Selwyn Don Titus v. Miami Dade County ( 2018 )

  •            Case: 17-14843   Date Filed: 12/07/2018   Page: 1 of 7
    No. 17-14843
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 1:16-cv-24000-MGC
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (December 7, 2018)
    Before MARCUS, ROSENBAUM, and EDMONDSON, Circuit Judges.
    Case: 17-14843      Date Filed: 12/07/2018      Page: 2 of 7
    Plaintiff Selwyn Titus, proceeding pro se, 1 appeals the district court’s grant
    of summary judgment in favor of Plaintiff’s employer, Miami-Dade County
    (“County”), in this civil action alleging employment discrimination and retaliation.
    Plaintiff asserts claims for violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42
    U.S.C. § 2000e-1 (“Title VII”), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 29
    U.S.C. § 621 (“ADEA”), the Florida Civil Rights Act, Fla. Stat. §§ 760.01-760.11
    (“FCRA”), the Family and Medical Leave Act, 29 U.S.C. § 2601 (“FMLA”), and
    the Florida Whistleblower’s Act, Fla. Stat. §§ 112.3187-112.31895. No reversible
    error has been shown; we affirm.
    Plaintiff began working as a heavy equipment operator in the County’s
    Water and Sewer Department in 2001. In March 2011 and in October 2012,
    Plaintiff applied for three posted openings for a Pipefitter Supervisor position. The
    three supervisor positions were filled by applicants who Plaintiff contends had less
    experience than he did and who lacked the appropriate state license for the
    We construe liberally pro se pleadings. Evans v. Ga. Reg’l Hosp., 
    850 F.3d 1248
    , 1253 (11th
    Cir. 2017).
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    After Plaintiff was denied the supervisor position in October 2012, Plaintiff
    complained verbally to the County’s Human Resources Department that he had
    been unlawfully discriminated against. In March and April 2013, Plaintiff also
    filed complaints of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity
    Commission (“EEOC”), the County’s Office of Human Rights and Fair
    Employment Practices, and the County’s Commission on Ethics and Public Trust.
    In Plaintiff’s complaint to the EEOC, Plaintiff identified himself as a 51-
    year-old, black, Trinidadian, Seventh-Day Adventist. Plaintiff said he sought to
    bring a lawsuit for discrimination and for retaliation under Title VII and the
    ADEA. Plaintiff alleged that the County’s failure to promote him was a result of
    unlawful discrimination on the basis of Plaintiff’s race, national origin, religion,
    and age. Plaintiff also said that he was given a negative performance review in
    retaliation for having filed a complaint of discrimination. On 31 March 2015, the
    EEOC issued Plaintiff a notice of right-to-sue.
    On 19 June 2015, Plaintiff (through his then lawyer) filed his first civil
    action in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida
    (“Titus I”). Plaintiff alleged claims for discrimination and retaliation in violation
    of Title VII, the ADEA, the FCRA, and Florida’s Whistleblower Act. The district
    court dismissed without prejudice Plaintiff’s amended complaint in Titus I.
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    Plaintiff raised no challenge to the district court’s order of dismissal either in the
    district court or by appealing to this Court.
    On 17 September 2016, Plaintiff (through a lawyer) filed his second civil
    action: the complaint underlying this appeal. Briefly stated, Plaintiff alleges again
    that the County engaged in unlawful discrimination and retaliation in violation of
    Title VII, the ADEA, and the FCRA (Counts I through VI). Plaintiff also contends
    that the County violated the Florida Whistleblower’s Act by retaliating against him
    after Plaintiff reported the County’s licensure violations to the Department of
    Environment Protection (Count VII). Plaintiff also alleges that the County violated
    the FMLA by denying improperly Plaintiff’s leave requests in retaliation for
    Plaintiff’s having filed discrimination complaints (Count VIII).
    The district court granted the County’s motion for summary judgment. The
    district court determined that Plaintiff’s claims under Title VII, the ADEA, the
    FCRA, and the FMLA were time-barred. The district court rejected Plaintiff’s
    contention -- pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(c) -- that his complaint “related back”
    to his earlier lawsuit in Titus I. The district court also concluded that Plaintiff had
    failed to exhaust his administrative remedies under the Florida Whistleblower’s
    We review de novo the district court’s grant of summary judgment. Weeks
    v. Harden Mfg. Corp., 
    291 F.3d 1307
    , 1311 (11th Cir. 2002). Summary judgment
    Case: 17-14843      Date Filed: 12/07/2018    Page: 5 of 7
    is appropriate when the evidence, viewed in the light most favorable to the non-
    moving party, presents no genuine dispute of material fact and compels judgment
    as a matter of law. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a); Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    322-23 (1986). When the party seeking summary judgment satisfies his initial
    burden of demonstrating the absence of a genuine issue of material fact, the burden
    shifts to the non-moving party to come forward with specific facts to rebut this
    showing through affidavits or other relevant and admissible evidence. Avirgan v.
