an agreement
    with the plaintiffs several times, despite the plaintiffs’ non-responsiveness.
    Second, the arbitrator applied the contract when he used its liquidated damages
    provision to calculate the arbitral award. Because both of these rulings were
    derived from the contract, the arbitrator’s actions did not exceed the scope of his
    power. Although the district court’s disagreement with the arbitrator’s decisions is
    evident in the court’s ruling that DAI failed to act in good faith and that the
    liquidated damages clause was a penalty under Alabama law, mere disagreement
    with an arbitrator’s legal or factual determinations does not justify vacatur under §
    Because the plaintiffs have failed to show that any of the circumstances
    enumerated in 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a) are present here, we vacate the district court’s grant
    of the motion to vacate the award. We remand to the district court for further
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.
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