    932 F.2d 1572
    , 1577 (11th Cir. 1991). “A nonmoving party, opposing a
    motion for summary judgment supported by affidavits cannot meet the burden of
    coming forth with relevant competent evidence by simply relying on legal
    conclusions or evidence which would be inadmissible at trial.” 
    Id. As an
    initial matter, Plaintiff raises no challenge to the district court’s fact
    findings about timeliness or the district court’s determination that the Title VII,
    ADEA, FCRA, and FMLA claims raised in Plaintiff’s 17 September 2016
    complaint -- in and of themselves -- were untimely filed. Nor does Plaintiff
    challenge the district court’s determination that no equitable tolling is warranted
    under the circumstances of this case.
    Plaintiff’s chief argument on appeal is that his claims should be deemed
    timely-filed pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(c). Plaintiff argues that, because this
    case and Titus I both arise from the same conduct, transaction, and occurrence, his
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    17 September 2016 complaint “relates back” to his timely-filed complaint in Titus
    I. We disagree.
    Rule 15(c) sets forth the circumstances in which “[a]n amendment to a
    pleading relates back to the date of the original pleading” for statute-of-limitation
    purposes. Fed. R. Civ. P. 15(c)(1). Plaintiff’s 17 September 2016 complaint,
    however, is no “amendment to a pleading”; it is the original pleading in this civil
    action. Rule 15(c)’s relation-back doctrine is thus inapplicable here and cannot be
    used to cure Plaintiff’s failure to file his claims within the applicable limitation
    periods. See Dade Cty. v. Rohr Indus., 
    826 F.2d 983
    , 989 (11th Cir. 1987) (when a
    plaintiff files a new second complaint after his first complaint is dismissed, the
    relation-back doctrine may not be used to revive the date of the filing of the first
    complaint); cf. Bost v. Fed. Express Corp., 
    372 F.3d 1233
    , 1242 (11th Cir. 2004)
    (“Dismissal of a complaint, without prejudice, does not allow a later complaint to
    be filed outside the statute of limitations.”).
    The district court also committed no error in granting summary judgment on
    Plaintiff’s whistleblower claim. Under Florida law, a public employee must first
    exhaust his administrative remedies -- by filing a complaint with the “appropriate
    local governmental authority, if that authority has established by ordinance an
    administrative procedure for handling such complaints” -- before filing a civil
    action for violation of the Florida Whistleblower’s Act. See Fla. Stat. §
    Case: 17-14843         Date Filed: 12/07/2018        Page: 7 of 7
    112.3187(8)(b). Because the County has established such an administrative
    procedure, see Miami-Dade County Code § 2-56.28.17 (2018), Plaintiff was
    required to avail himself first of that administrative remedy before seeking relief in
    the courts.
    In support of its motion for summary judgment, the County attached an
    affidavit from a manager with the County’s Human Resources, Labor Relations
    and Compensation Division, in which the manager attested that Plaintiff had filed
    no administrative complaint under the County’s whistleblower ordinance. Plaintiff
    has come forward with no evidence or specific facts to rebut the County’s
    evidence. Because no genuine issue of material fact has been shown about
    whether Plaintiff exhausted his administrative remedies before filing this civil
    action, the County was entitled to summary judgment on Plaintiff’s whistleblower
    claim. See 
    Avirgan, 932 F.2d at 1577
    Plaintiff makes three additional arguments in his appellate brief: (1) that the district court erred
    in dismissing Titus I; (2) that the district court erred in granting Plaintiff’s lawyer’s motion to
    withdraw; and (3) that the district court erred in permitting the County to move prematurely for
    summary judgment. Because Plaintiff had an opportunity to present these arguments in the
    district court and failed to do so, we will not address these issues raised for the first time in this
    appeal. See Access Now, Inc. v. Sw. Airlines Co., 
    385 F.3d 1324
    , 1331-32 (11th Cir. 2004).